Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lack off communication"" "subject:"lack oof communication""
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Accessing Children's Mental Health Services In A Rural Northern California CountyWingate, Deborah 01 June 2019 (has links)
When children are detained and enter the foster care system, social workers screen them to determine if mental health services are needed. Formal referrals to mental health providers are made, however there is a significant wait time between referral and service delivery.
The focus of this study was to explore these barriers to mental health services in an effort to identify approaches that might improve service access. Qualitative face-to-face interviews were conducted with key stakeholders using an Ecological Systems Theory to fashion a hermeneutic dialect and a joint construct toward a shared action plan. Data was collected from the interviews and thematically analyzed.
The project informs service delivery systems of mental health for children and adults, both for micro and macro practice, by highlighting the need for increased collaboration between agencies and growing family engagement and empowerment to reduce stigma. These efforts will improve communication, define expectations, and diminish silos. The project also contributes to child welfare practices and policies for referrals of children’s mental health services by noting the need for an embedded mental health therapist within child welfare to accept referrals for services; the addition of one study site contractual children’s mental health service provider in the rural county that will accept referrals for children and families. In summary, the study identifies strategies to reduce wait time for service delivery, how those services are best accessed, as well as efforts to better engage families in treatment.
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Challenges in understanding software requirements in agile based offshore developmentOmair, Muhammad January 2008 (has links)
Agile based development seems to become a favorable model for offshore development. It allows both on and offshore team to work in small iterations minimizing the effect of change in software requirements and at the same time developing regular communication between them. However different factors such as physical distance and lack of communication between on and offshore team becomes a hurdle between them leading to misunderstandings about software requirements. This research work gives an insight about these challenges from the software industry by presenting and discussing the responses of four software companies located in different countries, collected through an online questionnaire. The authors found that lack of communication between on and offshore site is seen as a major challenge for better understanding of software requirements. Shorter iterations at the offshore site require more communication with the onshore site. The language problem seems to exist only when both on and offshore site who are non-English speakers communicate in English. Regular long distance meetings would help in better understanding of software requirements. Previous domain and product knowledge is helpful in better understanding of software requirements. This research work would allow different stakeholders within agile based on/offshore setting to better understand these challenges and deal accordingly with them.
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Le malentendu dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus / The misunderstanding in the Albert Camus workMezhoudi, Fayçal 15 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie dans l’oeuvre d’Albert Camus, les formes que prend un thème récurrent, le malentendu. Cette omniprésence pourrait s’expliquer d’abord par la vie de l’auteur, particulièrement par les traumatismes de l’enfance : une étude comparative des deux oeuvres autobiographiques montre bien le douloureux malentendu avec la mère. Mais l’incompréhension se situe aussi sur le plan politique et moral, car les positions ambiguës de l’écrivain sur la question algérienne ont suscité de violentes polémiques avec les intellectuels, alors que Camus n’a cessé de dénoncer l’injustice dont étaient victimes les autochtones. La réception de l’oeuvre n’a pas échappé à cette difficulté. Camus a été « mal-entendu » par la critique, tant en France métropolitaine qu’en Algérie, si bien qu’il met en place un imposant paratexte afin d’éviter toute « mauvaise » lecture. Ainsi, toutes les expériences vécues par l’auteur (le malentendu avec la mère, avec les intellectuels, avec les critiques…) nourriront son oeuvre qui sera marquée par l’incompréhension entre ses personnages, par un déchirement dans leurs relations dû à une différence au niveau de la pensée, de la culture, de la race. / The following thesis studies the forms that the recurrent theme of misunderstandingtakes in the writings of Albert Camus. This omnipresence could be explained first bythe author’s life, especially his childhood trauma: a comparative study of twoautobiographical works shows the painful misunderstanding with the mother. But themisunderstanding is also located on the political and moral levels, as the writer’sambiguous positions on the Algerian question started up violent controversies withintellectuals although Camus has always denounced the injustice whose victims werethe aboriginal. The reception of his writings has not escaped this difficulty. Camuswas "poorly understood" by critics, both in France and Algeria, so he sets up animposing paratext to avoid "bad" reading. Thus, all the author’s experiences of(misunderstanding with the mother, with intellectuals, with critics ...) feed up hiswritings - which will be marked by misunderstanding between the characters - with atear in their relationship caused by a difference at the level of thought, culture, race.
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Musik och lärande : ugna vuxnas syn på musikundervisningPemsel, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The intention of my studies is to explore the field of musical learning from the pupil's point of view. This master thesis is the second of two Grounded Theory studies based on interviews.In study no1 Learning of music from the pupils' point of view (Pemsel, 2009) I asked ten pupils, soon to be graduates, to express their own experience of musical learning. The selection of informants was made after reading a questionnaire an- swered by a group of 60 pupils attending different programs at a typical Swedish upper secondary school. The ten selected informants had all chosen several music courses their latest years in school. The questionnaire had two purposes; one was to construct musical profiles of the pupils, the other was to select informants for the interviews. The pupils were asked how much, and what kind of music educa- tion they had experienced. They were also asked to describe good and bad memo- ries of music education. The selected informants had all chosen to attend several music courses in their final years at school. They had in the questionnaire shown that they could express themselves in terms of learning music, and also that they had both positive and negative memories of musical learning environments. The most interesting findings in the first study were the personal navigation and the different choices the pupils made during their way towards musical learning. They learned music in a way that could be compared to the balls movements in a "flipper game", changing directions aiming to find knew musical knowledge. This was all illustrated in The Map of Musical Learning.In study no 2 Music and learning, young adults perspective of music education, I interviewed five post pupils 19-25 years old. They had as pupils chosen to learn something else other than music in upper secondary school. To select informants the so-called "snowball method" was used. A web questionnaire was made in purpose to profile the informants. "The Map of Musical Learning" was used to create an equal dialogue in the interviews. During the interview the Informants were asked to construct their own maps, and explain what that picture symbolised in their lives. In study no 2 I've been looking for answers on the following ques- tions; –What are pupils’ views on music and learning, and on what grounds do students select other courses over music? The results showed that not choosing music could be an active choice toward other interests. The choice not to continue taking music lessons was due to different levels (depending on informant) of neg- ative experiences. Some informants had good experiences of expressing them- selves in other art forms, but not in music. Others didn’t need music teachers; they were experienced and could learn on their own. From pupil's point of view music education could be improved, but the beginner and the experienced music pupil expressed different needs of teaching methods. They all felt that they were not surveyed how they wanted to learn music.
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Les exilés en communication : Le cas des auteurs de la francophonie choisie d’Europe médiane(1939 - à nos jours). / Exile in communication : The case of authors from East Central Europe who choose to write in French (1939 – present)Boursier, Axel 11 December 2017 (has links)
Le croisement entre communication et exil ne va pas de soi. L’exilé n’est-il pas en effet celui qui perd, par son arrachement communautaire, toute possibilité de communiquer : langue, repères sémantiques, amis et familles ? Cependant, il est également celui qui entre en relation avec une nouvelle culture et société. En s’intéressant au corpus des auteurs de la francophonie choisie d’Europe médiane de 1939 à nos jours, notre thèse a pour objectif de comprendre comment l’exilé peut entrer en relation au sein de la communauté de culture rejointe.Nous nous intéressons au discours littéraire et à la fonction-auteur, dans le sens foucaldien, afin d’étudier la façon dont, par la mise en récit de sa vie, l’exilé peut configurer un ethos apte à la relation. En faisant jouer l’opposition entre un visage pré-discursif des auteurs, marqué par le contrat de communication du témoignage, et leur volonté d’être reçus comme des artistes, nous proposons de s’intéresser à la façon dont ces voix d’Europe médiane viennent s’inscrire dans le dispositif littéraire français. Nous montrons alors que le discours de l’exilé est un discours souvent soumis au processus d’incommunication : sa voix est inaudible, soumise à un contrat de communication et en proie à des erreurs sémantiques.Nous proposons alors de considérer le récit l’exil sous l’intrigue du « héros de la liberté » comme étant une possibilité pour ces auteurs de gérer cette opposition entre régime de singularité et nécessité de disposer d’un ancrage au sein du champ littéraire nouveau.Dans un deuxième temps, nous questionnons cette possibilité qu’ont les auteurs de refuser le contrat de communication pré-discursif et nous introduisons le concept de « non-lieu » afin de penser un espace de communication qui ne serait plus relié avec le public de réception premier de ces œuvres. Face à cette menace, nous intéressons au processus de révérence-inclusion présent dans les œuvres. Par ce processus il s’agit de maitriser les marqueurs de l’espace discursif français afin de montrer au lecteur son inscription dans le champ. Les réemplois de ces marqueurs agissent comme des « discours constituants » et permettent alors de montrer l’appartenance de ce corpus à un même « cadre de l’expérience ».Enfin, nous interrogeons la possibilité de parler de cette littérature comme étant assimilée. Par l’opposition entre assimilation structurelle et culturelle, nous émettons l’hypothèse que cette littérature n’est pas réellement assimilée, et que la conscience de cette intégration complexe amène les auteurs à retravailler leur positionnement discursif. Aussi, la mise en mémoire du soviétisme permet à ces auteurs de présenter une « étrangeté réappropriée » où leur expérience du nazisme et du soviétisme n’est plus rejetée dans une « commémoration négative », mais devient un jalon à partir duquel lire la modernité française. Ces réflexions nous mènent à s’interroger sur l’expérience même de ces auteurs et aux métacommunications qu’ils présentent lorsqu’ils abordent la question de l’identité, de l’Europe et de la mondialisation culturelle.Cette thèse de doctorat réalisée en science de l’information et de la communication s’intéresse aux relations interculturelles européennes. Par le corpus littéraire large choisi, cette thèse entend montrer la complexité des exils européens et réfléchir aux enjeux contemporains de cette notion. Enfin en s’interrogeant à partir de l’incommunication, cette thèse expose l’idée que si la communication n’est jamais innée, elle peut se produire grâce aux efforts de traduction de soi, de ce fait nous pensons la communication non seulement comme un facteur de diffusion, mais également comme un sujet à penser. / The link we make between exile and communication is not a classic one. In fact, an exile is someone who leaves his country and changes his language and culture. He is also someone who tries to reach a new culture and society. By considering the literature of writers from East and Central Europe, who choose to write their books directly in French, our thesis seeks to understand the way how an exile can generate new relationships in this space.We focus on the literary discourses and the notion of the author, as Foucault spoke about them, in order to understand how an author uses the narration of his own life to configure a face-speech acceptable to his host community. By using the difference between this face in a pre-discursive manner marked by the contract between the testimony and the authors’ will to be perceived as artists, we try to focus on the way those voices show their inclusion in the French literary world. We show that the exiles’ discourses must deal with the possibility of lack of communication due to inaudibility cause by semantic mistakes.We think that the configuration of exile is a way to present oneself as a « hero of freedom. » Authors manage the opposition between singularity and the necessity to find a new community in order to communicate. Moreover, we also consider the possibility of refusing the first contract of communication and we include the concept of « non-lieu » created by Marc Augé, a concept which refers to a space with no link to the community. Confronts with this threat, we consider that an author may manage this risk by a process of reverence-inclusion. According to this process, writers give their own description of French social markers to indicate to the public that they belong to the French culture. Those descriptions allow them to give to the French audience the rule of interpretation for their own books. Finally, we examine the possibility of speaking about this literature as an assimilated one. We show that this literature is not fully integrated because of the complex social integration of those authors. This difficulty of integration forces them to redefine their position in French society. As a result of their Soviet education, authors try to show a disturbing strangeness not as a marker of an outsider, but as an indication of their social place in French society. This past is made a tool for understanding French modernity. This specificity directs us to consider those writers, particularly their views on communication, identity, Europe and cosmopolitanism.Our thesis focuses on the problem of communication and tries to increase our knowledge of intercultural relations in Europe. By focusing on a large literary corpus, our thesis endeavours to understand this complex phenomena of European exiles. Finally, our thesis integrates the problem of non-communication as a conceptual center of interrogations in order to show that if communication is not an innate capacity, it can be developed into something beyond a tool for spreading a message, namely a concept to think.
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Perú: comunicación y diálogos Interculturales / Communication and Intercultural Dialogues: a Peruvian case studyPedraglio, Santiago 10 April 2018 (has links)
Nearly 500 years ago, the “Cajamarca encounter” between the Spanish conquerors and the Inca Atahualpa symbolized the lack of communication Peru was founded on. This event decisively conditioned the power structure during colonial times and even later in the republic. However, during this prolonged period, many indigenous and Afro-descendants Peruvian cultures, subordinate and marginalized, have experienced dissimilar processes of intercultural communication. There is a growing back and forth flow of communication between cultures considered subordinate and hegemonic. There also are multiple contacts between indigenous cultures and in-between these and others, such as the Afro-descendant. This process of communication –and, simultaneously, affirmation of cultural identities– has gained a new impetus: it unfolds vigorously in rural areas and in cities. Moreover, cultural identities have ceased to exclusively identify with vernacular languages. The State has incorporated some of this; nevertheless, much remains to be done. / La incomunicación original sobre la que se fundó el Perú, simbolizada por el momento del “encuentro” de Cajamarca, entre los conquistadores españoles y elinca Atahualpa, hace cerca de 500 años, condicionó de manera decisiva la organización del poder colonial e, incluso, posteriormente, el poder republicano.Sin embargo, durante este prolongado periodo las diversas culturas indígenasy afrodescendientes peruanas, marginadas y subordinadas, han vivido disímilesprocesos de comunicación intercultural. Crece una comunicación de ida y vueltaentre las culturas consideradas subordinadas y las hegemónicas, y son múltipleslos contactos entre culturas indígenas, y entre estas y otras, como la afrodescendiente. Este proceso de comunicación —y, simultáneamente, de afirmación de identidades culturales— ha cobrado un nuevo ímpetu: se despliega con vigor en las zonas rurales y en las ciudades. Es más, las identidades culturales ya dejaron de identificarse exclusivamente con las lenguas originarias. El Estado ha recogido algo de todo esto; sin embargo, todavía queda mucho por andar.
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Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell omvårdnad : en litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experience of transcultural nursing : a literature reviewAbelström, Kim, Mulamba, Carmine January 2023 (has links)
BakgrundPå grund av olika omständigheter tvingas allt fler människor fly från sina ursprungsländer, vilket leder till att allt fler länder blir mångkulturella. Ett mångkulturellt samhälle återspeglas i sin tur inom hälso- och sjukvården. Sjuksköterskor ställs inför stora utmaningar i vården av patienter som har andra kulturella bakgrunder. Därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor är kulturellt kompetenta samt kan kommunicera med patientersom inte har samma språk och kultur. SyfteSyftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell omvårdnad bland vuxna patienter. MetodEn litteraturöversikt som är baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Insamlingen av data gjordens genom att använda databaser PubMed och CINAHL ResultatResultatet av studien påvisade att sjuksköterskor står inför flera utmaningar inom området transkulturell omvårdnad vilken inkluderar bristande kulturkompetens, kommunikationsbarriärer, fördomar och individuella värderingar. Det blev tydligt att tillräcklig kulturell kompetens, effektiv kommunikation, respekt och ett välkomnande bemötande utgör betydande och avgörande faktorer för att kunna tillhandahålla meningsfull och värdig omvårdnad till patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund. SlutsatsSjuksköterskor står inför utmaningar i vården av patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder, vilket kan leda till osäkerhet och missförstånd. För att säkerställa kvalitativ vård behöver sjuksköterskor öka sin kunskap om transkulturell omvårdnad och utveckla effektiva kommunikationsstrategier. / Background Due to various circumstances, more and more people are forced to flee their countries of origin, which leads to more and more countries becoming multicultural. A multicultural society is in turn reflected in health care. Nurses are faced with great challenges in the care of patients who have other cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is important that nurses are culturally competent and able to communicate with patients who do not share the same language and culture. AimThe purpose was to describe the nurse's experiences of transcultural nursing among adult patients. MethodA literature review based on 15 scientific articles was conducted. The collection of data was done by using databases PubMed and CINAHL ResultsThe results of the study showed that nurses face several challenges in the field of transcultural nursing which include lack of cultural competence, communication barriers, prejudices, and individual values. It became clear that sufficient cultural competence, effective communication, respect, and a welcoming attitude are significant and decisive factors in being able to provide meaningful and dignified care to patients with a different cultural background. ConclusionsNurses face challenges in caring for patients from different cultural backgrounds, which can lead to uncertainty and misunderstanding. To ensure quality care, nurses need to increase their knowledge of transcultural nursing and develop effective communication strategies.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevda verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmiljön vid en sjukhusavdelning i södra Sverige / Nurses' Perceived Reality : A Qualitative Study on Nurses' Experience of the Working Environment at a Hospital Unit in the South of SwedenMartinka Kerwer, Linda, Mattsson, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmiljön på en sjukhusavdelning och hur denna upplevelse påverkar deras relation och inställning till arbetet. Metod: Metoden består av en fallstudie som utgår från en abduktiv ansats tillsammans med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Insamling av empirisk data gjordes i samband med sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer, varav samtliga respondenter representerade en avdelning inom en organisation. Fenomenologisk design har sedan tillämpats i samband med tolkning av den empiriska datainsamlingen där kategorier utifrån upplevelser kunde identifieras. Slutsats: Slutsatsen är att det finns betydande brister i hur sjuksköterskor hanteras inom vården, och att dessa faktorer inte är isolerade utan påverkar varandra i ett kretslopp. Faktorerna som kunde fastställas är: personalbrist, bristande balans mellan krav och resurser samt bristande kommunikation mellan kommunikationsleden. Däremot identifieras kollegialt stöd och den gemensamma viljan att hjälpa andra och bidra till samhällsnyttan vara faktorer som gör sjuksköterskornas arbete meningsfullt och får dem att fortsätta arbeta. För att förbättra sjuksköterskornas arbetsmiljö krävs åtgärder för att adressera negativa faktorer och parallellt med kollegialt stöd implementera förbättringar i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experience of the work environment in a hospital unit and how this experience affects their relationship and attitude to work. Method: The method consists of a case study based on an abductive approach together with a qualitative research method. Collection of empirical data was done in connection with six semi-structured interviews, of which all respondents present a department within an organization. Phenomenological design has then been applied in connection with the interpretation of the empirical data collection where categories based on experiences could be identified. Conclusion: The conclusion is that there are significant shortcomings in how nurses are managed in healthcare, and that these factors are not isolated but influence each other in a cycle. The factors that could be determined are: Staff shortage, lack of balance between requirements and resources and lack of communication between the communication links. On the other hand, collegial support and the common desire to help others and contribute to the social good are identified as factors that make the nurses' work meaningful and make them continue to work. In order to improve the nurses' work environment, measures are required to address negative factors and, in parallel with collegial support, implement improvements in the psychosocial work environment.
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