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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse von Proteinen und deren Elimination durch drei verschiedene extrakorporale Therapieverfahren der LDL-Apherese bei Patienten mit familiärer Hypercholesterinämie mittels Proteomics-Methoden / Analysis of proteins and their elimination by three diffrent extracorporal therapies of LDL-aphersis in patients with familiar hypercholesteremia by proteomics-methods

Söllner, Tanja 25 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

La PCSK9 humaine, une molécule aux multiples facettes métaboliques et une cible thérapeutique prometteuse : études de régulation in vitro et in vivo

Dubuc, Geneviève 09 1900 (has links)
La proprotéine convertase subtilisine/kexine-9 (PCSK9) a été identifiée comme le troisième locus impliqué dans l’hypercholestérolémie autosome dominante (ADH). Les deux autres gènes impliqués dans l’ADH encodent le récepteur des lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDLR) et l’apolipoprotéine B. La PCSK9 est une convertase qui favorise la dégradation du LDLR dans les hépatocytes et augmente le niveau plasmatique de cholestérol des LDL (LDL-C). Les mutations « gain de fonction » de la PCSK9 sont associées à un phénotype d’hypercholestérolémie familiale, tandis que les variantes « perte de fonction » sont associées à un LDL-C réduit et à un risque coronarien plus faible. Pour élucider le rôle physiologique de la PCSK9, nous avons étudié sa régulation génique. En utilisant le RT-PCR quantitatif dans des hépatocytes humains, nous avons analysé la régulation de PCSK9 sous différentes conditions modulant l’expression des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme du cholestérol. Nous avons démontré que l’expression de la PCSK9 était induite par les statines de manière dose-dépendante et que cette induction était abolie par le mévalonate. De plus, le promoteur de PCSK9 contenait deux motifs conservés pour la régulation par le cholestérol : le sterol regulatory element (SRE) et un site Sp1. La PCSK9 circule dans le plasma sous des formes mature et clivée par la furine. Grâce à notre anticorps polyclonal, nous avons mis au point un test ELISA mesurant la PCSK9 plasmatique totale. Une étude transversale a évalué les concentrations plasmatiques de PCSK9 chez des sujets sains et hypercholestérolémiques, traités ou non par des statines ou une combinaison statine/ezetimibe. Chez 254 sujets sains, la valeur moyenne de PCSK9 (écart-type) était de 89,5 (31,9) µg/L. La concentration plasmatique de la PCSK9 corrélait avec celle de cholestérol total, du LDL-C, des triglycérides (TG), de la glycémie à jeun, l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle. Le séquençage de PCSK9 chez des sujets aux extrêmes de la distribution des concentrations de PCSK9 de notre cohorte a révélé la présence d’une nouvelle variation « perte de fonction » : R434W. Chez 200 patients hypercholestérolémiques, la concentration de PCSK9 était plus élevée que chez les sujets sains (P<0,04). Elle a augmenté avec une dose croissante de statine (P<0,001), et a augmenté encore plus suite à l’ajout d’ezetimibe (P<0,001). Chez les patients traités, ceux présentant une hypercholestérolémie familiale (HF; due à une mutation du LDLR) avaient des concentrations plus élevées de PCSK9 que les non-HF (P<0,005), et la réduction de LDL-C corrélait positivement avec la concentration de PCSK9 atteinte de la même manière dans les deux sous-catégories (P<0,02 et P<0,005, respectivement). Par ailleurs, une incubation des cellules HepG2 (hépatocytes) et Caco-2 (entérocytes) avec de l’ezetimibe a provoqué une augmentation de l’ARNm de PCSK9 et de NPC1L1 de 1,5 à 2 fois (P<0,05), mais aucune variation significative de PCSK9 sécrétée n’a été observée, suggérant que ces lignées cellulaires ne sont pas un modèle idéal. Nous avons également mesuré le niveau de PCSK9 chez 1 739 Canadiens-français âgés de 9, 13 et 16 ans. La valeur moyenne (écart-type) de PCSK9 dans cette cohorte était de 84,7 (24,7) µg/L, légèrement plus basse que dans la cohorte d’adultes (89,5 (31,9) µg/L). Chez les garçons, la PCSK9 circulante diminuait avec l’âge, tandis que c’était l’inverse chez les filles. Il y avait des associations positives et significatives entre la PCSK9 et la glycémie à jeun, l’insulinémie, le HOMA-IR, et les paramètres lipidiques (TC, LDL-C, TG, HDL-C, apoAI et apoB). Dans l’analyse multivariée, une hausse de 10% de l’insulinémie à jeun était associée à une augmentation de 1 à 2% de PCSK9. La régulation de PCSK9 est typique de celle d’un gène impliqué dans le métabolisme des lipoprotéines et est probablement la cible du facteur de transcription «sterol regulatory element-binding protein » (SREBP-2). La concentration plasmatique de la PCSK9 est associée avec l’âge, le sexe, et de multiples marqueurs métaboliques chez les enfants et les adultes. La détection de la PCSK9 circulante chez les sujets HF et non-HF signifie que ce test ELISA spécifique à PCSK9 pourrait servir à suivre la réponse à la thérapie chez un grand éventail de sujets. PCSK9 semble être une cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie et de la maladie cardiovasculaire. / Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) has been identified as the third locus implicated in autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia (ADH). The two other known genes implicated in ADH encode the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and apolipoprotein B. PCSK9 is a protein convertase that post-translationally promotes the degradation of the LDLR in hepatocytes and increases plasma LDL cholesterol concentration (LDL-C). Heterozygote “gain-of-function” mutations of PCSK9 are associated with the familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype, whereas “loss-of-function” variants are associated with reduced LDL-C concentrations and lower coronary risk. As an approach toward the elucidation of the physiological role(s) of PCSK9, we studied its transcriptional regulation. Using quantitative RT-PCR, we assessed PCSK9 regulation under conditions known to regulate genes involved in cholesterol metabolism in HepG2 cells and in human primary hepatocytes. We found that PCSK9 expression was strongly induced by statins in a dose-dependent manner and that this induction was efficiently reversed by mevalonate. The PCSK9 promoter contains two typical conserved motifs for cholesterol regulation: a sterol regulatory element (SRE) and an Sp1 site. PCSK9 circulates in plasma as mature and furin-cleaved forms. A polyclonal antibody against human PCSK9 was used to develop an ELISA that measures total plasma PCSK9 rather than only the mature form. A cross-sectional study evaluated plasma levels in normal and hypercholesterolemic subjects treated or untreated with statins or statin plus ezetimibe. In 254 healthy subjects, the mean plasma PCSK9 (SD) concentration was 89 (32) µg/L. PCSK9 levels correlated positively with plasma cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides, fasting glucose, age and body mass index. Sequencing PCSK9 from subjects at the extremes of PCSK9 plasma distribution revealed a new loss-of-function R434W variant. In 200 hypercholesterolemic patients, circulating PCSK9 was higher than in controls (P<0.04), increased with increasing statin dose (P<0.001), and further increased when ezetimibe was added (P<0.001). In treated patients (n = 139), those with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH; due to LDLR gene mutations) had higher PCSK9 values than non-FH (P<0,005), and LDL-C reduction correlated positively with achieved plasma PCSK9 levels to a similar extent in both subsets (P<0.02 and P<0.005, respectively). However, incubation with ezetimibe of HepG2 (hepatocytes) and Caco-2 (enterocytes) cells caused an increase in PCSK9 and NPC1L1 mRNA of 1.5 to 2-fold (P<0.05), but no significant rise in PCSK9 protein secretion, suggesting that these transformed cells are not an ideal model. We also studied PCSK9 levels in 1,739 French Canadian youth ages 9, 13, and 16 years old. The mean (SD) plasma PCSK9 concentration, measured by ELISA, was 84.7 (24.7) µg/L in the cohort, slightly lower than in the adult cohort (89.5 (31.9) µg/L. In boys, plasma PCSK9 decreased with age, whereas the inverse was true for girls. There were significant positive associations between PCSK9 and fasting glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance). In multivariable analysis, a 10% higher fasting insulin was associated with a 1%-2% higher PCSK9 in both sexes. There were also positive associations between PCSK9 and total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglycerides, as well as with HDL-C and apolipoproteins A1 and B. PCSK9 regulation is typical of that of the genes implicated in lipoprotein metabolism. In vivo, PCSK9 is probably a target of the transcription factor “sterol response element-binding protein” (SREBP)-2. The PCSK9 plasmatic concentration is associated with age, sex, and multiple metabolic markers in youth and adult samples. The detection of circulating PCSK9 in both FH and non-FH subjects means that this PCSK9 ELISA test could be used to monitor response to therapy in a wide range of patients. PCSK9 seems to be a promising drug target in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease.

Avaliação do metabolismo de lipídes em diabéticos tipo 1, normolipidêmicos e sem complicações microvasculares e macrovasculares significativas através de nanoemulsão lipídica artificial / Evaluation of lipid metabolism in normolipidemic type 1 diabetes individuals without significant clinical microvascular and macrovascular complications through artificial lipid nanoemulsion

Alina Coutinho Rodrigues 19 December 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) apresentam, progressivamente, complicações vásculo-neurais. Os fatores que aumentam o risco de coronariopatia - hipertensão, dislipidemia e idade avançada - explicam, em parte, a alta mortalidade cardiovascular, entretanto diabéticos tipo 1 podem morrer de coronariopatia precoce e não apresentar os fatores de risco clássicos para aterosclerose. Modificações estruturais e funcionais nas lipoproteínas, alterando a sua composição e trocas lipídicas poderiam justificar o aumento de eventos vasculares, entretanto estas alterações podem não ser detectadas através das dosagens rotineiras de lípides plasmáticos. OBJETIVOS: através de nanoemulsão lipídica artificial (LDE) que simula a estrutura lipídica da LDL avaliamos, em portadores de DM1, normolipidêmicos, intensivamente tratados e sem complicações significativas da doença, a taxa de esterificação do colesterol, a remoção da nanoemulsão da circulação, o tamanho da partícula HDL e as transferências de lípides entre a nanoemulsão e as partículas HDL. Secundariamente, determinamos a influência do controle glicêmico, resistência à insulina (RI) e insulinização no metabolismo lipídico. MÉTODOS: estudamos 36 indivíduos diabéticos e 37 controles não-diabéticos pareados para idade, sexo e índice de massa corpórea. Nanoemulsão lipídica artificial com marcação radioativa nos lípides éster de colesterol (CE), colesterol livre (CL), triglicérides (TG) e fosfolípides (PL) foi utilizada para os estudos. Nanoemulsão com marcação 14C-CE e 3H-CL foi injetada nos participantes e amostras de sangue foram coletadas durante 24 horas para mensuração da radioatividade. Remoção dos lípides da circulação foi calculada por análise compartimental. A taxa da esterificação do colesterol livre foi calculada após extração e separação de lípides do plasma por cromatografia em camada delgada. Para estudo da transferência de lípides, nanoemulsões com marcação 14C-CE e 3H-CL ou 14C-PL e 3H-TG foram incubadas com plasma e a radioatividade dos lípides transferidos para as HDL foi contada após a precipitação de lipoproteínas contendo apoB. O diâmetro da HDL foi mensurado por método de dispersão da luz. A RI nos diabéticos foi mensurada por fórmula que estima a taxa de captação da glicose. RESULTADOS: hemoglobina glicada foi de 8,8±1,3 mg/dl e concentrações de LDLc foram menores nos diabéticos (85±22 vs. 98±26 mg/dl), p=0, 035. Não houve diferenças em relação às taxas de esterificação, transferências de lípides da nanoemulsão para as HDL e tamanho da partícula HDL entre os grupos. Não encontramos relação entre as análises cinéticas e HbA1c, glicemia, índices de RI e dose de insulina. A taxa de remoção do 14C-CE foi mais rápida em diabéticos tipo 1 que nos controles (0, 059±0, 022 vs.0, 039±0, 022 h-1), p=0, 019. 16 CONCLUSÕES: apesar de controle glicêmico ruim nos DM1, as transferências de lípides da nanoemulsão para as HDL, a taxa de esterificação e a remoção da 3H-CL são semelhantes às dos controles. O controle glicêmico, perfil lipídico, índices de RI e dose de insulina não influenciaram nas transferências de lípides e na taxa de esterificação. A remoção do 14C-CE é mais rápida em indivíduos diabéticos, o que poderia justificar as concentrações de LDLc mais baixas encontradas nesta população. Acreditamos que a terapia insulínica intensiva pode justificar estes achados / INTRODUTION: people with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) have progressively neuro-vascular complications. Factors that increase the risk of coronary artery disease hypertension, dislipidemia and advanced age explains part of increased cardiovascular mortality, however some DM1 died of early coronary artery disease and often do not have atherosclerosis classical risk factors. Structural and functional changes in lipoproteins, altering their composition and activities of lipid exchange could justify the increase in vascular events but these changes are generally not detected by routine clinical laboratory plasma lipid exams. OBJETIVES: in normolipidemic DM1, intensively treated and without significant complications of disease we evaluated, by an artificial lipid nanoemulsion that resembles the lipid structure of LDL, rates of cholesterol esterification, nanoemulsion removal of the circulation, HDL particle size and lipid transfer from nanoemulsion to HDL. Secondarily, we determine the influence of glycemic control, insulin resistance (IR) and insulinization on lipid metabolism. METHODS: we studied 36 diabetics and 37 non-diabetic controls paired by age, sex and body mass index. Artificial lipid nanoemulsion labeled with radioactive lipids cholesterol ester (CE), cholesterol (CL), phospholipids (PL) and triglycerides (TG) was used for studies. Intravenous infusion of nanoemulsion 14C-CE e 3H-CL was injected in participants and blood was sampled over 24 hours for radioactivity measurement. Circulation lipid removal was calculated through compartmental analysis. Rate of cholesterol esterification was calculated after lipid extraction and separation by thin-layer chromatography. Nanoemulsion was incubated with plasma and radioactivity of lipids 14C-EC, 3H-CL, 14C-PL and 3H-TG transferred to the HDL was quantified after the precipitation of other apoB lipoproteins. The HDL diameter was measured by laser light scattering. The insulin resistance in diabetic patients was measured by formula that estimates the rate of uptake of glucose. RESULTS: glycated hemoglobin was 8,8±1,3 mg/dl and LDL concentrations were lower in diabetic patients (85 ± 22 vs. 98 ± 26 mg / dl), p = 0035. There were no differences between groups regarding rates of cholesterol esterification, lipids transfer from nanoemulsion to HDL and HDL particle size. We found no relationship between the kinetic analyses and HbA1c, blood glucose, measures of IR and dose of insulin. The rate of removal of 14C-EC was faster in diabetics type 1 than controls (0.059 ± 0.022 vs.0.039 ± 0.022 h- 1), p = 0.019. CONCLUSIONS: despite suboptimal glycemic control in diabetics, lipids transfer from nanoemulsion to HDL, rate of cholesterol esterification and removal of 3H-CL are similar to those of non-diabetic individuals. Glycemic control, lipid profile, measures of IR and dose of insulin did not influence lipids transfer and rate of cholesterol esterification. Removal of 14C-EC from diabetic circulation is faster than controls which could justify the 18 lower LDL concentration found in this population. We believe that intensive insulin therapy could explain these findings

Avaliação nutricional e do perfil lipídico de crianças e adolescentes, com processo inflamatório, em unidade de emergência de um hospital universitário / Nutritional assessment and lipid profile of children and adolescents, with inflammatory process, in emergency department of a university hospital

Muramoto, Giovana 05 March 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: comparar o perfil lipídico de em crianças e adolescentes, com e sem inflamação, atendidas num pronto atendimento geral de pediatria de um hospital universitário de nível de atendimento secundário, segundo estado nutricional, sexo e idade. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado entre outubro de 2012 e agosto de 2013, avaliou 124 crianças e adolescentes (3 meses a 14 anos de idade) em atendimento na unidade de emergência do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, com queixa relacionada a processo inflamatório/infeccioso. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos de acordo com os níveis de proteína C reativa (PCR): grupo I se maior ou igual a 5 mg/L, e grupo II se menor que 5mg/L. Dosagens de colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) e baixa densidade (LDL), triglicerídeos e albumina foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, levando em conta o estado nutricional (avaliado através de medidas antropométricas), gênero e idade. Resultado: A mediana de idade foi de 51 meses, com maioria dos pacientes classificados como eutróficos (76,5%). Do total da amostra, 34,7% dos pacientes apresentaram colesterol total e/ou triglicerídeos alterados e 67% apresentaram baixos níveis de HDL. Não houve diferença significativa do perfil lipídico entre os dois grupos de pacientes separados de acordo com PCR. Dentre os pacientes com PCR >= 5mg/L, a PCR apresentou correlação inversa com HDL [r= (-)0,363 e p=0,001], com LDL [r= (-) 0,235 e p=0,034], com albumina [r= (-) 0,308 e p=0,005] e correlação direta com TG (r=0,426 e p > 0,001). Na analise de regressão linear, se evidenciou que para cada aumento de 1mg/L nos valores da PCR espera-se uma redução média de 0,072 mg/dL da HDL, de 0,083 mg/dL da LDL, de 0,002g/dL de albumina, e um aumento médio de 0,564 mg/dL do triglicerídeo. Conclusão: Pacientes com processo inflamatório apresentam alterações nos níveis séricos do HDL, LDL e triglicerídeos que se relacionam com o grau de inflamação, de forma independente do estado nutricional / Aim: To compare the lipid profile in children and adolescents with and without inflammation, met a ready general pediatric service of a university hospital secondary care level, according to nutritional status, gender and age. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted between October 2012 and August 2013, assessed 124 children and adolescents (3 months to 14 years old) in the emergency department of the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo, with reports of inflammatory/ infectious process. The patients were divided into two groups according to the C reactive protein (CRP) levels: group I is higher than or equal to 5 mg/L, and Group II was lower than 5 mg/L. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides and albumin were compared between the two groups, taking into account the nutritional status (assessed by anthropometric measurements), gender and age. Results: The median age was 51 months, with patients mostly classified as well-nourished (76.5%). Of the overall sample, 34.7% of patients had total cholesterol and/or triglycerides altered and 67% had low levels of HDL. There was no significant difference in lipid profile between the two groups of PCR. For the patients with CPR > 5mg/L, CPR presented an inverse correlation with HDL [r = (-) 0.363 and p = 0.001], with LDL [r = (-) 0.235 and p = 0.034], with [r = albumin (-) 0.308 and p = 0.005] and direct correlation with TG (r = 0.426 and p < 0.001). Linear regression analysis it became clear that for each increase of 1 mg/L in the values of CRP expected an average reduction of 0,072 mg/dL of HDL, the 0,083 mg/dL of LDL, the 0,002 g /dL albumin, and an average increase of 0,564 mg/dL of triglycerides. Conclusion: Patients with an inflammatory process exhibit changes in the serum levels of the lipids HDL, LDL and TG that are related to the degree of inflammation. These changes occurred regardless of nutritional status

Avaliação nutricional e do perfil lipídico de crianças e adolescentes, com processo inflamatório, em unidade de emergência de um hospital universitário / Nutritional assessment and lipid profile of children and adolescents, with inflammatory process, in emergency department of a university hospital

Giovana Muramoto 05 March 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: comparar o perfil lipídico de em crianças e adolescentes, com e sem inflamação, atendidas num pronto atendimento geral de pediatria de um hospital universitário de nível de atendimento secundário, segundo estado nutricional, sexo e idade. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado entre outubro de 2012 e agosto de 2013, avaliou 124 crianças e adolescentes (3 meses a 14 anos de idade) em atendimento na unidade de emergência do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, com queixa relacionada a processo inflamatório/infeccioso. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos de acordo com os níveis de proteína C reativa (PCR): grupo I se maior ou igual a 5 mg/L, e grupo II se menor que 5mg/L. Dosagens de colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) e baixa densidade (LDL), triglicerídeos e albumina foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, levando em conta o estado nutricional (avaliado através de medidas antropométricas), gênero e idade. Resultado: A mediana de idade foi de 51 meses, com maioria dos pacientes classificados como eutróficos (76,5%). Do total da amostra, 34,7% dos pacientes apresentaram colesterol total e/ou triglicerídeos alterados e 67% apresentaram baixos níveis de HDL. Não houve diferença significativa do perfil lipídico entre os dois grupos de pacientes separados de acordo com PCR. Dentre os pacientes com PCR >= 5mg/L, a PCR apresentou correlação inversa com HDL [r= (-)0,363 e p=0,001], com LDL [r= (-) 0,235 e p=0,034], com albumina [r= (-) 0,308 e p=0,005] e correlação direta com TG (r=0,426 e p > 0,001). Na analise de regressão linear, se evidenciou que para cada aumento de 1mg/L nos valores da PCR espera-se uma redução média de 0,072 mg/dL da HDL, de 0,083 mg/dL da LDL, de 0,002g/dL de albumina, e um aumento médio de 0,564 mg/dL do triglicerídeo. Conclusão: Pacientes com processo inflamatório apresentam alterações nos níveis séricos do HDL, LDL e triglicerídeos que se relacionam com o grau de inflamação, de forma independente do estado nutricional / Aim: To compare the lipid profile in children and adolescents with and without inflammation, met a ready general pediatric service of a university hospital secondary care level, according to nutritional status, gender and age. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted between October 2012 and August 2013, assessed 124 children and adolescents (3 months to 14 years old) in the emergency department of the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo, with reports of inflammatory/ infectious process. The patients were divided into two groups according to the C reactive protein (CRP) levels: group I is higher than or equal to 5 mg/L, and Group II was lower than 5 mg/L. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides and albumin were compared between the two groups, taking into account the nutritional status (assessed by anthropometric measurements), gender and age. Results: The median age was 51 months, with patients mostly classified as well-nourished (76.5%). Of the overall sample, 34.7% of patients had total cholesterol and/or triglycerides altered and 67% had low levels of HDL. There was no significant difference in lipid profile between the two groups of PCR. For the patients with CPR > 5mg/L, CPR presented an inverse correlation with HDL [r = (-) 0.363 and p = 0.001], with LDL [r = (-) 0.235 and p = 0.034], with [r = albumin (-) 0.308 and p = 0.005] and direct correlation with TG (r = 0.426 and p < 0.001). Linear regression analysis it became clear that for each increase of 1 mg/L in the values of CRP expected an average reduction of 0,072 mg/dL of HDL, the 0,083 mg/dL of LDL, the 0,002 g /dL albumin, and an average increase of 0,564 mg/dL of triglycerides. Conclusion: Patients with an inflammatory process exhibit changes in the serum levels of the lipids HDL, LDL and TG that are related to the degree of inflammation. These changes occurred regardless of nutritional status

Efeito dos ácidos graxos ômega-3 de origem marinha em parâmetros bioquímicos, antropométricos e inflamatórios de adultos que vivem com HIV em terapia antirretroviral: revisão da literatura e ensaio clínico / Effects of marine omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on biochemical, anthropometric, and inflammatory outcomes in subjects living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy: review and clinical trial.

Oliveira, Julicristie Machado de 15 February 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A terapia antirretroviral (ART) mudou o curso da Aids, porém está associada a alterações metabólicas e aumento do risco de doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ácidos graxos ômega-3 de origem marinha no perfil lipídico, na homeostase da glicose, na distribuição de gordura corporal e nos marcadores inflamatórios de adultos com HIV em ART. Métodos: Artigo 1. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura com metanálise. Realizou-se busca por ensaios clínicos na base de dados PubMed; 33 artigos foram localizados, seis cumpriram os critérios de inclusão e quatro apresentavam qualidade metodológica adequada. Foi realizada metanálise com efeitos fixos e descrição das diferenças de médias sumárias (DMS (IC95 por cento )). Artigos 2 e 3. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico aleatorizado e controlado. Foram recrutados 120 adultos com idade entre 19 e 64 anos, de ambos os sexos. Os indivíduos alocados no grupo intervenção foram suplementados por 24 semanas com 3g de óleo de peixe/dia (900mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3) e indivíduos alocados no grupo controle receberam placebo (óleo de soja). Resultados: Artigo 1. Após 8-16 semanas de intervenção com 900-3360mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3/dia, observou-se redução de -80,34mg/dL (IC 95 por cento : -129,08 a -31,60) nas concentrações de triglicérides. A análise agregada de estudos com média de concentração de triglicérides > 300mg/dL no baseline e intervenção com 1800-2900mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3/dia resultou em redução de -129,72mg/dL (IC95 por cento : -206,54 a -52,91). Artigos 2 e 3. Foram considerados nas análises dados de 83 sujeitos. Os modelos multinível não revelaram relação estatisticamente significante entre a suplementação com óleo de peixe e as mudanças longitudinais nas concentrações de triglicérides (p=0,335), LDL-C (p= 0,078), HDL-C (p=0,383), colesterol total (p=0,072), apo B (p=0,522), apo A1 (p=0,420), razão LDL-C/apo B (p=0,107), índice homa-2 IR (p=0,387), IMC (p=0,068), circunferência da cintura (p=0,128), relação cintura/quadril (p=0,359), PCR ultra sensível (p=0,918), fibrinogênio (p=0,148), e fator VIII (p=0,073). Conclusões: Artigo 1. Diferentes doses de ácidos graxos ômega-3 reduziram modo significativo as concentrações de triglicérides, confirmando a potencial aplicabilidade desse nutriente no tratamento da hipertrigliceridemia em pessoas que vivem com HIV em ART. Artigos 2 e 3. Uma dose relativamente baixa de óleo de peixe para pessoas que vivem com HIV em ART não alterou o perfil lipídico, a homeostase da glicose, a distribuição de gordura corporal e a concentração de marcadores inflamatórios. Recomenda-se, em estudos subseqüentes, a avaliação do efeito de doses mais elevadas, bem como a determinação de marcadores inflamatórios mais sensíveis / Background: Although the antiretroviral therapy (ART) revolutionized the care of HIV-infected subjects, it has been associated with metabolic abnormalities and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Aims: To review the effects of marine omega-3 fatty acids on lipid profile, insulin resistance and inflammatory markers in subjects living with HIV on ART. Methods: Paper 1. Thirty three articles were found in a PubMed search; six met the inclusion criteria; and four of them were considered of adequate quality and included. Meta-analysis with fixed effects was performed and weighted mean differences (WMD (95 per cent CI)) were described. Paper 2 and 3. The study was conducted in an HIV/Aids care centre affiliated to the Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. This was a randomized controlled trial that assessed the effects of 3g fish oil/day (900mg of omega-3 fatty acids) or 3g soy oil/day (placebo). A hundred and twenty subjects aged between 19 and 64 years were recruited. The statistical analyses were performed in Stata 9. Results: Paper 1. Data from 83 subjects were included in the analyses. The overall reduction on triglyceride concentrations after 8-16 weeks of treatment with 900-3360mg of omega-3/day was WMD=-80.34mg/dL (95 per cent CI: -129.08 to -31.60). The pooled result of studies with mean triglyceride > 300 mg/dL at baseline and 1800-2900mg omega-3/day was WMD=-129.72mg (95 per cent CI: -206.54 to -52.91). Paper 2 and 3. Multilevel analyses revealed no statistically significant relationships between fish oil supplementation and the longitudinal changes in triglyceride (p= 0.335), LDL-C (p= 0.078), HDL-C (p= 0.383), total cholesterol (p=0.072), apo B (p= 0.522), apo A1 (p=0.420), LDL-C/apo B ratio (p=0.107), homa-2 IR index (p=0.387), BMI (p=0.068), waist circumference (p=0.128), waist/hip ratio (p=0.359), hs-CRP (p=0.918), fibrinogen (p=0.148), and VIII factor (p=0.073). Conclusions: Paper 1. Different doses of omega-3 fatty acids reduced significantly triglyceride concentrations confirming the potential applicability of this nutrient on the management of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV-infected subjects on ART. Paper 2 and 3. A relatively low dose of fish oil for HIV subjects on ART did not change lipid profile, insulin resistance, body fat distribution, and inflammatory markers. Further investigations should considerer the assessment of higher doses and more sensitivity inflammatory markers

Efeito dos ácidos graxos ômega-3 de origem marinha em parâmetros bioquímicos, antropométricos e inflamatórios de adultos que vivem com HIV em terapia antirretroviral: revisão da literatura e ensaio clínico / Effects of marine omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on biochemical, anthropometric, and inflammatory outcomes in subjects living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy: review and clinical trial.

Julicristie Machado de Oliveira 15 February 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A terapia antirretroviral (ART) mudou o curso da Aids, porém está associada a alterações metabólicas e aumento do risco de doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ácidos graxos ômega-3 de origem marinha no perfil lipídico, na homeostase da glicose, na distribuição de gordura corporal e nos marcadores inflamatórios de adultos com HIV em ART. Métodos: Artigo 1. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura com metanálise. Realizou-se busca por ensaios clínicos na base de dados PubMed; 33 artigos foram localizados, seis cumpriram os critérios de inclusão e quatro apresentavam qualidade metodológica adequada. Foi realizada metanálise com efeitos fixos e descrição das diferenças de médias sumárias (DMS (IC95 por cento )). Artigos 2 e 3. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico aleatorizado e controlado. Foram recrutados 120 adultos com idade entre 19 e 64 anos, de ambos os sexos. Os indivíduos alocados no grupo intervenção foram suplementados por 24 semanas com 3g de óleo de peixe/dia (900mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3) e indivíduos alocados no grupo controle receberam placebo (óleo de soja). Resultados: Artigo 1. Após 8-16 semanas de intervenção com 900-3360mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3/dia, observou-se redução de -80,34mg/dL (IC 95 por cento : -129,08 a -31,60) nas concentrações de triglicérides. A análise agregada de estudos com média de concentração de triglicérides > 300mg/dL no baseline e intervenção com 1800-2900mg de ácidos graxos ômega-3/dia resultou em redução de -129,72mg/dL (IC95 por cento : -206,54 a -52,91). Artigos 2 e 3. Foram considerados nas análises dados de 83 sujeitos. Os modelos multinível não revelaram relação estatisticamente significante entre a suplementação com óleo de peixe e as mudanças longitudinais nas concentrações de triglicérides (p=0,335), LDL-C (p= 0,078), HDL-C (p=0,383), colesterol total (p=0,072), apo B (p=0,522), apo A1 (p=0,420), razão LDL-C/apo B (p=0,107), índice homa-2 IR (p=0,387), IMC (p=0,068), circunferência da cintura (p=0,128), relação cintura/quadril (p=0,359), PCR ultra sensível (p=0,918), fibrinogênio (p=0,148), e fator VIII (p=0,073). Conclusões: Artigo 1. Diferentes doses de ácidos graxos ômega-3 reduziram modo significativo as concentrações de triglicérides, confirmando a potencial aplicabilidade desse nutriente no tratamento da hipertrigliceridemia em pessoas que vivem com HIV em ART. Artigos 2 e 3. Uma dose relativamente baixa de óleo de peixe para pessoas que vivem com HIV em ART não alterou o perfil lipídico, a homeostase da glicose, a distribuição de gordura corporal e a concentração de marcadores inflamatórios. Recomenda-se, em estudos subseqüentes, a avaliação do efeito de doses mais elevadas, bem como a determinação de marcadores inflamatórios mais sensíveis / Background: Although the antiretroviral therapy (ART) revolutionized the care of HIV-infected subjects, it has been associated with metabolic abnormalities and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Aims: To review the effects of marine omega-3 fatty acids on lipid profile, insulin resistance and inflammatory markers in subjects living with HIV on ART. Methods: Paper 1. Thirty three articles were found in a PubMed search; six met the inclusion criteria; and four of them were considered of adequate quality and included. Meta-analysis with fixed effects was performed and weighted mean differences (WMD (95 per cent CI)) were described. Paper 2 and 3. The study was conducted in an HIV/Aids care centre affiliated to the Medical School, University of Sao Paulo. This was a randomized controlled trial that assessed the effects of 3g fish oil/day (900mg of omega-3 fatty acids) or 3g soy oil/day (placebo). A hundred and twenty subjects aged between 19 and 64 years were recruited. The statistical analyses were performed in Stata 9. Results: Paper 1. Data from 83 subjects were included in the analyses. The overall reduction on triglyceride concentrations after 8-16 weeks of treatment with 900-3360mg of omega-3/day was WMD=-80.34mg/dL (95 per cent CI: -129.08 to -31.60). The pooled result of studies with mean triglyceride > 300 mg/dL at baseline and 1800-2900mg omega-3/day was WMD=-129.72mg (95 per cent CI: -206.54 to -52.91). Paper 2 and 3. Multilevel analyses revealed no statistically significant relationships between fish oil supplementation and the longitudinal changes in triglyceride (p= 0.335), LDL-C (p= 0.078), HDL-C (p= 0.383), total cholesterol (p=0.072), apo B (p= 0.522), apo A1 (p=0.420), LDL-C/apo B ratio (p=0.107), homa-2 IR index (p=0.387), BMI (p=0.068), waist circumference (p=0.128), waist/hip ratio (p=0.359), hs-CRP (p=0.918), fibrinogen (p=0.148), and VIII factor (p=0.073). Conclusions: Paper 1. Different doses of omega-3 fatty acids reduced significantly triglyceride concentrations confirming the potential applicability of this nutrient on the management of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV-infected subjects on ART. Paper 2 and 3. A relatively low dose of fish oil for HIV subjects on ART did not change lipid profile, insulin resistance, body fat distribution, and inflammatory markers. Further investigations should considerer the assessment of higher doses and more sensitivity inflammatory markers

La pression artérielle centrale : ses déterminants et son rôle dans la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire

Lamarche, Florence 01 1900 (has links)
Lorsqu’elle est comparée à la pression artérielle (PA) brachiale, la PA centrale est un meilleur reflet du stress hémodynamique infligé aux organes cibles. Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont de clarifier le rôle de la PA centrale pour la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire (CV), de définir un seuil permettant le diagnostic d’une hypertension centrale et de définir l’effet sur la PA centrale de certains paramètres, tels que les statines et le cholestérol LDL. La base de données CARTaGENE comportant 20 004 sujets a été utilisée. La PA centrale était connue (mesurée à l’aide de l’appareil SphygmoCor Px qui utilise une calibration de type I), ainsi que les autres facteurs de risques CV. Des données prospectives permettant de connaître l’incidence d’événements CV majeurs étaient disponibles. Dans un premier temps, des modèles de régression de Cox et des mesures de discrimination et de reclassification ont permis de comparer la PA systolique centrale et brachiale pour la prédiction du risque CV. Un seuil permettant le diagnostic d’une hypertension centrale a aussi été déterminé à l’aide de l’index de Youden. L’association entre la PA centrale, le cholestérol LDL et les statines a été déterminée à l’aide de régressions linéaires et d’ANOVA. Une analyse de médiation a permis d’éclairer l’effet des statines sur la PA centrale, à savoir si celui-ci est médié par une baisse concomitante du cholestérol LDL. Ces analyses ont permis de déterminer que la PA centrale ne procure qu’une amélioration marginale dans la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire lorsque comparé à celle de la PA brachiale. Une PA systolique centrale de 120 mmHg a été identifiée comme le meilleur seuil pour poser le diagnostic d’une hypertension centrale lorsqu’évaluée avec un appareil avec calibration de type I. De plus, la PA centrale est influencée par la prise de statines et son effet n’est que partiellement médié par une baisse concomitante du cholestérol LDL. / Compared to brachial blood pressure (BP), central BP is thought to be a better reflection of the hemodynamic strain on target organs. It is unclear though whether this translates into improved cardiovascular (CV) risk stratification when central BP is compared to brachial BP. The objectives of this thesis are to clarify the role of central BP in CV risk stratification, to define a threshold for the diagnosis of central hypertension and to determine what are the impacts of parameters, such as statins and LDL cholesterol, on central BP. The CARTaGENE database, which is comprised of 20,004 individuals, was used for these studies. The central BP (measured with the SphygmoCor Px device and type I calibration) as well as other CV risk factors were known. Prospective data for the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) was available. Cox proportional hazard models and measures of discrimination and reclassification were used to compare central systolic BP and brachial systolic BP in their ability to predict CV risk. A central hypertension threshold was determined using Youden’s index. The association between central BP, LDL cholesterol and statins were assessed using linear regression models and ANOVA. The interactions between central BP, statins and cholesterol LDL were assessed with a mediation analysis. Central BP was only marginally superior to brachial BP in CV risk prediction. A central hypertension threshold of 120 mmHg was identified. Statins reduced both brachial and central BP in a similar fashion, and cholesterol LDL was only partially responsible for the effect of statins on BP. To conclude, central BP, when assessed using type I calibration, is not superior to brachial BP in CV risk prediction. These studies also clarified the central hypertension threshold and the impact of statins and cholesterol LDL on central BP.


近藤, 高明, 玉腰, 浩司, 豊嶋, 英明 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:11670368 研究代表者:近藤 高明 研究期間:1999-2000年度


Issa Al Salmi Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis examines the relationship of birthweight to risk factors and markers, such as proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate, for chronic disease in postnatal life. It made use of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). The AusDiab study is a cross sectional study where baseline data on 11,247 participants were collected in 1999-2000. Participants were recruited from a stratified sample of Australians aged ≥ 25 years, residing in 42 randomly selected urban and non-urban areas (Census Collector Districts) of the six states of Australia and the Northern Territory. The AusDiab study collected an enormous amount of clinical and laboratory data. During the 2004-05 follow-up AusDiab survey, questions about birthweight were included. Participants were asked to state their birthweight, the likely accuracy of the stated birthweight and the source of their stated birthweight. Four hundred and twelve chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients were approached, and 339 agreed to participate in the study. The patients completed the same questionnaire. Medical records were reviewed to check the diagnoses, causes of kidney trouble and SCr levels. Two control subjects, matched for gender and age, were selected for each CKD patient from participants in the AusDiab study who reported their birthweight. Among 7,157 AusDiab participants who responded to the questionnaire, 4,502 reported their birthweights, with a mean (standard deviation) of 3.4 (0.7) kg. The benefit and disadvantages of these data are discussed in chapter three. The data were analysed for the relationship between birthweight and adult body size and composition, disorders of glucose regulation, blood pressure, lipid abnormalities, cardiovascular diseases and glomerular filtration rate. Low birthweight was associated with smaller body build and lower lean mass and total body water in both females and males. In addition low birthweight was associated with central obesity and higher body fat percentage in females, even after taking into account current physical activity and socioeconomic status. Fasting plasma glucose, post load glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin were strongly and inversely correlated with birthweight. In those with low birthweight (< 2.5 kg), the risks for having impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes and all abnormalities combined were increased by 1.75, 2.22, 2.76 and 2.28 for females and by 1.40, 1.32, 1.98 and 1.49 for males compared to those with normal birthweight (≥ 2.5 kg), respectively. Low birthweight individuals were at higher risk for having high blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg and ≥ 130/85 mmHg compared to those with normal birthweight. People with low birthweight showed a trend towards increased risk for high cholesterol (≥ 5.5 mmol/l) compared to those of normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight had increased risk for high low density lipoprotein cholesterol (≥ 3.5 mmol/l) and triglyceride levels (≥ 1.7 mmol/l) when compared to those with normal birthweight. Males with low birthweight exhibited increased risk for low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (<0.9 mmol/l) than those with normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight were at least 1.39, 1.40, 2.30 and 1.47 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases respectively, compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg. Similarly, males with low birthweight were 1.76, 1.48, 3.34 and 1.70 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg, respectively. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was strongly and positively associated with birthweight, with a predicted increase of 2.6 ml/min (CI 2.1, 3.2) and 3.8 (3.0, 4.5) for each kg of birthweight for females and males, respectively. The odd ratio (95% confidence interval) for low glomerular filtration rate (<61.0 ml/min for female and < 87.4 male) in people of low birthweight compared with those of normal birthweight was 2.04 (1.45, 2.88) for female and 3.4 (2.11, 5.36) for male. One hundred and eighty-nineCKD patients reported their birthweight; 106 were male. Their age was 60.3(15) years. Their birthweight was 3.27 (0.62) kg, vs 3.46 (0.6) kg for their AusDiab controls, p<0.001 and the proportions with birthweight<2.5 kg were 12.17% and 4.44%, p<0.001. Among CKD patients, 22.8%, 21.7%, 18% and 37.6% were in CKD stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Birthweights by CKD stage and their AusDiab controls were as follows: 3.38 (0.52) vs 3.49 (0.52), p=0.251 for CKD2; 3.28 (0.54) vs 3.44 (0.54), p=0.121 for CKD3; 3.19 (0.72) vs 3.43 (0.56), p= 0.112 for CKD4 and 3.09 (0.65) vs 3.47 (0.67), p<0.001 for CKD5. The results demonstrate that in an affluent Western country with a good adult health profile, low birthweight people were predisposed to higher rates of glycaemic dysregulation, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular diseases and lower glomerular filtration rate in adult life. In all instances it would be prudent to adopt policies of intensified whole of life surveillance of lower birthweight people, anticipating this risk. The general public awareness of the effect of low birthweight on development of chronic diseases in later life is of vital importance. The general public, in addition to the awareness of people in medical practice of the role of low birthweight, will lead to a better management of this group of our population that is increasingly surviving into adulthood.

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