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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livskvalitet och social livssituation hos patienter som genomgått Ö-cellstransplantation

Häggström, Erika, Rehnman, Margarethe January 2010 (has links)
Aim: To investigate the quality of life and the social life situation, with special focus on the consequenses of fear of hypoglycemia (FoH), in Islet transplanted patients. Method: 11 patients were included, four women and seven men, who have been Islet tranplanted at Uppsala University Hospital during the years 2001-2009. Two questionaires, Short Form 36 (SF-36) and the Swedish version Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (Swe-HFS) were used to investigate the quality of life, in relation to fear of hypoglycemia. Also, telephone interviews were conducted to investigate the patients social life situation in relation to FoH, after Islet transplantation and were analysed using content analysis method. Results: The mean value for quality of life was lower than that in the normal population. Three out of ten patients experienced FoH. Three predominant themes were revealed, one theme associated with pre- transplant, was “Struggle for control of Social Life Situation” and two themes associated with post-transplant, were “Regain power and controll of  Social Life Situation” and “At Peace with the balance between the Present and the Future”. Conclusion: The patients experienced improved control over social life situation and quality of life in relation to FoH may been improved following islet tranplantation. / Syfte: Att undersöka ö-cellstransplanterade patienters livskvalitet och sociala livssituation med speciellt fokus på oro/rädsla för hypoglykemi. Metod: I studien inkluderades 11 patienter, fyra kvinnor och sju män, vilka genomgått ö-cellstransplantation vid Akademiska Sjukhuset i Uppsala under perioden 2001-2009. Två frågeformulär, Short Form 36 (SF-36) och den svenska versionen av Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (Swe-HFS) användes för att undersöka patienternas livskvalitet relaterat till oro/rädsla för hypoglykemi. Telefonintervjuer genomfördes för att undersöka patienternas sociala livssituation efter genomgången ö-cellstransplantation relaterat till oro/rädsla för hypoglykemi och analyserats med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Medelvärdet för hälsorelaterad livskvalitet var lägre jämfört med normalbefolkningen och tre av tio deltagare upplevde oro/rädsla för hypoglykemi. Tre övergripande teman med koppling till social livssituation identifierades, ett tema före genomgången ö-cellstransplantation, var ”Kampen om kontroll över social livssituation”, och två teman efter genomförd transplantation, var ”Återtagande av makt och kontroll över social livssituation” samt ”Tillfreds med balans mellan nuet och framtiden”. Konklusion: Patienterna upplevde att kontrollen över den sociala livssituationen och livskvalitet i relation till oro/rädsla för hypoglykemi förbättrades efter genomgången ö-cellstransplantation.

Výchovně vzdělávací problémy dětí v obtížné životní situaci / Educational problems of children in a difficult life situation

Polánková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on educational problems of children in a difficult life situation. The theoretical part deals with social pedagogical concept of a difficult situation in life. It also goes about coping of those situations and their specifics in children. It focuses on child endangerment of his family background and its consequences and symptoms at school. It also describes the various teachers' approaches to the child's situation. The practical part using qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews and document analysis examines the concrete manifestation of difficult life situations from the perspective of three children and their teachers with emphasis on their understanding, assessment and approach to this situation. The difficult life situation of children showed on many levels at school. It revelas at the level of relations with classmates, at the level of behavior, school performance, relationship to the teacher, etc. Teachers' attitudes were mostly responsive and supportive. Key words Difficult Life Situation, Pupil, Family, Educational Process, Teacher, Syndrome Child Abuse and Neglect, Endangered child

Attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på generationer, kön och livssituationer / Work attitudes within the auditing profession : A qualitative study focusing on generations, gender, and life situations

Larsson, Ida, Pettersson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse kring varför attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket skiljer sig mellan människor i olika generationer, kön och livssituationer. Studien avser även att beskriva och förstå på vilket sätt dessa skillnader manifesterar sig. Tidigare forskning har bekräftat att revisionsbranschen är utsatt för en hög personalomsättning och svårigheter att få medarbetare att stanna inom yrket på lång sikt. Vidare menar tidigare forskning att arbetstagarens attityder till arbetet är avgörande för dennes arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed dennes val att stanna på arbetsplatsen. För att skapa en förståelse om hur revisionsfirmor kan skapa långsiktiga arbetsförhållanden med dess anställda, är det av vikt att förstå vilka attityder som existerar inom professionen samt hur attitydskillnader mellan människor med olika generation, kön och livssituation kan förstås.  Studien grundades i en kvalitativ metod där personliga intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Totalt tio intervjuer genomfördes. Respondenterna bestod av tre revisionsassistenter, fyra auktoriserade revisorer och tre godkända revisorer. Studiens resultat indikerade att skillnader i attityder till arbetet mellan olika generationer och livssituationer främst kan förstås av olika värderingar. Vissa värderingar upplevdes vara konstanta under karriärens gång medan vissa kunde förändras över tid, till exempel när familjesituationen förändras eller när arbetsmarknaden förändrats efter Covid-19. Resultatet indikerade vidare att könstillhörigheten inte ansågs skapa attitydskillnader, däremot poängterades det att förutsättningarna för att lyckas inom branschen skiljde sig åt mellan könen. / The aim of the study is to generate a deeper understanding regarding why work attitudes in the auditing profession differ between people in different generations, gender, and life situations. The study also intends to describe and understand in what way these differences manifest themselves. Previous research has confirmed that the industry is exposed to high staff turnover and difficulties in keeping employees in the profession in the long run. Furthermore, previous research confirms that the employee's attitudes to work are decisive for his job satisfaction and thus his choice to stay in the workplace. To create an understanding of how audit firms can create long-term working relationships with their employees, it is important to understand the attitudes that exist within the profession and how differences in attitudes between people with different generations, gender and life situations can be understood. The study was conducted with a qualitative method where personal interviews were used as a data collection method. A total of ten interviews were conducted. The respondents consisted of three audit assistants, four certified accountants and three approved auditors. The results of the study indicated that differences in attitudes to work between different generations and life situations can mainly be explained by different values. Some values ​​were perceived to be constant during the course of their careers, while some could change over time, for example when the family situation changes or when the labor market changed after Covid-19. The results further indicated that gender did not seem to create differences in attitudes, however, it was pointed out that the conditions for success in the industry differed between the sexes.

Livssituationen för föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning under Covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på föräldrars upplevelser och interaktion med olika samhällsorgan

Wallin, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin har påverkat hela samhället och inskränkningar har varit tvunget att göras för alla medborgare. Restriktioner kring sociala kontakter har förändrat livssituationen för individer med särskilda behov av assistans och vårdinsatser, som exempelvis för barn som har funktionshinder och deras familjer. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning har upplevt sin livssituation och de gällande restriktionerna under den pågående Covid-19-pandemin, i relation till olika samhällsorgan såsom habilitering, sjukvård och skola. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som bygger på data från sju föräldrar. Materialet har analyserats med tematisk analys. Resultat: Viktiga aspekter som framkommer ur denna studie är faktorer som minskad eller inställd assistans/avlastning och vård samt att föräldrarna ofta behövt ha barnen hemma från skola och förskola, vilket upplevts som påfrestande. Föräldrarna har upplevt sjukhus och korttidsboenden säkrare att besöka eftersom de anser att de har anpassat sig bra efter restriktionerna, skolmiljön har inte känts lika säker då skolan inte upplevs förebygga smittorisk lika bra. Digitala lösningar har ersatt många fysiska träffar, vilket föräldrarna överlag upplevt fungera bra samt önskar mer av i fortsättningen. Slutsats: Föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning har levt med hög press under Covid-19-pandemin, de har tappat en stor del av de avlastande verksamheterna vilken ger dem utrymme till bland annat ett eget arbetsliv och återhämtning i vardagen. Digitaliserade möten och undervisning har varit av stor vikt under perioden. / Background: The whole community has been affected by the COVID-19-pandemic. The limitation of physical interactions has changed the conditions for assistance services and healthcare. It has especially affected those with special needs, like children with disabilities and their parents.  Aim: The aim of the study was to examine parents of children with disabilities and how they experienced their life-situation during the COVID-19-pandemic. The interaction with different community authorities like habilitation services, healthcare and schools was the main target. Methods: The study was a qualitative study with inductive approach. Seven parents were included. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the material.   Results: Parents reported that habilitation services and health care appointments have been decreased or cancelled during the pandemic. In addition, they report that schools often have called them with short notice to fetch their sick kids, which has been stressful for the parents. The parents felt safe at the short-term accommodations and at the healthcare facilities due to their adjustments against the restrictions. The parents felt the school situation as less safe since school staff were less strict with adjustments against the virus. However, several physical meetings were replaced with digital solutions, which worked well and was much appreciated by the parents. Conclusion: Parents of children with disabilities seemed to have a tough time during the COVID-19-pandemic. Their situation at work and time spent on recreation was negatively affected as they spent more time on childcare. Digital teaching and online meetings have been very important during the pandemic.

Kvinnors upplevelser efter genomförd mastektomi : En litteraturöversikt / Women’s experiences after undergoing mastectomy : A literature review

Houleh, Leila, Rezaei, Nilofar January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor globalt och i Sverige, med över 20 nya fall dagligen. Behandlingar inkluderar kirurgi, strålning, kemoterapi, hormonbehandling och målinriktade terapier. Mastektomi är vanligt och påverkar livskvaliteten hos kvinnor. Att förstå deras upplevelser har betydelse för omvårdnad. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser efter genomförd mastektomi. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturöversikt av vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten identifierade två huvudtema: "Upplevelser av den förändrade kroppen", inklusive en förändrad kroppsuppfattning, anpassad klädsel och förändrat sexliv, samt "Upplevelser av relationer och stöd", med fokus på familjedynamik och stöd, stöd från sjukvårdspersonal, och det sociala livet. Resultaten visade på kvinnors utmaningar efter mastektomi och behovet av stöd och anpassning. Slutsats: Mastektomi hos kvinnor leder till kroppsuppfattningsförändringar och behov av omfattande stöd. Personcentrerad vård, psykologiskt stöd och korrekt information är viktigt för deras välbefinnande. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally and in Sweden, with over 20 new cases daily. Treatments include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapies. Mastectomy is common and affects the quality of life for women. Understanding their experiences is crucial for nursing care. Aim: To describe women's experiences after undergoing mastectomy. Method: The method involves a literature review of scientific original articles employing a qualitative approach. Results: The literature review identified two main themes: "Experiences of the changed body", including a changed body image, adapted clothing and changed sex life, and "Experiences of relationships and support", focusing on family dynamics and support, support from healthcare professionals, and social life. The results showed the challenges faced by women after mastectomy and the need for support and adaptation. Conclusions: Mastectomy results in changes in body perception and the need for comprehensive support. Person-centered care, psychological support, and accurate information are crucial for their well-being.

Pour une conception de produits pour tous et par tous, co-créer la situation de vie / For a product design for all and by all, co-create the life situation

Lobbe, Justine 18 December 2018 (has links)
La conception de produits évoluant, il est aujourd’hui nécessaire pour les entreprises de proposer une réelle expérience pour l’utilisateur en accord avec ses besoins, ses caractéristiques et ses souhaits qui repose notamment sur l’intégration de l’ergonome, du designer produit et de l’utilisateur aux équipes de conception. Cet enjeu est démultiplié, dès lors que nous parlons de conception pour tous. Cependant, si l’utilisateur est souvent acteur des étapes d’analyse du besoin et d’évaluation de la solution finale dans les modèles de conception centrée sur l’utilisateur actuels, il est rarement sollicité au cours des phases de recherche de solutions et de créativité. C’est dans cette perspective que se situent nos travaux de recherche, en s’inspirant de la philosophie du « Faire » et des pratiques issues des Fablabs où les utilisateurs sont d’ores et déjà acteurs à part entière du projet de conception de produits. Ainsi, nous cherchons à mettre en place une conception de produits pour tous et par tous dans le but de répondre à notre problématique de recherche : « Comment favoriser en conception centrée utilisateur, l’intégration de l’utilisateur spécifique comme expert du quotidien aux côtés des experts de la conception, à travers des phases de co-créativité orientées sur la situation de vie ? ». Ainsi au cours de notre recherche, nous répondons à trois objectifs principaux. Tout d’abord, nous cherchons à identifier les méthodes et outils de co-créativité existants autour de la notion de situation de vie. Dans ce but, nous nous intéressons aux pratiques de co-créativité dans le cadre de projets industriels ainsi que dans l’univers spécifique du « Faire ». Nous réalisons ces différentes études à travers notamment la mise en place d’observation participantes, d’entretiens semis dirigés et de l’analyse qualitative des traces recueillies sur plus de 130 projets industriels. A la suite de cela, nous proposons un outil sur la situation de vie permettant d’intégrer l’utilisateur aux phases de co-créativité aux côtés des experts de la conception. Cet outil est proposé à l’issue d’expérimentations réalisées dans l’univers du « Faire ». Enfin nous validons expérimentalement par une analyse qualitative et quantitative cet outil de co-créativité sur la situation de vie auprès d’une équipe de conception interdisciplinaire intégrant l’utilisateur spécifique dans le cadre d’un projet industriel relevant de la conception pour tous. / Product design is evolving. It is now necessary for companies to offer a real experience to the user regarding its needs, characteristics and desires. For this purpose, design teams gather the ergonomist, the product designer and the user. Thus, the many issues of what we called “design for all” are multiplied. Whereas the user is often involved all along the analysis of the needs and during the evaluation of the solution in the current user-centred design models, he is rarely integrated to the creativity phases. Inspired by the philosophy of “Make” and by the practices of the “Fablabs”, our researches are driven by the hypothesis that users should already be considered as full participants in the product design process. From this point, we want to set up a product design for all and by all, following our main research question: "How to promote, in user-centred design, the integration of the specific user as an everyday expert alongside classical design experts through the phases of co-creativity and framed by life situation? ". To achieve this goal, we answer three main objectives. First, we seek to identify existing co-creativity methods and tools around the notion of life situation. More precisely, we are interested in co-creativity practices in the context of both industrial projects and Fablabs ecosystem. We carry out these various studies through the implementation of participant observations, interviews and qualitative analysis of traces collected among more than 130 industrial projects. Following this, we propose a tool applied to life situation that allows us to integrate the user in the phases of co-creativity alongside design experts. This tool is built on top of experiments conducted in the universe of the "Make". Finally, we validate qualitatively and quantitatively our tool with an interdisciplinary design team that integrates the specific user into an industrial project of design for all.

Les conquérants de l’invisible- L’agglomération chambérienne à l’épreuvedu handicap visuel / Conquerors of the invisible- Chambery and its urban area put to the test of visually impaired persons

Verollet, Anne 03 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de sociologie cherche à montrer la relation ambivalente que des personnes handicapées visuelles, aveugles ou malvoyantes, nouent avec leur agglomération, ici l’agglomération chambérienne. Dans un premier temps, elle montre que l’espace urbain est pour ces personnes handicapées un espace de fermeture : sa lecture, sa connaissance, son utilisation sont restreintes,  soumises à des impératifs comme la canne, la technique de locomotion, l’utilisation d’outils mis à leur intention dans la ville. La vie dans l’espace privé n’échappe à de multiples contraintes. La perte de vue malmène la sécurité ontologique, altérée par la souffrance et souvent la solitude. Et pourtant, l’espace urbain est l’espace où les personnes handicapées visuelles peuvent vivre et se déplacer en autonomie. Cette autonomie est l’œuvre de deux types d’acteurs : d’une part la ville, qui réalise les aménagements urbains d’accessibilité, des chaines d’accessibilité prévus par la loi, parfois antérieurement à la loi, comme c’est le cas de la ville de Chambéry, récompensée pour son action en faveur des personnes handicapées et d’autre part les personnes handicapées elles-mêmes qui doivent conquérir leur autonomie au prix d’un travail personnel exigeant. ‘’Il faut apprendre mon métier le personne handicapée’’, a dit l’une des personnes interviewées. La conquête de son autonomie s’apparente au ‘’cas de la chose réelle’’. Cette conquête ne considère pas seulement le côté environnemental et situationnel du handicap, mais place la personne aveugle ou malvoyante dans une spécificité vis à vis de l’espace urbain. L’extension à l’analyse sociologique de la théorie écologique de Gibson relative à la perception propose de considérer les personnes handicapées visuelles dans une relation spécifique avec l’espace urbain, qui évoque le concept de niche écologique. / This thesis in sociology aims at describing the ambivalent relationship that visually impaired persons, whether they are blind or partially sighted, develop with their urban area, here that of Chambery.First, it shows that, for these disabled persons, urban space is a space where they feel locked in : the reading, the knowledge, the use of this space are restricted, submitted to imperatives such as the walking stick, the locomotion technique, the use of tools provided for them by the city. Living in the private space is also subject to many constraints. The loss of eyesight reduces ontological safety, which is altered by pain and often by loneliness.And yet urban space is the space where visually impaired persons can live and move self- autonomously. Their autonomy is made possible by two actors: on the one hand, the city which carries out urban improvements in its accessibility to conform to the law- sometimes even before the bill was passed as is the case with the city of Chambery which was rewarded for its achievements in favour of disabled persons ; on the other hand, the disabled persons themselves who need to conquer their autonomy at the expense of demanding personal efforts. “ I have to learn my job as a disabled person”, said one of them in an interview. Conquering one’s autonomy shows similarities to ‘’the real-life situation’’…. This conquest not only takes into account the environmental and situational aspect of the handicap, but it also places the blind or partially impaired person in a specific position with regard to urban space. An extension to the sociological analysis of Gibson’s ecological theory relating to perception proposes to consider visually impaired persons in a specific relationship with urban space, conjuring up the concept of ecological niche.

Pedagogické řešení životní situace nezaměstnaných mladých lidí / Educational solution of the life situation of the unemployed young people

Mendlíková, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of unemployment on the life of young people. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, it reflects the situation of unemployed young people on the labour market and deals with the negative consequences of long-term unemployment. It looks at the life strategies of the unemployed and summarizes the lessons learned about the possibilities of tackling unemployment from education policy and employment policy. In the empirical section then focuses on answering questions about the possibility of solving unemployment from the perspective of examiners of employment and of the unemployed by means of a questionnaire survey. Reflects their mutual cooperation and the two groups of respondents offering suggestions to improve information about further education and retraining courses. In the conclusions of the questionnaire survey assessed the benefits and shortcomings of the methods of electronic questionnaire and the research.

Den ofrivilligt frivillige företagaren : Starta eget-bidragsföretagande och en förändrad livssituation / The Involuntary Voluntary Entrepreneur : Subsidised Enterprise and Changes in Life Situation

Johansson, Christer January 2009 (has links)
Avhandlingens syfte är att beskriva och analysera arbetets betydelse i starta eget–bidragsföretagares liv. Material har samlats in dels genom en omfattande enkätstudie som omfattar hela populationen nuvarande och tidigare företagare från 1995 i Östergötlands län, dels genom en serie livsberättelseorienterade intervjuer med ett urval aktiva respektive före detta företagare med fokus på deras inställning till arbete. Resultaten visar bland annat att etableringsmotiven ofta utgår främst från strukturer och omständigheter utanför individen och att dennes handlande när det gäller att starta eget i mycket bygger på ett oreflekterat förhållningssätt. Analyserna lyfter också fram de identitetsskapande aspekterna av arbete och visar att den del av identiteten som är knuten till arbete i många fall mycket starkt påverkar eller omformar övriga identitetsaspekter. SeB-företagarna kan betraktas som ”nödvändighetsentreprenörer” då de skapar nya arbetstillfällen åt sig själva. Bland nuvarande företagare anser drygt hälften att deras liv tagit en positiv riktning. De mest negativa återfinns i gruppen tidigare SeB-företagare, av vilka drygt en tredjedel anser att deras liv tagit en negativ riktning. Bland fördelarna med företagande framhålls av de studerade personerna framför allt möjligheten till en upplevd egenkontroll i arbetet. Nackdelar som betonas är ekonomisk oro, kompetensbrist och brist på sociala relationer. / The thesis aims to describe and analyze the importance of work for those who start up in business through the active labour market programme – the start-up grant entrepreneur. The material was collected partly through an extensive questionnaire study covering the entire population of current and former entrepreneurs in subsidized enterprises from 1995 in Östergötland, Sweden, and partly by a series of life story-oriented interviews about attitudes to work with a sample of active or former entrepreneurs. The results show, inter alia, that the establishment motives are often essentially based on the structure and circumstances beyond the individual and that his/her actions in terms of starting their own business are largely based on a non reflective approach. The analysis also highlights the identity-building aspects of work and shows that in many cases the part of one’s identity that is associated with work significantly affects other identity issues. Start-up entrepreneurs can be regarded as ”necessity entrepreneurs” when they create new jobs for themselves. Among the current workers, just over half believe that their lives have taken a positive direction. The most negative is the group of former start-up entrepreneurs, in which just over one third indicate that their lives have taken a negative direction. The benefits of entrepreneurship highlighted by the studied subjects include the possibility of a perceived self-monitoring at work. Disadvantages indicated by the same people include economic concerns, skills shortages and lack of social relationships.

Literární dílna pedagoga volného času - vybraná tvorba Markéty Zinnerové / Literary workshop by leisure time educators - selected works by children´s book author Markéta Zinnerová

JAŠKOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation is aimed at exploring the utilization of select works by children's book author Markéta Zinnerová in literary education. The selected texts all feature a child protagonist in a difficult life situation with regards to their immediate or wider family circle. The vantage point was primarily the ouvre of M. Zinnerová, particularly the titles Indiáni z Větrova ('The Indians from Větrov'), Tajemství proutěného košíku ('The Secret of the Woven Basket'), and Kde padají hvězdy ('Where Stars Fall'). The dissertation is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains first a description of the general characteristics of narrative prose from the life of children with an emphasis on the issues of personal and social education. Furthermore, it focuses in detail on the utilisation of prose in literary education in primary schools, the methodology and different types of literary analysis and the insertion of all these activities into the relevant curriculum. The practical part deals with concrete classical and activising methods of application with regards to select texts from M. Zinnerová's works. The aim of the dissertation was to create work sheets based on excerpts from the prose of this author and to test them in practice in the environment of an after-school care centre where primary school children were to engage with them. This part of the dissertation describes said work sheets as well as the procedural methodology and the reasoning behind their creation. The work sheets were used when working with 3rd -grade school children in an after-school care centre. The ways in which they cooperated with us and were captivated by the texts, as well as the precise way in which the activities involved in working with the proposed sheets proceeded are described in the following chapter of the practical part. The concluding reflection upon the utilisation of the work sheets proposes certain possible corrections, expansions or other possible uses of these work sheets.

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