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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre déracinement et émancipation : l’expérience des jeunes autochtones pris en charge par la protection de la jeunesse

Gagnon Dion, Marie-Hélène 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Des résistances exercées dans les interstices : expériences, stratégies et logiques d’action des mères qui consomment des drogues dans leurs rapports avec les services de protection de la jeunesse

Bell, Sarah 09 1900 (has links)
Il existe peu de recherches, surtout en francophonie, qui portent une attention au point de vue des parents qui consomment des drogues sur leurs expériences personnelles en lien avec la prise en charge de leurs enfants par les services de protection de la jeunesse. Cette étude cherche à contribuer à la connaissance en la matière, en donnant une voix aux mères qui consomment des drogues illicites, des voix essentielles pour le développement et la bonification des services de soutien qui leur sont destinés. Ancrée dans deux cadres théoriques, la théorie de la reconnaissance et la théorie de l’intersectionnalité, cette recherche se focalise sur l’expérience, les stratégies et les logiques d’action des mères qui consomment des drogues illicites ayant des enfants pris en charge par les services de protection de la jeunesse. S’inscrivant dans une méthodologie qualitative et phénémonologique, neuf entretiens ont été menés avec des mères en s’inspirant de l’outil du récit de vie de Bertaux (2006). L’analyse des récits permet de faire émerger trois types de logiques d’action mises en place par les mères dans leur recherche de reconnaissance avec les services de protection de la jeunesse au Québec : une logique d’action d’indignation, une logique d’action de collaboration et une logique d’action de distanciation. Les résultats mettent en lumière l’articulation entre les expériences et les rapports que vivent ces mères avec la protection de la jeunesse et les stratégies qu’elles adoptent pour préserver leur dignité. Elle souligne l’importance des expériences de reconnaissance et de mépris dans la construction de leurs logiques d’action. Les récits des mères rencontrées et les résultats de cette recherche témoignent de l’impact que le mépris peut avoir sur leurs vies et de la grande nécessité de penser et d’agir à travers le prisme de la reconnaissance. Sur la base de ces résultats, quatre recommandations d’approches d’intervention sont évoquées comme étant prometteuses pour le renforcement de la reconnaissance et du pouvoir d’agir des mères qui consomment des drogues illicites. / There is little research, especially in the French language, that pays attention to the point of view of parents who use drugs and their personal experiences in relation to Child Protection Services (CPS). This study seeks to contribute to knowledge in this area, by giving a voice to mothers who use illicit drugs. These voices are essential for the development and improvement of the support services intended for these mothers and their children. Anchored in two theoretical frameworks, the theory of recognition and the theory of intersectionality, this research focuses on the experience, strategies, and logics of action of mothers who use illicit drugs with children taken into care by CPS. As part of a qualitative and phenemonological methodology, nine interviews, based on the life story tool of Bertaux (2006), were conducted with mothers who use illicit drugs. The analysis of these accounts reveals three types of logics of action put in place by mothers in their search for recognition with the youth protection services: a logic of indignation, a logic of collaboration and a logic of distancing. The results highlight the articulation between the experiences and relationships these mothers have with CPS and the strategies they adopt to preserve their dignity. It underlines the importance of experiences of recognition and contempt in the construction of their logics of action. The stories of these mothers and the results of this research testify to the impact that contempt can have on their lives and the great need to think and act through the prism of recognition. Based on these findings, four recommendations for intervention are invoked as being promising for strengthening recognition and empowerment of mothers who use illicit drugs.

Racialized Runners: Life Stories of Middle-Class Black Women

Smith-Tran, Alicia 04 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Estudio sociolingüístico de las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela según relatos de vida: una orientación intercultural

Prato Duarte, Viana Carolina 15 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas presentes en relatos de vida de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela. La utilidad de este estudio radica en el hecho de que el fenómeno migratorio es universal, en el que dos culturas se encuentran, influyéndose mutuamente, por lo que la comprensión del principal vehículo integrador como lo es la lengua debe ser objeto de estudio minucioso. Nuestro objetivo de investigación es explicar las interferencias lingüísticas en el discurso oral de los inmigrantes portugueses que llegaron a Venezuela en el periodo 1950 a 1980, conforme a la clasificación de las interferencias fonéticas- fonológicas de Porto (2009), Niño (2007) y Obediente (2007). Utilizamos un cuestionario y la técnica de la entrevista. La muestra estuvo constituida por 26 sujetos elegidos al azar. Utilizamos el Software Atlas ti versión 8.0 para identificar la frecuencia de las interferencias fonéticas - fonológicas en los relatos de vida. En conclusión, se observa un estancamiento en la evolución de la interlengua, es decir se evidencia una fosilización de L2. La edad al emigrar aparece como un factor determinante en la adquisición de la L2, a la hora de adquirir una integración sociolingüística identitaria. Este factor se muestra como elemento predictivo de una mejor integración y de una menor frecuencia de interferencias fonéticas. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca tracta sobre les interferències fonètiques-fonològiques presents en relats de vida d'immigrants portuguesos a Veneçuela. La utilitat d'aquest estudi radica en el fet que el fenomen migratori és universal, en el qual dues cultures es troben, influint-se mútuament, per la qual cosa la comprensió del principal vehicle integrador com ho és la llengua ha de ser objecte d'estudi minuciós. El nostre objectiu d'investigació és explicar les interferències lingüístiques en el discurs oral dels immigrants portuguesos que van arribar a Veneçuela en el període 1950 a 1980, conforme a la classificació de les interferències fonètiques-fonològiques de Porto (2009), Niño (2007) i Obediente (2007). Utilitzem un qüestionari i la tècnica de l'entrevista. La mostra va estar constituïda per 26 subjectes triats a l'atzar. Utilitzem el Programari Atlas ti versió 8.0 per a identificar la freqüència de les interferències fonètiques -fonològiques en els relats de vida. En conclusió, s'observa un estancament en l'evolució de la interllengua, és a dir s'evidencia una fossilització de L2. L'edat en emigrar apareix com un factor determinant en l'adquisició de la L2, a l'hora d'adquirir una integració sociolingüística identitària. Aquest factor es mostra com a element predictiu d'una millor integració i d'una menor freqüència d'interferències fonètiques. / [EN] This research work deals with the phonetic-phonological interferences present in the life stories of Portuguese immigrants in Venezuela. The usefulness of this study lies in the fact that the migratory phenomenon, in which two cultures meet and influence one another, is universal, so the understanding of the main integrative vehicle as the language must be carefully studied. Our research objective is to classify linguistic interference in the oral discourse of Portuguese immigrants who arrived in Venezuela in the period 1950 to 1980, according to the classification of phonetic-phonological interferences of Porto (2009), Niño (2007) and Obediente (2007). We use a questionnaire and interview techniques. The sample consisted of 26 randomly chosen subjects. We use the Atlas Ti software version 8.0 to identify the frequency of phonetic - phonological interferences in life stories. In conclusion, there is a stagnation in the evolution of the interlanguage, that is, a fossilization of L2 is evident. Age when emigrating appears as a determining factor in the acquisition of L2, when acquiring an identity sociolinguistic integration. This factor is shown as a predictive element of better integration and a lower frequency of phonetic interferences. / Prato Duarte, VC. (2021). Estudio sociolingüístico de las interferencias fonéticas-fonológicas de inmigrantes portugueses en Venezuela según relatos de vida: una orientación intercultural [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161314

Life stories of anxious people

Stanton, Mari Isabell 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study was aimed at giving a voice to two people, constructed as anxious. The epistemological framework is social constructionism. Two in-depth interviews with individuals who constructed themselves, or accepted the constructions of others of themselves as anxious, were done. The 'case study approach' was chosen as most suitable method to gain access to the information. 'Thematic content analysis' was the method of analysis. The life stories of participants were reconstructed in terms of themes. Recurring themes in these life stories were elucidated and linked with the literature. This study allowed valuable and rich information about the life stories of two anxious people to emerge. Amongst the identified themes, 'sensitivity' and the need for 'authenticity' were identified as particularly important areas for clinical practice and future research. Lay people wishing to gain a better understanding of either their own or their loved one's anxiety could also benefit from this study. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Les intermédiaires en développement en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse comparative de Cotonou et de Lomé

Lawani, Ayemi A. 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur les acteurs au sein des organisations non gouvernementales locales (ONG) qui, dans la configuration actuelle de l’aide internationale au développement, jouent un rôle de relais ou d’intermédiaires entre donateurs internationaux et populations bénéficiaires en Afrique subsaharienne. En analysant les trajectoires professionnelles de 32 femmes et hommes « leaders » dans des ONG de Cotonou (Bénin) et de Lomé (Togo), la thèse se propose d’appréhender les processus sociaux à travers lesquels ces individus deviennent intermédiaires dans les activités de développement. La recherche s’inscrit dans une approche théorique construite à la rencontre entre la perspective orientée vers l’acteur en socioanthropologie du développement, la sociologie de l’individuation et le paradigme des parcours de vie. La thèse prend également une posture comparative en contrastant, d’une part, les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires du Bénin et du Togo, deux pays ayant connu entre les années 1990 et début 2000 des « destinées » opposées en ce qui a trait à leurs rapports avec les bailleurs de fonds étrangers. D’autre part, l’analyse compare deux générations d’intermédiaires et contraste l’expérience des intermédiaires féminins et masculins. L’analyse montre qu’en premier lieu, les conférences nationales en 1990 au Bénin et en 1991 au Togo ont constitué un tournant important dans les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires dans les deux pays, créant subséquemment, d’un côté, un contexte favorable aux intermédiaires du Bénin, et de l’autre, un environnement délétère pour ceux du Togo. Toutefois, au cours des dix dernières années, ces différences de conditions de travail se sont beaucoup atténuées et les défis relevés par les intermédiaires dans les deux pays sont à nouveau similaires; les contextes actuels sont caractérisés par un soutien étatique au minima, un champ d’activités très concurrentiel et politisé, une professionnalisation du champ, et une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des bailleurs de fonds extérieurs. En second lieu, l’analyse des récits de vie a permis de ressortir quatre types de profils des intermédiaires au moment où ils intègrent le champ des ONG : les « reconvertis », les « nouveaux diplômés des années 1990 », les « carriéristes », et les « activistes ». La comparaison générationnelle suggère en outre que les deux premiers types décrivent mieux les intermédiaires ayant commencé leurs activités avant les années 2000, alors que les « carriéristes » sont pour l’essentiel des intermédiaires de la jeune génération qui intègre le domaine de l’intermédiation après 2000. Aussi, la recherche montre que pour entrer, mais surtout « durer », dans le champ des ONG ces individus utilisent divers réseaux politiques et associatifs et savent « manœuvrer », notamment en choisissant une « thématique porteuse », en veillant à maintenir une constante « visibilité » ou en ayant recours à des formations continues pour acquérir ou consolider des compétences recherchées par les bailleurs de fonds. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des trajectoires professionnelles féminines a révélé qu’alors que le poids des responsabilités familiales a fait que les « pionnières » de l’intermédiation sont entrées de façon tardive dans une profession dominée par les hommes, et se sont toutes focalisées sur des thématiques liées directement aux droits des femmes, les parcours de leurs cadettes sont bien différents. Ces dernières ne travaillent pas dans le traditionnel domaine du « genre », et même si elles reconnaissent aussi leurs difficultés à concilier responsabilités professionnelles et devoir familial, elles ne sont pas prêtes à mettre de côté leur carrière et ont une perception très différente de leurs aînées des rôles genrés au sein de la famille. / This dissertation focuses on individuals in local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who, in the current configuration of international development, act as relays or intermediaries between international donors and recipient populations in sub-Saharan Africa. By analyzing the careers of 32 female and male "leaders" in NGOs in Cotonou (Benin) and Lomé (Togo), the dissertation aims to understand the social processes through which these individuals become intermediaries in the development arena. The research mobilizes a theoretical approach that combines the actor-oriented perspective in socio-anthropology of development, the sociology of individuation and the life course paradigm. This thesis also takes a comparative approach, first, by contrasting the careers of development intermediaries from Benin with those from Togo, two countries that experienced in the 1990s and early 2000s opposite fates in terms of their relations with international donors. Also, the analysis compares two generations of intermediaries and contrast the experiences of male and female intermediaries. The analysis shows that, first, the Benin National conference of 1990 and the one in Togo in 1991 were turning points in the careers of intermediaries in both countries, by creating a supportive working environment for intermediaries in Benin, and, on the opposite, a deleterious context for those in Togo. However, over the past decade, these differences in working conditions have dwindled, and the challenges faced by intermediaries in both countries are once again similar; the current contexts are characterized by a limited state support, a very competitive and politicized working environment, a professionalization of the field, and a strong dependence toward external donors. Second, four types of intermediaries’ profiles at the time they enter the NGO sector emerged from the life history analysis: the "converted", the "new graduates of the 1990s," the "careerists" and the "activists". Generational comparison shows that the first two types best describe the intermediaries that started their activities before 2000, while "careerists" are mostly intermediaries from the younger post-2000 generation. The research also shows that in order to enter, and more importantly to "last", in the NGO sector these individuals use various political and associative networks and develop various strategies such as choosing a “fashionable” field of interest, remaining “visible”, and constantly seeking trainings in order to acquire “marketable” expertise. In addition, the analysis of women's professional trajectories revealed that while “pioneers” female intermediaries entered the male dominated NGO sector late in their life due to their familial obligations and all worked in the area of women's rights, the experience of their younger counterparts are quite different. The latter work outside the traditional “gender” arena; and, although they also have difficulties reconciling work and family duties, they are not ready to give up their career, and they have very different perceptions of gender roles within the family than their older counterparts.

Jeunes amours aux âges avancés : exploration de la mise en couple chez les sexagénaires

Dauphinais, Chloé 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Awakening the Calabrian Story: The Diverse Manifestations of Acquiring Knowledge

Marchese, Pina 02 March 2011 (has links)
It all began in the village. We would wake up with the sun, we would rest our laboured bodies underneath the moon. Gli vecchi (old folks) often told us: “In the end, all that will remain is our story. Nothing else really matters.” This thesis “Awakening the Calabrian Story: The Diverse Manifestations of Acquiring Knowledge” will take you into the lives of ten Southern Italian women from Calabria. They will lure you back to their villages: their place of birth, their hearth, to the midst of the olive trees. Their stories will then migrate to Canada, as these women take their first steps on Pier 21. “In the end, all that matters is our stories.” This thesis will give voice to ten Southern Italian women who will tell the world what, to them, matters most. They will tell their tales and pass on the wisdom they have learned along the way. With each breath and each step, they are always growing, never remaining the same. They go along and live out their villages wherever the thread takes them. This thesis itinerary will begin in the village, follow a journey across the Atlantic Ocean to a life in Canada. Chapter One: (Introduction) will outline and describe the background, purpose and objectives, on this journey of awakening. Chapter Two: (Literature Review) will look at pedagogical perspectives in curriculum theory. Chapter Three: (Methodology) will focus on the research methodology applied throughout this thesis process. Chapter Four: (Stories as Data) will lure readers into the personal lives and experiences of participants. Chapter Five: (Interpretation of Stories) will reveal the analysis of acquired knowledge as reported by participants. This thesis itinerary will continue and conclude by the fireside with a collection of Calabrian folktales told by these participants, and translated from the Calabrian dialect into English. / PhD

Life stories of anxious people

Stanton, Mari Isabell 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study was aimed at giving a voice to two people, constructed as anxious. The epistemological framework is social constructionism. Two in-depth interviews with individuals who constructed themselves, or accepted the constructions of others of themselves as anxious, were done. The 'case study approach' was chosen as most suitable method to gain access to the information. 'Thematic content analysis' was the method of analysis. The life stories of participants were reconstructed in terms of themes. Recurring themes in these life stories were elucidated and linked with the literature. This study allowed valuable and rich information about the life stories of two anxious people to emerge. Amongst the identified themes, 'sensitivity' and the need for 'authenticity' were identified as particularly important areas for clinical practice and future research. Lay people wishing to gain a better understanding of either their own or their loved one's anxiety could also benefit from this study. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Mãos tecendo histórias de vida : memórias dos surdos sergipanos egressos do Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (1944-1979)

Costa, Edivaldo da Silva 19 February 2018 (has links)
This thesis integrates the productions of the field of History of Special Education and the historiography of Sergipe, having as theoretical-methodological foundation the assumptions of Cultural History. He spoke on the subject of education of the sergipian deafs in the National Institute of Education of the Deaf (INES), the first school in Brazil, specialized for deaf people, to instruct, educate and professionalize this population. The general objective was to describe the educational and professional life trajectory of all the sergipian deafs who studied at the National Institute of Education of the Deaf (INES) in the decades of 1944 to 1979. For this purpose, the following specific objectives were elaborated: a) influence of the National Institute of Deaf Education in the school education and professional career of the sergipian deafs; b) to show educational aspects for the deaf in the management of Ana Rimoli de Faria Dória and Marino Gomes Ferreira; c) present the different modalities of communication and teaching methods for the deaf; d) highlight the actions of the public policies of the education of the deaf in the Governments of Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira and Emílio Garrastazu Médici; and e) to describe the life stories through the memory present in the narratives of the sergipian deafs graduates of INES. Life histories were collected from deaf deponents who graduated from the institution and from relatives. Period in which the first effective movements at the national level for the schooling of the Brazilian deaf appeared. In addition to the interviews, sources of documentary and iconographic nature were also analyzed. The conceptual framework adopted was based on the concepts of representation, appropriation, school culture, history and memory; the main authors who contributed to the understanding of the historical processes were Chartier, Julia, Halbwachs, Le Goff and Pollak; and in the area of the history of deaf education, Soares, Mattos, Souza, Rocha and Seixas. The thesis defended in this work was that even with all the institutional and methodological apparatus of INES and segregative character, based on oralism, initially aimed at rehabilitation, and later, for instruction, limited to primary education, training received in the INES represented for the sergipian deafs graduates the possibility of economic and professional independence. In order to concretize the analysis, there was an effort to understand the aspects related to the schooling process during the INES boarding school; the coexistence in the school space; professional workshops; civic parades; the first Eucharistic communion; sports activities and articulate language; the uniforms; school festivities; and career after INES. The reports of these experiences about education and professional career allowed the identification of nine sergipian deafs (five of whom are deceased) and it was possible to know not only the individual trajectories, but also the collective experiences in the school space. It was concluded that in spite of the primary schooling attended by the sergipian deafs at INES, the studies carried out contributed to their inclusion in the labor market and their economic and professional independence.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ / Esta tesis integra las producciones del campo de la Historia de la Educación Especial y de la historiografía de Sergipe, teniendo como fundamentación teórico-metodológica los presupuestos de la Historia Cultural. En el Instituto Nacional de Educación de Sordos (INES), la primera escuela de Brasil, especializada para personas sordas, destinada a instruir, a educar ya profesionalizar esa población, delimitando como objeto de estudio sus historias de estudio la vida. El objetivo general fue describir la trayectoria de vida escolar y profesional de todos los sordos sergipanos que estudiaron en el Instituto Nacional de Educación de Surdos (INES) en las décadas de 1944 a 1979. Para ello, se elaboraron los siguientes objetivos específicos: a) influencia del Instituto Nacional de Educación de Sordos en la formación escolar y carrera profesional de los sordos sergipanos; b) mostrar los aspectos educativos para sordos en las gestiones de Ana Rimoli de Faria Dória y Marino Gomes Ferreira; c) presentar las diferentes modalidades de comunicación y métodos de enseñanza para sordos; d) destacar las acciones de las políticas públicas de la educación de los sordos en los Gobiernos de Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira y Emilio Garrastazu Médici; y e) describir las historias de vida a través de la memoria presente en las narrativas de los sordos sergipanos egresados del INES. Se recogieron historias de vida de los depoentes sordos que se formaron en la Institución y familiares. Período en que surgieron los primeros movimientos efectivos a nivel nacional para la escolarización del sordo brasileño. Además de las entrevistas, también se analizaron fuentes de naturaleza documental e iconográfica. El marco conceptual adoptado tuvo su base en los conceptos de representación, apropiación, cultura escolar, historia y memoria; los principales autores que dieron aporte para la comprensión de los procesos históricos fueron Chartier, Julia, Halbwachs, Le Goff y Pollak; y en el área de la historia de la educación de sordos, Soares, Mattos, Souza, Rocha y Seixas. La tesis defendida en este trabajo fue que con todo aparato teórico y metodológico institucional del INES y carácter segregativo, calcado en el oralismo, volcado inicialmente para la rehabilitación, y posteriormente, para la instrucción, limitándose a la enseñanza primaria, la formación recibida en el aula INES representó para los sordos sergipanos egresados la posibilidad de independencia económica y profesional. Para concretar el análisis, hubo un esfuerzo en el sentido de aprehender los aspectos relacionados al proceso de escolarización durante el colegio-internado en el INES; la convivencia en el espacio escolar; los talleres profesionales; los desfiles cívicos; la primera comunión eucarística; las actividades deportivas y de lenguaje articulado; los uniformes; los festejos escolares; y la carrera profesional después del INES. Los relatos de esas experiencias acerca de la formación educativa y carrera profesional permitieron identificar nueve sordos sergipanos (cinco de ellos están fallecidos) y fue posible conocer no sólo las trayectorias individuales, así como las vivencias colectivas en el espacio escolar. Se concluyó que a pesar de la escolarización de enseñanza primaria cursada por los sordos sergipanos en el INES, los estudios realizados contribuyeron a la inserción de los mismos en el mercado de trabajo y su independencia económica y profesional. / Esta tese integra as produções do campo da História da Educação Especial e da historiografia de Sergipe, tendo como fundamentação teórico-metodológica os pressupostos da História Cultural. Versou sobre o tema da educação dos surdos sergipanos no Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (INES), primeira escola do Brasil, especializada para pessoas surdas, destinada a instruir, a educar e a profissionalizar essa população, delimitando como objeto de estudo suas histórias de vida. O objetivo geral foi descrever a trajetória de vida escolar e profissional de todos os surdos sergipanos que estudaram no Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (INES) nas décadas de 1944 a 1979. Para tanto, foram elaborados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) verificar a influência do Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos na formação escolar e carreira profissional dos surdos sergipanos; b) mostrar os aspectos educacionais para surdos nas gestões de Ana Rimoli de Faria Dória e Marino Gomes Ferreira; c) apresentar as diferentes modalidades de comunicação e métodos de ensino para surdos; d) destacar as ações das políticas públicas da educação dos surdos nos Governos de Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira e Emílio Garrastazu Médici; e e) descrever as histórias de vida através da memória presente nas narrativas dos surdos sergipanos egressos do INES. Foram coletadas histórias de vida dos depoentes surdos que se formaram na Instituição e familiares. Período em que surgiram os primeiros movimentos efetivos em nível nacional para a escolarização do surdo brasileiro. Além das entrevistas, foram também analisadas fontes de natureza documental e iconográfica. O marco conceitual adotado teve seu embasamento nos conceitos de representação, apropriação, cultura escolar, história e memória; os principais autores que deram aporte para a compreensão dos processos históricos foram Chartier, Julia, Halbwachs, Le Goff e Pollak; e na área da história da educação de surdos, Soares, Mattos, Souza, Rocha e Seixas. A tese defendida neste trabalho foi de que mesmo com todo aparato teórico e metodológico institucional do INES e caráter segregativo, calcado no oralismo, voltado inicialmente para a reabilitação, e posteriormente, para a instrução, limitando-se ao ensino primário, a formação recebida no INES representou para os surdos sergipanos egressos a possibilidade de independência econômica e profissional. Para concretizar a análise, houve um esforço no sentido de apreender os aspectos relacionados ao processo de escolarização durante o colégio-internato no INES; a convivência no espaço escolar; as oficinas profissionalizantes; os desfiles cívicos; a primeira comunhão eucarística; as atividades esportivas e de linguagem articulada; os uniformes; os festejos escolares; e a carreira profissional depois do INES. Os relatos dessas experiências acerca da formação educacional e carreira profissional permitiram identificar nove surdos sergipanos (cinco deles estão falecidos) e foi possível conhecer não somente as trajetórias individuais, como também as vivências coletivas no espaço escolar. Concluiu-se que apesar da escolarização de ensino primário cursada pelos surdos sergipanos no INES, os estudos realizados contribuíram para a inserção dos mesmos no mercado de trabalho e sua independência econômica e profissional. / São Cristóvão, SE

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