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Keturių Kauno miesto mokyklų, 9-10 klasių moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo ir šeimos gyvensenos veiksnių sąsajos / Relationships between Kaunas town four schools, 9th grade and 10th grade pupils’ physical activity and their family lifestyleGrebliauskaitė, Ingrida 27 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas: mokinių fizinis aktyvumas ir šeimos gyvensenos veiksniai.
Darbo aktualumas: Už vaikų ir moksleivių sveikatą atsakingi tėvai, pedagogai ir visuomenė. Geresnių rezultatų pasiekiama kai daugiau dėmesio skiria vaikų darželis, vėliau mokykla, o nuolat, visuomenė ir šeima. Vaikas įgyja elementarių žinių, išmoksta kultūros, higienos įgūdžių, perima šeimos gyvenimo būdą, kurį formuoja vertybinės nuostatos. Šeimoje vaikai ir moksleiviai praleidžia daug laiko, todėl ji yra svarbi jaunų žmonių sveikatos ir fizinio aktyvumo skatinimo terpė (Adaškevičienė, 2004).
Todėl mano manymu yra be galo svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į šeimos gyvensenos veiksnius, kurie nulemia vaikų gyvenimo būdą ateityje.
Darbo tikslas: atskleisti šeimos gyvensenos veiksnių (mityba, rūkymas, alkoholio vartojimas, laisvalaikis) sąsają su vaikų fiziniu aktyvumu.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti tėvų ir vaikų fizinio aktyvumo lygį.
2. Nustatyti tėvų ir vaikų mitybos, alkoholio vartojimo, rūkymo, laisvalaikio ypatumus.
3. Atskleisti sąsają tarp tėvų ir vaikų fizinio aktyvumo lygio ir kitų gyvensenos veiksnių.
4. Nustatyti šeimos gyvensenos veiksnius labiausiai lemiančius vaikų fizinio aktyvumo lygį.
Darome prielaidą, kad fiziškai aktyvesnių ir sveikesnės gyvensenos tėvų vaikai bus fiziškai aktyvesni.
1. Nustatyta, kad daugiau nei pusė tyrime dalyvavusių mergaičių ir berniukų buvo vidutiniškai aktyvūs. Daugiau kaip trečdaliui berniukų buvo būdingas aukštas fizinio aktyvumo lygis lyginant su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Study object: Factors of pupils’ physical activity and their family lifestyle.
Study relevance: Parents, society and teachers are responsible for the health of children. Better results are reached when kinder gardens, later on schools and constantly society and family give more attention to the health of children. Child gets basic knowledge, learns culture, hygiene skills and takes over the lifestyle of family, which is formed by the valuable provisions. Within a family children and pupils spend a lot of time and that is why this encouraging environment is important while considering health and physical activity of young people (Adaškevičienė, 2004).
That is why, in my opinion, it is very important to look upon the lifestyle of a family, which is one of the main factors influencing children’s physical activity and their lifestyle in the future.
Study objective: to reveal the links between family’s lifestyle (eating habits, smoking, alcohol usage, free time) and children’s physical activity.
Study tasks are:
1. To evaluate parents’ and children’s physical activity level.
2. To evaluate parents’ and children’s eating, alcohol usage, smoking, and free time habits.
3. To reveal the links between children’s physical activity and other factors of a family lifestyle.
4. To evaluate the lifestyle factors, that have the biggest influence on physical activity.
We assume that children will be physically more active, if their parents have a healthier and more active... [to full text]
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Paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas kaip specialiojo pedagogo kompetencija / Educating the healthy lifestyle as the competence of a special pedagogueUrbonienė, Gina 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas kaip specialiojo pedagogo kompetencija. Iškelta hipoteze, jog kad specialiesiems pedagogams trūksta netradicinių sveikos gyvensenos sudedamųjų dalių ugdymo kompetencijos.
Tyrime dalyvavo 95 specialieji pedagogai, dirbantys specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose.
Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, koks yra specialiųjų pedagogų požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną ir jos ugdymą specialiosiose mokyklose, kurioms sveikos gyvensenos sritims jie skiria daugiausia dėmesio, kokiais principais remiantis yra organizuojamas sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas, kokie ugdymo būdai ir metodai yra taikomi bei su kuo bendradarbiaujama siekiant optimizuoti sveikos gyvensenos ugdymą.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad daugelis pedagogų nėra susipažinę su sveikatos, o tuo pačiu ir sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo politika, o kai kurie jų net nemano, kad specialusis pedagogas, kalbėdamas apie sveikos gyvensenos principus, pats turi jais vadovautis. Išsiaiškinta, jog sveikatos ugdymo turinys dažniausiai susijęs su tradicinėmis sveikatos ugdymo kryptimis, tokiomis kaip sveika mityba ir fizinis aktyvumas. Dažniausiai sveikos gyvensenos pagrindai diegiami klasės valandėlių bei atskirų projektų metu, o pagrindiniai iniciatoriai ir atsakingi asmenys yra patys pedagogai kartu su mokyklos bendruomenės slaugytoja. Dažniausiai sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo turinys yra perteikiamas kūno kultūros ir gamtos mokslų pamokų metu, o pagrindiniai metodai yra pokalbiai, diskusijos, vaizdinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the work is analyzed teen’s healthy lifestyle education as a special education teacher competence. The hypothesis says that special educators are lacking of non-traditional healthy lifestyle education components.
In this research took part 95 special education teachers who work in special education institutions. Questionnaire survey method analyzed special education teachers attitude towards healthy life style and passing it in special education schools, in which healthy lifestyle areas were put the most attention, what principles are used to organize the basis of a healthy lifestyle education, what education methods and techniques are applied and who are the co-operation partners in order to optimize a healthy lifestyle education in special education schools.
The study found that many teachers are not familiar with health education and at healthy
lifestyle education policy, and some of them even do not consider that special teacher, talking about the principles of healthy living, has to be part of it. Also found that the medical curriculum is usually associated with traditional health education areas, such as healthy eating and physical activity. The most common grounds for a healthy lifestyle are introduced lessons after main classes and in individual projects too. The main initiators and the responsible people are school teachers and a community nurse. In most cases a healthy lifestyle curriculum is passed in the physical culture and nature science lessons, and basic... [to full text]
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Universitetinių studijų kūno kultūros ir sporto programų studentų gyvenimo stiliaus projektavimas vertybinių orientacijų kontekste / Designing lifestyle of students of physical education and sports study programmes of the university in the context of value orientationsBobrova, Lota 25 May 2012 (has links)
Charakteringas šiuolaikinio pasaulio bruožas – visuomenės transformacija, sąlygojama ne tik naujų socialinių santykių, bet ir vertybių perkainojimo, vaidmeninės elgsenos ir gyvenimo stiliaus kaitos, nes sisteminės XXI amžiaus reformos paveikė visas socialinio gyvenimo sritis. / Characteristic feature of today’s world is the society’s transformation, determined not only by new social relations but also by reappraisal of values, changes in role-based behaviour and lifestyle because systemic reforms of the 21 century affected all areas of social life.
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Universitetinių studijų kūno kultūros ir sporto programų studentų gyvenimo stiliaus projektavimas vertybinių orientacijų kontekste / Designing lifestyle of students of physical education and sports study programmes of the university in the context of value orientationsBobrova, Lota 28 May 2012 (has links)
Charakteringas šiuolaikinio pasaulio bruožas – visuomenės transformacija, sąlygojama ne tik naujų socialinių santykių, bet ir vertybių perkainojimo, vaidmeninės elgsenos ir gyvenimo stiliaus kaitos, nes sisteminės XXI amžiaus reformos paveikė visas socialinio gyvenimo sritis. / Substantiation of relevance of the topic. Characteristic feature of today’s world is the society’s transformation, determined not only by new social relations but also by reappraisal of values, changes in role-based behaviour and lifestyle because systemic reforms of the 21 century affected all areas of social life.
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Skirtingos gyvensenos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikatos ypatumai / The relation between health and physical activity of older people with different lifestylesNoreika, Mindaugas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: vyresnio amžiaus žmonių fizinis aktyvumas ir sveikata.
Tyrimo hipotezė: Manome, kad sveiką gyvenseną praktikuojantys vyresnio amžiaus žmonės praleidžia mažiau laiko sėdėdami.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti skirtingos gyvensenos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių sveikatos ir fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus.
1. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingos gyvensenos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių sveikatos ypatumus.
2. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingos gyvensenos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus.
3. Nustatyti skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo vyresnio amžiaus žmonių sveikatos sąsajas.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2012 m. lapkričio – 2013 m. kovo mėnesiais apklausus 50 ir vyresnio amžiaus Lietuvos gyventojus praktikuojančius skirtingą gyvenseną. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 210 (109 praktikuojantys sveiką gyvenseną ir 101 nepraktikuojantis) vyresnio amžiaus žmonės.
Išvados: Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis, nustatyta, kad beveik pusei tiriamųjų buvo padidėjęs kraujo spaudimas, o dažniausiai juos vargino įvairūs skausmai. Praktikuojantys sveiką gyvenseną respondentai žymiai mažiau praleidžia laiko sėdėdami, o trečdalis jų mankštinasi kasdien. Tik penktadalis tiriamųjų naudojasi galimybe sportuoti lauko erdvėje. Fiziškai aktyviems tiriamiesiems buvo nustatyta mažiau susirgimų bei jie vartojo mažiau vaistų. Fiziškai neaktyvius respondentus žymiai dažniau buvo apėmusi depresija ar prislėgta nuotaika. Taigi tyrimo pradžioje kelta hipotezė pasitvirtino, sveiką gyvenseną praktikuojantys vyresnio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Hypothesis: We suppose that older people who are practice healthy lifestyle spend less time sitting.
Objective of the research: to identify the relation between health and physical activity of older people with different lifestyles.
1. To identify and compare the relation between different lifestyles and health of older people.
2. To identify and compare the relation between different lifestyles and physical activity of older people.
3. To identify the relation between physically active older people and health.
The research took place from November 2012 to March, 2013. Two hundred and ten Lithuanians aged over 50 took part in the survey. (209 of them practice a healthy lifestyle and 101 of them don’t do it).
The process of the information showed that almost half of the participants had elevated blood pressure which was mostly combined with various pains. People who practice a healthy lifestyle spend less time sitting every day. One third of them exercise every day. Only about one-fifth of all participants are doing outdoor sports. Physically active people were healthier and they were taking less medicine. Physically inactive participants were more depressed. Therefore the hypothesis at the beginning of the research was confirmed, older people who practise healthy lifestyle spend less time sitting.
Recommendations: To promote healthier lifestyle among older people organizing celebrations, sport events, prepare seminars, booklets and videos. Lithuanian municipalities... [to full text]
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Kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinių įtaka moksleivių fizinės saviugdos formavimuisi / Physical fitness and healthy lifestyle knowledge influence on schoolchildren physical self – help formationMasalskytė, Raminta 25 May 2005 (has links)
One of the most approachable means of the pedagogical effect while stimulating the
physical training of the pupils at school is rendering of the integral theoretical knowledge.
In this paper the analysis of the village and city pupil approach to the regulations of physical
training, physical activity and values were made. The training experiment was made also and results
were given while the pupils were fostered to get into training.
The object of the thesis was to analyse the effect of the physical training and healthy manner
of living on the fostering of the pupils’ physical self-command formation. In order to realise the
object the following tasks were made: 1) to analyse the point of view of the pupils about the
physical training and physical activity; 2) analyse the pupil approach to the healthy way of living;
3) analyse the place of self-command in the pupil’s value scale; 4) in this pedagogical experiment to
estimate the impact of the physical training and healthy way of living onto the formation of the
physical self-command among the pupils.
The research was made among the pupils of kaunas Simonas Daukantas secondary school
and Jurbarkas region secondary schools, between the seventh, nineth and eleventh forms (No of
pupils –230). All the pupils were distributed according to the age, gender and living place. They
were given a 29 points questionarry. In... [to full text]
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Anything but a head in the sand? Pioneering ostrich farming in New ZealandLishomwa, Lileko January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this research was to identify how farmers learn how to farm using pluriactive lifestyle block ostrich farmers who are part of the New Zealand ostrich industry as a case study. Ostrich farming is comparatively new to New Zealand farmers and the industry has attracted innovative individuals who have developed informal learning strategies. Ostrich farmers use other farmers as their main resource which is mainly facilitated through events organised by the New Zealand Ostrich Association (NZOA) and aimed at lifestyle block farmers. Ostrich farmers' community of practice is centred around their membership to the Association which enables farmers to come together to learn and socialise. For learning to effectively take place the key is social interaction, where ideas can be transferred between farmers. This thesis illustrates the important events and structure of the industry and how this has shaped farmer learning. Through semi-structured interviews and participant observation on a chick rearing farm I was able to gain a picture of how lifestyle block farmers balance full time off-farm employment while running stock, in an attempt to satisfy their version of the rural idyll. The industry is now in decline as most of the early players have exited the industry and it is now focused around New Zealand Ostrich Export (NZOE) goals. By exploring the period called the breeder phase which was characterised by some farmers making a fortune as ostrich farming was the 'next big thing' and the history since then, I have identified how these particular farmers have learned how to farm.
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This dissertation aims to expand our understanding of how lifestyle migrants from the Global North impact the urban space of a Global South city, particularly the built environment. In order to situate the questions posed in this dissertation, I focus on how lifestyle migrants from the Global North and their foreign capital transform the city of Granada, Nicaragua through processes of gentrification, and how the social and economic climate of the city and its residents are impacted. This research allows for empirically informed theoretical critiques to be made about the economic and social implications of the globalization of gentrification resulting from heterogeneous lifestyle migration.
The property markets in many Global North locations, most notably the US, have pushed lifestyle migrants to look abroad; gentrification has gone international, spreading to the Global South. For reasons such as affordability and proximity to the US and Canada, many Global North property-buyers are looking to the colonial historic city center of Granada, Nicaragua as a site for relocation and investment. These migrants are purchasing and remodeling colonial-style homes as part of a broader transformation of the historic center to cater to international tourism and elite consumption.
Many lifestyle migrants involved in the gentrification processes occurring in Granada are choosing transnational lifestyles by maintaining citizenship in their home countries, and simultaneously engaging in economic and social relationships in both Nicaragua and their home (or other) countries. The advantages that accompany their positions as migrants from the Global North greatly affect the lifestyle migrants’ roles in the transformation of the city, regardless of their own personal social and economic status at home. Many lifestyle migrants embrace a role of economic and social developers, and often enact a racist and neocolonialist understanding of the Nicaraguan people and culture as needing “improvement”. Lifestyle migrants are generally able to benefit from capital accumulated in Global North markets and their Global North citizen status enables them to live a mobile, transnational lifestyle. Such economic and mobility opportunities are unavailable for many Nicaraguans, further exacerbating the inequalities between local Nicaraguan residents and privileged lifestyle migrants.
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Följsamhet till livsstilsförändringar vid typ 2-diabetes : en litteraturöversikt / Compliance to lifestyle changes in type 2-diabetes : a literature reviewÅberg, Linda January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Cirka 347 miljoner människor lever med diabetes och dödsfallen där sjukdomen är orsaken beräknas öka med mer än 50 procent inom de närmsta tio åren. Typ 2-diabetes är den vanligaste formen av diabetes i världen och omfattar 90 procent av all diabetes. Det är en global ökning av typ 2-diabetes som har ett samband med minskad fysisk aktivitet och ökning av kroppsvikten. Livsstilsförändringar, som omfattar kostomläggning och ökning av den fysiska aktiviteten, har en avgörande roll i behandlingen av typ 2-diabetes och det krävs ett stort eget ansvar av patienten för att minskar risken för att drabbas av allvarliga komplikationer som exempelvis hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Trots att livsstilsförändringar är viktiga så är oftast följsamheten låg vilket gör att det är viktigt att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar. Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar hos personer med typ 2-diabetes En litteraturöversikt gjordes utifrån 15 inkluderade artiklar. Sökningen av artiklarna gjordes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet presenterades utifrån fyra olika huvudteman: Socialt stöd, kunskap, motivation och livssituation. Vissa teman presenterades med underrubriker. Socialt stöd från familj, vänner och vårdpersonal visade sig vara en väldigt viktig faktor som ökade följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar. Bristande kunskap var ett vanligt hinder, medan tillräcklig kunskap var en underlättande faktor. Motivation lyftes fram som en avgörande faktor som påverkade följsamheten positivt. Patientens livssituation, såsom ekonomi, kultur och tid, var faktorer som hade en inverkan på följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar. Sjuksköterskan har en central roll i diabetesbehandlingen och behöver ge stöd och tillräcklig kunskap, samt utgå ifrån varje individ och utifrån det stötta till livsstilsförändringar. Detta genom att utgå från patientens kunskapsbehov, motivation, kultur och livssituation för att på så sätt öka följsamheten till livsstilsförändringar är avgörande.
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A Motivational Journey : A study about the entrepreneur and the changes in motivation from start-up to presentKällviks, Mikaela, Nilsson, Marcus, Karlsson, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to identify what motivational changes occur while a lifestyle entrepreneur moves through three different organizational stages. The focus will however be on stage one and three. The problem of an under-researched field is addressed and how the motivation of specific lifestyle entrepreneurs, in these cases hairdressing salon owners, has changed. This thesis has been conducted with an interpretivistic viewpoint, an inductive approach and with a qualitative research method. The authors have selected to analyze the data through pattern matching and dividing the interviewees into two different case studies, one for each of the two chosen organizational stages in focus. In conclusion the authors found that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have had different effects within all stages in the organizational life cycle. The authors have discovered that during stage one the intrinsic motivations play a large role. During stage one where the organization is small and young the lifestyle entrepreneurs are motivated by factors such as independence and self-efficacy. Stage two is a more extrinsic dominated phase with the factors integrated regulations and identified regulation as motivators. The third stage is a return to the intrinsic motivations with factors such as locus of control and egoistic passion. This is further explained within the chapter with help of the analysis and empirical findings. A figure has been presented to show the different phases and their motivational change.
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