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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literacy - en studie om indiska elevers kommunikativa möten med texter, bilder och symboler

Gustafsson, Karin, Karlsson, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
Det här arbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka textorienterade aktiviteter elever i en grundskola i Indien ingår i. Uppsatsens frågor berör därmed hur, samt i vilka sammanhang detta sker. Vidare syftar arbetet till att undersöka hur eleverna erövrar skriftspråk, samt vilka redskap de använder sig utav då detta sker. Arbetets teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori, vilken lyfter att samspelet med den omgivande miljön är av stor betydelse för människans lärande. I december 2012 aktualiserades det i de internationella kunskapsmätningarna gjorda av TIMS 2011 och PIRLS 2011, att svenska fjärdeklassares läsförmåga har försämrats. Då Sverige jämförs med andra länder såsom Indien i dessa mätningar, finner vi det intressant att undersöka hur barns erövrande av skriftspråkskompetenser kan te sig i en annan kulturell kontext. Ett ytterligare skäl till att undersökningen utförs i en skola i Indien, är att de materiella förutsättningarna kan skilja sig åt från svenska skolor, vilka i mångt och mycket kan erbjuda elever datorer, internetåtkomst, tillgång till böcker samt skrivmaterial. Vår studie är utförd i en indisk grundskola där urvalsgruppen består utav elever i åldrarna fem till tio år. Under vår vistelse besökte vi fem olika klasser med cirka 50 flickor i varje klass. Vi utgår från en etnografisk ansats där forskningsmetoden är deltagande observation. Detta då våra observatörsroller befinner sig i spänningsfältet mellan deltagande och enbart observerande. Som kompletterande källor till observationerna används informella samtal, intervju samt statliga styrdokument. Utifrån analysen av det insamlade datamaterialet framkommer det att eleverna är involverade i en rik mängd läs- och skrivhändelser, literacy events, vilka är initierade av elever som såväl lärare. I elevernas erövrande av skriftspråk använder de sig utav de fysiska och intellektuella redskap som finns att tillgå i skolmiljön. Exempel på fysiska redskap som används är: böcker, papper, penna, affischer och mobiltelefoner. Språket som lärare och elever kommunicerar genom samspelet, fungerar som ett intellektuellt redskap. Med hjälp utav redskapen deltar de i aktiviteter som: högläsning, läsning, stencilövningar, härmande klotter, lappskrivande, dramatisering, ramsor och sånger. I klassrumsundervisningen kretsar många aktiviteter kring exempelvis stavning, kontroll av läsförståelse samt stencilövningar, då lärarna i många fall har för avsikt att kontrollera elevernas kunskaper. Utifrån detta kan vi se ett kommunikationsmönster som kan kopplas till den lärarstyrda fråga-svar-bedömningsformen. Elevernas olika literacy events är därmed starkt påverkade av skolans monologiska läs- och skrivinlärningskultur, literacy practice.

Alexander, Sara och skriften : en skriftbruksetnografisk studie av barn i mellanåren

Svensson, Tomas January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on literacy in children aged 11-12. The overriding purpose is to describe the specific competencies that children employ in their daily use of writing. What do they do with writing and how do they do it? The theoretical framework is primarily the strand of literacy research that belongs to the field of New Literacy Studies, where literacy is understood as socially and contextually related. The study also draws on ethnomethodology in the sense that the object of study is the daily actions through which we construct our lives and negotiate identities. Two children, a boy and a girl, with different socio-economic backgrounds and family situations were observed at home, in school and during freetime activities for more than a year through an ethnographic research approach. The thesis identifies the different competencies that the children activate. In one case competencies involving oral skills are primarily used as resources in problem solving, while writing and reading are used to solve similar problems as a matter of course in the other case. The thesis also shows that a common use of writing is to regulate and organise everyday and special activities such as planning Christmas gifts and to write reminders that school tasks need to be completed andreported. In terms of materiality, writing is available in more or less conventionalised formats. Common formats for everyday written products are sheets of paper in different sizes (A4 to post-it notes), or digital screens (computer, TV, mobile phone). The school whiteboard has a special materiality and is the material source of a great many of the everydaywritten products.

"Jag skriver" - yngre barns anammande av litteracitet

Golabek, Mariola, Janneh, Sophia January 2019 (has links)
The aim with this research is to get an idea ​​how younger preschool children embrace literacy in spontaneous activities, started by themselves or together with other people. We want to pay attention to and delimit the literacy events and investigate, interpret and understand what happens in the interaction between the children and between children and the material in the preschool environment. In addition to get an understanding how the children interact with the material in the physical environment and what strategies they use in the encounter with literacy. We hade to observe the children closely, in order to achieve that we conducted, an ethnographically inspired study, we can interact and observe children for a longer period. That helped to give us the opportunity to get closer to the children and we were regarded as a natural part of the group. Based on the observations, we saw that the children are exploring literacy with the material, which includes pens, papers and books. The specific material captured the children's curiosity and it contributed to that they started "test-writing" and "test-reading", both on their own but also with others. Although the children in some situations wanted to explore the material themselves, at the same time they wanted to be close to the group. Based on Karen Barad's theory of realistic realism, we saw that the environment and the material interact with the children. We can note that the children conquer literacy, literally in social interactions but in order to conquer literacy, the material's availability is crucial.

Undervisning och bedömning i svenska på högstadiet : Elever i årskurs 7 skriver saga och recension

Norberg, Anna-Maija January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Literacidad y etnografía: La escritura generada en los mercados comerciales / Literacy and ethnography: The writing generated in the commercial markets

Jiménez Lizama, Pamela Amalia, Lovón Cueva, Marco Antonio 07 1900 (has links)
Este artículo describe una de las prácticas letradas poco estudiadas por los sociolingüistas, etnógrafos y los estudiosos de la literacidad: la escritura generada por los comerciantes de los mercados. Esta ma-nera de usar la escritura es una práctica común en muchos pues-tos comerciales peruanos, no solo el comprador elabora su listado de compras, sino que también el vendedor suele hacer registros del negocio y otras anotaciones peculiares, características que los iden-tifican y que junto con otros patrones sociales de conducta y otras condiciones materiales que los rodean la convierten en una práctica social. Por tanto, es importante conocer los eventos letrados de los compradores y vendedores en los mercados como una forma de co-nocer situaciones letradas más allá de la escuela o la universidad; de esta manera, este trabajo buscar explicar qué y cómo se escribe, y con qué finalidades se escribe. Para ello, nos basaremos en los Nuevos Estudios de Literacidad (NEL). Con este trabajo, se concluye que la escritura sirve como herramienta cognitiva y social en un espacio social determinado con objetivos específicos: para los compradores y vendedores permite organizar y memorizar datos, y facilita las tran-sacciones. / This survey describes one of the literacy practices little studied by the sociolinguists, ethnographers and the researchers of the litera-cies: the writing generated by the merchants in the markets. This way of using the writing is a common literacy practice in many Peruvian commercial markets, not only the buyer elaborates his purchases list, but also the seller usually makes business records and other pecu-liar annotations, that identify them as social agent, and together with other behavior social patterns and other material conditions that su-rround them make it a social practice. Therefore, it is important to know the literacy events of buyers and sellers in the markets as a way to know literacy situations beyond school or university; in this way, this paper seeks to explain what and how it is written, and for what purposes it is written. For this, we will be based on the New Literacy Studies (NLS). The survey concludes that writing serves as a cogni-tive and social tool in a specific social space with specific objectives: to buyers and sellers it allows organizing and memorizing data, and facilitates transactions. / Revisión por pares

Att göra literacy online och offline : Digitala medier i barns kamratkulturer

Lindqvist Bergander, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This video ethnographies study examines the everyday interaction of two groups of children (aged between 10 and 13) as they use digital media in their spare time. One group of boys has been studied in their recreation centre and one group of girls has been studied at home and at the stable. The participants have different social and cultural affiliations. The purpose of the study is to examine how the children in the different groups organize their peer cultures as they participate with other children in different kinds of digital literacy events. Furthermore, the study aims at examining what kind of competencies the children display when they participate in these digital literacy events. Theoretically, and in the analysis of the material, the study is based on New literacy studies, in which literacy is approached as a social, cultural and situated practice. The empirical material consists of ethnographical fieldwork combined with video recordings of everyday digital literacy events of the children, as well as informal conversations and screen-shots of the online interaction of the children. The children’s participation in digital literacy events are analysed with a CA-inspired interaction analysis. The analysis focus on how the children organise their participation in the midst of face-to-face interaction and how they use writing, symbol and image based communication on the internet. In the analysis the children’s use of non-verbal resources and the body have also been taken into consideration. The study shows that the children in the two groups develop different forms of technical and social literacy competencies that draws on their experiences, hobbies and participation in local practices. Through their participation the children strengthen relationships and organize their peer cultures. Their digital literacy events also involve navigating on the internet, communication with friends via internet as well as critically evaluating information on the internet in interaction with their peers.

Skriftbruk i vardagsliv och i sfi-utbildning : En studie av fem kurdiska sfi-studerandes skriftbrukshistoria och skriftpraktiker / Literacy in Everyday Life and in the Swedish for Immigrants Programme : The Literacy History and Literacy Practices of Five Kurdish L2 Learners of Swedish

Norlund Shaswar, Annika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the literacy practices in literacy history, in everyday life and in Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi) of five Kurdish adults. The study analyses connections and dividing lines between literacy practices of the sociotextual domains of everyday life and literacy practices of the sociotextual domain of sfi. It also explores the interaction between literacy history and present literacy practices. Further, there is a focus on the connections between identification, learning and literacy practices. The methodological approach is inspired by ethnography, employing individual semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. Video documentation, audio recordings and field notes are used for documentation. Theoretically the study is influenced by the research field New Literacy Studies where literacies are conceived of assets of socially and culturally grounded practices. The interviews are analysed from two perspectives: focusing on content and on linguistic discursive practices. In the analysis of interviews and observations, a number of interacting aspects of literacy events and literacy practices are also researched, such as purpose, time, place, participants, verbal language and artefacts. A lack of connection between the participants’ notions of who they are and the identities offered to them in sfi impairs the conditions of their active participation in the literacy practices, and consequently also impairs their learning. Identities connected to literacy history are of importance in this process. To exemplify this, the professional career they had in Kurdistan is still of central importance for two of the participants of the study. This complicates their identification as sfi-students and their engaging in the literacy practices of the sfi-education. If sfi teachers know which identities from everyday life are important to their sfi students and try to find connections between the sfi teaching and these identities, the chances improve of the students accepting the identities which they are offered in the literacy events. Then it will also be more probable that the students’ participation in the literacy events in sfi will lead to deep learning. In the sfi classrooms, the participants take part in literacy events of everyday life. There are three types of overlap between the literacy practices of sfi and of everyday life. (1) Literacy events from other sociotextual domains take place in the sfi-classrooms, but without recontextualization into sfi. (2) Literacy events based in sociotextual domains of everyday life are recontextualized into sfi. (3) Literacy events belong to more than one sociotextual domain. In spite of these three types of overlap there are complications when it comes to students starting out from literacy practices of everyday life when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi. It is not possible to transmit literacy practices in their totality, from one sociotextual domain to another. The literacy practices are situated in a specific sociotextual domain and will undergo a transformation as they are based in a different sociotextual domain. On the other hand, it is possible for sfi students to make use of everyday micro practices (e.g. cooperation and non-linear reading) when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi.

Skriftbruk som yrkeskunnande i gymnasial lärlingsutbildning : Vård- och omsorgselevers möte med det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandets skriftpraktiker / Literacies as Vocational Knowing in Upper Secondary Apprenticeship Education : Apprentice students participation in literacy practices during workplace based learning in health care and social work

Paul, Enni January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe and critically discuss the literacies apprentice-students in the Health and Social Care Programme in the upper secondary school in Sweden are given access to during the workplace-based learning part of the education. The study draws on sociocultural understandings of learning and knowing, and on perspectives developed in the field of new literacy studies of literacies as situated social practices. Ethnographically inspired methods consisting of participant observation, interviews and study of textual artefacts in both the work and school domain are used to generate data. Literacy events and literacy practices students are given the opportunity to participate in are explored as a part of tasks in the work or school domain. Additionally, the literacies students do not gain access in these workplaces but are crucial in health care and social work are explored.  The results indicate that literacies in the work domain are to a large degree embedded in other work tasks. This contributes to making a large part of the reading and writing invisible for the students and their supervisors. Access to literacies at the workplace is not discussed between teachers and supervisors. A major finding is that students’ access to digital literacies in the work domain depends on the local culture of each workplace and on individual supervisor’s decisions, bringing questions of equality in the apprentice-education to the forefront. The digital literacies support central activities in the workplaces; not getting access to these practices raises questions about what kind of working life the apprentice-students are being prepared for. Thus the meaning given to the term employability, which is central in policy-documents for the apprentice education, seems to be enacted as preparing the students for a job in one position, rather than offering broad competences for advancement or changes in working life. School tasks can function in a compensatory way by introducing central texts in Health and Social care work for students, but writing these kinds of texts in the school domain are part of different literacy practices than when writing them in the work domain. Furthermore the schools have no possibilities to offer students access to the kinds of digital systems that are used in the work domain.

The Walkabout in an Alternative High School: Narrative as a Social Practice for Reflection on and Analysis of Experience

Weyand, Larkin Gene 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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