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A Deeply Satisfying Lie? : Authorship, Performance, and Recognition in 21st Century American NovelsSvedberg, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
There has been a considerable amount of research done on questions of authorship over the past century or so, and the interest in the subject is still going strong today. This essay takes as its point of departure two seminal poststructuralist essays on authorship—Roland Barthes’s “The Death of the Author,” and Michel Foucault’s “What is an Author?”—as these texts have had a significant impact on the discourse. It examines how scholars like Seán Burke and Jane Gallop have explained this anti-authorial tendency and extended the connection between authors and death, and how their findings relate to a performative conception of authorship. The study will take as its central critical approach the study of authorship as cultural performance as formulated by Ingo Berensmeyer, Gert Buelens, and Marysa Demoor, and Sonja Longolius. It will utilize this approach to analyze four contemporary American novels—James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces (2003), Paul Auster’s Travels in the Scriptorium (2006), Ron Currie Jr.’s Flimsy Little Plastic Miracles (2013), and J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst’s S. (2013)—and the different ways in which these novels problematize notions of authorial self-invention. The focus of the analysis will be on the author-reader relationship, moments of recognition, and developments in writing technology. These issues have been selected for their connection to current conceptions of the creation of author personae, which can in turn be viewed as reflecting performance as it takes place in daily life and therefore give indications as to the cultural climate in which the novels were produced. Ultimately, the aim is to have illustrated how these novels present the reader with textually traced author personae that are highly aware of their own performances. In addition, it is suggested that authors are dependent on their readers to recognize these personae for them to become felicitously legitimized.
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Circulating Emotions in James Baldwin’s Going to Meet the Man and in American SocietyCassel, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This essay explores how James Baldwin’s short story Going to Meet the Man depicts racist attitudes toward African-Americans in American society. Further, this essay also shows how racism is linked to a circulation of emotions that unconsciously generates a xenophobic nation affecting even those who implicitly are regarded as genuine citizens of that community. By using two theoretical perspectives, Sara Ahmed’s theory of affective economies and some of Freud’s concepts from psychoanalysis, this essay analyzes Baldwin’s text and discovers how the American nation needs to accept and recognize its racist history, just as a child needs to acknowledge his or her fear when experiencing traumatic events. Baldwin’s narrative reinforces racist stereotypes while at the same time using the text to write back to a society that at the time of writing had not expected, but indeed needed, an African-American man to publish a book from a white man’s perspective.
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Cowboys, meat-puppets och razor-girls : Ett genusperspektiv på kroppen i William Gibsons Neuromancer / Cowboys, Meat Puppets, and Razor Girls : A gender perspective on the body in William Gibson's NeuromancerAndersson Sapir, Erika January 2019 (has links)
Cyberpunk som litterär genre tar ofta upp teman som berör kroppen och dess förhållande till teknik på olika sätt. I denna uppsats studeras mäns och kvinnors förhållande till sin egen kropp och synen på manliga och kvinnliga kroppar i cyberpunk-romanen Neuromancer av William Gibson, utifrån Yvonne Hirdmans teorier om genus. I analysen av romanen kan man se två huvudsakliga spår utifrån Hirdmans tre formler för förhållandet mellan könen, varav det tydligaste är det som Hirdman kallar jämförelsens formel. Kvinnor ses som impulsstyrda och kroppsliga medan män står för intellektet och en längtan efter att lämna kroppen bakom sig. Eftersom kvinnor ses som kroppsliga, blir det kroppsliga också något kvinnligt och därmed något oönskat för de manliga karaktärerna. I cyberpunken modifierar kvinnor sina kroppar för att kunna stanna kvar i dem, medan män modifierar sina kroppar för att kunna lämna dem.
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Pojkens roll i bilderboken : En genusstudie av fyra svenska bilderböcker från 1970-talet och 2010-talet. / The Role of the Boy in Picturebooks : A gender study of four Swedish picturebooks from the 1970s and the 2010s.Olsson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka genus i bilderböcker publicerade under 1970-talet och 2010-talet och jämföra dem för att se om det finns en skillnad mellan åren. Jag har arbetat med pojkar och maskulinitet i fyra svenska bilderböcker för att se hur pojkarnas känslor är gestaltade samt hur de behandlas av andra karaktärer. Jag har även tittat på leksakerna som syns i illustrationerna för att se om de kan ge en indikation över pojkarnas genus samt studerat om genus är tydligast i bild eller text. För att nå mina resultat har jag använt termen performativt genus samt ett schema över stereotypa könsroller skapat av Maria Nikolajeva för att se om pojkarna agerade i likhet med deras födda genus och om de var gestaltade på ett stereotypt maskulint sätt. Jag använde även Gillian Roses metod kompositionsanalys för att analysera bilderna. Min undersökning fann att pojkarna både visade sina performativa genus och ett större antal stereotypa manliga egenskaper men alla visade även ett par stereotypa kvinnliga egenskaper. Leksakerna existerade främst som rekvisita men befäste pojkarnas manliga genus då de flesta var maskulina. Jag kunde även se en skillnad i hur böckerna från 1970-talet och 2010-talet gestaltade genus, främst gällande hur känslor visades. De äldre böckerna fokuserade mer på pojkarnas fysiska aktiviteter medan de nyare fokuserade på deras känslotillstånd.
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”Jag ville inte resa till England” : Motstånd i bildningsromanen Annie John / "I did not want to go to England" : Resistance in the Bildungsroman Annie JohnNordström, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Att se det stora i det lilla : Representationen av antropocen i Barbara Kingsolvers roman Flight Behavior / Seeing the Big in the Little : The Representation of the Anthropocene in Barbara Kingsolver’s novel Flight BehaviorBergström, Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Barbara Kingsolver’s novel Flight Behavior (2012) describes the impacts of climate change in a realistic contemporary setting. This thesis analyses the representation of the anthropocene, the epoch in which human impact on the planet's ecological systems are significant, in Flight Behavior from an ecocritical perspective. The main themes focused upon are climate change, biodiversity and the relationship between human and nature in an anthropocene context. Social and economic contexts, such as economic inequality, of the anthropocene, as well as competing climate change narratives, are also examined. In the thesis I offer readings and interpretations on multiple temporal and spatial scales. This methodological approach is inspired by Timothy Clark’s multi-scalar analyses in Ecocriticism on the Edge (2015). The result of the study shows that an intentional focus on multiple scales, results in a reconsideration of what is important in the text. The analysis also shows that even if Flight Behavior is situated in a specific time and place, the narrative contains numerous connections to other spatial and temporal points of reference. Moreover, my multi-scalar reading of Kingsolver’s novel shows how intertwined the concepts of nature and culture are in an anthropocene context.
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Embedded Madness: Mad Narrators and Possible WorldsBrason, Eloise January 2019 (has links)
Madness has long been a popular theme for literature, featuring as a trope of horror, mystery, tragedy and comedy genres in varying degrees of amplitude. The topic has provided a significant access point for analysing historical, socio-political and cultural issues as it addresses controversial themes of alienation and criminality as well as philosophical theories of perception and consciousness. As a result, studies on the representation of madness in literature have been dominated by historical approaches that focus directly on social, political, philosophical and psychoanalytical interpretive models. Comparatively little has been done to analyse madness in literature from a narratological perspective. It is for this reason that I will conduct a narratological study on the impact of madness on narrative and fictional world structures. I am specifically interested in the way in which madness can be embedded across multiple levels of the narrative and the effect that this has on readers’ imaginative and interpretive processes. Close readings of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club (1996) Bret Easton-Ellis’ American Psycho (1991) and John Banville’s The Book of Evidence (1989) will uncover some of the techniques that are used to embed madness into the textual and imaginative structures of a narrative, and will demonstrate how this works to deceive and challenge the reader. I will demonstrate the need for an expansion of terms within the narratological model that can cope specifically with the theme of madness.
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Med andra(s) ord : Diskurser och identitetsskapande i Margareta Subers Charlie och Ali Smiths Girl Meets BoyLind, Eva-Marie January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om Charlie (1932) av Margareta Suber, som ofta kallas Sveriges första lesbiska roman, och Girl Meets Boy (2007) av Ali Smith, en modern roman som utspelar sig i en annan tid och kontext, men har många gemensamma teman med Charlie. Böckerna behandlar homosexualitet, androgynitet och genus, men det viktigaste för den här uppsatsen är hur de centrala karaktärerna tar del av en skriven text, och hur sagda text är fundamental för deras identitetsskapande och böckerna i sig. Detta hör samman med diskursbegreppet och representation på flera olika sätt; vilka strukturer styr hur böckerna och texterna i böckerna ser ut? Vilka effekter får de? Hur representeras verkligheten i texterna? Hur tolkas de av karaktärerna? De två böckerna ställs sida vid sida för att möjliggöra en jämförelse av diskurser i olika kontexter. Genom att ställa en äldre bok mot en nyare med samma centrala teman är det lättare att se hur diskurserna i de olika böckerna ser ut och verkar. En av uppsatsens slutsatser är att den centrala skrivna texten i Charlie kommer från ett snävare utbud av texter än den i Girl Meets Boy, och ger huvudpersonen som läser den en snävare beteckning att identifiera sig med. En annan är att texterna påverkar karaktärerna i de två böckerna på väldigt olika sätt, och att orden och att göra dem till sina egna är av stor vikt i en människas (och kanske särskilt i en från normen avvikande människas) identitetsskapande. Karaktärerna tar ord som de fått av andra och gör dem till sina egna, och gör med det en tolkning av dem. De betonar vissa aspekter av texterna, utesluter annat, låter vissa saker definiera dem och ta extra plats i textens betydelse, och bedömer andra saker som oväsentliga. De skriver alltså om andras ord, med andra ord.
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Gender Performativity and Motherhood in CoralineNilsson, Nina January 2019 (has links)
Coraline by Neil Gaiman has several characters who in many ways break gender norms. The main protagonist of the novel, Coraline, acts more in accordance with masculine gender norms, and the mother figures are mothers who do not fully conform to the traditional mother role. The purpose of this study is to look at how Coraline and the mother figures perform their gender, and in which ways this breaks with or aligns with traditional gender norms. The analytical approach is based on Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity, and on masculine and feminine gender schemas defined by John Stephens. For the analysis of motherhood, gender performativity has also been used, and works by Adrienne Rich and Einat Natalie Palkovich. This study shows that the protagonists challenge traditional gender role norms of masculinity and femininity, whereof motherhood is part. The study also shows that there is a lack of female role models for the young protagonist, and that acting according to masculine gender norms is desirable and necessary in the novel. But for the mothers, breaking gender norms is undesirable, dangerous, and even punished. A conclusion of the study is that even though Coraline appears to be a feminist novel, the underlying message is not entirely so.
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Lo sviluppo delle visioni del mondo nel seno della famiglia e della società in cambiamento : Lessico famigliare di Natalia Ginzburg e Les armoires vides di Annie Ernaux a confronto / The development of worldviews within the family and within a changing society. : A comparison of Lessico famigliare by Natalia Ginzburg and Les armoires vides by Annie ErnauxMogenfelt, Karl-Oskar January 2019 (has links)
La presente tesi tratta del fenomeno dello sviluppo della visione del mondo, da un punto di vista sociologico, seguendo la teoria e il metodo di critica letteraria del saggista marxista Lucien Goldmann, che si focalizza sul ruolo di contesti socioeconomici e temporali. Il materiale primario di analisi è costituito dei due romanzi Lessico famigliare di Natalia Ginzburg e Les armoires vides (“Gli armadi vuoti”) di Annie Ernaux.
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