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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnen, lagen och föräldrarna - en intressekonflikt : En studie om beslutsfattandet avseende upphörande av eller fortsatt vård enligt LVU / The Children, the Law, and the Parents - A Conflict of Interest : A Study on Decision-Making Regarding Cessation of or Continued Care According to LVU

Wärlstam, Alice, Andersson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The society that we are living in has a responsibility to make sure that no children suffer from violence or any type of neglect. All authorities in society, as well as the social services and decision-making agencies have an obligation to protect and prioritize the best interests of the child in all types of decisions concerning children. In cases where children are at a tangible risk of harm due to circumstances at home, children can be involuntarily removed from their parents by law. In such circumstances, the child's parents do not consent to the child being taken care of according to law based on voluntariness. This requires a court care order according to LVU. In recent years, the public debate in Sweden has increased regarding when it is safe for a child who has been removed from its parents to move back home. Due to this societal debate, this study aims to define which factors affect as well as being most significant in the court's decision-making regarding when it is appropriate or not for a child to either stay in the foster family or to reunite with its parents. Furthermore, the study also aims to provide a deeper understanding on how the court considers on one hand the best interest of the child and on the other hand the parental perspective in their basis of verdict. The conflict of interest stands between whether the care of the child should cease or continue. The purpose of this study has been enabled through a qualitative review of 12 court decision orders which have been made between the years 2021-2022. The result shows that all 12 court orders decide that the compulsory care of the children should continue. The main reason in the courts basis for decision is that the circumstances that caused the care has not yet improved enough. In the review of the court decisions several significant themes occurred. One of the most significant themes were lack of lasting change among the parents. Moreover, another major theme was that the parents could not show insight in the situation. Lastly, the parents had a lack of ability to meet the children's needs, which in some cases were extensive. The result shows that the court considers the best interest of the child before the parental perspective. This appears while the court highlights each individual child and its needs. Meanwhile, the court also listens to the children who are old enough to express their feelings and opinions to a relatively large extent. Nevertheless, the court also shows understanding for the parents' will and desire to bring back their children. The court emphasizes what further needs to be achieved for the parents to reach a cessation of the compulsory care of their children.

När föräldrar begär hem sitt barn : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme och barnets anknytning vid en hemtagningsbegäran / When Parents Request Their Child Back Home : A Qualitative Study of the Social Workers Room for Maneuver in the Case of Home Return Request and Children'S Attachment

Hussein, Sara, El Dakkak, Sara January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how different factors affect the social worker's room for maneuver in relation to the case of home return request and the LVU process. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine how the social workers experience that the children are affected during home returns and what kind of effects it has on the children's attachment. The questions that have permeated our work are: What does the social worker's room for maneuver look like in relation to the case of home return request? and which factors do social workers believe affect the children's attachment to a home return request? The questions have been answered with the help of semi - structured interviews with five social workers from family home care. The results of the study have been analyzed with the help of previous research, Lipsky's theory, “Street level Bureaucracy” and Bowlby's attachment theory. The conclusion of the study has shown that the social workers' room of maneuver are complex but that the social workers have to some extent freedom of action. The room for maneuver is made possible and hindered by laws, guidelines and frameworks that exist in the organization. Furthermore, the conclusion showed that children's development can be affected when a home request becomes relevant, as the child both has a connection to the family home and their biological family. These attachment patterns that the child creates in turn create whether the child will develop healthily or not.

Rättssystemets bedömningar av omsorgsbrist : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om genus, kön och föräldrarollens betydelse / The legal system’s assessments of parental lack of care: A quantitative content analysis on gender, sex and the meaning of the parental role

Carlbaum, Fanny, Fjellström, Juli January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken omfattning föräldrar beskrivs i domar utifrånrekvisiten omsorgsbrist i lagen (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU)samt om det går att urskilja skillnader i beskrivningarna beroende på föräldrars kön. Materialetför studien bestod av 30 domar med bifallsbeslut tagna under tidsperioden juni – december2020 från Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm. Domarna studerades med hjälp av en kvantitativinnehållsanalys till vilken en enkät utformades i syfte att räkna antalet fraser som beskrevrespektive förälder och deras omsorgsbrist. Studiens ramverk utgjordes av ett intersektionelltperspektiv där genus hade en central roll. Resultatet visade en statistiskt signifikant skillnad ibeskrivningar mellan könen. Fler fraser användes i domsluten för att beskriva mammor änpappor, både gällande bristande omsorgsförmåga och negativa attribut. Det kan konstateras attföräldrarna skildras ojämlikt i domarna. Detta kan betyda att mammor ställs som ytterstansvariga i domsluten när omsorgen brister. / The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent parents are described in judgments based on the requisite lack of care in the law of mandatory care of minors, and whether it is possible to distinguish differences in these descriptions depending on the parents’ gender. The material of the study consisted of 30 judgments with approval decisions from the Administrative Court in Stockholm. The judgments were analyzed using a quantitative content analysis to which a survey was designed to count the number of phrases which described each parent, respectively. The framework of the study consisted of an intersectional perspective. The result showed a statistically significant difference in descriptions between the parents’ gender. More phrases were used in the judgments to describe mothers than fathers, both regarding lack of caring ability and negative attributes. It can be stated that parents are described in an inequal manner in the judgments.

Våldsutsatta LVU-placerade barns umgänge med sina föräldrar - att köpslå om barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ studie av socionomers upplevelse av sitt handlingsutrymme i bedömningar gällande LVU-placerade barns umgänge med sina föräldrar

Kihlberg, Linnea, Röhfors, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Being a social worker in a child and family-oriented unit means that through their position within an organization, a certain scope of action has been allocated. The scope of action creates a choice, but also entails a requirement to take responsibility and to take a stand. The purpose of the study is to investigate how social workers discuss their room for action in assessments regarding interaction between placed children and their guardians where the child is subjected to domestic violence, based on prevailing laws, guidelines, professional knowledge, client needs and research. We hope to achieve a in-depth understanding how these factors affect the scope for action of social workers in these cases. Through interviews with social workers working within the child and family unit as well as family home care, we intended to gain insight into their experiences and reasoning about the scope for action and how this is impacting on their assessments and decisions.The results of our study shows that the social workers do have a considerable scope of action in these kinds of cases, although some individuals choose to look at it as something more static, while others see it as something more dynamic. It appears that the general reunification principle (word for word translation) is very dominant in the daily life of social workers and affects their decisions. This despite the fact that the group we were investigating are divergent compared to the general group of placed children, which therefore should be exempt in certain cases, given the research that is available. Despite the complexity of the cases, there are no direct tendencies among social workers to fall into excessive bureaucracy in their behavior to manage their professional role. Based on the interviewer'sexperiences and reasoning, the best interest of the child, entails extremely complex assessments. From the reasonings of the interviewees’ we can see a clear parental perspective, that can partly depend on all the perspectives that a social worker has to take in consideration in their decisions, and partly on the strong parental right that is taught in Sweden. The result also shows that it is difficult for research to assimilate the assessments, which mainly depends on organizational reasons.

Finns det utrymme för att göra om och göra rätt? : En granskning av förvatlningsrättsdomar gällande avslag på avslutat LVU

Marie-Clair, Cox January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att se vad förvaltningsrätten grundar sina avslag gällande avslutad LVU vård på när det avser bristande omsorg. Intresset uppkom genom den samhälleliga diskussionen kring LVU där jag uppfattat att det finns två läger – Säkrare kontroller vid en hemflytt, och att barn blir placerade enligt LVU på allt för lättvindiga grunder. Anledningen till att det blev just den bristande omsorgsförmågan som ska ligga till grund för placeringen, var att bristande omsorg kan ha olika kännetecken och därför även vara mer diffust att utreda.   För att ta reda på hur rätten resonerar har jag gjort en tematisk analys av förvaltningsrättsdomar som mitt empiriska material. Efter att jag kodat mitt material blev det snabbt tydligt att det fanns främst två orsaker till att rätten avslog vårdnadshavarnas önskan om avslutad vård. Det ena var att de förhållanden som föranlett vården inte hade förändrats, det andra var att föräldrarna saknade insikt.  I min analys valde jag att använda mig av anknytningsteorin samt ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Utifrån dessa teoretiska ramar kunde jag se att anknytning till barnet var något rätten fäste stor vikt vid. Vidare kunde jag identifiera att rätten resonerade olika och la tonvikten på olika aspekter beroende på om det var en mamma, pappa eller båda som ville att vården skulle avslutas.  Den här undersökningen är relevant för socialt arbete då det kan bidra till en ökad förståelse för vad rätten lägger vikt på vid en bedömning av om vård är nödvändig eller inte. Detta skulle kunna underlätta för socialtjänsten att upprätta en handlingsplan till vårdnadshavarna, för att på ett effektivt sätt hjälpa dem att få hem sina barn igen.  Trots att de nordiska länderna till stor del har ett liknande tillvägagångssätt när det kommer till barnavårdsutredningar, finns även en del skillnader som skulle kunna ha stor betydelse för individen. Detta har fått mig att reflektera kring huruvida Sveriges system är det mest rättssäkra eller inte. / The purpose of this research has been to see on what the administrative court bases its refusals regarding the terminated out-of-home placements when kids have been maltreated by their guardian or guardians. The interest was triggered by the wider societal discussion about out-of-home placements, from which I was able to identify two predominant groups. One group believed a more thorough investigation was required prior to end placements, and the other believed that social service placed children in out-of-home care on too easy grounds. The reason I decided to focus my study on children that has been maltreated by their guardians is that it could include a verity of characteristics and could therefore be difficult to investigate.  To find out how the court reasons, I have done a thematic study with administrative court judgments as my empirical material. After I´d coded the material, it quickly became obvious that there were mainly two reasons why the court rejected the guardians' wish for terminated care. The first was that the conditions had not changed enough and the other reason was that the parents were lacking insight.  In my analysis, I chose to use the attachment theory and a social constructionist perspective. Based on these theoretical frameworks, I could see that connection to the child was something the court put great importance in. Furthermore, I could identify that the court reasoned differently on some aspects depending on whether it was the mother, father or both who wanted the care to be terminated. This study is relevant for social work since it can contribute to an increased understanding of what the court finds important in assessing whether care is necessary or not. This could make it easier for the social services to come up with an action plan for the guardians, in order to effectively help them get their children home again. Despite the fact that the Nordic countries largely have a similar approach when it comes to child care investigations, there are also some differences that could be of great importance to the individual. This has made me reflect on whether or not Sweden's system is the most legally secure. And if there are aspects we could learn and maybe take after from our neighbours.

Psykisk misshandel- En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om tillämpningen av rekvisitet i LVU-domar / Mental Abuse – A Qualitative Document Study of the Application of the Criteria in Compulsary Care Judgement

Ragnarsson, Deborah, Sandlund, Elina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie har varit att analysera Förvaltningsrättens tillämpning av rekvisitet psykisk misshandel i LVU 2§-domar för beslut om tvångsvård. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 16 LVU 2§-domar. Resultatet visade att rekvisitet inte tillämpas i den omfattning som är möjlig i varken ansökan om LVU från Socialnämnden eller av Förvaltningsrätten i deras motiveringar och beslut om bifall. Detta trots att rekvisitet går att identifiera i de utredningar som ligger till grund för besluten. Vidare har Förvaltningsrättens motiveringar till beslut om vård enligt LVU 2 § jämförts med Socialnämndens ansökan om vård enligt LVU 2 §. Resultatet har visat att det råder skillnader mellan Förvaltningsrättens beslut och Socialnämndens ansökan utifrån deras olika sätt att se på barnets bästa i situationen. Förvaltningsrätten har i vårt resultat visat sig lägga stor vikt vid barnets nuvarande situation, medan Socialnämnden har lagt större vikt vid barnets/den unges hela livshistoria. I studien har dessa skillnader diskuterats med utgångspunkt i professionsbegreppet i förhållande till anställda inom Socialtjänst, Socialnämnd och Förvaltningsrätt. Resultatet visade att socionomprofessionen respektive juristprofessionen, som båda verkar i en myndighetsutövande position, resonerar på olika sätt gällande rekvisitet psykisk misshandel när det gäller barnskyddsmål, vilket i slutändan påverkar beslutet om barnets vårdbehov. / The aim in this qualitative document study was to analyse the way Swedish court system apply the criteria mental abuse in LVU 2 § judgements of decisions for compulsory care. The study has accomplished using a qualitative content analysis of 16 judgement documents of compulsory care. The findings showed that the criteria mental abuse is not applied to the extent that is possible in either the application for compulsory care or the courts justifications and decision for approval even though the criteria can be identified. Furthermore, the court’s justifications of the decisions of care according to LVU 2 § have been compared with the social service’s applications of compulsory care. The results have shown that there are differences between the court’s decisions of compulsory care and the social services application for compulsory care based on their different point of views. The court rather see the child’s current situation as directing their decisions, while the social service has placed great importance to the life history of the child. In the study, these differences have been discussed based on the concept of professions in relation to practical work as social worker and lawyer. The results showed that the social work profession and the law profession, who both have an authority position, argue differently regarding the criteria mental abuse in relation to child protection cases, which ultimately affects the decision of child’s care.

Pojkars utsatthet inom hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie baserad på LVU-domar utifrån ett genus- och maktperspektiv / Boys vulnerability within honor-related violence and oppression : A qualitative study based on LVU (Care of Young Persons Act) court judgements from a gender and power perspective

Nilsson, Sara, Malmros, Tova January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain increased knowledge about the vulnerability of boys living in honor-related violence and oppression by examining 2§ LVU (The Compulsory Care of Young Persons Act) of judgments from a gender and power perspective. A qualitative method has been employed to collect data from 15 LVU judgments from administrative courts, between the years 2020-2023. To analyze the empirical data, elements of Foucault's theory of power and Hirdman's gender theory have been utilized. The primary conclusion of the study is that administrative courts and social services interpret honor-related violence and oppression in different ways, and the definition varies across different judgments. Another conclusion is that administrative courts and social services depict the vulnerability of boys in honor-related violence and oppression in various ways, highlighting that boys are subjected to both physical and psychological violence, and the violence may have multiple causes. In conclusion, it is evident that the vulnerability of boys in honor-related violence and oppression should be given more attention to counteract the socialization of honor-related beliefs.

Familjer med missbruk : Barnens rätt till skydd, stöd och omsorg

Savci, Ninorta January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Frånvaron av barns perspektiv : En dokumentstudie om icke processbehöriga barns rätt att komma till tals i LVU-domar / The absence of children´s perspective : A documentary research on children´s right to have their say in judgements in accordance with The Care of Young Persons Act

Hansson, Isabelle, Lång, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Barns rätt till delaktighet i ärenden som rör dem själva är en av grunderna i FN:s barnkonvention som ratificerades av Sverige år 1990. Tidigare forskning visar dock på brister dels när det gäller att föra fram barns åsikter och barns perspektiv, dels när det gäller att tillskriva barns åsikter betydelse i beslut som påtagligt berör deras tillvaro. I denna kvalitativa studie granskas tio förvaltningsrättsliga domar enligt Lag (1990:53) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga rörande icke-processbehöriga barn. Genom en innehållsanalys undersöks de skriftliga domarnas innehåll utifrån teorier om barns perspektiv, barnperspektiv och maktbegrepp. Studiens resultat visar att vuxnas tolkning och tillskrivning av barns åsikter och behov dominerar över det utrymme barnen själva uttryckligen tillåts ta. Detta har tolkats via kategorier av subjektpositioner och objektpositioner, där domarnas olika aktörer uttryckt sig om barnet som objekt 384 gånger kontra uttryck om barn som subjekt som bara framträdde 55 gånger. Vidare fick barn ur barns perspektiv ett begränsat utrymme i de skriftliga domarna, där barnets representant i rättsprocessen också intog en tillbakadragen roll. I det analyserade materialet dominerade vuxna som intog ett vuxet barnperspektiv eller ett samhälleligt barnperspektiv. Ofta fick vårdnadshavarna ta plats på bekostnad av barnets utrymme. Det är de vuxna som bestämmer vilket utrymme barn tillåts ta vilket ofrånkomligen leder till frågan om barns perspektiv överhuvudtaget existerar i LVU-domar för ickeprocessbehöriga barn, där vuxna aktörer för talan för barnet

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, socialnämndens och förvaltningsrättens beskrivningar av problematiken. : En dokumentanalys av rättsfall gällande omhändertagande av flickor med stöd av 2 § LVU

Marklund, Emelie, Eriksson, Julia, Lindberg, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how honor-related violence and oppression cited as ground for compulsory care according to 2 § Law of mandatory care of minors (lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga) in the social welfare board and the administrative courts problemdescription. Through a document analysis of 15 court cases where the outcome of all cases have been approval, we have studied the social welfare board and the administrative court descriptions of the girls’ situation. The decrees in our study, where honor have been mentioned, has had a decisive date from 2016-2017 and have been regarding underage girls. Our study examines how honor is expressed and what understandings of honor-related violence and oppression we can find in the social welfare board and administrative court problem descriptions in judgements according to 2 § Law of mandatory care of minors (lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga). The result shows that the social welfare board in their descriptions of the girls situation explains the violence from a cultural perspective. The administrative court attaches importance to describe the child’s vulnerability and their consequences, rather than leading motive for the violence. The result in our study shows that the social welfare board and the administrative court describes the violence forms and the vulnerability of the girl being similar to what previous research shows in terms of honor related violence. Our conclusion of this result is that there is a good knowledge in both the social welfare board and the administrative court in terms of the violence forms and the vulnerable situation for the girls.

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