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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i hemmiljön : Tvångsomhändertagande av unga flickor i förhållande till hedersrelaterat våldKusi, Esther January 2024 (has links)
Arbetet har berört förekomsten av mäns våld mot flickor och unga kvinnor i förhållande till hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Det primära syftet med uppsatsen har varit att analysera när ett omhändertagande av unga flickor kan komma till stånd i förhållande till hederskulturen i hemmet. Sekundärt har arbetet klarlagt vad lagstiftningen syftar till och om det utifrån resultatet framkommer att LVU ger ett tillräckligt gott skydd för unga flickor som växer upp i en hedersrelaterad hemmiljö. I uppsatsen har gällande författningstext, förarbeten, rättspraxis och doktrin undersökts för att analysera rättsläget. Resultatet har visat att det anges särskilda förutsättningar för när vårdbehov föreligger enligt 2 § LVU. Det har dock påvisats att det finns problem med tillämpningen när det gäller andra omständigheter och där uppgifter som lämnats inte anses tillräckligt konkreta eller svårbedömda av andra skäl. Därför kan det konstateras att även om lagstiftningen innebär ett visst skydd för våldsutsatta flickor finns flera problem av olika karaktär. Trots en nationell strategi och ökad kunskap, utsätts många flickor idag fortfarande för hedersrelaterat våld.
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Hur desinformation blir politikers ammunition : Partiet Nyans utnyttjande av LVU-kampanjenOlofsson, Simon, Asztély, Hugo January 2024 (has links)
Otillbörlig informationspåverkan är ett aktuellt problem för Sverige. I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur politiska aktörer kan använda desinformation för egen vinning och desinformationens påverkan i det deliberativa samtalet i en demokrati. Nordöstra Göteborgs förorter fokuseras, där desinformationskampanjen mot socialtjänsten vuxit fram och genomsyrat den politiska debatten. Nordöstra Göteborgs förorter fungerar här som ett praktiskt exempel på vad desinformation kan åstadkomma i en demokrati, hur samtalets narrativ kan övertas av falsk information, och hur detta kan skada ett samhälle sett utifrån aspekten demokratisk deliberation. I uppsatsen granskas djupgående rapporter kring LVU-kampanjens framfart, statistik om utsatta områdens politiska engagemang och tilltro till myndigheter och informationsutbyte. Vidare undersöks Partiet Nyans snabba avancemang i kommunfullmäktigevalet i nordöstra Göteborg 2022 och teoretiska ramverk appliceras kring hot mot en deliberativ demokrati, bandwagon-effekten och bekräftelsebiaser. Uppsatsen visar att LVU-kampanjen har skadat den politiska debatten i nordöstra Göteborgs förorter och att politiska aktörer kan använda desinformation för att öka sitt politiska inflytande. Vidare kan denna uppsats visa på hur desinformation generellt kan vara skadlig för en deliberativ demokrati.
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Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser för vård av unga : Barns möjlighet att påverkaBrandt, Karin, Koivunen Wåhlstrand, Felicia January 2016 (has links)
In the Social Services Act in Sweden, it is stated that every child has the right to be given information and the opportunity to express its will and opinion. The child’s possibility to participate in the process of investigation should be considered with respect to the child´s age and maturity. By reasons of this we have chosen to examine how this is practiced in Swedish courts regarding eight cases where the out of home care of children according to 1 and 2 §§ in LVU is being judged. This has been done through a qualitative study with an attempt of using an argumentation analysis method. The main result of our study is that in the cases we studied the children had participated to a larger extent than described in previous research. Anyhow, when it comes to taking children’s, opinions in account, the cases we studied showed still great flaws and need of improvements. The conclusion of our study is that children's participation is a complex issue where more research is needed. Having this said, we believe that the subject of children’s participation must be more highlighted if a greater change is going to happen in the society. / I Socialtjänstlagen står det beskrivet att varje barn har rätt att bli tilldelad information och ges möjlighet att framföra sin talan. Barnets möjlighet att delta i utredningsprocessen bör övervägas utifrån barnets ålder och mognad. Med anledning av detta valde vi att granska hur denna lag följs i 1 och 2 §§ LVU genom att studera åtta beslutsunderlag med en kvalitativ argumentationsanalys. Huvudresultatet av vår studie visade på en hög delaktighet hos barnen i förhållande till det som framhållits i tidigare forskning, dock såg vi att beaktande av barnens vilja fortfarande var bristfällig. Den slutsats vi kom fram till i vår studie var att frågan om barns delaktighet inom Socialtjänsten framstår som ett komplext område innehållande stora brister i förhållande till hur lagen är formulerad. Med detta sagt ansåg vi att ämnet måste belysas mer i forskning för att en större förändring av barns delaktighet ska kunna utvecklas.
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Heder som argument : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssätt och attityder till begreppet ”heder” i domar gällande 2 § LVU. / Honour as argument : A qualitative study of approaches and attitudes towards the concept of “honour” in verdicts regarding Section 2 of the LVU.Gunnarsson, Ellen, Lindström, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Authors: Ellen Gunnarsson & Emma Lindström Title: Honour as argument- A qualitative study of approaches and attitudes towards the concept of “honour” in verdicts regarding Section 2 of the LVU. [Translated title] Supervisor: Barzoo Eliassi Assessor: Anette Lundin The aim of this study was to extend comprehension of which approaches and attitudes towards violence and oppression in the name of “honour” may be of significance in the social services investigations and judgments relating to section 2 of the LVU. The empirical material are based on ten verdicts, some including girls who were exposed to “honour related violence” and others including girls who were not exposed. To analyze the verdicts in this study, we examined the arguments authorities used for the decision on LVU through a text-analysis. The main conclusion of the study were that the social welfare authorities combined the concept of “honour” with culture and that “honour” was seen as something dangerous for the girls. This cultural interpretation creates an Orientalist view and divides people into "us” and “them" which can lead to discrimination and racism of certain cultural groups.
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Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av <em>annat socialt nedbrytande beteend</em>e i 3 § LVUGustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.</p>
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Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVUGustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.
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Barnets bästa : En kritisk granskning av förvaltningsrättens bedömningar då ungdomar döms till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU samt en analys av tidigare forskning gällande tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomarLaine, Emma, Nors, Christine January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie granskar förvaltningsrättens barnperspektiv i sex domstolsbeslut då ungdomar dömts till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU. Studien syftar till att granska om förvaltningsrättens bedömningar är rättsäkra genom att analysera om barnperspektivet beaktas i besluten. Studien syftar även till att studera det tidigare forskningsfältet om tvångsvård av unga för att undersöka vilka effekter tvångsvård kan leda till för den unge. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys har domstolsbesluten analyserats utifrån teorier om makt samt barnkonventionens riktlinjer och föreskrifter. Vidare har tidigare forskning analyserats för att studera tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomarna. Studien visar att tvångsvård kan leda till negativa effekter för ungdomarna. Vidare framkommer det i studien att barnperspektivets mångfacetterade karaktär kommer till uttryck i domstolsbeslutens olika tolkningar och konstruktioner, där rättssäkerheten gällande barnperspektivet har tolkats fått olika ställning i besluten. De olika konstruktionerna av besluten visar att det tycks finnas en problematik med tolkningen av lagtexten i förvaltningsrättens bedömningar och att barnkonventionens föreskrifter inte alltid användas i tillräcklig utsträckning. I beslutens komplexitet får barnet ibland både en objektsstatus och/eller en subjektsstatus. Barnets position under processens gång är därför en central fråga för att säkerställa ett rättssäkert barnperspektiv. / This study analyzes the administrative court and if they ensure the “child's perspective” when judging youths to compulsory care. This has been studied by reviewing CRC:s guidelines and if the court follows these guidelines and applicable laws in their decisions. The material that have been analyzed consists of six court decisions concerning youth that are convicted pursuant to 3 § LVU. The study also intends to see what effects compulsory care has on youth. The court decisions are analyzed through a critical discourse analysis based on theories of power. Furthermore, previous research is analyzed relating to the child's best interests and the consequences for youth being placed in compulsory care to see what effects it can lead to. The study has shown that compulsory care can lead to negative effects for the youth and that the child’s perspective has a multifaceted character which is reflected in the court decisions different interpretations and constructions. The various constructions in the decisions have shown that there seems to be some problems with the interpretation of the law and that the CRC's guidelines are not always used sufficiently. The complexity of decisions shows that the child at times is seen as both as an object and/or a subject. The child's position during the process is therefore a key issue to ensure a legally secure child's perspective.
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Hur tungt väger ett barns ord? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förvaltningsrätten tar barns berättelse i beaktande vid domslut rörande 2 § LVU / How important are children witnesses?Cota, Ivona, Högberg, Alize January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The law with special provisions on the care of young people (SFS 1990: 52) (LVU) regulates a possible way out for the social service to compulsorily act to protect children and young people who in different ways are disadvantaged. When an intervention is made in accordance with this law, high legal security requirements are set for each child in each unique case. The purpose of this essay is to analyze whether the administrative law highlights the rights of the children and the best interests of the child in a legal process regarding. This is done through an analysis of administrative law judgments. The study also includes an examination of how the administrative law chooses to take the best interest of the child into account when making a decision. The results of the study show that, in the majority of cases, administrative law emphasizes the importance of the best interests of the child coming to the forefront and the rights of the child to be fulfilled. It also emerges that the child's age and maturity are of great importance for how the administrative law views the credibility of the child's story. If the child has been able to maintain his story over time, it also appears to be something that the administrative law takes into account in the decision-making process. Whether a child is to be represented in the legal process is clear in guidelines and conventions, but how the child's story is taken into account seems ambiguous. How the children should be considered in a legal process seems obvious in theory, but through the course of the study, the reality has turned out to be different. Although the child's perspective and the best interests of the child are described as important, in some cases the administrative law is considered to have a poor child perspective.
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Att vara både älskad och utsatt : En kvalitativ studie om spänningsförhållandet mellan riktlinjer och praktiker i socialsekreterares arbete med barn och unga som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / To be both loved and exposed : A qualitative study of the tension between social workers' guidelines and practice with children and young people who are exposed to honour-related violence and oppressionJanbert Winbladh, Ebba, Ovesson, Jannike January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the guidelines, methods and strategies of social workers supporting children and young people who live with honour-related problems – in order to deepen the knowledge of tensions between the guidelines of social work and its practices. The result of the study has emerged from qualitative interviews with six social workers working with children and young people and three local authority documents containing guidelines and routines. The social workers were asked questions about their experiences of guidelines and routines and their current work situation. To analyse and understand the results a thematic method was used along with theories on discretion. The result shows that social workers use different assessment manuals in order to assess that a child/young person is exposed to honour-related problems, but their experience is that the manuals are not complete and adapted to children and young people who live with honour-related problems. Therefore, many social workers have a discretion, where they can take available methods and adapt them to the honour-related cases. The social workers have several different voluntary and family-oriented interventions to offer, but in honour-related cases the interventions are not optimal. The social workers experience difficulties with working with the families of children and young people with honour-related problems because they are not receptive to change, which was the first tension that could be identified. The overall experience of the interviewed social workers regarding honour-related cases shows that their work is complex in relation to laws, guidelines and methods. Thereby another tension was discovered in the result and analysis between forced interventions relating to the laws and guidelines and principles of the child's best interests. The social worker experiences are that it is difficult to motivate forced interventions as it does not always improve the situation of the child.
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Ibland viskar jag... : En kvalitativ studie om behandlingspersonalens perspektiv på bemötandet av flickor placerade på SiS-hem / Sometimes I Whisper... : A Qualitative Study of the Social Workers Perspectives on How They Approach Girls in Compulsory Care at the National Board of Institutional CareRaduta, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
Children and youth that are provided compulsory care and treatment under the terms of the Care of Young Persons (Specials Provisions) Act (LVU) may end up in special residential homes for young people (särskilda ungdomshem). These homes are being runned by the National Board of Institutional Care (Statens Institutionsstyrelse or SiS) and have been criticized for providing girls with poorer care than boys. The aim of this study was to investigate social workers’ perspectives on the way they approach and work with girls in special residential homes. The study consists of eight qualitative interviews with treatment educators and treatment assistants. The findings of the study are that many difficult situations arise when working with girls in institutional care. Furthermore, the results show that the social workers find themselves in complex situations caused by the conflict between caring for and controlling the girls. Research has showed that the social workers need to constantly position themselves between the four extremes of support vs. control, and emotional closeness vs. emotional distance (Hill 2005, ss.83-84). A possible model to understand the coping strategies of social workers is proposed based on the theoretical concepts of “the good will”, cognitive dissonance and doxa.
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