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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Justice et homosexualité sous le national-socialisme : étude comparée du pays de Bade et de l'Alsace / Justice and homosexuality in national-socialist times : comparative study of Baden and Alsace

Stroh, Frédéric 26 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse compare le traitement judiciaire de l’homosexualité masculine sous le national-socialisme dans un territoire du « vieux Reich » (Bade) et un territoire annexé de facto (Alsace), en examinant le rôle des acteurs du système judiciaire au sens large (législateurs, population, policiers, experts médico-légaux, procureurs, juges) et les réactions des inculpés. Cette étude de cas, qui porte sur les pratiques comme sur les discours et les représentations de chacun, est replacée dans ses contextes nationaux (Allemagne, France) et dans le temps long pour mettre en valeur les spécificités régionales et les ruptures temporelles. Elle démontre qu’en dépit de la radicalisation législative et de l’explosion des condamnations, l’application judiciaire du programme répressif national-socialiste a été en partie entravée par le relatif manque d’engagement de certains acteurs répressifs, ce qui a laissé des « espaces de liberté » homosexuels, et qu’elle a été variable selon les territoires. Ces variations dépendent toutefois plus des acteurs et de leur engagement répressif que des traditions répressives régionales ou des contextes politico-administratifs. / This thesis compares the judicial treatment of masculine homosexuality in national-socialist times in a territory of the “old” Reich (Baden) and in a territory annexed de facto (Alsace). The focus is set on the role of the different actors of the repression (law-makers, population, medical experts, policemen, persecutors, judges) and the reactions of the suspects. This case-study looks at the practice as well as the discourse and representation of each group over the long-term by taking into account the national contexts (France, Germany) to highlight the regional particularities and the moments of change. The thesis shows that despite the repressive turn of the legislation and the increasing number of condemnations, the repression could in practice be slowed down by the lack of engagement of certain parties, differing between territories. This attitude led to the creation of ‘homosexual spaces of freedom’. The degree of repression was highly dependent on the people involved and their willingness to follow a repressive line of action; the legislative and judicial traditions of each region and the political and administrative contexts had thus a limited impact.

Female petty crime in Dundee, 1865-1925 : alcohol, prostitution and recidivism in a Scottish city

Haider, Suki January 2013 (has links)
Late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century Dundee had a strikingly large female workforce and this fact has attracted much scholarly attention. But existing research has not probed the official crime records to determine whether the associated local stereotype of the disorderly mill worker, as a ‘moral blot' on the landscape, is justified. This study looks at female criminality in Dundee 1865–1925. It finds that drunkenness, breach of the peace and theft were the leading female offences and that the women most strongly associated with criminality belonged to the marginalised sections of the working class. Amongst them were the unskilled mill girls prominent in the contemporary discussions, but it was prostitutes and women of ‘No Trade' who appear to have challenged the police most often. They were frequently repeat offenders and consequently this thesis devotes considerable attention to the women entrenched in Dundee's criminal justice system. A pattern noted in the city's recidivism statistics, and often echoed elsewhere, is that the most persistent offenders were women. The fact that men perpetrated the majority of petty crime raises the suspicion that the police statistics capture differential policing of male and female recidivists – an idea that builds upon feminist theory and Howard Taylor's stance on judicial statistics. Yet a detailed study of the archives reveals that there are as many examples of the police treating women fairly as there are of gender-biased law. Indeed, several practical constraints hindered over-zealous policing, one of which was the tendency of the local magistrates to throw out cases against prostitutes and female drunks. This thesis, taking the police and court records as a whole, emphasizes that it was generally pragmatism, rather than prejudice, that guided the sanctioning of female recidivists in Dundee.

L'impartialité des magistrats dans la procédure pénale françaises à l'aune du droit de la convention EDH. / Magistrates impartiality in the french criminal procedure in the light of the law of the European Convention on Human Rights

Oudoul, Audrey 05 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude de l’impartialité des magistrats dans la procédure pénale française à l’aune du droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme propose une analyse renouvelée de ce principe, clé de voûte, d’un procès pénal juste.Tout d’abord, l’objet de l’étude induit de définir le principe d’impartialité grâce au droit conventionnel. Ce dernier a forgé le principe d’impartialité et est encore retentissant en la matière. Cependant, la théorisation d’ampleur des appréciations conventionnelles relatives à l’impartialité faisant défaut, la présente étude a vocation de remédier à cette carence. La définition conventionnelle de l’impartialité sert de socle à la présente étude et l’analyse de la jurisprudence conventionnelle, relative à l’impartialité, permettra de déterminer les points de convergence ou de divergence entre le droit conventionnel et le droit français. Ensuite, l’impartialité est soutenue, permise par divers principes de procédures ; l’indépendance, la collégialité, la publicité, la motivation, la séparation des fonctions, l’oralité, le contradictoire, qui n’ont pas la même intensité selon la procédure pénale envisagée. L’étude de la teneur des principes procéduraux soutiens de l’impartialité, devant les juridictions de droit commun et les juridictions spécialisées, permet de déterminer les disparités de garanties de l’impartialité dans la procédure pénale française. En outre, la question de l’impartialité des magistrats avant le jugement se pose avec beaucoup d’acuité. D’une part, le droit conventionnel s’est prononcé récemment sur l’extension ou non du principe d’impartialité en amont du jugement. D’autre part, le juge d’instruction dont la suppression est souvent envisagée comme une solution favorable à la procédure pénale, par ceux qui souhaitent le voir disparaitre, n’est pas opportune au regard du principe d’impartialité. L’étude permettra de démontrer que la phase d’instruction, bien que perfectible, apporte, une réelle plus-value à l’impartialité dans la procédure pénale et qu’au contraire, l’impartialité des magistrats du parquet est soit sporadique, soit absente. / This study about magistrates impartiality in the french criminal procedure in the light of the law of the European Convention on Human Rights focuses on a renewed analysis of this key principle during a fair trial.Firstly, the object of this study leads to the definition of the principle of impartiality thanks to the law of the ECHR that still molds it.However, the absence of theorising conventional appreciations regarding impartiality leads us to find a solution to this deficiency. The conventional definition of impartiality serves as a base to this study. The analysis of the ECHR jurisprudence regarding impartiality enables the determination of the converging and divergent elements between french and conventional law.Furthermore, impartiality is allowed thanks to various procedural principles : independance, collegiality, public disclosure, motivation, the separation between presiding judges and the prosecution services, orality, hearings in court with both parties. The study of the content of procedural principles as a support to impartiality, during proceedings in front of common and specialized jurisdictions, enables the determination of the differences of the garanties of impartiality during the french criminal procedure.In addition, the question of the magistrates impartiality before judgement has to be tackled with much acuteness. This is the reason why the suppression of the examining judge (juge d’instruction), often wanted by some, is not appropriate as far as impartiality is concerned. This study shows and proves that the inquiry, even if improvable, brings a real added-value to impartiality during the criminal procedure and that, on the contrary the prosecution services impartiality is either sporadic or absent.

'n Kritiese evaluasie van skuldverligtingsmaatreëls vir individue in die Suid-Afrikaanse Insolvensiereg (Afrikaans)

Roestoff, Melanie 16 January 2003 (has links)
The issue addressed in this study is whether the South African insolvency law provides adequate debt relief measures to deal with the growing problem of overindebtedness amongst individuals. Against the background of a historical and comparative investigation this study focuses on a critical evaluation of debt relief measures provided for by the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 as well as the alternative measures outside the ambit of the Insolvency Act. Although it is not a prime object of the Insolvency Act to afford the individual debtor a discharge of pre-sequestration debts it is a consequence of sequestration after rehabilitation of the debtor. Nevertheless, sequestration followed by rehabilitation is not readily available as a debt relief measure. This can mainly be attributed to the advantage for creditors requirement that can be viewed as an impediment to obtaining a fresh start for many individual debtors. This is also the debtor's position regarding debt relief provided by the procedure of composition in terms of the Insolvency Act, as it is currently only available after sequestration As far as creditors' interests are concerned, the efficiency of this requirement may also be questioned as statistics indicate that the sequestration process is implemented in instances where doing so is not cost-effective. It is furthermore submitted that the current alternative debt relief measures provided for by South African law are inadequate and that the problems encountered in practice regarding friendly sequestrations can to a great extent be attributed to this fact. In order to reserve sequestration for extreme cases, insolvency law reform aimed at preventing implementation of the sequestration process when doing so is not cost-effective is recommended. However, it is emphasised that these recommendations should only be implemented if provision is made for an adequate alternative debt relief measure that would accommodate debtors whose estates do not justify a concursus creditorum. It is submitted that the administration procedure in terms of section 74 of the Magistrates' Courts Act 32 of 1944 should be adjusted to offer the required debt relief by inter alia affording the debtor a discharge of his debts. It is furthermore submitted that this procedure should be combined with the pre-liquidation composition proposed by the South African law commission and that the combined procedure should only be open for implementation if an informal arrangement, coupled with debt counselling, cannot be reached. As regards international guidelines for insolvency law reform it is contended that South Africa should follow the example of other systems by fully embracing the fresh start approach. With regard to rehabilitation in terms of the Insolvency Act it is submitted that the automatic rehabilitation of bona fide debtors after three years should be the point of departure. Regarding assets excluded from the insolvent estate recommendations aimed at enabling the debtor to continue his household as a social and economic unit are made. In the end, South African insolvency law reform should seek to find a balance between debtors' and creditors' interests. It is submitted that the current proposals for insolvency law reform will not achieve this objective. / Dissertation (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Procedural Law / unrestricted

«Il y a plus de crime à detruire un enfant, qu’à le faire» : traitement communautaire et judiciaire de l’infanticide en Nouvelle-France (1671-1747)

Chasle, Ariane 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie les modalités du traitement communautaire et judiciaire de l’infanticide en Nouvelle-France. Nous utilisons diverses sources textuelles et démographiques, notamment les dix procès pour infanticide ayant eu lieu dans la colonie sous l’Ancien Régime. Les dynamiques entre les accusées, les membres de leur communauté et les magistrats lors des procès révèlent l’existence de rapports de force et de solidarités propres aux collectivités de l’époque moderne. Nous nous questionnons ainsi sur les rôles joués par la communauté dans le jugement des femmes soupçonnées d’infanticide. Comment les femmes et les hommes de la Nouvelle-France conceptualisent-ils cet acte ? Quels facteurs mènent la communauté à judiciariser l’infanticide ? Nous interrogeons aussi les motivations des magistrats. Quels buts recherchent-ils ? Quelle sévérité démontrent-ils envers les femmes accusées ? Nous soulevons également la résistance que pouvaient opposer les accusées à ces forces. Quelle influence ont les accusées sur les procès menés et les sentences rendues contre elles ? Quelles stratégies peuvent-elles élaborer et exécuter en leur propre défense ? L’analyse du rôle des témoins tout au long de la procédure illustre la participation primordiale de la communauté au traitement de l’infanticide ainsi que les normes de genre et de classe imposées aux accusées par leurs contemporains (chapitre 2). L’étude des stratégies des accusées et du choix des peines révèle à la fois le poids de l’ordre social et marital renforcé par l’institution judiciaire et l’agentivité dont faisaient preuve les femmes de la Nouvelle-France (chapitre 3). / This thesis studies the ways in which infanticide was handled by communities and by the judicial system in New France. It draws on multiple textual and demographic sources, most notably the ten criminal trials for infanticide that occurred in the colony during the Old Regime. The dynamics between the accused, the members of their community and the magistrates during the trials reveal the existence of relations of power and solidarities that characterized collectivities in the early modern period. I therefore examine the roles played by the community in the prosecution of women suspected of infanticide. How did the women and men of New France conceptualize the act? What factors led the community to judicialize infanticide? I also examine the magistrates’ motivations. What goals did they have? What severity did they demonstrate toward accused women? Further, the thesis addresses the resistance that women could exert against these forces. What influence did the accused have on the course of the trials and the sentences pronounced against them? What strategies could they devise and execute in their own defence? Analyzing the role that witnesses played throughout the process illustrates the fundamental participation of the community in the treatment of infanticide as well as the gender and class norms imposed on the accused by their contemporaries (chapter 2). The study of the accused’s strategies and the sentences handed down against them reveals both the weight of the social and marital order reinforced by the judicial institution and the agency shown by the women of New France (chapter 3).

La fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d'Ivoire / The contentious administrative function in Ivory Coast

Ambeu, Akoua Viviane Patricia 12 September 2011 (has links)
D’une manière générale, la fonction administrative contentieuse peut être appréhendée comme l’ensemble des juridictions chargées de connaître des litiges résultant de l’activité des autorités administratives. Elle represente l’activité juridictionnelle en matière administrative. Par conséquent, la fonction administrative contentieuse doit s’appréhender tant sous l’angle d’une juridiction, que sous celle de son juge. L’institution d’une fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d’Ivoire remonte à l’époque coloniale. Cependant, à l’instar de la plupart des ex-colonies françaises, ce n’est qu’au lendemain de l’indépendance en 1960, que la fonction administrative contentieuse ivoirienne s’est affirmée en tant que fonction juridictionnelle autonome à l’égard du système français. La procédure administrative non contentieuse, comme la procédure administrative contentieuse dont il est question dans l’étude ont connu de grands progrès tant en France que dans les pays francophones d’Afrique pour lesquels le système de juridiction administrative comme le droit qu’il vise à contrôler ont longtemps constitué, selon la belle formule de Jean RIVERO, un bon « produit d’exportation » français. La Côte d’ivoire n’échappe pas à ce constat. Aussi l’étude de la fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d’Ivoire a pour objet de dessiner la physionomie générale de la justice administrative ivoirienne un demi siècle après son institution afin d’en souligner les éléments de permanence ou de changement. / Generally speaking, the contentious administrative function can be arrested as all the jurisdictions asked to know disputes resulting from the activity of the authorities. She represente the jurisdictional activity in administrative subject. Consequently, the contentious administrative functio has to dread as long under the angle of a jurisdiction, that under that of his judge. The institution of a contentious administrative function (office) in Ivory Coast goes back up to the colonial time. However, following the example of most of the French ex-colonies, it is that after the independence in 1960, that the Ivory Coast contentious administrative function asserted itself as autonomous jurisdictional office towards the French system. The not contentious administrative procedure, as the contentious administrative procedure question of which it is in the study knew big progress both in France and in the French-speaking countries of Africa for which the system of jurisdiction administrative as the right at which it aims at checking constituted for a long time, according to the Jean RIVERO's beautiful formula, a voucher " produced by export " French. Ivory Coast does not escape this report. So, the study of the contentious administrative office in Ivory Coast has for object to draw the general face of the Ivory Coast administrative justice half a century after her institution to underline the elements of durability or change.

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