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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participação e planejamento urbano : o processo de elaboração do plano diretor de desenvolvimento urbano ambiental de Porto Alegre

Pozzobon, Regina Maria January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da participação no planejamento urbano, entendida como processo de tomada de decisão aberto à cidadania envolvendo temas que afetam a vida de grupos e indivíduos no uso e apropriação do espaço urbano. Como estudo de caso, é analisado o processo de elaboração do Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano Ambiental de Porto Alegre (PDDUA). A pesquisa identifica e caracteriza seus protagonistas e os espaços de tomada de decisão, situando essa experiência de participação no embate entre abordagens racional-compreensiva e democrático-participativa e buscando qualificá-la como expressão do planejamento urbano efetivamente praticado no país. A pergunta "quem de fato participou da elaboração do PDDUA?" orientou a realização da pesquisa, que empregou diferentes procedimentos metodológicos, quantitativos e qualitativos. A experiência do PDDUA mostrou-se rica para a análise, indicando que a vontade política e o compromisso governamental são elementos fundamentais, porém insuficientes, para a prática do planejamento democrático-participativo. / This dissertation discusses participation in urban planning, understood as a decision-making processes open to citizens and involving issues that affect the life of groups and individuals as to the use and appropriation of the urban space. The case studied is the development process of the Urban and Environmental Development Master Plan of Porto Alegre (PDDUA). The study identifies and characterizes the protagonists and the decision-making spaces, situating this participation experience in the confrontation between rational-comprehensible and democratic-participatory approaches, and characterizing it as the expression of how urban planning is effectively practiced in Brazil. The question "Who actually participated in the PDDUA development?" guided the study, which employed different quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The analysis of the PPDUA experience indicated that political will and government commitment are essential, albeit insufficient, elements for the practice of democratic-participatory planning.

Instrumentos jurídicos de planejamento da ocupação urbana como garantia de um município ambientalmente sustentável

Vanin, Fabio Scopel 25 October 2011 (has links)
O Município, ente autônomo da Federação no Brasil, é responsável pelo exercício de inúmeras competências, dentre as quais está a execução da política urbana através do planejamento da ocupação, com a utilização de instrumentos jurídicos que garantam um Município Ambientalmente Sustentável. A identificação de preceitos do que é Município ambientalmente sustentável pode ser buscado nas matrizes de sustentabilidade urbana, juntamente com uma abordagem do complexo contexto em que está inserido o ente local, uma vez que é influenciado por diretrizes globais, pelo desordenado processo de urbanização e pela crise ambiental, caracterizada pelo risco. Os instrumentos a serem utilizados na sua construção estão previstos no Estatuto da Cidade, tendo como o principal deles o Plano Diretor. Entretanto, esta relação não deve limitar-se a eles, podendo ser adicionados, entre outros, o Código de Obras, o Código de Posturas e o Código Municipal do Meio Ambiente. Na implementação destes instrumentos estão presentes algumas barreiras, entre as quais a difícil regulação do mercado imobiliário, o complexo processo de construção transdisciplinar e epistêmico e os dilemas da gestão democrática das cidades. Além da superação destas barreiras, os instrumentos devem estar vinculados às diretrizes do Estatuto da Cidade; o Plano Diretor, responder ao dinamismo socioeconômico e as questões ambientais; os Governos Locais, ter uma posição promotora, articulando suas competências e com os demais entes; e os instrumentos jurídicos, estarem sistematizados e baseados em princípios e objetivos comuns. O entendimento destes aspectos globais, históricos e socioeconômicos é necessário para a construção de instrumentos jurídicos efetivos de planejamento da ocupação urbana, que garantirão um Município Ambientalmente Sustentável. Adotou-se como método de abordagem o dialético, tendo em vista que o trabalho penetra o mundo dos fenômenos por meio de sua ação recíproca. Além disso, como método procedimental optou-se pelo estruturalista, que parte da análise de um fenômeno concreto para, em seguida, transpô-lo ao nível abstrato e vice-versa, vendo a realidade concreta do ponto de vista interno dos diversos fenômenos. / The municipality, autonomous entity of the Federation in Brazil is responsible for the exercise of many powers, among which is the implementation of urban policy through the planning of the occupation, with the use of legal instruments that guarantee an Environmentally Sustainable City. The identification of the precepts of the city that is environmentally sustainable, can be searched at the headquarters of urban sustainability along with an approach to the complex context in which it is being inserted into the site, since it is influenced by global guidelines, the disorderly process of urbanization and environmental crisis, characterized by risk. The instruments to be used in their construction, are referred in the City Statute, with the main one is the Master Plan, however, this relationship should not be limited to them, may be added, among others, Building Code, the Code of Postures and Municipal Code of the Environment. In the implementation of these instruments are present some barriers, including the difficult real estate market regulation, the complex process of building cross-disciplinary and epistemic and the dilemmas of democratic management of cities. In addition to the overcoming of these barriers, the instruments should be linked to the guidelines of the City Statute, the Master Plan, should respond to the dynamic socioeconomic and environmental issues, Local Governments, should have a promoter position, articulating their skills and all other entities, and legal instruments, be systematic and based on common principles and objectives. The understanding of these aspects of global, historical and socio-economic is necessary for the creation of effective legal instruments of urban planning of the occupation, which will ensure an environmentally sustainable city. Adopted as the method of dialectical approach, in order that the work enters the world of phenomena by means of their reciprocal action. Moreover, as procedural method was chosen structuralist, that part of the analysis to a concrete phenomenon, then transpose it to the abstract level and vice versa, see the reality of the internal point of view of various phenomena.

Řízení projektu / Project management

Smolíková, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Project preparation of operating program of competitive advantage education. Create new bachelor honours plan of Metrology and quality assurance testing. Project management. Preparing documents for project formation. Process of working projects. Summary of reguired documents to create projects.

Územně promítnutelné indikátory udržitelného rozvoje / Indicators of Spatial Sustainable Development

Maštálka, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyse indicators and data sets used in the field of sustainable spatial plannig. On the base of the analyses there were spatial indicators of the sustainable development designed. The basic condition to design new indicators it was the accessibility to the elementary datas. The other condition was to design very simply methodology that could be use also for measuring in very small location. The thesis designed idnicators in three main areas of the spatial planning: • landuse, • accessibility of the services, • inner city/town/village traffic. One of the demands for the new indicators set was it´s efficiency for all kinds of the cities in the Czech Republic. This demand was fullfilled by the 3 level methodolgy – the main indicator was measurable for all kinds of settlemets – small villages, small and middle towns and also for cities. The basic methodology (for small villages) was very simple. Indicators were computed from very easy accesible data sets. And this methodology could also be used for larger settlements without any problems. The second level – for small and middle towns – sometimes needs special surveys or special hardware and software. The top of the pyramid is the methodology for cities. In this level there are used detailed analyses and computing methods. The thesis designes the methodology and also checks the practical application up.

Stavba-Prostor-Město "Dostavba městského bloku" / Structure-Space-City "Urban block completion"

Langnerová, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
This work seeks to verify the possible construction of a kindergarten in very confined conditions in the courtyard so that children can take dignified first steps in educational facilities and at the same time to economically use the land in the city center.

Bučovice - obytná lokalita Za zámkem / Bučovice - residential area Za zámkem

Jetelina, Martin January 2019 (has links)
UP Zavody Bucovice was a an important furniture company in Czechoslovakia. At the end of the 20th century, production in Bucovice was terminated and the abandoned site became the largest brownfield area in the city. In early 2018, the city bought the land and began demolition of the existing production facilities and buildings. The new city district will be created after demolition. The new area will offer significant urban development potential of the city of Bucovice.

Propuesta de mejora del servicio de las operaciones logísticas en una empresa manufacturera de cables eléctricos Electro Conductores Peruanos S.A.C / Proposal to improve the service of logistics operations in an electrical cable manufacturing company Electro Conductores Peruanos S.A.C

Acevedo Suarez, César Alerto, Barreto Manrique, Randolph Medardougenio 16 July 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación realizada tiene como objetivo principal mejorar el nivel de servicio para la entrega de los productos terminados en una empresa manufacturera de cables eléctricos. Por ende, se aplicó la metodología de Planificación de Requerimiento de Materiales (MRP), cuya herramienta y método permitirá desplegar una propuesta de solución sólida, científica y aplicada a la problemática actual. En primer lugar, se realizó la revisión bibliográfica, citando fuentes y artículos científicos que sustenten y avalen la investigación. Seguidamente, se realizó el análisis de la problemática actual y determinación de causas, para ello se aplicaron métodos y herramientas de ingeniería industrial para la obtención de las causas raíz del problema, las cuales estaban ligadas a los métodos de la empresa. En consecuencia, se formula la hipótesis que la aplicación del MRP, a través del registro de inventario, lista de materiales y el plan maestro de producción (PMP), permitirá mitigar el impacto operativo y económico del problema principal, el cual son los retrasos en la entrega de producto terminado a los clientes. Dicha hipótesis es materia de estudio del siguiente capítulo, donde, en primer lugar, se sustenta que el MRP es la propuesta de mejora que mejor se ajusta a la descripción y la naturaleza de la presente investigación; para luego desplegar propiamente la metodología en sí. Dicho despliegue se realizó a través de la aplicación de la herramienta del MRP antes mencionadas, estructurada bajo un diseño de propuesta basado en planear, ejecutar, verificar y actuar. Finalmente, para la comprobación y verificación de la solución al problema, se realizó una simulación de la propuesta a través de un software, donde se comprobó que efectivamente, luego de la aplicación de la propuesta, se lograría reducir los retrasos en la entrega del producto terminado a los clientes. Además, se realizó una evaluación económica de la propuesta para comprobar la viabilidad del proyecto, respaldando así la presente investigación. / The main objective of the present investigation carried out is to improve the level of service for the delivery of finished products in an electrical cable manufacturing company. Therefore, the Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) methodology was applied, whose tool and method will allow the deployment of a solid, scientific solution proposal applied to the current problem. In the first place, the bibliographic review was carried out, citing sources and scientific articles that support and endorse the research. Next, the analysis of the current problem and determination of causes was carried out, for this, industrial engineering methods and tools were applied to obtain the root causes of the problem, which were linked to the company's methods. Consequently, the hypothesis is formulated that the application of the MRP, through the inventory record, the list of materials and the master production plan (PMP), will mitigate the operational and economic impact of the main problem, which are the delays in delivery of finished product to customers. This hypothesis is the subject of study in the next chapter, where, firstly, it is argued that the MRP is the improvement proposal that best fits the description and nature of the present investigation; and then properly deploy the methodology itself. Said deployment was carried out through the application of the aforementioned MRP tool, structured under a proposal design based on planning, executing, verifying and acting. Finally, for the verification and verification of the solution to the problem, a simulation of the proposal was carried out through software, where it was verified that effectively, after the application of the proposal, it would be possible to reduce the delays in the delivery of the product finished to customers. In addition, an economic evaluation of the proposal was carried out to verify the viability of the project, thus supporting the present investigation. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

HÅLLBAR STADSPLANERING. Örebro kommuns strategier för minskad klimatpåverkan / SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING - Örebro municipality´s strategies for reducing climate impact

Gustavsson, Jennifer, Nolåkers, Emma January 2022 (has links)
En femtedel av Sveriges klimatpåverkan kommer från bygg- och anläggningssektorn och år 2017 röstade riksdagen igenom att Sverige, senast år 2045, ska nå nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser. Örebro kommun har tagit fram ett eget styrdokument, Klimatstrategi för Örebro kommun, som beskriver klimatpåverkan, vad kommunen behöver göra samt vilka etappmål och delmål som finns i det geografiska området.  Avsikten med denna studie är att undersöka hur Örebro kommun arbetar aktivt för att minska klimatpåverkan genom samhällsplaneringen i samband med att staden växer. Studien har baserats på litteraturstudier och intervjuer med fyra deltagare från Örebro kommun och tre deltagare från Länsstyrelsen i Örebro län. Studien har avgränsats till ett specifikt delmål i Örebro kommuns klimatstrategi och på vilka sätt de arbetar för att uppnå delmålet - klimatsmart samhällsplanering. Resultatet tyder på att Örebro kommun har många dokument att förhålla sig till för att minska klimatpåverkan. Ett av dessa dokument är översiktsplanen. Detta dokument anses vara det främsta verktyget för samhällsplaneringen, då andra planeringsdokument arbetats in i översiktsplanen. Trafikstrategin är ett av dessa planeringsdokument som utgör underlag för att främja hållbart resande.   Länsstyrelsen har i uppgift att förse kommunerna med olika planeringsunderlag och anordna olika träffar med kommunerna. Inom samhällsplanering finns det många aspekter att ta hänsyn till och då kan Länsstyrelsen ge goda exempel, sprida kunskap samt ge vägledning till kommunerna.  Örebro kommun har framställt ett eget verktyg för att kunna effektivisera och påverka markanvisningsprocessen som kallas Örebromodellen. Kommunen har makten att bestämma vem som ska bli tilldelad mark genom utvärdering av byggaktörernas genomförandeambitioner i intresseanmälningarna. Dessutom kan kommunen ha önskemål om att byggaktörernas genomförandeambitioner ska vara klimatrelaterade. För att möjliggöra klimatarbetet i kommunen ännu mer är slutsatsen att det behövs en förändrad lagstiftning samt tydligare ställningstaganden i politiken. Om politiken ska kunna ta ställning krävs det att tjänstemännen har kompetensen och möjligheten att förmedla vilka åtgärder som behövs. / One fifth of Sweden's climate impact comes from the building and construction sector, and in 2017 the Parliament voted that Sweden, by 2045 at the latest, will achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Örebro municipality has produced its own governing document, Climate strategy for Örebro municipality, which describes the climate impact, what the municipality needs to do and what milestones and stage goals are in the geographical area. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Örebro municipality works actively to reduce climate impact through community planning in connection with the city's growth. The study has been based on literature studies and interviews with four participants from Örebro municipality and three participants from the County Administrative Board in Örebro County. The study has been limited to a specific stage goal in Örebro municipality's climate strategy and the ways in which they work to achieve the stage goal - climate-smart community planning. The results indicate that Örebro municipality has many documents to relate to in order to reduce the climate impact. One of these documents is the master plan. This document is considered to be the main tool for community planning, as other planning documents have been worked into the master plan. The traffic strategy is one of these planning documents that forms the basis for promoting sustainable travel.  The County Administrative Board has the task of providing the municipalities with different planning documents and arranging different meetings with the municipalities. In community planning, there are many aspects to take into account and then the County Administrative Board can set good examples, disseminate knowledge and provide guidance to the municipalities. The municipality of Örebro has produced its own tool to be able to streamline and influence the land allocation process known as the Örebro model. The municipality has the power to decide who will be allocated land by evaluating the construction actors' implementation ambitions in the expressions of interest. In addition, the municipality may want the construction actors’ implementation ambitions to be climate-related. To enable climate work in the municipality even more, the conclusion is that a change in laws and clearer positions in politics are needed. If policy is to be able to take a stand, it is required that civil servants have the competence and the opportunity to convey what measures are needed.

Les effets du débat public dans la nouvelle ville de Montréal : regard sur le plan d'urbanisme et sa mise en oeuvre

Van Neste, Sophie L. 02 1900 (has links)
Débat public, participation, délibération, autant de termes utilisés pour parler de normes et de dispositifs qui participeraient au nouvel « impératif délibératif » (Blondiaux et Sintomer 2002). Ce mémoire présente une analyse du débat public sur le plan d'urbanisme de Montréal avec un schéma d'analyse inspiré de celui de Simard et Fourniau (2007). Notre discussion du processus de débat porte non seulement sur la phase formelle des audiences publiques, mais aussi sur les étapes de concertation en amont et sur divers processus plus ou moins publicisés en aval. Ceci permet une réflexion d'ordre procédural plus riche qui considère la diversité des dispositifs dans une perspective de complémentarité. Pour chercher des effets du débat public sur le plan d'urbanisme, nous adoptons le parti de la congruence (Offner 1993), ce qui nous amène à une analyse de l'interaction entre des dynamiques contextuelles et des mobilisations des participants au débat. Certaines de ces congruences concordent avec des modifications au plan d'urbanisme. Notre étude propose aussi des implications du contexte particulier de la nouvelle ville de Montréal (avec la création des arrondissements) sur le contenu du débat public, sur certaines de ses manifestations procédurales ainsi que sur sa portée. Notre dernier chapitre montre que la dynamique du débat public en aval, dans la phase de mise en oeuvre du plan d'urbanisme, se déploie beaucoup plus dans les débats sur les grands projets que sur les mécanismes prévus à cette fin, qui comportent des embûches de par leur faible publicité et le caractère technique du processus réglementaire. Dans l'ensemble, notre étude met en lumière l'importance du contexte : autant le processus de débat que ses effets s'inscrivent dans des dynamiques contextuelles. / In this master thesis, the mechanisms of public debate used to discuss the urban master plan of Montreal are analysed with a framework inspired by Simard and Fourniau (2007), which contains a serie of deliberative criterion. Public debate is used as a terminology to include diverse possible mechanisms and norms of debate and of public participation. Our discussion covers not only the formal phase of the debate (in the public hearings) but also the informal forums. We conclude that this allows for a richer procedural analysis based on a perspective of complementarity between diverse mechanisms of public debate. In the search for effects of the public debate on the urban master plan, we found a number of cases where contextual dynamics interacted with the demands of participants. These « congruences » (Offner 1993) concurred with the evolution of the planning document. This master thesis also presents interesting findings related to constraints on public debate brought about by the particular political and institutional context of Montreal. The coordination between the scale of the central city and the newly constituted boroughs had implications on the content of the debate, on procedural components as well as on its impact in the plan and the implementation phase. This suggests that studies of public debate and of public participation events should consider as an important dimension the contextual dynamics.

O processo de planejamento urbano na vigência do Estatuto da Cidade: os casos dos planos diretores de 2006 de São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba / The process of the urban planning in the validity of the Statute of the City: the cases of the master plans 2006 from São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba.

Lobão, Isabella Guimarães 21 June 2007 (has links)
Avaliar as transformações apresentadas pelo processo de Planejamento Urbano, através do instrumento do Plano Diretor, na vigência do Estatuto da Cidade é o campo em que se situa esta pesquisa; cujos resultados deverão contribuir para a discussão acerca dos alcances e limites do Plano Diretor como instrumento de planejamento urbano. De modo a formar pressupostos teóricos que fundamentem a análise dos casos, estuda-se o processo de urbanização e o histórico do planejamento urbano no Brasil; as distintas concepções assumidas pelo Plano Diretor ao longo dos anos em que se desenvolveu e consolidou a prática do planejamento urbano no Brasil; o conteúdo regulamentado pelo Estatuto da Cidade; e a região do Vale do Paraíba paulista. Por fim, a partir do estudo e análise do processo de elaboração e do conteúdo dos Planos Diretores de 2006 dos Municípios de São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba, no Vale do Paraíba paulista, compreendido nas etapas de Diagnóstico e Proposições, verifica-se em que medida o processo de Planejamento Urbano, através do instrumento do Plano Diretor, vem incorporando os princípios, diretrizes e instrumentos urbanísticos regulamentados pelo Estatuto da Cidade, em 2001; no sentido de enunciar uma nova concepção de planejamento e gestão territorial. / To evaluate the transformations presented by the process of the Urban Planning, through the instrument of the Master Plan, in the validity of the Statute of the City is the field where it is pointed this research; which results may contribute for the discussion about the reaches and limits of the Master Plan as an instrument of the urban planning. In order to form theories which base the analysis of the cases, are studied the process of the urbanization and the historic of the urban planning in Brazil; the distinct conceptions assumed for the Master Plan during the years in which was developed and consolidated the practice of the urban planning in Brazil; the content regulated by the Statute of the City; and the region of the Valley Paraíba paulista. From the study and analysis of the process of elaboration and of the content of the Master Plans 2006 from the cities of São José dos Campos and Pindamonhangaba, in the Valley Paraíba paulista, comprehended by the stages of Diagnostics and Proposals, it is verified how the process of the Urban Planning, through the instrument of the Master Plan, incorporates the principles, directives and urbanistics instruments regulated by the Statute of the City, in 2001; in order to enunciate a new conception of territorial planning and management.

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