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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spiral Fluted Columns and the Mechanical Screw: The History of a Mathematical Idea in Ancient Architecture and Mechanical Technology

Henderson, Georgina Jane 03 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the stone-carved architectural spiral fluted column from second-millennium B.C. Mesopotamia to the fourth-century A.D. Roman Empire, and establishes its relationship to technological devices such as water screws, screw presses, and other machines. Evidence from literary sources and archaeological records shows the increasing architectural use of the helical spiral during that time, particularly in structures such as theatres, nymphaea, colonnades and decorative gateways. The use of spiral designs on coins, sarcophagi, pottery and wall paintings is also discussed. The thesis presents: the mathematics of the spiral as applied in Mesopotamian architecture; spiral use in the Aegean Bronze and Iron Ages and the Greek and Roman worlds; and its use in technology and mechanical devices, specifically those of Archimedes and Hero. The conclusion summarises the evidence, demonstrating that the construction of the spiral fluted column evolved from that of the Archimedean water screw. / Graduate / 2015-08-20 / 0324 / 0346 / 0579 / ghenders@uvic.ca

Etnoanatomía y partonomía del cuerpo humano en sumerio y en acadio

Couto Ferreira, María Érica 05 September 2009 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral ofrece una edición actualizada de la lista lexical paleo babilónica Ugu mu,ejemplo de producción lexicográfica utilizada en los procesos de aprendizaje y entrenamiento de los escribas mesopotámicos. En este trabajo se incorporan los nuevos textos catalogados desde 1967, año de la primera edición de la lista, tanto en su versión monolingüe sumeria como en aquella bilingüe sumerio-acadia, incluyendo tres textos inéditos procedentes de la colección Schøyen (OsloyLondres). Puesto que Ugu-muelenca términos anatómicos y alusivos al cuerpo humano, el grueso del trabajo se ha focalizado en el tratamiento de las categorías partonómicas en sumerio y en acadio y en el análisis semántico del vocabulario de la lista, así como en los procesos de formación de nomenclatura anatómica, los contextos de uso de la terminología incluida en Ugu-mu, y en las ideas, conceptos y prácticas vinculadas al cuerpo humano presentes en el corpus de textos cuneiformes. / This PhD dissertation offers an updated version of the Old Babylonian lexical list Ugumu, a source that was used as a learning and teaching device for the training in cuneiform writing of the Mesopotamian scribes.This work includes the new Ugu-mu texts, both monolingual (Sumerian) and bilingual (Sumerian-Akkadian), catalogued from 1967 on, when the first edition of the list was published. Besides, the unpublished texts of the list from the Schøyencollection (Osloand London) are edited and analysed as well. Since Ugu-mu lists anatomical and body-related terms, a significative part of this dissertation has focused on Sumerian and Akkadian partonomic categories, as well as in the semantic analysis of the vocabulary in Ugu-mu, its use in context, and the ideas, concepts and practices linked to the human body within the corpus of mesopotamian cuneiform texts.

Origins and comparative performance of the composite bow

Randall, Karl Chandler IV 02 1900 (has links)
This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish this, the thesis begins by summarizing the problems and flaws that currently exist in the field of history as it applies specifically to archery and bow use. With problems identified, the thesis will then introduce the reader to the basics of bow mechanics, thereby laying the basis for physical testing. This in turn will empirically demonstrate flaws in the current iconographical method of bow identification. The thesis will then devise a new method for iconographic identification of composite construction that has greater proven accuracy, based upon proportional length, which will link extant artifacts with both physical test results and iconographic evidence. The reader shall then be led through a complete reevaluation of iconographical evidence for Mesopotamia and Elam starting at the beginning of the second millennium BCE and working backwards using this new method of iconographic evaluation to determine the point at which composite bow technology first appears in the ancient Near East. The thesis will finish with an overview of the above accomplishments and their potential impact on the study of ancient and military history. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Classical Studies)

La divinité au Proche-Orient et en Égypte aux IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C. Étude comparative / Divinity in the Near East and in Egypt in the IIIrd and IInd Millennia B.C.E. A comparative study

Othman, Berenice 09 November 2013 (has links)
L’étude s’interroge sur la notion de divinité dans l’Égypte et le Proche-Orient anciens, à l’aide des témoignages archéologiques et textuels qui la révèlent. Partant des premières représentations plausibles de puissances divines individualisées, vers la fin du IVe millénaire avant J.-C., l’enquête croise les données de la documentation iconographique et des sources écrites pour tenter d’identifier les spécificités des conceptions du divin dans chaque ensemble culturel, mais aussi leurs traits communs, au long des IIIe et IIe millénaires. Les religions du Proche-Orient et de l’Égypte se sont en effet, durant cette période, rejointes sur nombre de points, aussi bien dans la traduction formelle du divin que dans son expression conceptuelle. Aussi se pose la question de savoir si de telles similitudes sont le fruit de développements intrinsèques ou si des influences mutuelles en sont responsables. Les interactions dans le domaine de la religion, de plus en plus probables au cours du temps, sont avérées au IIe millénaire, au moins sur le plan de l’iconographie. Les contacts entre le Levant et la Vallée du Nil sont alors multiples, favorisant les imprégnations culturelles. Cependant, celles-ci ne se font pas au hasard : des priorités politiques ou enjeux idéologiques, que l’étude s’emploie à mettre en évidence, président aux emprunts réciproques. Certains décalages tiennent au statut même du corpus religieux au sein des sociétés, en particulier à celui de la littérature mythique. En dernière analyse, la démarche comparative touche aux fondements du polythéisme et aux mécanismes de « traduction », de « syncrétisme » et autres interprétations qu’il rend possibles. / This study aims at questioning the notion of divinity as conveyed by the ancient cultures of Egypt and the Near East, on the basis of archaeological and written evidence. Starting from the first plausible representations of divine powers pictured as individual beings, around the end of the 4th millennium B.C.E., the investigation confronts iconographical and textual data in order to identify, for both cultural areas under discussion, the peculiarities of their conceptions of the divine, as well as their common features, during the 3rd and 2nd millennia. At that time, indeed, the religion of the Near East and that of Egypt concurred in many respects, either in the formal depiction of the divine or in its conceptual expression. Hence the question arises whether such similarities were the outcome of intrinsic developments or resulted from mutual influences. Interactions in the realm of religion grow more and more likely in the course of time, and they can be ascertained for the 2nd millennium, at least as far as iconography is concerned. It is a period of intensive contact between the Levant and the Nile Valley, an incentive to cultural intermingling. However, those exchanges did not happen at random: the reciprocal borrowing depended on political priorities or ideological stakes, as the study seeks to highlight. Some discrepancies stem from the very status religious texts held within their own societies, especially mythical literature. Ultimately, the principles of polytheism and the processes of « translation », of « syncretism », and the other interpretations it allows, are the central issue of this comparative approach.

Ferramentas cognitivas nas escolas de escribas da Antiga Babilônia / Cognitive tools in Old Babylonian scribal schools

Cleber Possani Junior 16 December 2013 (has links)
A partir de uma avaliação crítica de propostas teóricas voltadas ao estudo histórico da cognição como as apresentadas por Jack Goody e Reviel Netz , este trabalho desenvolve uma possível aproximação entre novos modelos produzidos no campo das ciências cognitivas, em especial modelos de cognição corporalizada (embodied cognition), e as atuais interpretações dos textos matemáticos babilônicos. Propõe possíveis desenvolvimentos dessas interpretações através da identificação de um sistema cognitivo estendido específico da cultura escribal babilônica, fundado no uso de ferramentas cognitivas: as formas de produção da escrita cuneiforme, o repertório textual preservado pela tradição escribal e a própria instituição social escolar da eduba. Neste quadro, os conceitos matemáticos, as formas de percepção e ordenação da realidade material e a cognição escribal sobre o conceito de tempo se revelam dependentes da agência material dos tabletes cuneiformes, das práticas ligadas a eles e da posição social do escriba. / From a critical evaluation of theoretical proposals aimed at the historical study of cognition as those presented by Jack Goody and Reviel Netz this paper explores a possible connection between new models coming from cognitive sciences, particularly \"embodied cognition models, and current interpretations of Babylonian mathematical texts. It proposes possible developments of these interpretations through the recognition of an extended cognitive system, specific of Babylonian scribal culture, based on the use of cognitive tools: forms of production of cuneiform writing, the textual repertoire preserved by scribal tradition and the social institution of the eduba school. In this context, mathematical concepts, forms of perception and ordering of material reality and scribal cognition of the concept of time reveal themselves dependent on the material agency of cuneiform tablets, the practices linked to them and the social position of the scribe.

La composante iconographique mésopotamienne dans les coupes "phéniciennes" en métal / The Mesopotamian iconographic component on the "Phoenician" bowls

Onnis, Francesca 26 November 2015 (has links)
Dans le décor des coupes dites «phéniciennes», dont l’éclectisme a posé tant de questions, nous étudions les éléments d’origine mésopotamienne. Ces éléments concernent aussi bien les thèmes des représentations que leur mise en œuvre formelle ; nous en avons retracé la pénétration dans le corpus des coupes et leur diffusion. Du moment où la civilisation levantine a produit ces coupes, nous avons cherché à déterminer la façon dont elle a assimilé et adapté les types iconographiques mésopotamiens à l’expression de son propre univers culturel, ainsi que les critères qui ont pu orienter son choix des motifs parmi le vaste répertoire mésopotamien. Notre approche se veut iconologique : l’analyse du décor des coupes « phéniciennes » s’accompagne de l’étude de l’objet en tant que support matériel, de sa forme, de sa fonction, de sa valeur matérielle et symbolique, comme du cadre historique et culturel dans lequel cette catégorie spécifique de vaisselle a été produite. / This research concerns elements of Mesopotamian origin in the decoration of the so-called « Phoenician » bowls, whose eclectic nature has been long debated. My study focuses on two different aspects of this class of vessels. First, following the traditional iconographical approach, I study the formal and thematic elements of the various bowls in this series. Second, as the « Phoenician » bowls were produced within the Levantine culture, I aim to establish to what extend they reflect the way the Levantine culture assimilated and adapted Mesopotamian iconography for the expression of its own customs and values. I also intend to find out what cri-teria guided the Levantine artists in selecting which motifs to put on the bowls from the rich Mesopotamian iconographic repertoire.In addition, my approach is iconological: in order to ascertain what the Mesopotamian iconography reveals about the society where the « Phoenician » bowls were produced and used, I study the material aspects of the bowl in light of the figurative imagery, paying attention to its shape, its function, its material and symbolic value, foregrounding the historical context in which this class of vessel was produced.

Histoire politique des royaumes du Sud-Sindjar à l'époque amorrite (XIXe-XVIIe siècle avant notre ère) / A political history of South-Sinjar kingdoms in the amorite period (XIXe-XVIIe century BCE)

Vollemaere, Benjamin 26 January 2016 (has links)
En quelques décennies, entre le XXIe et le XIXe siècle, le visage de la Mésopotamie fut profondément bouleversé par l'immigration massive de populations amorrites qui se sédentarisèrent et investirent les centres urbains laissés vacants au tournant du millénaire précédent. Le phénomène toucha particulièrement la Haute‑Mésopotamie dans laquelle s'insère un petit ensemble rendu singulier par sa topographie : le sud du Djebel Sindjar.Si cette région n'a encore livré que peu de vestiges archéologiques, la documentation écrite exhumée sur plusieurs sites dans ou à l'extérieur du Sud-Sindjar (Tell Hariri, Tell Leilan et Tell al‑Rimah principalement), apporte de nombreuses informations sur sa géographie, sur ses habitants et leur mode de vie mais également et surtout sur les événements politiques qui la touchèrent entre le XIXe et le XVIIe siècle avant notre ère. C'est l'enjeu de cette thèse que de dater, d'ordonner et d'analyser ces informations dans une optique qui se veut double. Dans un premier temps, il s'agit de reconstituer le paléo-environnement et la géographie historique de cette région, avec comme l'un des principaux points de mire la localisation des villes évoquées dans ces textes. L'autre approche tient à la découverte de son histoire politique en premier lieu par la description des ensembles politiques et humains qui s'y constituèrent, royaumes et groupes tribaux, mais également par l'analyse des rapports que ces entités entretinrent entre elles. Enfin, il s'agit de considérer les enjeux que la région revêt et qui expliquent autant les choix politiques de ces royaumes que les interventions étrangères dans la région. / In a few decades, between the XXIst and the XIXth century, the appearance of Mesopotamia deeply changed because of the immigration on a massive scale of amorite populations which settled down and flooded upon the cities left unoccupied at the end of the previous century. The phenomenon particularly struck the Upper Mesopotamia in which there is a small area made singular owing to its topography : the plains south of the Jebel-Sinjar. This area has revealed only a few archaeological vestiges but the written documentation which was found in several sites inside or outside South-Sinjar (especially in Tell Hariri, Tell Leilan and Tell al-Rimah) brought many pieces of information about its geography, its inhabitants and their way of life, but also, and most importantly, about the political events which occurred there between the XIXth and the XVIIth century before our era. The issue of this thesis is to date, to order and to analyze these pieces of information in a double perspective. On one hand, it is about rebuilding the old environment and the historical geography of this area, aiming especially the location of the cities mentioned in these texts. Secondly, its political history will be studied, first of all throughout the description of the political and human groups which appeared there, kingdoms and tribal groups, and secondly through the analysis of the relationships between these entities. Finally, we will consider the issues represented in the area which explain the political decisions made by those kingdoms as well as the foreign interventions in the region.

Spiral Fluted Columns and the Mechanical Screw: The History of a Mathematical Idea in Ancient Architecture and Mechanical Technology

Henderson, Georgina Jane 03 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the stone-carved architectural spiral fluted column from second-millennium B.C. Mesopotamia to the fourth-century A.D. Roman Empire, and establishes its relationship to technological devices such as water screws, screw presses, and other machines. Evidence from literary sources and archaeological records shows the increasing architectural use of the helical spiral during that time, particularly in structures such as theatres, nymphaea, colonnades and decorative gateways. The use of spiral designs on coins, sarcophagi, pottery and wall paintings is also discussed. The thesis presents: the mathematics of the spiral as applied in Mesopotamian architecture; spiral use in the Aegean Bronze and Iron Ages and the Greek and Roman worlds; and its use in technology and mechanical devices, specifically those of Archimedes and Hero. The conclusion summarises the evidence, demonstrating that the construction of the spiral fluted column evolved from that of the Archimedean water screw. / Graduate / 2018-08-20 / 0324 / 0346 / 0579 / ghenders@uvic.ca

The meanings of late Neolithic stamp seals in North Mesopotamia

Denham, Simon January 2013 (has links)
The late Neolithic of North Mesopotamia has long been held up as the first example of a ‘global’ culture with aspects of shared material culture, most notably pottery styles and subsistence strategies, spread across North Mesopotamia, the Northern Levant, and parts of south-east Anatolia. Increasing research in the past twenty years has illustrated that the material similarities visible in the late Neolithic do not represent a closed cultural community, but instead reflect a network of loosely connected groups who were members of imagined communities that linked people within shared cosmologies. Since their discovery in the early decades of the twentieth century stamp seals have been treated as a type artefact of the late Neolithic (particularly one of its constituent parts the Halaf) where they have been used to argue for the presence of sealing systems based around administrative storage of personal or communal property and possibly trade relations. However, except for a thesis published in 1990, late Neolithic stamp seals have never been comprehensively studied or interpreted primarily within their own context. Instead previous studies of stamp seals have tied stamp seals into a modernist narrative of progression that implicitly culminates in modern, Western, Nation States. This research challenges and deconstructs this narrative to demonstrate there is little evidence that seals in the late Neolithic were used for administrative purposes. To this end it gathered and re-classified the available data on provenanced stamp seals using a classificatory ontology called prototype theory that allows for more reflexive classification then the existing Aristotelian classifications. The thesis argues that stamp seals were indexical symbols with their symbolism being used to link members of imagined communities within real communities across the late Neolithic ‘world’. These people were members of a perceived descent group originating in shifting relationships to place during the change from sedentary farming communities in the eighth millennium BC to more mobile communities in the seventh millennium BC. At the same time as negotiating these supra-community identities seals were also used indexically in a variety of sub-community ways being used for a variety of magical (primarily apotropaic and talismanic) uses. As part of this I argue sealing practices in the late Neolithic relate to specific events of efficacious sealing using the power in the seal’s design.

Syriansk medeltida perception om arabernas ankomst : En studie med avseende på religiösa, ekonomiska och sociala aspekter i samband med islams framväxt och erövringar av Syrien under perioden 632-750, speglad i fyra krönikor, här försedda med utförlig inledning.

Barsom, Matay January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to describe the perception of four medieval Syriac Christians Chroniclers, i.e. Pseudo-Dionysios of Tel-Mahre, Mikhael Rabbo, the anonymous Chronicler of The Chronicle of the year 1234 and BarcEbroyo, on the emergence of Islam with regard to religion, economic and social issues in the region of Syria and Iraq, here called Aramea, where Syriac speaking communities lived. The period of the study covers the time from the Prophet Muhammad to the end of the Umayyad dynasty.   Early passages in Syriac documents give positive accounts about the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr, cUmar ibn al-Khattab and Mucawiya. And indeed, the Syriac speaking community received the coming of the Arabs as a liberation from the Byzantines´ yoke, i.e. persecution and humiliation. When the Arabs conquered the region, they made a dhimmi-deal with subjugated Christians, i.e. ahl al-dhimma “people of covenant”, and gave them protection in exchange for jizya, the protection tax. Indeed, they achieved some independence, had their own civil laws, and the Syriac church ruled very freely.   But the presence of the Muslim Arabs transformed the region in terms of religion, language, demographic and political circumstances. The jizya became a heavy burden and some Caliphs treated Christians unfairly.  The Arabs showed superiority and a political power over all subjugated.   Within this change there began also a cultural interaction between the Muslims and the Christians. The Church was challenged, the Syriac language was repressed, and the Church fathers had to act to protect their communities. First, documentation of historical events of the region became a very important and central issue. Second, the chronicles were authored in order to present a disparity between Islam and Christianity to indicate distinction in religion and moral laws. Third, the Syriac church was challenged and had to act by forbidding marriage with Muslims by constituting Church Law, as many Christians chose to convert to Islam because of interactions, heavy taxes and unfair treatment.

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