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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kokybės valdymo statybos procese modeliavimas / Quality management modelling in construction process

Juodvalkis, Tomas 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama kokybės problema statybos procese. Analizuojamos kokybės valdymo sistemos, modeliai, jų taikymas organizacijų veiklai tobulinti. Apžvelgiama užsienio šalių patirtis kokybės valdyme, žinomų sistemų veikimo principai, galimybė jas kompiuterizuoti. Analizuojami Lietuvos teisiniai aktai, reglamentuojantys statybų kokybę. Išnagrinėjus teorinius kokybės valdymo metodus, pasiūlomas kokybės pasiekimo modelis, sukurtas atsižvelgiant į dabartinę statybų padėtį Lietuvoje, aprašoma statinių kokybės įtaka statybos dalyvių veiklai. Pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / Master thesis describes a problem of quality management in construction process. The systems, models of quality management and its integration in practice was described in this paper. An experience of quality management in the world, well known quality management systems and computerisation possibility was rewiewed. The law of conmstruction quality management was created, designed specialy for domestic market of Lithuania, derived from the theory of construction quality management. Influence of construction quality in business was described.

Konstitucinio skundo modeliai ir jo privalumai Lietuvos Respublikos atžvilgiu / Juridical models of the constitutional complaint and their juridical merits in the respect of republic of lithuania

Adomaitytė, Gerda 25 November 2010 (has links)
Konstitucinis skundas – tai tam tikra teisinė priemonė, suteikianti asmeniui, manančiam, kad yra pažeistos jo konstitucinės teisės ar laisvės, kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą ir prašyti verifikuoti viešosios valdžios sprendimus. Nėra vieno, universalaus konstitucinio skundo modelio, tinkančio visoms valstybėms, todėl kiekviena valstybė, apmąstanti šio instituto įtvirtinimo savoje teisinėje sistemoje reikalingumą, naujai turi išskirti konstitucinio skundo modelių esminius bruožus ir įvertinti jų privalumus bei trūkumus. Diskusijos dėl konstitucinio skundo instituto įtvirtinimo Lietuvos teisės sistemoje jau peraugo į realius įstatymo leidėjo darbus: suformuota darbo grupė konstitucinio skundo modelio koncepcijos projektui parengti. Tačiau nors plačiai svarstomas šio instituto įtvirtinimo pagrįstumas, dar nevyksta diskusija dėl konkretaus modelio ar specialių jo požymių privalomumo Lietuvos teisės sistemoje. Šiame darbe analizuojama kuo išsiskiria ir kuo panašūs yra konstituciniai skundai skirtingose Europos valstybėse. Svarstant koks konstitucinio skundo modelis geriausiai tiktų Lietuvai darbe analizuojami Latvijos, Lenkijos, Vokietijos, Rusijos, Vengrijos valstybių konstitucinio skundo modeliai. / The individual constitutional claim – is a certain legal measure, which gives a chance to a person, who believes that his constitutional rights and freedoms are violated, to apply to the Constitutional Court and ask for verification of decisions of public authority. The only one, universal juridical model of the individual constitutional complaint suited to all States doesn’t exist. Every State thinking of necessity to institute such legal measure into its legal system, has over again to identify and set apart the constitutive features of different juridical models of the constitutional complaint and to evaluate their merits and demerits. Discussion whether the constitutional complaint has to be instituted or not in the Lithuanian legal system has grown into the real actions of legislator: the work group for preparing the draft of conception of the Lithuanian constitutional complaint has been organized. Despite the fact that legitimacy of institute of constitutional complaint is under extensive consideration, concrete juridical model of the constitutional complaint or binding technical elements in the Lithuanian legal system are still not under discussion. Similarities and differences of the European juridical models of the constitutional complaint are analyzed in this work.

Edukacinių paslaugų marketingo komplekso formavimo modelis / The model of formation of educational service marketing complex

Povilaitytė, Vaida 25 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe palyginami pagrindiniai marketingo modeliai, nagrinėjama konkurencingumo problema bei marketingo įrankių panaudojimo galimybės veiklos tobulinimui. Analizuojamos mokymo paslaugų ypatybės, aukštųjų mokyklų orientavimosi į rinką stadijos, tikslinės rinkos ir atskirų vartotojų grupių poreikiai. Akcentuojama, jog esminė edukacinių paslaugų ypatybė yra ta, kad egzistuoja kelios vartotojų grupės, kurios turi esamų ir potencialių interesų: tai ne tik studentai, bet ir jų tėvai, darbdaviai, vyriausybinės organizacijos, aukštosios mokyklos darbuotojai ir t.t. Kiekviena iš šių grupių sudaro mokyklos tikslinę rinką ir joms reikia sukurti ir taikyti skirtingą marketingo priemonių kompleksą. Siūloma atsižvelgti ir į studentų kaip mokymo paslaugų vartotojų poreikių diferenciaciją. Įvertinus ŠU Edukologijos fakulteto studentų lūkesčių patenkinimo lygį, siūlomos esamos marketingo komplekso tobulinimo kryptys, užtikrinant šio proceso tęstinumą bei vykdymą kiekviename aukštosios mokyklos lygyje. Pateikiamas edukacinių paslaugų marketingo komplekso formavimo modelis. / In the present thesis, there are compared the main marketing models, considered the problem of competitive ability and possibilities to use marketing tools for activity improvement. The peculiarities of education services, the stages of market orientation of higher education schools, purpose markets and the needs of different groups of consumers are analysed. It is emphasised that the essential peculiarity of educational services is existence of several consumer groups, which have their existing and potential interests: these are not only students, however, also their parents, employers, governmental organisations, employees of higher education schools and etc. Each of these groups makes a purpose market of a school and they need different sets of marketing tools to be developed and applied. Having assessed the level of satisfaction of expectations of the students of Šiauliai University Educology Department, the trends and directions to improve existing marketing complex are proposed ensuring the continuity of the process and its performance on each level of a higher education school. The model of formation of educational service marketing complex is provided herein.

Kompiuterinio automatizuoto projektavimo posistemė pastato sienoms su angomis formuoti / CAD subsystem for creating of the building's walls with the openings

Šliaužytė, Brigita 05 June 2006 (has links)
Many architects is working with AutoCAD system. But it is very time consuming work when it is needed to do such a work like drawing 3D models of walls with openings. This can be solved because of AutoCAD open architecture. Advantages of this would be less of errors in drawings and more time for other work for architects. Created software is able from 2D draft of lines make 3D walls and, if was chossed, openings. The user describes dimensions of wall and / or opening and the program will change selected line by set of planes with the opening inside. There are a few aviable options for user choise: openings may have a form of triangle or rectangular, walls maybe be like surfaces or lines, it is possible to create a wall with an array of rectangular openings, and delete already created walls leaving primary lines. For software creation was choosen Visual Basic for Aplication programing language because of it is object – oriented and easy comunication with standart AutoCAD’s classes and graphical objects. User‘s dialog’s form was choosen nearly these, what apear in such software like Architectural Desktop because of its logical simplicity. Supposing created software will be developed further in these ways: o Adding more opening’s shapes o Creating library of opening’s o Supporting all standarts needed for professional.

UAB "Tobis" darbuotojų motyvavimo modeliai ir jų pasirinkimą įtakojantys veiksniai / Joint-stock company "Tobis" personnel motivation models and the factors wich influence it choice

Česnavičienė, Eglė 19 December 2006 (has links)
Šiomis dienomis, kada konkurencija, tarp rinkoje egzistuojančių įmonių didelė ir negailestinga UAB „Tobis“ tampa labai svarbus klausimas, kaip rasti būdą norint išlaikyti ir pagerinti konkurencinį pranašumą prieš įmones, konkurentes. Dėl šios priežasties viena iš įmonės vadovo darbo užduoties dalių – pasiekti kad pavaldiniai tinkamai, laiku ir panaudodami visą savo potencialą atliktų jiems pavestas užduotis. Tai gali padėti pasiekti tik tinkamas vadovo požiūris į darbuotojų motyvaciją. Nors motyvacija, darbuotojo atžvilgiu kintantis procesas, tačiau tinkamai jį panaudojus galima priversti įmonės darbuotojus „tiksėti“. Būtent dėl šios priežasties gerokai į priekį pažengusiose įmonėse, darbuotojų motyvacijos klausimas, tampa pagrindinės įmonės strategijos dalimi. Suprantama tai, kad gerai motyvuotas darbuotojas - įmonės pagrindinis resursas ir kapitalas, nes gerai motyvuotoje darbuotojų komandoje, jie teikia vieni kitiems energijos siekti geresnių rodiklių. Todėl iškyla klausimas, kokie veiksniai įtakoja motyvavimo modelių pasirinkimą UAB „Tobis“? Pagrindinis tikslas, į kurį atsižvelgiama siekiant, kad darbuotojams parinkti motyvavimo modeliai duotų teigiamų rezultatų įmonės veiklos rodikliams – tai, kad stengiamasi atsižvelgti į kiekvieno UAB „Tobis“ dirbančiojo poreikius individualiai. Kiekvienas darbuotojas yra asmenybė, skirtingomis aplinkybėmis reaguojanti ir veikianti skirtingai. Todėl įmonės vadovas siekdamas tinkamai įvertinti darbuotojo poreikius, neturi galvoti, kad... [to full text] / Nowadays, there is a lot of severe competition among companies working in the market. In this case, a joint-stock company „Tobis“ has to deal with the ways of keeping and improving its advantage over its competitors in the same business area. Because of this competition, the leader of the company has to cope with a particular task, making sure that his/her employees will complete all the given tasks properly and on time. This could be obtained only by a positive attitude towards the employees’ motivation. Although motivation is changeable, it can be used to make employees go ahead. That is why, in some profitable companies, gaining employees' motivation is one of the most important parts of the company strategy. A highly motivated employee is a resource and a capital of a company, as a highly motivated team can achieve more results. Thus, while motivating employees, a leader has to think over the factors which influence the choice of motivation models. The major aim is trying to take into account each employee‘s needs individually. That has to be taken into consideration while applying motivation models to get positive results in the company‘s business. An employee is a personality who reacts and acts differently under different circumstances. Bearing in mind these reasons, the leader mustn‘t apply the same motivation model to all his/her workers. There are a lot of ways to make an employee work for a company in a favourable way. The ways are divided into the following two... [to full text]

Objektinių modelių transformacijų realizavimas / Implementing object model transformations

Abdrachimovas, Ruslanas 31 May 2004 (has links)
Presented work covers one of the most important areas of OMG’s model driven architecture (MDA) – problems of object model transformations. Based on research of OMG specifications and other sources, author analyzes transformation process, states importance of modeling and metamodeling for designing of UML like modeling languages. Research work describes designed metamodels of experimental modeling languages: “Entity – process”, Java metamodel and relational metamodel. Author gives a short overview of model editors for these languages, created using EMF framework tools. Based on analysis, author describes very flexible architecture of model transformation implementation, based on filter and pipes architectural pattern. Usage of this architecture gives flexibility to transformation implementation and allows easy and straightforward decomposition of transformation to separate stages. Designed filter and pipes transformation architecture was used for experimental transformation implementation. Research work presents quality and quantity based results of experimental transformations.

Veiklos žinių kaupimo posistemis / IS engineering method grounded on knowledge

Budrevičienė, Sandra 31 May 2004 (has links)
One of IS engineering problems – are analyses and simulation, in order to define users informative needs. Activity knowledge accumulation method and part of the system has been realized grounded on workflow models. System prototype has been created to extend CASE environment activity knowledge basis. The part of the system will be directly used by analysts, who will simulate the activity of computerized organization, trying to collect and analyze users information requirements. This work is a part of the scientific research “IS engineering method grounded on knowledge” carried out in the department of IS. Information systems engineering is started by the analyses of activity area – workflow model sequences of analyzed processes are made. Workflow model sequences transforming method has been created, that checks completeness and sequence of the data collected. Such checked by created methods and located in CASE system knowledge basis activity model will be called activity knowledge structure. In the storage of CASE system professional knowledge in accumulated and collected using modified work sequence models. The completeness of the information collected is checked using professional knowledge and completeness checking algorithms – information shift, data separation elimination of the breakpoints, function structure setting and import. The activity knowledge accumulation has been programmed. Information data accumulation and completeness checking algorithms are realized... [to full text]

Duomenų bazės schemos SQL aprašo generavimas funkcinių reikalavimų specifikacijos pagrindu / Generation SQL Definition of Database Schema Using Functional Requirements Specification

Kekys, Aleksas 27 May 2005 (has links)
The data modeling phase is one of the main phases in automated system development methods. Usually data modeling is separated as independent process which success and robustness depends largely on the intuition and experience of the data analyst. This can become problematic when IS database is being designed for large scale IS. To solve this type of problems it’s proposed to accomplish data modeling phase not as a separate, poorly with the generic modeling process connected part but as one of the fundamental system development phases. Functional Requirements Specification Method is proposed for this matter. This methods main idea is to build database model according to user requirements for the functionality of the system being developed. The purpose of this work is to present a process intended for building a entity relationship diagram from the analysed functional requirements specification metamodel and generation of the SQL DDL script (relational schema) from that model. The presented model will be implemented as one of the CASE tool modules specified for the database modeling and SQL DDL script generation. Implemented tool will be verified and it’s correctness will be experimentally approved.

Vairuotojo elgsenos modeliavimas panaudojant dirbtinį intelektą / Modeling driving behavior through artificial intelligence

Jakštas, Artūras 12 June 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra analizuojamas dirbtinis intelektas (DI), jo panaudojimo galimybės. Taip pat apžvelgiami dabartiniai vairuotojo padėjėjai. Šios sistemos padeda išvengti eismo įvykių. Siekiama, kad jos sumažintų eismo kamščius ir padėtų išspręsti aplinkos problemas. Pasinaudojant paslėptaisiais Markovo modeliais, bandoma sukurti dvi sistemas, kurios modeliuoja gerus ir blogus vairuotojo veiksmus posūkyje. Visi kelio ir mašinos duomenys yra gauti iš realiomis sąlygomis važiuojančio automobilio, o ne iš simuliatoriaus. Taip pat darbe parodoma, kad tokia sistema gali atpažinti, kada vairuotojas blogai įvažiuoja į posūkį ir įspėti jį apie artėjantį pavojų dar prieš nelaimei įvykstant. Tai labai aktualu vairuotojų saugumui, nes tokia sistema, kuri įsp��ja, kai į posūkį įvažiuojama per greitai, dar nėra sukurta. / In this paper there are analyzed artificial intelligence (AI), and its opportunities and potential. Also there are reviewed current driver’s assistants. These systems help to avoid traffic accidents. The purpose of these systems is to reduce traffic jams and to solve environmental problems. In this paper there are shown how based on hidden Markov models to create two systems, which can model good and bad driver performance on a turn. All road and vehicle data are collected from real traffic, not from simulator. There are also shown that such system can recognize bad driver’s behavior and warn him before the accident had happened. It is a matter of great relevance to our safety, because such system, which warns about going too fast into the turn, has not been created yet.

Vartotojų elgsena renkantis aprangos parduotuvę (UAB "New Yorker Lietuva" atvejis) / Research of consumer behaviour, choosing a clothing store ( UAB "New Yorker Lithuania" case)

Indriulytė, Audronė 02 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamos vartotojų elgsenos ypatybės. Darbe išanalizuota ir susisteminta įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių publikuota medžiaga, susijusi su vartotojų elgsena, analizuojami veiksniai, įtakojantys ir nulemiantys vienokią ar kitokią vartotojų elgseną priimant sprendimą pirkti. Praktinėje dalyje yra pateikiami UAB „New Yorker Lietuva“ vartotojų elgsenos tyrimų apibendrinimai bei išskiriamos pagrindinės tendencijos, apsprendžiančios jų elgsenos ypatumus. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie yra vartotojų pirkimo įpročiai, ar vartotojo sprendimui pirkti turi įtakos išoriniai ir vidiniai veiksniai. Patvirtinama autoriaus suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad vartotojų elgseną priimant sprendimą dėl aprangos parduotuvės pasirinkimo apsprendžia teikiamų prekių kaina ir vartotojų amžius. / The peculiarities of consumers’ behaviour are analyzed in the Master’s Thesis. The material published by various Lithuanian and foreign authors is analyzed and systemized in the Thesis. This material is related to consumers’ behaviour; the actions influencing and determining a certain consumers’ behaviour when taking the decision to buy are analyzed. The generalization of researches of consumers’ behaviour and the main tendencies determining the peculiarities of their behaviour are presented in the practical part of the Thesis. The research was conducted in order to determine the necessities of consumers’ purchases and whether the outer and inner factors have influence upon consumer’s decision to buy. Author’s hypothesis of scientific research supposing that the prices of presented goods and consumers’ age influence consumers’ behaviour when choosing the clothing shop was proven.

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