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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harperova vláda, právo na sebeurčení původních obyvatel a Indiánský zákon z roku 1876 / The Harper Government, the Aboriginal Right to Self-Determination, and the Indian Act of 1876

Onderková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
In its relatively unchanged form and effective for nearly 140 years the Indian Act of 1876 is the basic law governing the rights and responsibilities of First Nations and their status within Canada. The law protects the special status of Indigenous groups in Canadian society albeit it has been criticized as discriminatory. Voices calling for change of the legislation are growing stronger with the deepening socio-economic problems of Aboriginal peoples. First Nations primarily require the assertion of their constitutional right to self-determination in any future reform. In contrast, the current Conservative government of Stephen Harper emphasizes self- sufficiency and financial responsibility of Native peoples. Legislative actions that Conservatives rarely consult with representatives of the Indigenous peoples themselves correspond to the general priorities of the Harper Government based on the principles of market economy and do not reflect the demands for self-determination and self-government of Indigenous communities. The Idle No More protest movement founded in 2012 in reaction to some of Harper's laws pertaining to Aboriginal peoples fights for their rights and environmental protection inextricably linked with their identity. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze different perspectives on...

Rodinná politika ve vztahu k rodinám s vícerčaty / Family policy in relation to families with multiples

Semorádová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This Master's thesis on 'Family policy towards multiple children' addresses the current issue of Czech family policy towards families with special needs using the example of family policy towards multiple children. The objective of the thesis is to identify the living conditions of families with multiple children in the Czech Republic and to find out how family policy and other related policies reflect the needs of such families, analyze state support for families and support structures involved in this area of family support, to identify possible defects and then propose possible changes in this area. This thesis works with theoretical concepts: the theory of poverty, the theory of social exclusion , the theory of the welfare state, the human capital theory and the concept of public interest. This thesis employs the following methods: semi-structured interviews with actors, analysis of secondary data or stakeholder's analysis, problem tree analysis and formulation of variants. The conclusion of the work is that, despite the existing measures in the field of family policy, the concept of family policy has not yet taken into account families with multiple children and the support structures examined in this thesis are not yet sufficient in the case of families with multiple children. This thesis...

Commande robuste à haute performance sans capteur de position d'alterno-démarreurs à grande vitesse avec un fort couple à l'arrêt pour les avions plus électriques / Robust sensorless control of high-speed Starter/Generators with high starting torque for the More Electric Aircraft

Beciu, Andreea-Livia 11 October 2018 (has links)
Les avionneurs expriment le besoin de développement de l’avion plus « électrique ». Cela se traduit par des besoins nouveaux en matière de systèmes de motorisation électrique, en termes de puissance à fournir et de partage de ressources matérielles en vue de minimiser la masse embarquée et les coûts. Parmi les études en cours sur l’évolution des machines tournantes, un intérêt particulier porte sur le développement des alterno-démarreurs de type machines synchrones sans balais et à plusieurs étages (BSSG). Celles-ci sont susceptibles de fournir un fort couple lors des phases de démarrage des réacteurs auxquelles elles sont associées. Pour ce faire, la connaissance, à tout moment, de la position du rotor est essentielle. Cependant, l'ajout d’un capteur dédié impacte la conception de la machine, rajoutant du volume, du câblage et augmentant le coût. La réalisation d'une commande dite « sensorless » permettrait de s'affranchir de l'utilisation d'un tel capteur et de simplifier le design des alterno-démarreurs.A partir d'une modélisation fine de la machine, cette thèse étudie les conditions dans lesquelles une telle commande est réalisable et analyse plusieurs techniques permettant d'y parvenir. Une nouvelle méthode d'estimation de la position du rotor, spécifique aux BSSG est proposée, puis illustrée avec des résultats expérimentaux. Cette technique est basée sur le traitement des composantes harmoniques existantes naturellement au stator de la machine et permet l'estimation de la position à l'arrêt et à très basse vitesse. Afin d'étendre l'estimation sur toute la plage de vitesse, une étude d'estimation de position par un observateur d'état à base du modèle complet de la machine en considérant les harmonique injectés (ou existantes) dans les courants du stator est proposée. Cet observateur peut s’appliquer à la machine synchrone à trois étages mais aussi à toute machine synchrone. Dans cette étude, son fonctionnement est illustré sur une machine synchrone à aimants permanents. / The aircraft manufacturers express the need to develop a more "electric" aircraft. This brings forward new requirements for the electric drive systems in terms of increasing the available on-board power and resource sharing in order to optimize the overall mass and cost. Among the ongoing studies on the evolution of motor drives, a particular interest is given to the development of multi-level brushless synchronous starter/generators (BSSG). These drives are likely to provide the high torque required to start-up the reactors to which they are associated. For this purpose, the knowledge, at any time, of the rotor position is essential. However, adding a dedicated sensor impacts on the design of the machine, increasing volume, cabling needs and cost. For this purpose, investigating on “sensorless” control laws will permit to avoid using such a sensor and to simplify the design of the Starter/Generators.Using a fine modelling of the machine, this work studies the conditions of feasibility for sensorless control and analyzes several techniques for this purpose. A new method of estimation of the shaft-position, particular to the BSSG architecture is proposed and then illustrated with experimental results. This technique is based on the processing of the existing harmonic components naturally in the stator of the machine and allows the estimation of the position at standstill and the very low speed. To extend the estimation to the whole speed range, a study of position estimation using a state observer using the complete model of the machine considering the knowledge of the existing (or injected) harmonic components in the stator currents is proposed. This observer can be applied to the brushless synchronous starter/generator but also on generic synchronous machines. In this study, its performance is illustrated on a permanent magnet synchronous machine.

Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence in a More-than-Human World: A Multiple Case Study Exploring the Human-Elephant-Conservation Nexus in Namibia and Sri Lanka

Castaldo-Walsh, Cynthia 01 January 2019 (has links)
This qualitative multiple case study explored human-elephant conflict-coexistence relationships and issues of conservation in Namibia (Damaraland) and Sri Lanka (Wasgamuwa) from a posthumanist, multispecies perspective. Within each region, conflict between humans and elephants is considered high, elephants are considered endangered and are of high conservation priority, the human population has grown significantly, and community-based organizations are implementing holistic approaches to increase positive relations between humans and elephants. This study was guided by research questions that explored the current landscape of the human-elephant-conservation nexus within each region, the shared histories between humans and elephants over time, and the value in utilizing more-than-human theoretical and methodological frameworks to enhance human-elephant relationships and support conservation efforts. Data collection methods included participant observation, naturalistic observation, interviews, visual data, and documents. Data was triangulated and analyzed within each case, as well as across cases. Major themes were identified within each case that describe unique contexts, cultures, and shared histories. These findings were then analyzed comparatively. Emergent themes across cases identified ways that a more-than-human framework may be useful in fostering coexistence between humans and elephants and supporting conservation efforts. This study contributes to the evolving scholarship on multispecies approaches to inquiry and methodology from the position of conflict resolution scholar, supports a more inclusive framework for analyzing human-wildlife conflicts, discusses theoretical and methodological implications in multispecies research, and provides recommendations for future research.

Det konstnärliga servisglaset : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökning av servisglas från Orrefors – mellan 1960 och 1990 / The artistic stemware : A qualitative and quantitative study of stemware from Orrefors – between 1960 and 1990

Berglund, Pia January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores the correlation between the design of stemware and the production of artistically produced glassware at the Swedish glassworks Orrefors, between the years of 1960 and 1990. The aim of this investigation is to see in what way the artistic glass has influenced the design of the stemware. Furthermore, the essay discusses in what way this change in design can be due to factors like competition with cheaper stemware from IKEA, the aesthetic trends of different decades and the economic situations of the glassworks. This essay also investigates in what way this change in design and aesthetics correlates to a change in pricing of the exclusive stemware produced at Orrefors. These subjects have been investigated using both a qualitative and a quantitative method, with the aim of understanding their correlations. The result of this study has shown that the artistically produced glassware has had a noticeable impact on the design of stemware, particularly from the mid 70´s and onwards. This is concluded to be due to a combination of factors, such as the ones stated above.


García Portolés, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
Soil is one of the largest ecosystems being ignored by human activities. Our farming practices and urban constructions have contributed to its degradation, with far-reaching consequences for the water cycle’s equi- librium.Reconnect with nature and learn the methods to assist in its recovery are essential for the survival of all inhabitants on this planet.  My degree project consists of a large research into the water cycle of urban areas, studying the particular case of Stockholm, that leads to the problems of degraded soil. The aim is to understand the relation- ship between water cycle and soil ecosystems and explore potential solutions.  As a result, I have designed KURITA, a learning tool founded upon the ecofeminism values of care, that serves as a learning method for citi- zens to reconnect with soil values and actively participate in its restor- ative process.


EDUARDO FAGUNDES DE CARVALHO 29 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Crimes na adolescência impõem custos não triviais para a sociedade, o que tornou seus determinantes e fatores dissuasivos cada vez mais sujeitos a estudo por economistas. Intervenções no nível da escola são comumente propostas com o objetivo de mitigar o surgimento de carreiras criminais e a perpetuação da violência. Entretanto, as direções e os canais pelos quais as escolas afetam crime podem variar. Esse artigo estuda um deles - os esfeitos de incapacitação - explorando um programa federal que aumentou as horas escolares em escolas públicas brasileiras. Usando variação quasiexperimental na probabilidade de aderir ao programa e dados georreferenciados de crime do estado de São Paulo, é possível estimar os feitos causais do programa em atividade criminal ao redor das escolas. Os resultados sugerem que incapacitação de fato previne jovens de cometerem crimes menos severos, com evidência mais forte para crimes relacionados a drogas e para escolas com alunos mais pobres. / [en] Juvenile crime imposes non-trivial costs to societies, which have made its determinants and deterrents increasingly subject of study by economists. School-based interventions are often proposed in order to mitigate the rise in criminal careers and the perpetuation of violence. However, the directions and channels through which schooling may affect crime vary. This paper studies one of them - namely the incapacitation effects - exploiting a federal program that extended school hours in Brazilian public schools. Using quasiexperimental variation in the probability of receiving the program and georeferenced crime data from the state of São Paulo, it is possible to estimate the causal effect of the program on criminal activity in the surroundings of the schools. Results suggest incapacitation does prevent juvelines from engaging in less offensive crimes, with stronger evidence for drug-related crimes and for schools with poorer students.

Thinking with Ai Stratis : Becoming-Tourist, Becoming-Researcher in a More-Than-Human-World

Raduchowska, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
This study discusses the difference between thinking with and about the island of Ai Stratis for knowledge production, advocating for situated research and embodied experience. Having conducted an ethnographic study, on the island of Ai Stratis in the North Aegean region of Greece in the summer of 2021, I look out from the island, assuming a tree-fold research field, including the physical island of Ai Stratis, a plane of reflexivity, as well as a literary plane. From there, I propose that research method assemblages perform reality,rather than solely describing it, and that foregrounding and backgrounding voices is a micro-political process with far-reaching consequences. I look at what is meant by a multiple reality, the relevance of ethics and care in more-than-human entanglements, and multiple worldings for sustainability understood as futurity. What more, I speak about how those entanglements blur species and material boundaries and how things and beings become with one another through molecular contagion whilst forming shifting assemblages. Discussing Ai Stratis as an island, I speak about some of the lure and danger of falling into geographical determinism and representational thinking. Further, I propose that dwelling in landscape whilst using all the senses (not only sight) may be a step towards practicing noticing and learning to be affected. I argue against strictly representational thinking and against a faceless mass of uniformity, and for the individual, intimate, face-to-face, situated, and embodied. Finally, I extend an invitation to have a conversation about guest-host relations, founded on particular, situated relationships of trust, care, respect, and a willingness to engage with change. I discuss this in the context of my entanglement as a stranger with the human and non-human hosts on Ai Stratis, as well as in a multispecies and a more-than-human, and metaphysical context of sustainability

The Early Modern Space: (Cartographic) Literature and the Author in Place

Myers, Michael C. 01 January 2015 (has links)
In geography, maps are a tool of placement which locate both the cartographer and the territory made cartographic. In order to place objects in space, the cartographer inserts his own judgment into the scheme of his design. During the Early Modern period, maps were no longer suspicious icons as they were in the Middle Ages and not yet products of science, but subjects of discourse and works of art. The image of a cartographer’s territory depended on his vision—both the nature and placement of his gaze—and the product reflected that author’s judgment. This is not a study of maps as such but of Early Modern literature, cartographic by nature—the observations of the author were the motif of its design. However, rather than concretize observational judgment through art, the Early Modern literature discussed asserts a reverse relation—the generation of the material which may be observed, the reality, by the views of authors. Spatiality is now an emerging philosophical field of study, taking root in the philosophy of Deleuze & Guattari. Using the notion prevalent in both Postmodern and Early Modern spatiality, which makes of perception a collective delusion with its roots in the critique of Kant, this thesis draws a through-line across time, as texts such as Robert Burton’s An Anatomy of Melancholy, Thomas More’s Utopia, and selections from William Shakespeare display a tendency to remove value from the standard of representation, to replace meaning with cognition and prioritize a view of views over an observable world. Only John Milton approaches perception as possibly referential to objective reality, by re-inserting his ability to observe and exist in that reality, in a corpus which becomes less generative simulations of material than concrete signposts to his judgment in the world.

Fireworks and Sex! A field study guide to America's shiniest religion

Rothfuss, David Alexander 10 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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