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MORAVSKÉ VINAŘSKÉ CENTRUM BRNO / Moravian wine centre BrnoVojtěšek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The city of Brno has always been a center of Moravian wine. The new draft of wine center responds to this reality and represents the grandeur of wineries in its full glory. Respect for nature, love for traditions and love for order/system are the main aspects of the design. The proposal is essentially open to the public, however, the necessary modesty is preserved. Conversely taciturnity of production part of buliding holds the secrets of the deep traditions of Viticulture and Enology. Designed buildings are used for production, wine storage, administration associated with the production, tasting and selling wine, conferences, accommodation and, finally, wellness and other activities. The size of the building is the result of an optimal design that does not interfere with nearby historical buildings. The emphasis is on minimizing costs both during construction and during operation. Flor plan shape resembling the letter L is oriented towards the west courtyard. This raises a unique viticultural area court with a wide staircase. The amphitheater can be used for seasonal exhibitions, pilgrimages or feast of local entertainment. The yard is connected with the street Hlinky, which paraphrases the historic entrance portals into winecellars. The northern part of the building bites into the ground and connects the original winecellars with new facilities. Small narrow windows reflects the desired taciturnity, just as it was with winecellars in South Moravia for centuries.
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Studie zefektivnění přípravy výroby u vybrané technologie / The study of increase in efficiency of manufacturing preparation of technologyŠudoma, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This paper discusses different alternatives of more efficient preparation of spheroided graphite cast iron production. Secondary metallurgy and chemical heating technology are used to recast cast iron fused in copula furnace. The work applies the known physical-chemical rules used in the production of quality spheroided graphite cast iron in regular production conditions. Based on the previous developments, the aim was to prepare implementation of verified secondary metallurgy processes in adjusted casting ladle. The casting ladle was adjusted in order to allow execution of all processes required in order for the relevant standards and material lists requirements to be met in respect to spheroided graphite cast iron quality. Comments regarding the trends in ferroalloy metallurgy and related marketing approach of the company. The work is concluded by a summary of advantages brought in by the new approaches compared to the traditional ones from the economical as well as environmental perspective.
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Den gröna korridoren : Biologisk mångfald i stadsrummetHärnborg, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Mitt mål är att göra stadsrummet inbjudande för fler än bara människor och stärka ekosystemet där fjärilar är en viktig del, både som pollinerare och föda för andra arter. Jag har valt att hjälpa just fjärilar då deras antal under de senaste åren har halverats och är i starkt behov av stöttning. Med design som verktyg kommer jag att introducera de värdväxter som fjärilen är beroende av för att överleva. För att skapa en så stor förändring som möjligt använder jag mig av ett objekt som redan har en stark närvaro i stadslandskapet nämligen lyktstolpen. Jag har designat en växtbädd som är anpassad efter lyktstolpen och i den finns det möjlighet att plantera upp till 24 st växter. Tack vare lyktstolparnas strategisk placering kan man med hjälp av min design koppla ihop stadens grönområden och introducera växtlighet där det i dagsläget inte finns någon. Hade inte du velat bo i en stad med massa växter och vackra fjärilar?
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Centrum volnočasových aktivit Brno-Brněnská přehrada / Leisure time centre Brno - Brno reservoirEliášová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Leisure time centre Brno - Brno reservoir" is processed in the form of architectural study. The theme of architectural study is project which integrates rowing club facilities, housing for students representing University of Technology in Brno, restaurant and observation tower. The main aim of proposal is to create dignified, interconnected spaces for these functions and to make the Brno reservoir even more attractive. Area for project of the Leisure time centre is located on a gentle slope and defined by the Rakovecka road and water area of the reservoir. The proposed project replaces all the existing buildings on the defined area of interest.
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Internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi för gravida med depression : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av tillägg av extrastöd / Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression during pregnancy : A qualitative interview study on the experience of the addition of extra-counselingAzami Naeini, Mona, Österberg, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Depression drabbar 10–20% av gravida kvinnor och kan leda till konsekvenser för bådebarnet, modern och samhället. IKBT för depression är en effektiv behandling, däremot har patientersom genomgått IKBT uttryckt behov av ytterligare stöd. Syftet med studien var att undersökaupplevelser av att erhålla extrastödsamtal under IKBT inom DANA-studien. Genom en kvalitativansats genomfördes intervjuer med nio deltagare med depression under graviditeten. Tematisk analysanvändes vilket resulterade i två huvudteman; Individanpassning efter behov och Integrering avbehandling. Resultatet visade att extrastödet utgjorde en möjlighet till flexibel individanpassningsamt ett stöd utifrån att IKBT upplevdes som en krävande behandling. Kommunikation upplevdessom avgörande för helhetsupplevelsen av behandlingen och extrastöd utgjorde en möjlighet till flerperspektiv utifrån tillgång till olika yrkeskompetenser. Resultatet ger en ökad förståelse avupplevelsen av extrastödet och dess funktion, samt vad deltagarna upplever som viktigt för att kunnagenomföra behandlingen. / Depression affects 10-20% of pregnant women and can cause consequences for the child,mother, and society. ICBT for depression is an effective treatment, however, patients that haveundergone ICBT have expressed a need for additional support. The purpose of this study was toexamine experiences of receiving extra-counseling during ICBT within the DANA-study. Through aqualitative approach, interviews were conducted with nine participants with depression duringpregnancy. Thematic analysis was used and resulted in two main themes: Adaptation to individualneeds and Integration of treatment. The result shows that extra-counseling provided an opportunityto adapt the treatment to specific needs, while functioning as a support to the ICBT which wasexperienced demanding. Communication was crucial to the overall experience, and extra-counselingwas a possibility to gain perspective from different professions. This provides increasedunderstanding of experiences of extra-counseling, its function, and what is experienced as importantto accomplish the treatment.
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Viktiga kompetenser och förmågor inom Big Data analytics och dess effektivitet på marknadsföring : En kvalitativ studie om Big Data analytics inom köksbranschen / Important skills and abilities in Big Data analytics and its effectiveness on marketing : A qualitative study on Big Data analytics in the kitchen industryHagberg, Jonatan, Russell, Philip, Larsson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Big Data analytics är en fascinerande process som lyfter fram möjligheten att utvinna djupgående insikter och dra slutsatser från omfattande datamängder, och dess tillämpningsområden sträcker sig över flera branscher och områden inklusive köksbranschen och marknadsföring som denna studie fokuserar på. Utmaningen att dra nytta av Big Data analytics för att förstå konsumentbeteenden och preferenser kan dock vara betydande, men när företag tillhandahåller de rätta resurserna, kan de på ett effektivt sätt optimera sina marknadsföringsstrategier. Denna studie syftade till att utforska vilka specifika kompetenser och förmågor företag behöver för att framgångsrikt hantera stora datamängder, samt hur Big Data analytics kan bidra till en effektivare marknadsföring inom köksbranschen. Genom att använda en induktiv forskningsansats och genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra företag inom den svenska köksbranschen, kopplades svaren till ett teoretiskt ramverk för att analysera datan och identifiera kompetenser, förmågor och effekter inom Big Data analytics. Resultaten visade på vikten av olika kompetenser såsom teknisk kunskap, datavisualisering, machine learning, marknadsföringskunskaper, kreativt tänkande, ledarskap och kommunikation för att uppnå framgång inom Big Data analytics. Studien betonade också den avgörande betydelsen av att samla in högkvalitativ data, integrera verktyg och använda insikterna för att optimera marknadsföringsstrategier inom köksbranschen. Som förslag till framtida forskning framhåller denna studie behovet av att undersöka organisatoriska och kulturella faktorer som påverkar potentialen inom Big Data analytics. Det föreslås även att framtida forskning bör utforska andra branscher och deras specifika behov när det gäller Big Data analytics, vilket kan bredda förståelsen inom detta område. Nyckelord: Big Data analytics, effektivare marknadsföring, kompetenser, Big Data analytics förmågor, dynamiska förmågor, marknadsrelaterade förmågor, materiella resurser, immateriella resurser, mänskliga förmågor / Summary Big Data analytics is a fascinating process that highlights the ability to extract profound insights and draw conclusions from large amounts of data. Its applications span across various industries and domains, including the kitchen industry and marketing, which this study focuses on. However, harnessing the power of Big Data analytics to understand consumer behavior and preferences can be challenging. Nevertheless, when companies provide the right resources, they can effectively optimize their marketing strategies. This study aimed to explore the specific competencies and skills that companies need to successfully handle large volumes of data, as well as how Big Data analytics can contribute to more efficient marketing in the kitchen industry. Employing an inductive research approach and conducting semi-structured interviews with four companies in the Swedish kitchen industry, the findings were linked to a theoretical framework to analyze the data and identify competencies, skills, and effects within Big Data analytics. The results underscored the importance of various competencies such as technical knowledge, data visualization, machine learning, marketing expertise, creative thinking, leadership, and communication in achieving success in Big Data analytics. The study also emphasized the crucial significance of collecting high-quality data, integrating tools, and utilizing insights to optimize marketing strategies within the kitchen industry. As a suggestion for future research, this study highlights the need to examine organizational and cultural factors that impact the potential of Big Data analytics. Additionally, it is proposed that future research should explore other industries and their specific requirements regarding Big Data analytics, thereby broadening the understanding in this field.
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On magnetic amplifiers in aircraft applicationsAustrin, Lars January 2007 (has links)
In the process of designing an electric power supply system for an aircraft, parameters like low weight and low losses are important. Reliability, robustness and low cost are other important factors. In the Saab Gripen aircraft, the design of the primary power supply of the electric flight control system was updated by exchanging a switching transistor regulator to a magnetic amplifier (magamp). By introducing a magamp design, weight was saved and a more reliable power supply system at a lower cost was achieved. In this particular case, with the power supply of the electric flight control system in the Saab Gripen fighter, advantage could be taken of a specific permanent magnet generator (PM-generator). The frequency of the generator offered the perfect conditions for a magamp controller. A key parameter in designing magnetic amplifiers (magamps) is low losses. New amorphous alloys offer new possibilities of the technique in designing magnetic amplifiers, because of their extremely low losses. The core losses are evaluated by studying the equations and diagrams specifying the power losses. The core losses are evaluated and compared with the copper losses in the process of optimizing low weight and low losses. For this an engineering tool is developed and demonstrated. Evaluations of the hysteresis characteristics for the magnetic alloys, as well as modeling and simulation of the core losses, are presented in this work. The modeling of the core losses includes hysteresis losses, eddy current losses and excess losses as well as copper losses. The losses are studied dynamically during realistic operational conditions. The model can be used for any generic analysis of hysteresis in magnetic circuits. Applications of magnetic amplifiers in aircrafts have been demonstrated to be a feasible alternative / QC 20101103
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Birdpoetic Worlds : Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren's bird poemsSunnebo, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
This thesis, Birdpoetic Worlds: Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren’s bird poems, analyses a selection of poems by Swedish poet Nina Södergren (1924–2015) from the collection Högt ärade trana: Nya dikter och urval av tidigare poesi* (2012), through the lens of ecocriticism and animism. The aim is to identify and explore how her bird poetics can function as an invitation to sense a relational experience and interconnectedness with the more-than-human world, especially through attentiveness. Examples of bird poetry by a small selection of different poets will be explored to provide a broader context of the genre. The analyses will be followed by reflections about going beyond the written human language, transitioning from reading to listening, immersing in nature’s soundscapes, and experiencing it attentively firsthand. It explores the different linguistic, poetic, and embodied approaches, and what these mean for interconnectedness will be discussed. The entrance point to the contextual review is The Bird Symphony by Nils Aslak Valkeapää. * Translated: Highly honored crane: New poems and a selection of earlier poetry. / Denna uppsats, Birdpoetic Worlds: Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren’s bird poems, analyserar ett urval av dikter av poeten Nina Södergren (1924–2015) från samlingen Högt ärade trana: Nya dikter och urval av tidigare poesi (2012), genom en ekokritisk och animistisk lins. Syftet är att identifiera och utforska hur hennes fågelpoetik kan fungera som en inbjudan att känna en relationell upplevelse och samhörighet med den mer-än-mänskliga världen, särskilt genom uppmärksamhet. Som en kort bakgrund presenteras exempel på fågelpoesi av olika poeter. Efter analysen finns en reflektion kring att gå bortom det litterära mänskliga språket, genom övergången från att läsa till att lyssna och fördjupa sig i naturens ljudlandskap, att uppmärksamt uppleva dem på egen hand. Den utforskar de olika språkliga, poetiska och förkroppsligade tillvägagångssätten och vad dessa betyder för samhörigheten diskuteras. Ingången till den kontextuella genomgången är Fågelsymfonin av Nils Aslak Valkeapää.
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On the Concept of Electric Taxiing for Midsize Commercial Aircraft: A Power System and Architecture InvestigationHeinrich, Maximilian Theobald Ewald 11 1900 (has links)
This research introduces a high-performance electric taxiing system (ETS) as a modern solution to improve the on-ground operations of today’s aircraft, which are conventionally powered through the main engines. The presented ETS is propelled by electric motors, integrated into the main landing gear of a state-of-the-art midsize commercial aircraft, and powered by an additional not quantified electrical energy storage system. The proposed system can therefore operate autonomously from any aircraft-internal power source, i.e. Auxiliary Power Unit or equivalent. The main objective of this work is to assess the energy consumption of the introduced ETS while considering energy recuperation due to regenerative braking. The ETS powertrain is sized to match modern conventional taxi performances that were seen in 36 self-recorded takeoff- and landing taxi driving profiles. A custom ETS simulation model was developed and simulated across all available driving profiles to confirm the desired powertrain performance and to predict the system’s energy consumption. For the purpose of enhancing the validity of these energy consumption predictions, a suitable motor controller is then designed by the use of MATLAB Simulink. An easy-to-implement switch loss model was created to predict the ETS motor controller efficiency map. Finally, the former energy consumption predictions were revised for the implementation of the motor controller and an estimated traction motor efficiency map. The results exhibit that the revised ETS simulation model was capable of refining the energy consumption. It was found that the ETS will consume up to 9.89 kWh on average if the full potential of the traction motors energy recuperation capabilities are being used. The simulation outcomes further demonstrate that regenerative braking offers great potential in ETS applications since more than 14 % of required traction energy could be regenerated to yield the above mentioned average energy consumption. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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The dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII and its effect on the econmoy sic], political landscape, and social instability in Tudor England that led to the creation of the poor lawsCooper, Casey Jo 01 May 2011 (has links)
Before the reformation and the schism of the Catholic Church, it had always been the duty of the Church and not of the state, to undertake the seven corporal works of mercy; feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, and bury the dead.¹ By dissolving these institutions, Henry had unwittingly created what would become a social disaster of biblical proportions. In essence, this act was rendering thousands of the poor and elderly without a home or shelter, it denied the country of much of the medical aid that has been offered by the church, it denied future generations of thousands of volumes of books and scriptures from the monastic libraries, as well as denied many an education who would have otherwise never received one without the help of the Church. The ultimate goal of my thesis is to prove my hypothesis that the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII was not merely a contributory factor in the need for the creation of poor laws, but the deciding factor (in a myriad of societal issues) for their creation. Footnote 1: Matthew 25 vv. 32-46.
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