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Die effek van leierskap op verandering in 'n nie-winsgewende organisasieViljoen, Aletta Magrietha 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, summary in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie studie is onderneem om die effek van leierskap op verandering in 'n nie-winsgewende
organisasie te bepaal. 'n Literatuur- en 'n empiriese studie is onderneem. Literatuur beklemtoon
dat verandering 'n realiteit in 'n organisasie is, 'n veranderingsagent die proses moet dryf en dat
die transformasieleierskapstyl die gewenste styl vir veranderingsbestuur is. Navorsing toon dat
verandering vanwee ekstreme invloede wel voorkom. Verwarring ten opsigte van wie die rol en
verantwoordelikheid as veranderingsagent moet vertolk kom egter in die navorsing na vore. Die
wyse en frekwensie waarop kommunikasie ten opsigte van verandering plaasgevind het, word oor
die algemeen positief deur die respondente ervaar, maar respondente toon egter ook positiewe en
negatiewe gedragsreaksies aan ten opsigte van verandering. Respondente toon dat die
transformasieleierskapstyl met leierskapsgedrag/-kenmerke wat verband hou met integriteit,
toeganklikheid en objektlwiteit hul tot deelname aan verandering motiveer. Navorsing toon ook
dat leierskapspotensiaal en die behoefte aan leierskapsontwikkeling by respondente teenwoordig
is. Navorsing het bevestig dat leierskap 'n effek op verandering in 'n nie-winsgewende organisasie het. / This research aims to establish whether leadership has an effect on change in a not-for-profit
organisation. A literature and empirical study were conducted. Literature indicated that change in
organisations is a reality and that organisations need to appoint change agents in order to facilitate
the change process. Research has shown that change in not-for-profit organisation was caused by
external influences and indicated that confusion exists as to whom the role and responsibility of
change agent belongs to. Respondents indicated that they were generally positive about the
frequency and way in which change was communicated but they indicated both positive and
negative behavioral reactions to change. The transformational leadership style is highlighted as
the best leadership style to manage change. The transformational leadership style with leadership
behavior such as integrity, approachability and objectivity motivates respondents to participate in
the change process. Research also indicated that respondents have leadership potential and have
a need for leadership development. This study confirmed that leadership has an effect on change in a not-for-profit organisation. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Maatskaplike Werk-rigting)
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An investigation of family/parent background and learning home environment on the academic performance of Std 8 pupils in the Northern ProvinceYeboah, Seth Kwasi 04 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses how a variety of factors like socio-economic status and educational levels of family/parents affect Std 8 pupils' school performance in twelve selected secondary schools in Thohoyandou, Venda in the Northern Province. It further examines how parents motivate pupils to do well at school, and how the expectations of parents and other relatives as well as teachers as significant others contribute to the academic attainment of pupils.. It also focuses on the favourable conditions in the pupils' learning home environment such as availability of a private study-room, language used at home, adequacy of time for both relaxation and schoolwork, learning facilities, parental involvement and nutritional values that help in promoting and enhancing pupil school performance. Finally, the author provides some recommendations about how parents can actively involve themselves in their children's education. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie tesis bespreek die wyse waarop 'n aantal faktore, soos die sosioekonomiese status en die opvoedkundige peil van die familie/ouers, st. 8 leerlinge se skoolprestasies beinvloed in twaalf geselekteerde skole in Thohoyandou, Venda, in die Noordelike Provinsie. Dit ondersoek ook die wyse waarop ouers leerlinge motiveer om goed te doen op skoal, asook hoe dit wat betekenisvolle mense soos ouers, ooms, tantes en onderwysers van hulle verwag, bydra tot die bereik van die verlangde akademiese sukses van die leerlinge. Dit fokus ook op gunstige toestande in die leerling se tuisomgewing, byvoorbeeld die beskikbaarheid van 'n private studeerkamer, taalgebruik by die huis, genoeg tyd om te slaap en te eet, ontspanning en skoolwerk, leerfassiliteite, ouerlike betrokkenheid en die voedingsvlakke wat help om leerlinge se skoolprestasies aan te moedig en te verbeter. Ten laaste voorsien die outeur ook 'n paar voorstelle oor hoe ouers aktief betrokke kan raak by 'n leerling se opvoeding. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / Sociology / unrestricted
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Invloed van denkontwikkeling op die aanleer van Afrikaans as tweede taal by hoërskoolleerders / The influence that thought development has on high school students when learning Afrikaans as a second languageNoke, Daisy Deseré 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die ondersoek sentreer rondom die verband tussen denkontwikkeling (‘n kognitiewe veranderlike) en prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal. Denkont-wikkeling is egter nie die enigste kognitiewe veranderlike wat prestasie in ‘n taal kan beïnvloed nie. Verbale begrip en geheue is ook as vername kognitiewe verander-likes geïdentifiseer.
Affektiewe veranderlikes soos motivering, selfkonsep en angs, kan ook met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal in verband gebring word.
‘n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 174 hoërskoolleerders betrek is. Kognitiewe en affektiewe veranderlikes, asook leerstyl, is gemeet.
Uit die empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat selfkonsep, geheue, verbale begrip en motivering as die vernaamste veranderlikes beskou kan word wat met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal verband hou. Denkontwikkeling is nie as ‘n vername faktor geïdentifiseer nie.
Die bevindinge in die literatuurstudie en die empiriese ondersoek is bespreek om ouers en onderwysers van riglyne te voorsien om prestasie in Afrikaans te verhoog. / The aim of the research focusses on the relationship between thought development (a cognitive variable) and achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. Besides thought development, verbal understanding and memory recollection are also identified as distinctive cognitive variables.
Affective variables such as motivation, self-concept and anxiety could also relate to performance in Afrikaans as a second language.
Empirical research was conducted amongst 174 High School learners. Cognitive variables, affective variables and learning styles were measured.
Resulting from the empirical research, it appears that self-concept, memory recollection, verbal comprehension and motivation are the main variables that impact on the performance of Afrikaans as a second language. Thought process development was not identified as a main factor.
Results from the literature study and the empirical research are discussed in order to assist parents and teachers with guidelines to increase achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)
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Motiviert statt resigniert: eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung der Motivation ehrenamlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer im Club29 in Munchen / Motivated instead of resigned: empirical-theological research on the motivation of voluntary addict assistants at Club29 in MunichLippek, Michael 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Zulu / So vielfältig die Aufgaben sind, sich ehrenamtlich und damit freiwillig und unentgeltlich zu engagieren, so vielfältig sind die Motive, die dabei eine Rolle spielen können. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird untersucht, welche Motive ausschlaggebend dafür sind, dass leitende Frauen und Männer unterschiedlichsten Alters über Jahre hinweg treu ihren Dienst in einer Einrichtung für suchtkranke Menschen tun und dabei nicht resignieren.
Anhand von geführten Leitfaden-Interviews lässt sich dabei erkennen, inwieweit auch christliche Motive eine Grundlage für den ehrenamtlichen Einsatz darstellen. Dazu gibt besonders Joachim Bauer mit seinen neurobiologischen Untersuchungen der menschlichen Motivationssysteme viele Anhaltspunkte.
Die durchgeführten Interviews werden mithilfe einer thematischen Inhaltsanalyse bearbeitet und anschließend bewertet. Abschließend werden Vorschläge zum Umgang mit ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in der Suchtkrankenhilfe formuliert.
Diese qualitative Studie leistet einen Beitrag dazu, neue Erkenntnisse über die Motivation ehrenamtlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer zu bekommen, was in dieser Form noch nicht erforscht wurde. / Just as varied as the tasks are for unpaid volunteer work, the potential motives are equally as diverse. This research will examine which motives are critical, for women and men of various ages in positions of leadership, to serve faithfully for years in institutions for addicts and not to resign.
From guided interviews, it can be seen to what degree Christian motives form a foundation for this volunteer work. Joachim Bauer’s neurobiological research of “human motivation systems” supplies us with key indicators.
The interviews will be performed using a method of thematic content analysis and then rated. In conclusion, proposals for handling volunteers working in the area of assisting addicts will be provided. This qualitative study will contribute new insights about the motivation of volunteers in facilities for addicts in an area that is yet to be explored using this approach. / Net so uiteenlopend as wat die take van onbetaalde vrywilligerwerkers is, is die potensiële beweegredes van hierdie vrywilligers. Hierdie navorsing stel ondersoek in na watter beweegredes krities is en daartoe lei dat mans en vroue van verskillende ouderdomme in posisies van leierskap vir jare getrou dien by instellings vir verslaafdes en nie bedank nie.
Uit gestruktureerde onderhoude kan gesien word in watter mate Christelike motiewe of beweegredes die fondasie vir hierdie vrywillerwerk is. Joachim Bauer se neurobiologiese navorsing oor “menslike motiveringstelsels” bied aan ons sleutelaanwysers.
Die onderhoude sal gevoer word met behulp van ’n metode van tematiese inhoudsontleding, waarna dit gegradeer sal word. Ten slotte sal voorstelle gegee word vir die hantering van vrywilligers wat met verslaafdes werk. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie sal bydra tot nuwe insigte oor die motivering van vrywilligers in fasiliteite vir verslaafdes op ’n terrein wat nog nie aan die hand van hierdie benadering ontgin is nie. / Njengoba kunemisebenzi ehlukahlukene njengemisebenzi yamavolontiya angakhokhelwa, izisusa zakhona ezibalulekile zibanzi. Lolu cwaningo luzohlola ukuthi iziphi izisusa ezibalulekile, kubantu besilisa nabesifazane abehluka ngeminyaka ezikhundleni zobuholi, abazinikela emsebenzini ngokwethembeka ngokweminyaka abasuke beyibambile ezikhungweni kulabo asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile kodwa bangawuyeka umsebenzi.
Kusukela kuyizinhlolokhono eziqondile, kuyabonakala ukuthi yiziphi izizathu zobuKristu ezakha isisekelo salomsebenzi wokuvolontiya. Ucwaningo luka-Joachim Bauer oluqondene nezinzwa noma imizwa "lwezinhlelo zokugqugquzela abantu" lusinikeza izinkomba ezibalulekile.
Inhlolokhono ezokwenziwa kuzosetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziywa okuqukethwe bese ilinganiswa. Uma ngiphetha, iziphakamiso ngokuphatha amalovontiya asuke esebenza endaweni lapho esiza abasuke sebejwayele noma okusegazini kubi okwenza okuthile luzonikwa. Lolu cwaningo olungqala luzofaka ulwazi olusha olumayelana nokugqugquzelwa kwamavolontiya ezindaweni lapho kuhlala abantu asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile okuyindawo esazohlonzwa kusetshenziswa lendlela. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)
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Teachers' perceptions and enactment of inquiry- based teaching to stimulate learner interest in scienceMkandla, Justice 22 February 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This qualitative, single high school case-study conveniently sampled eight natural
sciences teachers and, after conducting lesson observations and document analysis,
interviewed all participants to obtain their perceptions about the effectiveness of inquirybased
teaching in motivating learners to specialise in sciences. The major finding was
that most participants were sceptical about inquiry-based teaching. Participants from a
behaviourist epistemology did not believe that learner motivation resulted from inquirybased
teaching while those from an eclectic epistemology preferred a complementary
use of both approaches. The few participants oriented towards inquiry acknowledged the
link between learner motivation and inquiry-based teaching but faced the challenge of
limited time to prepare all the apparatus and procedures required for inquiry-based
teaching. This researcher recommends employing laboratory assistants to assist
teachers with setting up apparatus for inquiry-based lessons, trimming some content to
reduce overload in the Annual Teaching Plans (ATP), and in-service training on inquirybased
teaching to develop learner interest in sciences. / Hierdie kwalitatiewe gevallestudie het agt natuurwetenskap onderwysers betrek en na
leswaarnemings en dokumentanalise, is onderhoude met die deelnemers gevoer om hul
sienings te bekom oor die bydrae van die ondersoek-gebaseerde konstruktivistiese
benadering as ’n strategie om leerders te motiveer om in wetenskap-verwante vakke te
spesialiseer. Die belangrikste bevindings was dat die deelnemers logiese positivistiese
en eklektiese benaderings verkies; dat hulle skepties is oor ondersoek-gebaseerde
onderrig en dat hulle nie leerder motivering aan onderwysbenaderings koppel nie. Daar
was egter enkele deelnemers wat wel ondersoekend onderrig het en wat leerder
belangstelling in wetenskap aan ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig gekoppel het. Op
grond van die data wat verkry is, beveel hierdie navorser aan dat laboratoriumassistente
aangestel moet word om onderwysers by te staan met die opstel van apparaat vir
ondersoek-gebaseerde lesse; dat spesifieke modelle van ondersoek in die “CAPS”-
dokument ingesluit word; dat inhoud afgeskaal moet word om oorlading in die jaarlikse onderrigplanne (ATP) te verminder, en dat voor- en indiensopleiding aan onderwysers oor ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig verskaf word as ‘n manier om die belangstelling van
die leerders in die wetenskappe te prikkel. / Lesisifundo socwaningo esenziwe esikoleni esisodwa samabanga aphakeme lwakhetha
othisha beSayensi Yemvelo (NS) abayisishiyagalombili ukuze kwazakale ukuthi
bayibona kanjani indlela yokufundisa iSayensi ngophenyo (inquiry-based teaching)
ehlose ukukhuphula intshisekelo yabafundi kwiSayensi. Ngemuva kokubona othisha
beSayensi befundisa, lomcwaningi wahlaziya incwadi eziphathelene nokufundiswa
kohlelo lwe CAPS, waphinde wenza izingxoxo nabothisha. Okumqoka okutholakale
kuloluphenyo kube ukuthi iningi lababambe iqhaza, abakhuthalela ukufundisa ngendlela
egxile kuthisha (logical positivism) bangabaza ukuthi abafundi bafunde bephenya njalo
abakubonanga ukuxhumana kwenzindlela zokufundisa nokunyuka kwentshiseko yabafundi ezifundweni ze Sayensi. Ababambiqhaza abahlanganisa indlela yokufundisa
egxile kuthisha ne ndlela yokufundisa ngophenyo (eclectic) bakholelwa ukuthi indlela
yokufundisa egxile kuthisa nendlela yokuthi abafundi bafunde bephenya, kuyomela
zisetshenziswe zombili. Kwatholakala ingcosana yabothisha eyenelisa ukufundisa
isayensi ngendlela yophenyo eyayisezingeni eliphansi njalo yaqinisekisa ukuthi bukhona
ubudlelwano phakathi kwendlela zokufundisa nokunyusa intshiseko yabafundi kwi
Sayensi. Ngokolwazi olutholakele, lolucwaningo luncome ukusebenzisa abasizi
basemagunjini okusebenzela ososayensi ukusiza ukuhlela amalungiselelo okwenza
uphenyo lwezifundo, nokuhlinzekwa kwezindlela eziqondile zokuphenya izincwadi
zikaCAPS, kanye nokunciphisa okunye okuqukethwe, kwehliswe umthwalo kuhlelo
lokufundisa lonyaka (i-ATP), ukuqeqeshwa kothisha kwi ndlela yokufundisa iSayensi ngokuphenya ukuze kuthuthukiswe intshiseko yabafundi. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Development and validation of the career plateauing experiences scale in relation to job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement in the South African Police ServiceRamgoolam, Shailyn 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / The focus of this research is employees’ career development in the South African Police Services (SAPS). The general aim of the research is to develop a valid and reliable measure of career plateauing and to determine whether individuals’ experiences of career plateauing
(as antecedent) positively or negatively predict their job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement (as consequences). The research further aims to investigate whether individuals’ biographical variables (gender, age, race, marital status, rank, and tenure) significantly
influence their subjective work experiences (career plateauing, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement). A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on a nonprobability purposive sample of employees (N = 410) from different biographical groups at the
SAPS. Descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics were performed. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence of the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the newly developed career plateauing experiences scale
(CPES). Structural equation modelling confirmed the predictive validity of the CPES and showed that job content plateau and hierarchical/structural plateau predicted lower levels of
job satisfaction. The psychological plateau predicted lower work engagement levels.
Maintenance plateau predicted higher job satisfaction and engagement levels. Tests for significant mean differences indicated that individuals from the various biographical groups differed significantly regarding their career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction,
motivation, and work engagement. The research extended career development theory by demonstrating the relevance of the new construct of psychological plateau in relation to traditional forms of career plateauing and work engagement in flat organisational structural
contexts. Although still in need of further refinement, the newly developed CPES shows empirically promise to provide useful information for measuring and alleviating negative experiences of career plateauing in the SAPS. The findings further provide valuable insights into the unique career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement of employees of different age, gender, race, marital status, rank, and tenure groups. The study makes an original contribution to career development theory and research
and adds value to career development practice in the contemporary organisational setting. / Hierdie studie handel oor die loopbaanontwikkeling van werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD). Die doel van die navorsing is om ʼn geldige en betroubare aanduiding dat ʼn loopbaanplato bereik is, te ontwikkel, en om vas te stel of individue se belewing dat hulle
loopbaan ʼn plato bereik het (as die antesedent), hulle werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid (as die gevolge) positief of negatief voorspel. Afgesien hiervan word ondersoek of werknemers se biografiese veranderlikes (geslag, ouderdom, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd) ʼn beduidende uitwerking op hulle subjektiewe werksbelewing (loopbaanplato, werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid) het. ʼn Kwantitatiewe
dwarssnitopname van ʼn doelgerigte onwaarskynlikheidsteekproef onder werknemers (N=410) uit verskillende biografiese groepe in die SAPD is gedoen. Deskriptiewe, korrelatiewe en inferensiële statistiek is uitgevoer. ʼn Verkennende en bevestigende faktoranalise het bewys
dat die nuut ontwikkelde loopbaanplatobelewingskaal (LPBS) as konstruk geldig, intern konsekwent en betroubaar is. Strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die LPBS bevestig en getoon dat die posinhoud- en hiërargiese/strukturele plato laer vlakke van werksbevrediging voorspel. Die sielkundige plato
het laer vlakke van werksbetrokkenheid voorspel, terwyl die handhawingsplato groter werksbevredigings- en -betrokkenheidsvlakke voorspel het. Toetse vir beduidende gemiddeldeverskille het aangedui dat werknemers uit verskillende biografiese groepe beduidende verskille getoon het met betrekking tot hul loopbaanplatobelewing,
werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid. Die navorsing het die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie verryk deur die relevansie van die nuwe konstruk van ʼn sielkundige plato vir die tradisionele vorme van loopbaanplato’s en werksbetrokkenheid in plat maatskappystrukture te demonstreer. Ofskoon die nuwe LPBS verfyn moet word, beloof dit
veel wat betref inligting waarmee die negatiewe belewing van loopbaanplato’s in die SAPD gemeet en verander kan word. Voorts bied die bevindings waardevolle insigte in die unieke loopbaanplatobelewings, werksbevrediging, -motivering en -betrokkenheid van werknemers ongeag hul ouderdomsgroep, geslag, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd. Hierdie studie
lewer ʼn bydrae tot die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie en -navorsing, en voeg waarde toe tot die loopbaanontwikkelingspraktyk in eietydse organisasies. / Lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni ubizo lomsebenzi wabasebenzi boPhiko lwezaMaphoyisa eNingizimu Afrika (SAPS). Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo wukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokulinganisa uhlelo olufanele noluthembekayo lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe isimo somuntu ahlangabezana naso, isimo sesiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi (as antecedent), njengesilinganiso esikwazi ukubikezela kahle noma kabi izinga lokwaneliswa umsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza isisebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi
emsebenzini. (njengomphumela). Ngaphezu kwalokho ucwaningo luhlose ukuphenya ukuthi ngabe izimpawu zempilo yomuntu (ubulili, iminyaka yomuntu, inhlobo yohlanga lomuntu, isimo somshado, isikhundla kanye nelungelo lobunikazi) zithinta kakhulu izimpilo zabo zomsebenzi (isiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi, izinga lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, okukhuthaza isisebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka kwesisebenzi emsebenzini. Uhlelo locwaningo lwezigaba olugxile
kumanani lwenziwa kusampuli yabasebenzi ngohlelo olungenamathuba okwenzeka olungenanhloso (N = 410), ucwaningo olwenziwe kumaqembu ahlukene ngezimpilo zabasebenzi abasophikweni lwesiphoyisa (SAPS). Kuye kwenziwa uhlelo lwamanani
ngendlela yokuchaza, yokuqhathanisa okufanayo kanye nokufunisela. Uhlelo lohlaziyo oluphenyayo kanye nohlelo lohlaziyo oluqinisekisayo lunikeze ubufakazi obuthembekayo bangaphakathi obungaguquki kanti bakha isiqinisekiso z sesilinganiso esisanda kwakhiwa, phecelezi i-Career Experiences Plateauing Scale (CEPS).
Imodeli ebizwa phecelezi Structural equation modelling iye yaqinisekisa uhlelo olufanele olubikezelayo lwe-CPES futhi iye yakhombisa ukuthi isigaba sokugcina solwazi lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nohlaka/nesakhiwo sesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi lubikezele amazing
aphansi okwaneliseka ngomsebenzi. Isiqongo sezomqondo siye sabikezela izinga eliphansi lokuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo, kanti isiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi siye
sabikezela izinga eliphezulu lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye nangamazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Izinhlelo zokuhlola eziqonde ukuveza
umehluko phakathi, phecelezi kwe-mean zibikezele ukuthi abantu abavela kumaqembu ahlukene empilo akhombise ukwehluka mayelana nemisebenzi yesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi,
ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye namazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Ucwaningo luye lwanweba ithiyori yezokuthuthukiswa kobizo lomsebenzi
ngokukhombisa izimpawu ezifanayo zesakhiwo esisha zesigaba esiyisiqongo somqondo mayelana nezindlela ezejwayelekile zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo kwizizinda ezingaguquki zesakhiwo senhlangano. Yize zisadinga ukuhluzwa kabanzi, izinhlelo ezithuthukiswe kabusha ze-CPES zikhombisa isithembiso esiphathekayo sokunikeza ulwazi olusebenzayo lokulinga Kanye nokunciphisa/nokugwema izenzo ezibi zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi ophikweni lwe-SAPS.
Ulwazi olutholakele luqhubeka nokuveza umnyombo mezenzo zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi, ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza abasebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka
kwabasebenzi emsebenzini, okungabasebenzi beminyaka eyehlukene, bobulili, bobuhlanga, besimo somshado, besikhundla kanye namaqembu anobunikazi bempahla eyigugu.
Ucwaningo lwenza igalelo langempela kwithiyori ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi Kanye nocwaningo futhi lwengeza ubugugu kwingqubo ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi kwisizinda
samanje senhlangano. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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