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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remembering and Narrating in Borges’ “Funes the Memorious” and Camus’ the Stranger

Stroud, Carl Eugene 08 1900 (has links)
In The Stranger, a novel by Albert Camus, and in “Funes the Memorious,” a short story by Jorge Luis Borges, the homodiegetic narrators have a significant effect on the referential aspect of their personal experiences. Chronologically these remembered experiences are positioned before the moment when they are narrated. The act of remembering is thus a form of subsequent narration. In both texts, memory is a project rather than an object because it is recounted and not found. In the sense that it is told, memory is necessarily a creative act and thus not faultless because the story of an experience is not the experience itself. The memories in The Stranger and in “Funes the Memorious” are not reconstituted but narrated. The peculiarity of the two texts lies in the fact that the narrators take an external position when describing their own past, emphasizing the imperfect aspect of the narrators’ memory. With a narratological approach to the texts and a Sartrean interpretation of memory, I study the effects of focalization on the act of remembering. By explaining the relationship between focalization, memory and the narratee, I show that the act of remembering is not a repetition of past events or experiences but rather an inventive process that occurs always in the present. I argue that external focalization is a more authentic way to tell the story of a past experience because it emphasizes the fact that memory is always in the process of being made and therefore uncertain and incomplete even to the individual remembering.

A scientific awarded teacher's autobiographical reconsidering on teaching process of science education.

Hsieh, Hui-tsung 03 July 2007 (has links)
This article describes the autobiographical recollection and reconsidering, attempts to review self-background of growing and specialized accomplishment and describes the story of my life in more detail for the acquired scientific education and application of experience. This article takes self-story as center besides faithful recording for own life. According to the theory of education and literature, I will interpret my own life story and explore my career and effort of scientific education in past 30 years. 1. Reviews the relationship between my life and scientific education Reviewing my all life either in childhood, studied in elementary school and high school, all had a correlation with the scientific. When at teacher¡¦s university, I nurtured the specialized intelligence. After graduated, the period I taught in Mingli elementary school, Wunzih elementary school and Kaohsiung municipal Shin Yi primary school. Everything had relationship with scientific education. Keeping telling myself, I must always enrich and pursue further education for individual knowledge. Trying hard for scientific education so I had been studying in PingTung University of Education¡BKaohsiung Normal University and Institute of Education in Sun Yat-sen University. 2. Reviews my life to carry out the scientific education Nine years consistent educational system, from a novice teacher to senior teacher of scientific education¡Bcountryside elementary school to metropolis large-scale school¡Bsimplex power educational system to open educational revolution, experienced different curriculum and teaching scenes, everyone must understand individual value and expect in scientific education and think how to promotes the scientific education more efficiently. In my career of professional development, I often obtained experiences by teaching and learning promotes and enhances each other. Gathering these experiences to sublimate into intelligence, and these intelligence can produce the best learning type for students. Every type of scientific education that I advanced is based on scientific exhibition. Scientific exhibition is a succession of process for discovering and solving problems. Creative thinking stems from solving problems and problems arise from a chain creative reaction. I usually use divergent thinking to create new, diversified and many possible solutions and convergent thinking provides appropriate thinking type for solving problems. In school, I promote scientific education within the model of scientific exhibitions, such as scientific camps, scientific exhibitions, scientific garden parties, inventive exhibitions, ecology illustrations and etc. These works all are the results which studying for the purpose of application and teaching and learning promote and enhance each other. Reviewing my life story, I am just an ordinary person and just keep a strong ambition for continues challenges, surefooted and earnest working and endless further education and have some achievements finally. It is said ¡upersisting brings success¡vencouraging us that success essential condition certainly is not intelligent, but is the will. I expect to educators are interested in scientific education that just keeping a heart and you will look for your private universe.

Narrating survival in Primo Levi's If this is a man, and The drowned and the saved

Collopen, Leigh-Ann Mary 19 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract This research report explores the process of narrating survival in Primo Levi’s If This Is A Man and The Drowned and The Saved. The central objective is to understand the process of psychological survival is narrated in Levi’s autobiographical narrative. To this end, I have used a psychoanalytical framework to understand the traumatic impact of Auschwitz on subjectivity as well as to position subjectivity in relation to autobiographical narrative. I shall argue that the trauma of Auschwitz resulted in an eroded and shattered subjectivity and that narrative offers a space in which the reconstruction of that subjectivity can be negotiated.

Skolan som politiskt narrativ : En studie av den skolpolitiska debatten i Sveriges riksdag 1991 - 2002 / School as a Political Narrative : A study of the Education Debate in the Swedish parliament 1991-2002

Forssell, Anna January 2011 (has links)
How do politician talk about the role of school in society, in an era of changing demands and challenges represented by the knowledge society and globalization? The material underlying the study consists of protocols from the Swedish parliament during a decade characterized by many reforms and with both a conservative government and a social democratic. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the contemporary debate on school policy in the Swedish Parliament between 1991 and 2002.  My research questions are: Which are the dominating narratives about schooling that emerge in the debate? What are the influences from contemporary policies and from educational research? What kind of rhetorical resources underpin the arguments in the plenary debate and are there any shifts, inconsistencies and contradictions that can be heard in the debates?  Inspired by Margaret Somers four dimensions of narratives: ontological narrative, public narrative, metanarrative and conceptual narrative and I am using them to interpret different aspects of school as a political narrative. Methodologically, I worked initially with a content analysis gradually moving to narrative analysis. The educational debates held during the three terms in office are characterised by different political initiatives and different kind of issues. I construct a number of dominating narratives with different plots, problems, solutions and promises of a better future for both the school and the nation. Key concepts seems to “float” depending on who uses them and in what context they are used. Important parts in the narratives are the rhetorical resources that politicians are using to get legitimacy and credibility. Perceptions of schools presented in the debate, may be seen as stories about what is desirable and possible, but also what is unwanted, threatening the progress of school and society. I have highlighted four public narratives in these debates and they are: A School for All, School on the Market, School in the Knowledge Society and A School in Crisis.


林均珈, Lin,Chun-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
清代文學,在小說方面,最著名的是被列入中國四大小說之一的《紅樓夢》,這部偉大的作品是內務府包衣人滿洲正白旗的曹雪芹所作,書中詳細記載了滿洲貴族的生活,情節生動,文字雋永,是中國古典小說的代表,也是世界文學寶庫的不朽傑作。《紅樓夢》是中國文學史上一部曠世巨作,也是世界文學史上的奇蹟,自從十八世紀中葉面世以來,它便立即轟動全國,二百多年來,它的魅力經久不衰。對於《紅樓夢》的研究,目前已成為國際漢學界的顯學——「紅學」。它的內容,可以說是當時社會生活的一面鏡子,它不僅反映了當時社會生活的真實情況,更照透了人的心靈。它是我國古典小說的最高峰,具有深刻的思想和高度的美學價值。 子弟書是以北京地區為中心的滿族說唱曲藝,它誕生於乾隆年間,因首創於以滿族為主體的八旗子弟,故稱為「子弟書」,它是珍貴的滿族文化遺產。在清代,子弟書十分受人喜愛,滿族人士對它更是推崇,並尊稱它為「大道」。在我國俗文學史上,文學價值高、藝術成就大、影響最深遠的曲藝,大概是子弟書了。子弟書作者大多具有高度的文化素養,他們熟讀唐詩宋詞、元明戲曲,所以知識豐富,無論敘事、抒情、寫景、狀物,皆能鋪張揚厲而又得心應手。 《紅樓夢》子弟書即是根據《紅樓夢》小說故事所改編的一種滿族說唱曲藝,正因為《紅樓夢》具有高度的文化水平,故《紅樓夢》子弟書在現存五百多種子弟書中,它的文學價值、藝術成就也是最高的。現存《紅樓夢》子弟書總數有三十二種之多,在清代的藝壇上,它更為其他曲藝內容提供了珍貴的題材。由此可知,《紅樓夢》的故事之所以能家喻戶曉,而且在我國流傳的範圍極廣,《紅樓夢》子弟書的貢獻頗大。今略述如下: 第一,在《紅樓夢》子弟書的故事類別方面:大體說來,《紅樓夢》子弟書的思想內容仍以雙玉故事為最多,其次為劉姥姥故事,再次為晴雯故事。在雙玉故事方面,子弟書作家認為他們身上體現了追求個性解放,維護人性的尊嚴,希望擺脫封建束縛的進步思想。在劉姥姥故事方面,由於情節不僅具有詼諧幽默的效果,而且越是寫劉姥姥的純樸,越是反襯出榮國府主子們的物質享受已達到令人吃驚的地步,具有「微塵之中看大千」的作用,使得劉姥姥故事產生了強大的現實主義力量。在晴雯故事方面,晴雯心直口快,聰明伶俐,其生命最後被污濁黑暗的社會所吞噬,她的遭遇具有豐富社會內容和深刻悲劇因素。因此,他們的故事都深受各種戲曲、曲藝所歡迎,子弟書也不例外。 第二,在《紅樓夢》子弟書與《紅樓夢》小說的比較方面:子弟書與小說 ,兩者雖然是敷演同樣的故事,但是,《紅樓夢》子弟書絕不是《紅樓夢》小說的複述或翻譯。兩者有極大的差異:子弟書是屬於「驚四起」的說唱曲藝,小說則是屬於「適獨坐」的書面文學。《紅樓夢》小說大多側重於敘述故事,在簡練的敘述中往往留下「敘述空白」,給讀者以想像的空間,引人深思。小說的人物形象刻畫栩栩如生,子弟書作家在這個基礎上發揮,常常利用內心獨白的設計及故事情節的增益,使得人物的形象更細膩。他們不僅在單純的故事中,藉由季節的循環與場景的襯托等筆法,凸顯出敘事詩的藝術美,使得景物的描寫更精緻,而且,由於《紅樓夢》子弟書是根據小說所改編的短篇韻文,基於敘事詩的性質,它的抒情意味更濃厚。 第三,在《紅樓夢》子弟書與《紅樓夢》戲曲的比較方面:子弟書與戲曲 皆是藉由表演方式,成功地詮釋這個膾炙人口的《紅樓夢》小說,讓廣大的民眾了解這感人的故事。但戲曲是由介、白、曲聯織成劇,透過排場、曲文、賓白、科諢來表演情節,從而在舞蹈、音樂與詩歌中征服觀眾;而說唱曲藝之一的子弟書則是由詞曲組成,從文學上劃分是屬於敘事詩,它往往用大段的詩話唱詞來渲染故事,從而在婉轉悠揚的詞曲中征服聽眾。子弟書與戲曲,雖然同是敷演小說的故事,但基於藝術表現的不同,子弟書顯然比戲曲更容易、更適合改編。此外,在表現技巧方面,子弟書比戲曲不僅更富有詩意美感,更具有想像空間,而且,表演更為抽象化。又子弟書的表演場地形式簡易,通常是在書會或堂會中,作家們可以一面品著清茶,一面品評文本風格與演唱水平,交流心得。又子弟書的伴奏樂器更簡單,它採用的是三絃,雖然只有三根琴絃,卻可以通過演奏者彈、挑、搓、輪、吟、揉等指法變幻出豐富的音樂形式,它可以根據演唱者的快慢、高低進行靈活的調節。它的板眼節奏是一板三眼,總體上音調沉婉。又它的表演形式以唱為主,演員在演唱時,只有將那些表達人物心理情感的曲文用情唱出,才會扣人心弦。因此,子弟書的影響力更大。 第四,在《紅樓夢》子弟書的藝術成就方面:《紅樓夢》子弟書的體製結 構短小精緻,相當完整。最特別之處,即是每篇或每回的開端,大多有一首七言詩,大多為八句,稱之為「詩篇」,是用來敘述作者的感悟緣由,寫作的動機,對人物的評論或總括內容的大意。在正文部分,句型也以七言詩為主體,大多加襯字,每句的字數不一,最多可達二十多字。此外,在正文結尾處有所謂的「結語」,大多為兩句,也有四句,這些具有感嘆意味的詞句,往往反映出作家們創作的旨歸,主觀的態度,對人物的評論或總結內容。子弟書作者對自己時代的主流極為敏銳,對於小說內在精神的把握非常準確,從大多數《紅樓夢》子弟書中情節與人物形象的演變,可看出子弟書作者挖掘新意,再度創作的高明手法。《紅樓夢》子弟書在語言風格、修辭技巧以及形象塑造等方面的敘事構思,非常地生動傳神。此外,巧妙的文采、悠揚的韻調、明快的節奏以及端莊的表演等,更顯示出《紅樓夢》子弟書詞婉音清,雅而不俗的特色。 第五,在《紅樓夢》子弟書的影響方面:《紅樓夢》子弟書的故事結構、 人物形象、表現技巧、思想內容等方面均有突破性的創作意義,加上它詞婉韻雅,文學價值高,藝術成就亦大,因此流傳廣遠,甚至影響當時及後來許多地方戲曲與曲藝的發展。京韻大鼓就往往沿襲子弟書的原本或以子弟書為改編的題材,而子弟書也促進了京韻大鼓傳統唱詞體製的確立。所以,子弟書和京韻大鼓兩者關係密切。又子弟書是曲藝的一種,它是語言與音樂的結合,在語言方面,雖然子弟書與戲曲一樣講究依字行腔,但對於語言的重視程度要比戲曲更加明顯;在音樂方面,雖然子弟書的主要曲調早已失傳,但它仍借助京韻大鼓、梅花大鼓以及河南墜子等曲藝流傳至今。因此,子弟書促使了其他說唱文學着重韻雅音清的風格,也提昇了其他曲藝的文學價值與藝術成就。此外,《紅樓夢》子弟書重視語言接近原著的風格,發揮了原作的精髓,重鑄了原作的新意,因此,它能成為未來說唱曲藝改編文學之借鏡。 第六,在《紅樓夢》子弟書的文學價值方面:《紅樓夢》子弟書的內容以 寫「情」為主,它的藝術特質原是為了吟唱而寫的短篇敘事詩,它的真實價值,本來不在它的音樂曲調,而是在它的高超純熟的文學技巧上。它不僅增強了表現的範圍,提高了詩意的美感,而且樹立了獨特的藝術風格。子弟書作者大多是八旗子弟,由於他們獨特的生活圈和文化圈為他們提供了一個認識生活的新視角,從而結合自己的現實感受,將《紅樓夢》小說詩化,並本著舊曲翻新,再度創造的精神,賦予子弟書新的生命。因此,從《紅樓夢》子弟書中,可以反映八旗子弟生活的現象。《紅樓夢》子弟書有絢麗多姿的文采,也有淺易通俗的詞句,它更是融合抒情與敘事手法的敘事詩,它的語言具有故事性、口語化與音樂性等特色,不僅提高了說唱藝術的水平,而且可稱為敘事詩的上品。又子弟書是由皇城文化、士人文化和市民文化所組成的京味文化的統一體,它要求演唱者應當掌握四聲、陰陽、收聲、歸韻以及曲情等方法,才能達到「眾心同悅,眾口同音」的藝術境界。因此,研究《紅樓夢》子弟書可以促進中國京味文化的瞭解、豐富中國旅遊文化的內涵以及擴大紅學民間通俗文學的研究。 總的來說,說唱藝術對於文學創作影響極大,尤其《紅樓夢》子弟書對於北京地區的民俗學、語言學、文學創作和旅遊文化等,皆具有重要的意義。雖然,隨著時代的發展和社會生活的變革,人們對於子弟書逐漸淡忘,但是,子弟書就好像敦煌壁畫以及秦陵兵馬俑等珍貴的文物一樣,將作為中華民族燦爛文化的見證而保存下來,它的藝術審美價值將具有永久的魅力。 《紅樓夢》這部百科全書式的書,需要許多人從各個不同的方面,不同的角度作深入的研究,才能把研究推向深入。而《紅樓夢》子弟書,提出了不少新的研究方向與成果,從而在一定程度上增加了歷年來紅學界研究的生氣和活力。《紅樓夢》子弟書的研究是有特色的研究,它不僅為紅學界提供一份豐碩成果,而且在古典文學上,也能起到剛健清新的作用。不論從哪一角度來說,都將是對當前紅學的一種促進,一種新的極有意義的貢獻。《紅樓夢》子弟書是優秀的說唱曲藝,是前人留下來的一份寶貴的遺產,它不僅忠實地反映了清代的社會生活、歷史特徵和民俗特色,而且它不少曲目有著極高的藝術價值。因此,它有助於弘揚中華民族的優秀文化,對未來說唱曲藝的振興具有極大的促進作用,值得大家深入研究。

La mise en scène du je dans l'oeuvre de José Luís Peixoto : problématiques de l'écriture de soi / The depiction of the self in the works of José Luís Peixoto : issues in the narration of the self / A encenação do eu na obra de José Luís Peixoto : problemáticas da escrita de si

Rego, Vânia Cecília Almeida 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le travail d'écriture de José Luís Peixoto met en valeur le Je par le biais de l'utilisation de formules inédites et d'une innovation constante au sein de l'écriture de soi, en mobilisant notamment des formes traditionnelles (contes, contes philosophiques, romans d'initiation) que l'auteur conjugue de façon à obtenir une manière nouvelle et ingénieuse d'aborder les territoires autobiographiques. Le jeu entre la fiction et le langage du Je, centré sur des récits de filiation, crée une écriture qui oscille toujours entre le domaine de l'imagination créatrice de fiction et les domaines de l'intime et de l'écriture sur soi, dans une espèce de pulsion double caractéristique de l'auteur. La force de l'œuvre de Peixoto résulte de l'alliance entre des thématiques qui découlent d'un regard idéologique sur la société portugaise contemporaine et un langage extrêmement lyrique et à forte charge symbolique, mettant en scène la ruralité par le biais d'univers tantôt réalistes tantôt oniriques et poétiques. / José Luis Peixoto's works emphasize the self by means of unique formulas and constant innovation of the writing of the self. This is achieved through the use of mainly traditional procedures which the author handles in order to obtain a result that is both imaginative and original. The relation between fiction and the language of the self, which is centered on narratives of affiliation, spawns a writing style that wavers over the fiction-creating imagination and the domains of intimacy and the writing of the self, in a kind of double urge that defines the author. The author's literary strength is a result of the interweaving of themes that emerge from an ideological view on contemporary Portuguese society and a use of language that is extremely lyrical and charged with symbolism, which accentuates rurality through the creation of universes that can be both realistic and oneiric. / A escrita de José Luís Peixoto coloca o EU em relevo através da utilização de métodos inéditos e de uma inovação constante dentro da escrita de si, mobilizando nomeadamente técnicas tradicionais (conto, conto filosófico, romance de iniciação) que o autor conjuga de forma a obter uma forma original e imaginativa de abordar o campo autobiográfico. O jogo entre a ficção e a linguagem do Eu, centrado nas narrativas de filiação, cria uma escrita que oscila sempre entre o domínio da imaginação criadora de ficção e os domínios da intimidade e da escrita sobre si, numa espécie de pulsão dupla característica do autor. A força da obra de Peixoto resulta da aliança entre temáticas que emergem de um olhar ideológico sobre a sociedade portuguesa contemporânea e uma linguagem extremamente lírica e com uma forte vertente simbólica, colocando em evidência a ruralidade através de universos tanto realistas como oníricos e poéticos.

Stories and Dreams, Memories and Secrets : Functions of Narration in Amy Tan's The Hundred Secret Senses

Niblaeus, Frida January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to explore the functions of narration in Amy Tan’s novel The Hundred Secret Senses. The dissertation is divided into three parts: 1 ‘Introduction’, 2 ‘Analysis’ and 3 ‘Conclusion’. After presenting the writings of Amy Tan and my chosen primary literature, I give a brief survey of terms, theories and previous research. Part 2 ‘Analysis’ is presented in an order that corresponds approximately to the chronology of the primary literature, and will be divided into three chapters: 2.1 ‘Explain, Build a Relationship and Reflect’, 2.2 ‘Influence Thinking and Behaviour’ and 2.3 ‘Remember, Unify and Transmit’. Chapter 2.1 has the first half of the novel as its main focus. It is organised mainly after the clarity of the narrator’s voice, i.e. if the narrator shows (e.g. ‘indirect explanation’) or tells (e.g. ‘explicit explanation’), and analyses how narration functions in order to ‘explain’, ‘build a relationship’ and ‘reflect’ on events and other things. Chapter 2.2 elaborates on the narration that takes place before and after the trip to China, an event that divides the novel into two halves. This chapter deals with the function of ‘influence’, which can be seen as a result of the narrator’s authority and is summarised in the section called ‘Steps of Influence’. Chapter 2.3 delves into the functions of narration most visible in the novel’s second half, which takes place in China. The functions of ‘remembrance’, ‘unification’ and ‘transmission’ have many sub-functions in common, which could perhaps be seen as a result of the blurred perspectives in the novel’s plot. Part 3 aims to summarise the results of the analysis. A theme that recurs through the analysis of functions is the relationship and balance of authority between the two characters/narrators. Sometimes a narrator’s authority, or a shift in this balance, is a prerequisite of a function of narration.

Fan-Identität Erzählen : Shared stories innerhalb der Taylor-Swift-Fangemeinde: Ein small story approach / Narrating Fan Identity : Shared stories within the Taylor Swift fandom: A small story approach

Rapp, Juliane January 2021 (has links)
Fans and fandoms are ever more salient aspects of our everyday lives offline and linked to the Internet's growing influence also online, particularly on social media. While fans have generally been pathologized via mass media but also early academic representations especially prior to the founding of the interdisciplinary Fan Studies in the 1970s/1980s, which sought to actively counter negative fan representations and foreground fans' creative productivity, nowadays, even though many types of fans have been 'mainstreamed' and are generally accepted, specific fan types are still systematically discriminated against - even within Fan Studies - along the lines of socio-demographic variables. These marginalised fans are predominantly female, young, queer and non-white. Moreover, even though Fan Studies define fan identity as one of their focal concerns, linguistic research on fan identity, particularly regarding its narrative and interactive construction, has widely been neglected. However, as narrative interaction and specifically small stories (as propsed within the small story paradigm by Bamberg & Georgakopoulou, 2007/8) have been found to play a very important role in the construction of identity, the investigation of how fan identity is constructed via small stories and - given the centrality of collective fandoms for fans - specifically shared (group) stories can severely contribute to fan (identity) research. Thus, combining decidedly linguistic research on narrative fan identity construction and the inclusion of previously marginalised fan communities, this thesis focuses on the construction of fan identity of Taylor Swift fans (Swifties) - a predominantly female and young fandom that has been ridiculed by mass media and dominant discourses - via shared stories. More specifically this study analyses the construction of Swiftie fan identity via shared stories both online in nicknames on Tumblr and Twitter and face to face in the form of a positioning analysis investigating the interactions of a Zoom focus group made up of five German Swifties. This research finds that within Swiftie nicknames Swiftie fan identity is centrally constructed by means of variously highly condensed, combined and/or personalised references (to shared stories of the overarching Swiftie community). The focus group interactions then reveal various positioning practices that are strongly intertwined with (often) more elaborate shared stories, which are 'shared' by the Swiftie participants both with regards to experiences on the story level and their interactive co-construction on the level of interaction. Despite their diverging local manifestations both within the investigated Swiftie nicknames and focus group interactions shared stories are centrally utilised to construct and communicate Swiftie fan identity as a particularly collectively experienced and defined ingroup identity that confers belonging and further functions as a shield against outgroup discrimination. Further research should then enlarge the present investigative focus to include also other online platforms and fan communicative acts, supplementary and also offline implemented focus groups and field studies, more heterogenous participants with regard to often neglected socio-demographic variables (next to age and gender) as well as other (marginalised) fandoms outside of the Swiftie community.

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