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Nya vägar till kunskapens källa : En studie gällande hur långt integreringen av mediala verktyg har kommit i klasslärares verksamhet. / New pathways to knowledge : A study about how far the integration of ICT has come in teachers organization.Andersson, Emilie, Carlsson, Malin January 2010 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Då media under de senaste årtiondena vuxit sig till att bli en kraft nog att räkna med i samhället och även i skolan tyckte vi att det var intressant område att grunda vår undersökning på. I bakgrunden tar vi upp tidigare forskning som pekar på vikten av att dagens skola kopplas till den vardag samt det samhälle eleverna lever i. Här tas även upp hur barns inlärningsprocesser beskrivs utifrån Konnektivismen samt det sociokulturella perspektivet.SYFTE: Vårt syfte är att undersöka hur långt integreringen av mediala verktyg kommit iklasslärares verksamhet.METOD: Kvantitativa enkäter avsedda för klasslärare.RESULTAT: Övergripande kunde vi utifrån undersökningen avläsa att de allra flestalärare anser att integreringen av media i den traditionella undervisningen kan förbättra kvaliteten på och fördjupa kunskaperna hos eleverna samt skapa en god lärandemiljö. Majoriteten av lärarna visade sig ha en positiv inställningar gentemot mediala verktyg både i undervisningensamt i sitt eget arbete. Dock visade det sig att de förutsättningar som krävs för attkunna integrera mediala verktyg i skolan på ett tillfredsställande sätt ofta saknas.
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Memória das mulheres zapatistas: participação, mobilização e a construção do ser mulher no movimento zapatista / Memory of the Zapatista Women: participation, mobilization and the construction of being a woman in the Zapatista movementSilva, Clara Cecilia Seguro da 15 December 2017 (has links)
O movimento zapatista tem dedicado espaço à luta das mulheres desde seu princípio em 1980, segundo o que se expressa em comunicados oficiais. O movimento nasce seguindo o modelo de guerrilha, porém, nos primeiros dias de combate cede à opinião pública, aceitando a via pacífica de mobilização política para alcançar seus objetivos, assumindo os modelos de reinvindicação dos Novos Movimentos Sociais. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa é entender o processo de mobilização e participação política das mulheres nas comunidades zapatistas. Mais especificamente, procuramos identificar o que mobilizou-as a participarem do movimento zapatista; entender o impacto que estas mulheres percebem em suas vidas e na vida de outras mulheres. Para tal entrevistamos quatro mulheres que se envolveram no movimento zapatista em diferentes níveis bem como as observações feitas em campo e analisamos seus discursos a partir das suas memórias. Para isso fizemos uma análise com base na Memória Coletiva, Maurice Halbwachs (1990) e Ecléa Bosi (2004; 2012); na participação e mobilização política, Sidney Tarrow (1997), Alberto Melucci (1989; 1999) e Maria da Glória Gohn (2014; 2014a); e as teorias feministas latino-americanas. Percebemos o entrelaçamento das memórias familiares dessas mulheres com fatos políticos marcados na história política recente do Estado mexicano, e os destaques de datas, personagens e lugares marcados na história política do movimento; as oportunidades políticas e as redes articuladas pelo movimento zapatista. Destaca-se como três dessas quatro mulheres conseguiram criar uma relação com as organizações de que fazem parte, de forma a realizar seus sonhos, mas sem se desvincular totalmente destas, o que parece ter contribuído para sua emancipação; bem como, as diretrizes do movimento influenciaram suas escolhas profissionais e pessoais, e seus avanços e críticas a partir dos feminismos / The Zapatista movement has been giving room to the women\'s fight since it\'s first begging in 1980.The movement was born designed by the guerrilla model, however, it was laid aside due to the pressure from public opinion, accepting the \"pacific path\" to reach it\'s goals, assuming the reimbursement models of the New Social Movements. Based on that, the general aim of this research is to understand the process of mobilization and politic participation of women in the Zapatist comunits; The specific goals are: to know what has mobilized women to be part of the Zapatista movement; to understand the impact of the movement felt on their lives and on the other women\'s lives. For this purpose, the reports of four women involved in different levels of the Zapatista movement were collected and analyzed, from their memories as well as field observations. For this we did an analysis based on Collective Memory, Maurice Halbwachs (1990) and Ecléa Bosi (2004; 2012); In participation and political mobilization, Sidney Tarrow (1997), Alberto Melucci (1989; 1999) and Maria da Glória Gohn (2014; 2014a); And feminist Latin American theories. The interweaving of these women\'s family memories with recent Mexican history political facts were seized and, besides that, dates, characters and places were highlighted and marked in the political history of the movement. Emphasis were given on how three of these four women were able to build a relationship with the organizations they are part of in order to realize their dreams while still being linked to them as well as the directives of the movement influenced their professional and personal choices and their advances and criticisms from feminisms
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Immigration, wages and employment evidence from France / Immigration, salaires et emplois : quels effets en France ?Edo, Anthony 13 October 2014 (has links)
En France, en 2010, un dixième de la population active était immigrée. Quel impact cet apport d’actifs a-t-il eu sur les salaires et l’emploi des natifs ? Une analyse centrée sur la substitution entre natifs et immigrés montre d’abord que l’immigration n’a eu qu’un faible impact sur le salaire des natifs de même niveau d’éducation et d’expérience. Une hausse de 10% de la part d’immigrés réduit le salaire mensuel des natifs de même qualification d’environ 0,6%. Ce résultat n’est pas surprenant compte tenu de la forte rigidité salariale qui caractérise le marché du travail français : l’existence d’un salaire minimum national et d’indemnités chômage élevées peut expliquer l’absence d’ajustement des salaires suite à une augmentation de l’offre de travail. Dans ce contexte de fortes rigidités salariales, l’ajustement porte sur le taux d’emploi. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une hausse de 10 % de la part des immigrés dégrade d’environ 3 % le taux d’emploi des natifs ayant des caractéristiques individuelles similaires : âge, formation, expérience professionnelle. L’emploi des natifs diminue au profit de celui des immigrés puisque ces derniers sont relativement plus attractifs pour les entreprises. Les immigrants sont notamment plus enclins à accepter des salaires plus faibles et des conditions de travail plus difficiles que des natifs de même qualification. Cette première analyse de court terme n’est que partielle puisqu’elle omet les effets de complémentarité que l’immigration devrait induire sur les travailleurs dont les qualifications différent de celles des immigrants. En tenant compte de ces effets de complémentarité, une seconde analyse montre que si l’immigration n’a aucune incidence sur le salaire moyen des natifs à long terme, l’immigration a produit en France des gagnants et des perdants depuis les années 1990. Dans la mesure où la population immigrée est de plus en plus qualifiée, l’immigration a réduit le salaire des natifs très qualifiés et augmenté celui des natifs faiblement qualifiés. L’immigration a donc contribué à la réduction des inégalités salariales entre les travailleurs qualifiés et non qualifiés constatée en France durant cette période. De même, nous montrons que la forte féminisation de la population immigrée a eu un impact différencié sur les salaires des natifs selon leur genre. Depuis 1990, nos estimations indiquent que l’immigration a diminué le salaire des femmes et augmenté celui des hommes. Cet effet asymétrique s’explique par le fait que les hommes et les femmes tendent à être imparfaitement substituables dans le processus productif. / In the past two decades, the fraction of the population in developed countries that is foreign-born increased from 7% in 1990 to 10% in 2010. The rise in the demographic importance of international migration led to a parallel increase in the amount of time and effort that economists devote to studying the consequences of immigration. One of the main questions raised by economists is related to the labor impact of migration in receiving economies. What is the impact of immigration on the employment and earnings of native workers ? This dissertation contributes to the immigration literature through a deep empirical investigation on the effects of immigrants on native wages and employment in France over the 1990-2010 period. This dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first part investigates the short-run effects of immigration on the outcomes of competing native workers (who have skills similar to those of the migrants). I find that immigration has a very small negative impact on the wages of competing natives. This result is consistent with the prevalence of downward wage rigidities in France. However, I show that immigration decreases the employment rate of natives with similar education and experience : a 10% increase in the immigrant share due to an influx of immigrants is associated with a 3% fall in the employment rate of competing natives. Since immigrants are relatively more attractive for firms (while they are identical to natives in all other respects), a substitution mechanism operates between natives and immigrants. The second part extends the analysis by providing a full picture of the wage impact of immigration in France. In this part, I allow the labor market to adjust to immigration in the long-run. In addition, I account for the complementarity effects induced by immigration on the wages of natives with different skills. The estimates indicate no detrimental impact of immigration on the average wage of natives. This part also provides the distributional effects of immigration by education and gender. In as much immigrants to France has been disproportionately high educated in the past two decades, I find that immigration has reduced the wage of highly educated native workers and has contributed to raise the wage of low educated. Thus, immigration-induced shocks to French labor supply have served to reduce wage inequality between low educated and high educated workers. Moreover, I find that immigration has lowered the relative wage of female natives and increased the wage of male natives. This asymmetric effect is due to the facts that immigration has disproportionately increased the number of female workers since 1990, and also that men and women of similar education are imperfect substitutes in the production process.
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Educa??o e tecnologias digitais: a percep??o de alunos sobre possibilidades de aprendizagem formal e informal / Education and Digital Technologies: students perception about formal and informal learning possibilitiesTAVARES, Vin?cius dos Santos 23 June 2016 (has links)
Currently, some changes at the school environment have been caused by technological progress and among these changes, it has been highlighted the relationship between schools and the new generation of students, which generally grow surrounded by digital technologies since their birth, the so-called Digital Natives. Virtual information, available on the internet through digital devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones, contributes to a way of learning beyond school, at any time and place. Therefore, it becomes relevant to grasp through students realization the technological influence on their daily lives and how technology contributes to the different ways of learning. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between virtual informal learning and formal school learning through the perception of students about the influence of digital technologies on their knowledge acquisition processes. Empirical research was carried out from the administration of a semi-structured interview to students between 14 and 18 years old from high school of four different schools of Rio de Janeiro, two of them belonged to the private school system whereas the others belonged to the public one. The data show that young people are hyper-connected to digital information and communication technologies, they are digital natives and although their daily routine is filled with virtual networks experience, they do not disqualify the school experience. Despite addressing some critical view about traditional learning methodology, school is still described by students as a scenario that brings advantages as it is able to provide direction for learning, through teacher-student relationship as support, besides its ability to set up social networks. Eventually, digital devices are used by young people not only for leisure, but also for educational purposes and that can become an enabler tool for teachers on their teaching process. / Atualmente, algumas transforma??es no cen?rio escolar v?m sendo proporcionadas pelo avan?o tecnol?gico e uma delas ? a rela??o que a escola estabelece com a nova gera??o de alunos, os quais, em geral, crescem cercados por tecnologias digitais desde o seu nascimento, os chamados Nativos Digitais. A virtualidade das informa??es acess?veis atrav?s da internet por dispositivos digitais como notebooks, tablets e smartphones concorre para uma forma de aprendizagem para al?m dos muros da escola, a qualquer momento e local. Assim, torna-se importante compreender atrav?s dos pr?prios alunos a influ?ncia que exerce a tecnologia no seu cotidiano e de que modo a tecnologia contribui para as diferentes formas de aprender. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a rela??o entre a aprendizagem informal digital e a aprendizagem formal escolar atrav?s da percep??o de alunos sobre a influ?ncia das tecnologias digitais nos seus processos de aquisi??o de conhecimento. A pesquisa emp?rica foi realizada a partir da aplica??o de um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado a alunos entre 14 e 18 anos do ensino m?dio de quatro escolas do Rio de Janeiro, duas da rede de ensino privada e duas da rede p?blica. Os dados obtidos revelam que os jovens est?o hiperconectados ?s tecnologias digitais de informa??o e comunica??o, s?o nativos digitais e, embora o cotidiano desses jovens seja marcado pelas experi?ncias nas redes virtuais, eles n?o desqualificam a experi?ncia escolar. Apesar de apresentarem cr?ticas ao modelo tradicional de ensino, a escola ? descrita pelos jovens como um cen?rio que traz vantagens por ser capaz de oferecer um direcionamento para aprendizagem, por apresentar na rela??o professor-aluno um suporte, al?m de se configurar como um ambiente de forma??o de la?os sociais. Por fim, os dispositivos digitais s?o utilizados pelos jovens n?o s? para o lazer, mas para fins educacionais e se apresentam como recursos de estudos individuais e coletivos, o que indica que podem se tornar potenciais ferramentas facilitadoras para o professor no processo de ensino.
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Expanding Planning Public Participation Outreach Through Social NetworkingHarris, Wesley Brian David 01 June 2011 (has links)
Public participation is not a form of civic responsibility that it once was. With not only fewer people taking part in the public participation process, there is a trend towards an older (45 years and older) group of residents that come to such meetings or workshops. Plans, such as Specific Plans or General Plans often take years to implement and require all generations to give feedback on what is needed for the future. Additionally, within the last decade, there has been a rise in social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. These websites emerged as informal virtual places for friends to connect, but have slowly evolved into a tool for businesses, and more importantly, government to connect with constituents. This study explores the relationship between the decline of public participation with findings to support the reasons residents do not take part in the process, and the rise of social media as a tool for engagement with findings to support how cities nationwide use Facebook. Social media provides a two-way form of communication between the community and the local government which aides in promoting genuine participation. Additionally, social media allows for efficient outreach and noticing of meetings or public workshops. As opposed to newspaper or website noticing, websites such as Facebook allow for local governments to target a specific audience by location, age, or interests. Findings indicate that although many cities developed a Facebook Page to engage the “younger generation”, all ages became fans of the City operated Facebook Page. In addition, the findings show that the true potential of Facebook as a participatory tool have not been discovered. cities are developing their own ways of using it as a tool as there is no formal best practices manual for City planning departments. The findings of this study have provided the necessary information to develop a best practices manual for planning practitioners to utilize. The manual provides information on developing a Facebook Page as well as the implications of the technology.
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Have you heard the rumor about the connected consumer? : En kvantitativ studie om digital natives värderingar och förväntningar gentemot företag inom detaljhandeln.Wikström, Katrin, Szabo Jönsson, Isabell January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka skillnader mellan digital natives och digital immigrants i strävan efter att identifiera huruvida de förstnämnda kan anses vara en enskild målgrupp med unika karaktärsdrag. Vidare syftar studien till att kartlägga de två gruppernas värderingar i förhållande till företag inom detaljhandeln med huvudfokus på digital natives. Resultatet förväntas mynna ut i teoretiska och praktiska implikationer om vilka förväntningar digitala konsumenter har på företag inom detaljhandeln. Studien utförs ur ett konsumentperspektiv där konsumenterna undersöks. Frågeställningar: -Hur särskiljer sig digital natives från digital immigrants i värderingar gentemot företag inom detaljhandeln? och -Hur påverkar den digitala disruptionen digital natives förväntningar på företag inom detaljhandeln? Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats där en kvantitativ metod använts i form av en enkätundersökning. I undersökningen deltog 206 respondenter vars svar jämfördes mellan digital natives och digital immigrants i databearbetningssystemet SPSS för att hitta likheter och skillnader grupperna emellan. Även en förundersökning av exempelfallet Giraffen har genomförts i syfte att sätta resultatet i relation till verkligheten. Resultat och Slutsats: Studien påvisar att digital natives och digital immigrants skiljer sig åt till viss del, men inte i den utsträckning teorin förklarar. Vidare antyder resultatet att digital natives inte kan ses som en unik målgrupp när de besitter många liknande värderingar som digital immigrants. Därmed kan påstås att förväntningarna på företag är gemensamma för båda grupperna som kan samlas under benämningen digitala konsumenter.
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Användning av smartphones inom högre utbildning : En kvantitativ studie om attitydskillnader mellan studenter och lärare / The use of smartphones in higher education : A quantitative study of attitude differences between students and teachersÅberg, Sabina, Larsson Åkerman, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
Experter hävdar att smartphones blir allt vanligare i högre utbildning (högskole- och universitetsnivå) vilket gör undervisningen mer flexibel och tillgänglig för studenter. En smartphone fungerar som en handdator och du kan använda den för att läsa e-post, surfa på Internet, logga in på sociala nätverk som Facebook och Twitter, läsa nyheter, spela spel, lösa korsord, foto- grafera och spela in videor och mycket mer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i attityder mellan studenter och lä- rare samt män och kvinnor om användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning. Detta gjor- des med ett kvantitativt angreppsätt där datainsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av en webbaserad enkätundersökning. När det gäller studenter och lärare, har vi utgått från Prensky’s (2001) teori om digitala infödingar och digitala immigranter. I denna mening, ville vi ta reda på om det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan dem som är födda 1980 eller senare och de som är födda före 1980. Resultaten visar att studenterna har en mer positiv attityd till användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning jämfört med lärare. Den visar också att kvinnor har en mer positiv inställning till användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning jämfört med män. / Experts argue that smartphones will become increasingly common in higher education (University Level), thereby making teaching more flexible and accessible to students. A smartphone works like a PDA and you can use it to read email, surf the Internet, log on to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, read news, play games, solve crossword puzzles, shoot and record videos, and more. The aim of this thesis was to examine the differences in attitudes between students and teachers as well as men and women on the use of smartphones in higher education. As for students and teachers, Prensky's (2001) theory of digital natives and digital immigrants was used. In this sense, we wanted to find out if there were significant differences between those who were born in 1980 or later and those who were born before 1980. The results reveal that students have a more positive attitude towards the use of smartphones in higher education compared to teachers. They also show that women have a more positive attitude towards the use of smartphones in higher education compared to men.
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Surrounding Amazonia : the 1637-39 Teixeira expedition, knowledge and representationBacellar, Sarasvati de Araujo 27 February 2013 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis investigates the 1637-39 Teixeira’s expedition and how it transformed the Amazon region at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It assumes that this expedition was a key historical event to challenge the balance of power in the area. It shows through historical documents how ethno-geographic knowledge was an essential tool in the discursive construction of the Amazon Natives, undermining their cultural landscapes and initiating the process by which geographical knowledge enabled European territorial power. Foucault’s framework to approach and expound on the relationship between knowledge and power is the theoretical system of analysis that helps to understand the meaning embedded in the historical documents under scrutiny. / text
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Πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο και εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες γηγενών μαθητών δημοτικού σχολείου και μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστώνΣπηλιοπούλου, Γεωργία 07 October 2014 (has links)
Το θέμα της εργασίας μας αναφέρεται στο πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο και στις εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες γηγενών μαθητών δημοτικού σχολείου και μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών. Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να διερευνηθούν: α) οι διαφοροποιήσεις και οι ομοιότητες μεταξύ του πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών της ΣΤ’ τάξης δημόσιων δημοτικών σχολείων της περιοχής της Πάτρας, β) κατά πόσο το πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο των μαθητών αυτών συσχετίζεται με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό τους μέλλον και γ) η συσχέτιση του μορφωτικού επιπέδου και του επαγγέλματος των γονέων των μαθητών (γηγενών και προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών) με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό μέλλον των παιδιών τους. Η έρευνά μας, βασισμένη στο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο του Pierre Bourdieu, διεξήχθη με τη χρήση δύο ερευνητικών «εργαλείων»: του ερωτηματολογίου και της ημιδομημένης συνέντευξης.
Τα ερευνητικά μας ευρήματα δείχνουν ότι οι διαφοροποιήσεις μεταξύ του πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών είναι περισσότερες σε σχέση με τις ομοιότητες που παρουσιάζουν και εστιάζονται, μεταξύ άλλων, στην ανάγνωση εξωσχολικών βιβλίων και στα πολιτισμικά αγαθά που υπάρχουν στο σπίτι τους. Οι γηγενείς μαθητές φαίνεται να συσσωρεύουν μεγαλύτερο όγκο «εγγενούς» και «αντικειμενοποιημένου» πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου από την οικογένειά τους σε σύγκριση με τους μαθητές με μεταναστευτικό υπόβαθρο, το οποίο αποτυπώνεται στις επιλογές τους και στις δράσεις τους. Επιπλέον, προκύπτει ότι το πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών με μεταναστευτικό υπόβαθρο στις περισσότερες εκφάνσεις του συσχετίζεται με τις εκπαιδευτικές τους προσδοκίες. Οι εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες των γονέων των μαθητών ανεξαρτήτως της εθνικής τους προέλευσης και του μορφωτικού τους υπόβαθρου φαίνεται ότι είναι πολύ υψηλές. Διαπιστώνεται επίσης ότι το μορφωτικό επίπεδο και το επάγγελμα των γονέων των μαθητών συσχετίζεται με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό μέλλον των παιδιών τους. / The subject of our paper refers to cultural capital and educational expectations of primary school native students as well as students come from immigrant families. This paper aims to investigate: a) differences and similarities between native students and students come from immigrant families who study at the 6th grade of state primary schools in Patras area, b) to what extent their cultural capital is correlated with their expectations concerning their educational future and c) the correlation of educational level and occupation of students’ parents (natives and those come from immigrant families) with their expectations concerning the educational future of their children. Our research, based on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu, was carried out by means of two research “tools”: questionnaire and semi-structured interview.
Our research findings show that there are more differences than similarities between cultural capital of native students and students come from immigrant families and they are focused, among others, on reading extracurricular books and cultural goods which exist into their house. Native students seem to accumulate larger volume of “embodied” and “objectified” cultural capital from their family compared to students with immigrant background, which is imprinted on their choices and their actions. In addition, it is evident that cultural capital of native students and students with immigrant background is correlated in most of its manifestations with their educational expectations. Educational expectations of students’ parents regardless of their national origin and their educational background seem to be very high. It is also revealed that educational level and occupation of students’ parents is correlated with their expectations concerning their children’s educational future.
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The workplace as an agent of diversity, inclusiveness, social integration, and social relations : A qualitative study in a multinational companyGallego Escudero, Gicela January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to investigate how a multinational company works to promote workforce diversity and inclusiveness, how native and immigrant employees and managers experience social integration and social relations in the workplace, and how the managers work to contribute to social integration and social relations in the workplace. Interviews have been made with thirteen participants working in the same company. Among the participants there are natives and immigrants, and there are managers and employees. The theoretical framework is based on habitus, on capital, and on symbolic interactionism theory. The previous research is based on workforce diversity and inclusiveness, on social integration, and on social relations in workplaces. The findings indicate that the managers involve in different initiatives to promote diversity and inclusiveness inside and outside the company. Most participants have positive attitudes towards the position of the company in its work with diversity and inclusiveness. The findings also indicate that social integration and social relations in the workplace are of extreme importance for the employees and the managers. Most participants have good experiences of social integration in their workplace as they have feelings of inclusion, belonging, and community. Social relations in the workplace seem to be extremely significant for meaning, job satisfaction, well-being, and job performance. In addition, the findings indicate that the managers work with multiple initiatives to contribute to social integration and social relations in the workplace.
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