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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Mutual Construction of the International System and the Nation States within a Model of Level-of-Analysis¡ÐA Case Study of the September 11 and the War on Terrorism

Wu, Tien-lun 13 December 2004 (has links)
Since the mode of level-of-analysis has to be treated as an empirical tool for IR theories to make a claim to become a social science in its own right, this study attempts to explore the political process of a mutual construction of the international system and the nation states within the model in three parts. Firstly, this study examines how the international system and the national states be settled upon as pregiven scientific entities on the basis of objective spatiality of territory and borders. Secondly, this study shows that in order to merge all states¡¦ diversities and differences into the sameness and likeness, the mutual construction is linked to the plausible assumptions about the structural world of universal rationality among all states, and the unfolding history of linear and progressive evolution. Finally, this study takes the September 11 and the war on terrorism as an example to illustrate the mutual construction and its consequences.

Shaping Identity: Male and Female Interactions in Cinema

Lagamba, Jonette Lauren 01 January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Since the inception of cinema, women have been portrayed with the typical identities of emotionally and physically weak characters; this portrayal led to their subsequent dependence on men. Men were usually the protagonists and/or the heroes, following their archetypal journey. Thus, women's position in early cinema was to exemplify what men were not, placing the former in the diminutive position of the Other. One may conclude that men were often defined by what women lacked, and the women were defined by their relationships with these heroic men. As time progressed in the history of cinema, women's images retained part of this former definition; however, their identities were also shaped by the manners in which they related with the male characters. This scenario remains consistent in contemporary cinema as well. The research will reveal how the stereotyped women's identities change as they interact with the male characters; specifically, it will address the roles of the femme fatale in American cinema and the prostitute in Italian cinema. There are various factors that shape identity in film and literature. However, this research will focus mainly on male and female interactions in these areas: Postwar Italian cinema and American film noir. It will enhance research conducted by various film theorists and reveal the significance of shaping identity with gender interactions. Moreover, it will determine that shaping identity often serves as a significant catalyst for narrative.

Afrikanska Unionen som säkerhetsaktör- en (o)möjlighet? : en undersökning av Afrikanska Unionens strukturella och institutionella förutsättningar för att agera som säkerhetsaktör.

Abrahamsson, Sophie January 2015 (has links)
”African Solutions to African Problems” är en av Afrikanska Unionens nya ledord. Denna vilja om att ta mer ansvar för den afrikanska kontinenten och kunna agera som en säkerhetsaktör har resulterat i en ny säkerhetsdoktrin. För att kunna agera som aktör på den internationella arenan krävs att vissa förutsättningar existerar enligt en modell framtagen av Gunnar Sjöstedt. Dessa strukturella och institutionella förutsättningar kommer i denna studie att undersökas för att analysera huruvida AU kan agera som säkerhetsaktör. För att se hur AU de facto har agerat som säkerhetsaktör kommer organisationens agerande i Somalia år 2007-2010 samt i Libyen år 2011 att undersökas.  Den teoretiska anknytning som antas i studien är regimteori vilken fokuserar på att studera och förklara uppkomst och fortlevnad av samarbete inom internationella institutioner. Den empiriska analysen visar att AU saknar vissa strukturella och institutionella förutsättningar som anses nödvändiga för aktörskapaciteten. Den visar även att de målsättningar som har legat till grund för skapandet av dessa institutioner inte har förverkligats samt att regler och principer inte efterlevs.Vidare demonstrerar AU:s agerande i Somalia och Libyen att begreppet ”African Solutions to African Problems” är långt ifrån operationaliserat då AU inte kunnat enas om en respons samt agera samstämmigt i de kriser som undersöks.

Lietuvos dalyvavimas užsienio misijose: kariniai ir politiniai aspektai / Lithuanians participation in foreign misions: military and political aspetcs

Tamulynas, Laurynas 09 June 2008 (has links)
Tarptautinei sistemai esant anarchiškai, dominuoja šalys turinčios didžiausią galią ir Lietuvos, kaip mažos ir turinčios mažai galios, šliejimasis prie supervalstybės JAV yra visiškai logiškas elgesys. Tuo pačiu Lietuvą su JAV sieja ir bendras identitetas, susiformavęs JAV nuosekliai nepripažįstant Lietuvos okupacijos 1940 ir 1944 metais, remiant Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atgavimą, puoselėjant ir padedant lietuvių emigrantus. Todėl Lietuvos atveju reiktų taikyti abi šias teorijas norint nagrinėti paramą JAV, NATO ir dalyvavimą jų rengiamose karinėse užsienio misijose. Kadangi po šaltojo karo pasaulis iš bipoliarinio, vienų autorių nuomone tapo multipoliariniu, o kitų – unipoliariniu (jame dominuoja JAV), todėl toks Lietuvos šliejimasis prie didžiausią galia turinčio polio (abiem atvejais tai yra JAV) tampa suprantamu ir atspindinčiu neorealizmo idėjas, todėl iš daugelio egzistuojančių tarptautinių santykių teorijų mano manymu tinkamiausios paaiškinti Lietuvos dalyvavimą tarptautinėse misijose yra Neorealizmas ir Konstruktyvizmas. Nors jos savo pagrindinėmis koncepcijomis prieštarauja viena kitai, bet Lietuvos atveju papildo viena kitą. Lietuvos šliejimasis prie JAV galios yra Neorealizmo teorijos veikimo lauke, o bendra vertybių sistema su Vakarų šalimis (labiausiai su JAV) – konstruktyvizmo ir istorinės patirties santykiuose su Rusija. Nagrinėjant karines Lietuvos užsienio misijas negalima apsiriboti tik tarptautinių santykių teorijomis, taip pat reikia suvokti geopolitinį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It has been known for several decades that a constantly growing asymmetry of the military power between the US and their NATO allies complicates transatlantic security relations. If allies cannot communicate in military terms, the risk of political split appears. Therefore one of the main priorities is the necessity to ensure that the allies are able to make their substantial military contribution. Lithuania also contributes to it by taking part in missions together with its allies. Missions are of military (using weapons, executing military operations and performing police functions) and civil character (providing help in case of natural disasters, sending humanitarian aid to voluntary soldiers). This paper focuses mainly on military missions. The subject of the paper: The participation of Lithuania in foreign military missions. The relevance of the topic: More and more often articles appear in Lithuania and abroad criticising the participation of the Western countries in peace missions, including Afghanistan; casualties, moral validity of these missions and heavy expenses are questioned; a more and more prevailing idea of Neorealism is mentioned. The goals of the paper: • To introduce the main trends of the theories of international relations; • To analyse the participation of Lithuania in foreign military missions with reference to the theories; • To introduce a geopolitical context of the participation of Lithuania in foreign missions; • To review Lithuanian foreign... [to full text]

Diplomatijos vaidmuo ir saugumo politikos sprendimai Pietų Kaukazo regione / Role of diplomacy and security policy decisions in South Caucasus region

Vainalavičius, Donatas 28 July 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas diplomatijos vaidmuo Pietų Kaukazo valstybių saugumo politikoje, pasitelkiant geopolitinių kodų metodą ir regioninio saugumo komplekso teoriją. Sudėtinis teorinis analizės modelis yra grindžiamas neorealistine tarptautinių santykių samprata, o diplomatijos analizėje naudojama racionalistinė tarptautinių santykių paradigma. Tyrimas apima laikotarpį nuo Pietų Kaukazo valstybių nepriklausomybės atgavimo devintojo dešimtmečio pradžioje iki 2008 m. vėlyvo pavasario. Pietų Kaukazo valstybių geopolitinių kodų studija yra pirmasis tokio pobūdžio bandymas identifikuoti Armėnijos, Azerbaidžano ir Gruzijos geopolitinius savitumus ir individualios bei regioninės geostrateginės raidos galimybes. Tyrimas pateikia naują požiūrį į Pietų Kaukazo regioninio saugumo komplekso egzistavimą, taip revizuodamas ankstesnius tyrimus. Disertacijoje atskleista Pietų Kaukazo valstybių diplomatijų, apibrėžtų geopolitinių kodų ir identifikuoto regioninis saugumo komplekso tarpusavio priklausomybė. Taip pat išanalizuota šiuolaikinė tarptautinė sistema ir, didelę įtaką Pietų Kaukazui turintys, transatlantinių santykių principai. Išvadose, tarp kitų įžvalgų, pažymima, kad pagrindinė diplomatijos reikšmė yra komunikacijos tarp regiono politinių lyderių palaikymas ir trinties mažinimas, taip sulaikant valstybes nuo įšaldytų konfliktų sprendimo jėga. / The dissertation, based on the method of geopolitical sketches and the theory of regional security complex, provides with assessment of the role of diplomacy in security policy of the South Caucasus states. Neorealist approach to international relations, fallowed by rationalist paradigm used for analysis of diplomacy, determines the background of theoretical model of analysis. The research is based on the timeframe from early independence of regional states in the last decade of the twentieth century till late spring of 2008. The study of South Caucasus geopolitical sketches is the first attempt, of such kind, to identify geopolitical peculiarities and options for development of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The study provides with new approach to the existence of the regional security complex in the South Caucasus and consequently reassesses the studies conducted earlier. Dissertation discovers the interdependence among diplomacies of the South Caucasus states, defined geopolitical sketches and identified regional security complex. Contemporary international system and principles of transatlantic relations, bearing considerable impact on the South Caucasus, were analyzed as well. Among other insights listed in conclusions, it was envisaged that the main tangible role of diplomacy is to maintain communication of political leaders and minimize frictions between states preventing settling of frozen conflicts by coercive measures.

Implicações da dissuasão nuclear como capacidade de poder : o caso indiano

Scholz, Fernando January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho desenvolve o tema da dissuasão nuclear, partindo de uma discussão teórica sobre alguns conceitos desenvolvidos pela escola neorrealista de Relações Internacionais. Especificamente entra em consideração a obra de Kenneth Waltz e de John Mearsheimer, com vistas à elucidação de termos como poder, polaridade e capacidade nuclear. Num segundo momento, para fazer um contraponto à escola neorrealista, são abordados autores dos Estudos Estratégicos, com destaque para Bernard Brodie, Thomas Schelling, Lawrence Freedman, Colin Gray e Eugenio Diniz. Procura-se retratar, entre outros fatores, a evolução do pensamento estratégico nuclear ao longo da Guerra Fria. O trabalho também é permeado por questões relacionadas com uma elaborada explanação do que vem a ser dissuasão nuclear, aqui entendida como capacidade de poder. Embora grande parte do esforço desse trabalho esteja voltada para questões de cunho teórico, o refinamento da literatura permite, inerentemente, que o debate se estenda para o campo prático/político. Verificar quais são os pré-requisitos para um país ser considerado uma potência nuclear, bem como o significado e as implicações práticas disso tudo, permeiam grande parte da presente pesquisa. Acima de tudo, cabe verificar quem a Índia é capaz de dissuadir com as suas forças estratégicas/nucleares. Após a apresentação de um breve panorama securitário do subcontinente indiano, para que se tenha uma maior e melhor compreensão do que levou a Índia a se nuclearizar, o capítulo final desenvolve o tópico das implicações da dissuasão nuclear como capacidade de poder, aplicado ao caso indiano. / This dissertation deals with the topic of nuclear deterrence and takes as its starting point a theoretical discussion of some of the concepts presented by the neorealist school of International Relations. In particular, this paper focuses on the work of Kenneth Waltz and John Mearsheimer, explaining terms like power, polarity and nuclear capacity. Secondly, in order to provide a kind of foil or counterpoint to the neorealist school, this dissertation presents the views of various authors from the field of Strategic Studies, particularly Bernard Brodie, Thomas Schelling, Lawrence Freedman, Colin Gray and Eugenio Diniz. Among other things, the investigation traces the evolution of nuclear strategic theory during the period of the Cold War. The dissertation also deals with issues related to the meaning of nuclear deterrence, seen here as power capability. Although the main focus of this research has to do with theoretical matters, the literature that was taken into consideration also allows one to branch out into the more practical field of politics. Thus, a good deal of the research centers on the prerequisites that have to be met before a nation can be considered a nuclear power and the meaning and practical implications of this. Above all, what needs clarification is whom or which countries India is able to deter with the nuclear or strategic power at its disposal. Therefore, after a brief presentation of the security landscape of the Indian subcontinent, which will allow one to gauge why India decided to go nuclear, the last chapter of this dissertation takes up the implications of nuclear deterrence as power capability, as it applies to India.


ISABELA GOMES BUSTAMANTE 09 August 2011 (has links)
[pt] A tese A reinvenção do real na obra de Augusto Abelaira tem como objetivo localizar o escritor Augusto Abelaira no panorama da literatura portuguesa do século XX, interrogando a premissa de que o autor é herdeiro do neo-realismo português. A tese busca aprofundar esta questão a partir de análise da fortuna crítica sobre a obra do autor e da leitura dos romances Bolor (1968) e Nem só mas também (2004, póstumo), assim como do volume de contos Quatro paredes nuas (1972). Tomando a heterogeneidade do neo-realismo português (PITA, António Pedro, 2002) como pressuposto, a tese parte de uma particular aproximação do escritor com o movimento para analisar a influência do existencialismo e do nouveau roman em sua obra. A questão central a que se procura responder com este trabalho é de que modo Augusto Abelaira representa, problematiza e recria a categoria do real no panorama da literatura do século XX. / [en] The present thesis The reinvention of the real in Augusto Abelaira’s work aims at situating the writer Augusto Abelaira in the panorama of the Portuguese Literature of the 20th Century, starting from the assumption that the author is one of the heirs of the Portuguese neo-realism. The thesis deepens this question from the analysis of the critical fortune about the author’s works, as well as from the reading of the novels Bolor (1968) and Nem só mas também, (2004, posthumous), as well as the book of short stories Quatro paredes nuas (1972). Taking the heterogeneity of the Portuguese neo-realism (PITA, António Pedro, 2002) as a premise, the thesis starts from a particular proximity of the writer with the movement to analyze the influence of the existentialism and the nouveau roman in his works. The central question of this study is how Augusto Abelaira represents, problematizes and recreates the category of real in the panorama of the 20th Century Literature.

Estranhamento, desencontro e solidão: a representação da família na ficção de Carlos de Oliveira / Strangeness, mismatch and loneliness: representation of the family in Carlos de Oliveira\'s fiction

Marcio Antonino Lourenço Correia 17 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa sobre a estrutura celular da família, percebida como uma corrente, em que a fragilidade de um dos elos (desgaste ou rompimento) pode fazer ruir toda a sua poderosa estrutura. Foram objeto de análise as obras Pequenos burgueses, Casa na duna e Uma abelha na chuva, de Carlos de Oliveira. Estudaram-se, separadamente e em conjunto, as relações familiares: pai, mãe, filhos, marido e mulher, e o papel representado por cada um, no seio de uma família tradicional de modelo judaico-cristão, que, no advento da modernidade, vê seus valores contestados, fragilizados e, pouco a pouco, desmoronando. Patriarcalismo e Marialvismo, submissão da mulher, desconstrução do masculino, desejos insatisfeitos, comportamentos sexuais tidos como modelares, são alguns dos aspectos discutidos em Estranhamento, desencontros e solidão: a representação da família na ficção de Carlos de Oliveira. Foi possível detectar, nos romances, a ausência de afetividade entre parceiros, talvez provocada por uniões firmadas em bases de interesses que não levam em consideração o amor, mas a manutenção de um status social no qual o casamento é um movimento inercial que permite a homens e mulheres manterem o patrimônio herdado, ou se torna uma mercadoria em que se troca sangue por dinheiro. Carlos de Oliveira, numa perspectiva temporal, desconstrói e desmistifica a família de modelo tradicional, revelando suas mazelas e os comportamentos hipócritas, tecidos de falso moralismo, percebidos na moral dúbia de seus elementos humanos. / This work is a result of a research on the cellular structure of the family, seen as a chain, in which the fragility of one of the links (consuming or breakage) can drop all its powerful structure. The dissertation analyzes Casa na duna, Pequenos burgueses e Uma abelha na chuva, novels by Carlos de Oliveira. We studied, separately and in set, the familiar relations: father, mother, children, husband and wife and the role played by them in the family circle of a traditional Jewish-Christian family, that, in the advent of modernity, sees its values contested and, little by little, pulling down. Patriarchal System and Marialvismo, submission of women, unsatisfied desires, deconstruction of the male, patterned sexual behaviors, are some of the aspects argued in Estranhamento, desencontros e solidão: a representação da família na ficção de Carlos de Oliveira. It was possible to detect, in the novels, the lack of affection between partners, perhaps caused by unions signed on bases of interests that do not take in consideration the love, but the social maintenance of one status in which the marriage is an inertial motion that allows to the men and women to keep the inherited patrimony, or becomes a merchandise in which it exchanges blood for money. Carlos de Oliveira, in a secular perspective, deconstructs and demystifies the family of traditional model, disclosing to its wounds and the hypocritical behaviors, made of false value judgment, perceived in the dubious morality of its human elements.

Implicações da dissuasão nuclear como capacidade de poder : o caso indiano

Scholz, Fernando January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho desenvolve o tema da dissuasão nuclear, partindo de uma discussão teórica sobre alguns conceitos desenvolvidos pela escola neorrealista de Relações Internacionais. Especificamente entra em consideração a obra de Kenneth Waltz e de John Mearsheimer, com vistas à elucidação de termos como poder, polaridade e capacidade nuclear. Num segundo momento, para fazer um contraponto à escola neorrealista, são abordados autores dos Estudos Estratégicos, com destaque para Bernard Brodie, Thomas Schelling, Lawrence Freedman, Colin Gray e Eugenio Diniz. Procura-se retratar, entre outros fatores, a evolução do pensamento estratégico nuclear ao longo da Guerra Fria. O trabalho também é permeado por questões relacionadas com uma elaborada explanação do que vem a ser dissuasão nuclear, aqui entendida como capacidade de poder. Embora grande parte do esforço desse trabalho esteja voltada para questões de cunho teórico, o refinamento da literatura permite, inerentemente, que o debate se estenda para o campo prático/político. Verificar quais são os pré-requisitos para um país ser considerado uma potência nuclear, bem como o significado e as implicações práticas disso tudo, permeiam grande parte da presente pesquisa. Acima de tudo, cabe verificar quem a Índia é capaz de dissuadir com as suas forças estratégicas/nucleares. Após a apresentação de um breve panorama securitário do subcontinente indiano, para que se tenha uma maior e melhor compreensão do que levou a Índia a se nuclearizar, o capítulo final desenvolve o tópico das implicações da dissuasão nuclear como capacidade de poder, aplicado ao caso indiano. / This dissertation deals with the topic of nuclear deterrence and takes as its starting point a theoretical discussion of some of the concepts presented by the neorealist school of International Relations. In particular, this paper focuses on the work of Kenneth Waltz and John Mearsheimer, explaining terms like power, polarity and nuclear capacity. Secondly, in order to provide a kind of foil or counterpoint to the neorealist school, this dissertation presents the views of various authors from the field of Strategic Studies, particularly Bernard Brodie, Thomas Schelling, Lawrence Freedman, Colin Gray and Eugenio Diniz. Among other things, the investigation traces the evolution of nuclear strategic theory during the period of the Cold War. The dissertation also deals with issues related to the meaning of nuclear deterrence, seen here as power capability. Although the main focus of this research has to do with theoretical matters, the literature that was taken into consideration also allows one to branch out into the more practical field of politics. Thus, a good deal of the research centers on the prerequisites that have to be met before a nation can be considered a nuclear power and the meaning and practical implications of this. Above all, what needs clarification is whom or which countries India is able to deter with the nuclear or strategic power at its disposal. Therefore, after a brief presentation of the security landscape of the Indian subcontinent, which will allow one to gauge why India decided to go nuclear, the last chapter of this dissertation takes up the implications of nuclear deterrence as power capability, as it applies to India.

Na raiz, a fome: uma leitura dos romances Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos, Os flagelados do vento leste, de Manuel Lopes e Famintos, de Luís Romano / In the root, hunger: A reading of the novels Vidas secas, Graciliano Ramos, Os Flagelados do vento leste, by Manuel Lopes, and Famintos, by Luis Romano

Maria Luzia Carvalho de Barros Paraense 23 February 2017 (has links)
Partindo dos romances Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos (1938), Os flagelados do vento leste, de Manuel Lopes (1959) e Famintos, de Luís Romano (1962), buscamos investigar as estratégias discursivas dos autores de nosso corpus que se debruçaram sobre a fatia social menos favorecida daquele momento histórico. Nos dedicamos, em especial, às denúncias dos autores que trouxeram à luz temas que atravessavam as três prosas de ficção: a fome, o banditismo e a opressão. Encontramos em Josué de Castro uma rica pesquisa que permitiu que analisássemos a fome não apenas como flagelo, mas também como fato social passível de desdobramentos mais complexos. O historiador Eric Hobsbawm e o filósofo Louis Althusser fundamentaram nossa investigação de tais desdobramentos. Destacamos que nossa perspectiva tem como horizonte o comparatismo de solidariedade proposto pelo crítico Benjamin Abdala Junior. / Starting from the novels Vidas secas by Graciliano Ramos (1938), Os flagelados do vento leste by Manuel Lopes (1959), and Famintos by Luís Romano (1962), we investigated the discursive strategies of the authors of the corpus, who dedicated their work to the socially less advantaged groups in their historical moment. We investigated the narrative perspectives of each author and the discursive strategies they selected to bring to light themes that went through the three pieces of prose fictions hunger, banditry, and oppression. We found in Josué de Castros work a rich research that allowed us to analyze hunger not only as a flagellum, but also as a social fact capable of more complex unfolding. The historian Eric Hobsbawm and the philosopher Louis Althusser founded our investigation of such unfoldings. We enphasize that our perspective has as horizon the comparatism of the solidarity suggested by the critic Benjamin Abdala Junior.

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