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Högpresterande gymnasieelevers läskompetenser / The Reading Literacy of High-performing Students in Upper Secondary SchoolHallesson, Yvonne January 2011 (has links)
Recent international surveys reveal a decline in reading performance among Swedish students during the past decade. In the light of these results, this thesis describes the reading literacy of a class of high-performing students in the Swedish upper secondary school, in order to discern characteristics of successful readers. More specifically, the aim is to describe these students’ reading literacy in terms of their reading habits, approaches to texts, reading strategies, as well as reading positions. The study is framed within a socio-cultural perspective and is based on qualitative methods such as case studies, classroom observations and a group discussion, in combination with a partly quantitative survey. A methodological contribution to the research field is the attempt to develop a method for analyzing students’ reading positions, mainly based on the concept of text movability, as used by af Geijerstam, Liberg et al. The results reveal a deep reading position towards non-fiction texts among a majority of these high-performing students. In comparison with students who adopt a surface-oriented position, these students tend to show greater textual awareness and interactive text movability, and seem to use a wider repertoire of reading strategies in order to attain reading success. This study identifies the most prominent features of high-performing students as their textual awareness, i.e. an ability to comment on content, form, function and potential readers of texts, genre awareness, i.e. an ability to identify various text genres, and metacognitive awareness, i.e. knowing what strategies to use and when to use them. These features can be related to the students’ descriptions of their reading habits which imply that they read a great variety of texts, including both fiction and non-fiction. Most of these students report that they read daily and of their own accord. Having broad textual experience helps when it comes to reading texts in specialized domains that require inferencing and/or field knowledge. There also appears to be a match between the literacy supported in school and the literacy sustained in the students’ home environment. The pedagogical implications are the need for continuous work with students’ reading development and reading strategies, making students aware of different text genres and their specific features, and the importance for students to be challenged in their reading, but naturally in combination with appropriate scaffolding methods.
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Med en fot i varje värld - en studie av medie- och informationskunnighet inom svenskämnetSten, Viola January 2015 (has links)
I dagens medielandskap lever många människor en stor del av sitt liv genom digitala medier, något som även påverkar skolvärlden. Denna studie undersöker den digitala utvecklingen i relation till lärarrollen och svenskämnet. Det empiriska materialet består av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare som arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK) inom svenskundervisning och skolutveckling samt en kompletterande intervju med Statens medieråd. Syftet med studien är att genom svensklärarnas upplevelse av att arbeta med MIK försöka förstå den digitala utvecklingens betydelse i relation till svenskämnet. Min hypotes är att dagens lärare behöver öka sin medie- och informationskunnighet för att kunna möta elevernas behov och kunna utföra sitt allt mer komplexa demokratiuppdrag. Genom teorierna New Literacy Studies, Critical literacy, begreppet multimodalitet och aktuell tidigare forskning har jag försökte förstå vad den digitala utvecklingen innebär för lärandet och språket.Studien visar att osäkerhet, okunskap, tidsbrist och vaga direktiv är några skäl till att utvecklingen går långsamt framåt. Tydligare nationella direktiv, ett större kollegialt samarbete och kompetensutveckling är några av de faktorer som nämns skulle kunna påskynda progressionen. I den avslutande reflektionen diskuteras MIKs öppningar för att arbeta med normkritisk pedagogik och möjlighet till fortsatt forskning inom detta.
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Bursting the Filter Bubble: Information Literacy and Questions of Valuation, Navigation, and Control in a Digital LandscapeHassan, Komysha 01 January 2018 (has links)
The evolution of social media platforms and other public forums in the digital realm has created an explosion of user-generated content and data as a component of the already content-saturated digital landscape. The distributed, horizontal nature of the internet as a platform makes it difficult to ascertain value and differentiate between texts of varying validity, bias, and purpose. In addition, the internet is not an inanimate interface. As Pariser (2011) argues, content aggregators, such as Google, actively filter, personalize, and therefore limit each individual's access to information, in both range and type. This has created a crisis of information valuation and control. Importantly, conventional curriculum does not furnish students with the information literacy tools necessary for them to navigate the digital landscape effectively. Information miners and developers, including news organizations, are falling victim to this fallacy as well. Lankshear and Knobel (2011) posit that empowering navigation and control in the digital landscape requires a new mindset. This research offers a context-driven approach that acknowledges this new mindset, promoting "rhetorical consciousness" (Murphy et al., 2003) within the network and providing a framework to recognize, challenge, and co-create gatekeeping roles and mechanism as they increasingly shift to the individual.
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Skolans litteracitetspraktiker och dess två ansikten : En fenomenologisk studie om andraspråkstalares upplevelser av skolans litteracitetspraktiker och deras användbarhetStawe, Juliana January 2024 (has links)
Genom en fenomenologiskt inspirerad forskningsdesign har undersökts vuxna andraspråksinlärares upplevelser av meningsfulla litteracitetspraktiker i deras vardag. Undersökningsmaterialet utgörs av intervjuer med fyra andraspråksinlärare. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur vuxna andraspråksinlärare som har passerat SFI och som studerar svenska som andraspråk inom grundläggande vuxenutbildning dels upplever utveckling av sina litteracitetsfärdigheter, dels använder litteracitetsfärdigheter i syfte att aktivt delta i samhället efter avslutad utbildning i svenska som andraspråk på grundläggande nivå. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien byggs utifrån grundtankar i det sociokulturella perspektivet och dess syn på flerspråkighet samt New Literacy Studies. Därför utgår analysen ifrån de sociokulturella och ideologiska aspekterna av litteracitet. Studiens resultat visar en komplex bild av deltagarnas upplevda verklighet. Ett av resultaten visar att deltagarna anpassar sig efter den enspråkiga normen i syfte att känna grupptillhörighet. Ett annat resultat är att det finns ett behov för integrering av kulturell litteracitet i undervisningen. En av utmaningarna med skolans litteracitetspraktiker i de vuxnas vardag är att anpassa och tillämpa skolans genrer till vad de behöver i vardagen. I vissa fall har en sådan utmaning upplevts som en hämmande faktor i deltagarnas möjlighet att aktivt bidra i samhället.
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藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養 / The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy林承宇, Lin, Cheng-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以為,此二層次對應的概念仍屬「由上對下」的意識,亦即「政府」下對「常民」的概念。這種由上而下的把關做法,在維護國民「健康權」的國家、社會與個人法益上固然有其必要;惟欲落實整體健康權的實踐,仍須回歸「健康素養」的具體貫徹。亦即,本論文主張政府所主導的法規範或健康促進的作為,必須同時伴隨常民健康素養的賦權,兼顧「由下而上」的作法,不斷促使法規範與社會現實互為主體,則法規範才能真實維護與實踐國民的「健康權」。 / It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings.
This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.
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Med andra ord : Samspel och villkor för litteracitet bland nyanlända barn / In Other Words : Exploring Newly-Arrived Children’s Participation in Literacy PracticesDuek, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral thesis centres on six children, aged four to nine, who relatively recently immigrated to Sweden. The children’s encounters with literacy are in focus. These children are not only new arrivals to Sweden, they also have in common that Swedish is their second language and that their parents have had little or no formal education prior to arriving in Sweden. The study draws on sociocultural approaches to literacy, and more specifically the field of New Literacy Studies. In this study, reading and writing are viewed as social practices comprising different related sociocultural aspects such as norms, values, habits, traditions and ideologies, and the study concentrates on social and ideological perspectives on literacy. Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and symbolic capital have also been used for the analysis. The empirical material was collected through an ethnographic approach. Each child was followed for one year, particularly at school/preschool. The children’s homes were also visited, and their parents and teachers were interviewed. Observations involved different degrees of participation and were documented through field notes and photographs. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. In addition, artefacts and school material from the field were collected or photographed. A qualitative content analysis of the collected data was performed. The analysis show that sociocultural incongruence, coupled with flawed communication between the schools and the homes, caused the children less continuity between school and home practices. Though, the results also show, that the children studied to a considerable extent adapted to the monolingual, homogenous norms when they participated in school practices. These children are therefore highly adaptable, while their teachers found it much harder to handle or even be aware of sociocultural incongruences. / I denna avhandling studeras litteracitetspraktiker hos en grupp nyanlända barn i åldrar mellan fyra och tio år. Det specifika för barnen är att deras föräldrar inte har någon eller endast en kort skolbakgrund från ursprungslandet. Under ett års tid har barnen följts i förskolan eller skolan samt i hemmet. Deras föräldrar och lärare har också intervjuats. Avhandlingens syfte är att skapa förståelse för hur samspelet runt barnens språkande ter sig samt vilka förutsättningar och villkor som råder för detta samspel. Studien visar hur barnen skapar kontinuitet mellan hemmet och skolan, trots att deras tidigare erfarenheter och modersmål har en ytterst perifer plats i skolans och förskolans litteracitetspraktiker och trots att kommunikationen mellan skolan/förskolan och hemmet haltar. Barnen och deras föräldrar strävar efter att anpassa sig till de svenskspråkiga och monokulturella normer som skolans och förskolans litteracitetspraktiker vilar på. Avhandlingens bidrag är att öka kunskapen om hur nyanlända barn, och i synnerhet barn till föräldrar utan eller med endast kort skolbakgrund, bättre kan tas emot i skolan och förskolan.
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Estetiska lärprocesser som inkluderande resurs i literacypraktiker / Aesthetic learning processes as an including resource in literacypracticeSjönneby, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur estetiska lärprocesser kan bidra till en inkluderande undervisning i elevers utvecklande av literacy. Frågeställningarna berör begreppet estetiska lärprocesser, hur lärare beskriver att estetiska arbetsformer integreras med literacyhändelser och vilka möjligheter lärare ser i sådan undervisning ur ett inkluderande perspektiv. Studiens teoretiska ram utgörs av New Studies Literacy och empirin analyseras utifrån The four Literacy Model, resursmodellen (Freebody & Luuk, 1990). Studien är baserad på intervjuer med semistrukturerade forskningsfrågor. Fem lärare, med olika erfarenhet av estetiska lärprocesser som berättade fritt utifrån frågorna, intervjuades. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av studien synliggör hur elever, i literacyhändelser med estetiska arbetsformer, kan erbjudas praktiker som stödjer de fyra delarna i att utveckla literacy samt de möjligheter lärare ser i undervisning med estetiska lärprocesser, ur ett inkluderande perspektiv. / The purpose of the study is to investigate how aesthetic learning processes can contribute to an inclusive teaching in students' development of literacy. The questions concern the concept of aesthetic learning processes, how teachers describe that aesthetic forms of work are integrated with literacy events and what opportunities teachers see in such teaching from an inclusive perspective. The theoretical framework of the study consists of New Studies Literacy and the empirics are analyzed on the basis of The four Literacy Model (Freebody & Luuk, 1990). Five teachers were interviewed. The main result of the study shows how students, in literacy events with aesthetic forms of work, can be offered practice that support the four parts of developing literacy and the opportunities teachers see from an inclusive perspective.
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Multimodal Composing In Support of Disciplinary Literacy: A Search For Context In ELA and History ClassroomsWalsh-Moorman , Elizabeth A. 02 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Embracing LOLitics: Popular Culture, Online Political Humor, and PlayTay, Geniesa January 2012 (has links)
The Internet, and Web 2.0 tools can empower audiences to actively participate in media creation. This allows the production of large quantities of content, both amateur and professional. Online memes, which are extensions of usually citizen-created viral content, are a recent and popular example of this. This thesis examines the participation of ordinary individuals in political culture online through humor creation. It focuses on citizen-made political humor memes as an example of engaged citizen discourse. The memes comprise of photographs of political figures altered either by captions or image editing software, and can be compared to more traditional mediums such as political cartoons, and 'green screens' used in filmmaking. Popular culture is often used as a 'common language' to communicate meanings in these texts. This thesis thus examines the relationship between political and popular culture. It also discusses the value of 'affinity spaces', which actively encourage users to participate in creating and sharing the humorous political texts. Some examples of the political humor memes include: the subversion of Vladimir Putin's power by poking fun at his masculine characteristics through acts similar to fanfiction, celebrating Barack Obama’s love of Star Wars, comparing a candid photograph of John McCain to fictional nonhuman creatures such as zombies using photomanipulation, and the wide variety of immediate responses to Osama bin Laden's death. This thesis argues that much of the idiosyncratic nature of the political humor memes comes from a motivation that lies in non-serious play, though they can potentially offer legitimate political criticism through the myths 'poached' from popular culture.
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