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Product development:drivers, stakeholders, and customer representation during early developmentMajava, J. (Jukka) 02 September 2014 (has links)
The importance of product development in companies has increased, as competition in many industries has turned global and product life cycles have become shorter. Despite the rich literature and the significance of product development in businesses, many organisations still struggle to develop products that meet market and customer needs. Furthermore, product development for a large number of international customers involves various stakeholders with conflicting needs. Thus, product development is increasingly complex to manage.
This doctoral dissertation aims to improve the outcome of product development by clarifying the factors that initiate product development in companies, the relations of different external and internal stakeholders to these drivers, and how the needs of key stakeholders are obtained. The study focuses on the early product development phases of new product development (NPD) intensive companies that are based in Finland, but have major international operations and large customer bases.
The research was carried out by collecting and analysing data from companies representing product development practices in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. The experiences of managers across different industries are utilised. This dissertation adopts a qualitative research approach, and surveys and interviews are utilised as the main data collection methods.
This dissertation shows that many significant drivers for product development exist in companies. In addition, these drivers differ significantly between projects, companies, and even individuals. Based on the results, companies should clarify their product development drivers and align them among the relevant stakeholders to enhance the decision-making and focus of product development efforts. The study also reveals the relations between different external and internal stakeholders and the product development drivers, and the key stakeholders for the individual drivers. The results indicate that companies should identify the most important stakeholders based on the project drivers and allocate managerial attention appropriately. As expected, the research findings support previous studies by identifying customers as the most important external stakeholders in product development. On the other hand, the significance of product management among internal stakeholders is highlighted in the results.
This dissertation indicates that companies should enable product management to lead collaboration with stakeholders close to customers in product development projects. The role of product management involves leading customer definition, representation, and customer needs identification for R&D. However, product management must also collaborate with many customer-related stakeholders in product development efforts. The main implication of this dissertation is a new managerial framework that, if successfully implemented, can significantly enhance product development outcomes by providing appropriate focus on customers and reducing unnecessary complexities through the clarification of the project drivers, the key stakeholders, and customer needs. / Tiivistelmä
Tuotekehityksen merkitys yrityksille on kasvanut globaalin kilpailun ja tuote-elinkaarien lyhentymisten myötä. Lukuisista tutkimuksista ja tuotekehitystoiminnan tärkeydestä liiketoiminnalle huolimatta useilla organisaatioilla on edelleen haasteita kehittää markkinoiden ja asiakkaiden tarpeita vastaavia tuotteita. Lisäksi tuotekehityksessä isolle, kansainväliselle, asiakaskunnalle on mukana useita erilaisia sidosryhmiä, joiden tarpeet ovat ristiriidassa keskenään. Tämän takia tuotekehityksen johtamisesta on tullut entistä monimutkaisempaa.
Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii parantamaan tuotekehityksen tulosta selventämällä tekijät, jotka ovat syynä tuotekehityksen aloittamiseen yrityksissä, erilaisten ulkoisten ja sisäisten sidosryhmien suhteet näihin tuotekehitysajureihin sekä miten tärkeimpien sidosryhmien tarpeet selvitetään. Tutkimus keskittyy tuotekehityksen alkuvaiheisiin Suomessa toimivissa yrityksissä, joilla on voimakas panostus tuotekehitykseen ja lisäksi merkittävää kansainvälistä toimintaa sekä suuri määrä asiakkaita.
Tutkimus tehtiin keräämällä ja analysoimalla tietoa yritysten tuotekehityskäytännöistä sekä tuotantohyödykemarkkinoilla että kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Tietoa kerättiin myös eri teollisuudenaloilta. Tämä väitöskirja perustuu laadulliseen tutkimukseen ja tutkimusaineiston keräämisessä on hyödynnetty kyselytutkimuksia sekä haastatteluita.
Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että yritysten tuotekehitykseen löytyy useita merkittäviä ajureita. Tämän lisäksi nämä ajurit eroavat merkittävästi projektien, yritysten ja jopa yksittäisten henkilöiden välillä. Tulosten perusteella yritysten pitäisi selvittää, mitkä ajurit ovat niiden liiketoiminnan kannalta olennaisimpia ja tarkentaa niitä tuotekehityksen päätöksenteon ja painopisteen parantamiseksi. Tutkimus paljastaa myös ulkoisten ja sisäisten sidosryhmien suhteet tuotekehitysajureihin sekä tärkeimmät sidosryhmät yksittäisille ajureille. Tulokset osoittavat, että yritysten pitäisi tunnistaa tärkeimmät sidosryhmät projektien ajureiden perusteella ja ottaa ajurit huomioon sidosryhmäjohtamisessa. Tutkimuksen löydökset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimuksia osoittaen asiakkaiden olevan tärkein ulkoinen sidosryhmä tuotekehityksessä, kun taas sisäisistä sidosryhmistä nousee esille tuotehallinta.
Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että yritysten tuotekehitysprojekteissa tuotehallinnan tulisi johtaa asiakkaita lähellä oleviin sidosryhmiin liittyvää sidosryhmäyhteistyötä. Tuotehallinnan tehtäviin kuuluu asiakkaan määrittely, edustus ja asiakastarpeiden tunnistaminen. Tuotehallinnan pitää myös tehdä yhteistyötä useiden asiakkaisiin liittyvien sidosryhmien kanssa tuotekehityksen aikana. Tämä väitöskirja tarjoaa uuden johtamisen viitekehityksen, joka oikein toteutettuna voi parantaa merkittävästi tuotekehityksen lopputulosta. Projektin ajurien, tärkeimpien sidosryhmien ja asiakastarpeiden selventäminen varmistaa oikeanlaisen keskittymisen asiakkaisiin ja vähentää tarpeettomia monimutkaisuuksia tuotekehityksessä.
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The emotional side of breakthrough innovationCollins, Matt January 2015 (has links)
Breakthrough innovations are vital for the global economy and even our survival as a species. They appear as creative leaps and insights without obvious connection to existing knowledge and are extremely valuable to organisations, giving them significant competitive advantage. Historiometric and psychopathological evidence shows that breakthrough innovations are often associated with individuals and affective dysfunction; yet innovation today is widely held to be an organisational phenomenon operationalised though a model of creativity based on positive affective experiences and group activities which may be particularly unsuited to innovative thinkers. Research upon which the current paradigm for creativity and innovation are based is detached from real world outcomes and has been challenged as to its validity. Little data exists outside of experiments or indirect observation of naturally occurring affective experiences and the mood-creativity-innovation link has yet to be proven; we still know very little about how breakthrough innovations occur. This unique study addresses this significant gap in innovation research with a two-year longitudinal case study of a breakthrough innovation being developed for a multi-national Fast-Moving Consumer Goods company. It followed the journey of a lone innovator and attempts to answer the research question: “Can a fear of failure lead to breakthrough innovation?” The innovation space was investigated from three perspectives: technology, organisation and innovator, to build a picture of the highly immersive and emotionally charged experience of innovating. Many new insights were gained, and with extensive support from literature, new tools for the management of technology and the interface between innovators and organisations were developed, along with ground-breaking research into the mood-creativity innovation link. These are delivered through a series of four journal papers. The key finding from this research has been the discovery of the innovation-wave, a phenomenon which for the first time provides evidence for the mood-creativity-innovation link; intimately connecting real-world creative efficacy with emotion and specifically a ‘fear of failure’. From this finding a new theory and psycho-cognitive model for a distinct form of creativity called innovative thinking, driven by negative affect (mood) and specifically suited to achieving a breakthrough innovation through overcoming apparently insoluble problems, was posited and a hypothesis proposed and tested using a sophisticated innovation simulation developed especially for this purpose. Evidence from the case study and later experiment provide support for the research question and the lone innovator. This study makes a unique contribution to our understanding of creativity and innovation which could have a significant impact on how both are researched, taught and managed in the future. Being able to understand and possibly manipulate the innovation-wave, if proven correct, could be vitally important for maximising the potential for creating breakthrough innovations to the benefit of us all.
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A Conceptual Model of the Revised CAI-NPD-Systems MaturityHüsig, Stefan 11 November 2015 (has links)
This article aims to turn the attention of researchers and practitioners in the innovation and engineering management field towards a more fine grained view on the influence of Information Technologies (IT) and New Product Development (NPD) capabilities on innovation outcomes in different stages of maturity. Computer Aided Innovation (CAI), as a specific but often overlooked category of IT-tools for innovation activities, is introduced as having the potential to positively influence the innovation supporting capabilities. Based on current and emerging developments in the fields of CAI and NPD, a revised version of the conceptual model of the CAI-NPD-systems maturity framework is proposed.
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Design Assurance Important: aspects for implementationKJELLSTRÖM, FRANCISKA January 2017 (has links)
A rapidly changing environment for industrial technology companies operating on a global market has increased the competitiveness and accelerated the rate of new technologies. The demands on companies to be more efficient and innovative without compromising quality are thereby enlarged. To maintain competitiveness and meet customer expectation a well-functioning product development is essential. Correcting product quality issues on newly developed products becomes increasingly more expensive the later it takes place in the development process and problems that arise can often be linked to the product design. In order to secure that new product development projects efficiently can deliver high quality products without compromising cost targets and time-to-market Design Assurance can be applied during the product development. The intention is to uncover and detect problems in the design and prevent errors to occur in the engineering process, by executing controls to assure design has been completed according to standards and policies. This project aims to investigate Design Assurance to further establish the concept at Alfa Laval BU HSS and describe how product quality is assured in product development. Analysis of literature studies, interviews at Alfa Laval BU HSS as well as benchmarking at three companies; Atlas Copco Industrial Technique, Getinge (Maquet Critical Care division) and Tetra Pak, provide the basis of the results in this study. The results show there are a number of factors greatly influencing an organization’s ability to ensure product quality in product development. Key factors identified in this study are cross functional team work, the internal culture in the organization, firmly established product strategies, product development processes and requirement management and validation capability. These factors can be seen as essential conditions for ensuring product quality during development and prerequisites for establishing Design Assurance at Alfa Laval BU HSS. Key building blocks in the Design Assurance capability are identified and described, which include reviews of actions and project documentation that safeguards continuous improvements and prevent future deficiencies. The Design Assurance activities are identified as documentation management, change management, risk assessments, nonconformance management, product quality follow up and lessons learned. / Dagens industritekniska företag verkar i en global miljö med snabba förändringar, vilket har bidragit till ökad konkurrens och accelererat hastigheten för ny teknik. Därmed har även kraven på företagen att bli mer effevtiva och innovativa, utan att kompromissa med produktens kvalitet, ökat. En väl-fungerande produktutveckling är nödvändig för att bibehålla konkurrenskraft och möta kundernas förväntningar. Ju senare produkters kvalitetsproblem upptäcks och rättas till under utvecklings-processen desto dyrare är det och problemen härstammar ofta från produktens konstruktion. För att säkerställa att nyutvecklingsprojekt effektivt kan leverera högkvalitativa produkter utan att påverka kostnadsmål eller time-to-market, kan Design Assurance tillämpas under produktutvecklingen. Avsikten är att upptäcka, identifiera och förebygga brister i konstruktionen som kan orsaka problem senare under utvecklingen, genom att utföra kontroller för att säkerställa att konstruktionen uppfyller standarder, anvisningar och andra krav. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka Design Assurance för att ytterligare etablera konceptet på Alfa Laval BU HSS och beskriva hur produktkvaliteten säkras under produktutvecklingen. Analys av litteraturstudier, intervjuer på Alfa Laval BU HSS samt benchmarking vid tre företag; Atlas Copco Industriteknik, Getinge Maquet Critical Care divisionen och Tetra Pak, utgör grunden för resultatet i denna studie. Resultatet visar att det finns ett antal faktorer som i hög grad påverkar en organisations förmåga att säkerställa produkternas kvalitet i produktutvecklingen. Nyckelfaktorer har i denna studie identifierats som tvärfunktionellt arbete, den interna kulturen på företaget, väl förankrade produkt-strategier, processer inom produktutveckling samt kravhantering och valideringsförmågan under utvecklingen. Dessa faktorer kan ses som nödvändiga förutsättningar för att säkerställa produktkvalitet under produktutveckling och därmed förutsättningar för att framgångsrikt etablera Design Assurance på Alfa Laval BU HSS. Slutligen är de centrala delarna för att genomföra och applicera Design Assurance identifierade och beskrivna, vilka innefattar granskning av handlingar och projektdokument som säkerställer ständiga förbättringar och förebygger framtida brister. Design Assurance-aktiviteter är identifierade som kontroll av korrekt dokumentering, hantering av ändringar, avvikelsehantering, riskbedömningar, uppföljning av produktkvalitet och lärdomar under produktutvecklingsprojektet.
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Design and Facilitation of Event-Based Open Innovation : A study about regular company arrangements for enhanced innovativeness / Design och underlättande av händelsebaserad öppen innovationHermann, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Den tidiga fasen av företags innovationsprocess har fått stor uppmärksamhet i modern akademisk forskning. Det diskuteras hur man strukturerar denna fas kallad “fuzzy front end” kopplat till innovation och även ett koncept som allmänt kallas “öppen innovation” har introducerats - involvering av tredje parts individer i utvecklingsprocessen. Detta examensarbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på öppen innovation genom olika event för att främja innovationsarbete såsom: workshops, hackathons, idea jams och andra typer av sammanhang som inkluderar både externa deltagare och experter samt anställda och partners inom organisationer. Genom att designa, vara värd för, övervaka samt utvärdera ett hackathon för innovation som heter LiveHacks, samlar detta examensarbete relevant information för att förstå motiven för företag såväl som individer att delta i ett sådant sammanhang. Slutligen bedöms i detta examensarbete hur man kan organisera framgångsrika öppen innovations-eventsåsom hackathons. Dessutom har en generaliserad mall som tredje part skall kunna ta efter utvecklats. / The front end of a corporate’s innovation process has caught much attention in contemporary academic research. Efforts discuss how to structure the “fuzzy frontend of innovation” and introduce a concept widely known as “open source” – the involvement of third party individuals to the development process. This Masters thesis specifically focuses on open innovation through the medium of event-based innovation facilitation; e.g through workshops, hackathons, idea jams and other events that include both external users and experts as well as employees or partners within organizations. By designing, hosting, monitoring and evaluating an innovation event called “LiveHacks”, this thesis collects relevant data to understand both, the motives of corporations as well as of individuals to participate in open innovation events. Finally, this thesis assesses how to host successful open innovation events and develops a generalized template for third party adoption.
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The Practice of Design in Multidisciplinary Teams: Turning Points, Mediation, and Getting Stuck.Milrud, Eduardo E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Determinantes y beneficios de las actividades de innovación que trascienden las fronteras organizativas: Estudios empíricos de un panel de empresas españolas
Tesis Doctoral
Sean Kask
Las empresas se relacionan cada vez más con agentes que se encuentran fuera de sus fronteras organizativas con el objetivo de desarrollar innovaciones tanto de productos como de procesos. Los tres estudios empíricos que componen esta tesis exploran los determinantes y beneficios de las actividades de innovación orientadas hacía el exterior. En los tres estudios se estiman diferentes modelos econométricos basados en un panel de empresas españolas.
El primer estudio investiga los factores que determinan que las empresas manufactureras elijan entre el desarrollo interno, la colaboración o el desarrollo externo como estrategia para el desarrollo de nuevos productos. A partir de constructos derivados de la teoría de los costes de transacción, la visión basada en recursos y la teoría de la organización industrial, los resultados destacan las diferencias existentes entre la colaboración y la contratación como modos de gobernanza de la innovación. En primer lugar, los resultados muestran que la incertidumbre de mercado tiende a llevar a las empresas a la colaboración pero no al desarrollo externo; mientras que las empresas son más proclives a colaborar bajo condiciones de incertidumbre tecnológica. En segundo lugar, los resultados ponen de manifiesto una relación en forma de U-invertida entre la capacidad de I+D de la empresa y la probabilidad de colaborar (en comparación con el desarrollo interno) y una relación negativa con la adquisición externa, reflejando una tensión entre el 'efecto de la necesidad' de encontrar fuentes externas de innovación cuando la capacidad interna es baja, y el 'efecto de la complementariedad' entre estas capacidades internas y la aptitud para beneficiarse de estas fuentes externas. / Kask ., ST. (2011). DETERMINANTS OF AND RETURNS TO INNOVATION ACTIVITIES WHICH SPAN ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES: EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON A PANEL OF SPANISH FIRMS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14574
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透過市場驗證歷程增進新產品完整度之研究: 以 Voltset 新創公司為個案 / Increasing new product readiness through market validation process: a study from the experience of Voltset startup王冠智, Wang, Kuan Chih Unknown Date (has links)
打造一個好的產品是所有早期新創公司的核心,然而如何將產品從構想到販售並取顧客喜愛,則是一個需要理論與實務結合、不斷實驗的過程。在本論文中,作者將過去三年實際帶領產品-Voltset從出生到成長的經驗紀錄下來並與理論相呼應,探討一個新產品如何透過不斷循環的迭代過程 (iteration process)增加其新產品完整度 (product readiness) 。這三年當中,作者歸納了 Voltset從初期抽象構想的形成,獲得第一位付費的客戶,到後期在全球最大的群眾募資平台上進行全球市場驗證的過程。本論文主要會針對兩大部分做深度討論: 第一部分著重於探討如何在各種實際市場驗證測試中增加產品就緒度,並點出在目前現有理論框架,如: 精實創業 (the Lean startup) 下可能與實際執行面不同之處。根據本產品的經驗,新產品第一次的迭代過程循環應該經由以下幾個步驟:產品目標市場願景、產品本身定義、最小可行性產品構築、意見領袖背書、市場驗證、市場測試與學習。第二部分則是討論當在定義一個新產品的功能與特徵時,如何正確地選擇性聽取以及以什麼方式來聽取目標客戶的需求。根據打造 Voltset產品的經驗,作者發現當潛在客戶聲音太廣泛時,應只聽取”已付費”客戶的意見,因為該族群的產生是藉由深入了解產品價值,並經歷認同與付費過程而形成,因此會在產品的功能與特徵上的需求較聚焦。
本論文藉由親身實務經驗與理論的對話提供深度的產品迭代過程探討,作者期許這樣的研究能對於縮小理論與實務的鴻溝做出貢獻。 / Product building is a core activity for any early-stage startup. However, there are still many gaps between literature to real world practice for successfully developing a product that is accepted by the market. In this thesis, the building experience of Voltset -- a one of the kind hardware and software integrated multimeter, is studied for its journey of product iteration process to increase product readiness. The cofounder of the startup as well as the author of this thesis, has reflected his firsthand experience with literature such as the Commercializing New Technologies and the Lean Startup to seek steps necessary to move the project from shaping an abstract concept, acquiring the first paying customer, and then campaigning a successful crowd funding project. The thesis focuses on answering two questions: First, what are the steps required to enhance product readiness through validation testing from the first business idea to receiving its first group of paying customers. Based on the experience of Voltset and the Lean startup framework, it suggests the first product iteration process should loop through the following stages: Product market vision, product definition, minimum viable product building, key opinion leader endorsement, validation sell, measure, and learn. Second, when a product specification needs to be pinpointed, who and how to listen to the voice of targeted customers (VOC) is the state-of-art question for early-stage startups. Within the scope of this experience, it indicates to focus only on paying customers since they understand the potential value of the new product and have similar needs compare to the wide range of feature request from the rest of potential buyers. This thesis provides the insights of product iteration from first-hand experience, enriching the knowledge gap between real product building and theoretic framework point of view.
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運用層級分析法評估新產品定義與定位─以台灣自有品牌智慧型手機產品為例 / Evaluating the definition and positioning of the new product by Analytic Hierarchy Process黃心郁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究相信新產品之表現好壞不僅是上市之行銷企劃結果,更來自於最起始新產品初生時企業所做的規劃階段與前置工作品質,透過「新產品定義與定位評估架構」將專家在做決策時的內隱經驗與知識作架構化,更透過層級分析法(AHP)的量化分析找出各指標權重,以客觀周延架構與具體權重改善決策者過去依主觀經驗決策情形,並提供企業一套有效產出「新產品定義與定位」的思考過程,更可進一步作為最佳成功率方案選擇的新產品管理方法。 / With rapid leaps in technology, product life cycle has been shortened in the past several years. Responding to this change some firms tried to simplify the preceding operation in the planning stage of the new product development process in order to speed up the lead time for launching new product. However some academic researches point out that the fewer firms do in the beginning stage of new product development process, the higher failure risk firms will take finally. For considering the importance of the start stage of new product development process, this thesis focuses on how to plan a new product properly and effectively.
This thesis divides the new product development process into two parts. One is the former phase including “discovery stage”, ”scoping stage”, and “build business case stage”. The other is the later phase covering “development stage ”,”testing and validation stage”, and “launch stage ”.The Scholar, Robert G. Cooper(2000) created a method to manage the whole process called “stage-gate”. He mentioned “gate three” played a meaningful role between former and later phase because firms have to make commitment to the new product and put in real resources after former phase. In other words, “gate three” plays a role as a serious gatekeeper to make sure a well-defined and clearly-positioned new product. The definition and position of the new product is the output of former phase and means “gate three”. To have a sound definition and position of the new product, this thesis suggests a framework involved in all factors that are under consideration in former phase. Firms could adopt the framework when they have to create or evaluate a new product. This thesis also suggests that following the framework to evaluate a new product could be more objective and easily-obeyed, and most importantly lower the failure risk of the new product.
This thesis takes “Taiwanese own brand company” as the object of study is because it is more feasible to contact with the core of the people who are the decision maker of a new product. Mobile phones are suitable to be the product of the study on account of facing the intense pressure from product life cycle shortened and high changing usage rate. Moreover this thesis chooses a fresh and novel product for consumers and firms, “smart phone”, as the target product. The purpose of this thesis is to know more how “new product development process” being implemented in Taiwanese own brand company, collect the factors considered in the process, and organize all the factors in a hierarchy framework. This framework works as a guidebook to evaluate new product definition and positioning. The method used in this thesis can provide more information such as quantification of importance percentage of some indexes. This study recommends that firms revise and adjust the percentages by comparing each other within five companies separately.
To set up “ the new product definition and positioning evaluative framework ”, this research integrates the expert opinions of interviews with professors, academic researches, and industrial research reports. The concept of questionnaire is based on “Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP” and designed for continually comparing the importance of different two factors for calculating the importance percentage. The people answering questionnaire are the senior managers who are responsible for making final decision and decide a new product is qualified for “gate three” and enter “development stage”.
This thesis believes a successful performance of a new product launch is partly based on the marketing communication plan but mainly comes from an entire consideration of new product plan in the beginning of the process. By way of evaluating the definition and positioning of new product with hierarchy framework, helps decision maker to remove subjective opinion and conclude the decision more objectively. The most important contributions of this study are not only transferring latent thinking process to a easily-followed framework and output meaningful quantification importance percentage, but also the percentage can further be used to calculate points for choosing the best-fit new product on the selecting list. The thesis hopes the process of this research method to be a good new product management method and improve the success of new product development effectively.
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Efekti liderstva na organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća / Effects of Leadership on Organisational and Business Performance of EnterprisesStrukan Edin 25 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Disertacija se bavi efektima liderstva, LMX i transformacionog liderstva na razliĉite organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini. Od poslovnih performansi su kao kljuĉne posmatrane finansijske i performanse uspješnosti razvoja novog proizvoda, a kao organizacione performanse posmatrani su: zadovoljstvo poslom, organizaciona posvećenost, organizaciona komunikacija i meĊusobno povjerenje na poslu. Pored toga, u disertaciji su obrazloţeni i neki drugi organizacioni ishodi koji su u uzroĉno-posljediĉnoj vezi sa liderstvom: organizaciono ponašanje, organizaciona kultura, motivacija i stres. Istraţivaĉki dio disertacije je zasnovan na podacima koji su dobijeni iz dva istovremeno sprovedena istraţivanja. Prvo istraţivanje je obuhvatilo anketiranje N=334 menadţera srednjeg nivoa iz 103 preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini. Od metoda statistiĉke obrade podataka korišteni su: deskriptivna statistika, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za ispitivanje moderatornog dejstva. Osnovni zakljuĉci ovog istraţivanja su: (1) Lideri u B&H preduzećima imaju visoka oĉekivanja u pogledu performansi, a malo podrške i osjećanja za zaposlene. Kazne su ĉešće nego nagrade, LMX je oko prosjeka, distanca moći iznad prosjeka, a organizaciona posvećenost ima nisku prosjeĉnu ocjenu. (2) Zaposleni u B&H preduzećima ne vole visoku distancu moći, preferiraju dobre meĊuljudske odnose, kako sa nadreĊenim tako i sa kolegama. Pored toga, zaposleni visoko cijene nagraĊivanje i strategijske sposobnosti lidera. Insistiranje lidera na visokim performansama, kao i primjena sistema kaţnjavanja, ne daju pozitivne efekte. (3) Zadovoljstvo poslom, zadovoljstvo organizacionom komunikacijom i meĊusobno povjerenje na poslu su oko prosjeka. Zaposleni su više zadovoljni aspektima posla koji su vezani za socijalne odnose u preduzeću nego postojećim i potencijalnim naknadama. Generalno posmatrano,<br />zadovoljni su organizacionom komunikacijom, naroĉito sa onom koju realizuju sa menadţerima srednjeg nivoa, a meĊusobno povjerenje je nešto intenzivnije kada su u pitanju namjere i akcije kolega nego namjere i akcije menadţmenta preduzeća. (4) Vlasniĉka struktura i nacionalno porijeklo preduzeća nisu znaĉajni moderatori posmatranih odnosa. Moderatorni efekat pokazao se samo u malom broju sluĉajeva. (5) Lideri treba da smanje distancu moći, smanje visoka oĉekivanja u smislu performansi, smanje kazne, a da poboljšaju svoj odnos sa zaposlenima, da njeguju dobre odnose meĊu zaposlenima, da povećaju nagrade, i da se usavršavaju u svojim strateškim znanjima, razmišljanjima i akcijama.<br />TakoĊer, da bi disertacija dala sveobuhvatne informacije o efektima liderstva na organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini, pored prethodno navedenog istraţivanja menadţera srednjeg nivoa, uraĊeno je i dodatno, uporedno istraţivanje na uzorku od 127 top menadţera u isto toliko preduzeća, po principu jedno preduzeće jedan top menadţer. Uvaţavajući ĉinjenicu da moderno poslovanje nameće liderima potrebu kreiranja i stalnog uvoĊenja promjena u postojeći naĉin poslovanja, što u svojoj suštini predstavlja transformaciono liderstvo, ovo istraţivanje je imalo za cilj da utvrdi obim i intenzitet efekata transformacionog liderstva vrhunskih menadţera na poslovne performanse B&H preduzeća. Kao poslovne performase posmatrane su finansijske performanse i performanse razvoja novog proizvoda. Rezultati ovog istraţivanja pokazuju da transformaciono liderstvo ima pozitivan uticaj na postizanje visokog nivoa finansijskih performansi i performansi razvoja novog proizvoda. TakoĊer, istraţivanje je pokazalo da lideri i top menadţeri najvišeg nivoa u preduzećima u Bosni i Hercegovini imaju veći fokus na zadatke nego na ljude. U tom smislu, preporuka za njih jeste da više paţnje posvećuju kreiranju i uvoĊenju promjenama u postojeći model poslovanja, na budućnost i dugoroĉne planove, ali i na svoje zaposlene kao glavne nosioce svih poslovnih procesa.</p> / <p>The dissertation deals with the effects of leadership, LMX and transformational leadership on the various organisational and business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Of business performance, key financial and success of new product development performance are considered to be key, while as organisational performance we consider: job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organisational communication and mutual trust at work. In addition, the dissertation also explains other organisational outcomes that are in a cause-and-effect relationship with leadership: organisational behaviour, organisational culture, motivation and stress. The research part of the dissertation is based on data obtained from two simultaneously conducted research. The first survey included a survey of N = 334 mid-level managers from 103 enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The statistical methods used are: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis for moderate effect testing. The basic conclusions of this research are: (1) Leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina have high expectations in terms of performance, with little support and feelings for employees. The penalties are more frequent than the rewards, the LMX is around the average, the distance of power above the average, and the organisation's commitment has a low average grade. (2) Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not like a great distance of power, preferring good interpersonal relationships, both with their superiors and their counterparts. In addition, employees highly value and reward strategic abilities of leaders. Insistence of leaders on high-performance, as well as the application of the punishment system, do not yield positive effects. (3) Job satisfaction, satisfaction with organisational communication and mutual trust in work are around the average. Employees are more satisfied with aspects of work related to social relations in the company<br />than the existing and potential benefits. Generally speaking, they are happy with organisational communication, especially with middle-level managers, and mutual trust is more intense when it comes to the intentions and actions of colleagues than the intentions and actions of enterprise management. (4) Ownership structure and national origin of enterprises are not significant moderators of observed relationships. The moderate effect has only been demonstrated in a small number of cases. (5) Leaders should reduce the distance of power, reduce high performance expectations, reduce punishment, improve their relationship with employees, nurture good relations among employees, increase rewards, and improve their strategic knowledge, thinking and action.<br />Also, in order for the dissertation to provide comprehensive information on the effects of leadership on organisational and business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to the aforementioned research of mid-level managers, an additional parallel study was carried out on a sample of 127 top managers in the same companies, on the principle of one company one top manager. Bearing in mind the fact that modern business imposes on leaders the need to create and permanently introduce changes to existing business practises, which in essence represents transformational leadership, this research was intended to determine the scope and intensity of the transformation leadership effects of top managers on business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We consider financial performance and performance of new product development as business performance. The results of this research show that transformational leadership has a positive influence on achieving a high level of financial performance and the performance of developing a new product. Also, research has shown that leaders and top managers of the highest level in enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a greater focus on tasks than on people. In this regard, the recommendation to them is to pay more attention to the design and implementation of changes in the existing business model, the future and long-term plans, but also to its employees as the main carriers of all business processes.</p>
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