Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonnormative"" "subject:"noninformative""
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Voice onset time hos svenska barn och vuxna : Ett utvecklingsperspektiv / Voice Onset Time among Swedish Children and Adults : a Developmental PerspectiveLarsson, Maria, Wiman, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Voice onset time (VOT) är en akustisk tidsparameter som reflekterar den tidsmässiga samordningen av talmotoriken. VOT betraktas som det mest pålitliga akustiska kännetecknet på huruvida en klusil är tonlös eller tonande. Föreliggande studies syfte var att studera och jämföra VOT hos svenska barn (8, 9, 10, 11 år) och vuxna för att se hur utvecklingen sker samt för att ta fram svenska normvärden. Ljudinspelningar genomfördes på 150 barn och 36 vuxna vid uttal av de svenska klusilerna i minimala par. Akustiska analyser av materialet utfördes sedan. Resultatet visade att de tonlösa klusilerna föreföll produceras med vuxenlika VOT-värden från och med cirka nio års ålder. De tonande motsvarigheterna producerades med vuxenlik VOT omkring tio års ålder. I tioårsåldern förekom dessutom förton i helt vuxenlik utsträckning. Resultaten tyder dock på att svenska vuxna ej nödvändigtvis behöver producera tonande klusiler med förton. Inga tydliga könsskillnader erhölls. De normvärden för VOT som har tagits fram i föreliggande studie kan nyttjas som referensmaterial vid utredning av barn med talstörningar. / Voice onset time (VOT) is a temporal acoustic parameter, which reflects the timing of speech motor control. VOT is said to be the most reliable acoustic cue of whether a plosive is voiceless or voiced. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare VOT among Swedish children (8, 9, 10, 11 years) and adults to examine the development of VOT and to obtain Swedish normative data. Audio recordings were performed on 150 children and 36 adults when pronouncing the Swedish plosives in minimal pairs. Acoustic analyses were then carried out. The results indicated that the voiceless plosives seemed to be produced with adult like VOT-values around the age of nine. The voiced plosives in turn, appeared to be produced with adult like values at approximately ten years of age. By the age of ten, also prevoicing was found in a fully adult like extent. Though, the results indicate that not all Swedish adults produce voiced plosives with prevoicing. No evident gender differences were found. The normative data for VOT that have been obtained in the present study can be used as normative data when assessing children with speech disorders.
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Regler för turordning : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och DanmarkPalm, Frida January 2009 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra svensk och dansk turordning vid uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist. I första hand kartlägger jag hur länderna reglerar turordning. Därefter undersöker jag vilken funktion reglerna kring turordning fyller för arbetstagare i Sverige respektive Danmark. Vidare undersöker jag i vilken utsträckning reglerna kring turordningen fyller samma funktion i Danmark som i Sverige? Vilket skydd ger det arbetstagaren? Jag har använt mig av rättsdogmatisk metod för att kartlägga ländernas regler för turordning. Komparativ metod har sedan använts vid jämförandet mellan länderna. Vidare har jag använt mig av Anna Christensens teori om det normativa grundmönstret för att lättare förstå och kunna dra slutsatser av vilken funktion regler om turordning i Sverige och Danmark fyller för arbetstagaren. I Sverige styrs reglerna om turordning till stor del av det normativa grundmönstret, skydd för etablerad position. Genom arbetsgivarens ledningsrätt att själv avgöra när och var det råder arbetsbrist samt vissa inskränkningar i turordningsreglerna dras de svenska turordningsreglerna även något åt det normativa grundmönstret, det marknadsfunktionella mönstret. I Danmark styrs reglerna för turordning i störst utsträckning av det marknadsfunktionella mönstret. Turordningsreglerna i Sverige ger skydd för arbetstagare med lång anställningstid i relation till arbetstagare med kortare anställningstid. I Danmark får turordningsreglerna ingen funktion för arbetstagarna förrän de uppnår en lång anciennitet (anställningstid). Innan dess har arbetsgivaren ledningsrätten att avgöra när och var det råder arbetsbrist. Denne får då avgöra vilken eller vilka arbetstagare som ska bli uppsagda, utan någon större hänsyn till objektiva kriterier som anciennitet. / Abstract The purpose of this essay is to compare Swedish and Danish rotation system in the event of termination due to redundancy. First, I identify how the countries regulate rotation. Then I study what purpose the rules around the rotation serve for the workers in Sweden and Denmark. Furthermore, I go over to what extent the rules of the rotation system serve the same purpose in Denmark as in Sweden? Which protection are the workers receiving? I have used law of dogmatic approach to identify the countries' rules for the rotation. Comparative method is then used for a comparison between the countries. Furthermore, I have used Anna Christensen's theory on the normative basis pattern to better understand and be able to draw conclusions of what purpose the rules of rotation in Sweden and Denmark serve for the workers. In Sweden are the rules of rotation governed much by the normative base pattern, the protection of established position. The employer's rights to decide when and where there is redundancy and some restrictions on the rotation rules, brings the Swedish rotation rules towards the normative basis pattern, the market functional pattern. In Denmark are the rules of rotation governed mostly by the market functional pattern. The rules of rotation in Sweden provide protection for workers with long service in relation to workers with shorter service. In Denmark have the rules of rotation no function for the workers until they reach a long seniority. Before that, the employer has the management right to determine when and where there is redundancy. The employer may then determine which one of the workers who will become redundant, with little regard to objective criteria such as seniority.
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Neuroeconomics and model of decision makingTai, Cheng- Sheng 15 July 2006 (has links)
Neuroeconomics is an interdisciplinary research program with the goal of building a biological model of decision making in economic environments. Neuroeconomists ask, how does the embodied brain enable the mind (or groups of minds) to make economic decisions? By combining techniques from cognitive neuroscience and experimental economics we can now watch neural activity in real time, observe how this activity depends on the economic environment, and test hypotheses about how the emergent mind makes economic decisions. Neuroeconomics allows us to better understand both the wide range of heterogeneity in human behavior, and the role of institutions as ordered extensions of our minds.
The brain is the most amazing complex organ in known universe.The brain is a organ with most amazingly magic infinite potential. Neuroplasticity: Transforming the Mind by Changing the Brain.Neuroplasticity refers to structural and functional changes in the brain that are brought about by training and experience. The brain is the organ that is designed to change in response to experience.The decision theories can be categorized into three paradigms:the normative,descriptive and prescriptive theories.The decision processing have four steps:accumulation of sensory evidence,integration of sensory signals with reward expectation and prior knowledge,comparision of current reward expectation with that in prior experience,and the selection of behavioral response.
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The European Neighbourhood Policy:an Effective Foreign Policy Tool For The European Union?Mazlum, Burcu 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis assesses whether the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) could evolve as
an effective foreign policy tool of the EU. It aims to analyze the ENP&rsquo / s impact on the EU
foreign policy in general and the Union&rsquo / s transformative capacity over its neighbours in
particular. To this purpose, the thesis initially explores the underlying motives behind the
origins and emergence of the ENP and further elaborates its policy framework and its
phase of implementation so far.
The thesis then identifies the limits of the ENP, namely the internal and external
constraints of the policy and on the basis of these shortcomings, discusses the overall
impact of the ENP on the EU foreign policy. More specifically, the thesis focuses on the
ENP&rsquo / s impact analysis for the EU&rsquo / s transformative capacity in its direct neighbourhood.
Finally, the thesis assesses the main reasons of why it seems unlikely that the ENP could
not evolve as a fully-fledged foreign policy tool for the Union and highlights the need for
a major reform or re-adjustment of the policy.
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The Recent Debate On The Democratic Legitimacy Of Judicial Review: Constitutionality Vs. Popular SovereigntyMuderrisoglu, Mehmet 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The term ' / Costitutional Democracy' / is characterized by an underlying conceptual tension between the rule of law and populSar sovereignty. This is reflected in the controversy surrounding the judicial review of legislation in contemporary political systems. In this thesis, the development of the idea of ' / governmernt under law' / in political thought, contemporary debates on the doctrine of judicial review and normative relation between law and politics is analyzed. It is concluded that both ' / constitutionality' / and ' / popular sovereignty' / are essentil to modern democracy. Yet, it might be problematic to disassociate constitutional law from ordinary politics, since the latter is the principal means through which a polity shapes its future.
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The European Union As A Normative Power And The European Neighbourhood Policy: Cases Of Morocco And EgyptTinas, Murat 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the European Union (EU) as a normative power in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) through case studies of Morocco and Egypt. The uniqueness of the EU as a distinct actor in international politics has led many observers to claim that the EU is a normative power. The ENP, which emerged in 2004, has been one of the main instruments of the EU within this framework. This thesis studies the claim as to whether the EU is, in fact, a normative power in the context of the ENP with two cases studies. The selection of Morocco and Egypt originates from the existing similarities which render an opportunity to have a comparative study. The thesis will analyze this puzzle through an analysis of both primary documents published by the EU and the secondary literature. Through a close scrutiny of Morocco and Egypt, the normative power of the EU in its near abroad will be explored through the analysis of democratization process in these countries in terms of democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Based on theoretical analysis and two case studies, this thesis argues that the EU faces several challenges in its claim to be a normative power within the context of the ENP.
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Determinants Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Knowledge Workers: The Role Of Job Charcteristics, Job Satisfaction, And Organizational CommitmentOzturk, Funda 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been an important and growing
area of research for past two decades. Numerous empirical research have identified
consequences and antecedents of this extra
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Regler för turordning : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och DanmarkPalm, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Sammanfattning</strong></p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra svensk och dansk turordning vid uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist. I första hand kartlägger jag hur länderna reglerar turordning. Därefter undersöker jag vilken funktion reglerna kring turordning fyller för arbetstagare i Sverige respektive Danmark. Vidare undersöker jag i vilken utsträckning reglerna kring turordningen fyller samma funktion i Danmark som i Sverige? Vilket skydd ger det arbetstagaren?</p><p> </p><p>Jag har använt mig av rättsdogmatisk metod för att kartlägga ländernas regler för turordning. Komparativ metod har sedan använts vid jämförandet mellan länderna. Vidare har jag använt mig av Anna Christensens teori om det normativa grundmönstret för att lättare förstå och kunna dra slutsatser av vilken funktion regler om turordning i Sverige och Danmark fyller för arbetstagaren.</p><p> </p><p>I Sverige styrs reglerna om turordning till stor del av det normativa grundmönstret, <em>skydd för etablerad position</em>. Genom arbetsgivarens ledningsrätt att själv avgöra när och var det råder arbetsbrist samt vissa inskränkningar i turordningsreglerna dras de svenska turordningsreglerna även något åt det normativa grundmönstret, det <em>marknadsfunktionella mönstret</em>. I Danmark styrs reglerna för turordning i störst utsträckning av det <em>marknadsfunktionella mönstret</em>.</p><p> </p><p>Turordningsreglerna i Sverige ger skydd för arbetstagare med lång anställningstid i relation till arbetstagare med kortare anställningstid. I Danmark får turordningsreglerna ingen funktion för arbetstagarna förrän de uppnår en lång anciennitet (anställningstid). Innan dess har arbetsgivaren ledningsrätten att avgöra när och var det råder arbetsbrist. Denne får då avgöra vilken eller vilka arbetstagare som ska bli uppsagda, utan någon större hänsyn till objektiva kriterier som anciennitet.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The purpose of this essay is to compare Swedish and Danish rotation system in the event of termination due to redundancy. First, I identify how the countries regulate rotation. Then I study what purpose the rules around the rotation serve for the workers in Sweden and Denmark. Furthermore, I go over to what extent the rules of the rotation system serve the same purpose in Denmark as in Sweden? Which protection are the workers receiving? I have used law of dogmatic approach to identify the countries' rules for the rotation. Comparative method is then used for a comparison between the countries. Furthermore, I have used Anna Christensen's theory on the normative basis pattern to better understand and be able to draw conclusions of what purpose the rules of rotation in Sweden and Denmark serve for the workers.</p><p> </p><p>In Sweden are the rules of rotation governed much by the normative base pattern, <em>the protection of established position</em>. The employer's rights to decide when and where there is redundancy and some restrictions on the rotation rules, brings the Swedish rotation rules towards the normative basis pattern, <em>the market functional pattern</em>. In Denmark are the rules of rotation governed mostly by <em>the market functional pattern</em>.</p><p> </p><p>The rules of rotation in Sweden provide protection for workers with long service in relation to workers with shorter service. In Denmark have the rules of rotation no function for the workers until they reach a long seniority. Before that, the employer has the management right to determine when and where there is redundancy. The employer may then determine which one of the workers who will become redundant, with little regard to objective criteria such as seniority.</p>
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Tyčinė kaltė baudžiamosios teisės teorijoje ir teismų praktikoje / Dolus In Theory Of Criminal Law And Judicial PracticeBikelis, Skirmantas 11 January 2008 (has links)
Disertacijoje siekiama pasiremiant tiek Rytų Europos (tame tarpe Lietuvos), tiek Vakarų Europos ir kitų valstybių baudžiamosios teisės pasiekimais, taip pat Lietuvos bei užsienio teismų praktikos analize atskleisti Lietuvos baudžiamojoje teisėje dar beveik nenagrinėtą kaltės sampratos problematiką, išanalizuoti tyčinės kaltės struktūrą ir atskirų jos elementų turinį.
Disertacijos tiriamąją dalį sudaro trys dalys. Pirmojoje nagrinėjamos baudžiamosios teisės teorijoje žinomos kaltės teorijos ir prieinama išvados, kad geriausiai baudžiamosios teisės poreikius ir galiojančio baudžiamojo įstatymo nuostatas atitinka ne dabar Lietuvoje vyraujančios psichologinės kaltės teorijos, bet Vakarų Europoje dominuojanti norminė kaltės teorija. Antrojoje dalyje nagrinėjamas tyčinės kaltės intelektinis momentas: apibrėžiamas aplinkybių, kurias turi suvokti tyčia nusikalstantis kaltininkas ratas, gilinamasi į šių aplinkybių suvokimo bei numatymo ypatumus esant skirtingoms tyčios rūšims ar skirtingoms kaltės formoms ir šių ypatumų nustatymo teismų praktikoje problemas. Trečioji dalis skirta tyčinės kaltės valinio momento analizei. Atsižvelgiant į psichologinę valios sampratą bei įvertinus baudžiamosios teisės teorijoje egzistuojančias netiesioginės tyčios valinio momento aiškinimo teorija, daroma išvada, kad valinis momentas netiesioginėje tyčioje yra perteklinė kategorija. Netiesioginę tyčią nuo nusikalstamo pasitikėjimo galima atriboti vien intelektinio momento pagalba. Kita vertus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research examines the problems of dolus in the criminal law. The Latin notion dolus includes not only what common law would call intention and knowledge, but also some cases of recklessness (so called dolus eventualis). Dissertation aims on the basis of achievements of the criminal law of Eastern, Western European and other countries comprehensively analyze the structure of dolus and its particular elements; to identify essential theoretical questions, as well as typical practical problems and to provide suggestions for the solutions of these questions and problems.
The research part of the thesis consists of three parts dedicated, respectively, to problems of culpability, of the intellectual part of dolus and the volitional-dispositional part of dolus. The first part analyzes three theories of culpability: pure psychological, social – psychological and normative. It is concluded that normative theory of culpability has no significant faults, common to other theories of culpability, and it complies with provisions of the Penal Code. The second part of the research is dedicated to the analysis of the intellectual part of dolus - perpetrator’s perception of crime social wrongfulness and foresight of prohibited consequences. It reveals the scope and content of perpetrator’s perception and degree of foresight of prohibited consequences in dolus as well. In the third part of the research volitional parts of dolus directus and dolus eventualis are analyzed. It is concluded... [to full text]
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Aspects of Temporal Cognition in Children's Development: / Causality, Normativity, and Perspective UnderstandingLohse, Karoline 28 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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