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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What is in a book? : A critical discourse analysis of the e-book debate between 2012 and 2016

Lund, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The main objective with this Master’s thesis is to, through a critical discourse analysis, explore the overall discourses on e-books appearing in general Swedish media. The texts chosen for analysis consist of articles and debate entries published in four of Sweden’s largest newspapers during a five-year period. The texts were examined using Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional conception of discourse, which means that language use as communicative events were analyzed on the three levels of text, discourse practice, and social practice. The results from the analysis show that three dominating discourses can be identified in the material; the comparison discourse, the financial discourse, and the availability discourse. Within the comparison discourse, the e-book is in many ways positioned in comparison to the paper book. This occurs in several contexts, for instance in the contexts of pricing, access, and e-lending. A recurrent issue within the financial discourse is conveyed as the concern that e-book lending will become too big of a threat towards e-book sales or that e-lending will become too expensive for libraries. Within the availability discourse, the e-book is constructed in connection to democracy and free access to e-books is viewed as a condition for libraries as democratic institutions. The different discourses use different strategies to legitimize their point of views, and accordingly, achieve or maintain a hegemonic status. To achieve hegemony in this situation means gaining power over the presentation of the discussion about e-books, that is the power over the order of discourse.

Från röstblock till erkänd grupp : - en diskursanalytisk studie av Dagens Nyheters och Svenska Dagbladets förmedling av de svarta amerikanernas emancipering mellan 1956 och 1972

Lindblom, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Från röstblock till erkänd grupp - en diskursanalytisk studie av Dagens Nyheters och Svenska Dagbladets förmedling av de svarta amerikanernas emancipering mellan 1956 och 1972

Sexualundervisning i folkhemmet : En queerteoretisk analys över handledningsböcker vid 1943 fram till 1967

Gunnarsson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om de handledningsböcker som hade det ämnade syftet att användas som handledningsmaterial för lärare i sexualundervisning under 1943 fram till 1967. Studien har använt sig av Wintzells handledningsbok under 1943, men också skolöverstyrelsens handledningsböcker under 1945 och 1967 som sin analytiska referens. Syftet med studien är att analysera dessa handledningsböcker och sätta ord på det som avviker från den heterosexuella hegemonin. För att förstå hur handledningsböckernas formulering av den sexuella könsdriften samt samliv dels kan politisera, marginalisera och kriminalisera den avvikande och den abnorma kroppen, har studien därför använt sig av en queerteoretisk utgångspunkt. Detta för att kunna beskriva hur den heteronormativa hegemonin både producerar och reproducerar sexuella modaliteter i olika tid och rum i historien. Studien har även använt sig av en diskursanalys tolkat utifrån Norman Fairclough. Detta för att kunna sortera och begreppsligöra det som artikuleras i materialet som analyseras. Studien upptäckte bland annat att det finns olika sanningsanspråk som gör sig synliga genom hur handledningsböckerna artikulerats, nämligen: den biologiska och mediciniska diskursens modalitet, den borgliga diskursens modalitet, den juridiska diskursens modalitet och den psykologiska diskursens modalitet. Detta blev centralt för studien, bland annat för att kunna förstå hur språkets sociala process och hur den också var påtaglig för förändring. Slutligen kom studien fram till flera intressanta aspekter, dels hur kropp och psyke blir subjekt för politisering och marginalisering, dels hur preventivmedel tolereras inom den borgliga och heterosexuella diskursen om sexuellt samliv. Framför allt hur den borgliga idealen är i ständig kamp för att upprätthålla och vidmakthålla den sexuella diskursen.

"När kvinnligheten tynar bort i form av feminism finns det ingen att tända gnistan i mannen" : En studie om Sverigedemokraternas och Nordiska motståndsrörelsens bild av den samtida kvinnan

Lindvall, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to analyse the way two Swedish parties, The Swedish Democrats and the Nordic Resistance Movement, represent women in articles written for members of their parties. The qualitative analysis was done on a small number of articles using Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis and with the theoretical framework of mainly Frank Ankersmits aesthetic representation, but also metapolitics and red and blue pill. The main questions that has been answered are how women are represented in the articles, i.e. what roles they are given, and how this is motivated, including also how women can be attracted to these discourses. The result of this essay has shown that the discourses uses by the two parties are connected in a way, to support each other, instead of putting forth other arguments. The role of the woman as mother and wife works because as a part of it, her role is also to support men. Without that he cannot be the man he is supposed to be, and the woman cannot either, because feminism is destroying that possibility.

De äldre, vi andra och CoVid-19 : En kritisk diskursanalys om äldres framställan i media i samband med CoVid-19  rekommendationerna under perioden 16-22 mars 2020.

Häggkvist, Jessica, Rosvall, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
När ett Coronavirus uppdagades i Kina fick det stor medial uppmärksamhet och den 11 mars 2020 klassade Världshälsoorganisationen virusspridningen som en pandemi. Förenta Nationerna slog i april 2020 larm om ett världsproblem som ökat kraftigt i samband med rekommendationerna till äldre personer i och med CoVid-19, nämligen åldersdiskriminering. Till följd av att mängden personer över 60 år ökar i hela världen och att världsbefolkningen år 2050 beräknas bestå av två miljarder människor 60 år och äldre, ställer det krav på världens länder att se till att ha en fungerande hälso- och sjukvård samt ett fungerande välfärdssystem.  Media besitter stor makt att genom den information som sprids påverka människors känslor och tankar, särskilt i oroliga tider. Syftet med denna uppsats är, att utifrån hur media skildrar rekommendationer i och med CoVid-19 för medborgare 70 år och äldre, undersöka om och i så fall hur medias diskurser präglas av ålderism. Vi har analyserat 29 stycken artiklar från Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen som vi hämtat från tidningarnas elektroniska upplaga under perioden 16–22 mars 2020. Vi har studerat publicerad forskning samt tillgodogjort oss relevant litteratur för studiens syfte. Teorin och metoden utgörs av en kritisk diskursanalys och Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell där vi med hjälp av verktygen modalitet, transitivitet och interdiskursivitet analyserat vårt material.  I materialet noterade vi tre diskursteman relaterat till människor som är 70 år och äldre gällande Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer i och med CoVid-19. Den ena diskursen framställer ett “vi och dem”, den andra beskriver personer 70 år och äldre som en belastning för sjukvården och i den tredje diskursen framställs “de äldre” som lydiga eller egoister, vilket synliggörs i mediala reaktioner och motreaktioner. Med hjälp av begreppet ålderism som ramverk för analysen har vi kunnat urskilja att diskursen i media innehåller ålderistiska framställningar av “de äldre”. I socialt arbete kan stereotypa framställningar medföra att insatser fördelas ojämlikt och människor 70 år och äldre riskerar att ses som en homogen grupp. / When a coronavirus was discovered in China it got a great media attention, and on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization classified the virus as a pendemic. In April, 2020 the United Nations raised an alarm about a world problem that has been seen to increase sharply in line with the recommendations from Folkhälsomyndigheten regarding older people and CoVid-19 – age discrimination, also known as ageism. As the number of people over the age of 60 increases worldwide, and the world population is estimated to consist of two billion people of 60 years and older in 2050, it requires the countries of the world to ensure that they have a functioning healthcare and welfare system.  The media has great power to influence people's feelings and thoughts through the information disseminated, especially in troubled times. The purpose of this essay is to, based on how the media portrays the recommendations of CoVid-19 for citizens 70 years and older, investigate whether and if so, how media discourses are characterized by ageism. We have analyzed 29 articles from Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen which we retrieved from the newspaper’s electronical edition during the period 16th-22nd of March 2020. We have studied previous reserach and relevant literature for the purpose of the study. The theory and method are a critical discourse analysis and Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional analysis model, where we with the help of the tools modality, trasitivity and interdiscursivity analyzed our material.  In the material we noted three themes of discourse related to people 70 years and older in the articles about the recommendations of CoVid-19. One discourse presents a “we and them”, the second describes people 70 years and older as a burden on healthcare and in the third discourse the elderly are portrayed as obedient or selfish, which is made visible in medial reactions and counter-reactions. With the help of the concept of ageism as a framework for the analysis we were able to discern that the discourse in media contains age discriminating portrayals of the elderly. In the social work, stereotypical representations can mean that efforts distribute unequally and people 70 years and older are at risk of being seen as a homogeneous group.

V rozhovoru s Normanem Faircloughem : zavádění neoliberalismu do televizní politiky labouristické strany ve Velké Británii, 1992-1997 / In conversation with Norman Fairclough : introducing neoliberalism into the television policy of the Labour Party in the UK, 1992-1997

Soukupová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
- 62 - 8. SUMMARY The thesis deals with the television policy of the Labour Parry, 1992-1997. The topic works as a framework for interpretation of Norman Fairclough's concepts, applying his transdisciplinary approach and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Within the framework, I answer simple questions such as whether discourse that had reached the status of policy can have real economic impact (in the case of Campaign for Press and Broadcasting not) or where the global discourse meets the local (issues of cross media ownership and new technologies). In my quest to better understand the relationship between social change and discourse, I follow the history of deregulation of the broadcasting duopoly, the way of the Labour Party towards deregulation and in the light of this information analyse three different texts and shortly follow up on coherence in the 1992 and 1997 Labour and Conservative manifestos. To conclude, I appreciate the wide academic freedom that discourse and its interconnectivity provides. As discourses can influence society, a free society should understand and participate in its discourses. In Labour Party television policy, the participation was certainly not complete.

Det mångkulturella biblioteket : En kritisk diskursanalys av vetenskapliga artiklar ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv / The Multicultural Library : A critical discourse analysis of scientific articles from a postcolonial perspective

Bergqvist, Sandra, Wictorin, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Multiculturalism is a current issue in our globalized society, which also the library field must relate to. In the Swedish Library Act from 2014 it is stressed that users with another linguistic background than Swedish shall be prioritized. However, an undifferentiated comprehension of what multicultural services at the library really means prevails, and the underlying values of the concept are rarely questioned. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to problematize the concept of multiculturalism in a library context, by the identification of ideological patterns in the research discourse. Nine Library- and Information Science research articles that discuss multiculturalism at the public library have been scrutinized, and we found that the articles are dominated by a palpable Western and colonial perspective. Four discourses were identified in the empirical material, which all can be linked to changes in the macro-sociological context. As a theoretical and methodological framework we have chosen Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) in combination with Homi K. Bhabha's postcolonial theory. CDA focuses on linguistic text analysis, in order to uncover how discourses both influence and are influenced by the social context, while Bhabha's theory questions how Western scholars create an illusion of fixed cultural identities. By combining these theories we wished to problematize the Western knowledge production, and initiate new approaches regarding how to work practically with these issues. Our conclusion is that there are similarities in how Western scholars depict multiculturalism and ethnicity at the library, which might impact the library practice in a negative way.

Nationen och hans hustru : Feminism och nationalism i Israel med fokus på Miriam Kainys dramatik / The Nation and His Wife : Feminism and Nationalism in Israel as seen through the Plays of Miriam Kainy

Feiler, Yael January 2004 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the tension between feminism and nationalism in Israel and to investigate the ways by which such discursive currents mark the identities of Israeli women. The specific field of investigation is Israeli theatre, and the identities examined are dramatic characters created by the Israeli playwright Miriam Kainy. Also examined is the character of the playwright herself. Theatre is being observed as a specific field of society in which the position of women can be clarified. What kind of women characters the Israeli theatre produces is therefore a leading question for this study.</p><p>Feminist theories, focusing on gender aspects of power relations, together with the postcolonial perspective, which considers power relations by focusing on ethnicity and geopolitical aspects, provide the theoretical tools. The social constructionist viewpoint is used since it provides an appropriate understanding of important notions for the thesis, such as <i>nation</i> and <i>identity</i>, considering them as constructions created by discourse. The discourses focused upon are the national v. the feminist discourse and theatre is viewed as a discourse mediator, which is why the dramatic text is the object of the analysis. The specific method of analysis is inspired by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis.</p><p>The main part of the thesis consists of a discursive analysis of five women characters, constructed within a period of about five decades, namely between the 1950s and 1990s. Each one of these characters consists of an articulation which is considered representative of a specific time-relevant discursive struggle between the two discourses in question. One of the central assumptions of the thesis is that the Israeli national identity is thoroughly masculine. The identity problems it has been causing Israeli women since the time of the pioneers until today are clearly illuminated throughout the analysis. The conclusion emphasises that the subjectpositions being introduced by Israeli national discourse, namely the ways of being a <i>New Jew</i>, an Israeli, collide with those introduced by feminist discourse, i.e. ways of being an independent woman subject. Nevertheless, each and every character demonstrates creative ways of transforming the discourses by aiming at a hybrid formation.</p>

Arbetsmarknadens parter och globalisering. / Swedish labour-organizations and globalization.

Eriksson, Emma January 2002 (has links)
<p>The focus of this thesis is upon how conceptions of globalization is created by the labour-organizations Lands-organisationen (LO) and Svenskt Näringsliv. It is possible to discern two arguments for globalization in the texts, economy and democracy, and it is around these that the discourses of globalization are being constructed. Economy turns into a basic logic in the discourses of globalization. How to perceive the role of economy, as positive or negative, differs. Still, there is an agreement of the influence of economy. The ongoing power shift from the state towards the market is described as a significant consequence of globalization. With help from Ulrich Beck’s ideas about globalism the discourses then are placed in an overarching globalistic order of discourse. The conception of Democracy is an essential part of the talk about globalization. One can discern a similarity in the discourses; that is a division and separation in talking about the West and the Rest. This can be understood with the help of Stuart Hall’s idea of a discourse called "the West&the Rest" which stereotypes conceptions of Western respectively non-Western worlds.</p>

Nationen och hans hustru : Feminism och nationalism i Israel med fokus på Miriam Kainys dramatik / The Nation and His Wife : Feminism and Nationalism in Israel as seen through the Plays of Miriam Kainy

Feiler, Yael January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the tension between feminism and nationalism in Israel and to investigate the ways by which such discursive currents mark the identities of Israeli women. The specific field of investigation is Israeli theatre, and the identities examined are dramatic characters created by the Israeli playwright Miriam Kainy. Also examined is the character of the playwright herself. Theatre is being observed as a specific field of society in which the position of women can be clarified. What kind of women characters the Israeli theatre produces is therefore a leading question for this study. Feminist theories, focusing on gender aspects of power relations, together with the postcolonial perspective, which considers power relations by focusing on ethnicity and geopolitical aspects, provide the theoretical tools. The social constructionist viewpoint is used since it provides an appropriate understanding of important notions for the thesis, such as nation and identity, considering them as constructions created by discourse. The discourses focused upon are the national v. the feminist discourse and theatre is viewed as a discourse mediator, which is why the dramatic text is the object of the analysis. The specific method of analysis is inspired by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. The main part of the thesis consists of a discursive analysis of five women characters, constructed within a period of about five decades, namely between the 1950s and 1990s. Each one of these characters consists of an articulation which is considered representative of a specific time-relevant discursive struggle between the two discourses in question. One of the central assumptions of the thesis is that the Israeli national identity is thoroughly masculine. The identity problems it has been causing Israeli women since the time of the pioneers until today are clearly illuminated throughout the analysis. The conclusion emphasises that the subjectpositions being introduced by Israeli national discourse, namely the ways of being a New Jew, an Israeli, collide with those introduced by feminist discourse, i.e. ways of being an independent woman subject. Nevertheless, each and every character demonstrates creative ways of transforming the discourses by aiming at a hybrid formation.

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