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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizační modelování rizik v GAMSu / Optimization Risk Modelling in GAMS

Kutílek, Vladislav January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using the optimization modelling software system GAMS in risk management. According to the assignment, emphasis is placed on a detailed approach to the program for those, who are interested in its use in the field of risk engineering applications. The first part of the thesis contains the knowledge to understand what the GAMS program is and what it is used for. The next part of the work provides instructions on how to download, install, activate the program and what the user interface of the program looks like. Thanks to mathematical programming, it will be explained on a project on the distribution of lung ventilators, what basic approaches may be used in risk modelling in the GAMS program on a deterministic model. The following are more complex wait-and-see models, which contains the probability parameters and here-and-now models, where we work with demand scenarios and verify whether if they meets the requirements of other scenarios or calculate costs for the highest demands. The two-stage model is also one of the here-and-now models, but it is significantly more complex in its size and range of input data, it includes additional price parameters for added or removed pieces of lung ventilators from the order.


Shidaker, Chelsey N., Cossman 31 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Movement in gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies

Horn, Annamarie 30 November 2004 (has links)
Movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention, using structured activities and free improvisations, is a successful alternative to punishing adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in the classroom. An overview of the existing literature regarding the therapeutic value of movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies is firstly presented. Various techniques supporting the adolescent in his quest to achieve equilibrium, ultimately improving his relationships with others and his environment, are described. A case study, involving eight adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in group therapy follows, which indicates that movement in Gestalt therapy is an alternative to punishment. In the light hereof it is suggested that movement in Gestalt therapy could be implemented successfully in the formal school environment. This form of intervention can contribute to the adolescent's growth, his ability to communicate and his relationships with self, others and the environment, culminating in improved behavioural tendencies. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Na companhia de Stéphane Mallarmé e Clarice Lispector: pelo desejo da escrita / In the company of Stéphane Mallarmé and Clarice Lispector: for the desire of writing

Gonçalves, Vinícius Pacheco 10 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo adensar o efeito performativo da leitura que se pode fazer aqui e agora de diferenciados rasgos das obras do poeta francês Stéphane Mallarmé e da escritora brasileira Clarice Lispector. Sem a intenção de fazer um estudo exegético da totalidade dos escritos desses autores, procederemos por eleger pedaços de suas produções ficcionais que nos afetaram corporalmente e que compõem a trilha do desejo de escrita que se erige a partir deles. Na releitura que fazemos desses dois artistas, evidenciada pela intersecção de ambos aqui promovida, alguns veios temáticos neles recorrentes se fazem notar tais como: a configuração de objetos estéticos que se colocam em relação de similitude com seus padrões referencias; a assunção da palavra que nada designa; certa santidade laica; a orquestração do rumor; o mergulho na premência do instante-já; a impotência diante da linguagem; e o desaparecimento do eu. Das paisagens discursivas que aí vislumbramos, imputamo-nos a tarefa não de responder à pergunta o que, no fundo, tais textos significam?, mas sim o que eles nos fazem desejar escrever? / This work aims to deepen the performative effect of reading that can be done here and now various tears of works of the French poet Stéphane Mallarmé and the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector. Without intending to do an exegetical study of all the writings of these authors, we opted to elect pieces of his fictional productions that affect our bodies in and composing the score for the desire of writing that is established from them. In rereading what we do these two artists, as evidenced by the intersection of both promoted here, some recurring themes shafts in them are remarkable such as the configuration of aesthetic objects that arise relationship of similarity with their reference standards; the assumption of the word that does not means nothing; certain secular holiness; the orchestration of the rumor; the dip in the urgency of the now-instant; impotence towards the language; and the disappearance of the self. Discursive landscapes glimpsed there, we gave ourselves the task does not answer the question \"what, in the background, such texts mean?\", but rather \"what they make us want to write?

Movement in gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies

Horn, Annamarie 30 November 2004 (has links)
Movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention, using structured activities and free improvisations, is a successful alternative to punishing adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in the classroom. An overview of the existing literature regarding the therapeutic value of movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies is firstly presented. Various techniques supporting the adolescent in his quest to achieve equilibrium, ultimately improving his relationships with others and his environment, are described. A case study, involving eight adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in group therapy follows, which indicates that movement in Gestalt therapy is an alternative to punishment. In the light hereof it is suggested that movement in Gestalt therapy could be implemented successfully in the formal school environment. This form of intervention can contribute to the adolescent's growth, his ability to communicate and his relationships with self, others and the environment, culminating in improved behavioural tendencies. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Na companhia de Stéphane Mallarmé e Clarice Lispector: pelo desejo da escrita / In the company of Stéphane Mallarmé and Clarice Lispector: for the desire of writing

Vinícius Pacheco Gonçalves 10 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo adensar o efeito performativo da leitura que se pode fazer aqui e agora de diferenciados rasgos das obras do poeta francês Stéphane Mallarmé e da escritora brasileira Clarice Lispector. Sem a intenção de fazer um estudo exegético da totalidade dos escritos desses autores, procederemos por eleger pedaços de suas produções ficcionais que nos afetaram corporalmente e que compõem a trilha do desejo de escrita que se erige a partir deles. Na releitura que fazemos desses dois artistas, evidenciada pela intersecção de ambos aqui promovida, alguns veios temáticos neles recorrentes se fazem notar tais como: a configuração de objetos estéticos que se colocam em relação de similitude com seus padrões referencias; a assunção da palavra que nada designa; certa santidade laica; a orquestração do rumor; o mergulho na premência do instante-já; a impotência diante da linguagem; e o desaparecimento do eu. Das paisagens discursivas que aí vislumbramos, imputamo-nos a tarefa não de responder à pergunta o que, no fundo, tais textos significam?, mas sim o que eles nos fazem desejar escrever? / This work aims to deepen the performative effect of reading that can be done here and now various tears of works of the French poet Stéphane Mallarmé and the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector. Without intending to do an exegetical study of all the writings of these authors, we opted to elect pieces of his fictional productions that affect our bodies in and composing the score for the desire of writing that is established from them. In rereading what we do these two artists, as evidenced by the intersection of both promoted here, some recurring themes shafts in them are remarkable such as the configuration of aesthetic objects that arise relationship of similarity with their reference standards; the assumption of the word that does not means nothing; certain secular holiness; the orchestration of the rumor; the dip in the urgency of the now-instant; impotence towards the language; and the disappearance of the self. Discursive landscapes glimpsed there, we gave ourselves the task does not answer the question \"what, in the background, such texts mean?\", but rather \"what they make us want to write?

Det filmiska ögat : En undersökning av konstbetraktandets natur i tunnelbanan genom fotomontaget ”Den dagen, den sorgen” på Karlaplans station

Ljung, Bo January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker konstbetraktandets natur i tunnelbanan genom en närstudie av fotomontaget ”Den dagen, den sorgen på Karlaplans tunnelbanestation i Stockholm.  Uppsatsens huvudsakliga frågeställning är: Hur spelar ”Den dagen den sorgen” upp sin mening och hur tas denna emot av betraktaren i tunnelbanekontexten vid Karlaplan?   Två underfrågor kompletterar frågeställningen: 1.Vilken är fotomontagets konstnärliga särart och hur är det organiserat narrativt? 2.Hur är tunnelbanans ”genius loci” och hur samverkar konstverket med platsen och rummet?    Impetus för uppsatsen är konstverkets säregna och unika karaktär som konstverk. Det finns inget liknande verk i Stockholms tunnelbana. Det lockar, väcker frågor och involverar betraktaren på ett direkt sätt. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att undersöka mekanismerna för denna betraktaraktiverande rörelse. En fråga som ofta saknas i den omfattande litteraturen om konsten i Stockholms tunnelbana är hur tunnelbanekonsten kommunicerar och tas emot av sina betraktarresenärer. Denna brist motiverar en undersökning av relationen mellan konstverk, betraktare och miljö.      Uppsatsen är utförd med hjälp av en deduktiv och systematiskt tolkande arbetsmetod utifrån en receptionsteoretisk och semiotisk teoribildning. De valda frågeställningarna har riktat analysen och fotomontaget har studerats som konstnärligt och språkligt fenomen. Receptionsteorin utgår från Wolfgang Kemps begreppsanalys, vilken är strukturerad i interna och externa faktorer. Peter Gillgren kompletterar Kemp och visar hur betydelsefulla verkets interartiella referenser och den litterära meningen är för den receptionsteoretiska tolkningen. Roland Barthes semiotiska teckenanalys, där denoterande tecken omvandlas till konoterande i betraktarens medvetande, ligger också till grund för tolkningen      Texten är uppbyggd av fem delar. De består av inledning, bakgrund, interna faktorer, externa faktorer samt avslutande diskussion med slutsatser och sammanfattning. Genom verkets många interartiella referenser framträder en samhällskritisk litterär mening. För att förmedla denna litterära mening har upphovsmannen medvetet sökt motverka en riskerad polysemi. Kompletterande performativa textremsor, det hyperrealistiska fotografiska bildmediet samt en återhållsamhet med fragment stramar åt och riktar bildens ”betydelse”. Bildens komposition och perspektiv samt en frekvent användning av vakanser och fokaliserande gestalter bjuder in betraktaren i bildens ”spel” och sätter dennes öga i rörelse.  Verk, betraktare och miljö möts och förstår varandra i hastiga filmiska ögonblick. Sådan är konstbetraktandets natur på Karlaplans tunnelbanestation.

Det förbannade intellektet : En essä om hur tänkandet stör en konstnärlig praktik / The accursed intellect : An essay about how mind interfere with an artist ́s bodily practice

Björk, Carola January 2023 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen, vilken är skriven som en vetenskaplig essä, undersöker jag konstnärens praktiska kunskap med utgångspunkt i en situation där jag målar. Vad jag intresserar mig för är hur tänkandet påverkar den kroppsliga handlingen. Henri Bergson, Erich Fromm och japansk zenbuddhism är perspektiv jag använt mig av för att titta närmare på temat. Fromm har synliggjort att kärlek är en attityd som innebär att jag är koncentrerad i mötet med andra. Att kunna vara koncentrerad och att kunna älska ändamålsenligt är liktydigt. För att undvika plagiera mina tidigare arbeten behöver jag älska att arbeta. Bergson har visat att intuition och intellekt är två medvetandeformer jag kan agera utifrån och erfara verkligheten på. Två former av kunskap. Om jag planerar vad jag ska måla utgår jag från intellektet och hämmar mitt arbete. Utgår jag istället från intuition låter jag nuet tillföra arbetet något nytt. Vad zen påvisat och betonat, är att mitt beteende indikerar huruvida jag är närvarande eller inte. Att praktiskt öva på att vara närvarande i nuet möjliggör att du kan reagera spontant på verkligheten istället för att planera ditt agerande. De teoretiska perspektiven enas kring vikten av närvaro i nuet. Men också att det viktiga inte är att välja det ena eller andra. Vad som är väsentligt är både och. Mötet mellan mig och andra. Intuition och intellekt. Samt ett beteende som reagerar spontant och planerar. Vad som framkommit genom essän är att det råder en obalans mellan kunskapsformerna intellekt och intuition i en västerländsk kontext. En summerande fråga essän ställer är: vad innebär det för människan som biologisk varelse om ett naturligt sätt att erfara verkligheten på, inte bejakas? / In this essay, which is written as a scientific essay, I examine the artist's practical knowledge based on a situation where I paint. What I am interested in is how thinking affects bodily action. Henri Bergson, Erich Fromm and Japanese Zen Buddhism are perspectives I use to survey the theme. Fromm has made clear, that love is an attitude that means I am concentrated in the meeting with others. Being able to concentrate and the ability to make love an end in itself, is synonymous. To avoid plagiarizing previous work, I need to love working. Bergson has shown that intuition and intellect are two forms of consciousness and fundamental in the experience of reality. Two forms of knowledge. If I plan what I am going to paint, my point of departure is the intellect which inhibit the work. If I instead start from intuition, I let the present time add something new to the work. What Zen has shown and emphasized, is that my behavior indicate whether I am present or not. Practically practicing being present enables you to react spontaneously on reality instead of planning your actions. The theoretical perspectives agree on the importance of being present. And also, what is important is not to choose one or the other. What is essential is both. The meeting between me and others. Intuition and intellect. As well as a behavior that reacts spontaneously and plans. What the essay has shown is that there is an imbalance between the two forms of knowledge, intellect and intuition, in a Western context. A summary question the essay asks is: what impact does it have on man as a biological being if a natural way of experiencing life, is not affirmed?

How To Do It Yourself

Goetz, Sarah 01 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Mobiliųjų paslaugų portalų technologijų tyrimas / Research of mobile portals technologies

Najulis, Mindaugas 03 June 2005 (has links)
Information technologies and mobile telecommunications rapidly enter our personal and social life. Mobile phone is no longer luxury – it has become a necessity. Growing volumes of the mobile services has caused a need to expand the mobile service employment opportunities in the Internet portals. Today’s portals, created using the means, offered by software manufacturers, employ exclusively the mobile Internet service, thanks to which the users can see and manage the necessary information and process of the portal at any time and from anywhere. The problem is related with the fact that mobile Internet services are still expensive in Lithuania. Therefore one should look for cheaper ways to reach and manage portal information. In order to solve this problem one can consider the SMS and MMS message sending, suggested by mobile technologies. Basic aim of the work is to create an entertainment portal, rendering the user both various Internet entertainments (e.g. Internet acquaintances, games), and mobile entertainment (e.g. sending messages, logos, melodies, animations and games for mobile phone) as well as a wide range of mobile services to be used to obtain and to manage the portal information. In the work I describe: portal evolution, classification and creation measures („BroadVision Portal“, „IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms v5.x“, „Sun One Portal Server v6.0“, „Red Hat Enterprise Portal Server“, „Microsoft SharePoint® Portal Server 2003“, „ORACLE 9ias Portal“, „PHP:... [to full text]

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