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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En för alla, alla för en! : Samverkan kring flyktingars kompetens

Virtanen, Katja January 2012 (has links)
Undersökningen belyser de metoder som kommunerna i Nordost (Täby, Österåker, Vaxholm, Danderyd och Vallentuna) i Stockholms län använder sig av i analysering av flyktingars kompetens. Genom ett samarbete i kommunerna är ambitionen att förkorta perioden för de nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Undersökningen som gjordes är kvalitativ och innefattar intervjuer med berörd personal från kommunerna. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett stort behov att på ett effektivt sätt få ut de nyanlända flyktingarna i arbete. Resultatet visar att det finns en gemensam grundsyn på kartläggningen av kompetensen hos de nyanlända. Flyktingkvinnor har generellt sett sämre förutsättningar på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, dock visar resultatet att inga speciella åtgärder vidtas för att stödja deras framsteg till självförsörjning.

Förutsättningarna för introduktion av nyanlända flyktingar på arbetsmarknaden

Nikolic, Dejana, Mlinaku, Donjeta January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of our thesis is to understand the opportunities and obstacles that administrators in the municipalities and work intermediaries in Halland experience in their work with the introduction of newly arrived refugees in the labor market. In this study we have done 8 qualitative interviews with employees in the municipality and the employment in work intermediation in Halland to illuminate the underlying factors of why the report "A lost year" of the Swedish Integration Board shows that few newly arrived refugees get a job in the first year after they have been received a residence permit.</p><p>The study showed that newly arrived refugees have it more difficult to be introduced in the labor market in Sweden. The underlying causes of the situation are many, according to those interviewed. Knowledge in the Swedish language is most important for the introduction of the newly arrived refugees'. Other factors that affect the newly arrived refugees’ opportunity to be introduced in the labor market are the discrimination that exists in society. There are also individual and cultural differences between the newly arrived refugees that affect their chance of getting a job in Sweden.</p>

Förutsättningarna för introduktion av nyanlända flyktingar på arbetsmarknaden

Nikolic, Dejana, Mlinaku, Donjeta January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of our thesis is to understand the opportunities and obstacles that administrators in the municipalities and work intermediaries in Halland experience in their work with the introduction of newly arrived refugees in the labor market. In this study we have done 8 qualitative interviews with employees in the municipality and the employment in work intermediation in Halland to illuminate the underlying factors of why the report "A lost year" of the Swedish Integration Board shows that few newly arrived refugees get a job in the first year after they have been received a residence permit. The study showed that newly arrived refugees have it more difficult to be introduced in the labor market in Sweden. The underlying causes of the situation are many, according to those interviewed. Knowledge in the Swedish language is most important for the introduction of the newly arrived refugees'. Other factors that affect the newly arrived refugees’ opportunity to be introduced in the labor market are the discrimination that exists in society. There are also individual and cultural differences between the newly arrived refugees that affect their chance of getting a job in Sweden.

När man kommer hit, känner man sig vilsen, det är helt annorlunda än i sitt hemland

Larsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Detta är en studie om introduktionsverksamheten för nyanlända flyktingar i Lunds kommun, detta utifrån flyktingarnas perspektiv. Syftet var vidare att studera vad det betyder om introduktionsverksamheten kan ses som ett system. Med nyanlända flyktingar avses den grupp som erhållit uppehållstillstånd och vars vistelsetid inte överstiger tre år. Sju stycken nyanlända flyktingar intervjuades om deras intryck och det stöd som erbjudits av introduktionsprogrammet och Lunds kommun. Teorier om introduktion och systemtänkande applicerades för att analysera resultatet från intervjuerna. Resultatet från denna studie visar att majoriteten av de nyanlända flyktingarna är nöjda med bemötandet från kommunen. Däremot visar även resultatet att det finns flera faktorer i introduktionsverksamheten som inverkar på att målen som är uppställda för introduktionsverksamheten för nyanlända inte nås. Brist på information, inte tillräckligt individualiserad introduktion och känslan av att inte vara delaktig i samhället, är beståndsdelar som påverkar individens upplevelse. Studien visar att det är viktigt att skapa ett systemteoretiskt tänkande kring organisationen av introduktionen för nyanlända flyktingar. Denna studie föreslår att Lunds kommun inte nöjer sig med att majoriteten i dagsläget är nöjda, utan istället känner sig manade att pröva nya institutionella former för sin verksamhet. Detta genom att förankra ett tydligare helhetsperspektiv, där en gemensam vision och samspelet kring samverkan mellan aktörer och organisationer förtydligas och förbättras för att kunna verkligställa samverkan. Vidare bör fokus förstärkas på att integration är en ömsesidig process som inkluderar både de nyanlända och svenskar, genom att skapa aktiviteter som fokuserar på den sociala kontakten mellan grupperna. / This is a study about the process of introduction of newly arrived refugees in Lunds municipality, this with the newly arrived refugees perspective. Furthermore the aim of the study was to illustrate the complexities to be found in the process of introduction, by highlighting the process of introduction of newly arrives refugees as a comprehensive system. Newly arrived refugee meaning a refugee that has obtained permanent residence permit, and the period of residence has not exceed three years. Seven newly arrived refugees were interviewed about their feelings and experiences around the process of introduction. To analyse the result from the interviews theories about introduction and system theory were used. The result of this study illustrate that the majority of the newly arrived refugees seemed to be satisfied with the facilities provided by the municipality. However, the findings of this study suggest that there are several elements in the process of introduction that has impact on the intention of the individual introduction process. Lack of information, not adequate individualized introduction and the feeling of not being accessorial, are elements that affect the individual experience. It is evident from the study that it is important to create a system thinking on the organization of introduction of newly arrived refugees. This study propose that Lunds municipality doesn’t feel content with that the majority is satisfied, but instead feels encourage to demonstrate innovative thinking, this by introducing a distinct comprehensiveness about vision and co-ordination between the actors and organisations in this field. Furthermore it is advised to increase the focus on integration as being a process that involves both immigrants and Swedes, by creating a activity where social contacts between these groups are the focal point.

Traumahantering hos nyanlända flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

Ottosson, Moa January 2009 (has links)
<p>To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma – damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience.</p><p>From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in Järfälla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like. Furthermore, the paper seeks to examine whether there is collaboration between the school and BUP (child and youth psychiatry) for the students who need psychological support to overcome their problems.</p><p>The school in my study has no cooperation with BUP, but did have previously. This cooperation was shut down because of the cost cuts. The school in my study has no real trauma management but will send a referral to the BUP after consultation with parents if such a need is believed to exist.</p><p>The essay is written with a crisis of educational perspective, which means that I spent part of my theory of teaching crisis in the analysis. The crisis pedagogical approach is designed to give teachers the opportunity to help students with trauma to bring new educational opportunities out of a crisis or a trauma. The conclusion from this perspective was that a crisis educational plan is difficult to use for newly arrived refugee children because they rarely have the ability to communicate so well that a crisis educational plan would work.</p>

Traumahantering hos nyanlända flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

Ottosson, Moa January 2009 (has links)
To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma – damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience. From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in Järfälla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like. Furthermore, the paper seeks to examine whether there is collaboration between the school and BUP (child and youth psychiatry) for the students who need psychological support to overcome their problems. The school in my study has no cooperation with BUP, but did have previously. This cooperation was shut down because of the cost cuts. The school in my study has no real trauma management but will send a referral to the BUP after consultation with parents if such a need is believed to exist. The essay is written with a crisis of educational perspective, which means that I spent part of my theory of teaching crisis in the analysis. The crisis pedagogical approach is designed to give teachers the opportunity to help students with trauma to bring new educational opportunities out of a crisis or a trauma. The conclusion from this perspective was that a crisis educational plan is difficult to use for newly arrived refugee children because they rarely have the ability to communicate so well that a crisis educational plan would work.

Bibliotekets integrationsfrämjande aktiviteter : - En enkätstudie om folkbibliotekets aktiviteter för nyanlända / Integration-promoting activities of the library : - A web survey about public libraries activities for newcomers

Pettersson, Ingela January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how libraries meet the challenges of integrating newcomers. My questions are: • What integration-promoting activities for newcomers are provided by public libraries? • Which other providers collaborate with libraries designing appropriate activities for newcomers? • What challenges do library staff face in integration processes? The method applied in this research is web surveys. Web surveys were sent to 94 town libraries, in five large municipalities. In the analysis concepts such as social capital, inclusion and exclusion were used. Conclusions were that the most common integration promoting activities that libraries offer are language cafés, story time in several languages and help with homework and learning the Swedish language. Cooperation is mostly with volunteer organizations and local authorities to design appropriate activities for newcomers. The survey reveals that coordinating functions, which brings various stakeholders together can be developed.

En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsförmedlare hanterar mångfalden bland nyanlända flyktingar i etableringsuppdraget / A quality study about employment officer handle the refugees in the Introduction

Quach, Jasmine January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate/evaluate how employment officers handle the refugees who have different backgrounds and therefore different conditions for entering the labour market. Semi-structured interview was used and a total of seven employment officers participated and the result shows that all the participants experienced cultural clashes in their work. Everyone has their own way for solving this issue, for example to inform the clients how the employment officer works or helping the clients with their issues and questions. The aspects of ethnicity and gender are important especially for female clients during conversation for establishment since the living conditions between the genders are not always equally. Depending on the clients individually qualifications the employment officers will decide how to help the clients. Furthermore, the employment officers considered that those efforts offered to the clients are sufficient. However, establishment within two years is hard to achieve, especially for clients who are illiterates and women who have been housewives their whole life. The result should be interpreted with caution due to the few participants.

“Vi måste se till helheten” : Distriktssköterskans upplevelse av arbetet med nyanlända flyktingar med fokus på jämlik hälsa

Lagerkvist, Karin, Landin, Henrietta January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en ojämlikhet i hälsan hos utsatta grupper i samhället, där nyanlända flyktingar är en växande patientgrupp. Syftet är att beskriva distriktssköterskans upplevelse av arbetet med nyanlända flyktingar inom primärvården med fokus på jämlik hälsa. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats där nio intervjuer genomförts på vårdcentraler i Västra Götaland och Halland. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys har gjorts enligt Elo och Kyngäs. Resultatet presenteras i kategorierna Det viktiga mötet, Den helhetstänkande distriktssköterskan och Den komplicerade organisationen. Det framkommer att distriktssköterskan har en viktig roll i att möta den nyanlända flyktingen och det är viktigt att se helheten kring patienten, att i mötet uppmärksamma hela situationen patienten befinner sig. Där är psykisk ohälsa och den sociala situationen värdefull att uppmärksamma. Lyhördhet, en god kommunikation med hög kvalité på tolk är nödvändigt, vilket även är viktiga delar för en jämlik vård. Det behövs även organisatoriska förutsättningar som tillräckligt med tid avsatt och att samverkan med andra kring patienten fungerar, där finns det ett behov av förbättringsarbete. Det finns hinder för nyanlända flyktingar med att komma i kontakt med hälso-och sjukvården och distriktssköterskan fyller en viktig funktion att informera, vägleda och lotsa rätt. Distriktssköterskorna upplever att det finns ett stort behov av hälsofrämjande åtgärder.

Distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete med nyanlända flyktingar : En intervjustudie / Districtnurses health promoting and preventive care of newly arrived refugees

Carlson, Susanne January 2018 (has links)
Mångkulturell hälso- och sjukvård har ökat i Sverige på senare år på grund av krig i Syrien, och oro i andra länder i bland annat Mellanöstern och Afghanistan. Det har medfört mänskliga tragedier och stora flyktingströmmar. Sverige har tagit emot en stor andel av flyktingströmmen. Detta ställer nya krav på distriktssköterskan som i ett tidigt skede möter flyktingarna. Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete med nyanlända flyktingar ur ett vårdcentralsperspektiv. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sju distriktssköterskor från olika vårdcentraler inom en västsvensk region. Materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom åtta subteman och fyra teman i analysen. Huvudteman var: Egenvårdens betydelse för att främja hälsan, Förebyggande arbete ur ett vårdcentralsperspektiv, Att kommunicera via tredje part samt Samordning mellan parter. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskornas hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete var betydelsefullt för de nyanlända flyktingarna eftersom distriktssköterskan var en av de yrkesprofessioner som de träffade i ett tidigt skede. Egenvårdsråd utmärkte det hälsofrämjande arbetet med nyanlända flyktingar men kunde vara svårt då många nyanlända flyktingar var vana från sina hemländer att alltid möta en läkare. Det utmärkande för det förebyggande arbetet var framförallt arbetet med vaccinationsuppföljning, som innebar en stor och krävande arbetsinsats för distriktssköterskorna. / Multicultural health and medical care has increased in Sweden during the last few years due to war in Syria and unrest in other countries among others in the Middle East and in Afghanistan. This has led to human tragedies and big streams of refugees. Sweden has received a large number of these refugees. This poses new demands on district nurses who at an early stage meet the refugees. The purpose of the study was to describe district nurses experience of health promoting and preventive care of newly arrived refugees from a perspective of the care centre. Method: A qualitative interview study with seven district nurses from different care centres within a region in West Sweden. The material was analysed with a qualitative analysis of content. Result: The analysis resulted in eight subthemes and four themes. Main themes were: The importance of self-care in order to promote health, Preventive work from a perspective of the care centre, To communicate through a third party and Co-ordination between parties. Conclusion: District nurses health promoting and preventive care was important for newly arrived refugees as the district nurse was one of the professionals they met at an early stage. Advice on self-care characterized the health promoting work with newly arrived refugees but could be difficult, as many refugees were used always to meet a doctor in their home countries. Characteristic for the preventive work was above all the follow-up of vaccinations, which required big and demanding efforts for district nurses.

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