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Relationships Between K-12 In-Service Teachers’ Personal Environmental Education Teacher Efficacy, Environmental Identity, and Concern for Implementation of California’s Environmental Principles and ConceptsReese, Dean Matthew 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Significant environmental impacts such as climate change, reduction in biodiversity, increasing food scarcity, impacts on water supply and availability, and exacerbation of human health problems are occurring and are expected to increase. Despite these environmental challenges the teaching of California’s environmental literacy standards, the California Environmental Principles and Concepts (CA EP&Cs), in the K-12 public education system is infrequent and inadequate. The purpose of this study was to use a mixed methods approach to examine relationships between environmental identity (EI), personal environmental education teacher efficacy (PEETE), and peak stage of concern (SOC) for implementing CA EP&Cs for K-12 in-service teachers participating in regional 3-year California Environmental Literacy Projects (CELP). In the last year of CELP, a survey was given to 72 of the participating teachers to probe their EI, PEETE, and peak SOC for implementing CA EP&Cs. Eighteen months after the conclusion of CELP, five participating teachers engaged in a follow-up interview providing further insight about the relationships between EI, PEETE, and peak SOC for implementing CA EP&Cs. The findings from quantitative analysis of the survey and the qualitative analysis of the follow-up interviews indicate that participating teachers had high levels of EI and PEETE, and that there is a moderately large correlation between EI and PEETE within the sample of teachers surveyed. These high levels of EI and PEETE did not translate into impact level peak SOC in the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) for most teachers. This finding demonstrates that environmental literacy professional development providers, site and district administrators, and teachers will have to overcome significant challenges to be able to increase the environmental literacy for students in California’s educational system. For environmental literacy professional development providers, it is suggested to surface teachers’ individual challenges to implementing CA EP&Cs and provide explicit recommendations to overcome these challenges. For district and site administrators, it is suggested that the CA EP&Cs be prioritized as important standards that are taught, and that student access to outdoor field experiences be valued and funded. For teachers, it is suggested to prioritize the teaching of CA EP&Cs and to integrate environmental literacy into the teaching of the various content areas where appropriate. Further details and additional suggestions are outlined in this research study.
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”Den vi träffade idag, det var den riktiga Mulle” : En receptionsstudie om barns möten med Skogsmulle / The one we met today, that was the real Mulle. : A reception study of children´s encounters with SkogsmulleNorinder, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Children meet adults dressed out in costumes in various situations. One of these characters is Skogsmulle in Friluftsfrämjandets outdoor education. Since the mid-1950´s Skogsmulle has been part of Swedish childhoods, and the concept has also spread to other countries around the world (C. Lindgren, 2021). The last decades forrest kindergartens and other kinds of preschools with focus on outdoor education flourishes around the world (Alme & Reime, 2021; Sobel, 2014), and some of them provides Skogsmulle activities. The purpose with the Skogsmulle outdoor activities is to learn about, and how to take care of nature in a playful way, and create opportunities for the children to bond with nature and strengthen their biophilia (Yılmaz m.fl., 2020; Änggård, 2009a). The aim of this study is to create knowledge about how children can experience situations when adults dress out as fictional characters, and what characterize their encounters with Skogsmulle in the forrest. Reception theory (Iser, 1980b; Rosenblatt, 2002) is used together with the concept of realunreality (A.-L. Lindgren m.fl., 2015) to explore what preschool children express and analyse the aesthetic response of the children. The method is qualitative case studies inspired by ethnographic design with observation and interviews. The result shows that children´s interpretation of fiction and reality is complex, and their encounters with Skogsmulle can be seen as an example of realunreality where the boundaries of real and unreal mingle (see A.-L. Lindgren m.fl., 2015). The children also becomes co-creators of the Skogsmulle story through their interactions, and creators of children´s culture (see Sparrman, 2011) as a response to the culture that the adults offers the children.
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Utomhuspedagogikens inverkan på elevers användning av matematiska begrepp : En empirisk studie om elevernas användning av första och andra ordningens språk / The impact of outdoor education on students' use of mathematical concepts : An empirical study of students' use of the language of the first- and second order.Johansson Dahl, Linn January 2023 (has links)
Arbetet handlar om utomhuspedagogik inom matematik för elever i årskurs F-3. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur utomhuspedagogik påverkar elevers användning av matematiska begrepp inom subtraktion, längdenheter och geometriska figurer. Studien jämför hur elever använder matematiska begrepp utomhus och inomhus. Studien jämför en klass i årskurs 1 och en klass i årskurs 3 för att undersöka skillnader och likheter i användningen av matematiska begrepp. Utomhuslektionen inom subtraktion och längdenheter för årskurs 1 fokuserade på "minus"-spel och mingel med sifferkort. Eleverna använde huvudsakligen första ordningens språk. Inomhuslektion för årskurs 1 hade fokus på repetition av subtraktion, där eleverna använde mestadels första men även andra ordningens språk. För årskurs 3 observerades en utomhuslektion inom geometriska former och längdenheter samt uppskattning, där eleverna använde till större del andra ordningens språk med vissa inslag av första ordningens språk. Inomhuslektionen i årskurs 3 inkluderade problemlösning inom olika områden, där eleverna använde främst första ordningens språk. Studien visar att utomhuspedagogik kan främja utvecklingen av andra ordningens språk inom matematik genom att koppla matematiska begrepp till verkliga situationer. Elevernas användning av olika språkliga uttryck inom matematiken ökade genom utforskning av matematik utomhus.
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Elevating the Civic Science Literacy of American Adults: Assessing a Renewed Citizen Science Paradigm Integrating Nonformal Outdoor Adult Education and Enhanced Experiential LearningCronin, David P. 01 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Fracture occurrence and ground water pollution potential in Ohio's glacial and lacustrine deposits: a soils, geologic, and educational perspectiveWeatherington-Rice, Julie Bishop Paynter January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Hållbart lärande i staden : Möjligheter och utmaningar med utomhuspedagogik för en hållbarare stadsutveckling / Sustainable education in the city : Possibilities and challenges with outdoor education for a more sustainable urban developmentFriberg, Rasmus E. January 2024 (has links)
De antropogent orsakade klimatförändringarna som är tätt sammankopplade med en snabb utrbedd förlust av biodiversitet blir allt mer tilltagande och sex av nio planetära gränser är överskridna. Samtidigt minskar människors koppling till och kunskap om naturen som de är en del och beroende av, särskilt så bland barn och unga i den växande urbana befolkningen. För att vända negativa utvecklingen är det viktigt att dagens städer erbjuder miljöer som möjliggör direkt interaktion med varierande flora och fauna. Grundskolan kan erbjuda detta via plats- och upplevelsebaserad utomhuspedagogik som kan främja barn och ungas koppling till naturen och ekologisk läskunnighet. För det krävs tillgång till gröna skolgårdar och grönområden som kan fungera som lärmiljöer för ekologiska processer och ekosystem. Studiens syfte var att skapa förbättrade förutsättningar för utomhuspedagogik som kan främja barn och ungas koppling till naturen och ekologisk läskunnighet. Studien undersökte en grundskola med en ambition att arbeta för en hållbarare utveckling belägen i en av Sveriges större tätorter. Skolan ville förändra sin skolgård genom att plantera mer vildvuxen flora och börja odla. Skolan stod inför unika utmaningar för att förverkliga sin vision eftersom den inte äger skolgården och därför måste förändringar ske i dialog med fastighetsförvaltaren. Vidare måste skolan stå för kostnaden och underhåll av den flora som önskas. Dock saknas ekonomiska resurser för att genomföra mer omfattande förändringar. Samtidigt har skolan god tillgång till grönområden, men ser flertal utmaningar med att börja nyttja dessa mer utomhuspedagogiskt. Ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv framkommer ett system av fragmenterade aktörer som inte delar samma hållbarhetsmål och framtidsvision vilket försvårar en systemomställning för hållbarare lärande. Samtidigt framkommer flertal möjligheter för en systemomställning som studien söker belysa. Genom att försöka samla aktörer som vill se grönare skolgårdar och mer utomhuspedagogik för samordning och samverkan samt sätta press på existerande regimer och status quo ökar möjligheten för en systemomställning. / Anthropogenic climate change which is closely connected to a rapid global loss of biodiversity is becoming increasingly problematic and six of the nine planetary boundaries are transgressed. Simultaneously humans’ connection to nature and knowledge about natural systems which they are part of and dependent on is decreasing, especially amongst children and young adults in the growing urban population. To counteract the negative development cities must provide opportunities for direct interaction with a rich variety of flora and fauna. Primary education can provide this via outdoor education which can promote nature connectedness and ecoliteracy. For primary schools to provide this they need access to green schoolyards and green areas which can function as learning landscapes for ecological processes and ecosystems. The study’s purpose was to facilitate conditions for outdoor education that can promote children’s and young adults’ nature connectedness and ecoliteracy. The study was carried out at a primary school with the ambition to promote a more sustainable development. Staff wished to make the schoolyard greener by adding more vegetation and a school garden. The school faced unique challenges since it does not own its schoolyard and changes must therefore be carried out in dialog with the facility management. The school must carry the cost for investments and carry out all maintenance work but lacks the finances to make substantial changes. Concurrently the school has access to nearby green areas but anticipates challenges with utilizing these for outdoor education. From a systems theory perspective, a system of fragmented actors not sharing a common sustainability goal or vision emerges making a change in the system less likely. However, various opportunities for changing the system emerge. By mobilizing actors who wish to see greener schoolyards and more outdoor education to coordinate and cooperate and to pressure existing regimes and the status quo the possibility of changing the system increases.
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OUTDOOR EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE : From the Swedish to the Slovenian Context / UTOMHUSPEDAGOGISKT PERSPEKTIV : Från den svenska till den slovenska kontextenSimon, Neja January 2013 (has links)
Outdoor education may be quite a well-known conception but still unsettled in the Slovenian pedagogical context. The Scandinavian – Swedish conceptual tradition in the thesis provides a framework for analysing the Slovenian curriculum; the lesson plans for the compulsory school from an outdoor education perspective. The main characteristics of outdoor education, gathering around experience, place and method/activities, are found also in the Slovenian context, exactly in the formal education documents. The perspective of outdoor education would therefore lie in introducing the Swedish concept of outdoor education as an opportunity to reflect upon an existent outdoor teaching and learning practice and inherent teacher education. / Utomhuspedagogik må vara ett välkänt begrepp men är fortfarande okänt i den slovenska pedagogiska kontexten. Den skandinavisk-svenska traditionella uppfattningen i denna uppsats bildar ett ramverk för att analysera de slovenska kursplanerna och läroplanerna för den obligatoriska grundskolan, ur ett utomhuspedagogiskt perspektiv. Det som huvudsakligen karaktäriserar utomhuspedagogik, och som rör sig kring erfarenhet, plats och metod/aktiviteter, finns också i den slovenska kontexten, och mera exakt i de formella utbildningshandlingarna. Det utomhuspedagogiska perspektivet skulle därför kunna skapas genom att introducera den svenska uppfattningen om utomhuspedagogik som en möjlighet att reflektera kring en befintlig pedagogik och lärandepraktik samt kring lärarutbildningen.
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Creating a Learning Continuum: A Critical Look at the Intersection of Prior Knowledge, Outdoor Education, and Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Ideas and PracticesSchlobohm, Trisha Leigh 29 March 2016 (has links)
Outdoor School is a cherished educational tradition in the Portland, OR region. This program's success is attributed to its presumed ability to positively impact affective and cognitive student outcomes. Residential programs such as Outdoor School are considered to be an important supplement to the classroom model of learning because they offer an authentic, contextually rich learning environment. References to relevant literature support the idea that student gains in affective and cognitive domains occur as a result of the multi-sensory, enjoyable, hands-on nature of outdoor learning. The sample population for this study was 115 sixth graders from a demographically diverse Portland, OR school district. This study used an instrument developed by the Common Measures System that was administered to students as part of Outdoor School's professional and program development project. The affective student outcome data measured by the Common Measures instrument was complemented by a formative assessment probe ascertaining prior knowledge of the definition of plants and field notes detailing Field Study instructor lesson content. This first part of this study examined the changes that take place in students' attitudes toward science as a result of attending Outdoor School. The second part took a look at how Outdoor School instruction in the Plants field study aligned with NGSS MS-LS Disciplinary Core Ideas and Practices. The third section of the study compared how Outdoor School instruction in the Plants Field Study and students' prior knowledge of what defines a plant aligned with NGSS MS-LS DCIs. The intent of the research was to arrive at a more nuanced understanding of how students' attitudes toward science are influenced by participating in an outdoor education program and contribute to the development of a continuum between classroom and outdoor school learning using Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Ideas and Practices as a framework. Results of this study were intended to inform outdoor education program development, add to the existing body of research, and inform future research projects.
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The Effects of an Overnight Environmental Science Education Program on Students' Attendance Rate Change for Middle School YearsBasham, Jennifer Elizabeth 18 December 2015 (has links)
Programs that engage middle students in participatory, real-world, and hands-on field based instruction can be a powerful asset to the educational experiences for students; motivating and inspiring some to appreciate and value school in a different way. Overnight environmental science programs have a unique opportunity to support students by creating experiences where students can participate in learning in vastly different ways from what they may engage with in the traditional 4-walled classroom, while concurrently developing a relationship with the natural world. Decreasing educational budgets and increased need to substantiate educational programs in terms of their impact on students has added pressure for overnight environmental science programs to validate their impact through quantitative means. Utilizing overnight environmental science education program attendance records and merging them with school district data relating to attendance, this study investigates the impact of one such overnight environmental science program on students' attendance rate change. Analyzing the secondary data using multiple linear regressions modeling, researchers explored how the overnight environmental program impacted student attendance rate change and how it varied by demographic characteristics to understand if and how the program addresses school district and educational policy reform targets.
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Fyra pedagogers skilda uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik som fenomenKyller, Carola, Abedini, Mehrnaz January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med vårt examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur några valda pedagoger förhåller sig till utomhuspedagogik som en pedagogisk undervisningsmetod och diskutera dessa olika perspektiv av vad pedagogerna säger utifrån frågeställningarna i vårt syfte. Med hjälp av intervjuer har vi ställt frågor till fyra utvalda pedagoger som besitter skilda kunskaper och erfarenheter av utomhuspedagogik. I litteraturstudien mötte vi begrepp som forskare och teoretiker förknippade med utomhuspedagogik. Begrepp som direktkontakterfarenhet, sinnlig erfarenhet, autentisk lärandemiljö. Resultatet åskådliggör att pedagogerna ser fler fördelar än nackdelar med utomhuspedagogik. Några fördelar gällande utomhuspedagogiken framkom som mer rörelse i lärandet, bättre hälsa och att lära om objekt i sin verkliga miljö m.fl. En nackdel som flera av pedagogerna var överens om var personalbrist, tidsbristen gällande planering och de praktiska förberedelserna. Pedagogerna visade olika intresse för utomhuspedagogik men alla var överens om att det var en bra undervisningsmetod och några av dem ville gärna använda sig mer av det i sin undervisning i framtiden.
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