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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patientsäkerhet vid traumalarm : - anestesisjuksköterskans arbete analyserat med resilience engineering som utgångspunkt

Johansson, Marcus, Nilsson, William January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdskador drabbar närmare 10 procent av alla patienter. I samband med ett traumaomhändertagande kommer anestesisjuksköterskan att arbeta i en miljö som inte är dennes dagliga arbetsplats. Detta ställer höga krav på kompetens, följsamhet till riktlinjer och inövade rutiner för att kunna bibehålla ett patientsäkert och effektiv traumaomhändertagande.   Syfte: Att identifiera faktorer som kan inverka på patientsäkerheten i samband med att anestesisjuksköterskan larmas till akutrummet.   Metod: Med resilience engineering som utgångspunkt gjordes en flerfallsstudie med holistisk design. Varje fall (n=8) analyserades separat för att sammanställas med en induktiv ansats genom instrumentet Functional Resonance Analysis Method. Följsamheten mot lokala riktlinjerna kontrollerades med en deduktiv ansats.   Resultat: Anestesisjuksköterskan har till hälften av fallen den lokalkännedom som krävdes enligt gällande riktlinjer, anestesisjuksköterskan förefaller i flera fall sakna kunskap om den tekniska apparaturen som används. Detta resulterar i att anestesisjuksköterskan inte arbetade självständig utan blev beroende av traumateamet för att slutföra sina uppgifter. Förberedelserna varierade stort, i majoriteten av fallen fanns ingen större följsamhet till de riktlinjer som styrde anestesisjuksköterskans arbete i ett traumaomhändertagande. En hög patientsäkerhet bibehölls genom att arbetsfördelningen och förberedelserna delades på, ofta outtalat inom traumateamets medlemmar. Tack vare stor personalgrupp och hög kompetens inom traumateamet kunde teamets medlemmar komplettera varandra.   Slutsats: Flera aspekter som kan påverka patientsäkerhet negativt identifierades. Flertalet av dessa bl.a. lokal- och utrustningskännedom för anestesisjuksköterskor bedömdes kunna minskas eller elimineras om följsamheten till riktlinjerna skärps. I alla analyserade fall bibehålls god patientsäkerhet tack vare traumateamets höga resilience. / Background: Injuries in care occurs in approximately 10 percent of all patients. In a critical trauma care the anaesthetic nurse works in an unfamiliar workplace. This requires high competence and directive guidelines to maintain a high patient safety and effective trauma care.   Objectives: To identify factors that can have impact on the patient safety when the anaesthetic nurse is called to the ER.   Methods: Through resilience engineering, a multi-case study with a holistic design was conducted. Each case (n=8) analysed separately with an inductive approach with the instrument Functional Resonance Analysis Method. Thereafter, the compliance with guidelines was studied with a deductive approach.   Results: The anaesthetic nurse lacked the required knowledge of the ER that is required by the guidelines in half of the cases. The anaesthetic nurse also appeared to lack knowledge of technical equipment. This caused dependency in the anaesthetic nurse to fulfil its duties. Preparations varied greatly, in most of cases there was no major compliance with the guidelines for the anaesthetic nurse. High patient safety was maintained by dividing the labour within the team’s members. Thanks to large staff and level of competence within the team, the members could complement each other.   Conclusions: Several aspects that could affect patient safety negatively were identified. Most of these negative aspects could be reduced if compliance with guidelines were tightened. Throughout all cases, good patient safety is maintained thanks to the team's high resilience.

Patienters upplevelse av att drabbas av vårdskador : En litteraturöversikt / Patients' experiences of suffering from adverse events : A literature review

Doverland, Johanna, Löfstrand, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patientsäkerhet innebär förebyggande av vårdskador och är en global och allvarlig fråga. I Europa förväntas var tionde patient att få en vårdskada som kunnat förebyggas. Förutom de ekonomiska kostnaderna orsakar vårdskador lidande för patienterna och för sjukvårdspersonalen. Patienten kan uppleva att kroppens gränser överskridits av att en annan människa berört kroppen, sjukvårdspersonalen påverkas både på ett professionellt och personligt plan av att ha varit involverad i en vårdskada. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa patienters upplevelse av att drabbas av vårdskador. Metod: Litteraturöversikt och analys av elva kvalitativa studier enligt Friberg. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i fem huvudteman och fem subteman. Upplevelser av bristande information och kommunikation var vanliga samt att livet begränsades efter vårdskadan. Vårdskadan medförde dessutom påfrestningar av både fysisk och psykisk karaktär. Många patienter ville förhindra att samma sak skulle drabba någon annan i framtiden. Patienter upplevde att de kunnat vända den påfrestande upplevelsen till något positivt. Diskussion: Patienter behöver få ärlig och fullständig information om vad som hänt när en vårdskada inträffat, det är mer sannolikt att patientens respons blir positiv då. Om patienten möts med värdighet så kan det lindra den enskilda patientens lidande. Patienter som upplevt försoning med det inträffade kan tillskriva det genomlevda lidandet en mening. Behov av att få prata om det som hänt finns både för de drabbade patienterna samt för inblandad sjukvårdspersonal, som i denna kontext kallas för det andra offret. / Background: Patient safety involves the prevention of adverse events and is a global and serious issue. In Europe one out of ten patients is expected to suffer from an adverse event that could have been prevented. Except the economic costs adverse events cause suffering for both patients and medical staff. The patient may experience that the body´s boundaries have been exceeded when another human being touched the body, the medical staff who had been involved in an adverse event are affected both on a professional and personal level. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients’ experiences of suffering from adverse events. Method: A literature review and analysis of eleven qualitative articles according to Friberg. Results: The literature review resulted in five main themes and five subthemes. Experiences of lack of information and communication were usual and also that life became restricted because of the adverse event. The adverse events also caused stress of both physical and psychological nature. Many patients wanted to prevent that the same thing would happen to someone else in the future. A few felt that they could turn the stressful experience into something positive Discussion: Patients must receive honest and complete information on what happened after an adverse event, it is more likely that the patient's response is positive then. If the patient is treated with dignity it may relieve the individual patient's suffering. Patients who have experienced reconciliation with the incident can ascribe the suffering a meaning. There is a need to talk about the adverse event, both for the patients and for the involved professionals, which in this context is called the second victim.

Hur olika faktorer i sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö påverkar patientsäkerheten / How different factors in the nurse's work environment affectpatient safety.

Engerö, Karin, Segerdahl, Pernilla January 2017 (has links)
Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde är omvårdnad och förutom lagar och riktlinjer ska även etiska regler följas. Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning har ökat och studier visar att de upplever arbetsmiljön som stressig och att de inte hinner utföra sina omvårdnadsuppgifter. Genom att arbeta patientsäkert minskar risken att patienten drabbas av vårdskada. Trots flera års satsningar på patientsäkerhetsarbete är bristande patientsäkerhet ett problem både i Sverige och internationellt. Förhållanden i arbetsmiljön har hittills inte i så stor utsträckning tagits med i arbetet kring patientsäkerhet. Syftet med den allmänna litteraturstudien var därför att undersöka hur olika faktorer i sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö påverkar patientsäkerheten. En systematisk sökning i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl genomfördes med sökord valda utifrån syftet. Resultatet baseras på sju kvantitativa artiklar och tre kvalitativa artiklar och visar att det är flera faktorer i arbetsmiljön som påverkar patientsäkerheten och det är liknande resultat internationellt. En god bemanning, ett gott arbetsklimat på arbetsplatsen och en lyhörd organisation minskar risken för patienter att dö samt minskar även risken för komplikationer, minskar antal uteblivna omvårdnadsåtgärder och minskar vårdtiderna. Mer forskning behövs för arbetsklimatets och utbildningsnivåns betydelse för patientsäkerheten samt även inom andra områden än på sjukhus. / The nurse's responsibilities except nursing are to follow laws, guidelines and ethical rules. Nurses´ workload has increased and studies show that they experience the work environment as stressful and that they report that nursing care is left undone. By working to improve patient safety the risk of a patient being harmed is reduced. Despite several years of patient safety efforts, lack of patient safety is a problem both in Sweden and internationally. Conditions in the working environment have not yet to a great extent been included in the work on patient safety. The aim of this general literature study was therefore to investigate how different factors in the nurse's work environment affect patient safety. A systematic search in the PubMed and Cinahl databases was performed with keywords chosen based on the aim of the study. The result is based on seven quantitative articles and three qualitative articles, showing that there are several factors in the work environment that affect patient safety and there are similar results internationally. Good staffing, a good working environment and a responsive organization reduce the risk of patients dying and the risk of complications. The same factors reduce missed nursing care and reduce the patients’ length of stay. More research is needed for the importance of the ward climate and nurses’ education level for patient safety and also in areas other than hospitals.

On Decision Support in Participatory Medicine Supporting Health Care Empowerment

Ådahl, Kerstin January 2012 (has links)
The task of ensuring Patient Safety is, more than ever, central in Healthcare. The report “To Err is Human” [Kohn et al. 2000], was revealing alarming numbers of incidents, injuries and deaths caused by deficiencies in healthcare activities. The book initiated assessment and change of Healthcare methods and procedures. In addition, numerous reports to Swedish HSAN (Medical Responsibility Board) have shown a high rate of information and communication deficiencies in Healthcare has a direct or indirect cause of incidents, injuries and deaths. Despite numerous of new sophisticated tools for information management in recent years, e.g., tools such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), the threats to Patient Safety have not been redeemed. Rather to the contrary. Underlying reasons for this paradox are twofold. Firstly, advancements in diagnosing techniques have given rise to increasing volumes of data at the same time as the number of patients has increased due to demographic changes and advancements in treatments. Secondly, the information processing systems are far from aligned to related workflow processes. In short, we do not at present have interoperability in our Healthcare systems. In this doctoral dissertation, we present an in-depth analysis of two different “HSAN-typical” cases, where Patient Safety was jeopardized by incomplete information flows and/or information breakdowns. The cases are mirroring the apprehension of Simplicity, that is, Occam´s Razor of Diagnostic Parsimony. A well-known protocol used in Healthcare and implemented in most (knowledge based) CDSS. This rule of thumb is the foundation for the well-known adage: “when you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras”. Hickam´s Dictum is one well known objection to the simplifications of Occam´s Razor stating "Patients can have as many diseases as they damn well please". Of course, this Dictum is harder to implement effectively! In the thesis we suggest a visualization tool Visual Incidence Anamneses (VIA) to provide middle out compromise between Ockham and Hickam but providing means to increase Patient Safety. The findings of our Study for the thesis have resulted in a number of Aspects and Principles as well as Core-principles for future CDSS design, That is, tools and methodologies that will support designing and validating Interoperability of Healthcare systems across patient-centric workflows. The VIA tool should be used as the initiating point in a patient (individual) centered workflow, quickly visualizing vital information such as symptoms, incidents and diagnoses, occurring earlier in the medical history, at different times, to ground further vital decisions on. The visualization will enable analysis of timelines and earlier diagnoses of the patient, using visually salient nodes for visualization of causalities in context. Furthermore, support for customization of the tool to the views of stakeholders, members of healthcare teams and empowerments of the patient, is crucial.

Läkemedelshanteringsprocessen : Inom äldreomsorgen hos Socialförvaltningen / The Process of Drug Management : within the Social Service of the Elderly Care

Cosic, Matea, Uka, Albulena January 2016 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey of the Process of Drug Management in elderly care from when a drug is prescribed to when it is discarded. The purpose also includes to investigate how the various activities are linked to each other and to identify errors for the patient safety. In order to fulfil the purpose, two issues have been formulated: 1. What activities are currently in the Process of Drug Management in elderly care? 2. What deviations can occur in the Process of Drug Management and can be errors for the patient safety? Method In order to fulfil the purpose, a case study was made on the Social Service of the elderly care. Empirical data has been collected through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Further on the empirical data has been analysed and compared with the theoretical framework in order to achieve the purpose of the study. Findings The five main activities which have been identified in the Process of Drug Management are Prescription, Requisition and Check, Storage, Readying and Administration and finally Follow-up. In order to identify errors for the patient safety in the different activities, a value stream map has been designed where the risk has been placed and later on discussed. Errors for the patient safety exist among other factors such as due to lack in communication and information, human factors such as stress, lack of sleep, cultural shocks and lack of motivation for work. The study also shows that there is lack of responsibility among the various operators in the process. Implications The process of drug management in elderly care is a problem area because of its complexity where deviations often occur which results in errors for the patient safety. The guidelines within elderly care are about the same throughout Sweden, which leads to the fact that development in order to prevent errors of the patient safety can take place within other organizations. Deviations are unfortunately making an impact in the first activity, “Prescription”, which contributes to additional deviations in the following activities. In order to improve the patient safety, developing the quality within the organization and within the Process of Drug Management should be a priority. Limitations The aim of the study was to gain a deeper insight into the process of Drug Management and identify errors for the patient safety. Wishful thinking is to investigate several more units in order to get a clearer picture of the problem area from different angles. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att göra en kartläggning av läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen från det att ett läkemedel skrivs ut till att det sedan kasseras. Syftet omfattar även att undersöka hur olika aktiviteter är kopplade till varandra och att identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna. För att uppfylla detta syfte har två frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilka aktiviteter ingår idag i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen? 2. Vilka avvikelser kan förekomma i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen och som kan vara patientsäkerhetsrisker? Metod För att uppnå ett resultat gjordes en fallstudie på socialförvaltningens äldreomsorg. Empirisk data har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och enkäter. Empirin har sedan analyserats och jämförts med det teoretiska ramverket för att uppnå studiens syfte. Resultat De fem olika huvudaktiviteter som har identifierats i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen är ordination, rekvisition och kontroll, förvaring, iordningsställande och administrering och till sist uppföljning. För att kunna identifiera patientsäkerhetsriskerna i de olika aktiviteterna har en kartläggning av flödet utförts. De identifierade riskerna placerades sedan ut i processflödet och diskuterades. Patientsäkerhetsriskerna förekommer bland annat på grund av kommunikations- och informationsbrister, mänskliga faktorer så som stress, sömnbrist, kulturkrockar samt motivationsbrist i arbetet. Studien visar även att det förekommer brister i ansvarsfördelningen hos de olika aktörerna i flödet. Implikationer Det uppstår många problem i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen på grund av dess komplexitet. När avvikelser förekommer i processen uppstår patientsäkerhetsrisk. Socialstyrelsen och landstingen reglerar äldreomsorgen med liknade riktlinjer i hela landet vilket kan leda till att ett förbättringsarbete i en organisation kan appliceras inom andra organisationer för att undvika patientsäkerhetsrisker. Att implementera en kvalitetsutveckling i form av ett förbättringsarbete i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen kan bidra till en ökad patientsäkerhet. Begränsningar Målet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i läkemedelshanteringsprocessen samt att identifiera patientsäkerhetsrisker. Önskvärt hade varit att undersöka flera enheter inom samma organisation för att få en tydligare bild av problemområdet från olika delar i organisationen och därmed flera olika perspektiv på vilka problem som kan uppstå i processen.

Anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av kommunikationsverktyget SBAR : En intervjustudie

Bjurman, Åsa, Skagerling, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikationsbrister inom vården är en betydande patientsäkerhetsrisk. Med anledning av detta har ett kommunikationsverktyg med akronymen SBAR introducerats syftande till att motverka detta genom att på ett strukturerat och säkert sätt överföra informationen. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av SBAR. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 10 anestesisjuksköterskor på två sjukhus i Sverige. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes baserat på detta. Inkluderades gjordes anestesisjuksköterskor som hade erfarenhet av SBAR utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval. Resultat: SBAR uppfattades ge en struktur för kommunikation vilket bidrog till patientsäkerheten. Användningen av SBAR var trots detta varierande och många gånger bristfällig. Detta berodde främst på organisationsdynamik, förmågan att använda SBAR och implementeringsförfarandet. Det genomgående temat kom att benämnas Att vara kluven och arbeta i uppförsbacke. Slutsats: SBAR är ett kommunikationsverktyg som bidrar till patientsäkerhet och därmed patientens hälsa. Men för en lyckad implementering krävs en medvetenhet om och ett främjande av de feedbackprocesser som bidrar till användningen av SBAR. / Background: Insufficient communication in the healthcare environment is a considerable patient safety hazard. To prevent this, a tool for communication with the acronym SBAR has been introduced. This by arranging the information to be conveyed through a set structure. Aim: The aim is to examine the Nurse Anesthetists experiences of SBAR. Method: Semi-structured interviews were performed with 10 Nurse Anesthetists at two hospitals in Sweden. A qualitative content analysis was performed based on this. Nurse Anesthetists with experiences of SBAR were included through convenience sampling. Results: SBAR is perceived to provide communication with a structure promoting patient safety. Nonetheless the utilization of SBAR varied and was often lacking. This was mainly due to dynamics in the organization, proficiency with SBAR and the way it was implemented. The undergoing theme was called Working uphill in a state of discrepancy. Conclusion: SBAR is a tool for communication which contributes to patient safety and thus the patient’s health. A successful implementation requires awareness and a promotion of the feedback processes related to the use of SBAR.

Hyperoxygenering : – I vilken utsträckning exponeras patienter för höga syrgaskoncentrationer under anestesi?

Brage, Olivia, Berglund, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Det har under en längre tid funnits en stor vilja att under den perioperativa fasen ge patienter höga koncentrationer av syrgas med motiveringen att förbättra vävnadsperfusion och därmed den postoperativa återhämtningen. Nyare studier har påvisat de komplikationer vilka hyperoxygenering skulle kunna medföra i form av ökad mortalitet och morbiditet. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka huruvida patienter utsätts för hyperoxygenering peroperativt. Studien inkluderade 100 patienter och har genomförts genom en deskriptiv retrospektiv journalgranskning med tillägg av jämförande analyser mellan de undersökta operationsavdelningarna. Huvudresultat för studien var att samtliga undersökta operationsavdelningar hyperoxygenerade patienter under anestesi. För hela det undersökta underlaget uppmättes medelvärdet av parametern maximalt PaO2 till 30,7 ±11,7 kPa och medelvärdet av det genomsnittligt inspiratoriska FiO2 uppmättes till 45,5 ±7,6 %. Det högst uppmätta PaO2-värdet var vid en av de undersökta operationsavdelningarna 66,5 kPa. Slutsatsen vilken kan dras av denna studie är att patienter som undergår anestesi hyperoxygeneras till en nivå som visats innebära ökade risker och hyperoxygenering skulle potentiellt kunna vara ett större peroperativt problem än vad som idag är känt. / For a long period of time, there has been a great desire to provide high concentrations of oxygen in patients during the perioperative phase with the motivation to improve tissue perfusion and postoperative recovery. Recent studies have shown that hyperoxygenation may result in complications such as increased mortality and morbidity. The purpose of the present study was to investigate if patients are exposed to hyperoxygenation perioperatively. The study included 100 patients and was conducted through a descriptive retrospective journal review, with the addition of comparative analyzes between the investigated surgical departments. The main result of the study was that all investigated surgical departments hyperoxygenated patients under anesthesia. For the entire sample material examined, the average parameter of the substrate PaO2 was measured to 30.7 ±11.7 kPa, and the mean of the average inspirational FiO2 was measured to 45,5 ±7,6 %. The highest measured PaO2 value at one of the surgical departments being investigated was 66,5 kPa. In conclusion, the results from this study shows that patients undergoing anesthesia are presently being hyperoxygenated up to a level associated with increased risks, and that hyperoxygenation potentially is a greater peroperative problem than currently known.

Mot nätverkssjukvård i komplex miljö : - behov av en vetenskaplig syn på ledning för säker vård och effektiv resursanvändning / Towards networked healthcare in complex environment : – need for a developed scientific view on management for safe care and efficient use of resources

Lagerstedt, Marianne January 2016 (has links)
Since 2008 advanced home healthcare agencies (ASiH) in a larger Swedish county council has underwent a transformation, to become part of a coming concept: networked healthcare (NVS). NVS means that intermediate multi-organizational healthcare (IMV) will be produced often in the home, and from 2013 to an increasing number of patients in different age groups with different diagnoses and medical conditions - in large variability of needs. At the same time IMV has proved to be not simply practical to implement in a resource-efficient and patientsafe way. Based on theories from Command and Control Science the safetyproblem that arise in connection with IMV is a sign of the less known increasing need of the direction and coordination support that IMV requires. With a casestudy based research approach with interactive elements, different qualitative methods has been used in two phases between 2008 - 2013. The first phase is characterized by a phenomenological approach, while the second phase has a critical hermeneutic approach. Research methods includes fieldvisits with informal discussions, in-depth interviews, validation with respondents and two different methodologies for textanalysis. The main result shows that practical aggravating circumstances for safe care consists of lesser known and from 2013 increasing problems with direction and coordination, through expanded advanced IMV in the home as a part of NVS concept. This also as a result of inadequate and inappropriate direction and coordination support for IMV. The thesis concludes that the NVS represents a resource intensive health care concept, which requires a new view on the management issue and a network-related methodology for direction and coordination. This is to promote ethical, equitable, patientsafe and dignified advanced IMV so an optimized use of resources can be implemented, through shared responsibility and coordination in patientuniquely designed networkconstellations as a given work model. / <p>QC 20160926</p>

Avaliação da integridade de luvas cirúrgicas em um hospital oncológico do interior paulista / Evaluation of the integrity of surgical gloves in an oncological hospital in the state of São Paulo

Luize, Paula Batista 11 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: a utilização de luvas cirúrgicas estéreis é uma estratégia fundamental para a prevenção de infecção do sítio cirúrgico e para a proteção da equipe cirúrgica. Entretanto é comum a ocorrência de perfurações de luvas durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos as quais, em sua maioria, não são percebidas pelos profissionais. Objetivos: testar a associação entre a ocorrência de perfuração de luvas cirúrgicas e o número de cirurgiões em campo, o tempo de duração da cirurgia, o tipo de cirurgia, o tipo de abordagem cirúrgica e a especialidade cirúrgica. Materiais e Métodos: trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal realizado num hospital especializado em oncologia do interior paulista. A população do estudo foi composta por 3.966 luvas utilizadas em 359 cirurgias realizadas no referido hospital, no período de 01 de janeiro a 28 de fevereiro de 2018. A avaliação da integridade das luvas cirúrgicas foi realizada por meio de análise visual e da insuflação de líquido, conforme a norma EN 455-1. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e pela técnica de regressão logística multivariada, utilizando-se o programa estatístico IBM SPSS Statistics versão 21. Resultados: Das 359 cirurgias analisadas, 145 (40,4%) cirurgias apresentaram luvas perfuradas. Das 3.966 luvas coletadas, 254 (6,4%) apresentaram perfuração. Do total de perfurações identificadas, 163 (64,2%) ocorreram na mão esquerda, atingiram o dedo indicador 94 (37,0%). As varáveis associadas à perfuração de luvas identificadas no modelo final foram cirurgias com tempo de duração acima de 120 minutos (OR: 3,06; IC 95%: 1,52 - 6,14) e cirurgias realizadas pelas especialidades da Ortopedia (OR: 4,40; IC95%: 2,36 - 8,20), do Tórax (OR: 3,28; IC95%: 1,75 - 6,17), da Urologia (OR: 2,97; IC95%: 1,53 - 5,76) e do Digestivo Baixo (OR: 2,35; IC95%: 1,22 - 4,54). Ressalta-se que as cirurgias realizadas por vídeo se constituíram num fator de proteção (OR: 0,35; IC95%: 0,22 - 0,56). Conclusão: o presente estudo confirmou a associação entre a perfuração de luvas e tempo de duração da cirurgia acima de 120 minutos e especialidades cirúrgica, além disso, as cirurgias realizadas por vídeo se constituíram como um fator de proteção. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos poderão subsidiar a proposição de medidas de prevenção e consequentemente contribuir para a segurança dos pacientes e dos profissionais da área da saúde / Introduction: the use of sterile surgical gloves is a fundamental strategy for the prevention of infection of the surgical site and for the protection of the surgical team. However, perforated gloves are common during surgical procedures which, for the most part, are not perceived by professionals. Objective: to test the association between the occurrence of surgical glove perforation and the number of surgeons in the surgery, the duration of the surgery, the type of surgery, the type of surgical approach and the surgical specialty. Materials and Methods: this is a crosssectional study conducted at a specialized hospital in oncology in the state of São Paulo. The study population consisted of 3.966 gloves used in 359 surgeries performed at the referred hospital, from January 1 to February 28, 2018. The evaluation of surgical glove integrity was performed through visual analysis and fluid insufflation, in accordance with EN 455-1. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the multivariate logistic regression technique using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 21 statistical program. Results: of the 359 surgeries analyzed, 145 (40,4%) surgeries had perforated gloves. Of the 3.966 gloves collected, 254 (6,4%) presented perforation. Of the total number of perforations identified, 163 (64,2%) occurred in the left hand, reaching the index finger 94 (37,0%). The variables associated with the perforation of gloves identified in the final model were surgeries with duration time over 120 minutes (OR: 3,06; 95% CI: 1,52 - 6,14) and surgeries performed by Orthopedics specialties (OR: 4,40; 95% CI: 2,36 - 8,20), Thorax (OR: 3.28; 95% CI:1.75 - 6.17), Urology (OR: 2,97; 95% CI: 1,53 - 5,76) and the Low Digestive (OR: 2.35; 95% CI: 1,22 - 4,54). It should be emphasized that the surgeries performed by video were constituted as a protection factor (OR: 0,35; 95% CI: 0,22 - 0,56). Conclusion: the present study confirmed the association between the perforation of gloves and the duration of surgery over 120 minutes and surgical specialties, besides that the surgeries performed by video were constituted as a protection factor. It is believed that the results obtained may support the proposal of preventive measures and consequently contribute to the safety of patients and health professionals

De la gestion des risques à la gestion des ressources de l’activité : étude de la résilience en anesthésie pédiatrique / From risks management to activity resources management : a study of resilience in pediatric anesthesia

Cuvelier, Lucie 06 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la fiabilité des soins en médecine et vise à développer une nouvelle approche de la sécurité : l’ingénierie de la résilience. La thèse défendue est que la résilience d’un système, c'est-à-dire son aptitude à fonctionner dans des conditions variables prévues ou non, réside dans la capacité des opérateurs de ce système à articuler la gestion des risques avec la gestion de leurs propres ressources. Les analyses, menées en collaboration avec des anesthésistes en pédiatrie, cherchent à comprendre comment ceux-ci agissent pour permettre aux patients de bénéficier de soins dans des conditions optimales de confort et de sécurité, en dépit des aléas liés à la complexité et à l’incertitude du fonctionnement du corps humain. Trois études empiriques ont été conduites pour défendre cette thèse. Outre les méthodes d’observation de l’activité réelle, elles s’appuient sur des techniques d’entretien (technique des incidents critiques et techniques des protocoles verbaux) et sur des analyses d’activité sur simulateur. La première étude permet de caractériser les aléas et les perturbations que doivent gérer les anesthésistes dans leur pratique quotidienne. Elle met en évidence deux types de situations imprévues (les situations possibles et les situations impensées) et montrent que la façon dont ces situations sont prises en charge n’est pas seulement liée à la nature des perturbations en elles-mêmes mais dépend surtout de leur anticipation par les opérateurs en situation réelle. La seconde étude s’intéresse alors aux mécanismes d’anticipation des « situations possibles » par les anesthésistes. Elle montre que la définition d’une enveloppe de situations possibles repose non seulement sur l’évaluation des risques pour le patient, à partir des règles et des connaissances générales du domaine, mais aussi sur l’évaluation et la gestion des ressources de l’équipe. L’objectif des anesthésistes est en fait plutôt de concevoir des situations ajustées aux ressources des différents opérateurs qui interviennent et interviendront. L’anticipation prend donc en compte les ressources du collectif. De plus, iI semble que cette gestion ne vise pas uniquement à maîtriser la situation à court terme, mais aussi le développement des ressources à plus long terme. La troisième étude concerne l’occurrence, pendant l’intervention, d’une « situation impensée » qui sort de l’enveloppe des situations possibles conçue a priori. Trois modalités de prise en charge de ces situations impensées ont été identifiées : la gestion « prudente », la gestion « déterminée » et la gestion « débordée ». L’analyse comparative de l’activité des équipes sur simulateur montre que ces trois types de prise en charge relèvent de modalités de gestion différentes des ressources cognitives. Les actions menées par les équipes face aux perturbations impensées ne visent pas seulement à gérer dans l’immédiat les risques encourus par le patient, mais aussi à conserver une « maîtrise durable » de la situation, en évitant d’accumuler des incompréhensions au sein du groupe et en adaptant la prise en charge aux ressources cognitives des coéquipiers. Ainsi, la gestion de leurs propres ressources (compétences, savoirs, savoir-faire, règles de métiers, etc...) par les opérateurs est un élément clef de la résilience. Ces résultats permettent d’une part, d’identifier des conditions organisationnelles favorables à la mise en oeuvre de ces processus de gestion des ressources développés par les opérateurs et, d’autre part, de proposer des méthodes de prévention innovantes des risques liés aux soins, tels des systèmes de formation sur simulateur. Alors que la gestion des risques est généralement abordée sous l’angle des compromis de but entre « objectifs de performance » et « objectifs de sécurité », la discussion de ces résultats invite à dépasser cette opposition classique et à questionner les modèles de performance dans lesquels s’inscrivent les démarches de prévention. / This research, which addresses patient safety, aims to develop a new approach to safety: resilience engineering. The thesis assumes that the resilience of a system, that is to say its ability to function under varying conditions expected or not, lies in the operators’ ability to articulate the management of risk with the management of their own resources. The analysis,conducted in the context of pediatric anesthesia and in collaboration with anesthetists, seeks to understand how professionals act in order to provide care in optimal conditions of comfort and safety, despite the uncertainties related to the complexity and the uncertainty of the human body. Three empirical studies were conducted to investigate this thesis. In addition to the observation of real work activity, interview techniques (critical incident technique and verbal protocols technique) and analyses of simulations were used. The first study allows the uncertainties and disruptions to be managed by anesthetists in their daily practice to be described. Two types of unexpected situations (possible situations and unthought situations) can be met. The way in which these situations are handled is not only related to the nature of the disturbances themselves, but mainly depends on their anticipation by operators in real conditions. The second study concerned the anticipation mechanisms of "possible situations" by the anesthetists. Results indicate that the definition of an envelope of possible situations is not only based on an assessment of patient’s risks, supported by rules and general knowledge in the field, but also on the evaluation and management of the team’s resources: the goal of anesthetists is to design situations adjusted to the resources of the various operators involved (themselves included) and/or that will be involved. Therefore, the anticipation takes into account the resources of the collective. Furthermore, this management aims not only at mastering the situation in the short term, but also at developing resources in the longer term. The third study concerns the management of an “unthought situation” which trespasses the envelope of a priori possible situations. Three ways to handle these unthought situations were identified: “cautious” management, “determined” management and “overwhelmed” management. The comparative analysis of the teams’ activities shows that the management of cognitive resources varies according to the way in which situations are handled. When facing unthought situations, teams not only attempt to manage the immediate risks to the patient but also to maintain a “sustainable control” of the situation, by avoiding misunderstandings within the group and by adapting care to teammates’ cognitive resources. Thus, the management of their own resources (skills, knowledge, know-how, rules of the trade, etc...) by operators is a key element for resilience. These results allow, on one hand, to identify organizational conditions favorable to the implementation of these processes of resource management developed by the operators and, on the other hand, to propose innovative methods for risk management in healthcare such as simulator training. While risk management is generally discussed in terms of “goals trade-off” between performance objectives and safety objectives, these results challenge this traditional opposition and question the models of performance underlying prevention methodologies.

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