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Understanding sources of conflict between landlords and tenants in KenyaKinyua, Frederick Joses 09 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Kajplats för permanentboende på vatten : Vilken lagstiftning tillämpas vid upplåtelsen för boendeformen?Astner, Frida, Ohlsson, Mathilda January 2019 (has links)
Att bo i husbåt är en boendeform som fortfarande håller på att etableras på bostadsmarknaden, och regelverket kring detta är nästintill obefintligt. Det har inte återfunnits någon lagstiftning som hanterar boende på vatten och det råder tvivel om vad som gäller vid upplåtelse av husbåtar vid en kajplats. Reglerna kring upprättandet av husbåtar faller mellan plan- och bygglagstiftningen och hamnens egna regler vilket gör att det inte konkret går att säga vilken upplåtelseform som är den mest tillämpbara sett för både markägaren och den som vill bo på vatten. För att få svar på frågeställningarna i denna studie har intervjuer genomförts med olika parter dessutom har olika lantmäteriförrättningar, där vattenfastigheter bildats, analyserats. Intervjuerna genomfördes sedan med telefonintervju med semistrukturerad metod samt via mailkonversation med några enstaka respondenter. Avtalshandläggare, nyttjanderättshavare, mäklare, ett företag som producerar flytande villor och en förrättningslantmätare kontaktades för att få olika perspektiv på upplåtelsen av kajplatserna. Analysen av förrättningsakterna gav en djupare förståelse över hur fastighetsbildning på vatten sker. Respondenterna i studien uppfattade den svenska lagen lika ofullständig som författarna gjorde när det gäller boende på vatten. Resultaten visar att beroende på vilken typ av boendeform kan lagen tillämpas på olika sätt. Studien visar att den bästa lösningen för flytande villor borde vara att bilda vattenfastigheter, vilket skulle göra att villan blir fastighetstillbehör. Detta skulle göra att belåningen av villan är möjlig. När det handlar om husbåtar som är i form av ett fartyg visar studien att den bästa lösningen för denna boendeform är att tillämpa lägenhetsarrende med längsta möjliga upplåtelsetid som är 25 år. Att ha lägenhetsarrende gör det dock svårt för belåningen. / To live on a house boat is a housing form that still is establishing on the housing market, but the regulations about this are almost non-existent. You cannot find any legislation regarding living on the water today and there are doubts about what applies for grants of house boats at a berth. The rules about establishment of house boats falls between the “plan- och bygglagen” and the rules of the harbor, which makes it difficult to say which one of the grant agreement that is the most applicable for the property owner and the person who wants to live on the water. To get answers the questions in this thesis interviews were performed with different parties and different cadastral procedures were analyzed regarding water properties. The interviews were completed by phone interviews with a semi structured method and with a few respondents the questions were put through email. In this thesis a few different respondents were asked to answer the questions, this to see different perspectives of the grant of berth. The different respondents that answered the questions were a few contract managers, usufructuary, a real estate agent, a lawyer, a company which produce house boats and a cadastral surveyor. The analysis of the cadastral procedures gave a deeper understanding how property formation on water can be done. The respondents in this thesis perceived the Swedish law as incomplete as the authors of this thesis regarding living on the water. The results show that the law can be applied in different ways depending on which type of housing form it is. The study shows that the best solutions for floating houses should be property formation, that will make the house real property and will make financing of the house possible. When house boats, which are formed like ships, the study shows that the best solutions for this housing form is to apply ground lease in general with the longest grant as possible, which is 25 years. To have ground lease in general as a solution makes it hard for the house boat owners to get a loan.
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Överförande och frigörande av fastighetstillbehör : En rikstäckande studie av reglernas användande mellan 2007 och 2014 / Transmit and release property fixtureOlsson, Kim, Jansson, Fred January 2015 (has links)
Samhällets ständiga utveckling och utbyggnad kräver en mer ändamålsenlig användning av mark, anläggningar och byggnader. Ett steg i den riktningen togs den 1 januari 2002 då möjligheten att överföra och frigöra fastighetstillbehör infördes i svensk lagstiftning. Överföring av fastighetstillbehör från en fastighet till en annan görs enligt fastighets-bildningslagen eller anläggningslagen. Ett frigörande innebär att fastighetstillbehöret istället blir lös egendom och det genomförs med stöd av ledningsrättslagen. 13 år har nu gått sedan införandet och syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hur reglerna har använts mellan den 1 januari 2007 och den 31 december 2014. Studiens avgränsning i tid beror på att en liknande studie gjordes 2006. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar används två metoder. Den första är intervjuer med nio sakkunniga inom området som ska klargöra bl.a. varför de har använt reglerna och om de kan förbättras. Den andra metoden är en statistisk analys av ett utdrag från fastighetsregistret där alla åtgärder med anmärkningen "fastighetstillbehör" är med. Den statistiska analysen ska visa på hur ofta reglerna används, om detta förändras över tid och vad som överförts och frigjorts. Totalt har minst 4 014 fastighetstillbehör överförts eller frigjorts i 897 lantmäteriförrättningar. Antalet sådana åtgärder per år har halverats från 2007 till 2014. De fastighetstillbehör som är vanligast att överföra eller frigöra är sådana med ändamål vatten och avlopp vilka utgör ca 38 % av alla åtgärder. Starkström är en annan vanligt förekommande anläggning som dock har minskat med 80 % under studiens tidsintervall. Andra fastighetstillbehör som är vanliga att överföra och frigöra är jordvärmeanläggningar, byggnader och fjärrvärmeledningar. Motiven till att överföra och frigöra fastighetstillbehör är framförallt att klargöra de äganderättsliga förhållandena så att de inblandade parter vet vem som är ansvarig för drift och försäkring av byggnaden eller anläggningen. Vad gäller förbättringspotentialen för reglerna så skulle en enhetlig registrering av sådana åtgärder i FR underlätta för lantmätarna när äganderätten till ett fastighetstillbehör ska klargöras. Ett förtydligande av ansökan där man skiljer på överförande och frigörande av fastighetstillbehör skulle underlätta för fastighetsägarna att få upp ögonen för denna möjlighet. Studien visar tydligt att användandet av reglerna minskar men att den trenden sakta planar ut. Det är troligt att det kommer minska i ytterligare några år till det stannar på det grundbehov som studien tyder på finns. / Society's constant development and expansion requires a more efficient use of land, facilities and buildings. A step in this direction was taken on January 1, 2002 when the possibility of transmit and release property fixture was introduced into Swedish legislation. The transmission of a property fixture from one property to another is done according to the Real Property Formation Act or the Joint Facilities Act. With a release we mean that the property fixture becomes personal property which is carried out in accordance with the Utility Easements Act. Thirteen years have now passed since the introduction. The aim of this study is to identify how the rules have been implemented between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2014. The study's time interval was decided upon due to the fact that a similar study had been carried out in 2006. In order to reply to the purpose of the study, two methods were used. The first method was to carry out interviews with nine experts within the field in order to clarify the motives and the rules where used and if they can be improved. The second method was a statistical analysis of an extract from the real property register where all the cadastral dossiers marked "property fixture" were included. The statistical analysis showed to which extent the rules were used, if the usage changed over time and what was transmitted and released. In total some 4 014 property fixtures were transmitted or released which have been implemented within 897 cadastral procedures. The number of such actions on an annual basis has decreased by 50 % from 2007 to 2014. The property fixture that were most commonly transmitted or released were those with water and sewerage purposes which form approx. 38 % of all actions made. High voltage electricity facilities were also common to be transmitted or releases, but this category's usage of the rules has decreased by 80 % during the study's interval. The motives for transmit or release a property fixture is mainly to clarify the ownership conditions so the parties involved know who is responsible for insuring and maintaining the building or the facility. An improvement of the rules would to get a unified registration of such actions in the real property register. It would simplify the cadastral surveyors work when the freehold of a property fixture needs to be clarified. A clarification of the application where transmit and release of property fixture where separated would make it easier for property owners and open their eyes for this opportunity. The study clearly shows that the uses of the rules were decreasing during the period but the trend slowly flattens. It is likely that it will decrease a few more years until it stops on a basic need which this study thinks exist.
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As afinidades seletivas do pensamento reclusiano : na trilha da confluência das ideias de RousseauBatista, Rosana de Oliveira Santos 15 February 2013 (has links)
Le but de l´étude des pensées de Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Elisée Reclus était le résultat de la compréhension qu´il existe une interaction dialogique dans les concepts société-nature, tandis que la contribution de la pensée géographique moderne. Nous avons choisi la méthode du matérialisme historique dialectique, la philosophie du langage Mikhaïl Bakhtin, ce qui nous a permis debroniller sur analyse des processus historiques. Nous comprenons que les hommes font l´histoire pour devenir certain et / ou des déterminants / par nature, et les autres hommes, et ne sont pas sujets historiques apparaissent comme des fragments, mais s´articulent l´ensemble des structures et des situations dans lesquels ils sont insérés. Dans ce mouvement, il a été possible de comprendre la pertinence des signes dialectiques de la société, la nature, la propriété privée et de l´état dans le projet de la modernité. Ces signes servent de nous guider dans notre thèse, ce qui nous permet de réfléchir sur les fils qui tissent nous tous idéologiques de J.J Rousseau et E. Reclus dans son temps historique. Cette thèse montre reclusiano traitement théorique de la science géographique en cause découle de affinités sélectives. Sa pensée était composé des réflexions de Humboldt et Ritter géographique ou même les désaccords entre ses contemporains, La Blache et Ratzel. Dans la pensée anarchiste étaient importantes les associations entre theoriques Proudhon Bakounin et Kropotkin philosophies anarchistes dans la formation de reclusiana. La recherche a également révélé que la pensée de Jean-Jacques Rousseau pensée anarchiste unifiée et Reclus géographiques des idéaux de liberté et d´égalité, la compréhension que les discours exploités dans les deux théories ne sont pas dans le vide culturel, c´est à dire, ont été interpénétré par une polyphonie voix dissonante différentes consonnes et de telle sorte que la promotion d´une unité discursive avance aux nouvelles exigences du projet moderne de la société. Ainsi, on que chez Rousseau et Reclus a une confluence d´idées, les idéaux perçus d´une société libre de toute oppresseur, car la liberté et l´égalité sont des pouvoirs inhérents l´hommes. / O intuito de estudar os pensamentos de Jean Jacques Rousseau e Èlisèe Reclus foi fruto do entendimento de que há uma interação dialógica nos conceitos sociedade-natureza, enquanto contribuição ao pensamento geográfico da modernidade. Optamos pelo método do materialismo histórico dialético, com a filosofia da linguagem de Mikhail Bakhtin, o qual nos possibilitou uma análise dos processos históricos. Entendemos que ao fazer história os homens passam a ser determinados e/ou determinantes da/pela natureza, e pelos outros homens e, por serem sujeitos históricos aparecem não como fragmentos, mas articulados no conjunto das estruturas e conjunturas em que estão inseridos. Neste movimento, foi possível entender a relevância dos signos dialéticos sociedade, natureza, propriedade privada e Estado no projeto da Modernidade. Tais signos serviram-nos enquanto fio condutor em nossa tese, nos permitindo refletir acerca dos fios que entrelaçam cada signo ideológico inverterado nos pensamentos de J.J. Rousseau e E. Reclus em seu tempo histórico. Nesta tese desvela-se que o tratamento teórico reclusiano com a ciência geográfica adveio das relevantes afinidades seletivas. Seu pensar foi composto pelas reflexões geográficas de Humboldt e Ritter ou ainda, pelas discordâncias existentes entre seus contemporâneos, La Blache e Ratzel. No pensamento anarquista, foram importantes as associações teóricas entre Proudon, Kropotkin e Bakunin na conformação da filosofia anarquista reclusiana. A pesquisa revelou ainda que o pensar de J.J. Rousseau unificou o pensamento anarquista e geográfico de Reclus a partir dos ideais de liberdade e igualdade, entendendo que os discursos operados nas duas teorias não estavam no vazio cultural, isto é, estavam interpenetrados por uma polifonia, de várias vozes consonantes e dissonantes de maneira que promoveu uma unidade discursiva frente às novas demandas do projeto moderno de sociedade. Assim, denotamos que em Rousseau e Reclus há uma confluência de pensamentos, percebida pelos ideais de sociedade livre de qualquer opressor, já que liberdade e igualdade são faculdades inerentes aos seres humanos.
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Personal PropertyLindsay, Carolyn M. 03 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A comparison of Kenyan and South African law on security by means of movablesKoli, Natasha Mwende 16 October 2015 (has links)
This study compares the legal principles applicable in both South Africa and Kenya in the creation of security by means of movables. It identifies the forms of security that can be created in the two jurisdictions. The main focus will be on the creation, publicity, priority of security interest and enforcement of the said interests. The research will in addition establish the challenges (if any) that are encountered when creating security by means of movables in Kenya and identify practical solutions that can be adopted in order to improve the creation of security by means of movables in Kenya. / Private Law / LL. M. (Property Law)
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A comparison of Kenyan and South African law on security by means of movablesKoli, Natasha Mwende 16 October 2015 (has links)
This study compares the legal principles applicable in both South Africa and Kenya in the creation of security by means of movables. It identifies the forms of security that can be created in the two jurisdictions. The main focus will be on the creation, publicity, priority of security interest and enforcement of the said interests. The research will in addition establish the challenges (if any) that are encountered when creating security by means of movables in Kenya and identify practical solutions that can be adopted in order to improve the creation of security by means of movables in Kenya. / Private Law / LL. M. (Property Law)
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Tombamento e a justa composição para o patrimônio culturalSpaolonzi, Maria Gabriella Pavlopoulos 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-21T09:01:17Z
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Maria Gabriella Pavlopoulos Spaolonzi.pdf: 1567221 bytes, checksum: d847125617fcbe89425f3addb6ccea72 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-21T09:01:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Maria Gabriella Pavlopoulos Spaolonzi.pdf: 1567221 bytes, checksum: d847125617fcbe89425f3addb6ccea72 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-09-27 / The aim of this study is the balanced protection of the rights reached by
state intervention in the ownership of urban real estate in the form of tipping.
To achieve this aim, in the first part, we discuss the concepts elevated
to the constitutional guarantee. More precisely, on the elements that make up
the concept of cultural heritage as well as the right to property. From the
valorization of the right to culture, which is also constitutionalised, a new
meaning of the social function of property is focused in order to conclude that
property has lost its absolute character over the years.
This research then visited the various forms of state intervention in
private property to devote greater attention to tipping - the most important
instrument of our legal system for the protection of cultural heritage.
A special chapter was dedicated to the indemnification aspect of tipping
to conclude that the aforementioned form of state intervention, often
responsible for serious damage to the holder of the domain, accommodates
itself in social resilience. From this conclusion, the study dealt with the right of
indemnification of the individual and some forms of its concretization.
The second part of the study devoted attention to the Vila Operária
Maria Zéliae, located in the neighborhood of Belém, in São Paulo. This village
was established more than one hundred years ago. This Villa suffers from the
effects of the tipping since the 1980s. This state intervention has in many
cases configured the total misconfiguration of the property with total damage
to the cultural patrimony. For what possible solutions can concrete case
The conclusion of the study highlights the need to apply instruments
aimed at provoking the responsibility of the parties affected by the tipping. As
for the particular, the need for it to be called to respond for the effective
maintenance of the good even in the form of its provocation in the hypotheses
in which it does not have the financial resources for such purpose. In relation
to the Public Power, to respond for the damages caused not only to the
particular but to the cultural patrimony in the situations in which it remains inert
even when the hype and lack of knowledge of the owner of the domain was a
known fact even before the concretization of his intervention in his property . / O objeto de estudo deste é trabalho é a proteção equilibrada dos
direitos atingidos pela intervenção estatal na propriedade de bens imóveis
urbanos, na forma de tombamento.
Com esse propósito, discorre-se, numa primeira parte, sobre conceitos
elevados à garantia constitucional. Mais precisamente, sobre os elementos
que compõem o conceito de patrimônio cultural bem como o direito de
propriedade. A partir da valorização do direito à cultura, igualmente
constitucionalizado, foca-se um novo significado da função social da
propriedade para se concluir que a propriedade perdeu, ao longo dos anos,
seu caráter absoluto.
Em seguida, esta pesquisa visitou as diversas formas de intervenção
do Estado na propriedade privada para dedicar maior atenção ao tombamento
– instrumento mais importante do nosso ordenamento jurídico para proteção
do patrimônio cultural.
Dedicou-se um capítulo especial ao aspecto indenizatório do
tombamento para se concluir que mencionada forma de intervenção estatal,
muitas vezes responsável por prejuízos graves ao titular do domínio,
acomoda-se na resiliência social. A partir desta conclusão, o estudo versou
sobre o direito indenizatório do particular e algumas formas de sua
A segunda parte do trabalho dedicou atenção ao caso Vila Operária
Maria Zélia, situada no Bairro do Belém, no Município de São Paulo.
Constituída há mais de um século, esta Vila padece com os efeitos do
tombamento desde a década de 1980. Referida intervenção estatal
configurou, em muitos casos, a total desconfiguração do bem com total
prejuízo ao patrimônio cultural. Por quais soluções possíveis caso concreto
por aguardar?
A conclusão dos estudos coloca em evidência a necessidade de
aplicação de instrumentos voltados à provocação da responsabilidade das
partes atingidas pelo tombamento. Quanto ao particular, a necessidade de o
mesmo ser chamado a responder pela efetiva manutenção do bem inclusive
na forma de sua provocação nas hipóteses em que não dispõe de recursos
financeiros para tal finalidade. Em relação ao Poder Público, para responder
pelos prejuízos causados não apenas ao particular, mas ao patrimônio
cultural nas situações em que se mantém inerte mesmo quando a
hipossuficiência e o desconhecimento do titular do domínio era fato sabido
antes mesmo da concretização de sua intervenção em sua propriedade.
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O direito urbanístico como instrumento de equilíbrio entre a função socioambiental da propriedade e o direito à propriedade privadaDorneles, Ana Cláudia Bertoglio 01 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o direito urbanístico como instrumento de equilíbrio entre a função socioambiental da propriedade e o direito à propriedade privada. Sendo assim, a aplicação do direito urbanístico busca disciplinar o uso e a ocupação do solo, por meio de instrumentos capazes de impor limitações ao direito de propriedade, superando a ideia da propriedade como um direito absoluto titularizado pelo indivíduo, dando lugar ao atendimento da função socioambiental da propriedade privada. A função socioambiental da propriedade privada busca uma sociedade mais igualitária, menos desequilibrada, na qual o acesso à propriedade e o uso que se faz dela sejam orientados no sentido de proporcionar ampliação de oportunidades a todos, e garantir o desenvolvimento das cidades, a partir da implantação do planejamento. Nesse sentido, o planejamento está condicionado à elaboração dos planos, a qual se dá pela interdisciplinaridade de profissionais envolvidos na elaboração dos mesmos, bem como pela participação da população e de associações representativas em audiências públicas para a aprovação do plano. A efetiva aplicação do instrumento de planejamento garantirá o desenvolvimento integrado e harmônico das cidades, o bem-estar da comunidade, a preservação e o equilíbrio do meio ambiente. Para tanto, o projeto de cidade deve condicionar práticas sociais, ambientais, econômicas, estéticas e funcionais tornando as cidades um espaço de viver e conviver. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T18:12:39Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Ana Claudia B Dorneles.pdf: 542655 bytes, checksum: 14c18d8d29ac5975592b73b38e87a0d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T18:12:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Ana Claudia B Dorneles.pdf: 542655 bytes, checksum: 14c18d8d29ac5975592b73b38e87a0d0 (MD5) / The present work has for objective to present the urban right as balance instrument enters the property´s socioambiental function and the right of private property. Being thus, the application of urban right aims to discipline use and occupation of ground, through instruments capable to impose limitations to property right, surpassing the idea of property as an absolute right, giving place for the understanding of private property´s socioambiental function. Private property´s socioambiental function aims an equal society, less unbalanced, in which property´s access and its use are guided in the direction to provide magnifying of chances to all, and guarantee cities development, from implantation of planning. In this direction, planning is conditional to plans elaboration, which happens through the involvement of professionals in its elaboration, as well as, for e population and representative associations participation in audiences to approve plans. The effective application of planning instrument will guarantee integrated and harmonic development of cities, well-being of community, preservation and environment balance. For that, city´s project must condition social, ambient, economic, aesthetic and functional practices, becoming cities a space of living and coexisting.
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Revitalização de brownfields : da aplicação do princípio da função socioambiental da propriedade ao gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas ou suspeitas de contaminaçãoMattei, Juliana Flávia 19 November 2010 (has links)
Como efeito negativo da sociedade marcada pelo desenvolvimento industrial a qualquer preço, especialmente decorrente do revés processo histórico de desativação de indústrias, surgiram no espaço urbano extensas áreas abandonadas suspeitas ou efetivamente contaminadas. Estas áreas são denominadas brownfields, e podem ser encontradas em praticamente todos os países industrializados ou em processo intenso de industrialização, em qualquer dos Continentes. Mostra-se relevante perceber a situação atual do gerenciamento de brownfields, mais especificamente de áreas contaminadas, que compõem o cenário de grande parte das cidades, e os instrumentos utilizados para promover a sua refuncionalização, especialmente os mecanismos legais criados para este fim. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo é caso emblemático no Brasil tanto na constatação e registros da formação de brownfields pela relocalização de empreendimentos industriais quanto pela forma pioneira com que vem inovando e implementando instrumentos para a revitalização desses espaços urbanos, aliando iniciativas políticas e legais. Ainda, a recentíssima Resolução CONAMA nº 420, de 28 dezembro de 2009, surge como a primeira regulamentação sobre o tema em nível federal no Brasil, e traz a expectativa de que o tema seja finalmente enfrentado adequadamente no País, embora ainda mereça aprimoramentos e medidas complementares. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T19:06:59Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Juliana Flavia Mattei.pdf: 1796369 bytes, checksum: 212b89fe86f392c6e12cad7b05d176ea (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T19:06:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Juliana Flavia Mattei.pdf: 1796369 bytes, checksum: 212b89fe86f392c6e12cad7b05d176ea (MD5) / As a negative effect of the industrial development at any price, especially due to the historical process of closure of industries have emerged large urban areas abandoned, which are suspected or actually contaminated. These areas are called brownfields, and can be found in virtually all countries, industrialized or under intense process of industrialization in any of the Continents. It is necessary to study the current status of brownfields management, which have been being a mark of industrialized cities, and the instruments used to promote their revitalization or refunctioning, especially the legal mechanisms created for this purpose. The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in Brazil is emblematic case both in finding and comfirming the formation of brownfields by relocation of industrial enterprises, as well the pioneer way in innovating and deploying tools for urban areas revitalization, combining political and legal initiatives. Also, the very recent CONAMA Resolution 420 of December 28th, 2009, appears as the first legislation on the issue from federal initiative in Brazil, and raises the hope that the problem is finally addressed adequately in the country, though still worthy of improvements and complementary measures.
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