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Residents’ perception of safety in a vulnerable neighborhood : A case study from Andersberg, Gävle, SwedenAskar, Afnan, Badra, Ayysha January 2023 (has links)
Feeling safe is important for residents in their neighborhoods, but how do residents living in an area rumored to be unsafe perceive safety? This case study examined the perceived safety in a vulnerable area (Swedish: Utsatt område) in Gävle, Sweden. These vulnerable neighborhoods fall under the Swedish million housing program that consist of residential areas with large and high resident buildings that are often densified. This study aimed to examine the residents’ perception of safety in a neighborhood with the same conditions, in addition to evaluate crime prevention in the area using crime prevention through environmental design principles. territoriality, natural surveillance, activity support and access control. The aim of this study was achieved by using the following methods: CPTED inventory, safety walks and a survey. The safety walk was conducted with residents of the area. The inventory showed that crime prevention in the area is considered low, however, the results from safety walk suggest that the residents perceive the area as moderately safe. This study provides some suggestions in order to provide better crime prevention and better perception of safety in the area.Examples among the suggestions were to better the lighting and create more pedestrian crossovers on the car-based roads to decrease possible barrier effects. / Att känna sig trygg är viktigt för invånare i sina stadsdelar, men hur upplever invånare som bor i ett område som ryktas vara otryggt sin trygghet? Denna fallstudie undersökte den upplevda tryggheten i ett utsatt område i Gävle, Sverige. Dessa utsatta stadsdelar faller under det svenska miljonboendeprogrammet som består av bostadsområden med stora och höga bostadshus som ofta är förtätade. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka invånarnas uppfattning om trygghet i en stadsdel med samma förutsättningar, samt att utvärdera brottsförebyggande arbete i området med hjälp av brottsförebyggande principer såsom territorialitet, naturlig övervakning, aktivitetsstöd och tillträdeskontroll. Syftet med denna studie uppnåddes genom att använda följande metoder: CPTED-inventering, säkerhetsvandringar och en undersökning. Trygghetsvandringen genomfördes med boende i området. Inventeringen visade att det brottsförebyggande faktorerna i området anses lågt, dock tyder resultaten från trygghetsvandring på att de boende uppfattar området som måttligt säkert. Denna studie ger några förslag för att förbättra de brottförebyggande faktorerna och ge en bättre trygghetsuppfattning i området. Exempel bland förslagen var att förbättra belysningen och skapa fler övergångar för fotgängare på de bil baserade vägarna för att minska eventuella barriäreffekter.
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Kartläggning av faktorer som påverkar resebeteendet i samband med skjutsning : En studie av hur barn reser till och från idrottsaktiviteter. / Mapping of factors that influence travel behaviour : A study of how children travel to and from sports activitiesWall, Henrietta January 2020 (has links)
Trafiksystem utformade till förmån för bilanvändning föranleder stora utmaningar i form av globala klimatförändringar, där omkring en fjärdedel av de globala koldioxidutsläppen kan kopplas till transportsektorn. Traditionella tillvägagångssätt för att sänka utsläppen från personbilar, där fysisk infrastruktur är det främsta verktyget, anses inte tillräckligt för att möta de ambitiösa miljömålen på global och nationell nivå. Därmed måste nya metoder för att sänka utsläppen utredas och ett alternativ är att studera hur förändringar i trafikanters beteende kan resultera i minskad bilanvändning och därmed bidra till mer hållbara trafiksystem. Att skjutsa barn till och från idrottsaktiviteter inkluderas ofta som en av orsakerna till att familjer med barn känner ett behov att ha tillgång till en egen bil i större utsträckning än andra befolkningsgrupper. Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete var att, med hjälp av tre idrottsföreningar i olika stora svenska tätorter, analysera hur skjutsningen av barn är organiserad, vilka strukturer som stödjer och vilka som minskar behovet av skjutsning med bil. Syftet var dessutom att skapa kunskap om hur individen formar sitt resebeteende baserat på sin rumsliga och sociala omgivning. Målet var att med vetskapen om detta kunna utforma planeringstrategier för minskad bilanvändning. För att uppnå syftet med studien krävdes det att flera metoder kombinerades. De metoder som användes var en litteraturstudie, en enkätstudie och en intervjustudie. Enkäten skickades till föräldrarna på idrottsföreningarna och utifrån svaren kategoriserades de svarande utifrån deras skjutsningsbeteenden. Därefter intervjuades föräldrar från de olika kategorierna för att kunna tillgå kvalitativa data på ett systematiskt sätt. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns en skjutsningsproblematik som följer av att bil anses vara det mest praktiska färdmedlet för att ta barn till idrottsaktiviteter. Studiens resultat indikerar att skjutsning av barn till idrottsaktiviteter påverkas av ett antal olika faktorer och att dessa skiljer sig åt mellan individer, sociala sammanhang och fysiska kontexter. Det framgår att det från föräldrarnas sida finns potential att samordna skjutsning och på så sätt bidra till omställningen till ett mer hållbart skjutsande. För att föreningar ska kunna understödja denna omställning så presenteras ett antal Mobility Management-åtgärder inspirerade av föräldrarnas förslag och av de teorier som ingår i litteraturstudien. / Traffic systems designed to benefit car use causes major climate change challenges and one fourth of global carbon dioxide emissions can be derived from the transportation sector. Traditional approaches, in which physical infrastructure is the primary tool for reducing emissions from car mediated transportation, are not sufficient to achieve the ambitious environmental goals at global and national levels. Thus, new methods must be considered and one alternative is to study how changes in user behaviour can result in reduced car use and thereby contribute to sustainable transportation systems. Driving children to and from sports activities is often included as one of the reasons why families with children feel the need to have access to their own car in a greater extent than other population groups. The overall purpose of this degree project was to, with help from three sports associations in Swedish urban areas of varying size, analyse how driving of children is organized, which structures that support and which reduce the need for driving. The purpose was moreover to generate knowledge about how the individual shapes its travel behaviour based on its spatial and social environment. With the knowledge of this, the goal was to design planning strategies with the aim of reducing car mediated transportation. To achieve the purpose of the study, a combination of several methods was a prerequisite. The methods used in this study were a literature overview, a survey and interviews. The survey was sent to parents of the members of the sports associations and a categorization by driving behaviour was made based on their answers. Interviewees was selected from the categories, to provide qualitative data in a systematic way. The results of the study confirm the problem of driving children, which derives from the fact that a car is considered the most practical mean of transportation to and from sports activities. The study results also indicate that driving of children to sports activities is affected by a number of factors and that these differ between individuals, social and spatial contexts. Additionally, parents in the study demonstrate a potential to coordinate carpooling and thus aid the transition to more sustainable driving behaviour. In order for sport associations to be able to assist this type of behavioural change, a number of Mobility Management measures, inspired by the parents' proposals and the theories included in the literature overview, are presented.
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Office environment, health and job satisfaction : an explorative study of office design's influenceDanielsson, Christina January 2005 (has links)
The present thesis investigates environmental factors impact on office employees. More specifically, it investigates: 1) perception and experience of office environments, 2) satisfaction with office environments, and 3) health status and job satisfaction in connection to office environment. It is based on an empirical study with 491 office employees from twenty-six companies and divisions in larger companies. Each one respectively represents one of seven identified office-types in office design: cell-office, sharedroom office, small open plan office, medium open plan office, large open plan office, flex-office and combi-office. This study takes its basis in architecture, although an interdisciplinary approach from organizational and management theory, environmental psychology, and social and stress medicine has been used. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. In Article I a review of the different research fields that investigate environmental influences are presented with a focus on office environments. Different perspectives on the environmental impact on office employees are investigated. In Article II an analysis of office environment based on the employee’s perception and experience of the architecture is done based on in-depth interviews using a method originally developed by Kevin Lynch (1960). The method measures the "imagebility" of a space, rated by the users with following elements: landmark, node, path, edge and district. The result showed that the method, based on employees’ perception and use of space, is a possible tool in the design process to get a better understanding of where the elements that reinforce "imageability" most likely will appear in an office environment. The method thus gives a better idea of the future "imageability" of a space and could be useful as guidance in the design process of how the architectural design will be received by the users in the end. In Article III employees’ satisfaction with the office environment in different office-types is investigated. The article focuses on three domains: 1) Ambient factors, 2) Noise and Privacy and 3) Designrelated factors. The statistical analysis was done using a logistic regression model with multivariate analysis. Adjustment was done for: age, gender, job rank, job satisfaction and market division. The results show differences in satisfaction with the office environment between employees in different office-types, many of which were statistically significant. When differences persist in the multivariate analysis they can possibly be ascribed to the office-type. Results show that employees in cell-offices are prominently most satisfied followed by those in flex-offices. Cell-offices rate only low on social aspects of Design-related factors. A major finding is internal differences between different office-types where employees share workspace and facilities. The medium and large open plan offices could be described as high-risk officetypes. In Article IV differences between employees in different office-types with regard to health, wellbeing and job satisfaction are analyzed. A multivariate analysis of the data was done with adjustment for the confounders: age, gender, job rank and market division. The results show that there are risks of ill health and poor well-being in medium and small open plan offices. Employees in these office-types show significantly higher risks compared with those in other office-types. In medium open plan and combioffices the employees show the highest prevalence of low job satisfaction. The best chance for good health status and job satisfaction is among employees in cell-offices and flex-offices; there are, however, internal differences in distribution on different outcome variables for job satisfaction. The major finding of these studies is that there are significant differences with regard to satisfaction with office environments as well as health status and job satisfaction between employees in different office-types; differences that can possibly can be ascribed to the office-types as they persist after adjustment for important confounders. / QC 20101126
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Riktlinjer för social hållbarhet : vid gestaltning av socioekonomiskt utsatta områden / Guidelines for social sustainability : when designing in districts with socioeconomic problemsAy, Philip, Attar, Ribhi January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur utformningen av den fysiska miljön påverkar den sociala hållbarheten i områden med socioekonomiska svårigheter. Fokus ligger på hur kommuner, fastighetsbolag och andra berörda aktörer arbetar med frågor rörande gestaltning, boende, fysisk miljö, trygghet och säkerhet, hälsa, inflytande och delaktighet. Syftet är att samla kunskap om ämnet samt belysa innebörden av det. Målet är att ta fram riktlinjer för social hållbarhet som stöd till upprättande av en social hållbarhetsplan eller utveckling av ett område. Forskning som berör ämnet samt intervjuer med kommun, fastighetsbolag och sakkunnig har varit centrala i framtagandet av riktlinjerna. Intervjuer och tidigare forskning korrelerar med varandra och visar att den fysiska miljön har en inverkan på människans välmående. Studien ställer viktig forskning i samband med en inkluderande samarbetsprocess och ger förklaring till att involvera inblandade aktörer och befintliga invånare i utvecklingen av områdets fysiska miljö. En blandning av bebyggelse och verksamheter är viktigt. Tillsammans med en öppen och attraktiv fysisk miljö kan detta på lång sikt bidra till ökad rörelse och trygghetskänsla. Kollektivtrafiken i samband med verksamheter och bra förbindelser kan underlätta för boende att knyta sociala kontakter. / This paper illustrates how the built environment affects the social sustainability in areas with socio-economic difficulties. The focus is on how municipalities, real estate companies and other actors work on issues concerning design, housing, physical environment, security and safety, health, influence and participation. The purpose of this study is to gather knowledge about the subject and to highlight the meaning of it. The aim is to develop guidelines for the establishment of a social development plan or during the development of a region. Research that focuses on the subject as well as interviews with municipalities, real estate companies and an expert has been central to the preparation of the guidelines. Interviews and previous research correlate with each other and illustrate how the physical environment has an impact on the residents and their well-being. The study places important research in connection with an inclusive collaboration process and provides an explanation for involving concerned actors and existing residents in the development of the area's physical environment. A mix of buildings and operations is important. This together with an open and attractive physical environment, can in long terms contribute to increased movement and feelings of safety. Public transport in relation with activities and good connections can make it easier for residents to establish social contacts.
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Zoneamento geotécnico geral da folha de Americana - Escala 1:50.000 / General geotechnical zoning of the square of Americana/SP - 1:50.000 scaleBorges, Domingos Júnior Sales 06 June 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade apresentar os resultados obtidos no Zoneamento Geotécnico Geral da Folha de Americana/SP, na escala 1:50.000, através do mapeamento geotécnico e o levantamento das características dos atributos do meio físico representados pelo substrato rochoso, material inconsolidado e landforms da área, utilizando como base a metodologia proposta pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP (Zuquette, 1987). Como ferramenta de auxílio do trabalho foram utilizados a Técnica de Avaliação de Terreno, de acordo com Lollo (1996), e o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG-Idrisi 32), que auxiliaram na otimização dos trabalhos e manipulação dos dados obtidos, resultando na geração dos documentos cartográficos de forma satisfatória. Por fim, foram elaborados os seguintes documentos cartográficos : Mapa de Documentação, Mapa de Substrato Rochoso, Carta de Declividade, Mapa de Rede de Drenagem, Mapa de Materiais Inconsolidados, Mapa de Landforms e a Carta de Zoneamento Geotécnico Geral. / This research has the proposal of presenting General Geotecnical Zoning of the square of Americana/SP with of 1:50.000 scale, considering geotechnical mapping and the physical environment attributes characteristics associated to geology, unconsolidated material and landforms, developed in accordance to adopted methodology at \"Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos\" (Zuquette, 1987). The tools \"Técnica de Avaliação de Terreno\" based at Lollo (1996), and the Geographical Information System (GIS-Idris 32) were to used optimization and confidence on the obtained results analysis handling of the information to generation cartographic documents. The cartographic documents were elaborated study area : Documentation Map; Geological Map; Declivities Chart; Unconsolidated Materials Map; Landforms Map; Drainage Network Map and General Geotecnical Zoning Map.
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Un modèle d'environnement pour la simulation multi-agents des déplacements en milieu urbain / An environment model for the multi-agent simulation of mobility in urban areasBuisson, Jocelyn 19 December 2014 (has links)
La simulation constitue une approche majeure pour la conception, le développement, l’analyse et l’évolution des systèmes urbains. Dans le contexte de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation et à la simulation des déplacements de flux (piéton, véhicule, cycle) au sein d’environnements urbains. Le contexte industriel dans lequel s’inscrit également cette thèse impose de considérer les déplacements de chaque entité dans un univers modélisé en trois dimensions. Nous proposons d’aborder les nombreux défis scientifiques et technologiques en modélisant les flux sous la forme d’entités autonomes appelées agents. La simulation orientée-agent nécessite de définir trois mécanismes principaux : le comportement des agents, leurs interactions avec les autres agents et leurs interactions avec l’environnement dans lequel ils évoluent. Ce dernier modélise la structure du monde ainsi que sa dynamique endogène. Malheureusement, il reste difficile de trouver des modèles d’environnement répondant aux différentes problématiques scientifiques et technologiques abordées dans cette thèse. Par conséquent, nous proposons un modèle d'environnement, nommé HEDGE (HEterogenous Dual Graph Environment). Il est basé sur une décomposition de l’environnement en zones reliées par des liens de navigation et de perception. Cette structure de graphe est au centre de notre modèle. Elle a été conçue pour permettre une modélisation naturelle de l’environnement et une simulation efficace du système constitué par cet environnement et les agents. Les missions et les processus dynamiques de l’environnement sont modélisés à l’aide de mécanismes inspirés des lois de la Physique. Les actions fournies par les agents et par les algorithmes calculant la dynamique endogène de l’environnement sont des forces à appliquer aux objets du monde. Un modèle de détection et de résolution de conflits entre ces forces est utilisé afin de garantir un état cohérent du modèle de l’environnement. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous illustrons l’utilisation du modèle HEDGE dans le cadre de deux projets d’aménagement de la ville de Belfort et de sa communauté d’agglomérations Le produit de l’application de ce modèle est utilisé à des fins d’études techniques (études préliminaires, avant-projet), de communication (concertations et débats publics) et de promotion (expositions, valorisation) sous la forme de logiciels interactifs en 3D. / Simulation constitutes a major approach for the conception, development, analysis and evolution of urban systems. This thesis focusses on the modeling and simulation of movements (pedestrian, vehicle, cycle) within urban environments. The industrial context associated with this thesis requires to consider the movements of each entity in a three dimensional universe. In this thesis, we propose to address the scientific and technological challenges by using autonomous entities, called agents, to model the individuals. In agent-based simulation three elements must be defined: the agent behaviors, their interactions with other agents, and with the environment. The environment models the structure of the world and its endogenous dynamics. Unfortunately, it is still difficult to find an environment model that answers all the different scientific and technological problems addressed in this thesis. Consequently, an environment model named HEterogenous Dual Graph Environment (or HEDGE) is proposed. The HEDGE model is based on a decomposition of the environment using zones that are linked with navigation and perception links. This graph structure is at the center of our model. It is designed to “naturally” model the environment, and it allows an efficient simulation of the system composed of the environment and the agents. The environment’s missions and dynamic processes are modeled using mechanisms, which are inspired by the laws of Physics. The actions provided by the agents and the endogenous dynamics algorithms correspond to physical forces to apply to objects in the world. A model of conflict detection and resolution between those forces is used to ensure the coherence of the environment model state. In the last part of this thesis, the HEDGE model is used in the context of two urban planning projects in the city of Belfort, and its metropolitan area. The product of this model’s application is used in the context of technical studies (preliminary studies, pre-project), communication (consultation and public debates) and promotion (exposition, valorization) in the form of interactive 3D software.
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"They're not including us!" : neighbourhood deprivation and older adults' leisure time physical activity participationAnnear, M. J. January 2008 (has links)
Population ageing and the tendency for older adults to have poorer health status than younger adults have raised concerns about potential increases in the number of elderly suffering disease and disability. Significantly, many health problems experienced in later life are associated with the onset of a more sedentary lifestyle. Increasing older adults' participation in leisure time physical activity (henceforth LTPA) offers an opportunity to reduce the prevalence of preventable morbidity in later life and offset a potential burden of ageing on the public health sector. As a forerunner to the development of strategies to increase older adults' LTPA participation, researchers have investigated the intrapersonal, interpersonal and, to a lesser extent, environmental influences on this health behaviour. Recent findings from studies of the adult population have suggested that neighbourhood deprivation, a measure of the socioeconomic conditions of small areas, may significantly influence LTPA participation. Extending previous findings, this research investigated how neighbourhood deprivation influenced older adults' LTPA participation. A total of 63 older adults were recruited from high- and low-deprivation neighbourhoods in Christchurch, New Zealand. Neighbourhoods were selected because of their relative positions on the New Zealand Deprivation Index and were characterised by the researcher as "East-town", a neighbourhood of high deprivation, and "West-town", a neighbourhood of low deprivation. The research incorporated a cross-sectional, comparative and mixed-methods approach. The methods of enquiry employed in this research included a recall survey, Q method, and semi-structured interviewing. Each method addressed a different aspect of the primary research question and provided data that was used in the creation of an integrated model depicting the influence of neighbourhood deprivation on older adults' LTPA participation. The results derived from the three research methods showed that older adults from the low-deprivation neighbourhood of West-town participated in LTPA more frequently than older adults from the high-deprivation neighbourhood of East-town. East-town was identified as having many physical and social environmental constraints to LTPA and comparatively few facilitators. Alternatively, West-town was found to have many physical and social environmental facilitators to LTPA and relatively few constraints. Neighbourhood attributes which appeared to influence older adults' LTPA participation included appropriateness of leisure provision, neighbourhood attractiveness, walkability, traffic, and perceptions of crime and antisocial behaviour. One implication of this research is that environmental interventions should be considered in attempts to engage older adults in LTPA for health purposes, particularly in high-deprivation neighbourhoods.
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Hemma i Husby : En studie om hur utformning av den fysiska miljön kan öka tryggheten i Husby / At home in Husby : A study of how the configuration and design of the physical environment can increase the perceptions of security in HusbyPorselius, Matilda, Svensson, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
Studien har genomförts efter ett förslag från ÅWL Arkitekter och handlar om hur utformningen av den fysiska miljön kan påverka känslan av trygghet. Studien behandlar ett torg i förorten Husby i norra delen av Stockholms stad där människor upplever otrygghet. Stadsdelen byggdes under det så kallade miljonprogrammet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer i den fysiska miljön som har inverkan på människors upplevelser. Målet är att ta fram förslag på hur platsen kan fungera som en mötesplats där invånare känner sig trygga, säkra och välkomna. För att uppnå syftet och målet har undersökningar gjorts via intervjuer och egna observationer. De åtgärder i den fysiska miljön som tycks ha störst inverkan på människors upp-levda trygghet, och som ligger till grund för förslagen, är belysning, mötesplatser, verksamheter och växtlighet. Trygghet är en komplex fråga som innehåller många olika aspekter. För att lösa trygghetsproblemen krävs många olika åtgärder på flera olika områden. Utformning av den fysiska miljön kan vara en bidragande faktor. / This study is conducted on behalf of ÅWL Arkitekter and is about how the configuration and design of the physical environment can influence the perceptions of security. The study is about a square in the suburb Husby, in northern part of Stockholm. Husby is characterized by insecurity. The district was built during the so called “million apartment program”. The purpose with the study is to examine which factors in the physical environment has an influence on people’s experience and perceptions. The goal is to present a design for the square in order to make it to a meeting place, which can contribute to inhabitants’ feelings of security and safety. The study is based on interviews and observations. The actions within the physical environment that has the greatest influence on people’s perceptions of security, seems to be lightning, meeting places, common activities and vegetation. The design and proposals is based on these conceptions. Security is a complex matter and it contains various aspects. It takes a lot of actions in several areas to solve issues regarding security. The design of the physical environment can be a contributory factor among others.
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Zoneamento geotécnico geral da folha de Americana - Escala 1:50.000 / General geotechnical zoning of the square of Americana/SP - 1:50.000 scaleDomingos Júnior Sales Borges 06 June 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como finalidade apresentar os resultados obtidos no Zoneamento Geotécnico Geral da Folha de Americana/SP, na escala 1:50.000, através do mapeamento geotécnico e o levantamento das características dos atributos do meio físico representados pelo substrato rochoso, material inconsolidado e landforms da área, utilizando como base a metodologia proposta pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP (Zuquette, 1987). Como ferramenta de auxílio do trabalho foram utilizados a Técnica de Avaliação de Terreno, de acordo com Lollo (1996), e o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG-Idrisi 32), que auxiliaram na otimização dos trabalhos e manipulação dos dados obtidos, resultando na geração dos documentos cartográficos de forma satisfatória. Por fim, foram elaborados os seguintes documentos cartográficos : Mapa de Documentação, Mapa de Substrato Rochoso, Carta de Declividade, Mapa de Rede de Drenagem, Mapa de Materiais Inconsolidados, Mapa de Landforms e a Carta de Zoneamento Geotécnico Geral. / This research has the proposal of presenting General Geotecnical Zoning of the square of Americana/SP with of 1:50.000 scale, considering geotechnical mapping and the physical environment attributes characteristics associated to geology, unconsolidated material and landforms, developed in accordance to adopted methodology at \"Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos\" (Zuquette, 1987). The tools \"Técnica de Avaliação de Terreno\" based at Lollo (1996), and the Geographical Information System (GIS-Idris 32) were to used optimization and confidence on the obtained results analysis handling of the information to generation cartographic documents. The cartographic documents were elaborated study area : Documentation Map; Geological Map; Declivities Chart; Unconsolidated Materials Map; Landforms Map; Drainage Network Map and General Geotecnical Zoning Map.
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En undersökning kring äldres upplevelser av äldreomsorgen : En intervjuundersökningNyberg, Madelen January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine how older individuals over 80 years without dementia in a nursing home experience their daily routines, the physical living environment, meal situations and opportunities for physical activity indoors and outdoors. The method for the study was semi-structured interviews with four voluntary elderly living in a nursing home. The results were divided into three main themes which demonstrate the experiences that were raised during the interviews. Regarding physical activity and outdoor stay, the informants reported unstimulating gymnastics, helpful staff, and requests for more needlework. Regarding meal situations the respondents mentioned nice decoration in the dining room, a desire for sleep before breakfast and too large portion sizes. Regarding the living environment the informants reported a pleasant environment, good service and demented elderly who interfere. The conclusion of the study was that the older individuals generally felt well-being in the nursing home. Some experiences suggest that there was a lack of attention from the nursing staff to take account the older people’s wishes regarding for example portion sizes. The interviews also showed that the social interaction between some of the older people could have been better. / Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka hur äldre individer över 80 år utan demenssjukdom på ett äldreboende upplever de dagliga rutinerna på äldreboendet beträffande den fysiska boendemiljön, måltidssituationen samt fysisk aktivitet och utomhusvistelse. Metoden för undersökningen var semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fyra frivilliga äldre som bodde på ett äldreboende. Resultatet uppdelades i tre huvudteman som påvisade vilka upplevelser som togs upp under intervjuerna. Delar ur resultatet angående fysisk aktivitet och utomhusvistelse var ostimulerande gymnastik, hjälpsam personal samt önskemål om mer handarbete. Angående måltidssituationerna var iakttagna delar ur resultatet trevlig dekoration i matsalen, önskemål om sovmorgon före frukost och för stora portionsstorlekar. Angående boendemiljö framkom upplevelser om en trivsam miljö, bra service och dementa äldre som stör. Slutsatsen av undersökningen var att de äldre generellt upplevde situationen på äldreboendet som trivsam. En del upplevelser antydde att det saknades uppmärksamhet från personalen att beakta de äldres önskemål angående till exempel för stora portionsstorlekar. En del upplevelser från de äldre visade att den sociala interaktionen dem mellan kunde varit bättre.
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