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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Determination of Aeracoustic Sources in Low Mach Number Internal Flows

Holmberg, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, the in-duct experimental methods for determining aeroacoustic N-ports of in-duct elements are discussed and improved. The scattering matrix determination methods and the related wave decomposition methods are evaluated from measurements in an empty duct carrying a mean flow. The improvements of a new over-determination method for the source part of the N-port is studied using simulations and measurements; in quiescent air as well as measurements of the flow associated noise of a mixer plate, here a triangular plate inserted at an angle in a duct. The new method is shown to improve suppression of random errors while no improvement is achieved for bias errors.   Further, the methods are applied in the study of two different aeroacoustic phenomena; one is the effect on the flow associated noise of the triangular plate achieved by varying the bending stiffness. For the most resilient plate tested, it is observed that when the Strouhal number of the flow noise coalesce with the Helmholtz number of a specific eigen-mode of the plate, the noise is drastically dampened. There is also a weaker broad band effect.   The other phenomena studied is the amplification and attenuation obtained for sound waves propagating in a T-junction of rectangular ducts. It is found that by adding only 10% of inflow in the side branch relative to that in the main branch, the amplification is heavily increased. By adding another 10% the amplification is again similar to that of no side branch flow. Adding further flow lessens the effects still. / QC 20101118 / Experimental characterization of aero-acoustic sources

Green logistics practices in Botswana : challenges and prospects for the large construction companies

Mpondori, Priscilla Fungai 04 1900 (has links)
The construction industry is generally characterised by limited implementation of green logistics. With that in mind, this study aimed to examine the nature and extent of green logistics practices in large construction companies in Botswana. Although empirical studies have analysed green supply chain in the construction industry, most of them have not addressed the challenges and prospects of adopting green logistics by construction companies in a developing country like Botswana. Project Managers were interviewed after which a thematic analysis was used to interpret the qualitative results. Thereafter, a comparative analysis was done between the results obtained from the interviews and from extant literature. The findings showed that the adoption of the green logistics strategies was aligned more to economic reasons than environmental ones. The findings further showed that until and unless the construction, technical and administration issues are addressed, the adoption of green logistics will continue to be a challenge for the construction industry in Botswana / Centre for Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Logistics)

Re-inscribing dependency : the political economy of Mauritius JinFei Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone Co. Ltd

Cowaloosur, Honita January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the capacity of the newly introduced Chinese Special Economic Zones in Africa (CSEZAs) to deliver ‘cooperation' and ‘mutual development' to China and Africa. Referring to existing scholarship on other forms of liberal spatial economics, it addresses the conceptual, methodological and theoretical void in which the subject of CSEZAs evolves in academia. As extensive global interactive processes are identified in the schema of the CSEZA, this thesis advocates Andre Gunder Frank's Dependency Theory as the appropriate prism through which to explicate the new zone format. Empirical data about the seven CSEZAs outline the problematic and development-conducive aspects of the zone model. It is argued here that the failure to customise the SEZ model to the African context is what corrodes the developmental prospects of the CSEZAs. The Mauritius JinFei Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone is taken as an example of a problematic CSEZA. A detailed analysis of the Mauritian case allows a visualisation of the respective role of China and the African state in the CSEZA context. As the exploitative and non-developmental nature of the CSEZA model (in its current form), is established, this thesis concludes that the CSEZA gives a new interpretation to the traditional practice of dependency. This new version, nonetheless, exacerbates the dialectic development-underdevelopment processes integral to the global capitalist economy.

Modelo de gestión de los residuos procedentes de embarcaciones en los puertos pesqueros y deportivos de Cantabria: propuestas de control ambiental

Madariaga Domínguez, Ernesto 19 July 2010 (has links)
La preocupación por el Medio Ambiente y las consecuencias que su degradación pueda acarrear a las personas y a los bienes, se ha generalizado en las últimas décadas más que ningún otro sector. En la actualidad, ninguna actividad puede desarrollarse sin respetar el medio ambiente. La gestión de los puertos marítimos no ha sido ajena a esta tendencia y no han escapado tampoco los puertos pesqueros o deportivos donde también es necesario minorar cualquier forma de contaminación si se quieren limitar sus efectos negativos sobre el medio. La preocupación sobre los efectos repercutidos al medio ambiente, importarán los impactos negativos que las actividades pesqueras y de ocio repercutan, sea sobre recursos comunes o sobre el tejido social, a través de riesgos ambientales o sanitarios en sentido amplio, sobre la capacidad del entorno para absorber y regenerar desechos o sencillamente, para producir satisfacciones estéticas o de otro tipo. Los costes derivados de esos impactos dejarán, de ser externos al mercado y de ser sufragados por el conjunto de los ciudadanos, ya que afectarán directamente en buena medida, a las empresas turísticas. La calidad ambiental, pasará a ser clave para el éxito de un turismo de calidad y de muchas actividades de ocio, ya que la demanda de entornos no degradados implica la de una calidad ambiental alta, no sólo para turistas en el sentido estricto de la palabra, sino para cualquier “consumidor de ocio”. / Concern for the Environment and the consequences that might cause degradation to persons and property, has become widespread in recent decades than any other sector. At present, no activity can take place without respecting the environment. The management of seaports has not been immune to this trend and have not escaped either or sport fishing ports where it is also necessary to lessen any form of contamination if you want to limit their negative effects on the environment. Concern about the effects passed on to the environment, import the negative impacts of fishing activities and recreational impact, whether common or resources on the social fabric, through environmental and health risks in a broad sense, on the ability of the environment to absorb and regenerate waste or simply to produce aesthetic satisfaction or otherwise. The costs of these impacts will, if external to the market and be borne by all citizens, as it directly affects largely to tourism businesses. The environmental quality will be key to the success of a quality tourism and many leisure activities, as the demand for non-degraded environments involves a high environmental quality, not only for tourists in the strict sense of the word but for any "consumer of leisure".

Musulmanes y cristianos en el Mediterráneo. La costa del sureste peninsular durante la Edad Media (ss. VIII-XVI)

Munuera Navarro, David 26 February 2010 (has links)
En 1245, las tropas castellanas conquistaban Cartagena. Tras el intento alfonsí de conseguir una fuerte proyección mediterránea de Castilla, la costa murciana se convierte en un inmenso despoblado. Castilla, especialmente durante el siglo XIV, manifestó un claro desentendimiento de los asuntos mediterráneos. Sólo Cartagena, reducida a su mínima expresión urbana, sobrevive como único núcleo habitado hasta el nacimiento de Mazarrón en la segunda mitad del siglo XV.Los intereses políticos de los Reyes Católicos y la proyección de la Monarquía Hispánica en el Norte de África y el Mediterráneo occidental, recuperarán el importante papel de Cartagena y la costa murciana en el contexto geopolítico de la época. Se convirtió, en el siglo XVI, en la línea de retaguardia del gran frente abierto frente al Islam. Entonces, la costa murciana dejó de tener definitivamente un papel marginal en las maniobras políticas de la corona. / In 1245, the Castilian troops conquered Cartagena. After the attempt to achieve a strong Mediterranean projection of Castile during the reign of Alfonso X "the Wise", the coast of kingdom of Murcia becomes a vast desert. Castile, especially during the fourteenth century, has a clear misunderstanding of Mediterranean affairs. Only Cartagena, reduced to a minimum core urban, survives until the birth of Mazarrón in the second half of the fifteenth century. The political interests of the Catholic Monarchs and the projection of the Hispanic Monarchy in North Africa and the western Mediterranean, recovered the important role of Cartagena and the coast of Murcian district in the geopolitical context of the time. He became, in the sixteenth century, in rear line of the large open front face of Islam. Then, the coast of kingdom of Murcia finally stopped having a marginal role in the political maneuvers of the crown.

Analysis of storm surge impacts on transportation systems in the Georgia coastal area

Restrepo, Ana Catalina 18 November 2011 (has links)
Many Climate Scientists believe that global warming will produce more extreme weather events such as tropical storms, hurricanes, intense rainfall, and flooding. These events are considered to be the most catastrophic natural events for transportation systems especially in coastal areas. Due to the severe damage from storm surge and flooding. Evaluating the magnitude of possible storm surges and their impacts on transportation systems in coastal areas is fundamental to developing adaptation plans and impact assessments to mitigate the damage. This thesis focuses on existing transportation systems in the Georgia coastal area that could be affected by several storm surges. An existing storm surge model is used to estimate the storm surges and the surge heights based on the category, direction, and forward speed of a storm. The ground elevation of the ports, interstates, state roads, railroads, and the principal airports on the Georgia coast are identified through a GIS analysis using the national elevation data set. Having the storm surge elevation and the elevation of the existing infrastructure, a GIS study is performed to identify those parts of the transportation system that will be affected by each type of storm giving results such as the length or sections of transportation assets under or above the surge elevation. A literature review of storm surge, rising sea levels, and their impacts on coastal bridges, roads, airports, ports, and railroads is presented in the thesis. Also, a description of the software used to analyze and estimate the impacts of climate change on transportation systems is described.

Department of Defense involvement in homeland security the militarization of the southwestern border in the U.S. /

Thompson, Michael A. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Feb 11, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Ny generation av GPS-transponder / New Generation of GPS-transponder

Lind, Hampus, Flenéus, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
Detta projekt har utförts på uppdrag av Saab Dynamics. Syftet med projektet var att skapa ett system för att ersätta den befintliga utrustning som fanns för att simulera radar vid testning av vissa vapensystem.   Systemet byggdes upp med hjälp av GPRS, GPS och transportprotokollen TCP och UDP. Huvuddelen av arbetet berörde GPS och GPRS.   Denna rapport är en redogörelse för systemets framtagning och de verktyg och metoder som användes, samt en fördjupning i ämnena GPS, GPRS och deras olika protokoll. Rapporten tar även kort upp alternativa lösningar till datasamtal.   Slutsatsen som kan dras utifrån resultatet av detta projekt är att systemet fungerar och kan vara användbart i framtiden efter vidareutveckling. / This project has been carried out on behalf of Saab Dynamics. The purpose of the project was to create a system to replace the existing equipment for simulating radar when testing certain weapon systems.   The system was created using GPRS, GPS and the transport protocols TCP and UDP. GPS and GPRS were used the most.   This report is a description of the system's design and the tools and methods used to create it, as well as an in depth look into the subjects of GPS, GPRS and their various protocols. The report also briefly discusses some alternative solutions that could have been used instead of data calls.   The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this project is that the system works and can be useful in the future with further development.

Le Port de Paris : naissance d'un port industriel (milieu du XIXe siècle-1914) / The port of Paris : birth of an industrial port (mid-19th century-1914)

Lalandre, Alexandre 24 May 2017 (has links)
Le port de Paris ne correspond pas à la définition traditionnelle du terme. On doit observer tout d'abord qu'il s'agit d'un port fluvial. La difficulté de définir le port de Paris tient au fait qu'il consiste en plusieurs types d'installations: canaux, ports à darses, ports sur berges (quais droits et ports de tirage) et donc à des réalités protéiformes. Certains auteurs préfèrent l'expression« ports de Paris», pour en souligner le caractère hétéroclite. Au XIXe siècle, on parlait également des «ports de Paris», c'est-à-dire des installations sur la Seine, par opposition aux canaux. Le port de Paris correspond donc à un ensemble bordé par une soixantaine de kilomètres de rives, dont une partie destinée à la batellerie. La thèse débute à une époque durant laquelle le transport fluvial se trouve confronté aux effets de la concurrence des chemins de fer. Il lui faudra plusieurs décennies pour s'adapter et revêtir une nouvelle fonction, à savoir celle quasi exclusive de pourvoyeuse de pondéreux. Cette conversion s'est opérée essentiellement à travers l'amélioration des infrastructures fluviales. La modernisation portuaire revêtait deux volets, à savoir l'amélioration de l'outillage en vue d'optimiser le conditionnement des marchandises, et celle appartenant à une vision plus globale de la fonction du port de Paris, voire de Paris lui-même. Paris port de mer appartient à cette dernière. On peut avancer l'idée d'une opposition entre un «port réel» et un port «mythique», à savoir une voie alternative visant à transformer la vocation portuaire de la capitale. Des tentatives de réconciliation entre les deux visions se manifestent à travers la création du port d’Ivry, des commissions entre 1911 et 1914 sur la modernisation de l'outillage portuaire. / The Port of Paris does not correspond to the traditional definition of the term. It should first be noted that this is a river port. The difficulty of defining the port of Paris stems from the fact that it consists of several types of installations: canals, ports at docks, ports on banks (straight wharves and pull ports) and therefore protean realities. Some authors prefer the term "ports of Paris" to emphasize its heterogeneous character. In the 19th century, we also talked about the "ports of Paris", that is to designate installations on the Seine, as opposed to canals. The port of Paris thus corresponds to an ensemble bordered by some sixty kilometers of shore, including a part intended for inland navigation This thesis begins at a time when river transport is confronted with the effects of competition from the railways. It will take several decades to adapt and take on a new function, namely the almost exclusive role of provider of weighty. This conversion was mainly achieved through the improvement of river infrastructures. Port modernization had two aspects: improving tooling to optimize the packaging of goods, and integrating a more global vision of the function of the port of Paris, and even of Paris itself. "Paris sea port" belongs to the latter. One can put forward the idea of an opposition between a "real port" and a "mythical" port, an alternative way of transforming the port's vocation to the capital. Attempts at reconciliation between these two visions are manifested through the creation of the port of Ivry, commissions between 1911 and 1914 on the modernization of port equipment.

Ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliqué à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne / Robust cyclic scheduling applied to container management of medium sized seaport

Zhang, Hongchang 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une méthodologie d’ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliquée à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne. Ces derniers sont sujet constamment à des variations des conditions des terminaux, la visibilité réduite sur des évènements futurs ne permet pas de proposer une planification précise des tâches à accomplir. L’ordonnancement cyclique robuste peut jouer un rôle primordial. Il permettra non seulement de proposer un ordonnancement prédictif pour le transport des conteneurs, mais aussi, il proposera également une planification robuste permettant d’éliminer les perturbations éventuelles en temps réel. Dans ce travail nous utilisons les Véhicules Intelligents Automatisés (AIV) pour transporter les conteneurs et nous modélisons les procédures de transit de ces derniers par des graphes d’évènements P-temporels fortement connexes (PTSCEG). Avant l’arrivée d’un porte conteneur au port, un plan (planning) de transport des conteneurs est proposé en un temps court par la programmation linéaire mixte (MIP). Des algorithmes polynomiaux de calcul de robustesse permettent de calculer sur les différents nœuds du système les marges de robustesse. Une fois le navire à quai, l’ordonnancement cyclique robuste est appliqué. Lorsqu’une perturbation est observée (localisée) dans le système, une comparaison avec la marge de robustesse connue est effectuée. Si cette perturbation est incluse dans la marge de robustesse, l’algorithme robuste est utilisé pour éliminer ces perturbations en quelques cycles. Dans le cas où la perturbation est trop importante, la méthode MIP est utilisée pour calculer un nouvel ordonnancement cyclique en un temps réduit / This PhD thesis is dedicated to propose a robust cyclic scheduling methodology applied to container management of medium sized seaport which faces ever changing terminal conditions and the limited predictability of future events and their timing. The robust cyclic scheduling can be seen not just a predictable scheduling to compute a container transportation schedule, but also a reactive scheduling to eliminate the disturbances in real time. In this work, the automated intelligent vehicles (AIV) are used to transport the containers, and the P-time strongly connected event graph (PTSCEG) is used as a graphical tool to model the container transit procedures. Before the arrival of the container vessel, a cyclic container transit schedule can be given by the mixed integer programming (MIP) method in short time. The robustness margins on the nodes of the system can be computed by robustness algorithms in polynomial computing time. After the stevedoring begins, this robust cyclic schedule is used. When a disturbance is observed in system, it should be compared with the known robustness margin. If the disturbance belongs to the robustness margin, the robustness algorithm is used to eliminate the disturbance in a few cycle times. If not, the MIP method is used to compute a new cyclic schedule in short time

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