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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategy practices and praxis: a case of selected South African Business School alumni

Ngwenya, Amkela 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This integrated study examined the nexus between the theory and the practice of strategy. Given the nature of modern-day public and private business enterprises in South Africa and the rest of the world, management education should equip practitioners with knowledge and skills suitable for complex, dynamic, eclectic, and uncertain practice contexts. That is, management education should be playing a critical role in shaping and guiding the business community in the ‘management’ and ‘administration’ of business in the country. However, criticisms in management literature suggest that management education is not relevant to practice. Despite such criticisms, there is relatively little empirical evidence in the country on practitioners’ experiences with the relevance to practice of their management education in general and strategy education in particular. To this end, this study set out to develop a better understanding of the dynamic and nuanced interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice through a survey and interviews with selected business school alumni in professional practice. Statistical analyses were performed on quantitative data, while thematic analysis was performed on qualitative data. The survey findings of the study reveal a positive and significant relationship between academic rigour and practical relevance of strategy theory, while phenomenological findings reveal that practical relevance of strategy theory is largely constructed by practitioners according to their contextual demands. Strategic management appears to rest on the dynamic interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice within a complex and eclectic management environment. / In hierdie geïntegreerde studie is die verband tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk ondersoek. Bestuursopleiding moet praktisyns toerus met die kennis en vaardighede wat die komplekse, dinamiese, eklektiese en wisselvallige omgewing in openbare en private maatskappye in Suid-Afrika en elders in die wêreld vereis. Met ander woorde, bestuursopleiding moet leiding gee in die bestuur en administrasie van maatskappye in die land. In die literatuur word aangevoer dat bestuursopleiding irrelevant is. Daar is egter min empiriese bewys dat bestuursopleiding, en strategieopleiding in die besonder, ontoepaslik is. Om hierdie rede is ‘n studie van die dinamiese en genuanseerde wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk onderneem. Onderhoude is gevoer met en ‘n opname is gedoen onder sakeskoolalumni wat in die praktyk staan. ‘n Statistiese ontleding is van die kwantitatiewe data en ‘n tematiese ontleding is van die kwalitatiewe data gedoen. Volgens die opnamebevindings is daar ‘n positiewe en beduidende verband tussen akademiese stiptheid en die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie. Uit die fenomenologiese bevindings blyk dat die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie grotendeels deur praktisyns volgens die eise van hulle konteks bepaal word. Blykbaar berus strategiese bestuur op die dinamiese wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en strategiepraktyk in ‘n komplekse en eklektiese bestuursomgewing. / Lolu cwaningo oludidiyelwe, lwacubungula futhi lwabukisisa ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo. Uma kubhekwa uhlobo nobunjalo bamabhizinisi, ezikhathi zanamuhla, angaphansi kwesandla sikahulumeni kanye nalawo asezandleni zabantu abazimele eNingizimu Afrika kanye nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele, imfundo yezokuphatha kumele ihlomise ongoti bomsebenzi ngolwazi namakhono adingekayo ezimweni zokusebenza ezinobunkimbinkimbi, ezinomdlandla, eziyingxubevange futhi ezinokungaqiniseki kanye nongabazane. Okusho ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha kumele idlale indima esemqoka ekubumbeni nasekuholeni umphakathi wabamabhizinisi ekuphathweni nasekulawulweni kwamabhizinisi ezweni. Kodwa-ke, ukugxekwa okuvelayo emibhalweni yezokuphatha kubonisa ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha, ikakhulukazi imfundo yamaqhingasu, ayinakho ukufanelana nokuhambelana nenqubo-nkambiso yokwenziwa komsebenzi ngendlela ebonakalayo nephathekayo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthuthukisa nokwakha ukuqonda okungcono maqondana nobuhlobo nokuxhumana okunomdlandla kepha okufihlakele okuphakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo kanye nama-inthaviyu (izingxoxo) nabantu abakhethiweyo abafunde bagogoda ezikoleni zebhizinisi abenza umsebenzi wobungoti. Kwenziwe uhlaziyo lwemininingo egxile ebuningini (quantitative data), kanti futhi kusenjalo kwenziwe nohlaziyo-ngqikithi lwemininingo egxile kukhwalithi (qualitative data). Imiphumela eyatholwa kwinhlolovo yocwaningo ibonisa ubukhona bobudlelwane obuhle futhi obuphawulekayo impela phakathi kwamazinga-bunyoninco ezemfundo kanye nokufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu, kanti futhi ngakolunye uhlangothi imiphumela yocwaningo ephathelene nezigameko nezimo abadlule kuzona ongoti bomsebenzi ibonisa ukuthi ukufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu kuyinto eyakhiwa ikakhulukazi ngongoti bomsebenzi ngokususela ezidingweni eziphathelene nesimo esithile. Ukuphatha ngokusebenzisa amaqhinga namasu athile kubonakala kuncike ekuxhumaneni okunomdlandla phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo ngaphansi kwesimo sokuphatha esiyinkimbinkimbi futhi esiyingxubevange. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Missionale Jüngerschaft im studentischen Kontext : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung des Jüngerschafts- und Missionsverständnisses von Studierenden in christlichen Hochschulgruppen Bambergs / Missional discipleship within a student context : an empirical-theological study into the understanding of discipleship and mission held by students in Christian unions at the University of Bamberg

Hans, Damaris 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, abstract in German and English / In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird die Glaubenspraxis von Studierenden empirisch-theologisch auf Aspekte von Mission untersucht um heraus zu finden, inwiefern ein Zusammenhang zwischen gelebter Jüngerschaft und dem subjektiven, laientheologischen Verständnis von Mission besteht. Dazu wurden mittels qualitativer Interviews Studierende aus den drei christlichen Hochschulgruppen Bambergs (Studentenmission Deutschland, Evangelischen Studierendengemeinde und Katholischen Hochschulgemeinde) zu ihrer Glaubenspraxis und ihrem Glaubensverständnis befragt. Auf Basis der Grounded Theory wurden die Daten ausgewertet, in verschiedene Dimensionen des Glaubens eingeordnet und vor dem Hintergrund missionstheologischer Aspekte eines ganzheitlichen Verständnisses von Mission interpretiert. Auf dieser Grundlage konnten Schlussfolgerungen zum laientheologischen Verständnis von Mission bei christlichen Studierenden gezogen werden. Diese empirisch-theologische Arbeit zielt darauf, den Diskurs über ganzheitliche Mission im studentischen Kontext anzuregen, sowie konkrete Hilfestellungen zur Überwindung der Diskrepanz zwischen wissenschaftlicher und Laientheologie im studentischen Kontext bzw. der Arbeit in den Hochschulgruppen zu erarbeiten. / In this research study, the faith praxis of students is examined according to empiricaltheological principles for aspects of mission in order to ascertain potential connections between discipliship in practice and the subjective, lay theological understanding of mission. For this purpose, students from the three Christian groups at Bamberg University, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Germany (Studentenmission Deutschland), and the Evangelical and Catholic student communities (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde and Katholische Hochschulgemeinde), were asked to participate in qualitative interviews about their faith praxis and their understanding of the faith. The data collected were evaluated using Grounded Theory, classified into diverse categories of faith dimensions and interpreted with a view towards a wholistic understanding of mission incorporating mission theology. On this basis, conclusions about the lay theological understanding of mission among Christian students could be drawn. This empirical-theological study aims to stimulate the debate about wholistic mission within the context of students, as well as develop guidelines to overcome the discrepancy between academic and lay theology and between the ministry of respective student groups / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Poetik des autobiografischen Blogs / Poetics of the Blog

Michelbach, Elisabeth 01 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mindful Movement as a Cure for Colonialism

Ganoe, Kristy L. 07 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

´Wissenskleptomanie` - Plagiat ist eine Straftat

Toro, Alfonso de 28 October 2022 (has links)
Plagiate nenne ich „Wissenskleptomanie“, weil sie auf der Tagesordnung sind und die Art und Weisen lässt sich an Dreistigkeit, Unverfrorenheit und Schamlosigkeit kaum noch übertreffen. Die Kunst des Plagiats beginnt bereits im Studium beim Verfassen von Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten. Die Verrohung der akademischen ehrlichen Praxis ist durch Raffinesse, sehr überlegte und höchst bewusste Vorgehensweisen. Obwohl das Plagiat eine Straftat darstellt, werden die Plagiatsmethoden immer perfider, obwohl das korrekte Zitieren den Studierenden seit Jahrzehnten an allen seriösen Instituten deutscher Universitäten beigebracht wird. Von einer Kultur der Ehrlichkeit ist man massiv zu einer „Plagiatsunkultur“ bzw. zu einer „Plagiatskultur“, mit „Doppelplagiaten“ und „Fortgesetztenplagiaten“ übergegangen. Es werden mögliche Gründe der Plagiatskultur, wie mangende Aufsicht und Kompetenz von Betreuern:innen, Fachgutachter:innen, Promotionskommissionen und Fakultäten, beschrieben. Letztlich sind die Sitten soweit runter Gefahren, dass Plagiate nicht nur der Gesellschaft nicht interessieren, sondern auch den Fakultäten. / I call plagiarism “knowledge kleptomania” because it is the order of the day and the ways and means can hardly be surpassed in audacity, impudence and shamelessness. The art of plagiarism begins at university when writing seminar papers and theses. The rutalization of academic honest practice is through sophistication, very deliberate and highly conscious procedures. Although plagiarism is a criminal offence, plagiarism methods are becoming more and more perfidious, even though correct citation has been taught to students for decades at all reputable institutes of German universities. There has been a massive shift from a culture of honesty to a “plagiarism unculture” or a “plagiarism culture”, with “double plagiarism” and “continued plagiarism”. Possible reasons for the culture of plagiarism are described, such as a lack of supervision and competence on the part of supervisors, peer reviewers, doctoral committees and faculties. Ultimately, the mores are so far down that plagiarism is not only of no interest to society, but also to the faculties. / Llamo al plagio 'cleptomanía del conocimiento' porque está a la orden del día y los modos y maneras difícilmente pueden ser superados en audacia, descaro y desvergüenza. El arte del plagio comienza en la universidad cuando se escriben trabajos de seminario y tesis. El embrutecimiento de la práctica de la honestidad académica se realiza mediante procedimientos sofisticados, muy deliberados y muy conscientes. Aunque el plagio es un delito penal, los métodos de plagio son cada vez más pérfidos, a pesar de que la citación correcta se enseña a los estudiantes desde hace décadas en todos los institutos reputados de las universidades alemanas. Se ha pasado de una cultura de la honestidad a una 'incultura del plagio' o a una 'cultura del plagio', con el 'doble plagio' y el 'plagio continuado'. Se describen las posibles razones de la cultura del plagio, como la falta de supervisión y competencia por parte de los supervisores, los revisores, los comités de doctorado y las facultades. Al final, las costumbres han bajado tanto que el plagio no sólo no interesa a la sociedad, sino tampoco a las facultades. / J’appelle le plagiat « kleptomanie du savoir » parce qu’il est à l’ordre du jour et que la manière dont il est commis ne peut guère être surpassée en termes d’audace, d’insolence et d’impudeur. L’art du plagiat commence dès les études, lors de la rédaction des travaux de séminaire et de fin d’études. La brutalisation de la pratique académique honnête est due à la sophistication, à des procédés très réfléchis et hautement conscients. Bien que le plagiat soit un délit, les méthodes de plagiat sont de plus en plus perfides, bien que la citation correcte soit enseignée aux étudiants depuis des décennies dans tous les instituts sérieux des universités allemandes. D’une culture de l’honnêteté, on est passé massivement à une « inculture du plagiat » ou à une « culture du plagiat », avec des « plagiats doubles » et des « plagiats continus ». Les raisons possibles de la culture du plagiat, comme le manque de surveillance et de compétence des directeurs de thèse, des experts, des commissions de promotion et des facultés, sont décrites. En fin de compte, les mœurs ont tellement baissé que le plagiat n’intéresse pas seulement la société, mais aussi les facultés.

Minimumkrav för ett CI-system

Kiendys, Petrus, Al-Zara, Shadi January 2015 (has links)
När en grupp utvecklare jobbar med samma kodbas kan konflikter uppstå med avseende på implementationen av moduler eller delsystem som varje utvecklare individuellt jobbar på. Dessa konflikter måste snabbt lösas för att projektet ska fortskrida och inte stagnera. Utvecklare som sällan kommunicerar framför ofta okompatibla moduler eller delsystem som kan vara svåra eller omöjliga att integrera i kodbasen, detta leder ofta till s.k. “integration hell” där det kan ta väldigt lång tid att anpassa ny kod till en befintlig kodbas.En strategi som man kan ta till är “continuous integration”, ett arbetssätt som erbjuder en rad fördelar när man jobbar i grupp på en gemensam kodbas. Continuous integration är möjligt att tillämpa utan verktyg eftersom detta är ett arbetssätt. Däremot kan processen stödjas av ett s.k. “CI-system” som är något av en teknisk implementation eller påtagligt införlivande och stöd för arbetsmetoden “continuous integration”.Denna rapport syftar till att ge en inblick i vad ett CI-system är och vad den principiellt består av. Vi undersöker vad ett CI-system absolut måste bestå av genom en litteraturundersökning och en marknadsundersökning. Vi ställer upp dessa beståndsdelar som “funktionella” och “icke-funktionella” krav för ett typiskt CI-system. Vi kan på så vis kvantifiera och kategorisera olika komponenter och funktionaliteter som bör innefattas i ett typiskt CI-system. I denna rapport finns även ett bihang som visar hur man kommer igång med att bygga en egen CI-server mha. CI-systemmjukvaran “TeamCity”.Slutsatsen av vår rapport är att CI-system är ett viktigt redskap som kan underlätta mjukvaruutveckling. Med hjälp av CI-system kan man stödja utvecklingsprocessen genom att bl.a. förhindra integrationsproblem, automatisera vissa delar av arbetsprocessen (kompilering av källkod, testning av mjukvara, notifikation om stabilitet av kodbas och distribution av färdig mjukvara) samt snabbt hitta och lösa integrationsfel. / When a group of developers work on the same code base, conflicts may arise regarding the implementation of modules or subsystems that developers individually work on. These conflicts have to be resolved quickly in order for the project to advance at a steady pace. Developers who do not communicate changes or other necessary deviations may find themselves in a situation where new or modified modules or subsystems are impossible or very difficult to integrate into the mainline code-base. This often leads to so called “integration hell” where it could take huge amounts of time to adapt new code into the current state of the code-base. One strategy, which can be deployed to counteract this trend is called “continuous integration”. This practice offers a wide range of advantages when a group of developers collaborates on writing clean and stable code. Continuous integration can be put into practice without the use of any tools as it is a “way to do things” rather than an actual tool. With that said, it is possible to support the practice with a tangible tool called a CI-system.This study aims to give insight into the makings of a CI-system and what it fundamentally consists of and has to be able to do. A study of contemporary research reports regarding the subject and a survey was performed in order to substantiate claims and conclusions. Core characteristics of CI-systems are grouped into “functional requirements” and “non-functional requirements (quality attributes)”. By doing this, it is possible to quantify and categorize various core components and functionalities of a typical CI-system. This study also contains an attachment which provides instructions of how to get started with implementing your own CI-server using the CI-system software ”TeamCity”. The conclusion of this study is that a CI-system is an important tool that enables a more efficient software development process. By making use of CI-systems developers can refine the development process by preventing integration problems, automating some parts of the work process (build, test, feedback, deployment) and quickly finding and solving integration issues.

Leben als Experiment / Selbstsorge und Lebenskunst bei Nietzsche, Wittgenstein und Sontag

Jaspers, Kristina Lianne 21 January 2025 (has links)
Leben als Experiment. Selbstsorge und Lebenskunst bei Nietzsche, Wittgenstein und Sontag. Für Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein und Susan Sontag sind Leben und Werk nicht voneinander zu trennen. Sie beschäftigen sich intensiv mit Fragen der Selbstformung und der Suche nach einem gelungenen Leben – teilweise im direkten Bezug aufeinander. So sieht Wittgenstein in Nietzsche ein Vorbild in Fragen der Stilistik und Introspektion; Sontag möchte Wittgenstein in der Konsequenz seiner Lebensentscheidungen folgen und Nietzsche in seinem Selbstbewusstsein sowie in seiner Selbstkritik. Die Lektüre geistesverwandter Den-ker:innen dient allen dreien als Anregung und Bestärkung auf ihrem eigenen Lebensweg. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht drei Experimentierfelder, auf denen Nietzsche, Wittgenstein und Sontag sich in ihrer Selbstsorge und Lebenskunst erprobt haben: Ortswechsel dienen der Veränderung des äußeren Umfelds, der Suche nach neuen Anregungen oder dem Rückzug in eine ihnen gemäße Umgebung. Die Beschäftigung mit Gesundheit und Krankheit betrifft ihre psychische wie physische Verfasstheit und schließt zugleich mentale Übungen ein, die der Modifikation ihrer Haltungen und Wertmaßstäbe dienen. In der künstlerischen Praxis suchen sie neue Erfahrungen, ein anderes Selbsterleben sowie Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten jen-seits der Sprache. Welche Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede lassen sich in den Strategien der drei Denker:innen nachweisen? Und wie können ihre Ansätze zu Selbstsorge und Lebenskunst für heute frucht-bar gemacht werden? Die Untersuchung zieht hierfür aktuelle Studien aus der Psychologie und anderen Disziplinen heran und eröffnet damit weitere Forschungsfelder zu Fragen der Selbstkonstitution und Lebenskunst. Zahlreiche Dokumente aus dem Nachlass sowie Lesespu-ren aus der Bibliothek von Susan Sontag werden erstmals zitiert und zugänglich gemacht. / Life as an Experiment. Self-Care and the Art of Living in Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Sontag. From the perspectives of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Susan Sontag, life and work cannot be separated. Each of them dealt intensively with questions of self-formation and the search for a successful life—sometimes in direct reference to one another. Thus, Wittgenstein saw Nietzsche as a role model in questions of stylistics and introspection; Sontag aspired to follow Wittgenstein in the consistency of his life decisions and Nietzsche in his self-awareness and self-criticism. Reading thinkers with similar views served all three authors as a stimulus and encouragement on their own paths in life. This study examines three fields of experimentation through which Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Sontag tested themselves in their self-care and art of living. Changes of place served to alter the external environment, to provide new stimulation, or as a retreat into an environment that suited them. A preoccupation with health and illness affected their psychological as well as physical constitutions and, at the same time, included mental exercises that served to modi-fy their attitudes and value standards. And finally, in their respective artistic practices, they sought new experiences, a deeper level of self-experience, and possibilities of expression be-yond language. What similarities and differences can be found in the strategies of these three thinkers? And how are their approaches to self-care and the art of living applicable today? This work draws on current studies from psychology and other disciplines and opens up further fields of re-search on questions of self-constitution and the art of living. Numerous documents from Su-san Sontag’s estate and reading traces from her library are cited and made accessible for the first time.

Pathways to healing : an empirical-theology study of the healing praxis of 'the group' Assemblies of God in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Thomas, Andrew James 06 1900 (has links)
The study commenced by identifying a theological problem relating to the lack of understanding regarding grass-roots African Pentecostal healing praxis. The empirical-theological approach of Van der Ven was utilised, therefore, to study the healing praxis of an African Pentecostal body, called: The Group‘ Assemblies of God, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Van der Ven‘s original framework was developed by drawing on the hermeneutic and methodological work of Cartledge. A case study was undertaken on a Group‘ Assembly in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The use of social scientific techniques produced a wide range of results that point to the church‘s ministry of healing as a process, rooted in the Trinity, that can occur through varied channels. These pathways ended in a broad understanding of healing. A dialogue between the qualitative results and the healing literature was used to develop a more precise theological question. Case study categories were conceptualised and then operationalised as a questionnaire. A survey was performed on all Assemblies affiliated to The Group‘ Assemblies of God in KwaZulu-Natal. A significant number of people participated in the survey which produced a wide range of data. It is found that worldview and charismatic experience form an important hermeneutic axis that influences attitudes towards the healing ministry. Conservative biblical belief, ethnicity, education and gender influence attitudes towards healing. A distinct divide exists between positive attitudes towards physical, spiritual, inner healing and deliverance and more negative attitudes towards social and environmental healing. The reflection on these results focuses on the perceived influence of American dispensational fundamentalism. The eschatology formed from these beliefs has a narrowing effect on holistic healing ministry. Moltmann‘s transformational eschatology is suggested, therefore, as a suitable alternative. The methodological evaluation finds that several problems exist with regard to research in a rural African location. The cycle concludes by offering a range of suggestions for further study. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Pathways to healing : an empirical-theology study of the healing praxis of 'the group' Assemblies of God in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Thomas, Andrew James 06 1900 (has links)
The study commenced by identifying a theological problem relating to the lack of understanding regarding grass-roots African Pentecostal healing praxis. The empirical-theological approach of Van der Ven was utilised, therefore, to study the healing praxis of an African Pentecostal body, called: The Group‘ Assemblies of God, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Van der Ven‘s original framework was developed by drawing on the hermeneutic and methodological work of Cartledge. A case study was undertaken on a Group‘ Assembly in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The use of social scientific techniques produced a wide range of results that point to the church‘s ministry of healing as a process, rooted in the Trinity, that can occur through varied channels. These pathways ended in a broad understanding of healing. A dialogue between the qualitative results and the healing literature was used to develop a more precise theological question. Case study categories were conceptualised and then operationalised as a questionnaire. A survey was performed on all Assemblies affiliated to The Group‘ Assemblies of God in KwaZulu-Natal. A significant number of people participated in the survey which produced a wide range of data. It is found that worldview and charismatic experience form an important hermeneutic axis that influences attitudes towards the healing ministry. Conservative biblical belief, ethnicity, education and gender influence attitudes towards healing. A distinct divide exists between positive attitudes towards physical, spiritual, inner healing and deliverance and more negative attitudes towards social and environmental healing. The reflection on these results focuses on the perceived influence of American dispensational fundamentalism. The eschatology formed from these beliefs has a narrowing effect on holistic healing ministry. Moltmann‘s transformational eschatology is suggested, therefore, as a suitable alternative. The methodological evaluation finds that several problems exist with regard to research in a rural African location. The cycle concludes by offering a range of suggestions for further study. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Applied Machine Learning Predicts the Postmortem Interval from the Metabolomic Fingerprint

Arpe, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
In forensic autopsies, accurately estimating the postmortem interval (PMI) is crucial. Traditional methods, relying on physical parameters and police data, often lack precision, particularly after approximately two days have passed since the person's death. New methods are increasingly focusing on analyzing postmortem metabolomics in biological systems, acting as a 'fingerprint' of ongoing processes influenced by internal and external molecules. By carefully analyzing these metabolomic profiles, which span a diverse range of information from events preceding death to postmortem changes, there is potential to provide more accurate estimates of the PMI. The limitation of available real human data has hindered comprehensive investigation until recently. Large-scale metabolomic data collected by the National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV, Rättsmedicinalverket) presents a unique opportunity for predictive analysis in forensic science, enabling innovative approaches for improving  PMI estimation. However, the metabolomic data appears to be large, complex, and potentially nonlinear, making it difficult to interpret. This underscores the importance of effectively employing machine learning algorithms to manage metabolomic data for the purpose of PMI predictions, the primary focus of this project.  In this study, a dataset consisting of 4,866 human samples and 2,304 metabolites from the RMV was utilized to train a model capable of predicting the PMI. Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models were then employed for PMI prediction. Furthermore, feature selection and incorporating sex and age into the model were explored to improve the neural network's performance.  This master's thesis shows that ANN consistently outperforms RF in PMI estimation, achieving an R2 of 0.68 and an MAE of 1.51 days compared to RF's R2 of 0.43 and MAE of 2.0 days across the entire PMI-interval. Additionally, feature selection indicates that only 35% of total metabolites are necessary for comparable results with maintained predictive accuracy. Furthermore, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) reveals that these informative metabolites are primarily located within a specific cluster on the first and second principal components (PC), suggesting a need for further research into the biological context of these metabolites.  In conclusion, the dataset has proven valuable for predicting PMI. This indicates significant potential for employing machine learning models in PMI estimation, thereby assisting forensic pathologists in determining the time of death. Notably, the model shows promise in surpassing current methods and filling crucial gaps in the field, representing an important step towards achieving accurate PMI estimations in forensic practice. This project suggests that machine learning will play a central role in assisting with determining time since death in the future.

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