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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les professeurs de l'université de Paris au XIXème siècle et le droit romain / The professors at the university of Paris in the XIXth century and roman law

Ducret, Patricia 16 November 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche sur les professeurs de droit romain à l’Université de Paris au XIXe siècle tente de démontrer la constitution d’une école historique. La prosopographie met en lumière le milieu géographique et social des professeurs par le biais des contrats de mariage, des déclarations de successions et des inventaires après décès. Après avoir examiné la vie privée des romanistes, nous avons étudié leur parcours depuis leurs études doctorales jusqu’à l’obtention d’une chaire, en observant le mode d’accès au professorat. Nous avons aussi voulu mettre en exergue leur choix de carrière : la recherche, l’enseignement, la carrière administrative, la pratique juridique, la magistrature ou la politique. Enfin, nous voulions déterminer dans quelle mesure il existait une école historique chez les romanistes, malgré le carcan exégétique. Pour cela nous les avons dissociés des civilistes et avons recherché leurs spécificités puisqu’ils s’en différenciaient dans leurs conceptions et méthodes d’enseignement, comme en témoigne leur production scientifique. Nos sources nous ont conduite à puiser dans le vaste patrimoine que constituent leurs oeuvres pour déterminer les domaines du droit romain qu’ils privilégiaient. Les romanistes ont réussi à faire triompher une méthode évolutive, même sous l’emprise exégétique, pour constituer progressivement ce que nous appelons une « école historique romaniste / Our research concerning the professors of Roman Law at the University of Paris in the XIXth century attempts to demonstrate the emergence of a historical school of thought. It’s prosoprography that brings to light the Professors’ geographical and social environment through marriage contracts,declarations of inheritance and inventories after death. After examining at the Romanists’ private life,we studied both their career paths from their PhD studies up to their professorships and the means of access to this Professorship.We also intended to highlight their career choices : research, teaching,administrative responsibilities, practice of law, judiciary or politics. Finally, we aimed to determine the extent to which a Romanist historical school of thought existed in spite of the exegetical straightjacket. To reach that goal, we separated them from the Civilists and looked at their own specificities as they differed in both the conception and the methods of teaching as shown by their scientific output. Our sources led us to draw on their works to determine which fields of Roman Law they would have favoured. The Romanists succeeded in ensuring the triumph of an evolutionary approach, despite being under an exegetical constraint, which gradually built up to what we can definitively call a “Romanist historical school of thought

Existential Piano Teacher: The Application of Jean-Paul Sartre's Philosophy to Piano Instruction In a Higher Educational Setting

Mortyakova, Julia Vladimirovna 13 May 2009 (has links)
This essay uses existential ideas of Jean-Paul Sartre to provide a philosophy of college piano performance teaching which includes awareness of freedom, abandonment and responsibility as a prerequisite for student-teacher interaction. To set the stage for the interaction the study uses Sartre's philosophy, illustrated with concrete examples from the world of piano teaching and performing, to describe what it means to be human. The author applies Sartre's writings about literature to support the idea of an engaged performance, relating it to existential psychoanalysis, making the performer and audience member realize freedom through choice, while addressing ideas of abandonment and performance anxiety. Sartre's philosophy is used to identify the roles both teachers and students play in the college environment as people and as performers. The study with the help of existentialism, describes the interaction between the different elements: teacher, student, performer, and human being, and provides a better understanding of the complexity of the pupil/professor relationship in the college piano performance program.

Eficacia relativa y diferencial de una intervención combinada versus farmacológica para el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad en la infancia

Amado Luz, Laura 12 July 2012 (has links)
El TDAH és un trastorn neuroevolutiu de l’atenció i la impulsivitat de naturalesa crònica que afecta un 4% de la població i que freqüentment s’associa amb altres trastorns, com els problemes de conducta i les dificultats en l’aprenentatge. Actualment hi ha base empírica sobre el seu origen genètic i biològic, encara que el seu curs evolutiu i el seu pronòstic estan molt influenciats per factors ambientals. És per això que un abordatge adequat del procés d’avaluació i d’intervenció d’aquest trastorn ha de contemplar de forma primerenca els contextos en què el nen es desenvolupa (escola, família i comunitat) i ha de comptar amb un equip multidisciplinari. En aquesta línia, las modalitats d’intervenció que han evidenciat ser més efectives són les medicacions psicoestimulants, les intervencions psicosocials i els tractaments que combinen ambdues modalitats terapèutiques. L’estimulant més utilitzat per al TDAH, el metilfenidat, és el fàrmac més prescrit en psiquiatria infantil i s’ha constatat la seva efectivitat de forma reiterada. No obstant això, s’ha d’administrar amb cautela perquè presenta limitacions que a vegades no en compensen l’administració, com el efectes no desitjats, el desconeixement sobre els efectes a llarg termini o els escassos estudis sobre eficàcia i seguretat en nens preescolars. Aquests troballes ens fan considerar les intervencions psicosocials, que també són una bona opció terapèutica. Les intervencions psicosocials validades empíricament serveixen d’entrenament a pares i mestres per manejar el trastorn, com també al mateix nen, tot i que en menor mesura, per exercitar les seves habilitats socioemocionals. La finalitat d’aquestes teràpies és que paral•lelament o tres la formació, s’implementen intervencions conductuals, cognitiu-conductuals, escolars i sòcio-emocionals en els contexts naturals del nen. Encara que està provada la eficàcia d’aquestes modalitat d’intervenció de forma aïllada, s’han trobat millores superiors amb els tractaments combinats o multimodals, que cobren un ampli ventall de dificultats i plànols de funcionament, permetent en ocasions reduir la dosi de medicació amb un manteniment dels efectes positius. Però, malauradament, encara s’observa una relativa carència d’estudis que incloguin tractaments combinats per al TDAH infantil, si més no a España. En el millor del casos, les intervencions han estat breus i intensives. Tanmateix, no s’han publicat estudis sobre l’eficàcia d’aquestes intervencions per millorar variables com el clima escolar i familiar d’aquests nens. L’objectiu, doncs, d’aquest projecte és analitzar l’eficàcia relativa i diferencial d’un tractament combinat (medicació estimulant + entrenament a pares i mestres) versus un de farmacològic, durant un curs escolar, per millorar diverses variables relacionades amb el nen hiperactiu, com també amb els seus mestres i pares (símptomes, rendiment acadèmic, clima escolar i familiar, autoeficàcia percebuda i coneixements sobre TDAH). / El TDAH es un trastorno neuro-evolutivo de la atención, la actividad y la impulsividad de naturaleza crónica, que afecta a un 4% de la población, asociándose frecuentemente con otros trastornos, como los problemas de conducta y las dificultades de aprendizaje. En la actualidad, hay evidencia empírica sobre su origen genético y biológico, aunque su curso evolutivo y pronóstico están enormemente influidos por factores ambientales. De ahí que un adecuado abordaje del proceso de evaluación e intervención de este trastorno deba contemplar de forma temprana los contextos donde el niño se desenvuelve (escuela, familia y comunidad), contando con un equipo multidisciplinar. En esta línea, las modalidades de intervención que han mostrado ser más efectivas son las medicaciones estimulantes, las intervenciones psicosociales y los tratamientos que combinan ambas opciones terapéuticas. El estimulante más utilizado para el TDAH, el metilfenidato, es el fármaco más prescrito en psiquiatría infantil y se ha constatado reiteradamente su efectividad. Pero se debe administrar con cautela porque presenta limitaciones que en ocasiones no compensan su administración, como sus efectos indeseados; el desconocimiento sobre sus efectos a largo plazo; y los escasos estudios sobre su eficacia y seguridad en niños preescolares. Estos hallazgos nos instan a considerar las intervenciones psicosociales, que son también una buena opción terapéutica. Las intervenciones psicosociales validadas empíricamente son el entrenamiento a padres y a maestros en el manejo del trastorno, y en menor medida el entrenamiento en habilidades socio-emocionales al propio niño. La finalidad de estas terapias es que paralelamente o tras la formación, se implementen intervenciones conductuales, cognitivo-conductuales, escolares y socio-emocionales en los contextos naturales del niño. Sin embargo, a pesar de la eficacia de estas modalidades de intervención de forma aislada, se han mostrado mejoras superiores con los tratamientos combinados o multimodales, que cubren un amplio abanico de dificultades y planos de funcionamiento, permitiendo en ocasiones reducir la dosis de medicación con un mantenimiento de los efectos positivos. Pero desafortunadamente, aún se observa una relativa carencia de estudios que incluyan tratamientos combinados para el TDAH infantil, al menos en España. Y en el mejor de los casos, las intervenciones han sido muy breves e intensivas. Asimismo, no se han publicado estudios sobre la eficacia de estas intervenciones para mejorar variables como el clima escolar y familiar de estos niños. Precisamente, el objetivo de este proyecto es analizar la eficacia relativa y diferencial de un tratamiento combinado (medicación estimulante+entrenamiento a padres y maestros) versus farmacológico, durante un curso escolar, para mejorar diversas variables relacionadas con el niño hiperactivo, sus maestros y sus padres (síntomas, rendimiento académico, clima escolar y familiar, autoeficacia percibida y conocimientos sobre TDAH). / ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder of attention, impulsivity and activity of a chronic nature, affecting 4% of the population, frequently associated with other disorders such as behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Today, there is empirical evidence on genetic and biological origin, although its clinical course and prognosis are greatly influenced by environmental factors. Hence, an adequate management of the process of assessment and intervention for this disorder should contemplate early contexts where the child develops (school, family and community), with a multidisciplinary team. In this stratum, the interventions that have proven most effective are stimulant medications, psychosocial interventions and treatments that combine both options. The stimulant used for ADHD, methylphenidate, is the most prescribed drug in child psychiatry and has been found repeatedly to be effective. But it should be administered with caution, because it has limitations, like its side effects, the lack of long-term effects, and the few studies on efficacy and safety in preschool children. These findings urge us to consider psychosocial interventions, which are also a good option. Empirically valid psychosocial interventions are parent training and teachers in the management of the disorder, and less training in socio-emotional skills the child itself. The purpose of these therapies is that, - parallel or after the training -, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and socio-emotional interventions would be implemented in the child's natural settings. However, despite the effectiveness of these modalities of intervention in isolation, greater improvement has been shown with combined or multimodal treatments covering a wide range of problems, allowing sometimes to reduce the dose of medication, with a maintenance of positive effects. But unfortunately there is still a relative lack of studies involving combined treatments for childhood ADHD, at least in Spain. And in most cases, interventions have been very brief and intensive. Also, there are no published studies on the effectiveness of these interventions to improve variables such as school and family environment of these children. The precise purpose of this project is to analyze the relative and differential efficacy of combined treatment (stimulant medication + training for parents and teachers) versus drug, during a school year, in order to improve various variables related to the hyperactive child, their teachers and their parents (symptoms, academic performance, school and family evironment, self-efficacy and knowledge about ADHD).

Sobre poesia visual: aprenent a llegir davant les línies

Masgrau Juanola, Mariona 27 April 2011 (has links)
This research examines the nature of visual poetry and its educational potential in the processes of teaching and learning reading and writing in primary education. The first part looks into the internal and external logic of visual poetry, its cultural, historical and technical characteristics, and a knowledge goal is provisionally defined, which is then analyzed as a teaching and learning goal. It reviews the historicist approaches to visual poetry; it examines the definitions that have been established especially regarding its intermedia nature, and also the most interesting definitions that have been made by visual poets themselves. Following on from this, there is a historical overview of this poetic form, focusing mainly on the Western European tradition and on Catalonia from the twentieth century onwards. The second part of the thesis is the empirical research that justifies, applies and interprets the description and analysis of a didactic sequence of a teacher in a classroom in year two of primary education within the methodological and theoretical framework of contemporary research on specific didactics. Above all, it uses the theoretical foundations of comparative didactics and clinical methodologies. Based on close and participatory observation and an all-encompassing analysis of educational action, some interpretations are compared with the overall framework of knowledge of language and literature didactic. Hence the intrinsic cultural value of visual poetry is claimed as a catalyst to encourage the improvement of the reading and writing skills itself, while this teaching goal also serves as a pretext to consider and purpose new ways of teaching and learning reading and writing, in a richer and more complex way, especially in the field of critical literacy, creativity and intermediality / Aquesta investigació es planteja la naturalesa de la poesia visual i el seu potencial didàctic en els processos d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la lectura i l’escriptura a Educació Primària. La primera part investiga la lògica interna i externa de la poesia visual, els seus trets culturals, històrics i tècnics i es delimita provisionalment un objecte de saber, el qual a continuació s’analitza com a objecte a ensenyar i objecte ensenyat. Es revisen les aproximacions històriques a la poesia visual; s’examinen les definicions que s’han fixat sobretot en el seu caràcter intermedial i també les definicions més interessants que n’han fet els mateixos poetes visuals. A continuació es fa una síntesi històrica d’aquesta forma poètica, centrant-se sobretot en la tradició europea occidental i, a partir del segle xx, a Catalunya. La segona part o recerca empírica justifica, aplica, i interpreta la descripció i anàlisi d'una seqüència didàctica d'una mestra en una aula de cicle inicial d’Educació Primària, dins del marc metodològic i teòric de les investigacions contemporànies en didàctiques específiques, servint-se sobretot dels fonaments teòrics de les didàctiques comparades i les metodologies clíniques. A partir de l'observació atenta i l’anàlisi global de l'acció didàctica, se n’extreuen unes interpretacions que es confronten amb el marc global del saber de les didàctiques de la llengua i la literatura. Així, es reivindica el valor cultural intrínsec de la poesia visual com a revulsiu per fomentar la lectura i l’expressió escrita per se però alhora aquest objecte d’ensenyament serveix de pretext per reflexionar i proposar noves formes d’ensenyar i aprendre la lectura i l’escriptura de forma més rica i complexa, sobretot en l'àmbit de la literacitat crítica, la creativitat i la intermedialitat. / Bei dieser Untersuchung wird die Frage über die visuelle Poesie und deren didaktischem Potential bei den Bildungs- und Lernprozessen beim Lesen und Schreiben in der Grundschule aufgeworfen, die diese Fähigkeiten in ihrem gesamten Umfang zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts nach sich ziehen.

Cognições de professores sobre pesquisas relacionadas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de LE um estudo Q

Silva, Lauro Luiz Pereira 29 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work is linked to the group that develops research on subjective aspects of foreign language teaching and learning process at the Instituto de Letras e Linguística of a Federal University. Its main objective is to investigate cognitions, conceptions and points of view about the role and relevance of research for in-service English language teachers and for professors / researchers working with language teachers` education. The term cognitions , according to Borg (2003) refers to non-observable aspects of the cognitive dimension: what the teachers know, believe and think. Thus, the development of the research starts from the following questions: (a) What are the cognitions of regular public school foreign language teachers` about research developed by professors working with language teachers` education? (b) What are the cognitions of professors working with language teachers` education, about research developed in/about the regular school context? To which extent do participants` cognitions converge / diverge? Q Methodology research approach, which makes use of PQMethod 2.11 software, was used. Focal group and semi-structured interviews were used, as secondary data gathering tools, for raising a wide range of participants` points o view and subsequent composition of a semi-structured Q sample of statements. These represent the participants` cognitions about the role and contributions of research on the process of teaching and learning foreign language. The subjects distributed statements along a continuum in a scale ranging from Totally agree (+5) to Totally disagree (-5), and the results of the Q Distribution were analysed with PQMethod 2.11 software. From further qualitative and interpretive analysis, the factors, or groups, that emerged from the fator analysis were defined, characterized and interpreted. These groups of participants share similar points of view about research on the teaching and learning process. The following aspects stand out among the emerging results: the relationship between theory and practice, Applied Linguistics contributions to foreign language teachers` Education, foreign language reflective practice, teachers and professors` cognitions about the relevance of research to practice; and the (re)construction of teacher knowledge in Applied Linguistics research. I believe that, through the development of awareness of roles and critical stance of practices, the results of this research may bring contributions to foreign language teachers at regular public schools as well as to professors working with language teachers` education. / Este trabalho está vinculado ao Grupo de Pesquisas sobre Aspectos subjetivos do processo de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, do Instituto de Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. O objetivo principal é investigar as cognições, concepções e pontos de vista sobre pesquisa, sobre o papel e relevância destas, para professores e formadores da área de ensino e aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira (LE). É meu interesse investigar as cognições de professores-em-serviço e professores formadores sobres os estudos na área de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. O termo cognição, na definição de Borg (2003) refere-se a aspectos da dimensão cognitiva não observável: o que os professores sabem, acreditam e pensam. Assim, o desenvolvimento da pesquisa se dá a partir dos seguintes questionamentos: (a) Quais são as cognições dos professores de LE de escolas regulares sobre pesquisas realizadas pelos professores formadores? (b) Quais são as cognições de professores formadores de LE em relação às pesquisas realizadas no/sobre contexto de escolas regulares? (c) Em que ponto as cognições dos participantes convergem/divergem? Como abordagem de pesquisa utilizei a Metodologia Q, que utiliza o programa PQMethod 2.11. Por meio do grupo focal e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, usados como instrumentos de coleta secundários, foi feito o levantamento de uma gama de pontos de vista dos participantes para a posterior composição de uma Amostra Q semi-estruturada de assertivas. Estas representam as cognições dos participantes sobre o papel e as contribuições das pesquisas sobre o processo de ensinar e aprender língua estrangeira. Os participantes distribuíram as assertivas ao longo de um contínuo em uma escala de concordo totalmente (+5) e discordo totalmente (-5) e os resultados obtidos pela distribuição Q foram analisados no pacote estatístico PQMethod 2.11. A partir da posterior análise qualitativa e interpretativista, os grupos que emergiram da análise fatorial foram definidos, caracterizados e interpretados. Após o levantamento dos resultados, surgiram fatores a serem analisados e interpretados, ou seja, grupos de participantes que compartilham do mesmo ponto de vista sobre as pesquisas do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Dentre os aspectos emergentes desta pesquisa destacaram-se: a relação teoria e prática; contribuições da LA para a formação de professores; a prática reflexiva de LE; relação universidade-escola; cognições de professores sobre a relevância das pesquisas em LA para a prática e sobre os formadores e a (re)construção do saber docente na pesquisa em LA. Acredito que os resultados desta pesquisa podem trazer contribuições para professores e formadores, tendo em vista que a partir da conscientização e postura crítica perante suas práticas poderão, juntos compreender seus papeis e orientar suas ações. / Mestre em Linguística

Professores / pesquisadores da pós-graduação em botânica no Brasil: análises métricas de produtividade

Amarante, Cristiana Maria Vasconcellos Goulart do 18 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-19T11:50:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 amarante2011.pdf: 570304 bytes, checksum: 1726aec1a4a60e460ceb79b653428fa2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-18 / Exploratory research of scientific productivity of professors/researchers of Botany doctorate courses in Brazil using bibliometrics methods anchored in Scientific Communication. Sixteen Botany doctorate courses were identified; retrieved data on these courses refer to promoting institutions, concentration areas, research lines, and Cape's grades all data leading to professors/researchers target of this research. Special attention was paid to productivity patterns of the elite along the time period as well as their citation numbers. Bibliometrics methods and techniques used include Elitism Law, citation analysis, impact factor and h-index. The Elite consists of 18 professors/researchers linked to the following public institutions: UFV, UFRPE, IBT, UFRJ, UNESP, USP, UEFS, UFMG, UNB, UFPE and UNICAMP in the areas of Botany, Agronomics, Ecology, Chemistry, Forestry and Engineering Resources, Pharmaceutics, Genetics, Environmental Sciences, Geosciences, Microbiology and Anthropology reflecting the interdisciplinary character of the area itself. Geographical concentration of courses points to the Southeast region, especially the state of São Paulo, which obtained the highest Cape's grades. Professors/Researchers productivity amounts to 2.489 papers, published in 521 journals Brazilian and foreign, with an expressive increase of these latter in recent years, the Web of Science citation analysis of the elite shows an expressive number of indexed and cited papers. The Impact factor of journals where the elite publishes shows the elite s tendency to publish in journals of very large impact factor, such as the journal Nature - an excellence journal. This research identified few former Bibliometrics studies in Botany which adds to its relevance and opportunity / Pesquisa exploratória sobre a produtividade científica de professores/pesquisadores de Cursos de Doutorado de Botânica, no Brasil, adotando métodos bibliométricos e cuja fundamentação teórica se sustenta na Comunicação Científica. Foram levantados e analisados esses Cursos, num total de 16, as Instituições promotoras, áreas de concentração, linhas de pesquisa e conceitos na Capes, a partir dos quais a análise foi direcionada aos seus professores, foco central da pesquisa, especificamente os padrões de produtividade da elite ao longo dos anos e o volume de citações aos seus artigos. Foram adotadas diferentes fontes para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa e instrumentos bibliométricos como a Lei do Elitismo, a análise de citações, o fator de impacto e o índice-h. A elite foi composta por 18 professores/pesquisadores que atuam nas seguintes instituições, todas públicas - UFV, UFRPE, IBT, UFRJ, UNESP, USP, UEFS, UFMG, UNB, UFPE, e UNICAMP, nas áreas da Botânica, Agronomia, Ecologia, Química, Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal, Farmácia, Genética, Ciências Ambientais, Geociências, Microbiologia e Antropologia, o que reflete a interdisciplinaridade da área. A concentração de cursos é no Sudeste, destacando-se São Paulo, inclusive pelos conceitos mais altos na Capes. A produtividade dos professores atinge um total de 2.489 artigos, publicados em 521 títulos de periódicos, distribuídos entre os nacionais e estrangeiros, que predominam, o que comprovou um aumento significativo nos últimos anos. A análise de citação da elite, na Web of Science, demonstrou um índice já significativo de artigos indexados e citados, numa relação evidente. O fator de impacto dos periódicos onde a elite publica foi verificado e indicou a tendência à publicação em revistas de maior impacto, lideradas pela Nature, com larga diferença das demais, pelo seu prestígio e multidisciplinaridade de seu escopo. Nesta dissertação foram identificados poucos estudos existentes em nosso País sobre a produção em Botânica, bem como a sua lacuna no tempo, o que justifica a presente pesquisa e mostra a sua relevância e oportunidade


MONIQUE GEWERC 17 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese busca compreender a contribuição de museus de artes da cidade do Rio de Janeiro como lócus de formação cultural e estética de professores dos anos iniciais da educação básica e a relação que esses profissionais estabelecem com os museus. Compreender a formação cultural como direito e parte da formação docente implica em assumir a diversidade, a continuidade e a mediação como parte de princípios éticos, políticos e estéticos de uma formação docente humanizadora. A formação cultural se configura em um processo intencional, continuado, mediado, reflexivo e compartilhado que propicia a vivência de experiências estéticas e contribui para uma educação para a diversidade mediante o exercício da alteridade e da ampliação da sensibilidade. Com o suporte de autores do campo da Educação e da Educação Museal, o conceito de formação estética e cultural é abordado a partir de uma revisão teórica, da perspectiva dos professores e dos educadores museais. Enquanto recursos metodológicos, fez-se uso de um questionário online aplicado a professores de educação infantil e ensino fundamental I, entrevistas com educadores museais e análise documental dos museus selecionados. Os achados da pesquisa indicaram que, em que pese um subaproveitamento do museu de artes como lugar de formação, os museus investigados oferecem atividades que priorizam a autoria e a criação dos professores em um processo que envolve a escuta e a permeabilidade de saberes. Quanto aos professores, foi possível observar que o conceito de formação cultural não está claro e prevalece como padrão, de modo geral, a ideia de acesso aos bens culturais legitimados. Esta percepção incide na relação que o professor estabelece com os equipamentos culturais da cidade e na visão compensatória que atravessa sua prática com as crianças. Entretanto, também foi possível identificar o surgimento de vozes dissonantes que associam uma formação cultural a uma formação sensível, que transforma a subjetividade do sujeito e privilegia a diversidade e a alteridade. / [en] This thesis seeks to understand the contribution of art museums in the city of Rio de Janeiro as a locus of cultural and aesthetic training for teachers in the early years of basic education and the relationship that teachers establish with these cultural spaces. Understanding cultural training as a right and part of teacher training implies assuming diversity, continuity and mediation as part of ethical, political and aesthetic principles of humanizing teacher training. Cultural formation is configured in an intentional, continued, mediated, reflexive and shared process that provides aesthetic experiences so that cultural formation is not just a veneer that represents only one voice. With the support of authors from the field of Education and Museum Education, the concept of aesthetic and cultural formation is approached from a theoretical review, from the perspective of teachers and museum educators. An online questionnaire, interviews and document analysis were the data production tools used. The research findings indicated that, despite an underutilization of the art museum as a place of formation, the investigated museums offer activities that prioritize the authorship and creativity of teachers in a process that involves listening and the permeability of knowledge. As for the teachers, it was possible to observe that the concept of cultural training is not clear and, in general, the idea of access to legitimate cultural goods prevails as a model. This perception affects the relationship that the teacher establishes with the city s cultural facilities and the compensatory vision that runs through his practice with children. However, it was also possible to identify the emergence of dissonant voices that associate a cultural formation with a sensitive formation that transforms the subjectivity of the subject and privileges diversity and otherness. / [fr] Cette thèse cherche à comprendre l apport des musées d art de la ville de Rio de Janeiro en tant que lieu de formation culturelle et esthétique des enseignants de l école primaire et la relation que ces professionnels établissent avec les musées. Appréhender la formation culturelle comme étant à la fois un droit et un contenu de la formation des enseignants implique de concevoir la diversité, la continuité et la médiation comme faisant partie des principes éthiques, politiques et esthétiques de la dimension humaine de la formation des enseignants. La formation culturelle est comprise comme un processus intentionnel, continu, médiatisé, réflexif et partagé qui mobilise des expériences esthétiques et contribue à une éducation à la diversité par l exercice de l altérité et le partage de la sensibilité. Avec le soutien d auteurs du domaine de l éducation et de l éducation muséale, le concept de formation esthétique et culturelle est abordé à partir d un examen théorique, du point de vue des enseignants et des éducateurs de musée. Comme ressources méthodologiques, un questionnaire en ligne a été proposé aux enseignants de l école maternelle et élémentaire, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés avec des éducateurs de musées et une analyse documentaire de musées sélectionnés complète la construction des données. Les résultats de la recherche indiquent que, malgré une sous-utilisation du musée d art comme lieu de formation, les musées étudiés proposent des activités qui privilégient la créativité des enseignants, l écoute et la circulation des connaissances. Du côté des enseignants, on a pu constater que la notion de formation culturelle n est pas claire et, en général, l idée d accès à des biens culturels légitimes prévaut comme norme. Cette perception affecte la relation que les enseignants interrogés établissent avec les équipements culturels de la ville et la vision compensatoire qui traverse leurs pratiques avec les enfants. Cependant, certains résultats laissent apparaitre des voix dissonantes qui associent une formation culturelle à une formation sensible qui transforme la subjectivité du sujet et privilégie la diversité et l altérité.

Deconstructing the Dichotomy: Muslim American University Students' Perceptions of Islam and Democracy

Lamont, Sarah 17 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Les écoles d' horlogerie de Besançon : une contribution décisive au développement industriel local et régional (1793-1974) / The Besancon watchmaking schools

Briselance, Claude 28 October 2015 (has links)
L’Histoire des écoles d’horlogerie de Besançon est inhérente à la naissance et à la continuité d’une industrie spécifique très localisée sur un territoire. Avec elles nous partons de l’ère « proto-industrielle » qui plonge ses racines dans les idéaux révolutionnaires de 1793 pour aboutir aux bouleversements technologiques de l’électronique et du « quartz » des années 1970… S’inscrivant sur la longue durée, trois « écoles » vont se succéder. Pour répondre aux attentes d’une industrie horlogère qui doit constamment faire face aux évolutions techniques, chacune à sa manière, va innover pour constituer un « corpus » original de formation qui n’est pas sans bousculer les rites et usages du temps. Si les deux premières « écoles » eurent une durée de vie limitée, la dernière entité, née en 1861 de la volonté municipale, va pendant plus d’un siècle, accompagner toute une ville (et sa région) dans sa réussite industrielle. Dès sa création, et au fur et à mesure des adaptations qu’elle a su mettre en place, par la qualité et la spécificité des formations dispensées, elle va irriguer de ses élèves toute une industrie toujours à l’affût de personnels qualifiés. Au plan national elle va diffuser le nom de Besançon comme « capitale française de l’horlogerie » en formant nombre d’horlogers-rhabilleurs tenant boutiques et autres ateliers de réparation par tout le territoire… Elle va servir de référence pour implanter dans la Cité des laboratoires de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur : un Observatoire chronométrique, une École d’ingénieurs, un Centre d’études horlogères et de développement industriel (Cétéhor)… Elle va contribuer à la diversification industrielle de la ville dans des domaines connexes à l’horlogerie, notamment dans le découpage, la micromécanique, l’appareillage et les microtechniques… Nationalisée en 1891, elle fait dès lors partie de la petite élite des Écoles Nationales Professionnelles (par assimilation), qui vont marquer le développement industriel du Pays. En 1933, quand elle intègre ses nouveaux locaux, par le nombre et l’originalité de ses filières (de l’ouvrier qualifié à l’ingénieur), par sa dotation en matériels modernes, elle est signalée comme étant le « premier établissement de l’enseignement technique » en France. Le cheminement de cette dernière école fait aussi ressortir une histoire « humaine », « prosopographique », qui met en exergue les nombreux anciens élèves qui se sont lancés avec grande réussite dans la création d’entreprises. Restés fidèles à leur école, ils ont contribué au renom et au développement de la richesse économique de la cité et de sa région… Avec ces écoles d’horlogerie, on aborde enfin l’histoire de l’Enseignement Technique en France. Pour répondre à la demande d’une industrie horlogère en pleine croissance qui déplorait les carences de l’apprentissage en atelier, elles ont été pionnières en ouvrant la voie de « la scolarisation » de la formation professionnelle. Par leurs innovations pédagogiques, et soutenues par les Anciens Élèves, elles ont su établir un lien « École-Entreprise » des plus fructueux qui marque encore la mémoire collective des Bisontins…En 1974 elle perd toute référence à l’horlogerie pour devenir le Lycée Jules Haag. Le temps de l’histoire est désormais advenu pour tenter de comprendre ce qui a fait la force et la réussite de ces « Écoles d’horlogerie » dans leur participation active, sur la durée, à la prospérité économique et industrielle d’une ville et de sa région… / The history of the watchmaking schools in Besançon is part of the birth and continuous development of a specific industry in a very limited sector of the French territory. When studying those schools we start at the « protoindustrial » time with its roots in the revolutionary ideals of 1793 and end up with the technological upheavals of electronics and the « quartz » technology in the 1970s. Three « schools » followed one another over the long term. Each school aimed at satisfying the demands of a watchmakng industry confronted to rapidly changing technical evolutions ; so it innovated in its own way by creating an original « corpus » in the students training and most of the time upset the practices and common ideas of the time. If the first two « schools » had a limited lifespan, the last one created in 1861 by the town council itself has been supporting the industrial growth of the city and the surrounding region. Since its foundation it has stuck to the industrial reality by placing the emphasis on high standards and opening new specific branches whenever necessary, thus answering the needs of firms always looking for highly qualified staff. For a large number of French people Besançon became the « capital town of the watchmaking industry » thanks to the shops or repair workshops kept by Besançon-trained former students all over France… It served as a background to set up research and university laboratories in the city : Observatoire Chronométrique, Ecole d’Ingénieurs, Centre d’Etudes Horlogères et de Développement Industriel (Cétéhor)… It contributed to the industrial diversification of the town in fields related to watchmaking such as mechanical cutting, micromechanics, equipment and microtechniques. It was nationalized in 1891 and then belonged to the very small elite goup of the Professional National Schools that influenced the future industrial development of the country. In 1933 it moved into sparkling-new premises and was acknowledged as the flagship of technical education in France : it offered a large number of innovating courses ranging from the skilled worker to the engineer and was granted the latest equipments in every field. The path of this new school also enhanced a « humane » and « prosopographical » history ; it highlighted the part played by the numerous former students who created their own successful businesses. Being faithful to their old school they contributed to the renown and economic growth and prosperity of the city and its region… Beyond the local impact we must regard the history of the watchmaking schools as an important part of the history of Technical Education in France. To meet the needs of a soaring watchmaking industry they opened the way to the transfer of professional training from apprenticeship in workshops with its observed shortcomings to education in technical high schools. Their pedagogical innovations, the strong support of their former students created a vital school-business link that still lives on in the collective memory of the town inhabitants.In 1974 its name changed to Lycée Jules Haag thus losing any reference to watchmaking. Let us now try and understand the strong influence and success of those watchmaking schools, the active part they played in the economic industrial prosperity of a town and its surrounding region…

Interpretations of academic freedom : a historical investigation

Baloyi, Colonel Rex 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of academic freedom, an issue which is regarded as a precondition for the university's successful execution of its task, namely the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. To understand what academic freedom really implies and entails, a historical review was undertaken of the various interpretations of academic freedom in the Medieval Italy and France, Imperial Germany, the late 19th century and the 20th century American and South African universities. As an ideal, academic freedom implies the free but responsible search for knowledge and truth. The historical review revealed, however, that academic freedom has at times been misunderstood and abused. The realisation of true academic freedom in South African universities was the motivating force behind this study. Therefore, this study is concluded with guidelines and recommendations grounded in the historical review that will hopefully promote academic freedom in South African universities. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (History of Education)

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