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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Naturen som arena : En studie i markåtkomstregler för orienteringssporten / Nature as an arena : a study in land access for orienteering

Sjögren, Jesper, Strömgård, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Allemansrätten finns inte definierad i svensk lag, utan är baserad på sedvänja och gamla traditioner som kan dateras ända tillbaka till medeltiden. Allemansrätten är dock omnämnd i lagtexten, i regeringsformen 2 kap. 15 § 4 st. samt i miljöbalken 7 kap. 1 §. Det finns lagar som definierar de allra yttersta gränserna av allemansrätten, såsom brottsbalkens bestämmelser om bland annat åverkan, hemfridsbrott, tagande av olovlig väg och egenmäktigt förfarande. Allemansrätten är dock inte sådan att allt som inte är olagligt är tillåtet, utan allemansrätten kräver att hänsyn visas för att allemansrätten ska kunna åberopas. Även miljöbalkens 2 kap. allmänna hänsynsregler sätter gränser för vad alla som bedriver verksamhet i naturen måste följa. Exakt vad allemansrätten faktiskt tillåter är dock svårtolkat i och med avsaknaden av definition. När det gäller organiserat friluftsliv, vilket orientering klassas som, är allemansrätten än mer komplex. Alla deltagare vid ett arrangemang kan hålla sig inom allemansrättens ramar, men det betyder inte med säkerhet att arrangemanget som sådant kan arrangeras endast med stöd av allemansrätten. Studien avser att undersöka vad som krävs för att ett orienteringsarrangemang ska kunna bedrivas med stöd av allemansrätten, hur arrangörer idag säkrar åtkomst till mark för deras verksamhet samt hur kunskapsnivån angående allemansrätt och gällande lagstiftning ser ut bland arrangörer ser ut idag. En enkät skickades ut till 87 stycken föreningar i sydvästra Sverige för att undersöka hur föreningar säkrade åtkomst till mark i samband med deras verksamhet och arrangemang, vilka lagar, riktlinjer och policys som föreningar använder i samband med deras verksamhet samt om utbildning inom allemansrätten sker i föreningen. Enkäten visade att kunskapsnivån inom vissa avseenden är låg bland föreningarna. Föreningarna är bra på att genomföra samråd före arrangemang, men långt ifrån alla föreningar genomför samråd med markägare, nyttjanderättshavare och jakträttsinnehavare innan nyritning eller revidering av orienteringskartor, samt att endast åtta procent av föreningarna undervisar medlemmar i allemansrätten. Kontakt togs med myndigheter och förbund för att höra hur de ser på organiserat friluftsliv. De som kontaktades var Svenska Orienteringsförbundet, Naturvårdsverket, Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland samt Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF. Resultaten som erhölls från detta visade att det finns lite olika tolkningar på hur allemansrätten ska tillämpas. Svenska Orienteringsförbundet hävdar att allemansrätten är tillämplig vid tävlings- och träningsverksamhet och att inget formellt tillstånd krävs från markägaren, förutom för områdena som krävs för parkering, mål, start etc. Samråd ska dock ske med markägare, nyttjanderättshavare och jakträttsinnehavare före kartritning och arrangemang. LRF säger i princip samma sak, alla arrangemang kräver samråd med markägaren och andra nyttjanderättshavare, men de säger också att denne kan säga nej till ett arrangemang om det riskerar att skada naturen eller störa markägarens intressen. Naturvårdsverket sade att det inte går att generalisera allemansrätten, utan att enskilda bedömningar vid varje tillfälle måste göras. Slutsatsen som kan dras sett ur detta är att allemansrätten är tämligen komplex och att dra konkreta gränser för när allemansrätten gäller och inte gäller i samband med orienteringsverksamhet är svårt. Olika marktyper påverkas i olika grad när människor passerar, och vad som kan vara tillåten påverkan på en viss marktyp kan vara otillåten på en annan. Markägaren får inte eller åsamkas påtaglig skada eller olägenhet för att arrangemanget ska omfattas av allemansrätten, och vad som är påtaglig skada är även det svårdefinierat. / The right of public access is not defined in Swedish law but is based on custom and ancient traditions dating back to the Middle Ages. However, the right of access is mentioned in the legal text, in RF 2 chapter 15 § 4 pcs. as well as in MB 7 chapter 1 §. There are laws that define the utmost limits of the right of public access, such as the rules of brottsbalken such as åverkan, hemfridsbrott, tagande av olovlig väg and egenmäktigt förfarande. However, the right of public access does not define that everything that is not illegal is permitted, and the right of public access requires that respect is shown. Chapter 2 of miljöbalken, Allmänna hänsynsregler m.m. set limits for what all those engaged in activities in nature must follow. In terms of organized outdoor activities, which orienteering is classed as, the right of public access is even more complex. All participants in an event can be within the limits of the right of public access, but it does not mean that the entire event can be held solely based on the right of public access if the damage or disturbance done by all participants is too high. The study intends to investigate what is required for an orienteering event to be conducted based on the right of public access, how organizers today secure access to land for their events and how the level of knowledge regarding the right of public access and current law is today. A survey was sent to 87 associations in southwestern Sweden to investigate how associations secured access to land in connection with their activities and arrangements, which laws, guidelines and policies used by associations in connection with their activities as well as on education in the right of public access are in the association. The survey showed that the level of knowledge in some respects is low among the associations. The associations are good at conducting consultations prior to arrangements, but far from all associations contacted landowners, usufructuaries and owners of hunting rights prior to the making of orienteering maps. Also, only 8% of the associations teach members in right of public access. Contact was taken with authorities and federations to hear how they look at organized outdoor activities. Those who were contacted were the Swedish Orienteering Association, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the County Administrative Board and the Federation of Swedish Farmers. The results obtained from this showed that there are several interpretations on how the right of public access is applied. The Swedish Orienteering Association claims that the right of public access is applicable to all events and that no formal permission is required from the landowner, but consultation with the landowner, any usufructuaries and gamekeeper should always be held. The Federation of Swedish Farmers also says that consultation with the landowner, any usufructuaries and owners of hunting rights always is necessary and that they can deny access if the event has any risk of damaging or disturbing either the nature or the landowner’s interests. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in their assessment said that it is not possible to generalize when the right of public access is applicable, without individual assessments at every individual situation. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the right to public access is quite complex and to lay down concrete limits for when the right of public access applies and not applicable in connection with orienteering events is difficult. Different land types are affected to a different extent when people pass, and what may be allowed impact in one area may not be allowed on another. Landowners shall not receive or incur material injury or inconvenience for the event to be covered by the right of public access, and what is material injury is also difficult to define.

ICT Interventions for Rural Empowerment : An Empirical Study

Tallapragada, Sudhakar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Significant interest is witnessed in the context of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mediated interventions for development and empowerment of people living in Rural India since the turn of the century. An objective evaluation of impact of such initiatives is important for enrichment of these initiatives as well as potential scaling up and replication. Despite a large number of such initiatives and their subsequent scrutiny in the literature, there is a dearth of comprehensive studies to establish the potential and scope of ICT mediated interventions on empowerment and the role of participation. The present study focuses on bridging this gap. The study is undertaken in three phases- (1) Longitudinal observation, (2) Intensive analysis of ongoing ICT mediated interventions to study stages of empowerment and their measurement and (3) Analytical modelling of the processes and outcomes of empowerment. In the first phase, a longitudinal observation using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach was undertaken in Sirsa, Haryana over two years to explore the relevance of ICT mediation through various communication devices. In the second phase, mobile phone based interventions, involving dissemination of information, were intensively studied. Nine PRA studies were undertaken at eight locations from three states representing diverse agriculture and allied contexts. A Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA) was undertaken in which a participant was assessed at three different stages – (a) awareness, (b) knowledge and (c) internalization. A specimen based approach based on PRA techniques was adopted, to assess their retention and internalization. A ‘Knowledge Gap Indicator (KGI)’ approach was used to assess and compare retention between people who were part of the intervention with those who did not have exposure to it. In the third phase, the process of empowerment was conceptually modeled as ‘The Participation based ICT Mediated Empowerment Cycle (PICTEC)’. The conceptual model – PICTEC was empirically tested using data obtained from seven locations from three states based on a survey using structured audio-enabled questionnaire. The structural model of PICTEC based on the factors that influence the empowerment cycle was studied using Generalized Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques. The research points to the utility of understanding empowerment through the three distinct approaches adopted in the three phases. The other main contributions include design and development of a methodology to assess empowerment at various stages using Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA), measurement of empowerment using Knowledge Gap Indicators (KGI) and data collection approaches in the spirit of PRA techniques based on specimen based approach and audio enabled questionnaires which are amenable to rigorous analysis. The results indicate evidence for positive impact of technology mediation in achieving the overall objectives of empowerment in the rural India context. The enabling role of participation is also observed. The results show that the stages of manifestation of empowerment and the internal processes can be studied simultaneously which has positive implications for designing effective interventions. The outcome of the present study are expected to contribute to existing literature on the subject and have relevance for policy makers, managers, designers and administrators of ICT based interventions targeting empowerment.

Handlingsoffentlighet i delegerad verksamhet : En studie av informationstillgången inom delegerad luftfartsverksamhet på Transportstyrelsen

Backman, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
The ability to delegate some of ones activities to other organizations is something that has been used for many years by different types of organizations in different areas. This type of delegation to make use of external knowledge has been found to have many benefits such as improved quality of decision making,shorter decision paths and redistribution of resources to improve processes. Unfortunately, it has also been found that in some activities, delegation can lead to problems with, for example, information access. The purpose of this paper was therefore to investigate whether one authority's delegation of activities to another organization affects access to information based on the concept of public documents. The research questions that formed the basis of the investigation were 1) Are there information losses, based on the concept of public documents, that can arise in connection with the delegated activity, and which are they? and 2) What consequences can information loss have when looking at the principle of public access to official records? This paper has had a qualitative approach where interviews and document studies have been used as methods for gathering information regarding the two research questions. The main conclusion drawn from this thesis is that if the Swedish Transport Agency uses certain types of organizations for delegation of activities, extensive information loss can be incurred regarding information linked to certain parts of its activities and as an authority run the risk of being in conflict with the principle of public access to official records.

An assessment of the effectiveness of the academic library online public access catalogue (OPAC) by students: a case of University of Venda Library

Nemalili, Tshililo Violet 13 January 2015 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

Evaluation by Korean Students of Major Online Public Access Catalogs in Selected Academic Libraries

Park, Il-jong 12 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to provide information on the characteristics of a specific group of international college students from a developing country in order to assist system managers in the selection of OPACs.

”Det är liksom bara att komma och hälsa på” : En kvalitativ utredning om upplevd trygghet i förhållande till offentligt tillgängliga personuppgifter på internet

Lindström, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Genom så kallade ”utgivningsbevis” får aktörer som erhållit dessa publicera vissa personuppgifter på internet. Detta kan inkludera exempelvis uppgifter om adress, telefonnummer, skatteuppgifter, födelsedag, fullständigt namn och andra uppgifter som går att ta del av genom Offentlighetsprincipen. Utgivningsbevisen är grundlagsskyddade och får därmed företräde över EU-lag, exempelvis får utgivningsbevisen företräde över GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation]. Uppgifterna kan vara svåra att få borttagna från internet om hemsidan som publicerat dem inte vill ta bort dem. Personuppgifter som finns på internet, särskilt adress och telefonnummer, kan tänkas bidra till oro eller otrygghet hos en del människor. Exempelvis finns det tidigare forskning som pekat på att vissa personer kan riskera att bli utsatta för brott eller uppleva en stark obekvämhet eller oro över att deras personuppgifter offentliggörs (se exempelvis Hedin och Wiberg, 2020; Ericsson, 2011). Ett annat potentiellt orosmoln kan vara att bli utsatt för stalking, vilket är vanligare att kvinnor blir utsatta för (Lenhart et al, 2016; Maiuro, 2015; Logan, 2006).  Syftet med denna utredning var att undersöka upplevd trygghet i förhållande till offentligt tillgängliga personuppgifter. För att möjliggöra detta har sex kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts för att belysa hur individer reflekterar över offentligt tillgängliga uppgifter och om de har några egna erfarenheter där de känt sig otrygga med att deras uppgifter fanns på internet. Urvalet bestod utav både män och kvinnor i åldern 23-32 år. I analysen av resultatet har teorier av Ulrich Beck och Anthony Giddens om risk och trygghet tillämpats. Empirin analyserades sedan genom en tematisk analys.  Resultatet visade på att individer reflekterar över att deras personuppgifter finns tillgängliga på internet, framförallt vid tillfällen där de varit med om någon typ av händelse som fått dem att reflektera över detta. Det kan även finnas någon typ av otrygghetskänsla hos en del individer till följd av att personuppgifter, som deras adress eller telefonnummer, finns tillgängliga på internet, detta var särskilt förekommande bland kvinnorna i utredningen samt bland de som berättade om sina erfarenheter av att arbeta i butik. Samtliga kvinnliga intervjupersoner berättade om upplevelser där de känt sig otrygga med att deras uppgifter fanns på internet, vilket skiljde sig från de manliga intervjupersonerna där ingen berättade om någon sådan upplevelse. Överlag fanns det en oro, otrygghet eller osäkerhet bland intervjupersonerna kring personuppgifters tillgänglighet. Något annat som framkom ur Frida Lindström S7021A 1 utredningen var att det fanns en efterfrågan om mer kontroll över vilka personuppgifter som visas öppet på internet, men åsikterna gällande exempelvis när individer ska ha rätt att få sina uppgifter borttagna från internet var något delade. / Through so called ”publication licenses” [Swedish: utgivningsbevis] people or businesses who have acquired these can publish certain types of personal information on the internet. These can include addresses, phone numbers, tax information, birthdays, full names and other information that can be acquired through the Swedish principle of public access to official records [Swedish: offentlighetsprincipen]. The publication licenses are protected under the Swedish constitution and therefore override EU-law, for example the publication licenses override GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation]. The information can be difficult to remove from the internet if the website that published the information does not want to remove it. Personal information on the internet, particularly addresses and phone numbers, could potentially contribute to feelings of worry or insecurity in some people. For example, previous research has shown that some people may be at risk or may experience a strong sense of uncomfortableness or worry over having their information made public (see for example Hedin and Wiberg, 2020; Ericsson, 2011). Another potential cause for worry could be the risk of being stalked, which is more common that women are exposed to (Lenhart et al, 2016; Maiuro, 2015; Logan, 2006).  The aim of this investigation was to examine perceived safety in relation to publicly available personal information. To achieve this, six qualitative semi-structured interviews were done to shed light on how individuals think and feel when it comes to publicly available personal information and whether they’ve had any personal experiences of feeling unsafe with having their personal information available online. The selection of participants consisted of both women and men between the ages 23-32 years old. Theories on risk and safety by Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens have been used when analyzing the results. The empirical data was then analyzed through a thematic analysis.  The results showed that individuals do reflect over the fact that their personal information is available on the internet, particularly when they’ve experienced something that reminded them of this. This can also evoke feelings of insecurity in certain individuals as a result of knowing that one’s personal information, such as address or phone number, is available on the internet. This was especially common among the female participants in this study as well as among those who have worked in retail. All of the female participants expressed feelings of insecurity around having their information online, this differed from the male participants Frida Lindström S7021A 3 where nobody shared any such experiences. Overall there is a sense of concern, vulnerability or uncertainty surrounding having one’s personal information available online. Something else that the investigation found was a demand for more control over which personal information is being shown online. However, opinions varied regarding whether or not individuals should have the right to have their information removed from the internet.

Dialogschnittstellen an Online-Informationssystemen: Notwendigkeit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel des OSIRIS-Systems / The OSIRIS-System as an Example for Necessity, Abilities and Perspectives of Human-Machine Dialogue Interfaces to Online Information Systems

Ronthaler, Marc 05 June 2001 (has links)
Zentrales Thema der Arbeit sind die im Rahmen des Projektes OSIRIS vorgenommenen Verbesserungen für den Online-Zugang zu Bibliothekskatalogen. Diese Verbesserungen werden in den Kontext der steigenden Bedeutung von Online Information gestellt, indem Schnittstellen zu Online-Bibliothekskatalogen als ein repräsentativer Sonderfall für Online-Dialogschnittstellen beschrieben werden. Nach einer Darstellung der wesentlichen Merkmale von OSIRIS (auch kontrastiv zu anderen Bemühungen im Kontext wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken, die Recherche im Online-Katalog zu verbessern) werden die Möglichkeiten eines weiteren Systemausbaus beschrieben. Neben den für OSIRIS spezifischen Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten geht es dabei auch um die allgemein an der Schnittstelle zu erwartenden linguistischen Phänomene. Im Anschluss werden die bereits für OSIRIS durchgeführten Evaluationsmassnahmen beschrieben und anhand der Literatur versucht, allgemeine Kriterien für die Wirkung natürlichsprachlicher Schnittstellen auf die Nutzer zu identifizieren. Es werden die möglicherweise limitierenden Faktoren eines weiteren Ausbaus einer natürlichsprachlichen Dialogschnittstelle wie OSIRIS beschrieben, wobei neben den technischen Aspekten insbesondere die Wirkung von Dialogschnittstellen auf deren Benutzer erörtert wird.

Modernisation and Innovation Management: Developing a Digital Society. An investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology.

Ubiebor, Merhedia R. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.


陳臻 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,使用者的資訊搜尋行為有了新面貌,線上公用目錄亦面臨重大轉變及挑戰。圖書館界應站在使用者角度來思考,設計及建置一個使用者滿意的線上公用目錄系統。國際圖書館協會聯盟(IFLA)在2005年提出的《Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays》報告中,認為線上公用目錄的設計該有其原則,尤其應該考慮到使用者的需求。   本研究旨在從使用者角度出發,建構一套適合國內大專院校圖書館線上公用目錄的設計原則。本論文參考國內外線上公用目錄設計內容,除了參酌IFLA的原則基礎外,並融入其他學者專家、機構團體對於未來線上公用目錄的意見及建議,彙整一套從使用者角度思考的線上公用目錄設計原則草案。為了獲取使用者的意見,本研究共舉辦三場焦點團體訪談,藉由使用者的想法來修正草案內容,再將修正後之草案,經由分別針對學生與館員的問卷調查,來進行最後的原則項目清單之確認。   根據研究結果,確認使用者認同的線上公用目錄設計原則總計六大類35項原則。該六大類分別為「使用者需求」、「介面設計」、「內容及資料安排」、「檢索技術」、「個人化服務」及「資源整合」,並依平均數高低區分為不同重要性。未來圖書館員與廠商欲進行線上公用目錄設計的溝通,或評鑑線上公用目錄時可作為參考之用;並經由本研究發現使用者與館員的想法差異相當大,圖書館在建置線上公用目錄前應更瞭解使用者的資訊使用行為及習慣。 / The behavior of users’ information search has changed in the past years in accordance with the development of information technology. Therefore, Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is facing great transformation and challenges. Libraries should design and construct an OPAC system from users’ perspective. In 2005, a report from International Federation of Library Association and Institution (IFLA) titled “Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays” outlined principles in designing OPAC and highlighted the importance of users’ need. This study aims to offer a draft of design guidelines of OPAC for universities and colleges in Taiwan. It refers to IFLA guidance, local and abroad interfaces of OPACs, and blends in the feedback from scholars and educational institutions on the OPAC design. It also held three focus groups in order to gauge users’ views on how to improve the drafted guidelines. Then the revised guidelines were used to conduct further questionnaires on librarians and students. From there, it gave birth to the final guidelines. The analysis of the study came up six major categories and 35 principles. The six categories are: users’ need, design interface, content and information arrangement, retrieval technique, personalized service and information integration. This study could serve as the future guidance when librarians are in talks with vendors in their OPAC design, and when the evaluation of OPAC system is needed. This study also revealed that there is a gap between the opinion of users and librarians. Libraries should thus pay more attention in understanding what users want when constructing OPAC.

我國個人隱私保護對於檔案開放應用影響之研究 / The impact of information privacy on archival public access in Taiwan

黃鈺婷, Huang, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
檔案管理之終極目標,是在於將經過專業化管理之檔案提供於使用者應用,以能充分發揮檔案所具有之歷史、真實憑證和資訊價值。在資訊化社會時代,檔案公開、政府資訊開放與個人隱私權的保護已成為現今民主社會的重要共識,然而個人隱私權和檔案公開政策的衝突卻一直是我國檔案開放應用實務的主要問題,而不利於促進國內檔案管理事業及檔案應用服務的推廣。 本研究藉由分析國內外主要檔案典藏機構之檔案開放應用規範,以及透過深度訪談法蒐集檔案管理人員及檔案使用者對於個人隱私保護相關法令、檔案開放應用法令與檔案應用服務之實務或使用經驗,探究我國個人隱私保護法令和政策對於檔案開放應用實務所造成的影響及問題。結果發現,目前個人隱私保護法令使國內檔案實務界對檔案開放應用的標準產生分歧、且對於涉及隱私資訊檔案的開放作法亦相對保守,加上具重要價值之機關檔案並未落實移轉、而仍分散於各機關之中,將使個人隱私保護標準更難以統一,究其根本原因後也呈現出《檔案法》之規定因過於廣泛有待修正的問題。 本研究建議,國內檔案實務需針對個人隱私保護標準建立共識、並以「通則開放」概念提供檔案之開放應用,而未來國內檔案實務界也須逐步改善機關檔案未落實移轉的問題和《檔案法》的修訂,以能符合使用者需求並充分公開具有珍貴價值之檔案資源。 / The goal of the archival management is providing the archival public access for users and to bring full play of archives’ values. Protecting rights of the archival public access, freedom of government information and information privacy are important principles in information society. However, policies of information privacy are severely impeded applications of archival public access in Taiwan, and may turn against the archival management. For this reason, this study analyzes contents of policies of archival public access from main archival institutions all over the world and collects archivists and users experience to find out the influnences of impact between information policies and aechival public access. The search result shows that there are no unified standards for providing private information from main archival institutions in Taiwan. Also, the over conservativeness of archival repositories to provide archives and the non-complete transfers of national archives become main problems. On the other hand, undefinite rules of the〝Archival Management Act〞in Taiwan are the prime reason that caused the problems. According the study, it suggests that the main archival repositories should to be more open and need define standards for providing the archival public access, and the National Archives Administration should promote the effect about transfering the national archivaes. Moreover, the〝Archival Management Act〞also needs to be revised so that policices of archival public access will be more effecient to fit the users’ needs.

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