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浙江禦倭、薊鎮練兵、朝鮮抗日: 戚繼光軍事革命之考察 = Fighting Wako, training army, and defending Korea : a study on Qi Jiguang's military revolution in sixteenth-century Ming China. / Fighting Wako, training army, and defending Korea: a study on Qi Jiguang's military revolution in sixteenth-century Ming China / 浙江禦倭薊鎮練兵朝鮮抗日: 戚繼光軍事革命之考察 / 戚繼光軍事革命之考察 / Zhejiang yu Wo, Ji Zhen lian bing, Chaoxian kang Ri: Qi Jiguang jun shi ge ming zhi kao cha = Fighting Wako, training army, and defending Korea : a study on Qi Jiguang's military revolution in sixteenth-century Ming China. / Zhejiang yu wo Ji Zhen lian bing Chaoxian kang Ri: Qi Jiguang jun shi ge ming zhi kao cha / Qi Jiguang jun shi ge ming zhi kao chaJanuary 2015 (has links)
本文擬以西方「軍事革命」理論的角度,探討萬曆朝鮮戰爭時期,明軍薊鎮部隊的作戰表現。戚繼光「軍事革命」獨特之處在於,除訓練單兵作戰技巧外,亦重視部隊戰術隊型、協同作戰及指揮系統。從對抗倭寇時的步兵鴛鴦陣開始,至薊鎮抗虜時發展出步兵、騎兵、車兵、炮兵的協同作戰,是戚繼光「軍事革命」的主要元素。「戚家軍」戰鬥力之強勁,即根源於此。得益於戚繼光「軍事革命」的薊鎮部隊,是當時被成為「南兵」的主要部隊之一,在朝鮮戰場上更大放異彩,作戰表現遠勝明軍中的北兵。 / This thesis studies the performance of the Jizhen(薊鎮) Army during the Korean War (1592-1598) from the perspective of the "Military Revolution" theory. It argues that the Qi Jigunag revolutionized the training of the Ming army by focusing more on tactical formation, on coordination among different forces, on improving the commanding system, and also on more practical and united training of soldiers. As a result, the Ming army from Jizhen, also known as "the Southern Army", trained by the Qi Jiguang model, excelled in the Korean theatre by their military prowess and their good discipline and distinguished themselves from the more unruly and less competent Ming forces from the Northeast. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 葉家銘. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-99). / Abstracts also in English. / Ye Jiaming.
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Evaluation of a tai chi qigong program in promoting physiological and psychosocial health statuses in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clients. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2011 (has links)
Chan, Wai Kiu. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 233-256). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract and appendix also in Chinese.
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Tai Chi Chuan na atenção primária à saúde: avaliação de equilíbrio funcional e do medo de queda em idosos de uma unidade de saúdeFagundes, Ricardo Augusto Lopes January 2011 (has links)
A queda em idosos é um problema significativo em saúde pública, já que este tipo de acidente pode resultar em fraturas, diminuição da mobilidade e aumento da mortalidade. Neste contexto, o Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) pode ser visto como uma prática corporal promissora na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Nesta dissertação, foram produzidos dois artigos. No primeiro, avaliamos a relação entre a prática de TCC, como atividade de grupo em uma Unidade de Saúde, no equilíbrio estático e dinâmico de idosos. Para isto, 80 idosos da comunidade (≥ 60 anos) foram convidados a realizar entrevista e avaliação de equilíbrio e a participar de um grupo de TCC (amostra por conveniência). Os participantes foram avaliados antes e seis meses após o treinamento da “Sequência Simplificada de TCC de 24 Movimentos” (baseada no estilo Yang), 1x/semana. As 19 pessoas que frequentaram ≥8 aulas foram consideradas praticantes. Foram realizadas 26 aulas durante o estudo, com uma média de 18 participantes. Ocorreu uma melhora de aproximadamente dois pontos na Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (p<0,001) no grupo de praticantes sendo que 100% destes, ou melhoraram ou mantiveram os escores anteriores. Tratase de uma das primeiras avaliações da prática de TCC realizada no âmbito da APS, no Brasil. No segundo artigo, (um relato de experiência) descrevemos as condições necessárias para a prática do TCC e o programa de treinamento de forma detalhada. Concluindo, o TCC é uma prática corporal utilizada para a promoção da saúde. Acreditamos ser possível sua inserção na APS trazendo, desta forma, benefícios na melhora do equilíbrio de idosos da comunidade. / Falls in the elderly is a significant problem in public health, since this type of accident can result in fractures, decreased mobility and increased mortality. In this context, the Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) can be seen as a promising body practice in Primary Health Care (PHC). In this dissertation, two articles have been produced. In the first article, we evaluated the relationship between the practice of TCC, as a group activity in a Health Unit in static and dynamic balance in elderly people. In order for this to happen, 80 community elderly (≥ 60 years) were invited to participate in interviews and evaluations of balance and as well as in a TCC group (convenience sample). Participants were evaluated before and six months after the training of “24 simplified TCC forms” (based on Yang style), 1x/week. The 19 people who attended ≥ 8 classes were considered practitioners. During the study, 26 lessons were conducted, with an average of 18 participants. There was an improvement of approximately two points on the Berg scale of balance performance (p <0.001) in the group of practitioners and 100% of these, either maintained or improved their previous scores. This is one of the first evaluations of the practice of TCC within the PHC, in Brazil. In the second article (an experience report) we described the necessary conditions for the practice of TCC and the training program in detail. In conclusion, TCC is a body practice that is used to promote health. We believe it is possible its insertion into the PHC bringing thus benefits in improving balance of older adults.
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / INTRODUCTION. Health professionals are especially concerned with the care of low birth weight children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, birth weight below 2500 grams is considered as low. Low birth weight has been found to place the child s future emotional, intellectual, and learning development at risk. Some studies have shown that, on the average, during the preschool phase, premature and low birth weight children evince lower cognitive performance than their normal weight peers. OBJECTIVES. Ascertain the epidemiological and neurological profile of premature, low birth weight children evaluated in a hospital school in Sao Luis, Maranhão. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach to birth cohort in 2001 of newborns admitted to the Hospital Unit of the Maternal and Child HUUFMA. Researchers recorded 45 records, only 27 of these children participated in the study was conducted using survey data from medical records and was applied to Scale WISC III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Based on findings, although the children sampled were from low-income families, their average total IQ (WISC-III) was in the normal range. Within the children sample there were no significant differences between Verbal and Performance IQ. No significant dependence relationship between epidemiological variables and preterm low birth weight.CONCLUSION: Regardless of birth weight, without severe complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the child can develop their cognitive intellectual, their social and cognitive social skills in a satisfactory and harmonious, (provided that adequately stimulated and under the guidance of skilled professionals), the same way that passes the development of children born at term and normal birth weight. / INTRODUÇÃO: É grande o interesse de profissionais da área da Saúde para com os cuidados com crianças que nascem com baixo peso. Segundo a OMS (Organização Mundial de Saúde), são consideradas de baixo peso, crianças nascidas com peso ≤ 2.500g. As habilidades intelectuais, sociais e emocionais são necessárias para o bom desempenho escolar. Déficits de desenvolvimento se tornam especialmente evidentes quando as crianças atingem a idade pré-escolar, indicando que crianças que foram bebês prematuros de baixo peso ao nascimento têm desempenho escolar significativamente pior em relação a crianças da mesma idade. OBJETIVOS: Determinar o perfil epidemiológico e neuropsicológico de crianças prematuras, com baixo peso, assistidas em um hospital maternidade escola de São Luís, Maranhão. METODOLOGIA: Realizou-se estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, com coorte de nascimento no ano de 2001 de recém nascidos internados no Hospital Universitário Unidade Materno-Infantil do HUUFMA. Pesquisou-se 45 prontuários, destas crianças apenas 27 participaram do estudo, realizou-se levantamento de dados através dos prontuários e foi aplicada a Escala WISC III. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Na pesquisa realizada os pais das crianças apresentavam nível sócio-econômico baixo, mas as crianças, em sua maioria apresentaram QI Total na categoria média na Escala WISC III; não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença estatística em QI Verbal, QI de execução e QI total dos grupos estudados, nem relação de dependência significativa entre variáveis epidemiológicas e prematuridade com baixo peso. CONCLUSÃO: Independente do peso ao nascer, sem intercorrências graves durante a gravidez e parto, a criança pode desenvolver seu cognitivo intelectual, seu cognitivo social e suas habilidades sociais de forma satisfatória e harmônica, (desde que estimuladas adequadamente e sob orientação de profissionais especializados), da mesma forma que transcorre o desenvolvimento de crianças que nascem a termo e com peso normal ao nascer.
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藏戲《諾桑王傳》人神關係之分析 / The Analysis of the Relations Between Human and God in ace- lhamo"chookee-norsan"鄭怡甄, Cheng, Yi-Chen(Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
為藏族八大藏戲中年代最久遠,流傳範圍最廣,專門演出劇團最多,影響藏戲演出藝術最深,且與藏族文化中的歷史,宗教,文學密不可分的性質後;以《 諾桑王傳》故事乃藏族文化的縮影,以藏戲《諾桑王傳》的演出為藏族凝聚彼此的中介活動之觀點出發;分析本劇中人神關係發生的場景,情節架構,角色類型,事件活動,以建構出藏族文化的內在結構與內涵.
筆者分析出本劇中的變化,對立,排列,及相互連繫的四種人神關係後,對藏傳佛教中苯教與佛教的融合狀況,及對藏族文化中人與苯教神靈,佛教神靈間的交互作用,都有較具體與整合的概念;在此研究基礎上,筆者圖示出佛陀,菩薩,世間大神,地方神,家神的五個藏傳佛教神靈體系,另外並圖示包含大活佛,高級僧人,及最低一等的一般僧人,平民百姓,低賤階級,共三階層的人的體系.故本論文將提供未來藏傳佛教研究者一個參考範例. / The study of the thesis is on the Tibetan opera"chooee-
norsan".It spreadingage long and widely.It also has the most
many theatrical companies in Tibet,and it has a profound
influence on performance art.Besides,it has a deep connection with the history,religion,literature of the Tibet.So,the story is a miniature of Tibetan culture.The present is a liminal activity to curdle the society with these point of view,I analysis the stage,the structure of the plot,the style of role, the activity of the events,and find out four relations between human and god.There are change,oppsite,series,and connection. They build the interior structure and contents of the Tibetan culture.
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Traitement de l'information sociale en contexte d'interactions hypothétiques avec des pairs : différences sexuelles et comportementales pour des enfants de 6-8 ansChalfoun, Christiane January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Tai Chi Chuan na atenção primária à saúde: avaliação de equilíbrio funcional e do medo de queda em idosos de uma unidade de saúdeFagundes, Ricardo Augusto Lopes January 2011 (has links)
A queda em idosos é um problema significativo em saúde pública, já que este tipo de acidente pode resultar em fraturas, diminuição da mobilidade e aumento da mortalidade. Neste contexto, o Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) pode ser visto como uma prática corporal promissora na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Nesta dissertação, foram produzidos dois artigos. No primeiro, avaliamos a relação entre a prática de TCC, como atividade de grupo em uma Unidade de Saúde, no equilíbrio estático e dinâmico de idosos. Para isto, 80 idosos da comunidade (≥ 60 anos) foram convidados a realizar entrevista e avaliação de equilíbrio e a participar de um grupo de TCC (amostra por conveniência). Os participantes foram avaliados antes e seis meses após o treinamento da “Sequência Simplificada de TCC de 24 Movimentos” (baseada no estilo Yang), 1x/semana. As 19 pessoas que frequentaram ≥8 aulas foram consideradas praticantes. Foram realizadas 26 aulas durante o estudo, com uma média de 18 participantes. Ocorreu uma melhora de aproximadamente dois pontos na Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (p<0,001) no grupo de praticantes sendo que 100% destes, ou melhoraram ou mantiveram os escores anteriores. Tratase de uma das primeiras avaliações da prática de TCC realizada no âmbito da APS, no Brasil. No segundo artigo, (um relato de experiência) descrevemos as condições necessárias para a prática do TCC e o programa de treinamento de forma detalhada. Concluindo, o TCC é uma prática corporal utilizada para a promoção da saúde. Acreditamos ser possível sua inserção na APS trazendo, desta forma, benefícios na melhora do equilíbrio de idosos da comunidade. / Falls in the elderly is a significant problem in public health, since this type of accident can result in fractures, decreased mobility and increased mortality. In this context, the Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) can be seen as a promising body practice in Primary Health Care (PHC). In this dissertation, two articles have been produced. In the first article, we evaluated the relationship between the practice of TCC, as a group activity in a Health Unit in static and dynamic balance in elderly people. In order for this to happen, 80 community elderly (≥ 60 years) were invited to participate in interviews and evaluations of balance and as well as in a TCC group (convenience sample). Participants were evaluated before and six months after the training of “24 simplified TCC forms” (based on Yang style), 1x/week. The 19 people who attended ≥ 8 classes were considered practitioners. During the study, 26 lessons were conducted, with an average of 18 participants. There was an improvement of approximately two points on the Berg scale of balance performance (p <0.001) in the group of practitioners and 100% of these, either maintained or improved their previous scores. This is one of the first evaluations of the practice of TCC within the PHC, in Brazil. In the second article (an experience report) we described the necessary conditions for the practice of TCC and the training program in detail. In conclusion, TCC is a body practice that is used to promote health. We believe it is possible its insertion into the PHC bringing thus benefits in improving balance of older adults.
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Tai Chi Chuan na atenção primária à saúde: avaliação de equilíbrio funcional e do medo de queda em idosos de uma unidade de saúdeFagundes, Ricardo Augusto Lopes January 2011 (has links)
A queda em idosos é um problema significativo em saúde pública, já que este tipo de acidente pode resultar em fraturas, diminuição da mobilidade e aumento da mortalidade. Neste contexto, o Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) pode ser visto como uma prática corporal promissora na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Nesta dissertação, foram produzidos dois artigos. No primeiro, avaliamos a relação entre a prática de TCC, como atividade de grupo em uma Unidade de Saúde, no equilíbrio estático e dinâmico de idosos. Para isto, 80 idosos da comunidade (≥ 60 anos) foram convidados a realizar entrevista e avaliação de equilíbrio e a participar de um grupo de TCC (amostra por conveniência). Os participantes foram avaliados antes e seis meses após o treinamento da “Sequência Simplificada de TCC de 24 Movimentos” (baseada no estilo Yang), 1x/semana. As 19 pessoas que frequentaram ≥8 aulas foram consideradas praticantes. Foram realizadas 26 aulas durante o estudo, com uma média de 18 participantes. Ocorreu uma melhora de aproximadamente dois pontos na Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (p<0,001) no grupo de praticantes sendo que 100% destes, ou melhoraram ou mantiveram os escores anteriores. Tratase de uma das primeiras avaliações da prática de TCC realizada no âmbito da APS, no Brasil. No segundo artigo, (um relato de experiência) descrevemos as condições necessárias para a prática do TCC e o programa de treinamento de forma detalhada. Concluindo, o TCC é uma prática corporal utilizada para a promoção da saúde. Acreditamos ser possível sua inserção na APS trazendo, desta forma, benefícios na melhora do equilíbrio de idosos da comunidade. / Falls in the elderly is a significant problem in public health, since this type of accident can result in fractures, decreased mobility and increased mortality. In this context, the Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) can be seen as a promising body practice in Primary Health Care (PHC). In this dissertation, two articles have been produced. In the first article, we evaluated the relationship between the practice of TCC, as a group activity in a Health Unit in static and dynamic balance in elderly people. In order for this to happen, 80 community elderly (≥ 60 years) were invited to participate in interviews and evaluations of balance and as well as in a TCC group (convenience sample). Participants were evaluated before and six months after the training of “24 simplified TCC forms” (based on Yang style), 1x/week. The 19 people who attended ≥ 8 classes were considered practitioners. During the study, 26 lessons were conducted, with an average of 18 participants. There was an improvement of approximately two points on the Berg scale of balance performance (p <0.001) in the group of practitioners and 100% of these, either maintained or improved their previous scores. This is one of the first evaluations of the practice of TCC within the PHC, in Brazil. In the second article (an experience report) we described the necessary conditions for the practice of TCC and the training program in detail. In conclusion, TCC is a body practice that is used to promote health. We believe it is possible its insertion into the PHC bringing thus benefits in improving balance of older adults.
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黃宗羲哲學之建構 / The Philosophical Construction of Huang Zongxi黃冠禎, Hwang, Guan Jen Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本論文將總結討論黃宗羲建構之哲學思想,能否真正取代陽明心學,以及其哲學的可能發展。 / This thesis mainly focuses on how Huang Zongxi (黃宗羲)established a set of moral philosophy on the basis of affirmative rational development.
The first chapter of the introduction, describes the background purpose of research, literature review, the proposed research methods and measures and the expected results. Huang Zongxi, aims for removing metaphysical restrictions on human . Based on the autonomy and development of human in activities, he establishes a set of moral system in which not only personal morality can be fostered but also promotes the idealization of reality. Under this system,from the second to the sixth chapters, I will discuss the construction of his philosophy on the various contexts respectively .
The second chapter discusses thatalthough Huang Zongxi repeatedly claimed that he is willing to inheritLiu Jishan (劉蕺山)in his works, it is insufficient to conclude that Huang Zongxi's philosophical thinking is indeed so.In particular, Huang Zongxi's comments on the character thought were different from that of Liu Jieshan. In today's academic world, there is disagreement betweenthe philosophical points of Huang Zongxi and Liu Jishan. The primary purpose of this chapter is to respond to the current academic disagreement which resulted from data-citing problem. Focusing on the original texts, examined the views of various critics. The two would be positioned based on the original texts. Viewing the focus of Huang Zongxi's philosophy which was based on his inheritance and development of Liu Jieshan.
The third chapterconcentrates on the controversial issue about the theory of qi (氣) in Huang Zongxi’ philosophy,which should be regarded as two aspects. One is Huang Zongxi 's adherence to the tiandao (天道), the other is his emphasizing of the value of qi (氣). I would illustrated the two aspects by the discussions of the relationships of Huang Zongxi's li-qi (理氣)andxin-xing (心性)inmoral system.
The fourth chapter discusses that Huang Zongxi’s philosophy is not only xin xue (心學), but also qi xue (氣學). By the way qi move, human who stagnant self-interest, become evil. Therefore it must be debated on three questions as below :(1) Can the reality not make thepeople good? (2) Why do people have a morality that does not depend on experience? (3) How does this morality lead people to be good at reality? This chapter also explains the difference between human morality and human culture by the relationship between the theory of qi, the theory of the xin and thetheory of cultivation .
In the chapter five, I continue to discuss the presentation of "xing" . Since the morality is carried out by qi’s realization, to complete xing ,and discusses the content of cultivation by the expansion of the subject.
In the sixth chapter, according to Huang Zong-xi’s view , the Confucian moral world in reality, which is closely linked with the individual's moral cultivation. Therefore,Confucianism will to establish a social norms in society. Under affirmative rational development, the public norms established by Confucianism willbe completed by self-realization.
Finally, I will summarize that whether Huang Zongxi's philosophy can truly replace Yangmingism (陽明心學)and the possibledevelopment of Huang’s philosophy.
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Miniaturní zařízení pro sledování polohy / Miniature Tracking DeviceŠťáva, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The main theme of this masters's thesis is to design and make a miniature universal tracking device. This device is primarily for tracking asset, pets or people. For detecting the position data is used GPS technology. Data transmission is carried out via the GSM network. The device is technically solved and realized with respect to miniature size, high battery life and with regard to resistance against water, dust and impact damage. It is selected unique design, suitable for hermeticaly closure of the entire facility. Due to hermetic closure there is any buttons, any connectors and the battery charging is wireless.
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