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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Art Value Experience : An Immersive Procedural Content Generation Tool for Personal Visualization of Meaningful Numbers

Zhang, Yufei January 2022 (has links)
We present a Research through Design project that explores design opportunities and challenges of a personal visualization tool in artistic settings. The research process includes technical material exploration, an approach where state-of-the-art enabling techniques are examined to inspire artistic design decision-making. We propose three experiential qualities of such a tool: uniqueness, memorability, and aesthetics. They also serve as the heuristics throughout the design and evaluation process, aiming for meaningful user experience of personal visualization. Furthermore, we present how proceduralism democratizes user-generated content creation, how immersiveness improves the overall virtual experience, and how various computer graphics techniques are combined to improve the accessibility, learnability, and usability of the tool. / Vi presenterar en forskning genom ett designprojekt som utforskar möjligheter och utmaningar för ett personligt visualiseringsverktyg i konstnärliga scenarier. Forskningsprocessen inkluderar teknisk materialutforskning, ett tillvägagångssätt där state-of-the-art möjliggörande tekniker undersöks för att inspirera till beslutsfattande i konstnärlig design. Vi föreslår tre upplevelsemässiga egenskaper hos ett sådant verktyg: unikhet, minnesbarhet och estetik. Dessa egenskaper agerar även som heuristiken genom hela design- och utvärderingsprocessen, som syftar till en meningsfull användarupplevelse av personlig visualisering. Dessutom presenterar vi hur proceduralism demokratiserar användargenererat innehållsskapande, hur uppslukande förbättrar den övergripande virtuella upplevelsen och hur olika datorgrafiktekniker kan kombineras för att förbättra tillgängligheten, lärbarheten samt användbarheten av verktyget.

“Det är nog bara för att hålla närhet” : En kvalitativ studie om emotionella brukskvaliteters betydelse för den digitala kommunikationen / “It’s probably just to feel companionship”

Olsson, Evelina, Sheibani, Rana January 2021 (has links)
Our study touches a dimension in the development of design concepts that describes how we feel when we use functions and applications in digital artefacts. What happens to us when the mobile phone vibrates and a notification with our partner's name appears on the screen? We do not yet know what actual information the text message contains, yet an expectation is built and different feelings arise. Löwgren and Stolterman (2004) describe this dimension of the characteristics of the user experience as qualities of use. That is, the changing properties that arise in the use of an artifact. This study is about emotional qualities in use (emotionella brukskvaliteter), a term created for this essay. By that we mean the qualities in use that are important for interaction and that emerge in the space between the usage and the feeling that is created. Touching on such a complex concept as emotions, also requires that we limit ourselves to reproducing only occuring emotions and the meaning they have for the users, not how and why. By raising the theory of Löwgren and Stolterman (ibid.) we have researched what users' interaction look like and ask ourselves the question; What role do emotional qualities in use play in digital interaction? There is a tendency that the softer values of the use of technology are often emphasized by opinions. We see a gap in writing about the emotional side of digital interaction where the outcome is based on actual empirical data. This study mainly consists of data collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews with seven interviewees. The respondents also fullfilled a user diary in order to provide a basis for the interviews. The results are analyzed according to Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic method where all collected data is transcribed, coded and themed in several rounds. Our results indicate that emotional qualities in use are important to the user. We could identify these by the respondents sharing their perceived feelings about their user experiences. Our findings strengthen the need for emotional qualities in use to be implemented in the design process. / Vår studie beskriver en dimension i framtagandet av designkoncept som redogör för hur vi känner när vi använder funktioner och applikationer i digitala artefakter. Vad händer med oss när mobilen vibrerar och en notis med vår partners namn pryder skärmen? Vi vet ännu inte vilken faktisk information sms:et innehåller, ändå byggs en förväntan och olika känslor uppstår. Denna dimension om användningsupplevelsens egenskaper beskriver Löwgren och Stolterman (2004) som brukskvaliteter. Det vill säga de föränderliga egenskaper som uppstår i användandet av en artefakt. Denna studie handlar om emotionella brukskvaliteter. Med det menar vi de brukskvaliteter som är av betydelse för interaktion och som uppstår i mellanrummet mellan användandet och den känsla som skapas. Att beröra ett så komplext begrepp som känslor, kräver också att vi begränsar oss till att enbart återge vilka känslor som uppstår och betydelsen de får för användarna, inte hur och varför. Genom att lyfta teori av Löwgren och Stolterman (ibid.) har vi undersökt hur användarnas interaktion ser ut och ställer oss frågan; Vilken roll spelar emotionella brukskvaliteter i digital interaktion? Det finns en tendens att de mjukare värdena av teknikens användning ofta blir betonade av åsikter. Vi ser en lucka i att skriva om den emotionella sidan av digital interaktion där utfallet bygger på faktisk empiri.Den här studien består i huvudsak av data insamlad via semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med sju intervjupersoner. Respondenterna utförde även en användardagbok i syfte att ge underlag för intervjuerna. Resultatet analyseras enligt Braun och Clarkes (2006) tematiska metod där allt insamlat material transkriberas, kodas och tematiseras i flera omgångar. Vårt resultat pekar på att emotionella brukskvaliteter har betydelse för användaren. Dessa har identifierats genom att respondenterna berättar om sina upplevda känslor i användandet. Vi finner underlag i studien som stärker behovet för emotionella brukskvaliteter implementerat i designarbetet.

Personliga egenskaper och digitala verktygs inverkan på upplevd effektivitet vid distansarbete : En kvantitativ studie gjord inom offentlig sektor / Impact of personal characteristics and digital tools on perceived efficiency in teleworking : A quantitative study conducted in the public sector

Möller, Emma, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Distansarbete beskrivs vara en arbetsform där arbetstagare, på heltid eller deltid, utför arbetsuppgifter på annan plats än det centrala kontoret för organisationen. Tidigare forskning har lyft hur personliga egenskaper och olika grad av implementering av digitala verktyg kan påverka effektiviteten vid distansarbete.  Problemformulering: Personliga egenskaper och digitala verktygs inverkan på upplevd effektivitet vid distansarbete.  Syfte: Att ta reda på om arbetstagares självskattning av personliga egenskaper kopplade till FFM påverkar deras upplevda effektivitet vid distansarbete. Arbetet syftar även till redogörande för arbetstagares upplevda effektivitet vid distansarbete kopplat till användande av digitala verktyg vid arbetsformen. Metod: För att besvara frågeställningen användes kvantitativ metod. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på ett urval arbetstagare vilka hade erfarenhet av distansarbete. Den empiriska datan utgörs av 56 respondenter från tre kommuner i Västra Götalandsregionen. Analysen genomfördes med enkel linjär regression med effektivitet på distans som beroende variabel och en oberoende variabel satt utifrån respektive hypotes. Slutsats: Av de 8 hypoteser som utformats kan ingen av dem antas. Detta är en konsekvens av att det utifrån resultatet inte kunde påvisas några positiva samband mellan variablerna som sågs signifikanta. I föreliggande studie ses alltså inte hög grad av en viss personlighetstyp påverka den upplevda effektiviteten vid distansarbete. Resultatet visar heller inte att de arbetstagare som uppfattar kommunikationen som enkel, anser att arbetsgivaren anpassat sitt ledarskap eller fått utbildning inom ramen för arbetsformen upplever sig mer effektiva vid distansarbete. / Background: Telework is described as a form of work where employees, full-time or part-time, perform tasks in a place other than the central office of the organization. Previous research has highlighted how personal characteristics and different degrees of implementation of digital tools can affect the efficiency of teleworking. Problem formulation: Personal characteristics and the impact of digital tools on perceived efficiency in teleworking. Aim: To find out whether employees' self-assessment of personal qualities linked to FFM affects their perceived efficiency in teleworking. The work also aims to account for employees' perceived efficiency in teleworking linked to the use of digital tools in telework. Method: A quantitative method was used to answer the question. A survey was conducted on a sample of employees who had experience of teleworking. The empirical data consists of 56 respondents from three municipalities in the Västra Götaland region. The analysis is performed with simple linear regression with efficiency during telework as a dependent variable and an independent variable based on respective hypotheses. Conclusion: Of the 8 hypotheses formulated, none of them can be assumed. This is a consequence of the result not showing any positive relationships between the variables that were seen as significant. In the present study, therefore, a high degree of a certain personality type is not affected by the perceived efficiency of teleworking. The results nighter shows that those employees who perceive communication as simple, believe that the employer has adapted their leadership or have received training within the framework of telework, consider themselves more effective when working remotely.

Исследование представлений о психологе-консультанте в разных возрастных группах : магистерская диссертация / Study representations of consulting psychologist in different age groups

Первухина, Е. Р., Pervukhina, Y. R. January 2020 (has links)
In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward. / В работе в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам.

Потенциал народного творчества в духовно-нравственном воспитании молодежи : магистерская диссертация / The potential of folk creativity in the spiritual and moral education of youth

Муллер, А. И., Muller, A. I. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность магистерской диссертации обусловлена важностью разработки ряда предложений, направленных на увеличение вовлеченности молодежи в народное творчество. Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты духовно-нравственного воспитания молодежи в процессе народного творчества. Автор представил результаты эмпирического социологического исследования потенциала народного творчества в духовно-нравственном воспитании молодежи на примере Уральского центра народного искусства (г. Екатеринбург). По итогам эмпирического исследования выявлены основные направления развития духовно-нравственных качеств молодежи; разработаны предложения, направленные на полное использование потенциала народного творчества в духовно-нравственном воспитании молодежи; определена их социальная эффективность. / The relevance of the master's thesis is due to the importance of developing a number of proposals aimed at increasing the involvement of young people in folk art. The theoretical aspects of spiritual and moral education of youth in the process of folk art are considered. The author presented the results of an empirical sociological study of the potential of folk art in the spiritual and moral education of youth on the example of the Ural Center for Folk Art (Ekaterinburg). Based on the results of an empirical study, the main directions of the development of spiritual and moral qualities of youth are identified; developed proposals aimed at the full use of the potential of folk art in the spiritual and moral education of youth; their social effectiveness is determined.

Влияние личностных качеств учителя на отношение к профессиональной деятельности : магистерская диссертация / The influence of personal qualities of a teacher on the attitude to professional activity

Перфильев, П. С., Perfilyev, P. S. January 2023 (has links)
Работа включает в себя введение, теоретическую и эмпирическую главы, заключение, а также список использованных источников. В первой главе рассматриваются теоретические аспекты профессии учитель. В первом параграфе главы рассматривается ряд международных и российских нормативно-правовых актов, касающихся учителей, во втором параграфе рассматривается научная литература, которая затрагивает тему личностных особенностей учителей, которые могут положительно или негативно повлиять на их профессиональную деятельность. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирическому исследованию, которое проведено при помощи психологических методик «Большая пятерка» и «Смысложизненные ориентации» для изучения связи личностных особенностей учителей с их отношением к педагогической профессии. / In the first chapter, we consider the theoretical aspects of the teacher profession. In the first paragraph of the first chapter, we consider a number of international and Russian normative legal acts concerning teachers, in the second paragraph of the first chapter, we consider scientific literature that touches on the topic of personal characteristics of teachers. The second chapter is devoted to an empirical study conducted with the help of psychological techniques "Big Five" and "Life-sense orientations".

Put the Light Where it is Needed

Blixt, Christofer January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I have analyzed how the phenomenon level of contrast, a consequence of the relation between level of light and distribution of light, works within urban green areas. For this particular site, the too high level of contrast is a result of the high level of light distributed 1) in the direction of oncoming pedestrians and 2) in a single zone of light and 3) on a too condensed surface area and 4) in a space with multiple vertical elements (in a dark space with low reflectance values). Being in the only lighted area surrounded by trees (vertical elements absorbing or reflecting light), with eyes adapted to its level of light, consequently, makes it impossible to see beyond the path. This since our eyes always adapt to the brightest spot in our field of view, which in all directions is a spot very close to the user. And since adapting to the emitted and reflected light our eyes cannot also adapt to the darkness beyond this enclosed space. Another perspective on this, also related to the very basics of our vision has to do with the task oriented lighting solutions. We humans have two different types of vision - central and peripheral. The central vision is approximately 2% of our field of view, it is the small spot where our gaze focus, the rest is peripheral vision. The strange thing is that modern urban lighting design have focused almost solely on task lighting and the central vision, and left the peripheral vision literally disorientated. Because, in order for the peripheral vision to help us navigate and collect spatial information, it needs variable lightning with multiple zones of light, creating differences in shade, revealing form and depth. The main contribution of this thesis, beyond defining knowledge regarding how light acts in these specific situations, is the development of a lighting design method specifically for urban green areas from a practice based design perspective (see figure 16). And that I have started the work of creating practical knowledge and answers to the question: How can the method be used in practice?

EFQM - model Excelence / EFQM - model Excellence

FLOSMANOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work work is bent on region management qualities. Loading and application mock - up European endowment for drive qualities EFQM to the police Czech republic. Analysis progress loading to the police practice and choice formation police Czech republic. Evaluation of the process loading and his contribution in improvement efficiency, qualities and image.

Longitudinal handling characteristics of a tailless gull-wing aircraft

Agenbag, Daniel Sarel 18 September 2008 (has links)
A handling quality investigation was performed on the swept gull-wing configuration. The swept gull-wing configuration is tailless and has a wing with a transition in the sweep and dihedral angle. An example of this type of aircraft is the Exulans. This aircraft is currently under development at the University of Pretoria. The handling quality study was focussed on pitch axis dynamics. The Exulans is a research testbed that will be used to investigate the swept gull-wing configuration and its special controls by means of full-scale flight testing. Variable wing sweep, twisting elevons and winglets will be investigated as means of control. These control devices are configured in such a way as to have minimum impact on the performance of the aircraft. The handling qualities of the swept gull-wing configuration have to be acceptable while using these different control strategies. The study was launched to investigate whether a gull-wing configuration aircraft will have satisfactory handling qualities at CG positions associated with the most favourable aerodynamic performance. There is an aerodynamic performance gain in designing an aircraft so that the CG falls on the so-called `E-point'. The E-point is the centre of pressure for an elliptical circulation distribution. An elliptical circulation distribution is associated with the highest Oswald efficiency for an aircraft. Time domain simulation techniques and frequency domain analysis techniques were used to analyse the handling qualities of the gull-wing configuration. The C-star criterion was used to analyse handling qualities with time domain simulation data as input. Comparative time domain simulations were performed between the Exulans and other aircraft to compare handling qualities. Eigenvalue analysis was used together with the thumbprint criterion to investigate inherent gull-wing airframe dynamics. The Shomber-Gertsen and Military Specification 8785 criteria were also used for the same purpose. The Neal-Smith method was used to investigate the effect of control authority on handling qualities and the effect of a pilot. The Monnich and Dalldorff criterion was used to evaluate gust handling qualities. An analysis chart by Fremaux and Vairo was used to evaluate the tumbling susceptibility of the gull-wing configuration. The pitch handling quality investigation shows sufficient promise that the swept gull-wing configuration will have acceptable handling qualities with the CG placed at positions associated with optimised aerodynamic performance. Analysis showed that the swept gull-wing configuration is potentially prone to tumbling. With low static margins, the configuration should exhibit improved handling qualities in gusty conditions when compared to existing tailless aircraft. It is recommended that a lateral handling quality study be performed before full scale flight testing commences on the Exulans. In addition, the possibility of wingtip stall must be investigated for the case of the swept gull-wing configuration. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted

Post-graduate students' reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities / Valda Benade

Benade, Valda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe post-graduate students‟ reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities. The research formed part of a broader research project, entitled “Relational well-being in school communities”. The researcher applied the Gestalt paradigm and the theories of existential dialogue and the field theory to this study. A qualitative, interpretive, descriptive design was followed. Non-probability purposive sampling was used whereby 14 participants were purposively selected based on their involvement in a cohort workshop organised by the Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies (CCYF) in Wellington in the Western Cape. Data was collected through a World Café session with the post-graduate students. Thematic data analysis was used to identify themes among the data. The findings indicated a distinction between relational qualities embedded in the self, relational qualities that are essential for social connection and relational qualities that are critical in leadership. The findings suggest that the presence of relational qualities in individuals, the school community as a social context and the leadership in the school can contribute to relational well-being in school communities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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