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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillgänglighet i det tillfälliga offentliga rummet : Fallstudie av möjligheter och nackdelar för sommargågata på Östra Ågatan i Uppsala

Lindberg, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Ett socialt hållbart samhälle utgår från att skapa en miljö där alla individer respekteras och ges lika möjligheter att delta i samhället. Offentliga mötesplatser har en viktig funktion i den sociala hållbarheten med att vara inbjudande, trygga och tillgängliga. Människor med olika förutsättningar ska kunna vara delaktiga i samhället och offentliga miljöer behöver vara planerade efter fysisk tillgänglighet för att inte exkludera vissa grupper. Vilka grupper som kan vara delaktiga i det offentliga rummet påverkar hur samhället utvecklas över tid. Studien uppmärksammar hur tillfällig användning kan användas som metod för att föra arbetet med social hållbarhet framåt. Sommargågator är en tillfällig användning av en plats under sommarmånaderna när användningen temporärt ändras till fotgängares fördel genom att stänga av gatan för fordonstrafik. Konceptet sommargågata studeras i den här studien utifrån perspektivet social hållbarhet, genom att undersöka vilka möjligheter och nackdelar som kan uppstå vid införandet av tillfälliga gågator och hur dessa kan användas i samhällsplanering för att öka fysisk tillgänglighet och socioekonomisk inkludering. En fallstudie har utförts över Östra Ågatan i Uppsala för att undersöka möjligheter och nackdelar med att anordna en sommargågata utifrån social hållbarhet. Resultatet visar att en breddning av konceptet tillgänglighet möjliggör att offentliga platser blir mer inkluderande och flera grupper kan vara delaktiga i den offentliga miljön. Om detta sker kan tillfällig användning vara en metod för att skapa mötesplatser och öka tillgängligheten. Vidare är det grundläggande för att skapa en inkluderande plats att ett långsiktigt mål för platsen uttrycks och att balansen bibehålls mellan allmänna och kommersiella aktiviteter. / A socially sustainable society is based on creating an environment in which all individuals are respected and given equal opportunities to participate in society. Public spaces play an important role in the social sustainability of being involved, safe and accessible. People with different conditions should be able to participate in society and public environments need to be planned after physical accessibility so as not to exclude certain groups. Which groups that participate in the public space affects how society develops over time. The study draws attention to how temporary use can be used as a method to bring forward work on social sustainability. A summer pedestrian street is a temporary use of a place during the summer months when use is temporarily changed to pedestrian advantage by turning off the street for automobile traffic. The concept of summer pedestrian street is studied in this study from the perspective of social sustainability, by examining the possibilities and disadvantages that may arise when introducing temporary pedestrian streets and how these can be used in community planning to increase physical accessibility and socio-economic inclusion. A case study has been carried out across Östra Ågatan in Uppsala to investigate the possibilities and disadvantages of organizing a summer pedestrian street based on social sustainability. The results show that broadening the concept of accessibility enables public places to become more inclusive and several groups may be involved in the public environment. If this happens, temporary use can be a way to create meeting places and increase accessibility. Furthermore, it is essential to create an inclusive location for a long-term goal for the site to be expressed

Agritektur : Arkitektoniska kvaliteter hos lantbruksbyggnader i Södermanland

Hylander, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Lantbruksbyggnader sätter stor prägel på den svenska landsbygden och utseendet på de äldre lantbruksbyggnaderna uppskattas av många, men vad är det som utmärker dessa byggnaderna? Syftet med denna undersökning är att identifiera vilka arkitektoniska kvaliteter som utmärker äldre lantbruksbyggnader med avgränsning till Södermanland. Denna kunskap ska sedan omsättas i ett gestaltningsförslag på ett litet gårdscentra i Södermanland för att ge exempel på hur de arkitektoniska kvaliteterna kan nyttjas och framhävas för att skapa attraktiva lantbruksbyggnader som bygger vidare på traditionen. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att kartlägga tidigare forskning och kunskap relevant till ämnet. Tre exempel på mindre gårdar med någon form av medvetet arkitektoniskt inslag valdes ut för en fallstudie, som gav undersökningen exempel på samtida problem och lösningar. Fallstudierna utfördes genom studiebesök på gården och intervju med ägaren samt med arkitekten bakom byggnaderna. Utifrån analys av litteraturstudien och fallstudierna sattes resultatet samman i en syntes för att identifiera arkitektoniska kvaliteter hos lantbruksbyggnader. Syftet med gestaltningsförslaget är att ge ett exempel på hur resultatet kan användas i konceptutvecklingen av ett nytt litet gårdscentra. Ur litteraturstudien och fallstudierna identifierades 9 arkitektoniska kvaliteter via syntesen. Dessa arkitektoniska kvaliteter är: ”Starkt förhållande till omgivningen”, ”I ett sammanhang”, ”Harmoni”, ”Bra skydd”, ”Ärlig konstruktion”, ”Mänsklig koppling”, ”Vackert åldrande”, ”Livfullhet” och ”Historiskt värde”. Inför gestaltningsförslaget gjordes ett studiebesök och en intervju med beställarna följt av platsanalys för att fastställa förutsättningar, behov och önskemål i det specifika fallet. Utifrån litteraturstudien identifierades även metoder för analys och konceptutveckling, vilka tillsammans med förutsättningarna och syntesen låg till grund för konceptutvecklingen, som sedan ledde fram till ett gestaltningsförslag där de arkitektoniska kvaliteterna är tagna i beaktning. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att det finns många arkitektoniska kvaliteter att ta hänsyn till i utformningen av lantbruksbyggnader och det finns enkla verktyg och metoder att använda för att förstärka dessa arkitektoniska kvaliteter. / Agricultural buildings are a distinctive feature of the Swedish countryside and the appearance of the older agricultural buildings are appreciated by many, but what is it that distinguishes these buildings? The purpose of this study is to identify the architectural qualities that characterize older agricultural buildings in Södermanland. This knowledge will then be translated into a design proposal for a small farm center in Södermanland to give examples of how the architectural qualities can be used to create attractive agricultural buildings based on tradition.  A literature study was conducted to map previous research and knowledge relevant to the subject. Three examples of smaller farms with some form of conscious architectural element were selected for a case study, which gave the study examples of contemporary problems and solutions. The case studies were carried out through study visits to the farms and interviews with the owner and with the architect behind the buildings. Based on an analysis of the literature study and the case studies, the results were put together in a synthesis to identify architectural qualities of agricultural buildings. The purpose of the design proposal is to provide an example of how the results can be used in the concept development of a new small farm centers. From the literature study and the case studies, 9 architectural qualities were identified via the synthesis. These architectural qualities are: "Strong relationship with the environment", "In a context", "Harmony", "Good protection", "Honest construction", "Human connection", "Beautiful aging", "Liveliness" and "Historical value". Prior to the design proposal, a study visit and an interview with the clients were made, followed by an site analysis to determine the conditions, needs and wishes in the specific case. Based on the literature study, methods for analysis and concept development were also identified, which together with the conditions and synthesis formed the basis for the concept development, which then led to a design proposal where the architectural qualities were taken into account.  The conclusion of the work is that there are many architectural qualities to take into account in the design of agricultural buildings and there are simple tools and methods to use to strengthen these architectural qualities.

The impact of social media influencers on the purchase intention of Tech gadgets among Gen Z and Y : Sweden

Meglaj, Valentina, Zafar, Naqash January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"Na způsob předmluvy", vstupní oddíl románu Muž bez vlastností / "In the way of preface", the introduction of the novel The Man Without Qualities

Hummel, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
(English) is thesis is concerned with the opening section"A Sort of Introduction" of Robert Musil's e Man Without Qualities. It follows the plot developed throughout the evolution of the main character Ulrich, and his gradual realization that he is a "man without qualities" and that he needs to "take a break from life," as the discovery of a starting position for his life experiment. Closer reading is given to the "other condition" that Ulrich discovers in his nightly adventure. e idea of mystical unification touches on the central theme of love and eroticism, which are in various aspects, characterized by both Leona and Bonadea. Broadly understood the concept of unification, as a form of unfulfilled need, transforms into a "projection surface" on which we can see the suppressed inclinations of individuals and society, leading among other things to the rehabilitation of the philosophical construct of "Genius", the search for a type of "strong individual",that will be able to withstand the demands of the"new era;"- reflected in this section by Clarisse and Walter. Along with this "story" level of the text, I follow in a few subchapters what we may call the"imaginative"level,that is,the collection of themes that show the"internal" perspective of storytelling. For example, the motive of a window being...

Hållbar organisationsförändring inom detaljhandeln : En explorativ studie i syfte att undersöka relationen mellan ledarskap och intern kommunikation

Nilsson, Hanna, Persson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
In a society where the sustainability trend is growing and becoming increasingly important, companies are expected to make clearer commitments to sustainability where consumers are increasingly demanding a change when it comes to among other things, production and social responsibility. In retail, there is a clear wave of sustainability due to increased knowledge and that consumers now do more conscious choices. In turn, this result in an increased pressure on companies as a whole but also on well-functioning leadership and internal communication at store level. At the same time, there is little research on the relationship between leadership and internal communication and the importance of employees during a sustainable organizational change. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between leadership and internal communication during a sustainable change. Further, the study intends to further answer two research questions:- How do leaders in retail work with internal communication to implement a sustainable organizational change?- How do store managers and employees experience internal communication and leadership during a sustainable organizational change? A delimitation has been made where the authors have chosen the retail company Clas Ohlson where the company’s ambitions for sustainability are in line with the government’s environmental goals until 2045, to be climate neutral. Furthermore, two stores have been selected to conduct the study. The qualitative study is based on an inductive approach with an exploratory approach, this entails a deeper analysis of the case study that is carried out. Nine respondents with three different positions within the company participated in semi-structured interviews and that additional data was collected from public published organizational document. A thematic analysis was conducted to encode the collected data where the authors found three primary factors that affect the relationship between leadership and internal communication during the sustainable organizational change: commitment, overflow of information and lack of time. The study finds that it is the commitment of the leaders through offering employee’s information and knowledge that can lead to a positive impact in the sustainable change. Furthermore, both the store manager and employees experience how communication has a negative effect due to the overflow of information that leads to employees having difficulty searching for information and the lack of time is often mentioned as a contributing factor. This leads us to the general conclusion that shows that it is not the leadership at a store level that affect, rather shortcomings in the communication which in turn, affects the implementation of the sustainable organizational change.

Inverkan av omätbara värden vid val av planlösning / Impact of unmeasurable values when choosing floor plan

Wijk, Emmie, Vesterlund, Anna January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöktes kunskapen om bostadens omätbara värden och dess inverkan på husköpare och distansstudenter som läste kursen Bostadens utformning 1BY076 på Linnéuniversitet i Växjö. Bostadens omätbara värden är ett samlingsnamn för värden som beskriver arkitektoniska kvaliteter som kan återfinnas i bostäder. Denna rapport behandlade fyra av bostadens omätbara värden. Det finns en utbredd okunskap om värdena bland husköpare men genom att tillgodose dem med kunskap om bostadens omätbara värden möjliggörs det att de kan göra fler aktiva och välgrundade val och därmed känna större hemhörighet och trivsel i sina bostäder. Intervjuer utfördes med två respondentgrupper, bestående av husköpare och distansstudenter, som bads välja bland olika planlösningar. Därefter fick husköparna information om bostadens omätbara värden, vilket distansstudenterna inte fick, och fick återigen möjligheten att välja planlösning. Denna metod valdes för att undersöka om respondenternas val och synsätt på planlösningarna förändrades. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka om det fanns skillnad mellan husköparnas och distansstudenternas resonemang kring värdena och dess relevans vid utformning av bostäder. Resultatet visade att det totalt skedde fyra byten av planlösningar hos husköparna och endast ett byte bland distansstudenterna. Alla respondenter var eniga om att bostadens omätbara värden har betydlig relevans vid utformning av bostäder.

Kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap i fastighetsmäklarbranschen : En kvalitativ studie utifrån medarbetarnas uppfattningar

Metto, Julie Izabell, Siala, Ali January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen: en kvalitativ studie utifrån medarbetarnas uppfattningar. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå i ämnet Företagsekonomi C Författare: Ali Siala och Julie Izabell Metto Handledare: Emilia Kvarnström Datum: 2022-januari Syfte: Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att försöka förstå hur medarbetarna uppfattar kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt med en abduktiv ansats och består av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med medarbetare från fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens slutsats landar i att medarbetarna uppfattar kvinnliga ledare vara effektivare ledare än män i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta eftersom deras ledaregenskaper generellt är bättre lämpade för det som fastighetsmäklarna behöver, såsom bekräftelse och uppvaktning. Dessutom visar resultatet vad som uppfattas vara effektivt ledarskap i fastighetsmäklarbranschen, ett uppgiftsorienterat ledarskap med fokus på att engagera och stödja medarbetarna.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ökade kunskaper om medarbetarnas uppfattningar kring kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap i fastighetsmäklabranschen. Den bidrar även med kunskap om vilka egenskaper som uppfattas vara förenade med effektivt ledarskap därinom. Förslag till framtida forskning: Förslagsvis hade det gått att utföra en liknande studie genom en enkätundersökning för att få ett mer populationsrepresentativt svar. Ett annat förslag är att undersöka det effektiva ledarskapet i en annan bransch för att se om det blir ett annat utfall. Slutligen kan man fokusera på att analysera ifall könet på ledaren har någon vidare relation till könet på medarbetaren för att se om det påverkar respondenternas svar om hur pass effektiva de uppfattas vara. Nyckelord: Kvinnors ledarskap, mäns ledarskap, effektivt ledarskap, ledaregenskaper, fastighetsmäklarbranschen, medarbetarperspektiv. / Title: Women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry: a qualitative study based on employees' perceptions. Level: Final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration C  Authors: Ali Siala and Julie Izabell Metto Supervisor: Emilia Kvarnström Date: 2022-January Aim: The purpose of this qualitative study is to try to understand how employees perceive women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry. Method: The study has a qualitative construction with an abductive research approach and consists of eight semi-structured interviews that have been conducted with employees from the real estate industry. Results and conclusion: The study concludes that employees perceive female leaders to be more effective leaders than men in the real estate industry. This is because their leadership qualities are generally better suited to what real estate agents need, such as confirmation and courtship. In addition, the results show what is perceived to be effective leadership in the real estate industry, a task-oriented leadership with a focus on engaging and supporting employees. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with increased knowledge of employees' perceptions of women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry. It also contributes with knowledge of which qualities are perceived to be associated with effective leadership within it. Suggestions for further research:  As a suggestion, it would have been possible to carry out a similar study through a survey to obtain a more population-representative answer. Another suggestion is to examine the effective leadership in another industry to see if there will be a different outcome. Finally, one can focus on analysing whether the gender of the leader has any further relationship to the gender of the employee to see if it affects the respondents' answers about how effective they are perceived to be. Keywords: Women's leadership, men's leadership, effective leadership, leadership qualities, the real estate industry, employee perspective.

“Excuse me, I am still here” : Designing for the Wellbeing of People With Dementia

Andrade Lima Nerell, Rosemary January 2023 (has links)
A growing number of studies have been addressing the use of technology in dementia care. As traditional views of society focus mostly on the symptomatic aspects of dementia, the use of technology is limited to people’s impairments. However, critical dementia aligned with the third wave of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) adopted a more holistic approach that goes beyond individual cognitive functions. In this paper, I will (1) present findings about the experience of practitioners and family members of people with dementia (PwD) in a long-term care residence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (2) Present and discuss digital design solutions for the well-being of PwD in the field of art therapy, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented technology and multisensory environment, and (3) Propose interaction qualities to solidify the epistemological shifts of HCI in the context of dementia care. The overall aim of this paper is to understand the psychological and social needs of PwD in the context of a long-term care institution and suggest a design approach that leads to digital artifacts that enhance engagement and social connectedness for the wellbeing of PwD.


YRAMA SIQUEIRA FERNANDES 21 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivo principal investigar se existem relações entre os temas das qualidades educacionais, dos Direitos Humanos e da Educação em Direitos Humanos em dados teóricos e empíricos. No que tange ao tema dos Direitos Humanos, a pesquisa traz as concepções hegemônica e contra-hegemônica acerca do tema. Na concepção hegemônica, apoia-se em autores como Dornelles (2018, 2006, 2005); Lindgren Alves (2013, 2000, 1994) e Tosi (2008). Os autores Santos (2018, 2013, 2006) e Herrera Flores (2009) trazem contribuições para a concepção contra-hegemônica dos Direitos Humanos. No tocante à Educação em Direitos Humanos, a pesquisa aborda o desenvolvimento desta no Brasil com ajuda de autores como Monteiro (2005), Candau (2009) e Sacavino (2009). As características da Educação em Direitos Humanos estão presentes através de autores como Candau (2016, 2015) quando toca o tema das diferenças e do empoderamento e Sacavino (2009) com o educar para a democracia, para a formação de sujeitos de direito e para o nunca mais. O tema das qualidades educacionais tem as contribuições de Bonamino e Sousa (2012) quando aborda o desenvolvimento do tema no Brasil. A pesquisa traz também os autores Dourado (2007) e Ximenes (2014) para discorrer sobre as conceituações de qualidade educacional. A parte empírica desta pesquisa foi realizada através de onze entrevistas semiestruturadas feitas como professores, diretores e orientadores atuantes nas escolas públicas do Rio de Janeiro e da Baixada Fluminense. Como resultado principal, a pesquisa apresenta que, tanto os estudos teóricos, quanto as análises dos dados advindos das entrevistas apoiam a proposta contra-hegemônica de qualidade educacional apresentada nesta tese. Uma proposta que abarque o tema dos Direitos Humanos e da Educação em Direitos Humanos, sendo assim, uma proposta mais ampla de qualidade educacional. / [en] This qualitative research aimed at investigating the presence of connections among three themes: educational qualities; Human Rights and Human Rights Education. To achieve this objective, theoretical studies were made and empirical data was collected and analyzed. Concerning Human Rights, this research presents a hegemonic conception and a counter-hegemonic conception. The hegemonic conception privileges authors such as: Dornelles (2018, 2006, 2005); Lindgren Alves (2013, 2000, 1994) and Tosi (2008). Santos (2018, 2013, 2006) and Herrera Flores (2008) bring contributions to the counter – hegemonic conception of Human Rights. Regarding Human Rights Education, this thesis brings Candau (2009), Sacavino (2009) e Monteiro (2005) to present the development of the Human Rights Education in Brazil. The characteristics of Human Rights Education are present through Candau (2009) when she approaches the themes of difference and empowerment. This work also brings Sacavino (2009) when she approaches the education for democracy, the education in order to build subjects of Law and the education for the never more. Concerning the educational quality this thesis presents the development of the educational quality in Brazil through Bonamino and Sousa (2012). Ximenes (2014) and Dourado (2007) contribute for the concepts of educational qualities present in this research. The empirical data was collected in eleven semi-structured interviews with teachers, directors and educational counsellors who work in public schools in Rio de Janeiro e Baixada Fluminense. As a main result, this research concludes that the theoretical studies and the analysis of the empirical data reveal a support for the counter- hegemonic proposal for educational quality this thesis presents. This is a proposal that includes Human Rights and Human Rights Education as basis and therefore is a wider proposal for educational quality.

Appetite Measurement and Inter-individual Variability

Eunjin Cheon (14221304) 06 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Appetitive sensations are widely viewed as important signals for eating decisions. Intra- and inter-individual variability have been reported in short-term studies, but it is still unknown whether individual differences are consistent over time and, whether individuals at the appetite extremes vary in energy intake. Therefore, a seventeen-week observational study was conducted to examine the stability of appetitive sensations (hunger, fullness, and thirst), implications of individual differences in appetite on energy intake and eating patterns, as well as associations between appetitive sensations and selected individual characteristics (age, gender, BMI). </p> <p>Ninety-seven (90 completers) healthy adults recorded the intensity of their hunger, fullness, and thirst hourly during all waking hours and reported their energy intake  for three days at weeks 1, 9 and 17. There were marked and stable inter-individual differences for each sensation over the 17 weeks: hunger (ANOVA, p<0.001, correlation coefficients of ratings between weeks: week 1 vs week 9, r=0.72 (p<0.001), week 1 vs week 17, r=0.67 (p<0.001), week 9 vs week 17, r=0.77 (p<0.001)), fullness (ANOVA, p<0.001, correlation coefficients of ratings between weeks: week 1 vs week 9 r=0.74 (p<0.001), week 1 vs week 17, r=0.71 (p<0.001), week 9 vs week 17, r=0.81 (p<0.001)), and thirst (ANOVA, p<0.001, correlation coefficients of ratings between weeks: week 1 vs week 9 r=0.82 (p<0.001), week 1 vs week 17, r=0.81 (p<0.001), week 9 vs week 17, r=0.88 (p<0.001)). Cross-correlation functions revealed energy intake and eating pattern exerted stronger effects on appetitive sensations than the reverse. However, the absolute effect sizes of the directional effects were small. No robust effects of the studied individual characteristics (gender, age, BMI) were observed. The primary finding is that acute and chronic sensations of hunger, fullness and thirst are stable across individuals, but are poor predictors of energy intake. </p> <p>This dissertation focuses on the study above, but as part of the training experience, two additional studies were conducted. One entailed appetite concept training to improve the validity of appetite measurements. A potential barrier to accurate appetite measurement is low conceptual understanding by study participants and resulting poor sensitivity and accuracy of responses. While each appetitive sensation is independent and has a unique definition, reported similar patterns between appetitive sensations in multiple studies raise questions about whether participants fully comprehend appetite concepts and provide accurate responses. To overcome this potential limitation, appetite concept materials were developed, and two groups of individuals were provided training either with these materials or unrelated sensory information followed by measurement of appetite responses to five different pre-loads. This study terminated early due to the COVID-19 pandemic and thus we cannot draw a conclusion for now due to the limited number of participants.  </p> <p>A second study sought to gain insights on the sensory qualities of fatty acids as part of an effort to determine if oral fat detection is based, in part, on gustatory cues. It has been argued that if fat taste is a primary, the sensations imparted by fats should yield unique percepts and these may be determined by fatty acid chain length. In particular, because acids impart a sour taste, free fatty acids may simply be detected as sour. The fat taste study entailed measurement of intensity ratings with or without sour adaptation (to assess sour notes), tongue locations of taste detection, and subjective descriptors of fatty acids. This study examined intensity and quality ratings of NEFA's ranging from C2 to C18. Oral sites and the time course of sensations were also monitored. Given all NEFA contain carboxylic acid moieties capable of donating hydrogen ions, the primary stimulus for sour taste, testing was conducted with and without sour adaptation to explore the contribution of sour taste across the range of NEFA. Short chain NEFA (C2-C6) were rated as predominantly sour, and this was diminished in C2 and C4 by sour adaptation. Medium chain NEFA (C8-C12) were rated as mainly irritating with long chain NEFA (C18) described mostly as bitter. The latter may reflect the lack of “fatty” lexicon to describe the sensation. Short chain NEFA were mostly localized to the anterior tongue and were of rapid onset. The sensation from medium chain NEFA was attributed to the lateral tongue while medium and long chain NEFA sensations were predominantly localized to the back of the tongue and throat and had a longer lag time. The findings indicate there is a systematic transition of NEFA taste quality and irritation with increments in chain length and this is consistent with multiple modes of transduction.</p>

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