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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dual number in the North Saami dialect of Ofoten and Sør-Troms

Kejonen, Olle January 2017 (has links)
This study deals with grammatical number in the North Saami dialect of Ofoten and Sør-Troms, Norway. Five informants were interviewed and the material was collected both through free speech and elicitation. The study shows that in this dialect, plural forms are used when referring to two individuals. One of the informants is able to produce personal pronouns in the dual, but even this informant usually uses plural forms when referring to two individuals. The material from Ofoten and Sør-Troms is also compared with material from the Guovdageaidnu, Gárasavvon and Čohkkiras dialects. In that material, three informants were interviewed. Furthermore, two previously undescribed reciprocal pronoun constructions are presented. / Dán čállosis guorahallo grammatihkalaš lohku Ufuohta ja Lulli-Romssa davvisámegielas. Vihtta informántta leat jearahallon ja materiála lea čoggojuvvon sihke ságastallamiin ja elisiteremiin. Guorahallan vuoseha ahte dan suopmanis gektet máŋggaidlogu hámiid go čujuhit guovtti olbmui. Okta informánta máhttá buvttadit persovnnalaš pronomeniid guvttiidlogus, muhto maiddái son geaktá dábálaččat máŋggaidlogu hámiid go čujuha guovtti olbmui. Materiála Ufuohtas ja Lulli-Romssas veardiduvvo maiddái materiálain Guovdageainnu, Gárasavvona ja Čohkkirasa suopmaniin. Dien materiálas leat golbma informántta jearahallon. Dasa lassin ovdanbuktojuvvojit čállosis guokte resiprohka pronomenkonstrukšuvnna mat sulastahttet davvisámi standárdagiela konstrukšuvnnaid, muhto mat eai ovdal leat govviduvvon.

Biologie de la conservation du corail rouge, Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) : impact du changement global sur l'évolution des populations infralittorales en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale / Conservation biology of the red coral, Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) : impacts of the global change on the evolution of the shallow populations in the North Western Mediterranean Sea

Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste 26 October 2010 (has links)
Les pressions anthropiques agissent en synergie du gène à l’écosystème, des régions polaires aux régions tropicales et induisent une érosion biologique telle, qu'elle est qualifiée de sixième extinction de masse.Ce constat pose la question de l’évolution de la biodiversité face aux changements environnementaux en cours. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit ce travail de thèse focalisé sur les populations de surface (5 -60 m) de corail rouge, Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758), en Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale.Le corail rouge (Octocorallia, Coralliidae) est une espèce sessile à phase larvaire caractérisée par sa longévité importante, sa dynamique de population lente et son rôle structurant au sein des communautés de substrats durs de Méditerranée. Soumis à une importante pression de récolte, Corallium rubruma récemment subi deux évènements de mortalité massive concordant avec des anomalies thermiques positives, potentiellement liées au réchauffement climatique. La combinaison de ces deux pressions environnementales est donc susceptible d’affecter fortement l’évolution des populations de surface de cette espèce. Basé sur une approche intégrant génétique des populations et écologie de terrain, ce travail a pour objectif principal d’étudier les processus microévolutifs en jeu chez le corail rouge, de l’inter- à l’intra- populationel, afin de contribuer à l'amélioration de nos connaissances sur la biologie de cette espèce dans le contexte environnemental actuel.Ce travail de thèse élargit le champ de connaissances relatif à l’écologie de Corallium rubrum et fournit un ensemble d’outils et de données pour sa conservation face aux perturbations environnementales en cours.Il contribue, par la même occasion, à une avancée significative dans la compréhension de la biologie des organismes marins sessiles à phase larvaire.Il illustre notamment la pertinence d'approches mises place à des échelles spatiales réduites, pour répondre à des questions fondamentales sur l’évolution de ces organismes, souvent clés au sein de communautés sous pression / Anthropic pressures act synergistically from gene to ecosystems and from polar to tropical regions, inducing a strong biological loss, which is considered by many as the sixth mass extinction. The evolution of biodiversity facing the ongoing global change is thus an open question.The present study is focused on the shallow populations (5 - 60 m) of Corallium rubrum (Octocorallia,Coralliidae) in the North Western Mediterranean Sea. The red coral is a sessile and long-lived species with a larval phase, a slow population dynamics and an important structuring role in the Mediterranean hard substrates communities. This species faces a strong harvesting pressure, and recently underwent two massmortality events linked to positive thermal anomalies putatively due to ongoing climate change. These two pressures may have deep implications on the evolution of the shallow populations of this species. Using population genetics and field ecology, the main objective of this study was to define microevolutionary processes acting between and within red coral populations, to enhance our knowledge on the biology of this species facing the environmental changes. This work extends our knowledge concerning the ecology of Corallium rubrum, and provides new toolsand data for its conservation in the context of the ongoing global change. Moreover, this work improves our understanding in the biology of sessile marine organisms with a larval phase, illustrating for example the relevance of approaches conducted at fine geographical scales to address questions regarding the evolution of these organisms.

Lässtrategier i matematikundervisningen : En studie om lärares arbete med matematiska textuppgifter / Reading strategies in mathematics education : A study of teachers' work on mathematical text task

Widen, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Text information is frequently found in mathematics education. For students to gain an understanding of how to handle the text tasks, a competent teacher is required to provide the students with different kinds of tools to read mathematical text problems. The purpose of this study is to gain an insight into which reading strategies teachers in grades 4-6 consider using for text assignments in mathematic teaching. The study was conducted through quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews. All participants were active teachers and had different experiences regarding reading strategies, which is important for how they adopt strategies and the extent to which they are used in teaching. The study is inspired by a phenomenographic approach. The results have been analyzed based on SMK, which focuses on subject knowledge skills development is of importance when teachers need too deep their knowledge. Similarly, the results are analyzed from PCK, which highlights the importance of teachers motivating students 'learning and making adjustments based on pupils' needs and conditions where alternative working practices are mandated. The results of the study show that it can often be complicated to approach and understand text tasks in mathematics since it is not only text that is to be understood. The results of the interviews show that teachers are aware of the importance of working with reading strategies in text assignments in mathematics. However, teachers do not work with the strategies to the same extent that is advocated by reciprocal teaching, transactional strategy teaching, and concept-oriented teaching models. The study shows that reading strategies can be further developed. To achieve this, teachers considered collegiate learning advantageous. / Textuppgifter förekommer ofta i matematikundervisningen. För att eleverna ska kunna få en förståelse för hur de ska ta sig an textuppgifterna, krävs en kompetent lärare som ger eleverna olika slags verktyg för att kunna läsa matematiska textuppgifter. Studiens syfte är att få en inblick i vilka lässtrategier lärare i årskurs 4–6 anser sig använda, vid textuppgifter i matematikundervisningen. Studien genomfördes via kvantitativa enkäter samt kvalitativa intervjuer. Alla deltagare var verksamma lärare och hade olika erfarenheter kring lässtrategier, vilket har betydelse för hur de tar sig an strategier samt i vilken omfattning de används i undervisningen. Studien är inspirerad av en fenomenografisk ansats. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån SMK som fokuserar på ämneskunskaper, där kompetensutveckling är av vikt när lärare behöver fördjupa sina kunskaper. Likaså analyseras resultatet ur PCK som belyser vikten av att lärare motiverar elevers lärande samt gör anpassningar utifrån elevers behov och förutsättningar där alternativa arbetssätt förordas. Resultatet i studien påvisar att det många gånger kan vara komplicerat att ta sig an och förstå textuppgifter i matematik, då det inte är enbart text som ska förstås. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att lärarna ser betydelsen av att arbeta med lässtrategier vid textuppgifter i matematik. Däremot arbetar inte lärarna med strategierna i den omfattning som undervisningsmodellerna reciprok undervisning, transaktionell strategiundervisning och begreppsorienterad undervisning förespråkar. Att lässtrategier kan vidareutvecklas framgår i studien, där lärarna ser kollegialt lärande som en fördel.

”Vem är det Amanda hänger med då?” : Ett verksamhetsutvecklande arbete i årskurs 6 om hur textsamtal kan öka elevers delaktighet i läsundervisningen och gynna elevers läsförståelseutveckling

Mucić, Boris January 2021 (has links)
In my workplace, the pupils' shortcomings in reading comprehension were noticed after a teacher at theschool noticed that only a few students actively participated in the whole class teaching and that few pupils could answer questions related to the text that was read in the whole class. The pupils in year sixat the school already have uneven results in reading comprehension and the reading lessons that has been conducted in the two classes has for the most part consisted of whole class tutoring and individual work.  Based on the development needs that I have noticed in my workplace, the purpose of this study is to analyze four student groups' work with text conversations and find out what role support has in text conversations to develop students' reading comprehension. Furthermore, the study intends to investigate whether text conversations in small groups can increase students' participation in reading instruction inthe the swedish subject. Based on this, the following questions have been formulated:  How can text conversations in small groups serve as support for students and promote the use of reading strategies? How can text conversations in small groups increase students' participation in reading lessons?  The analytical tools that has been used to analyse the empirical data is scaffolding, reciprocal teaching and the participation model. Qualitative methods have been used to collect empirical material. These arefocus group interviews and observations. The results show that support, participation and interaction are important concepts that can, to a large extent, effect students' reading comprehension development.

The Swedish absolute reflexive construction in a cross-linguistic perspective

Bondarenko, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Swedish has the absolute reflexive construction, where a reflexive marker appears to be usedas an antipassive marker. Similar constructions, with omitted objects and reflexive marking on the verb, are found in Slavic and Baltic languages and is only possible with a small set of verbs.This study examines this group of verbs in Swedish and a sample of European languages andfinds that the verbs express unwanted action on an animate patient. They also share features of non-resultativity, potential reciprocality and atelicity. A set of core meanings, including ‘hit’,‘push’ and ‘bite’ are the most frequently occurring in absolute reflexives also in Slavic and Baltic languages. Lexical semantics hence play an important role in the extension of functions of reflexive markers in these languages. There is a functional overlap of reciprocal and absolute reflexive function in all of the languages, resulting in clauses with ambiguous reading between reciprocal and antipassive. It is suggested that the antipassive function of reflexive markers has grammaticalized from the reciprocal function of this marker. / I svenska finns en absolut reflexiv konstruktion, där en reflexivmarkör verkar fungera som en antipassivmarkör. Liknande konstruktioner, med utelämnat objekt och reflexiv markering på predikatet, finns även i slaviska och baltiska språk och är bara möjliga med en liten grupp verb. Den här studien undersöker denna grupp av verb i svenska och i ett urval av europeiska språk och visar att verben uttrycker oönskad handling på en animat patient. Verben är också icke-resultativa, potentiellt reciproka och ateliska. En grupp av kärnbetydelser som ’slå’, ’knuffa’och ’sparka’ är de vanligast förekommande i absolut reflexiva konstruktioner även i slaviska och baltiska språk. Lexikal semantik spelar följaktligen en viktig roll i utvidgningen av funktioner av reflexivmarkörer i dessa språk. Det finns en funktionell överlappning mellan reciproka verb och absolut reflexiv i alla språken i undersökningen, vilket resulterar i satser med två möjliga tolkningar: reciprok och antipassiv. En grammatikalisering av reflexivmarkörer från reciprok funktion till antipassiv funktion föreslås


Zhujing Xu (13150383) 25 July 2022 (has links)
<p>One of the fundamental predictions of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of random fluctuations which can induce a measurable force between neutral objects, known as the Casimir effect. Casimir effect has attracted a lot of interest in both theoretical and practical work since the first prediction in 1948 because it is the most accessible evidence of quantum electromagnetic fluctuations in vacuum. Besides, it has prospective applications for nanotechnology and for studying fundamental physical theories beyond the standard model. In this dissertation, we report the experimental and theoretical progress towards realizing Casimir-based devices and long sought-after vacuum friction. </p> <p><br></p> <p>First, we propose and experimentally realize the first Casimir diode system that can regulate energy transfer along one direction through quantum vacuum fluctuations. This is the first experimental demonstration of non-reciprocal energy transfer by Casimir effects. We develop a dual-cantilever vacuum system which can be used to measure the Casimir force at separations from 50 nm to 1000 nm.  Parametric coupling scheme is applied to the system to couple two cantilevers with different resonant frequencies by Casimir interaction. By controlling the system near the exceptional point, we are able to break the time reversal symmetry and observe the non-reciprocal energy transfer. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The description of the Casimir diode system is followed by an experimental demonstration of the Casimir transistor system where we achieve the first measurement of Casimir interaction between three macroscopic objects. Three cantilevers can be coupled through quantum vacuum fluctuations by the parametric coupling scheme. Moreover, we have realized the first three-terminal Casimir transistor system that can switch and amplify quantum vacuum mediated energy transfer. These two Casimir-based devices will have potential applications in sensing and information processing.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>Subsequently, the first observation of Casimir mediated non-contact friction is demonstrated experimentally. When two parallel surfaces are moving with a relative velocity, they will experience quantum vacuum friction force which tries to slow down the relative motion because of quantum vacuum fluctuations. The quantum vacuum friction comes from the exchange of virtual photons between two moving bodies.  We have designed a novel method to detect the Casimir force mediated non-contact friction force between two harmonic oscillators. The non-contact friction comes from the interaction of virtual photons and phonons. We have experimentally detected the effect of non-contact friction and successfully measured the friction force at different velocities. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In the latter part of this thesis, two theoretical proposals about detecting the Casimir torque and rotational quantum vacuum friction torque by a levitated optomechanical system are discussed. The optically levitated nanoparticle system is a good candidate for precision measurements because it can achieve an ultrahigh mechanical quality factor due to the well isolation from the thermal environment. The calculation of the Casimir torque on a levitated nanorod near a birefringent plate is demonstrated. The calculation of the rotational quantum vacuum friction torque on a rotating nanosphere near a plate is also presented. By comparing these small torques to the sensitivity of our levitation system, we show that it is feasible to detect the Casimir torque and the rotational quantum vacuum friction torque under realistic conditions in the near future. </p> <p><br></p>


Asfir, Zenebe 01 January 2022 (has links)
To safeguard the health and well-being of faculty, students, staff, and the community is of moral imperative for higher education institutions. Likewise, protecting the environment is a socially sound practice. Furthermore, building and maintaining a positive safety culture is believed to contribute to productive environmental health and safety (EH&S) outcomes. Higher education EH&S leaders are at the center of universities’ efforts in maintaining a positive safety culture. The purpose of this inquiry was to study higher education EH&S leaders’ perspectives on safety culture and contribute to closing the academic literature gap in the higher education setting. Interviews and a survey were the data collection techniques. EH&S leaders of U.S. higher education institutions participated in the study. I used Cooper’s (2000, 2016) reciprocal safety culture model as a theoretical framework and a mixed methods research design to find answers to the research questions. The survey results revealed how EH&S leaders viewed different aspects of their operations, and findings from the interviews revealed the leaders’ lived experiences. For example, the quantitative study showed 100% of the participants strongly agree or agree that shaping the safety culture of their campus is part of their role. In addition, the qualitative data identified distinct strategies employed by leaders to shape the safety culture of their campuses. Four major themes were identified in the qualitative data. In the first theme, The Higher Education Safety Culture, the EH&S leaders reflected on their lived experiences and the importance of positive safety culture in accomplishing their goals. They mobilize their campus communities in a collective effort to achieve a healthy and safe working environment, minimize the impact on the environment, and remain compliant with regulatory requirements. The second theme, Higher Education Environmental Health and Safety Programs, stressed the plans and procedures the leaders and their departments engage in their daily operations. The third theme, Higher Education Management’s Role in Environmental Health and Safety Operations, manifested the leaders’ equivocal voice on the necessity of the higher education leadership and upper management support to fulfill their missions. The last theme, Modus Operandi of Higher Education Environmental Health and Safety Leaders, is about a range of strategies and tactics the EH&S leaders employed to succeed in a structured, bureaucratic, and challenging environment. The findings have direct implications for both higher education EH&S professionals and higher education senior leadership. The study findings implied EH&S leaders should focus their effort where it generates the best outcome, namely: (a) orchestrate the campus community toward a positive safety; (b) build and implement effective EH&S programs; (c) bring upper management and leadership aboard; (d) apply effective communication; (e) build trust; (f) define their role as a consultant; (g) stand out; and (h) create a brand, motto, and slogan where possible. For higher education senior leadership, participants emphasized the necessity of upper management and leadership support to build and maintain a positive safety culture on the campus, agreeing with Cooper (2000, 2016). This work helps contribute to making higher education senior leadership and upper management understand their role in their campuses’ safety culture and provide due support and actively participate. This study served as an initial exploration in understanding higher education EH&S leaders’ perspectives on safety culture and contributing to closing the literature gap. It also opened a door for future research. Broadening the audience to students, faculty, and staff are reasonable candidates for further research for a more comprehensive understanding of the safety culture in higher education. In addition, expanding the survey to include more EH&S leaders of higher education will elaborate on the EH&S operations, challenges, and sentiment.

Předposlechová fáze ve výuce poslechu u dospělého žáka na úrovni A2 - B1. / The Pre-listening Stage in L2 Listening Instruction to A2 - B1 Adult Learners.

Ždímalová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The Pre-listening Stage in L2 Listening Instruction to A2 - B1 Adult Learners By Hana Ždímalová This dissertation deals with listening instruction to adult EFL learners in the Czech Republic and the phenomenon of pre-listening, which is currently under-researched. It examines adult EFL students' perspectives and perceptions of listening instruction and of the inclusion of different pre-listening techniques, particularly at CEFR A2-B1 proficiency levels. The theoretical part of the study focuses on current developments in listening research and the historical context of the development of listening instruction in classical FLT methodology. The pre-listening stage has been integral to L2 listening instruction since the beginning of Communicative Language Teaching. However, some controversial issues have recently been raised. For example, teachers are sometimes suspected of spending too much time on the pre- listening stage (Field 2002; 2008) and the overall usefulness of previewed comprehension questions in testing listening has been challenged (Sherman 1997). Moreover, adult students' listening needs and their perceptions of listening instruction have not yet been thoroughly researched (Graham 2006; Graham and Macaro 2008). This study argues that we should ask the students about their perceptions...

The role of social capital in undocumented migration : the case of undocumented Zimbabwean migrants in Botswana

Mutsindikwa, Canisio 15 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation was carried out to try to understand the role of social capital in the migration of Zimbabwean migrants to Botswana. It describes elements and types of social capital Zimbabwean undocumented migrants used to come to Botswana. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were used to obtain data from respondents. Though the influence of macro factors initially pushed migrants to migrate, there was evidence of the existence of social networks. Findings showed the use of social networks by Zimbabwean undocumented migrants. Though kinship networks were dominant in the initial migration stages there was a wane in the destination as migrants reverted to friendship networks for flexibility. Linking existed at both the place of origin and destination. Social control, channelling and negative social capital were discovered among migrants. Migrants developed mechanisms to counter the Botswana’s enforcement policy. / Sociology

閱讀認知策略鷹架對於國中生英語閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / The effects of the cognitive reading strategy scaffold on junior high school students’ reading comprehension

林美秀, Lin, Mei Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊社會的來臨,數位文本逐漸普及,數位閱讀已成為閱讀的主要發展趨勢。相較於傳統偏向於線性閱讀的紙本閱讀模式,在閱讀過程中常以非線性進行閱讀的數位閱讀必須要有適當的輔助閱讀策略或機制,方能改善淺層閱讀,以及無法長期持續閱讀的問題。換言之,為提昇讀者在數位閱讀環境中的閱讀理解和成效,數位文本需要設計更有效的輔助閱讀機制來引導讀者進行更有效的閱讀學習,而發展高層次的閱讀認知策略鷹架輔以閱讀,為一可行的發展方向。 基於上述原因,本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以數位閱讀的環境中發展閱讀認知策略鷹架,並與沒有結合此鷹架的「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」進行比較,以驗證有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的實驗組學習者,是否在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度上優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的控制組學習者。也進一步探討「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以所結合的閱讀認知策略鷹架對於場地獨立與場地依賴不同認知風格、以及高低不同英語起始能力者在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度的影響。 實驗結果發現,在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」之學習情境下,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之實驗組學習者的閱讀理解成效、平台瀏覽次數以及各類型策略標註數量皆優於控制組學習者;並且場地相依型學習者的閱讀理解進步分數優於場地獨立型學習者。也就是本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」所發展的閱讀認知策略鷹架能有效協助學習者提升其閱讀理解成效,特別是場地相依型認知風格的學習者。另外,無論是對高分、中間、或低分組的學習者而言,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之英語閱讀理解成效皆優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架;最後也發現認知有用性、認知易用性及學習滿意度三者之間具有顯著關連性。 / With the coming of the Information Age, digital texts are getting more and more popular. Compared to the traditional paper-based reading, nonlinear digital reading requires proper strategies or mechanism to help improve the shallow reading and short-term retention, which have been reported as the main disadvantages of digital reading. In other words, readers need inferential reasoning and comprehension monitoring strategies in order to keep concentration while reading digital texts. A scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, therefore, was developed and combined into Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System (CDRS) in this study. It aimed to confirm whether the learners in the experimental group with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support outperformed the learners in the control group without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, this study also examined the effects of distinct cognitive styles of field independence and field dependence and learning capability between both groups on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. The experimental results present the following findings. First, the learners in the experimental group applying CDRS with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies outperformed the learners in the control group using CDRS without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies on English reading comprehension, platform views and annotation numbers of four different cognitive strategies. Besides, while reading by CDRS combined with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, the field-dependent learners significantly outperformed the field-independent ones on reading comprehension gain. Moreover, the learners in the experimental group, either with high, medium or low learning capability, remarkably outperformed the ones in the control group on English reading comprehension. Finally, significant correlations among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction in both groups were found.

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