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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La perception d'attributs visuels de premier et deuxième ordres

Allard, Rémy January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Vzdělávání romských dětí na české škole aneb jak jsme na tom u nás v Náchodě / Romany children education in Czech school system and its realization in Náchod

Vajsar, Jan January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Romany children education in Czech school system and its realization in Náchod AUTHOR: Jan Vajsar DEPRATMENT: Primary Education Department SUPERVISOR: prof. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc. ABSTRACT This dissertation is a proposal of a strategical model for romany`s pupils education in Czech school system. This dissertation is conceived for primary and lower secondary schools teachers. Our goal was to make a model of the work with romany pupils which could be applied with some modifications for any basic schools where romany pupils are educated. It has been located to Náchod. It is a town where the current situation in education can be used as a good example for the similar educational problems we can observe in other towns of the Czech Republic. The dissertation includes many methodical suggestions which are designed for simple and useful practicing at schools. These suggestions should be used in order to solve various problems teachers still have and will probably have with Romany pupils. KEYWORDS: Romany, child, education, model, pupil, environment, approach, teacher, street, family, co-operation, mistrust, preconceptions, rectification, change

Algebraické křivky v historii a ve škole / Algebraic Curves in History and School

Fabián, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Agebraic Curves in History and School AUTHOR: Bc. Tomáš Fabián DEPARTMENT: The Department of mathematics and teaching of mathematics SUPERVISOR: prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kvasz, Dr. ABSTRACT: The thesis includes a series of exercises for senior high school students and the first year of university students. In these exercises, students will increase their knowledge about conics, especially how to draw them. Furthermore, students can learn about two unfamiliar curves: Conchoid and Quadratrix. All these curves are afterwards used for solving other problems - some Apollonius's problems, Three impossible constructions etc. Most of the construction is done in GeoGebra software. All the tasks are designed for students to learn how to work with this software. The subject discussed is put into historical context, and therefore the exercises are provided with historical commentary. The thesis also includes didactic notes, important or interesting solutions of exercises, possible issues, mistakes and another relevant notes. KEYWORDS: conic, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbole, conchoid, quadratrix, trisecting an angle, squaring the circle, rectification of the circle, doubling a cube, Apollonius's problem, GeoGebra

Les voies de recours spéciales en contentieux administratif français / Special remedies in French administrative law

Constant, Anne-Laure 13 December 2016 (has links)
Pour contester les décisions juridictionnelles du juge administratif français, un éventail de voies de recours est mis à la disposition des justiciables. Si l'appel et la cassation sont les plus connues et les plus usitées, il existe six autres voies d'action que l'on peut qualifier de « spéciales » dès lors qu'elles remettent en cause un manquement précis à l'office du juge. A la différence des voies de recours habituelles qui constituent une critique globale, les voies de recours spéciales correspondent chacune à une hypothèse d'erreur judiciaire spécifique. Ainsi, le requérant exerçant une telle voie de droit attaque la décision de justice non pas dans sa totalité mais sur un aspect particulier, de forme ou de fond. Cette argumentation étroite ne préjuge cependant pas l'objectif recherché : une modification voire une rétractation de la décision initiale.Présentées généralement sous la forme d'une simple énumération de voies de recours exceptionnelles, leur étude révèle qu'elles suivent une logique d'ensemble propre à leur reconnaître la qualité de catégorie juridique. Cette cohérence de groupe complémentaire de l'appel et de la cassation permet de mettre en évidence une théorie générale des voies de recours en contentieux administratif français. / In France, all defendants have several remedies to contest an administrative judge's decision. If appeal and cassation complaints are the best known and the most used, there are six other remedies which can be qualified as « special » as they demonstrate a specific failure of the judicial function. Unlike common remedies which are a general criticism of the judgment, each special remedy relates to a particular error of the judge. Thefore, a defendant who applies one of these remedies is challenging not the whole judgment but its specific aspect, whether form or substance. However, by applying one of these remedies, the defendant is targeting the modification or revocation of the judgment.Frequently presented as a list of unusual remedies, the research shows that they actually follow a general pattern that allows one to consider them as a legal category of their own. Complementary to appeal and cassation complaints, this group system serves to highlight the existence of a general theory of remedies in French administrative law.

L'établissement du contenu du droit aplicable en matière d'arbitrage international / Establishment of the content of applicable law in international arbitration

Abid, Chiraz 20 November 2017 (has links)
Le rôle que joue le tribunal arbitral dans l'établissement du contenu du droit applicable n'est pas déterminé dans la plupart des législations d'arbitrage. Cette défaillance du cadre légal conduit à l'interprétation du principe jura novit curia en matière d'arbitrage international. Certes, une transposition pure et simple dans cette matière dudit principe, tel qu'il est appliqué devant les tribunaux étatiques, n'est pas sans difficulté. Néanmoins, en vue de consolider la confiance des parties dans la justice arbitrale et améliorer sa qualité, le tribunal arbitral doit avoir un rôle prépondérant vis-à-vis du droit applicable. En outre, l'office de l'arbitre doit intégrer l'emprise croissante des principes procéduraux fondamentaux. L'administration de la preuve juridique durant l'instance arbitrale s'accomplit à travers différents outils et méthodes. Ces derniers sont, de nos jours, très harmonisés dans les différentes législations et ce grâce à l'effort considérable déployé par les différentes institutions d'arbitrage. Néanmoins, en dépit de leur utilisation fréquente, de leur évolution croissante et leurs avantages indéniables, certains inconvénients persistent et contredisent parfois les besoins d'efficacité et de célérité recherchés par les compromettants. D'autres méthodes, spécifiques pour la preuve juridique, devraient émerger pour une meilleure administration de la justice. Il ne faut toutefois pas privilégier simplement une solution rapide du litige. Il faut qu'elle soit également acceptable et juste aux yeux des parties. Un outil de contrôle de la phase post-arbitrale, qui vise à vérifier si le contenu «censé» établi du droit applicable est correctement appliqué par l'arbitre aux faits de l'espèce, doit pouvoir exister et être efficace. Une telle mesure doit cependant être respectueuse du principe de non révision au fond des sentences. / The role of the arbital tribunal in the establishment of the content of the applicable law on the merits is not envisaged in most of the arbitration statutes. This brings us to examine the principle ''jura novit curia" and the opportunity of its application to international arbitration. Applying this principle in the same way it is applied before state courts to international arbitration has led to several difficulties. However in order to encourage the parties to resort to arbitration and to increase their trust in this conflict resolution mechanism, the arbitrator must be actively involved in the establishment of the content of the applicable law. Moreover, the "ex officia" attributions of the arbitrator should always comply with the due process principles. The administration of the proof of the applicable law during an arbitration procedure is nowadays standardized in most of the different law systems, due to the continuous efforts of the arbitration institutions. However, and despite the numerous advantages of the current methods of establishment of the applicable law, many difficulties are still encountered, which is diminishing the efficiency and the celerity expected by the parties from the arbitration process. Therefore, news methods should be developed, without however compromising the quality of the justice rendered: a post arbitral control must be implemented in order to verify whether the arbitrator has correctly applied the law on the merits "as previously established" to the case at hand, while respecting the principle of non review of the award on the merits.

Développement de sources térahertz intenses et applications en optique non-linéaire / Development of intense Terahertz sources and applications to nonlinear optics

Cornet, Marion 15 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l’étude de différents phénomènes non-linéaires ayantlieu dans le domaine térahertz (THz) au sein de cristaux de structure zinc-blende.En premier lieu, nous avons mis en place au laboratoire deux sources de rayonnementTHz intense, aux caractéristiques temporelles et spectrales bien distinctes. La premièrerepose sur le redressement optique d’une impulsion laser de durée femtoseconde dansun cristal de niobate de lithium, et la seconde est, quant à elle, basée sur la créationd’un plasma par focalisation d’un champ optique compos´e de l’impulsion fondamentalede pompe et de son second harmonique. Ces deux sources permettent de générer desondes THz dont l’amplitude est bien adaptée à la mise en oeuvre d’expériences d’optiquenon-linéaire.Nous avons ensuite caractérisé le comportement non-linéaire de cristaux de structurezinc-blende soumis à des champs THz intenses. Nous nous sommes ainsi intéressés àl’effet Pockels lors de l’interaction d’une impulsion THz intense et d’un champ optiquede faible intensité, dit sonde, au sein du matériau. Ceci nous a conduits à démontrerexpérimentalement et numériquement la possibilité de caractériser la phase spectrale del’impulsion sonde, à l’aide d’une technique équivalente au X-FROG. Nous avons égalementidentifié l’existence d’un processus non-linéaire dit de cascade, consistant en la générationde second harmonique induite par effet Pockels. Enfin, nous avons observé expérimentalementl’apparition d’un effet Kerr THz dans le cristal, nous permettant de déduire unevaleur moyenne de la susceptibilité non-linéaire du troisième ordre de ce matériau, `a l’aidede calculs théoriques et de simulations numériques. / This thesis project aims to study different non-linear processes in zinc-blende crystals,which take place in the terahertz (THz) range.First of all, two different light sources have been built in the laboratory, allowing us togenerate intense THz radiations with different temporal and spectral characteristics. Thefirst source is based on the optical rectification of a femtosecond laser pulse in a lithiumniobate crystal using the tilted pulse front technique, while the second one is based on aplasma, created through the focalization of a two-color femtosecond laser field. These twoTHz sources reach very high amplitudes, which allows us to study non-linear phenomenain the THz range.Among these, we have measured the non-linear behavior of zinc-blende crystals underintense THz radiation. We were particularly interested in the Pockels effect happeningduring the interaction of an intense THz field and a weak optical probe beam. This droveus to the experimental and numerical demonstration of a new method to characterize thespectral phase of the optical probe field. This method is equivalent to the X-FROG technique.We also identified a new non-linear phenomenon, consisting of the cascade of twosecond-order processes, namely the Pockels effect and the Second Harmonic Generation.Finally, we experimentally observed some THz Kerr effect in a gallium phosphide crystal,which allowed us to calculate an average value of its third-order non-linear susceptibility,thanks to theoretical considerations and simulations.

Optická lokalizace velmi vzdálených cílů ve vícekamerovém systému / Optical Localization of Very Distant Targets in Multicamera Systems

Bednařík, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This work presents a system for semi-autonomous optical localization of distant moving targets using multiple positionable cameras. The cameras were calibrated and stationed using custom designed calibration targets and methodology with the objective to alleviate the main sources of errors which were pinpointed in thorough precision analysis. The detection of the target is performed manually, while the visual tracking is automatic and it utilizes two state-of-the-art approaches. The estimation of the target location in 3-space is based on multi-view triangulation working with noisy measurements. A basic setup consisting of two camera units was tested against static targets and a moving terrestrial target, and the precision of the location estimation was compared to the theoretical model. The modularity and portability of the system allows fast deployment in a wide range of scenarios including perimeter monitoring or early threat detection in defense systems, as well as air traffic control in public space.

Zum Einfluss elektrochemischer Doppelschichten auf den Stofftransport in nanoskaligen Elektrolytsystemen:: Leitfähigkeit von Nanoporen und Voltammetrie an Nanoelektroden

Kubeil, Clemens 26 October 2016 (has links)
Es besteht enormes Interesse den Stofftransport in nanoskaligen Systemen zu verstehen und selektiv zu steuern, um analytische und synthetische Anwendungen zu entwickeln, aber auch um die physiologischen Prozesse lebender Zellen zu entschlüsseln. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der elektrochemischen Doppelschicht an ausgewählten nanoskaligen Elektrolytsystemen untersucht. Die Gleichrichtung von Ionenströmen (engl. Ionic Current Rectification ICR) in Nanoporen mit einer Oberflächenladung äußert sich in einer gekrümmten Strom-Spannungs-Kurve. Die Überlappung von innerem und äußerem Potential ist dabei hinsichtlich der Ionenverteilung und somit der Porenleitfähigkeit einander verstärkend oder gegenläufig. Auf Grundlage dieses Mechanismus wurde die Gleichrichtung bei einem sehr großen Verhältnis von Porenöffnung zu Debye-Länge erklärt. Ferner wurde mittels der eingeführten relativen Leitfähigkeit κ´ die verschiedenen Leitfähigkeitszustände in Abhängigkeit der Elektrolytkonzentration und Temperatur sichtbar gemacht und Implikationen für Sensoranwendungen wie z.B. dem resistiven Pulszähler zur Partikelanalyse abgeleitet. Es wurde ein numerisches Modell basierend auf dem Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Gleichungssystem entwickelt, um die Translokation eines Nanopartikels durch eine konische Nanopore bei einer geringen Leitsalzkonzentration zu beschreiben. Neben dem klassischen Volumenausschluss-Effekt tritt zusätzlich ein Gleichrichtungseffekt (ICR-Effekt) in der Pore auf. Eine Analyse zur Entflechtung von Partikelgröße und Partikelladung aus der Pulshöhe und Pulsform wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt. Wie der Stofftransport durch eine Oberflächenladung auf dem umgebenden Material einer Nanoelektrode beeinflusst wird, wurde anhand des voltammetrischen Verhaltens diskutiert. An sehr kleinen Elektroden (< 10 nm) ist demnach der Einfluss der elektrochemischen Doppelschicht auf die Strom-Spannungs-Kurve besonders groß und kann auch bei Vorliegen eines hohen Leitsalzüberschusses nicht vernachlässigt werden. In leitsalzfreien Elektrolyten sind die gefundenen Effekte so deutlich, dass sie auch an größeren Elektroden experimentell zweifelsfrei festgestellt worden sind. / There is an enormous interest in understanding and selectively controlling the material transport in nanoscale systems to develop analytical and synthetic applications, but also to decipher the physiological processes of living cells. Within this thesis, the influence of the electrochemical double layer on selected nanoscale electrolyte systems was studied. Ionic Current Rectification (ICR) in nanopores carrying a surface charge manifests itself in a non-linear current-voltage-curve. The overlap of interior and exterior potential is cumulative or opposing with regard to the ion distribution and therefore the pore conductivity. Based on this mechanism, ICR for very large ratios of pore size and Debye length was explained. Furthermore, the different conducting states as a function of electrolyte concentration and temperature were visualized by introducing the relative conductivity κ´ and hence implications for sensor applications such as the resistive pulse sensor have been deduced. A numerical model based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck-equations was developed to describe the translocation of a nanoparticle through a conical nanopore at a low electrolyte concentration. An additional rectification effect (ICR effect) occurs in the pore beside the conventional volume exclusion effect. An analysis was successfully performed to deconstruct the particle size and particle charge from the pulse height and shape. The material transport is affected by a surface charge on the shrouding material of nanoelectrodes as it was discussed by means of the voltammetric behaviour. The influence of the electrochemical double layer on the current-voltage-curve is particularly large at very small electrodes (< 10 nm) and cannot be neglected even at a high excess of supporting electrolyte. The observed effects were pronounced in unsupported electrolytes, so that they could be clearly detected experimentally at even larger electrodes.

”Renen kan inte äta pengar. En gruva påverkar allt.” : En idéanalytisk studie om gottgörande rättvisa och samers rättigheter i fallen Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken och Gállok/Kallak

Linder, Olle January 2022 (has links)
This thesis scrutinises the state plans for future mining operations in two specific areas in northern Sweden, namely Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken and Gállok/Kallak, and how these plans have become issues of intense dialogues and debates nationwide during the previous years. This is partly because of environmental reasons but the primary matter is because these two areas have traditionally belonged to the indigenous Saami people where they are pursuing reindeer husbandry. Despite the many voices of the Swedish society as well as the Saami people that have been raised against the mining plans in these two specific areas, the Swedish government still approved the mining companies to start pursing their activities in both cases. Because of this, several human rights issues have been invoked against the Swedish state in terms of the directly affected Saami’s rights as an indigenous people. Some of these invocations have been made by referring to the ICERD and UNDRIP. Therefore, on the basis of the Saami’s right to fair rectification as an indigenous people, the aim of this work is to further examine how state actions for rectification, because of previous state conducted human rights violations, are being perceived by different actors; in this case the Swedish state and the Saami people. By applying the theoretical framework of rectificatory justice, and conducting the method of analysing the arguments and perceptions of the Saami people as well as the Swedish state, the main focus of the thesis is to further examine the two cases of Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken and Gállok/Kallak. The thesis’ main finding is that there are many discrepancies between the Saami people and the Swedish state in terms of their views on fair rectificatory arrangements as well as the rights of the Saami as an indigenous people.

High Current Density Low Voltage Isolated Dc-dc Converterswith Fast Transient Response

Yao, Liangbin 01 January 2007 (has links)
With the rapid development of microprocessor and semiconductor technology, industry continues to update the requirements for power supplies. For telecommunication and computing system applications, power supplies require increasing current level while the supply voltage keeps decreasing. For example, the Intel's CPU core voltage decreased from 2 volt in 1999 to 1 volt in 2005 while the supply current increased from 20A in 1999 to up to 100A in 2005. As a result, low-voltage high-current high efficiency dc-dc converters with high power-density are demanded for state-of-the-art applications and also the future applications. Half-bridge dc-dc converter with current-doubler rectification is regarded as a good topology that is suitable for high-current low-voltage applications. There are three control schemes for half-bridge dc-dc converters and in order to provide a valid unified analog model for optimal compensator design, the analog state-space modeling and small signal modeling are studied in the dissertation and unified state-space and analog small signal model are derived. In addition, the digital control gains a lot of attentions due to its flexibility and re-programmability. In this dissertation, a unified digital small signal model for half-bridge dc-dc converter with current doubler rectifier is also developed and the digital compensator based on the derived model is implemented and verified by the experiments with the TI DSP chip. In addition, although current doubler rectifier is widely used in industry, the key issue is the current sharing between two inductors. The current imbalance is well studied and solved in non-isolated multi-phase buck converters, yet few discusse this issue in the current doubler rectification topology within academia and industry. This dissertation analyze the current sharing issue in comparison with multi-phase buck and one modified current doubler rectifier topology is proposed to achieve passive current sharing. The performance is evaluated with half bridge dc-dc converter; good current sharing is achieved without additional circuitry. Due to increasing demands for high-efficiency high-power-density low-voltage high current topologies for future applications, the thermal management is challenging. Since the secondary-side conduction loss dominates the overall power loss in low-voltage high-current isolated dc-dc converters, a novel current tripler rectification topology is proposed. Theoretical analysis, comparison and experimental results verify that the proposed rectification technique has good thermal management and well-distributed power dissipation, simplified magnetic design and low copper loss for inductors and transformer. That is due to the fact that the load current is better distributed in three inductors and the rms current in transformer windings is reduced. Another challenge in telecommunication and computing applications is fast transient response of the converter to the increasing slew-rate of load current change. For instance, from Intel's roadmap, it can be observed that the current slew rate of the age regulator has dramatically increased from 25A/uS in 1999 to 400A/us in 2005. One of the solutions to achieve fast transient response is secondary-side control technique to eliminate the delay of optocoupler to increase the system bandwidth. Active-clamp half bridge dc-dc converter with secondary-side control is presented and one industry standard 16th prototype is built and tested; good efficiency and transient response are shown in the experimental section. However, one key issue for implementation of secondary-side control is start-up. A new zero-voltage-switching buck-flyback isolated dc-dc converter with synchronous rectification is proposed, and it is only suitable for start-up circuit for secondary-side controlled converter, but also for house-keeping power supplies and standalone power supplies requiring multi-outputs.

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