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En utredning av begreppet myndighetsutövning : enligt förvaltningslagen, brottsbalken, skadeståndslagen och regeringsformenEriksson, Louise, Larsson, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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En utredning av begreppet myndighetsutövning : enligt förvaltningslagen, brottsbalken, skadeståndslagen och regeringsformenEriksson, Louise, Larsson, Sofia January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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"Gränsen här har nåtts" : Om regeringens beredning av lagstiftningsärendenWiderström, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka den rättsliga regleringen av regeringens beredning av lagstiftningsärenden samt hur denna efterlevs då lagstiftning anses brådska. Tio lagstiftningsärenden föranledda av flyktingkrisen granskas avseende beredningen. Granskningen visar att beredningen var bristfällig gällande samtliga granskade förslag. En diskussion förs kring hur rättsenlighet och kvalitet i lagstiftningen i framtiden ska kunna garanteras.
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Skadeståndsansvar vid överträdelse av 2 kap. RF : - En analys över utvecklingen och framtiden för den konstitutionella skadeståndsrätten / Liability for violation of the Swedish constitution : - An analysis of the development and future of the constitutional tort lawJulian, Kaijser January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Regeringsformen och den föränderliga politiken : En analys av regeringsformen mot bakgrund av regeringsbildningsprocesserna / The Swedish constitution and the ever-changing political landscapeJörestig, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
The topic that will be presented in the following paper intends to analyse whether the tools given in the Swedish constitution can be seen as sufficient in the light of the ever-changing political landscape. Due to the recent delays in the Swedish process of government formation it is relevant to examine whether this could be caused by constitutional regulations that are no longer useful due to a change in the political field. The topic is highly relevant because it is currently, in the fall of 2021, an ongoing process. The governmental formation process will be the centre of attention in this paper. The process will be analysed on the basis of legal text along with relevant literature. Through a legal investigation and a historical and theoretical overview the aim is to determine whether the tools given in the current constitution can be deemed sufficient when considering an ever-changing political landscape. The most important conclusion is that the interest of fairness must constantly be weighed against the interest of effectiveness. Therefore, the conflict of interest that can arise between these two phenomenons will come to be the deciding factor when determining whether the current constitution can be deemed sufficient or not. From a historical point of view the main question of the paper can be answered with a yes, the tools in the current constitution can be seen as sufficient. This conclusion is based on the fact that so far all crises in governmental formations have been solved by using the tools given in the constitution. But whether the tools can be deemed sufficient in a political landscape that keeps on changing is questionable, it depends on what importance is given to fairness and efficiency respectively.
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Cyberattacker – fredstida kris, krig eller något mittemellan?: En kritisk analys av den rättsliga gränsdragningen mellan krig och fredPettersson, Cathrine January 2023 (has links)
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Abstrakt normprövning : En komparativrättslig studie av det svenska Lagrådet och den azerbajdzjanska författningsdomstolens rättstillämpning av den abstrakta normprövningenAgharzayeva, Leyla, Bakhtiyarova, Dilnaza January 2023 (has links)
This public law study aims to analyze abstract norm review in Sweden and Azerbaijan, conducted byspecific entities – the Swedish Council on Legislation (Lagrådet) and the Constitutional Court ofAzerbaijan, respectively. The primary focus is to examine and compare the approaches of Lagrådet andthe Azerbaijani Constitutional Court in abstract norm control.In this essay, a comparison is made between abstract norm review in Sweden and Azerbaijan, revealingsimilarities in purpose but significant differences in the powers and the binding nature of decisions.Historically, Sweden has undergone a longer constitutional development, while Azerbaijan hasundergone changes following its independence from the Soviet Union, which is noticeable throughvarious historical and political contexts shaping their norm review processes.In practice, Lagrådet in Sweden plays an advisory role during the legislative process. Although itsadvice carries significant weight, the final decision to follow or deviate from these recommendationslies with the government. Meanwhile, the Constitutional Court in Azerbaijan possesses direct legallybinding authority over its decisions, which affect all organs and individuals in the country.The difference in independence and legitimacy between these institutions is reflected in their impact onlegislation. Despite its active role, Lagrådet is subordinate to the government's decisions. Meanwhile,the Constitutional Court in Azerbaijan has a more independent and tangible influence on legislation.
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En rättslig analys av det s.k. kringresanderegistret : Problem och lösningarMemetovic, Sunita January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Angelägna allmänna intressen : En studie av de expropriationsrättsliga ändamålen och deras förhållning till regeringsformen / Keen public interests : A study of the expropriation purposes and their relation to the Swedish constitutionWalldén, Gabriel, Björklund, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Expropriation är en typ av tvångsavhändande av egendom, mot ersättning, från en part till en annan. I regeringsformen anges att ingen kan tvingas avstå sin egendom till annan, utom när så krävs för att tillgodose angelägna allmänna intressen. Expropriationsförfarandet och möjliga expropriationsändamål beskrivs i expropriationslagen. Dessa ändamål skall således utgöra sådana angelägna allmänna intressen som anges i regeringsformen. Vi har, efter att ha analyserat expropriationsändamålen, kommit att ifrågasätta om samtliga ändamål verkligen utgör sådana angelägna allmänna intressen som behöver föreligga för att expropriation skall få ske i enlighet med regeringsformen. Beslut i expropriationsärenden tas, till skillnad från beslut i andra tvister, inte av allmän domstol, utan av regeringen. Det är med andra ord regeringen som tolkar de berörda bestämmelserna och avgör om rekvisiten i dessa är uppfyllda eller inte. Besluten, vari expropriationsrätt beviljas eller förvägras, är i regel, genom att utelämna domskäl, sparsamt utformade, varför det uppstår frågor om rättssäkerheten i expropriationsärenden är tillfredställande nog. Sammantaget tas expropriationsbeslut av ett politiskt organ. Med anledning av den bristfälliga regleringen av expropriationsbeslut framstår besluten kunna tas utan krav på objektivitet eller hänsyn till tidigare praxis på området. I uppsatsen behandlas hur expropriationsförfarandet förhåller sig till regeringsformen, de problem som vissa av expropriationsändamålen ger upphov till samt hur de förhåller sig till de rättsliga principer som kan förväntas föreligga i en demokratisk rättsstat.
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Tio år med kommunalt veto vid prövningen av vindkraft – är det dags för en förändring?Ståhl, Jenni January 2019 (has links)
In 2009, the Swedish legislation regarding the administrative procedure applicable to onshore wind energy was amended, in part to increase wind power production, but also to fulfill the requirements in regard to the administrative procedures for renewable energy activities in the 2009 Renewables Directive. As a result, the dual permit and approval procedures under the Plan and Building Act and the Environmental Code were replaced with a procedure through which large onshore wind power installations are only assessed under the Environmental Code—and thus, only by the relevant County Administrative Board. In order to not circumvent the constitutionally protected and very strong principle of local self-governance of Swedish municipalities, the Swedish government introduced a provision in the Environmental Code, through which the municipalities were given a sort of veto over large wind power installations. According to Chapter 16 section 4, the municipalities’ consent is a prerequisite for granting licenses to large wind power installations. This provision has resulted in a number of issues concerning e.g. transparency and foreseeability. The municipalities do not have to justify or explain their decision, and the operators cannot appeal the decision in regard to its substance, but only in regard to certain procedural aspects found in the Swedish Local Government Act. There is also an issue with the possible non-compliance with Article 13 in the underlying RES-directive—an article that, ironically enough, was one of the main reasons for the 2009 amendment. The aim of this essay is to discuss the 2009 amendment and the problems that have surfaced in connection to the municipal veto, concerning, inter alia, the political goals of reaching a 100 percent renewable electricity production and increasing wind energy in the energy mix. The first three chapters deal primarily with the legislative background, i.e. de lege lata, with the occasional input from the author. The fourth chapter deals almost entirely with de lege ferenda discussions—mainly based on a report from the Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, in which the agencies suggest to altogether remove the provision from the Environmental Code. Other suggestions and alternatives are also discussed in this part. The chapter also contains a de lege lata description of the Danish administrative procedure, highlighting the Danish municipalities’ role in the Danish planning of wind energy. Lastly, in the fifth chapter, the conclusions are discussed briefly, with a suggestion from the author on how to proceed onwards.
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