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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fondements de l’expérience identitaire des écoliers : une approche des contextes et interactions pédagogiques d’une classe de CM en milieu rural / Foundations of the identity experience of primary pupils : an approach of the contexts and pedagogical interactions in a CM classroom in rural situation

Dargère, Virginie 04 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à analyser les contextes et interactions qui président à la construction de processus identitaires d’élèves de cours moyen dans une école rurale. Elle repose sur une observation participante, dans une démarche réflexive : que se passe-t-il dans l’école qui favorise l’émergence d’une identité ? Quelles modalités communicationnelles y participent ?Après avoir souligné l’importance de facteurs fortement contraignants tels que les institutions et les caractéristiques de l’interaction, l’auteur dégage quelques conduites qui ne cadrent pas avec ces facteurs. Ces conduites engendrent des jeux de rôle, de scène et de représentation des individus.Les individus endossent des rôles qui leur permettent d’interagir avec autrui. Ils revêtent des atours pour mieux accréditer leur rôle. Ils peuvent alors se trouver catégorisés, étiquetés, voire stigmatisés.Mais il ne suffit pas que les individus portent un masque pour paraître ; il faut que leur “présentation de soi” évolue en représentation, sur scène, face à un public. Les individus, devenus acteurs, livrent alors une véritable prestation dans les parenthèses spatio-temporelles et actantielles de la situation ou au cours d’une “carrière”.Les processus qui s’élaborent sont nombreux, car l’enjeu est de s’insérer dans le groupe, de trouver une place, sa place.L’expérience de chaque acteur se trouve ainsi dépendante des choix individuels comme des relations et représentations collectives.Pour conclure, l’auteur souligne la prégnance des structures comme la force des individus qui échappent à celles-ci. Et c’est précisément parce que les individus sont capables de mettre en oeuvre de telles stratégies qu’ils créent des processus identitaires à leur mesure et à celle du groupe qui les voit naître. / This thesis aims at analysing the contexts and interactions leading the construction of identity process of CM children in a rural school. The thesis rests on a participative observation in a reflexive approach : what happens in school that can favor the emergence of an identity ? Which communicationnal modalities are involved ?After having accentued the importance of very restrictive factors such as the institution and the characteristics of interaction, the author emits some behaviors that do not frame with.These behaviors generate games of role, of scene and of representation of persons. People assume roles which allow them to interact with others.They choose ways to accredit their role. Thenthey can be categorized, labelled or even stigmatized. However a mask isn’t enough to appear : the self representation must evolve in representation on scene, face to a public. The persons, becoming actors, deliver then a show in the spatiotemporal and acting frames of the situation or in a career.There are many process because the stake is to fit in the group, to find a place, its place.The experience of each actor becomes in fact dependent on individual choices and on collective relationships and representations.In conclusion, the author points the importance of structures and the strength of persons that escape them. It’s because people are able to enforce such strategies that they can create identity process.

Une Analyse des univers de croyances des enseignants jamaïquains sur le rôle joué par le créole dans l’enseignement de l’anglais / An analysis of the belief systems of Jamaican teachers of the role played by Creole in the teaching of English

Durand, Sandra 02 December 2011 (has links)
Les réflexions des chercheurs en didactique de l'anglais ont contribué à l'avancement des notions de la langue-culture (Cain, 1981, 1984) et à la compréhension de l'enseignement de l'anglais dans un environnement créolophone (Alleyne 1971, 1980, 1989 ; Craig, 1990, 2000 ; Devonish, 1986, 2004 ; Pollard, 1998, 2003). Bien qu'aujourd'hui, la valeur culturelle du créole jamaïquain soit largement reconnue, peu de recherches ont toutefois, abordé la question des représentations des enseignants sur l'interaction entre les deux langues. Cette thèse étudie les univers de croyance et les représentations sociales des enseignants jamaïquains sur leur prise en charge des défis provoqués par les réalités sociolinguistiques de l'île. Les enseignants sont des conteurs (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990) et ils utilisent naturellement une structure narrative pour parler de leur vie professionnelle (Raymond Butt, McCue, & Yanagishi, 1992). J'ai donc opté pour une analyse de 30 heures de récit de pratique professionnelle d'enseignants. Les récits sont prélevés auprès de 10 sujets via MSN Messenger. L'objectif étant d'appréhender les croyances des enseignants du primaire en matière d'alternance codique entre créole et anglais et d'interculturalité en classe.L'angle méthodologique emprunté pour cette thèse est inspiré de la perspective ethnobiographique de Jean Poirier, Sylvie Clapier-Valladon et Paul Raybaut. Les dix récits sont tout d'abord soumis à une analyse sociolinguistique à l'aide de techniques d'analyse thématique, prenant en compte la théorie structurelle de la représentation sociale d'Abric et Flament. Les thèmes ainsi identifiés et analysés sont soumis à une analyse de discours inspirée de la théorie des opérations énonciatives d'Antoine Culioli. Les conclusions sont nuancées à l'aide des données secondaires en provenance de 100 questionnaires administrés à un échantillon d'enseignants jamaïquains et d'une analyse de six textes officiels. L'analyse croisée de ces données vise à assurer la fiabilité et la validité des résultats. / Reflections of language education researchers have contributed largely to the advancement of the notions of language and culture (Cain, 1981, 1984) and the teaching of English in a Creolespeaking environment (Alleyne 1971, 1980, 1989; Craig, 1990, 2000; Devonish, 1986, 2004; Pollard, 1998, 2003). Today the cultural value of the Jamaican Creole is widely recognized, little research has, however, addressed the teacher representations on this issue. This thesis investigates the belief systems and social representation of Jamaican primary school teachers relative to their handling of the challenges brought on by the sociolinguistic realities of the island. Teachers naturally appropriate a narrative structure to talk about their professional lives (Butt Raymond, McCue, & Yanagishi, 1992). Indeed, teachers, even more so than the rest of us, are storytellers who lead storied lives (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990). I have therefore opted for an analysis of 30 hours of teacher narrative collected from 10 subjects via MSN messenger, with the objective of investigating beliefs and cultural identification with regards to Creole, English, code-switching and interculture in the Jamaican classroom at the primary level. The general methodological angle for the PHD is inspired by the ethno biographical perspective of Jean Poirier, Sylvie Clapier-Valladon and Paul Raybaut.The narratives are analyzed first from a sociolinguistic standpoint using thematic analysis techniques, specifically taking into account Abric and Flament's structural theory of social representations. The themes thus identified and analyzed are subjected to discourse analysis inspired by Antoine Culioli's theory of enonciative operations. The findings are then futher explored with the help of 100 questionnaires from Jamaican teachers and 6 official texts. This additional data provides a wider internal and external framework which ensures reliability and validity to the findings.

La relation de soin avec la personne cérébro-lésée : représentations sociales, vécus émotionnels, pratiques et identité sociale / The care relationship with the brain-injured person : social representations, emotional experiences, practices and social identity

Huet, Magalie 17 November 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse étudie la relation de soin entre les aides-soignants ou les aides médico-psychologiques et la personne cérébro-lésée (PCL). Après atteinte cérébrale, les troubles invisibles se traduisent par l’altération de la communication et la manifestation de comportements « déviants » agressifs et sexuels, provoquant l'incertitude. Dans ce contexte, cette relation comprend des enjeux concernant sa bienveillance, le sens des comportements, l'adaptabilité des pratiques, le travail émotionnel, et l’identité professionnelle. Nous interrogeons les représentations sociales de ces soignants à propos de la PCL afin d’éclairer leur travail de soin.Dans une démarche de triangulation, nous avons effectué des entretiens de recherche individuels (n=37), une enquête par questionnaire (n=130) et des focus-groups (n=4).Nos analyses apportent des connaissances sur les contenus et l’organisation des représentations sociales de la PCL chez les soignants. Ils mobilisent un savoir partagé pour définir des stratégies de communication adaptées et mettre du sens aux comportements agressifs à partir de l’état de « conscience » de la personne. Cet état oriente les pratiques et le travail émotionnel des soignants. Il apparaît une représentation de la sexualité « cérébro-lésée », pensée à partir de la représentation de la sexualité humaine, et liée à des pratiques de « mise à l’écart » de la sexualité visant à les prémunir d’une pollution symbolique.Notre recherche montre que les troubles invisibles acquièrent une visibilité par la détermination d’une « conscience » relationnelle. Les comportements agressifs et sexuels ont un statut différent au regard de la dimension symbolique de la relation. / De la dimension symbolique de la relation. Our thesis studies the care relationship between certified nursing assistants or medical-psychological assistants and the brain-injured person. After brain damage, the invisible disorders result in the alteration of communication and the manifestation of aggressive and sexual "deviant" behaviors, causing uncertainty. In this context, this relationship includes issues concerning its benevolence, the sense of behaviors, adaptability of practices, emotional labour, and professional identity. We studie the social representations of these caregivers about the brain-injured person to inform their care work.In a triangulation approach, we conducted individual research interviews (n=37), a questionnaire survey (n=130) and focus groups (n=4).Our analyzes provide knowledge about the content and organization of social representations of the brain-injured person among caregivers. They mobilize shared knowledge to define appropriate communication strategies and put meaning to aggressive behavior from the state of "consciousness" of the person. This state orients theirs practices and emotional labour. It appears a representation of "brain-injured" sexuality, thought from the representation of human sexuality, and linked to practices of "push out" sexuality to protect them from symbolic pollution.Our research shows that invisible disorders gain visibility by a relational "consciousness". Aggressive and sexual behaviors have differents status in relation to the symbolic dimension of the relationship.


LUCIMAR THEREZINHA GRIZENDI 11 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo central é identificar as representações que moradores da periferia de Juiz de Fora em condições de risco e de vulnerabilidade e, técnicos do Departamento de Defesa Civil do Município, vêm construindo sobre risco e vulnerabilidade, tentando apreender como essas representações circulam entre os dois grupos. Parte-se da observação empírica que há construções e práticas diferentes: os moradores não seguem as orientações dos técnicos na prevenção de calamidades e na preservação da vida. Fatores como a desigualdade social e a não efetividade das políticas sociais, dentre elas a política de habitação, agravam ainda mais as condições de risco e de vulnerabilidade em que vivem amplos segmentos da população e, a Defesa Civil aparece como política emergencial residual destinada a atender a essa população. Adotou-se a perspectiva das representações sociais, e, a abordagem qualitativa para a escuta dos sujeitos, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados indicam, a partir do confronto dos discursos, que as representações do risco vêm sendo construídas num processo dialético de afirmação e negação do fenômeno. Aspectos valorativos interferem nessa construção. Para os técnicos, sair do risco é garantir a vida e, para a população, a vulnerabilidade, ou seja, a necessidade de sobrevivência se sobrepõe à existência do risco. / [en] The main objective of this study is to identify the representations that the residents of the outskirts of Juiz de Fora living in vulnerable and risk conditions and, technician of the Civil Defense Municipality Department, have been constructing about risk and vulnerability, trying to grasp how such representations constitute themselves between these two groups. According to empirical observations there are diferent representations and practices: the residents dont follow or obey the orientations given by the technicians on how to prevent calamities and how to preserve life. Factors like social inequality and the no effectiviness of social politics, among them the housing politic, makes the risk condition and vulnerability even worse for a large segment of the population and, the Civil Defense appears as a emergency politic adressed to serve this population. It has been adopted the perspective of social representations, and, the qualitative listening approach of the individuals, through semi-structured interviews. With the confrontation of the speeches, the results indicate, that the risk representation has been constructed in a dialect of affirmation of the phenomenon and refusal of it. Valuable aspects intervene in this construction. For the techinicians, to step out of the risk is to guarantee life and, for the population , the vulnerability, in other words, the necessity for survivel overlays the existence of the risk.


LUCIANA MELLO RIBEIRO 10 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa buscou identificar as representações de ambiente, educação e informação que mobilizam a prática de educadores e jornalistas ambientais e a forma como isso ocorre. Procurou-se entender como se constituem tais representações e que relação guarda o processo de construção destas com aspectos da vida, como a família, a formação para o trabalho e o exercício profissional. Os dados foram colhidos através de entrevistas semi- estruturadas, havendo questões em comum e outras específicas a cada uma das profissões. Para a interpretação, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Entender como se estruturam as representações destes profissionais contribui para pensar possíveis estratégias para a formação continuada, destinadas a qualificar a educação ambiental e o ecojornalismo. A percepção, os valores e a experiência foram componentes significativos para desvendar o caminho das representações. / [en] The research had the scope of identifying the environment, education and information representations, which mobilize the practice of educators and newspapermen and how it occurs. We have tried to understand how such representations are created and what relationship the process of construction of these has with aspects of life, as the family, the formation for work and the professional practice. The data have been gathered by means of semi- structured interviews, having questions in common and other ones specific to each of the professions. As regards interpretation the content analysis has been used. Understanding how the representations of these professionals are structured contributes to think possible strategies for continued formation with the purpose of qualifying the environmental education and ecojournalism. The perception, values and the experience were significant components to unveil the path of representations.

Tilting bundles and toric Fano varieties

Prabhu-Naik, Nathan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis constructs tilting bundles obtained from full strong exceptional collections of line bundles on all smooth toric Fano fourfolds. The tilting bundles lead to a large class of explicit Calabi-Yau-5 algebras, obtained as the corresponding rolled-up helix algebra. We provide two different methods to show that a collection of line bundles is full, whilst the strong exceptional condition is checked using the package QuiversToricVarieties for the computer algebra system Macaulay2, written by the author. A database of the full strong exceptional collections can also be found in this package.

Den dilemmatiska kroppen : en diskursanalys av läroböcker i Idrott och hälsa / The dilemmatic body : a discursive analysis of textbooks in physical education

Nilsson, Hampus January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte Syftet med undersökningen är att utifrån två läroböcker i Idrott och hälsa analysera hur kroppen framställs och beskrivs. Frågeställningen som undersökningen ämnar besvara är: Vilka representationer av kroppen återkommer i läroböckerna? Vilka ideal, handlingar och krav är kopplade till dessa representationer? Vilka dilemman framkommer i de olika representationerna? Metod Två läroböcker skrivna efter introduktionen LGY 11 bearbetades metodologiskt med inspiration från Bacchis WPR-metod samt analyserades utifrån Billigs Ideologiska dilemman.  Resultat I analysen framkom sex tematiska representationer av kroppen: Den tävlande som kopplades till ideal om dess vilja att tävla prestera och handlingar i form av hård träning. Den hälsosamma kopplades till ideal som rörelseglädje och handlingar i form av rekreativ motion. Den normala som kopplades till ideal om att pojke och vara nöjd med sin kropp samt handlingar i form av heterosexualitet. Den avvikande kopplades till ideal om övervikt, att vara för smal flicka och handlingar i form av homo-, bi-, trans-, och asexualitet. Den utvecklingsbara kopplades till ideal om utveckling och kopplades till avsiktligt och målmedvetet handlande. Den dugliga kopplades till ideal om att känna sig tillräcklig och handlingar i form av att se egenvärdet och njutningen i rörelser. Ideologiska dilemman framträdde mellan Den tävlande och Den hälsosamma, Den normala och Den avvikande, Den utvecklingsbara och Den dugliga. Slutsats Resultatet tyder på att de effekter som de ideologiska dilemmana skapar riskerar leda till att eleverna begränsas till att förstå sig själva som antingen den ena eller den andra kroppen. Detta visar att det är av vikt för lärare att reflekterar över i hur talet om kroppen kan begränsa kroppars mångfald inom ämnet Idrott och hälsa. / Abstract Aim The aim of the study is to analyze how the body is presented and described in two textbooks in physical education. The research questions are seeking to answer is: What representations of the body can be found in the textbooks? What ideals, actions and demands are linked to these representations? Which dilemmas appear in the different representations? Method Two textbooks written after the introduction of the latest Swedish curriculum Lgy 11 were methodologically processed with inspiration from Bacchi´s What´s the Problem-method and analyzedthrough Billig´s concept of Ideological dilemmas. Results The analysis showed six thematic representations of the body: The representation of the ´competing body´ was linked to ideals such as the desire to compete and actions such as of hard exercise. The representation of the ´healthy body´ was linked to ideals such as the joy of moving and actions such as of recreational exercise. The representation of the ´normal body´ was linked to ideals of being a boy and being satisfied with ones body in its present form, as well as heteronormative actions. The representation of the ´deviant body´ was linked to ideals such as the fear of obesity, being a tenuous girl and actions such as being homo,- bi-, trans-, or asexual. The representation of the ´body under development´ was linked to ideals of becoming and to being intentional and determined in it´s actions. The representations of the ´docile body´ was linked to feeling confident and the actions were focusing on the intrinsic value and pleasure of moving. Ideological dilemmas arose between the ´competing body and the ´healthy body´. The ´normal body´ and the ´deviant body´, the body under development body and the ´docile body´. Conclusions The findings suggest that the effects of the ideological dilemmas create risk to limit pupils to understanding themselves as either one or the other body. This study highlights the importance of teachers reflections about how they talk about the body can lead to limiting a diverse understanding of the body in PE.

As representações de adolescentes e professores sobre o estatuto da criança e do adolescente e efeitos na dinâmica da vida da escola

Lemes, Marilene Alves 25 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T20:06:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta dissertação analisamos resultados de uma investigação empírica que teve por objetivo problematizar o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA junto a adolescentes e professores, identificando representações por eles (com) partilhadas e os efeitos dessas representações na dinâmica da vida escolar. A pesquisa teve como fundamentação principal Moscovici (1978, 1994), Gatti (2005), Bobbio (2004), Arroyo (2002, 2004) e Freire (2000, 2003, 2006). Metodologicamente, a pesquisa caracterizou-se como um estudo de natureza qualitativa, utilizando-se dos “grupos focais” como principal procedimento de pesquisa para problematizar as representações. As questões que balizaram a pesquisa foram: quais são as representações partilhadas por adolescentes e professores a respeito do ECA? Que efeitos as representações de adolescentes e professores sobre o ECA têm sobre a dinâmica da vida escolar? Como se aproximam ou distanciam as representações de adolescentes e professores? Os resultados mobilizaram uma série de reflexões

Representações maternas no contexto da maternidade na adolescência

Cabral, Stela Araújo 16 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T19:37:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 16 / Nenhuma / A investigação das representações maternas, que se inserem nos aspectos subjetivos da relação mãe-criança, constitui um campo atual de estudos e um dos eixos principais da clínica pais-bebê. A presente dissertação trata de uma pesquisa realizada sobre as representações maternas no contexto da maternidade na adolescência. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, transversal, com delineamento de estudo de caso, cujo referencial teórico está alicerçado na teoria psicanalítica. Participaram do estudo três mães adolescentes, de 16 e 17 anos e suas mães. Elas foram contatadas em um hospital da cidade de Porto Alegre. Os bebês tinham três e seis meses de idade, sendo dois do sexo feminino e um do sexo masculino. Foram avaliadas as representações das adolescentes sobre si mesmas, sobre a própria mãe e sobre o bebê através dos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista sobre a gestação e o parto, Entrevista R (Stern et al., 1989), observação da díade mãe-bebê em situação de amamentação e entrevista com a avó materna. As informações / The investigation of maternal representations, that includes some subjective aspects of mother-infant relationship, constitutes itself a current field of study and one of the main axes of parent-infant clinic. This qualitative and transversal study, with a case study design, aims to present a research about maternal representations in the context of adolescent motherhood, grounded on psychoanalysis theory. Three adolescent mothers, ages 16 and 17, and their mothers, were recruited in a Porto Alegre’s hospital. Their babies, two girls and one boy, were three and six months old. The adolescents’ representations about themselves, their own mother and their baby were investigated through the following instruments: interview about pregnancy and birth, Interview R, observation of mother-infant in a breastfeeding situation and interview with the adolescent’s mother. Results revealed that representations about the own mother were references for the adolescents’motherhood, showing the influence of intergenerational as

As representações sociais dos(as) professores(as) em formação sobre a (re)constituição da identidade profissional. / Social Representations of Teachers in Process of Formation about Professional Identity (re) Construction

Borba, Denise Aparecida 26 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-15T14:25:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Borba.pdf: 10906261 bytes, checksum: 703012ac4e487650f8daaa64ad580c04 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-15T14:25:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Borba.pdf: 10906261 bytes, checksum: 703012ac4e487650f8daaa64ad580c04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aims to assist in the comprehension of the professional identity, and the (re)construction, needs and the graduation expectancy of students/teachers that work in early childhood education, within the parameters of children ages zero to three, in public nurseries, and that attend the Pedagogy Course/PARFOR. This research, predominantly qualitative, is carried out on a community University in Santos region and is based on Moscovici's Social Representations Theory/SRT (1978, 2010, 2011), and on Dubar (1997, 2003) contributions. Methodological procedures were used in the form of a research survey, a questionnaire composed of open-ended, closed-ended and evocative questions, as well as a focus group and semi-structured interviews. The results have identified a group of students with common characteristics including socioeconomic conditions, dilemmas related to work environment and development of the teaching profession. These approaches have enabled for the comprehension of important aspects related to identity (re)construction of the research subjects from a dimensional analysis of identity and from formative questions, presenting some results. Among those results, we highlight the following: 1) the (re)construction of identity tied to conditions of entering and remaining in the profession, and the opportunities for the development of the teaching profession; 2) the meaning given to graduation expectations and needs in relation to the desire for professional evaluation and recognition, and 3) the building of new RS on issues related to the world of early childhood education, pushed forward by the redefinition of its role in education, and creating integrated political-administrative actions that value and respect the teacher of early childhood education, recognizing his or her specificity and graduation needs. / Este estudo pretende compreender a (re) constituição da identidade profissional e as necessidades e expectativas de formação dos (as) estudantes/professores (as) que atuam na educação infantil de zero a três anos de idade, oferecida em creches públicas, e que ao mesmo tempo frequentam o Curso de Pedagogia/PARFOR. A pesquisa, de cunho predominantemente qualitativo desenvolve-se, em uma universidade comunitária da Baixada Santista e fundamenta-se na Teoria das Representações Sociais/TRS, de Moscovici (1978, 2010, 2011), e nas contribuições de Dubar (1997, 2003). Como procedimento metodológico utilizou-se um questionário composto com questões abertas, fechadas e de evocação, realizando-se, também, um Grupo Focal e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados permitiram identificar um grupo de estudantes com características comuns em relação às condições socioeconômicas, aos dilemas vividos no mundo do trabalho e ao desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente. Essas aproximações possibilitaram compreender aspectos importantes a respeito da (re)constituição identitária dos sujeitos da pesquisa a partir de uma análise dimensional das questões identitárias e formativas, apresentando, assim, alguns resultados. Entre eles, destacamos: 1º) a (re) constituição identitária atrelada às condições de entrada e permanência na profissão, e às oportunidades para o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente; 2º) o significado atribuído às necessidades e expectativas formativas, relacionado ao desejo de reconhecimento e valorização profissionais; 3º) a construção de novas RS a respeito das questões ligadas ao universo da educação infantil, passando pela ressignificação de seu papel educativo e, sobretudo, por ações político-administrativas integradas que valorizem e respeitem o professor da educação infantil, reconhecendo suas especificidades e necessidades formativas.

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