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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Application of Multidisciplinary Water Resources Planning and Management for the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation: Gila River Case

Novelle, M. E., Percious, D. J., Wright, N. G. 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Laboratory of Native Development, Systems Analysis and Applied Technology (NADSAT) was established to provide technical assistance to southwestern Indian Tribes as an aid in the development and use of their natural resources according to their goals and objectives. NADSAT 's role is assistance and technology transfer, with an emphasis on alternative formulation and performance analysis and communicating the technological approach to tribal decision makers. The cost-effectiveness methodology provides a coherent framework and affords a mechanism for technology transfer, which makes it a useful tool in achieving tribal goals. This method was applied to the formulation of possible alternatives for use of the land and water resources of the Gila River Basin within the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. Criteria for devising various alternative utilization schemes are discussed, and the advantages of the cost effectiveness methodology.

Πρωτόκολλα και αρχιτεκτονικές σε δίκτυα μεταγωγής οπτικής ριπής

Ραμαντάς, Κωνσταντίνος 17 September 2012 (has links)
Η μεγάλη διαθεσιμότητα ευρυζωνικής πρόσβασης και η πληθώρα νέων διαδικτυακών υπηρεσιών οδήγησε στην ενσωμάτωση του διαδικτύου στην καθημερινότητά μας. Οι χρήστες του διαδικτύου μέσα στο 2011 έφτασαν το 1.5 δισεκατομμύριο με έντονα αυξητικές τάσεις, ιδιαιτέρως σε χώρες της Ασίας. Αυτή η αύξηση έχει γίνει εφικτή χάρη στο τεράστιο εύρος ζώνης και την υψηλή αξιοπιστία των οπτικών τηλεπικοινωνιακών δικτύων κορμού σε συνδυασμό με το όλο και μειούμενο κόστος ανά bit της μεταδιδόμενης πληροφορίας. Πρόσφατες μελέτες έχουν καταδείξει ότι η πλειοψηφία του μεταδιδόμενου όγκου δεδομένων στο διαδίκτυο (>50%) μεταδίδεται μέσω του πρωτοκόλλου HTTP, με ισχυρές ενδείξεις ότι το ενδιαφέρον των χρηστών απομακρύνεται από τις P2P εφαρμογές σε υπηρεσίες video/audio streaming και κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Όμως, ενώ σταδιακά εμφανίζεται η ανάγκη για επόμενης γενιάς υπηρεσιών δικτύου, (e- science, τηλεργασία, HD-IPTV, VOD) με ιδιαίτερες απαιτήσεις σε εύρος ζώνης, ποιότητα υπηρεσίας και καθυστέρηση τα τηλεπικοινωνιακά δίκτυα στις μέρες μας είναι προσανατολισμένα στο να παρέχουν χαμηλού κόστους «best effort» υπηρεσίες χωρίς κανενός είδους εγγυήσεις. Η έλευση καινοτομικών διαδικτυακών υπηρεσιών έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα σταδιακά η χωρητικότητα των (ηλεκτρονικών) συσκευών μεταγωγής να γίνεται το σημείο συμφόρησης, αφού η μετατροπή των πακέτων στο ηλεκτρονικό πεδίο και η ένα-προς-ένα επεξεργασία των επικεφαλίδων τους δεν είναι κλιμακώσιμη σε ρυθμούς διαμεταγωγής της τάξης των Tbps. Η αρχιτεκτονική μεταγωγής οπτικής ριπής (OBS) μπορεί να δώσει λύση σε αυτό το πρόβλημα, χάρη στα σημαντικά της πλεονεκτήματα. Στην αρχιτεκτονική OBS, τα πακέτα δεδομένων συναθροίζονται σε ριπές (bursts) οι οποίες μεταδίδονται χωρίς προ-εγκατάσταση κυκλώματος, και μετάγονται με διαφανή-οπτικό τρόπο από την πηγή στον προορισμό. Επίσης η αρχιτεκτονική OBS είναι η μόνη (πρακτικά εφαρμόσιμη) αμιγώς οπτική τεχνολογία μεταγωγής με sub-lambda ικανότητες δέσμευσης πόρων. Η επίλυση ενός αριθμού ανοιχτών προβλημάτων που αντιμετωπίζει η αρχιτεκτονική OBS θα επιτρέψει την εμπορική αξιοποίησή της στα δίκτυα κορμού των τηλεπικοινωνιακών παρόχων. Στόχος μας στα πλαίσια αυτής της διδακτορικής έρευνας είναι η πρόταση καινοτομικών πρωτοκόλλων και αρχιτεκτονικών που δίνουν λύσεις σε ανοιχτά προβλήματα της τεχνολογίας OBS. Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή αρχικά στρέφουμε την προσοχή μας στην αποδοτική μετάδοση TCP κίνησης πάνω από OBS δίκτυα. Πρόκειται για ένα δύσκολο πρόβλημα που έχει μελετηθεί εκτενώς στη βιβλιογραφία, λόγω της ευαισθησίας του TCP πρωτόκολλου στις απώλειες πακέτων, οι οποίες συμβαίνουν στα OBS δίκτυα λόγω ανταγωνισμού ριπών ακόμα και σε συνθήκες χαμηλού φορτίου. Στη βιβλιογραφία έχουν προταθεί πληθώρα λύσεων για την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος, τόσο στο OBS domain (π.χ. με τη χρήση κατάλληλων πρωτόκολλων χρονοπρογραμματισμού) όσο και στο TCP domain (βελτίωση του TCP πρωτοκόλλου). Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής πραγματοποιήθηκε μια σειρά εκτενών προσομοιώσεων σε ρεαλιστικές συνθήκες με χιλιάδες ενεργές TCP πηγές, που εστιάζουν στην κατανομή TCP πακέτων και συνόδων στις μεταδιδόμενες ριπές καθώς και στη συμπεριφορά του παράθυρου συμφόρησης. Το συμπέρασμά μας ήταν ότι οι αλγόριθμοι συναρμολόγησης με μοναδικό κατώφλι εμφανίζουν βέλτιστη απόδοση μόνο για συγκεκριμένες TCP πηγές με κοινά χαρακτηριστικά, προτείνοντας τους αλγόριθμους συναρμολόγησης πολλαπλών κλάσεων σαν πιθανή λύση. Οι τελευταίοι δείξαμε ότι μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε βελτίωση του TCP throughput, όταν κάθε κατηγορία TCP πηγής ανατίθεται σε διαφορετική κλάση συναρμολόγησης με διαφορετικό assembly timer. Ένα ακόμα πρόβλημα που παρατηρήθηκε κατά τη μεταφορά TCP κίνησης σε OBS δίκτυα και μελετήθηκε στις προσομοιώσεις μας ήταν ο συγχρονισμός των TCP πηγών. Η απώλεια πολλαπλών TCP πακέτων με μία χαμένη ριπή συχνά οδηγούσε σε συγχρονισμό των TCP πηγών που μεταφέρονταν στη ριπή, ένα πρόβλημα που χειροτέρευε όσο αύξανε η πιθανότητα απώλειας ριπής. Για την αντιμετώπιση του συγχρονισμού των TCP πηγών, προτάθηκαν μια σειρά από αλγόριθμοι συναρμολόγησης πολλαπλών κλάσεων, οι οποίοι εισάγουν ένα βαθμό τυχαιότητας στην ανάθεση TCP πηγών σε κλάσεις συναρμολόγησης για την αποφυγή του συγχρονισμού. Στη συνέχεια στρέψαμε το ενδιαφέρον μας στο πρόβλημα παροχής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας σε ένα OBS δίκτυο με υποστήριξη πολλαπλών κλάσεων, στοχεύοντας στην αποδοτική μετάδοση βίντεο κίνησης. Συγκεκριμένα, προτείναμε ένα νέο σχήμα παροχής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας το οποίο βασίζεται στην τεχνική των burst preemptions. Για να έχουμε μια ρεαλιστική εκτίμηση της βελτίωσης ποιότητας της βίντεο κίνησης, χρησιμοποιήσαμε μετρικές σχετικά με την αντιληπτή ποιότητα της video κίνησης, όπως το MOS score και το PSNR. Στη συνέχεια προτείνουμε μια νέα αρχιτεκτονική για δημιουργία προφίλ και πρόβλεψη κίνησης σε δίκτυα μεταγωγής οπτικής ριπής, με στόχο τη βελτιστοποίηση της μετάδοσης TCP κίνησης. Σε αυτή την αρχιτεκτονική, ένας TCP profiler υπολογίζει ένα σύνολο στατιστικών στοιχείων για τις ενεργές TCP πηγές παράλληλα με τη διαδικασία συναρμολόγησης ριπής. Αυτά αξιοποιούνται για την κατασκευή του μοντέλου κίνησης στο οποίο βασίζεται η πρόβλεψη του μεγέθους ριπών σε ένα χρονικό παράθυρο μήκους τουλάχιστον ίσου με RTT. Η πρόβλεψη του μεγέθους των ριπών επιτρέπει την εκ των προτέρων ενημέρωση των χρονοπρογραμματιστών του δικτύου κομού για επερχόμενες μεταβολές στην κίνηση του δικτύου, ώστε να επανα-χρονοπρογραμματίσει τις δεσμεύσεις πόρων με βέλτιστο τρόπο. Για την εκ των προτέρων ενημέρωση των κόμβων κορμού προτείνεται ένα νέο πρωτόκολλο προληπτικής δέσμευσης πόρων, του οποίου η συνεισφορά την απόδοση του δικτύου και τη χρησιμοποίηση των τηλεπικοινωνιακών γραμμών αξιολογείται με ένα σύνολο λεπτομερών προσομοιώσεων. Στο τελευταίο μέρος της διδακτορικής διατριβής στρέφουμε το ενδιαφέρον μας στις υβριδικές οπτικές αρχιτεκτονικές. Επειδή καμία οπτική δικτυακή τεχνολογία δε δίνει λύση σε όλα τα προβλήματα και τις απαιτήσεις των μελλοντικών οπτικών τηλεπικοινωνιακών δικτύων, πολλά υποσχόμενες είναι οι λεγόμενες υβριδικές τεχνολογίες οι οποίες συνδυάζουν χαρακτηριστικά από περισσότερες της μίας βασικές αρχιτεκτονικές (OBS, OCS και OPS). Σε αυτά τα πλαίσια προτείνεται η νέα υβριδική αρχιτεκτονική HOBS (Hybrid Optical Burst Switching) η οποία εκμεταλλεύεται τις κενές περιόδους κατά την εγκατάσταση κυκλωμάτων ενός Dynamic Circuit Switching δικτύου για τη μετάδοση ριπών δεδομένων. / The wide availability of broadband access has allowed users to tightly integrate network use into their daily lives. There will be 1.5 billion people with Internet access in 2011 and a big growth rate in the online population, primarily occurring in Brazil, Russia, India and China. This growth has been made possible due to the vast capacity of optical core networks, and the decreasing cost per bit. New research has shown that P2P no longer dominates internet traffic; HTTP is now dominant in terms of bytes transmitted by a big margin for a significant fraction of the Internet. User’s interest has shifted to new video/audio streaming services and social networking sites. However while new generation services are emerging, such as e-science, HD-IPTV and VOD, with high bandwidth requirements and special QoS needs modern commercial networks are engineered for low cost, best effort access. The advent of innovative web services along with the phenomenal increase of internet traffic has resulted in the capacity of electronic routers becoming the bottleneck point of modern telecommunication networks. With terabit-per-second bandwidths, IP routing that converts optical signals into electric signals and identifies IP headers one-by-one cannot meet the demands. Optical Burst Switching (OBS) architecture has beed proposed as a near- term solution to this problem. Data packets in OBS are assembled to bursts which are immediately transmitted without acknowledgements and switched all-optically in the network core. OBS is the only practical optical switch architecture that can offer sub-wavelength resource reservation. However, there are a set of limitations and open problems that hinder the wider adoption of OBS architecture. The contribution of this thesis is a set of innovative algorithms, protocols and architectures for OBS networks to enhance performance in real world networks. These include –but are not limited to– burst assembly and scheduling algorithms, reservation protocols and QoS differentiation. The efficient transmission of TCP traffic over OBS networks is a challenging problem in OBS networks, due to the high sensitivity of TCP congestion control mechanism to burst losses. Various burst assembly and burst scheduling algorithms have been proposed in the literature, to enhance the efficient transmission of TCP over OBS networks. However it still remains an open problem, since the relatively high burst loss ratio experienced in OBS networks is incompatible with TCP congestion control mechanism. It has been observed that burst losses have a significant impact on the TCP end-to-end performance. One burst loss typically results in many sources timing out and subsequently entering the slow start phase. In this thesis, we study the problem of TCP over OBS transmission through extensive simulations in a real-world scenario, with thousands of active TCP connections. We conclude that fixed timer-based burstifiers are not appropriate, since they do not provide maximum performance but only optimal performance for individual flows with similar characteristics. To address this problem, in this thesis we propose multi-class burst assembly algorithms. We have shown that these can lead to an enhanced TCP throughput, by assigning a different assembly timer to each class of service. In our simulations we observed that burst losses would often result in synchronizing TCP transmissions with an imminent effect on link utilization. This phenomenon was caused by multiple packet losses from different TCP flows in a single round and was exaggerated with high burst loss ratios. Thus, to avoid flow synchronization we proposed a set of multi-class burst assembly algorithms, where the assignment of flows to classes of service was non-deterministic. We then turned our attention to the problem of QoS provisioning in a multi-class OBS network. Our goal was to provide QoS differentiation to the transmission of video traffic over OBS networks. We propose a QoS-aware scheduling algorithm that supports QoS differentiation based on preemptions, which are controlled by a novel preemption policy. Performance evaluation of the proposed scheme is based on throughput measurements for the best effort class, and perceived quality metrics like PSNR and MOS scores for the video streaming class. We then turn our attention to a new TCP-specific traffic profiling and prediction scheme, which is proposed with the aim to optimize TCP transmission over one-way OBS networks. Traffic prediction is an interesting approach for the enhancement of TCP performance over OBS. If it would be possible to accurately predict TCP flows’ throughput, it would also be possible to predict burst sizes. That would allow making reservations of the appropriate resources in advance, enhancing network performance and improving bandwidth utilization. In the proposed scheme the burst assembly unit inspects TCP packet headers in parallel to the assembly process, keeping flow-level traffic statistics. These are then exploited to derive accurate traffic predictions, in at least one RTT-long prediction window. This allows in-advance notifying traffic schedulers of upcoming traffic changes, in order to optimally re-schedule their resource reservations. In this paper, we detail the traffic profiling and prediction mechanism and also provide analytical and simulation results to assess its performance. The performance gains, when using the prediction scheme are shown with a modified one-way OBS reservation protocol, which efficiently and in advance reserves resources at the burst level. In the final part of this thesis we turn our attention to hybrid optical networks. Since no single optical switch architecture covers all requirements of future telecommunication networks, hybrid architectures that combine the merits of two or more optical switch architectures are considered very promising. In this thesis, we present a radically different hybrid optical burst switch (HOBS) architecture that combines one-way with two-way reservation under a single, unified control plane (hybrid signaling) for QoS differentiation. It takes advantage of the idle, round-trip time delay during lightpath establishment phase to transmit one-way data bursts of a lower class of service, while high priority data explicitly requests and establishes end-to-end connections (lightpaths), as in wavelength-routed OBS.

Simulated contracts and the transfer of ownership as a form of real security in South African law

Terblanche, Francis Stephen 10 1900 (has links)
Money lenders frequently use sale and lease back agreements as an alternative to other more conventional forms of security. These agreements are popular because they are simple and inexpensive to put in place. Unfortunately, South African courts give legal effect to the true intention of contracting parties. Sale and lease back agreements are often held to be simulated contracts and as such they are enforced as disguised pledges. One of the few alternative security options available to money lenders, is a notarial bond registered in terms of the Security By Means of Movable Property Act 57 of 1993. This act has been criticised for creating an ineffective form of security that is costly and cumbersome to put in place. It is suggested that the current security options available to money lenders are supplemented with the creation of a more user friendly public register for the registration of security interests. / Private Law / LL.M.

Chování investorů v Pražské památkové rezervaci / The Behaviour of Investors in Prague Historic Reservation

Adensamová, Fay January 2012 (has links)
The current situation in the historic centre of Prague does not allow for interference in the behaviour of investors. The tools for protection of Prague Historic Reservation are insufficient. Much of the real estate is not used and becomes ruins, resulting in an irreplaceable cultural and social, but also economic loss to the Prague Historical Reservation which is on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current state of Prague Historic Reservation as well as to suggest possible solutions. Analyses, own research, interviews and statistics have been used to prove the situation. There is a part of the thesis comparing the current state with other cities abroad (e.g. Vienna, Dresden, Cologne, Paris).

High-Performance Network-on-Chip Design for Many-Core Processors

Wang, Boqian January 2020 (has links)
With the development of on-chip manufacturing technologies and the requirements of high-performance computing, the core count is growing quickly in Chip Multi/Many-core Processors (CMPs) and Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) to support larger scale parallel execution. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has become the de facto solution for CMPs and MPSoCs in addressing the communication challenge. In the thesis, we tackle a few key problems facing high-performance NoC designs. For general-purpose CMPs, we encompass a full system perspective to design high-performance NoC for multi-threaded programs. By exploring the cache coherence under the whole system scenario, we present a smart communication service called Advance Virtual Channel Reservation (AVCR) to provide a highway to target packets, which can greatly reduce their contention delay in NoC. AVCR takes advantage of the fact that we can know or predict the destination of some packets ahead of their arrival at the Network Interface (NI). Exploiting the time interval before a packet is ready, AVCR establishes an end-to-end highway from the source NI to the destination NI. This highway is built up by reserving the Virtual Channel (VC) resources ahead of the target packet transmission and offering priority service to flits in the reserved VC in the wormhole router, which can avoid the target packets’ VC allocation and switch arbitration delay. Besides, we also propose an admission control method in NoC with a centralized Artificial Neural Network (ANN) admission controller, which can improve system performance by predicting the most appropriate injection rate of each node using the network performance information. In the online control process, a data preprocessing unit is applied to simplify the ANN architecture and make the prediction results more accurate. Based on the preprocessed information, the ANN predictor determines the control strategy and broadcasts it to each node where the admission control will be applied. For application-specific MPSoCs, we focus on developing high-performance NoC and NI compatible with the common AMBA AXI4 interconnect protocol. To offer the possibility of utilizing the AXI4 based processors and peripherals in the on-chip network based system, we propose a whole system architecture solution to make the AXI4 protocol compatible with the NoC based communication interconnect in the many-core system. Due to possible out-of-order transmission in the NoC interconnect, which conflicts with the ordering requirements specified by the AXI4 protocol, in the first place, we especially focus on the design of the transaction ordering units, realizing a high-performance and low cost solution to the ordering requirements. The microarchitectures and the functionalities of the transaction ordering units are also described and explained in detail for ease of implementation. Then, we focus on the NI and the Quality of Service (QoS) support in NoC. In our design, the NI is proposed to make the NoC architecture independent from the AXI4 protocol via message format conversion between the AXI4 signal format and the packet format, offering high flexibility to the NoC design. The NoC based communication architecture is designed to support high-performance multiple QoS schemes. The NoC system contains Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and VC subnetworks to apply multiple QoS schemes to AXI4 signals with different QoS tags and the NI is responsible for traffic distribution between two subnetworks. Besides, a QoS inheritance mechanism is applied in the slave-side NI to support QoS during packets’ round-trip transfer in NoC. / Med utvecklingen av tillverkningsteknologi av on-chip och kraven på högpresterande da-toranläggning växer kärnantalet snabbt i Chip Multi/Many-core Processors (CMPs) ochMultiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) för att stödja större parallellkörning. Network-on-Chip (NoC) har blivit den de facto lösningen för CMP:er och MPSoC:er för att mötakommunikationsutmaningen. I uppsatsen tar vi upp några viktiga problem med hög-presterande NoC-konstruktioner.Allmänna CMP:er omfattas ett fullständigt systemperspektiv för att design högprester-ande NoC för flertrådad program. Genom att utforska cachekoherensen under hela system-scenariot presenterar vi en smart kommunikationstjänst, AVCR (Advance Virtual ChannelReservation) för att tillhandahålla en motorväg till målpaket, vilket i hög grad kan min-ska deras förseningar i NoC. AVCR utnyttjar det faktum att vi kan veta eller förutsägadestinationen för vissa paket före deras ankomst till nätverksgränssnittet (Network inter-face, NI). Genom att utnyttja tidsintervallet innan ett paket är klart, etablerar AVCRen ände till ände motorväg från källan NI till destinationen NI. Denna motorväg byggsupp genom att reservera virtuell kanal (Virtual Channel, VC) resurser före målpaket-söverföringen och erbjuda prioriterade tjänster till flisar i den reserverade VC i wormholerouter. Dessutom föreslår vi också en tillträdeskontrollmetod i NoC med en centraliseradartificiellt neuronät (Artificial Neural Network, ANN) tillträdeskontroll, som kan förbättrasystemets prestanda genom att förutsäga den mest lämpliga injektionshastigheten för varjenod via nätverksprestationsinformationen. I onlinekontrollprocessen används en förbehan-dlingsenhet på data för att förenkla ANN-arkitekturen och göra förutsägningsresultatenmer korrekta. Baserat på den förbehandlade informationen bestämmer ANN-prediktornkontrollstrategin och sänder den till varje nod där tillträdeskontrollen kommer att tilläm-pas.För applikationsspecifika MPSoC:er fokuserar vi på att utveckla högpresterande NoCoch NI kompatibla med det gemensamma AMBA AXI4 protokoll. För att erbjuda möj-ligheten att använda AXI4-baserade processorer och kringutrustning i det on-chip baseradenätverkssystemet föreslår vi en hel systemarkitekturlösning för att göra AXI4 protokolletkompatibelt med den NoC-baserade kommunikation i det multikärnsystemet. På grundav den out-of-order överföring i NoC, som strider mot ordningskraven som anges i AXI4-protokollet, fokuserar vi i första hand på utformningen av transaktionsordningsenheterna,för att förverkliga en hög prestanda och låg kostnad-lösning på ordningskraven. Sedanfokuserar vi på NI och Quality of Service (QoS)-stödet i NoC. I vår design föreslås NI attgöra NoC-arkitekturen oberoende av AXI4-protokollet via meddelandeformatkonverteringmellan AXI4 signalformatet och paketformatet, vilket erbjuder NoC-designen hög flexi-bilitet. Den NoC-baserade kommunikationsarkitekturen är utformad för att stödja fleraQoS-schema med hög prestanda. NoC-systemet innehåller Time-Division Multiplexing(TDM) och VC-subnät för att tillämpa flera QoS-scheman på AXI4-signaler med olikaQoS-taggar och NI ansvarar för trafikdistribution mellan två subnät. Dessutom tillämpasen QoS-arvsmekanism i slav-sidan NI för att stödja QoS under paketets tur-returöverföringiNoC / <p>QC 20201008</p>

Understanding Information Technology Investment Decision-Making in the Context of Hotel Global Distribution Systems: a Multiple-Case Study

Connolly, Daniel J. 02 December 1999 (has links)
This study investigates what three large, multinational hospitality companies do in practice when evaluating and making IT investment decisions. This study was launched in an attempt to 1) learn more about how multinational hospitality companies evaluate, prioritize, and select IT investments in the context of hotel GDS; 2) call attention to an important and costly topic in hopes of improving current practices; and 3) fill a noticeable literary void so that future researchers on IT and hotel GDS would have a foundation and starting point. The perennial question of any business is "How does an organization add value?" Value can be defined from many different perspectives and may result from tangible and intangible factors. Principal stakeholders include shareholders (investors), customers, and employees. Shareholders typically measure value in terms of economic return on their investment based upon some level of perceived risk. For customers, value is assessed in terms of a price-value relationship; that is, how much they received in terms of product and services for the price they paid. For employees, value is measured by salary and by the intrinsic rewards of the job. Yet, one of the most elusive questions with respect to information technology is "How can value be measured?" Hospitality executives are being pressured daily to invest more in information technology (IT) - especially in the area of hotel global distribution systems (GDS), which have become the cornerstone of a hotel firm's IT infrastructure and portfolio. There are a number of sweeping changes on the horizon impacting hotel GDSs and requiring the development of a well-crafted strategy for global distribution systems. These broad changes include bypass theories to remove airline GDSs and travel agents, the introduction of new and emerging player, and innovative approaches to pricing and promotion. Many of these developments offer promise to hoteliers, but they also threaten their control over their customer relationships and their inventory and add to the complexity and cost of distribution. Selecting the appropriate distribution channels is paramount to success and important if hotel firms are to grow top-line revenue and control overhead; yet the number of choices facing hotel executives is overwhelming. They are also at a loss for measuring value derived from IT. One of the greatest issues plaguing the advancement of technology in the hospitality industry is the difficulty in calculating return on investment. Until recently, most technology investment decisions have been considered using a support or utility mentality that stems from a manufacturing paradigm. Under such thinking, business cases could be built around an application or technology's ability to reduce costs or create labor savings. However, management's attitudes towards technology have been shifting in recent years. The more technologically savvy hospitality companies are looking to IT to build strategic and competitive advantages. These types of investments yield results over time, and seldom in the short-run. This is problematic among owners and investors who demand more immediate results. Moreover, it is difficult to quantify and calculate the tangible benefits of technology when it is used for strategic purposes. Today's financial models are inadequate for estimating the financial benefits for most of the technology projects under consideration today. While the hospitality industry has disciplined models and sufficient history to determine the financial gains or success of opening a new property in a given city, it lacks the same rigorous models and historical data for technology, especially since each technology project is unique. Although this problem is not specific to the hospitality industry, it is particularly problematic since the industry tends to be technologically conservative and unwilling to adopt new technology applications based on the promises of its long-term merits if it cannot quantify the results and calculate a defined payback period. When uncertainty surrounds the investment, when the timing of the cash flows is unpredictable, and when the investment is perceived as risky, owners and investors will most likely channel their investment capital to projects with more certain returns and minimal risk. Thus, under this thinking, technology will always take a back seat to other organizational priorities and initiatives. Efforts must be made to change this thinking and to develop financial models that can accurately predict and capture the financial benefits derived from technology. Given the present predicament and difficulties surrounding the current tools, techniques, and measures, executives are faced with an important choice. They can 1) continue to use the present methods despite their shortcomings, 2) dispense with ROI, cost-benefit, and discounted cash flow analyses altogether for IT projects, or 3) develop new methods, tools, and measures that can accommodate the complexities of IT and quantify the intangibles. This study is a call to action in favor of the latter because the measures determine not only which projects will be accepted but also how their success will be evaluated. Having a rigid evaluation process forces executives to identify a project's potential contribution and align the project's objectives with the firm's strategic goals and objectives. Using the co-alignment principle as its theoretical underpinning, this study employs a multiple-case design to investigate the resource allocation processes used with respect to information technology and global distribution systems. It looks at how three leading, multinational hospitality firms address IT project/investment evaluation and decision-making, the measures they use, and the frustrations they encounter. These frustrations include problems that arise from a hotel firm's fragmented ownership as well as from hotel executives' inability to measure the results of IT through definitive cause-and-effect relationships. The results of the study provide affirmation of the co-alignment principle and document linkages and co-alignment between strategy and IT. Clearly, decisions involving IT and hotel GDSs require multivariate measures, multidimensional perspectives, and multidisciplinary involvement. However, research from the marketing discipline is noticeably absent in this area. This study concludes that because IT plays an important enabling role for marketing initiatives and is redefining the supply chain of a hotel firm, marketing researchers can no longer stand on the sidelines. This study also identifies three important constructs, or classes of variables (context, process, and project), the variables comprising each, and their influences on the evaluation and decision-making processes. These findings add to the understanding of IT evaluation, measurement, and decision-making in the context of hotel GDS. This study clarifies the intangible aspects in hopes that useful measures can be developed in subsequent research to quantify and evaluate these costs and benefits. Finally, this study provides a series of prescriptions or recommendations gleaned from the three companies that were the focus of this study in hopes that they will lead to the development of best practices in the hospitality industry. / Ph. D.

Cattle Capitalists: The XIT Empire in Texas and Montana

Miller, Michael M. 12 1900 (has links)
The Texas Constitution of 1876 set aside three million acres of Texas public land in exchange for construction of the monumental red granite Capitol that continues to house Texas state government today. The Capitol project and the land went to an Illinois syndicate led by men influential in business and politics. Austin's statehouse is a recognizable symbol of Texas around the world. So too, the massive Panhandle tract given in exchange -- what became the "fabulous" XIT Ranch -- has come to, for many, symbolize Texas and its role in the nineteenth century cattle boom. After finding sales prospects for the land, known as the Capitol Reservation, weak at the time, backed by British capital, the Illinois group, often called the Capitol Syndicate, turned their efforts to cattle ranching to satisfy investors until demand for the land increased. The operation included a satellite ranch in Montana to which two-year-old steers from Texas were sent for fattening, often "over the trail" on a route increasingly blocked by people and settlement. Rather than a study focused on ranching operations on the ground -- the roundups, the cattle drives, the cowboys -- this instead uncovers the business and political side of the Syndicate's ranching operation, headquartered in Chicago. The operation of the XIT Ranch looked more like other Gilded Age businesses employing armies of clerks, bookkeepers, and secretaries instead of how great western ranches have been portrayed for years in popular literature and media. The XIT Ranch existed from 1885 to 1912, yet from Texas to Montana the operation left a deep imprint on community culture and historical memory.

就業之體格檢查與基本權利保障 / Study on “the Relationship between the Physical Examination of Employment and Protection of Basic Rights

范瑞珠, Fan,Juei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
由於不同的行業,其工作內涵差別極大,而不同的工作,其特性更是相去甚遠,自然,對於工作所需之人員,其應具備之資格條件也就大不相同,例如社會各種職場之報考者常常面臨著體格檢查限制的壓力,日常的生活、人際交往、求學、就業、失業、等等問題無時無刻不在困擾著他們,甚至在人生的每一個階段,他們都必須在縫隙中尋求生存的空間。 有些人事用人機關認為體格檢查限制並非是一種歧視行為,而是基於公共利益的需要而給予的合理的差別待遇,所謂「歧視」一詞具有多義性,在此應從侵害「國民就業機會平等」理解之。針對體格檢查限制之問題,本文擬先就體格檢查之意涵予以說明,並舉例說明公務人員考試之體格檢查限制,例如對B型肝炎帶原者限制其報考各類國家考試,這樣一個涉及健康標準的問題,其所設限之體檢標準是否合理?其唯一標準是「醫學標準」,如果科學證明B型肝炎帶原者對他人不構成傳染或雖有傳染性但並不嚴重且可以採取措施加以預防,則上開有關體檢之資格限制標準,構成對B型肝炎帶原者平等競爭公職權利的侵犯,是違憲的,因大量的醫學證明,B型肝炎帶原者並不會對公眾的健康構成威脅。 本文係以有關人民參加需經國家考試公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉及之基本權利之保障與限制(干預)為研究之課題,人民就業體格檢查是否可以予以差別待遇?而該差別待遇是否合理?合乎比例原則?手段與目的之間如不符比例原則,恐有違憲之虞,故國家於設定體格檢查限制條件時,必須有合理的限制標準,並能依據合理的判斷基準予以救濟,避免侵害人民之權利,且立法、司法及行政各部門,更應負起積極的責任,研擬相關配套措施,以保障人民憲法上的基本權利,全文共分6章:第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究動機並界定研究範圍,同時提出本文之研究目的和方法。第二章體格檢查之基本概念,先敘明體格檢查之意涵,包括體格檢查之概念、目的(功能)、意義及特點(執行機構),再加以整理公務人員體格檢查標準之法規依據。第三至第五章構成本文之本論。旨在依序探討公務人員就業體格檢查限制所涉之基本權利保障與限制(干預),並檢討相關行政救濟案例,各章內容以我國憲法所保障之就業基本權利探討為主,並以憲法對於限制人權之相關原則的討論為輔。第六章結論,則在將前述各章之研究結果作綜合性的簡要陳述,並嘗試提出檢討及建議作為本論文之歸結。 / Each career has unique requirements for employees due to the different entity of the career. Therefore the job applicants have to face the pressure of physical examination during application to a new job frequently. Some human resource organizations consider “the abridgement of physical examination” as a rational differential treatment based on the public interests, rather than a discriminative behavior. As the term “discrimination” has versatile meanings, it will be interpreted as an interference of “the equal opportunity for civil employment” in this thesis. In this article, the meaning of the abridgement of physical examination on employment will be illustrated, followed by an example from the abridgement of the physical examination on professional examination. For example, it should be scrutinized whether it is appropriate to abridge a hepatitis B carrier of attending the civil examination, which is concerned from a view of health judged by the medical standard. Some researchers argued that the scientific evidences showed hepatitis B will not be transmitted via carriers, or even can be transmitted but not severely and can be prevented. Then standards of the physical examination on employment would invade the right of equal competition for civil service. Those would be unconstitutional because hepatitis B carriers would not make any threat to public health, which were proved through lots of medical evidences. The main purpose of this thesis concentrated on the protection and interference of basic rights involved in the abridgement of physical examination on civil service. The study will scrutinize the appropriateness, rationality, equality of discriminative treatment in the physical examination on civil service. If the goal and the means of public deeds are not proportional, it would be unconstitutional. To set up the conditions for the abridgement of physical examination, the government should have reasonable standards of restriction and also reasonable judgment criteria of relief for the abridgement of physical examination to avoid invading civil rights. The organization of legislation, justice and administration should take the responsibility of drafting relevant integrated measures to guard the civil privilege. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one (prolegomenon) includes the motive, scope, goal and methods of this study. Chapter two (introduction) elucidates the concept, goal (function), construction and characteristics (an executive body) of the physical examination, and regulations related to standards for the physical examination on the civil service. Chapter three to five (main body) center on the protection and abridgement (interference) of basic rights and the review of administrative relief cases involved in the physical examination of employment. We will study the protection of right of work in our constitution mainly, accompanied by discussion of the relative principles of interference of human rights as well. Chapter six (conclusion) summarizes the research results in previous chapters and make conclusions and suggestions.

Affirmative action: a comparative study

Deane, Tameshnie 30 November 2005 (has links)
Racial and gender inequality, as well as other forms of discrimination has been a part of the South African, American and Indian histories for a very long time. Even today racial disparity is still very evident in the South African and American societies whilst discrimination based on caste is still prevalent in the Indian society. This is illustrated by continued racial discrimination and the remaining signs of societal segregation. Due to continuing disparities amongst the people, it became necessary to implement affirmative action programmes. Focusing in particular on education and jobs, affirmative action policies require active measures to be taken to ensure that blacks and other minorities enjoy the same opportunities for career advancement and school admissions that had been the nearly exclusive province of whites in SA and the USA, or for the forward castes in India. Affirmative action has been both praised and denounced, as an answer to racial inequality. One of the key issues that arise when affirmative action is discussed is whether or not affirmative action in fact promotes equality and atones for past prejudices. Another concern is whether the current affirmative action policy is the right policy to use. The issues surrounding affirmative action seems to be universal as are the circumstances. Perhaps the most widespread similarity among the programmes in these very different countries has been that group preferences and quotas are almost always discussed. The debate on affirmative action exists because it is a very divisive issue and it affects different groups of people in different ways, and some groups or persons seemingly benefit more from affirmative action than other persons or groups. In addition, it causes people to be classified into groups, and at the same time, strives to break down group barriers. It is an issue that is difficult to resolve because people have varied ideas about how the problems of racial inequality and historical discrimination should be addressed / Jurisprudence / LLD

Affirmative action: a comparative study

Deane, Tameshnie 30 November 2005 (has links)
Racial and gender inequality, as well as other forms of discrimination has been a part of the South African, American and Indian histories for a very long time. Even today racial disparity is still very evident in the South African and American societies whilst discrimination based on caste is still prevalent in the Indian society. This is illustrated by continued racial discrimination and the remaining signs of societal segregation. Due to continuing disparities amongst the people, it became necessary to implement affirmative action programmes. Focusing in particular on education and jobs, affirmative action policies require active measures to be taken to ensure that blacks and other minorities enjoy the same opportunities for career advancement and school admissions that had been the nearly exclusive province of whites in SA and the USA, or for the forward castes in India. Affirmative action has been both praised and denounced, as an answer to racial inequality. One of the key issues that arise when affirmative action is discussed is whether or not affirmative action in fact promotes equality and atones for past prejudices. Another concern is whether the current affirmative action policy is the right policy to use. The issues surrounding affirmative action seems to be universal as are the circumstances. Perhaps the most widespread similarity among the programmes in these very different countries has been that group preferences and quotas are almost always discussed. The debate on affirmative action exists because it is a very divisive issue and it affects different groups of people in different ways, and some groups or persons seemingly benefit more from affirmative action than other persons or groups. In addition, it causes people to be classified into groups, and at the same time, strives to break down group barriers. It is an issue that is difficult to resolve because people have varied ideas about how the problems of racial inequality and historical discrimination should be addressed / Jurisprudence / LLD

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