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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roteiros e produção de conteúdos interativos para celulares nos cursos de educação a distância na televisão digital interativa

Schimmelpfeng, Leonardo Enrico [UNESP] 28 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-03-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:31:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 schimmelpfeng_le_me_bauru.pdf: 969219 bytes, checksum: a63d570a9776884dd9cd0ce4a15df252 (MD5) / Este trabalho apresenta a produção de um roteiro interativo e a produção de um produto audiovisual voltado para a disciplina de artes do curso de educação a distância em pedagogia do Núcleo de educação a Distância da Unesp - NeAD, ligado a Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo - UNIVESP. O roteiro e a produção do conteúdo do produto são baseados nas pesquisas sobre o mercado de dispositivos móveis e portáteis para a Televisão Digital Interativa e as produções de conteúdos audiovisuais voltadas para esses dispositivos. O projeto de conteúdos voltados para a disciplina de artes do curso de EaD do NeAD/UNIVESP promoveu a pesquisa sobre educação a distância no Brasil e os recursos que são utilizados nos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem. Após essas análises foi realizada a produção, edição, finalização e inserção das aplicações interativas. Como resultado, foi produzido o aplicativo interativo Reflexões sobre a Arte, disponibilizado aos alunos do curso nas versões web e também para dispositivos móveis, e a aprovação do aplicativo na Google Play, a loja de aplicativos para smartphones e tablets com o sistema operacional Android. O site permite ao usuário baixar aplicativos pagos ou gratuitos para serem utilizados em dispositivos móveis / This academic work performs the production of an interactive script and the production of an audiovisual product toward the discipline of arts from education course distance in pedagogy in the distance Center of education at UNESP - Nead, linked to the Virtual University of Sao Paulo - UNIVESP. The script and production are based on the market analysis for mobile and portable for the Digital Interact Television and devices and production of audiovisual content for these devides. The project of contents for the arts discipline of the course EAD/UNIVESP fomented the research about distance education in Brazil and the resources that are used in Virtual Learning Environments. Pursuant this analysis, it were performed production, editing, finishing, and insertionof interactive applications. The result was the production of an interactive application Reflections on Art, available to students in versions for web and mobile devices, and the approval of the application Google Play, the app store for smarphones and tablets with the system Android. The site allows users to download free or paid applications for use on mobile devices

Emoção, prevalência e relevância pessoal de eventos em roteiros de vida em uma amostra brasileira

Felinto, Tuíla Maciel January 2017 (has links)
Roteiros de vida são um protótipo de trajetória de vida construído socialmente e com partilhado pelos membros de uma cultura e pode influenciar como indivíduos avaliam experiôncias anteriores e projetam seu futuro. Os participantes (384 brasileiros univcr sitú.rios) responderam quais sete eventos mais importantes acontecerão na vida de uma criança hipotética de sua cultura. A análise mostrou um roteiro de vida com alta coin cidência dos eventos citados, cúrnulo de eventos positivos esperados para acontecer entre 15 e 30 anos, além da predominância. de eventos positivos. Comparando os resultados com estudos realizados na Dinamarca, Estados Unidos: Turquia e Holanda, encontrou se uma estrutura semelhante em todos, mas também diferenças no conteúdo referentes a particularidades culturais O roteiro de vida brasileiro ó mais semelhante ao americano Apenas categorias de eventos relacionadas à morte foram consideradas negativas nessa amostra. Estudos futuros podem investigar variações nos roteiros de vida para diferentes grupos na população. / Life scripts are schcrnatic reprcscntations of the lifc history that are socially built and shared by the members of a cultnre and inflnences the way people evaluate their previons and prcsent cxperiences, and how thcy plan their future, A samplc of 384 Brazillians undergnuinates, answered which seven most important events are expected to happen in the life of a newborn in their own culture. Data showed a life script with an overlap of the evcnts: an a.ccurnulation of positivc cvents cxpected to happen bctween thc 15 and 30 ycars of age, anel a prcdominance of positive cvcnts. Comparing this results with previous international studics took placc in Dcnmark, thc Unitcd Statcs, Turkcy: and the Netherlands, a. similar life script structure wa.s fonnd, as well as some content differences refcrring to particular cultural aspccts The brazillian lifc script is more similar to the anwrican life script Only death related event categories \' :ere considered negative by this sample. Futurc studies may investigatc variations on the life seripts for differcnt groups in the population.

A roteirização da sexualidade por enfermeiras que cuidam de pacientes com câncer de mama / Scripting of sexuality by nurses providing care to patients with breast cancer

Lilian Claudia Ulian Junqueira 11 August 2014 (has links)
O acometimento pelo câncer de mama é acompanhado por diversos eventos estressores, que provocam uma série de mudanças imprevisíveis e não escolhidas na vida da mulher que está em tratamento, bem como na dos familiares envolvidos, podendo alterar a dinâmica relacional e a sexualidade. Algumas das preocupações comuns entre as pacientes são: o medo da morte que a doença suscita, o sentimento de inutilidade, a perda dos vínculos afetivos e, especialmente, a mutilação da mama, que é símbolo da feminilidade, sexualidade, erotismo, maternidade e identidade. No cenário do tratamento e da reabilitação, a enfermeira exerce papel importante no cuidado da mulher adoecida. Por essa razão, é relevante indagar como a profissional percebe as questões da sexualidade na assistência. Este estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório teve por objetivo investigar os significados atribuídos à sexualidade e se (e como) essa dimensão é contemplada na prática profissional de enfermeiras (os) que cuidam de mulheres com câncer de mama. Participaram da pesquisa 31 enfermeiras e um enfermeiro, com experiência profissional em oncologia variando de dois a 25 anos de assistência a pacientes com câncer de mama, oriundos de diferentes instituições e contextos de saúde, de caráter público e privado: ambulatórios, enfermarias, centrais de quimioterapia, radioterapia e atendimento domiciliar. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas em profundidade, abertas e não diretivas. A entrevista teve como questão disparadora: Como você coloca a sexualidade na sua prática profissional? e foi apoiada em um guia de escuta, proposto em estudo similar desenvolvido com enfermeiras francesas. Esse recurso foi adaptado às características das participantes brasileiras. O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído pelas entrevistas audiogravadas e posteriormente transcritas na íntegra e literalmente. O material foi submetido à análise de conteúdo temática, com o propósito de construir as unidades de significado, que permitiram a formação das categorias temáticas. Os dados foram interpretados com apoio do referencial teórico dos roteiros (scripts) sexuais de Gagnon e Simon. Os resultados foram organizados em três eixos temáticos, conforme a predominância nos três níveis de interação: (1) Cenários culturais: a sexualidade como ato sexual e aspecto a ser medicalizado; a sexualidade como prerrogativa de jovens; a sexualidade associada à imagem corporal e autoconceito; a sexualidade que surge no paradoxo vida-morte e a sexualidade como decisão médica. Contemplam também as relações de gênero, em que o cuidado é direcionado conforme o gênero, as diferenças de gênero no adoecer, a violência de gênero, o gênero normativo para o casal e as barreiras culturais que os profissionais encontram na abordagem da sexualidade. (2) Roteiros interpessoais: compostos pela interação entre os atores sociais, modos de comunicação e estratégias de cuidado à sexualidade. São quatro formas de comunicação, que envolvem diretamente os relacionamentos e condutas interpessoais entre profissionais e pacientes: as questões de sexualidade não são comunicadas no cuidado à paciente; a comunicação com discurso evasivo, de negação da sexualidade no cuidado; a comunicação fragmentada; e a comunicação acolhedora e integrada junto aos familiares e à equipe de saúde. (3) Roteiros intrapsíquicos ou da subjetividade da enfermeira: neste nível a pessoa é protagonista de suas condutas, fazendo uso de sua identidade nos encontros com as pacientes, priorizando seu mundo psíquico para operacionalizar as ações de cuidado nos cenários de saúde. Neste estudo elencamos os principais significados que os profissionais da enfermagem outorgam à dimensão da sexualidade, como uma representação pessoal e coletiva que circunda o grupo de enfermeiras. Esses significados se alicerçam em roteiros sexuais advindos em parte de suas vivências no grupo pessoal e no familiar, e em parte de sua formação acadêmica, ancorada no modelo biomédico de cuidado e na medicalização da sexualidade. Como contribuição potencial, espera-se que este estudo possa suscitar novos conhecimentos na interface da sexualidade e dos cuidados em oncologia, favorecendo a capacitação de enfermeiras e de outros profissionais da equipe, de modo a contemplar as questões da sexualidade na produção dos cuidados em saúde. / Breast cancer is accompanied by various stressful events that lead to a series of unpredictable and undesirable changes in the lives of women undergoing treatment and in the lives of the family members involved, potentially altering the dynamics of life and sexuality. The disease raises some concerns that are common among patients, such as fear of death, a sense of worthlessness, and loss of affective bonds, but mainly in regard to the mutilation of the breast, an important symbol of femininity, sexuality, eroticism, maternity and identity. Nurses play an important role in the treatment and rehabilitation of these patients. For this reason, it is important to ask how these professionals perceive issues concerning sexuality in care delivery. This qualitative, descriptive and exploratory studys aim was to investigate meanings assigned to sexuality and whether (and how) it is addressed in the professional practice of nurses providing care to breast cancer patients. Thirty-two nurses (one of whom was male) with professional experience in oncology, ranging from two to 25 years, in delivering care to breast cancer patients in different institutions and health contexts, both in public and private facilities, outpatient clinics, nursing wards, chemotherapy and radiotherapy centers, and homecare, participated in the study. Open and directed in-depth interviews were used to collect data. The following guiding question was used: How do you address sexuality in your professional practice? grounded on a listening guide, proposed in a similar study conducted by French nurses, and adapted to the characteristics of the Brazilian participants. The studys corpus was composed of recorded interviews that were transcribed verbatim afterwards. Data were submitted to thematic content analysis to construct meaning units that enabled identifying thematic categories. Data were interpreted according to the theoretical framework of sexual scripts proposed by Gagnon and Simon. The results were organized into three thematic axes according to their prevalence in the three levels of interaction: 1) Cultural scenarios: sexuality as sexual act and an aspect to be medicalized; sexuality as a privilege of the young; sexuality associated with body image and self-conception; sexuality that emerges in the life-death paradox; and sexuality as a medical decision. They also includes gender relations in which care is established based on gender, gender differences in illness, gender violence, the normative gender for the couple, and cultural barriers professionals face when addressing sexuality. 2) Interpersonal scripts: composed of interaction among social actors, communication modes, and strategies of care delivery in regard to sexuality. There are four ways of communicating that directly involve interpersonal relationships and conduct between professionals and patients: issues concerning sexuality are not reported to patients; communication with evasive discourse that denies sexuality; fragmented communication; and embracing care integrated with family and the health staff. 3) Nurses intrapsychic or subjective scripts: at this level, nurses are protagonists in their own conduct and make use of their identities during encounters with patients, giving priority to their psychological world to put into operation care actions in healthcare contexts. In this study we listed the main meanings nursing professionals assign to the dimension of sexuality as a personal and collective representation that surrounds the group of nurses. These meanings are grounded on sexual scripts that, in part, arise from their experiences in personal and family groups, and, in part, from their academic training grounded on the biomedical model of care and on the medicalization of sexuality. A potential contribution we expect is for this paper to lead to new knowledge concerning the interface between sexuality and oncological care, favoring the qualification of nurses and other professionals on the staff in order to address issues of sexuality in healthcare delivery.

Escrever o som: busca pelo espaço do sonoro em roteiros audiovisuais / Writting sound: search for sound\'s space inside movie scripts

Iana Cossoy Paro 06 October 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca investigar processos de escrita audiovisual em que a trilha sonora é um elemento narrativo e dramático construído a partir do roteiro. A pesquisa teórica baseia-se na análise de manuais de roteiro e em guias sobre som no audiovisual. O objetivo desta análise é encontrar as circunstâncias em que a trilha sonora é considerada elemento integrante do processo de escrita de obras audiovisuais. Nossa principal questão é se existem regras e padrões para uma produção de textos que estabeleçam a função do som desde o processo criativo inicial da composição de uma obra audiovisual, considerando a dialética som-imagem. A pesquisa empírica tem como base a leitura analítica de roteiros de filmagem de diferentes autores, visando entender como se descreve ou enuncia a banda sonora em cada um deles. Considerando que roteiros não são a obra final, os escritos analisados são comparados com os filmes já prontos. Nosso objetivo é, por meio desta pesquisa, colaborar para o instrumental teórico e prático a que um roteirista pode recorrer no momento de desenvolvimento de um relato cinematográfico ou audiovisual. / The aim of this research is to investigate screenwriting processes in which the soundtrack is a narrative and dramatic element built from the script. The theoretical research is based on an analysis of script manuals and guides about sound in the audiovisual media. The objective of this analysis is to find the circumstances in which the soundtrack is considered an integral element of the writing process of audiovisual works. Our main question is whether there are rules and standards for the production of texts that establish the function of the sound from the initial creative process of composition of an audiovisual work, considering the dialectics sound-image. Empirical research is based on the analytical reading of scripts by different authors, in order to understand how each of them describes or announces the soundtrack. Whereas scripts are not the final work, scripts are compared with the films. Our goal is, through this research, to contribute to the theoretical and practical resources that a writer can refer to when developing a cinematographic or audiovisual story.

L’identité touarègue. Unité et diversité d’un peuple berbère. En contribution à l’étude des sociétés africaines / Tuareg identity. Unity and diversity of a berber people A contribution to the study of African Societies

Aghali Zakara, Mohamed 27 October 2010 (has links)
Enter de déterminer l’identité des membres d’une société, c’est vouloir énoncer ce qui peut les définir, c’est-à-dire les multiples réalités auxquelles ils appartiennent et qu’ils expriment. Autrement dit, c’est affirmer d’emblée que l’identité est plurielle, définie par des référents physiques, culturels, sociaux, historiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de donner à voir la société touarègue, de l’intérieur, par les référents fondamentaux qui la définissent et qu’elle considère comme inaliénables. J’ai choisi de décrire, parmi les référents identitaires multiples, ceux qui me semblent les plus pertinents dans la constitution de l’identité touarègue, sans minimiser ceux qui ne sont pas évoqués ici. La problématique prend donc en compte les grands axes de la vie de cette société en les considérant dans leurs spécificités et leur complémentarité, c’est-à-dire leur caractère indissociable et interactif : histoire événementielle et culturelle, anthropologie sociale et expression linguistique. Cette société, appartenant au monde berbérophone principalement localisé dans l’Afrique septentrionale, se trouve à la fois dans l’aire désertique saharienne et dans l’aire sub-saharienne et sahélienne. Ces communautés touarègues sahéliennes - les plus nombreuses - se trouvent en effet au contact de populations de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Maghreb. Cette situation particulière est à l’origine de revendication identitaire née de la perte de cohérence interne de la société par l’intrusion d’innovations, d’emprunts de traits culturels mal ou pas encore intégrés. Cette démarche - qui veut combiner la vision externe et la vision interne - me conduit à expliquer et à articuler les rubriques, que je pense fondamentales. / Trying to discover the identity of a society’s members means eliciting what defines them, i.e. the numerous realities to which they belong and which they express. In other words, it means claiming the pluralistic character of identity, defined by physical, cultural, social and historical features. This thesis aims at giving an insight into the tuareg society, observed from within, through fundamental features defining its specificity, conceived as inalienable properties. Among the numerous identifying features I have selected for description are those that seem to me most relevant in tuareg identity formation while not losing sight of the others features. The thesis therefore includes the major life dimensions of tuareg society, considering their specificity and complementariness, i.e. their interactive and bound characteristics, such as history and culture, social anthropology and linguistic expression. The tuareg society is part of the Berber-speaking world, mostly located in Northern Africa, and lies on the fringe of the Sahara desert, west Africa and the Sahel. These Sahel-based tuareg communities, the most populous ones, are in contact with Western and Northern African populations. This specific situation accounts for identity claims that stem from the loss of the society’s internal coherence due to borrowings of innovative cultural features that have not yet been totally digested. This method, which aims at combining the inside and outside analysis, leads me to explain and connnect the aspects that I feel are fundamental.

The co-construction of helping services in Ennerdale

Roper, Jonathan 12 September 2005 (has links)
The co-construction of helping services in the community of Ennerdale is a study that explores men’s reluctance to make use of helping and psychological services. Academic and informal literature informs us that men are often unwilling to seek medical or psychological assistance and that the male stereotypes view these services as utilised only by the weak and powerless. A great part of men’s unwillingness is furthermore related to historical male roles and the perception that the helping, and specifically the psychological services, are for the weak and insane. This research study was conducted in the Community of Ennerdale, a community south of Johannesburg. A focus group was conducted with adult male volunteers from the community and individual interviews were conducted with two psychologists, one medical doctor, and one church minister. The study was conducted from a social constructionist epistemology that falls within the qualitative research framework. The social constructionist epistemology views our (individuals) understanding and views of our world as a uniquely social process that is influenced by our gender, culture, language, and history. A discourse analysis was utilised to analyse the information obtained from both the focus group and individual interviews. The results from this research study indicate that a great part of men’s reluctance is related to the dominant male discourses and male scripts that construct men as superior and proud individuals who are not supposed to display weakness or inability. The helping and psychological services are constructed as services that assist the weak, insane and powerless, constructing an identity of weakness and insanity which men wait to avoid. The most common indicator for men’s reluctance is the historical constructs of the helping services and the historical constructs and discourses related to masculinity and appropriate male behaviour. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Psychology / unrestricted

From Sexual Media to Unwanted Hookups: The Mediating Influence of College Students' Endorsement of Traditional Heterosexual Scripts, Sexual Self-Concept, and Perceived Peer Norms

Gamble, Hilary, Gamble, Hilary January 2016 (has links)
Previous authors have suggested that reducing rape and sexual assault will require dismantling the rape culture that exists in the U.S. that supports and condones sexual violence against women (e.g., Brownmiller, 1975; Burt, 1980). Sexual media maintain rape culture by frequently portraying rape myths and sexual stereotypes (e.g., Cuklanz, 1999; Ward, 1995), like traditional heterosexual scripts. These portrayals then increase acceptance of these myths and stereotypes in viewers (e.g., Emmers-Sommer, Pauley, Hanzal,& Triplett, 2006; Kahlor & Eastin, 2011). A two-month longitudinal panel survey was conducted to better understand the theoretical mechanisms that may explain how college students' sexual media use may indirectly influence their propensity for engaging in unwanted hookups through their endorsement of traditional heterosexual scripts, sexual self-efficacy, and perceived peer norms. The results were different for men and women. For women, the results suggested that their sexual media diet at Time 1 increased their endorsement of traditional heterosexual scripts at Time 2, their endorsement of traditional heterosexual scripts at Time 1 increased their propensity for engaging in unwanted hookups at Time 2, and their propensity for engaging in unwanted hookups at Time 1 decreased their sexual self-efficacy at Time 2. For men, the results suggested that their sexual media diet at Time 1 decreased their sexual self-efficacy at Time 2 and their perceived peer norms regarding hookups at Time 1 increased their propensity for engaging in unwanted hookups at Time 2. Together the results suggest sexual media may be negatively impacting college students' sexual attitudes and beliefs and their sexual self-efficacy, which may lead them to be more likely to engage in unwanted hookups. Limitations and future directions are discussed.

Puns and Language Play in the L2 Classroom : Pragmatic Tests on Swedish High School Learners of English

Heaps, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
ABSTRACT: Puns are short humorous texts that play on structural ambiguity in order to create incongruous scripts. The perception of their humour requires considerable pragmatic manipulation, which may present problems for L2 learners, which is why many scholars agree that they are best reserved for more advanced students. Using a combination of Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of data yielded from a survey containing puns and referential jokes, this study confirms that humour through puns is largely inaccessible to Swedish High School learners of English, with ambiguity being the main obstacle across the test groups. However, since language play has been proven to be facilitative to language learning, and since students themselves express a wish to be able to participate in humorous interaction, learners may well benefit from working with puns and language play in the classroom in order to gain greater linguistic abilities and well-rounded communicative competence.

The order of the day : Script error in military organisations and violence against civilians

Lönnberg, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
In an attempt to understand the micro-dimensional mechanisms of how some individuals come to perpetrate violence against civilians during wartime, this thesis adopts a theory from organisational psychology. By looking at the military as a professional organisation, violence against civilians perpetrated by state armies during wartime is theorised to be the outcome of a process of script error wherein military scripts of non-combatant immunity fail. The theory is applied on the massacre in My Lai, during the Vietnam war. Findings showed that the mechanism of script error did not play out completely as theorised, however that military scripts did dictate behaviour and that a script error was present to some degree as civilians came to be targeted as if they were enemies. Some mechanisms used in previous research on violence against civilians were supported by this study and could also be integrated into the framework of organisational scripts, showing the explanatory value that organisational scripts have to further understand military violence. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of an important historical case, shows the value of introducing organisational psychology into studies of the military organisation and finally helps us further make sense of situations of violent transgression.  organisational scripts, script error, military violence, violence against civilians, mass violence, atrocity, My Lai

Att synliggöra det osynliga En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors erfarenheter av sexuellt våld i lesbiska relationer

Hart, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att synliggöra sexuellt våld som sker i lesbiska relationer. Med en kvalitativ ansats ligger ett fokus på lesbiska kvinnors upplevelse och erfarenhet av sexuellt våld i en tidigare samkönad relation. Datainsamlingen har skett i form av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med lesbiska kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld i en tidigare lesbisk relation. Empirin analyseras utifrån teoretiska ramverk och begrepp.Resultaten i studien indikerar att det sexuella våldet är internaliserat bland lesbiska offer och utgör en del av andra former av våld. Det förekom psykisk ohälsa hos förövaren. Uppbrottsperioden för de lesbiska offren var långvarig och samtliga deltagare sökte professionellt stöd. Samtliga offer hade psykisk ohälsa som ett resultat av att ha utsatts för kronisk misshandel. Dessa resultat är viktiga för fortsatt forskning inom samkönat våld för att kunna synliggöra det osynliga. / The aim of this study is to visualise sexual violence in lesbian relationships. With a qualitative approach there is a focus on lesbian women’s experience of violence from a previous same-sex relationship. Data collection has been undertaken by five semi-structured interviews with lesbian women who have been exposed to sexual violence in a previous relationship. Theoretical frame works and terms will be utilized to analyse the empirical material. The results in this study indicate how the sexual violence is internalized by lesbian victims, thus hard to vocalize. Further to this, sexual violence is only one by many different forms of violence. The perpetrator show signs of mental health problems. The break up period was a long struggle for the victims and all of the victims had mental health problems as a result of long term abuse which they sought professional help for. These findings are pivotal for further research regarding same-sex violence in order to visualize the invisible.

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