Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sense then place"" "subject:"sense them place""
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Disruption in place attachment: Insights of young Aboriginal adults on the social and cultural impacts of industrial development in northern AlbertaSpyce, Tera 11 1900 (has links)
People living in the north have been and will continue to be affected by increasing exploration and exploitation of the region's natural resources. To understand the human impacts a qualitative approach and sense of place, place attachment, and disruption in place theories were used to analyze the experiences of young Aboriginal adults in a Dene Tha' community in northwestern Alberta. The major finding of this study was that the young people developed deep attachments to their place; however, environmental, social, and cultural changes have altered life here and as a consequence many of the young people no longer want to remain living in their community. The results suggest that the Dene Tha' are being gradually displaced and their homeland is becoming increasingly unable to sustain them or their culture. The findings also indicate that gradual environmental deterioration can lead to profound social and cultural changes that should be considered before land use decisions are made. / Rural Sociology
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Older Pedestrians in Brisbane Suburban Settings: Two Case Studies to Investigate the Concept of a "Safe and Attractive" Pedestrian EnvironmentBopp, Jennifer January 2005 (has links)
Older Australians walk for many reasons: health, recreation and transport. However, road safety statistics show that pedestrians over 65 represent one-third of Australia's pedestrian deaths. As Australia's population ages in place and older people take up a walking regime for health and transportation reasons, they need a supportive suburban setting. Urban design theories discuss such "pedestrian-friendly" concepts as sense of place, sense of community, responsive environments, traditional neighbourhood design, transit-oriented development, and crime prevention through environmental design. To investigate these concepts in relation to older pedestrians, this study brings together two areas of literature - research into older pedestrians in relation to urban design theories. Qualitative research methods were used in two case studies, to reveal how older people's interpretation of their local walking environment relates to urban design theories concerning walkable suburbs. The two Brisbane suburbs of Bulimba and Forest Lake were chosen for study, as they have different histories, topographies, street patterns, and other variations. Analysis of key themes gathered from two focus group discussions, one from each suburb, revealed the significance for participants of social interaction when walking for health. A photographic exercise performed by the Forest Lake focus group provided pictorial information for analysis, and revealed participants' interest in the lake's fauna and flora, and in its ongoing maintenance. The study was limited by an unforeseen failure to obtain the cooperation of the Bulimba group in the photographic exercise. In support of the claims made in the literature review, it seems that when older pedestrians walk through suburban streets, they avoid steep hills, busy roads, and intersections where possible, and require footpaths with even surfaces and shelters. When walking for health reasons, participants in this study did not favour local streets, but preferred "natural" places designed exclusively for walkers. Forest Lake participants stated a preference for driving to places they deemed suitable for walking, which suggests a need for more detailed design attention to the urban design qualities of local streets, so that those older people without cars are not disadvantaged.
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'Your place and mine' : heritage management and a sense of placeWhittle, Joanne K. January 1993 (has links)
This study presents an analysis of human encounter with place. It examines the personal and cultural importance of an attachment to place, focusing on the reciprocal relationship between cultural heritage and a sense of place. Place is constructed out of mutual meanings between people and their environment. The study begins with an indepth look at the theory of place. In a series of heritage management case studies, the theory is applied in order to illustrate how meanings of place may be expressed. Place as a normative concept provides a role for resource managers in finding the meanings people associate with places, and in nurturing and enhancing these meanings. This involves the recognition of different values and 'stories' that are associated with place. Recognising these differences helps shift resource management away from the simplicity of grand narratives and totalizing discourses, towards a respect for intangible and multiple meanings in place. To a certain extent an understanding of place is already informing both natural and cultural management decisions in New Zealand, although this may not be explicitly recognised. To approach cultural heritage management from the perspective of place, however, challenges the current directions that heritage management is taking in this country. The study proposes a way of taking up that challenge, and concludes that the importance of place should not be overlooked.
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Moniääninen paikka—Opettajien kertomuksia elämästä ja koulutyöstä LapissaErkkilä, R. (Raija) 13 September 2005 (has links)
This narrative-biographical study focuses on stories told by teachers working in Lapland about their work and life. The key concept of the study is 'place', which is conceptualised as subjectively experienced place in line with humanistic geography. The research data consisted of interviews of seven teachers working in Lapland, including two Saami and five Finnish teachers. Two main research questions were addressed: I How do teachers tell about place? II What is teachers' manner of knowing from the viewpoint of place?
The results revealed an inside view of 'place', which reflects the dweller's perspective towards place. The informants' stories highlighted five place-related sentiments: concern, commitment, sense of home, recognition and appreciation. At the general level, teachers felt concern about the contradiction between the south and the north. They also felt concern about the future of their pupils, schools and villages. Commitment and sense of home were enhanced by a place-related lifestyle and nature as well as an opportunity to do subjectively meaningful things. The teachers described their sentiment of belonging to a place in a way that reflected recognition and appreciation. For an individual, recognition related to everyday phenomena and interpersonal relations played an important role, but recognition by different groups and society was also significant.
The autobiographical story by one of the Saami teachers clearly indicated the significance of local knowledge for teachers' work. Personal local knowledge is tacit knowledge based on experience and constitutes an important aspect of teachers' practical knowledge. The focus of this autobiographical story did not involve only the teacher but also the community, the people, the place and the culture that the teacher felt herself to be part of. Saami ancestry defined this teacher's mode of existence in a crucial way. Since she shared the cultural background of her pupils, she understood their everyday school life well. She had an important role as an intermediary at the interface between two cultures.
Overall, Finnish teachers work in notably different schools and different conditions. It is important to listen to many different stories, because stories told by marginal actors may serve an emancipatory function for future teachers. Based on the findings, one of the challenges of teacher education is to develop ways of working whereby students can critically evaluate their autobiographical and personal knowledge. Personal experiential background is a valuable resource, which should be taken into account in teacher education already. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä narratiivis-elämäkerrallisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Lapin kouluissa työskentelevien opettajien kertomuksia työstä ja elämästä. Tutkimuksen keskeinen käsite on paikka, joka käsitteellistetään humanistisen maantieteen näkökulmasta koetuksi paikaksi. Tutkimuksen aineistona on seitsemälle Lapissa työskentelevälle opettajalle tehdyt haastattelut. Haastatteluissa on mukana kaksi saamelaista ja viisi suomalaista opettajaa. Päätutkimuskysymyksiä on kaksi: I Millaiseksi opettajat kertovat paikan? II Millainen on opettajan tietämisen tapa paikan näkökulmasta?
Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi kuva paikasta sisältä päin, sellainen, joka ilmentää asukkaan näkökulmaa paikkaan. Opettajien kertomukset toivat esiin viisi paikkatunnetta: huolen, sitoutumisen, kodintunteen sekä tunnustuksen ja arvostuksen tunteet. Yleisellä tasolla huoli liittyi koettuun vastakkainasetteluun etelän ja pohjoisen välillä. Opettajat tunsivat huolta myös oppilaidensa, koulujensa ja kyliensä tulevaisuudesta. Sitoutumisen ja kodintunnetta vahvistivat paikkaan liittyvä elämäntapa ja luonto sekä mahdollisuus tehdä mielekkäiksi koettuja asioita. Opettajat kuvasivat paikkaan kuulumistaan tavalla, jota voidaan ymmärtää tunnustuksen ja arvostuksen käsitteiden avulla. Tärkeässä osassa yksilön kannalta olivat arkipäivän ilmiöihin ja läheisten ihmisten välisiin suhteisiin liittyvä tunnustus, mutta myös erilaisten ryhmien ja yhteiskunnan taholta tuleva arvonanto.
Tutkimuksen tuloksena avautui saamelaisen opettajan minäkertomuksen kautta persoonallisen paikallisen tiedon merkitys opettajan työssä. Persoonallinen paikallinen tieto on kokemukseen perustuvaa, hiljaista tietoa ja muodostaa yhden tärkeän osan opettajan praktista tietoa. Minäkertomuksen keskiössä ei ollut vain kertova opettaja itse, vaan myös yhteisö, toiset ihmiset, paikka ja kulttuuri, joihin opettaja tunsi kuuluvansa. Saamelaisuus määritti opettajana olemisen tapaa keskeisellä tavalla. Koska opettajalla oli samankaltainen kulttuuritausta oppilaidensa kanssa, hän ymmärsi näiden kouluarkea hyvin. Hänellä oli tärkeä, välittävä merkitys toimiessaan koulussa kahden kulttuurin rajapinnalla.
Koululaitoksemme opettajat toimivat hyvin erilaisissa kouluissa ja erilaisissa olosuhteissa. Monenlaisten kertomusten kuuleminen on tärkeää, koska marginaaleista esitetyt kertomukset voivat toimia vapauttavina kertomuksina tuleville opettajille. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella opettajankoulutukselle voidaan asettaa haasteeksi kehittää työtapoja, joiden avulla opiskelijat voivat arvioida kriittisesti omiin kokemuksiinsa perustuvaa elämäkerrallista ja persoonallista tietoa. Persoonallinen kokemustausta on arvokas resurssi, joka tulisi pystyä ottamaan huomioon jo opettajankoulutusvaiheessa. / Čoahkkáigeassu
Dán narratiiva-eallingeardedutkamušas Raija Erkkilä guorahallá Lappileana skuvllaid oahpaheaddjiid muitalusaid barggu ja eallima birra. Dutkamuša guovddáš doaba lea báiki, mii meroštallojuvvo humanisttalaš geografiija geahččanguovllus vásihuvvon báikin. Dutkamuša materiálan leat čieža Lappileanas bargi oahpaheaddji jearahallamat, main leat fárus guokte sápmelaš ja vihtta suopmelaš oahpaheaddji. Váldodutkangažaldagat leat guokte: I Makkárin oahpaheaddjit muitalit báikki? II Makkár lea oahpaheaddji diehtima vuohki báikki geahčcanguovllus?
Dutkamuša boađusin šattai govva báikkis siskkobealde, mii čájeha ássi geahččanguovllu báikái. Oahpaheaddjiid muitalusat bukte ovdan vihtta báikedovdamuša: fuolla, čatnaseapmi, ruovttudovdamuš sihke dovddasteami ja árvvusatnima dovddut. Almmolaš dásis fuolla laktásii vásihuvvon vuostegeahčái mátti ja davi gaskkas. Oahpaheaddjit ledje fuolastuvvan maiddái sin oahppiid, skuvllaid ja giliid boahttevuođas. Čatnaseami ja ruovttudovdamuša nannejedje báikái laktáseaddji eallinvuohki ja luondu sihke vejolašvuohta bargat áššiid, maid vásihedje jierpmálažžan. Oahpaheaddjit govvidedje iežaset báikái gullama vugiin, man sáhttá áddet dovddasteami ja árvvusatnima doahpagiiguin. Dehálaš oasis individuála geažil lei dovddasteapmi, mii laktásii árgabeaivvi ihtagiidda ja lagaš olbmuid gaskavuođaide. Dehálaš lei maiddái dovddasteapmi, mii bođii sierralágan joavkkuin ja servodagas.
Dutkamuša boađusin rahpasii sápmelaš oahpaheaddji mun-muitalusa bokte persovnnalaš báikkálaš dieđu mearkkašupmi oahpaheaddji barggus. Persovnnalaš báikkálaš diehtu lea vásáhussii vuođđuduvvi jávohis diehtu ja dat duddjo ovtta dehálaš oasi oahpaheaddji praktihkalaš dieđus. Mun-muitalusa guovddážis ii lean dušše muitaleaddji oahpaheaddji ieš, muhto baicca searvvuš, eará olbmot, báiki ja kultuvra, maidda oahpaheaddji dovddai iežas gullat. Sápmelašvuohta mearridii oahpaheaddjin leahkima vuogi guovddáš lági mielde. Go oahpaheaddjis lei seammálágan kulturduogáš iežas oahppiiguin, son áddii bures dáid skuvllaárgga. Sus lei dehálaš, sirdi mearkkašupmi doaimmadettiin skuvllas guovtti kultuvrra rádjedásiin.
Min skuvlalágádusa oahpaheaddjit doibmet hui iešguđetlágan skuvllain ja iešguđetlágan diliin. Máđggalágan muitalusaid guldaleapmi lea dehálaš, go marginálain muitaluvvon muitalusat sáhttet doaibmat boahtte oahpaheaddjiide beasti muitalussan. Dutkamuša bohtosiid vuođul oahpaheaddjiskuvlemii sáhttá bidjat hástalussan ovddidit bargovugiid, maid vuođul oahppit sáhttet árvvoštallat kritihkalaččat eallingearddi ja persovnnalaš dieđu, mii vuođđuduvvá sin iežaset vásáhusaide. Persovnnalaš vásihanduogáš lea dehálaš riggodat, man galggašii sáhttit váldit vuhtii juo oahpaheaddjiskuvlenmuttus.
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Embracing Eastern and Western principles : towards an intercultural office design frameworkThirion-Venter, Elizabeth Magdalena 09 1900 (has links)
An employed individual will spend between a quarter and a third of his or her waking life at the workplace. An estimated 40% of those in South Africa who are employed full-time work in offices. With the amount of time spend in buildings, the physical conditions in the workplace are important determinants of satisfaction, comfort, well-being, and effectiveness and can even play a role in mental health. The physical environment in offices should therefore be carefully planned, designed, and managed.
This qualitative study, sought to develop an inter-cultural office design framework for South Africa combining Eastern and Western design principles. Specifically, it sought to obtain a better insight into design principles which can enhance the well-being of office workers; inter-cultural, gender neutral and age neutral design principles which can be applied in a South African context. To be able to answer these questions an intensive literature review was undertaken investigating both the Eastern design principles as expressed in feng shui and Western design principles as expressed in Environmental Social Science. The design principles of these two traditions were compared and all aspects where the two traditions did not support each other were included in the in-depth interviews. Twenty-five in-depth interviews were conducted
By relying on various design cultures (e.g. Eastern and Western) an environment can be created which are pleasing and can enhance the well-being of the users. Underlying design principles are universal, but the symbolic expression thereof can differ from culture to culture. One of the conclusions from this study is that three quarters of design principles are
universal. There is no one size fits all solution and compromise is necessary from all involved. The compromise applies to the roughly a quarter of design aspects where subgroup differences have been detected.
Any design should take individual and group difference into account. The only way to do this is to get proper input from all stakeholders at all stages of the design. It is critically important that the input starts before the design process commences.
There are many design principles which can be implemented to improve the quality of work life of office workers in the South African context. Design can for example play a very important role in encouraging and facilitating formal and informal interaction in the workplace – bridging the gap between heterogeneous groups. Without forcing relationships, design can assist in naturally integrating heterogeneous groups.
The physical environment must support the image and identity which needs to be communicated, facilitate communication and enable task accomplishment. Most of all it must become a place with which employees can identify and where they can develop a sense of place. From this study it can be concluded that not only form follows function but also that aesthetics follow function – a principle that design should be based on the primary purpose of the building, the workspace based on the needs of the stakeholders and from this starting point aesthetics will flow. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Consulting Psychology)
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"Bring the Water Back" : En studie om hur en förstärkt platskänsla kan hedra ett kulturarv i en offentlig miljö.Lucena Wallin, Yasmina January 2023 (has links)
This study is a degree project in Information Design with a focus on Spatial Design. The aim has been to gain an understanding of the residents' relationship to the city of Fuengirola through methods and theories. This with the goal of developing a public environment that leads to an increased sense of place while respecting and informing about a culture that is de-prioritized in favor of fast-growing tourism. The work inspects, from a perspective of Critical Regionalism and Sense of Place, the meaning of an authentic cultural experience and how it can be communicated through a spatial design. Methodical work has been carried out where interviews, photo studies, site analyses and an analysis of these have led to answers regarding which factors the residents of Fuengirola feel most attached to and which aspects have been lost over time. The results concluded that the attachment to place and the place identity that Fuengirola generates are based on interactions, traditions, and social gatherings, where the beach and tourism play a leading role. The sense of place is also strengthened through materials from a former room, as they still have a cultural importance today. The collected empirical evidence in combination with the theories has been the basis for a design proposal. The proposal involves a concept of different passages that reflects the activities and interactions that have characterized a room of the past and the factors that created an attachment to the place among the inhabitants. This degree project only visualizes part of a selected street to give an example of how these streets can potentially benefit an increased sense of place, place identity and connection to place in the city of Fuengirola. / Denna studie är ett examensarbete inom Informationsdesign med inriktning Rumslig Gestaltning. Syftet har varit att genom metoder och teorier få en förståelse för invånarnas relation till staden Fuengirola. Detta med målet att utveckla en offentlig miljö som leder till en ökad platskänsla samtidigt som den respekterar och informerar om en kultur som bortprioriteras till förmån för en snabbväxande turism. Arbetet inspekterar, ur ett perspektiv av Kritisk Regionalism och Sense of Place, innebörden av en autentisk kulturell upplevelse och hur den kan kommuniceras genom en rumslig utformning. Ett metodiskt arbete har bedrivits där intervjuer, fotostudier, platsanalyser samt en analys av dessa har lett till svar inom vilka faktorer som Fuengirolas invånare känner mest anknytning för samt vilka aspekter som förlorats genom tiden. Resultaten kommer fram till att den platsanknytningen samt den platsidentitet som Fuengirola genererar har sin grund i interaktioner, traditioner och sociala sammankomster, där strand och turism bär en ledande roll. Platskänslan stärks även genom material från ett dåtida rum, då de har fortfarande en kulturell vikt idag. Den insamlade empirin i kombination med teorierna har legat som grund för ett gestaltningsförslag. Förslaget innebär ett koncept av olika stråk som reflekterar de aktiviteter och interaktioner som har präglat ett dåtida rum och de faktorer som skapat en platsanknytning hos invånarna. Detta examensarbete visualiserar endast del av en utvald gata för att ge ett exempel på hur dessa stråk kan eventuellt gynna en ökad platskänsla, platsidentitet och platsanknytning i staden Fuengirola. / <p>En del bilder har inför publicering suddats ut på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl. </p>
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Caretakers of the Garden of Delight and Discontent: Adirondack Narrative, Conflict, and Environmental VirtueHolmlund, Eric Richard 13 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Historical Values to Enhance Public Places : A case study of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg / Användning av adaptive reuse på kulturhistoriska värden för att främja allmänna platser : En fallstudie av Artilleristallet i GöteborgHäger, Maria, Pehrson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The construction business has a negative impact on the environment, where the biggest impact comes from construction of buildings, material production and transportation. It is inevitable for a city not to construct new buildings as it expands and develops new needs. However, it is not always necessary to demolish buildings with an outdated function, to build new ones. To maintain the identity of a city, it is important to preserve its historical character. This can be done by revitalising cultural historical valuable buildings and environments through adaptive reuse. The concept of adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing a building for a new purpose rather than demolishing it. It gives new life to old buildings, offers them a chance to survive by changing their function and gives a greater understanding for future generations to relate with their history. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how adaptive reuse of cultural historical values in the built environment can contribute to revitalisation of underutilised areas and create social and thriving places. To gain background knowledge to the subject, a literature review and document analysis was made. To investigate what factors contributes to success of a cultural historical project, a case study was done of the quarter of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg. Further, it is difficult to measure success through people’s perceptions and experiences of a place. Therefore, to help analyse and understand the case, a theoretical framework based on place theory was established. The framework was complemented by interviews and observations which helped lead to the results of the study. Two of the qualities that were found to contribute to the successfulness of Artilleristallet were preservation of its historical traits of character and its sense of place. Additionally, the businesses in the quarter complement and reinforce each other making it attractive and inviting for a wide range of people. Further, the preconditions found to be of importance for the successfulness of Artilleristallet were its cultural value and location. It was shown that having an extensive detailed development plan and good communication with and from the municipality was significant. Also, the close collaboration and communication between all actors involved in the project was shown to be important for the success. The qualities and preconditions found are all valuable but need the reinforcement of each other to create a social and thriving place. / Byggbranschen har en negativ påverkan på miljön, där den största påverkan kommer från uppförandet av byggnader, materialproduktionen och transporten. Det är oundvikligt för en stad att inte bygga nytt när den expanderar och utvecklar nya behov. Dock är det inte nödvändigt att riva byggnader med en utdaterad funktion för att bygga nya. För att bibehålla stadens identitet är det viktigt att bevara dess historiska karaktär. Detta kan göras genom vitalisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader och miljöer med hjälp av adaptive reuse. Begreppet adaptive reuse syftar till processen att återanvända en byggnad för en ny funktion istället för att riva den. Det ger nytt liv till gamla byggnader, erbjuder dem en chans att överleva genom att ändra deras funktion och ger en större förståelse för framtida generationer att relatera till deras historia. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur adaptive reuse av kulturhistoriska värden i den byggda miljön kan bidra till vitalisering av outnyttjade områden och skapa sociala och blomstrande platser. För att erhålla bakgrundsinformation om ämnet, utförs en litteraturstudie och en dokumentanalys. För att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång i ett kulturhistoriskt projekt, utfördes en fallstudie i kvarteret Artilleristallet i Göteborg. Då det är svårt att mäta framgång genom människors upplevelser och erfarenheter, har ett ramverk tagits fram baserat på platsteori för att analysera och förstå fallet. Ramverket kompletterades med intervjuer och observationer vilket bidrog till studiens resultat. Två av kvaliteterna som bidrog till framgången av Artilleristallet var bevarandet av dess historiska karaktärsdrag och bevarandet av platskänslan. Dessutom kompletterar och förstärker kvarterets verksamheter varandra, vilket bidrar till att skapa en attraktiv och inbjudande miljö för olika typer av människor. Utöver dessa, identifierades även viktiga förutsättningar som bidrog till Artilleristallets framgång. Dessa var bland annat dess kulturella värde och placering. Att ha en utförlig detaljplan och god kommunikation med kommunen visade sig vara viktigt, samt ett nära samarbete mellan alla involverade aktörer i projektet. De identifierade kvaliteterna och förutsättningarna är alla viktiga men behöver samverka för att skapa en social och blomstrande plats.
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Lorsque les nouvelles populations rurales rencontrent les plus anciennes : l’expérience géographique au cœur de la nouvelle ruralité au QuébecGuimond, Laurie 18 January 2012 (has links)
Mobilité, désir d’accéder à une meilleure qualité de vie, attraction de la campagne s’accélèrent depuis une trentaine d’années au Québec, comme ailleurs en occident. La campagne et les usages que l’on en fait se diversifient et se complexifient, à l’instar des populations qui l’habitent. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se penche sur l’expérience géographique de la campagne, en tant qu’espace social. Elle met en lumière l’expérience géographique des ruraux, plus particulièrement les modalités de leur rencontre dans divers lieux qui marquent leur quotidien. Le matériel empirique de la thèse consiste surtout en des témoignages recueillis lors d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de nouveaux résidents et des ruraux de longue date dans deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) contrastées au Québec : Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska. La démarche privilégiée et les principales contributions qui en découlent se déclinent en trois temps.
D’abord, une comparaison directe des deux populations rurales étudiées fait ressortir que leurs pratiques de mobilité et leurs sens des lieux se rejoignent dans une certaine mesure, mais affichent aussi des différences. Par exemple, elles partagent toutes deux un sentiment d’appartenance marqué à leur milieu de vie, mais pas nécessairement avec la même intensité et pour les mêmes raisons. En outre, leurs pratiques d’engagement local convergent, favorisées par un même désir de contribuer au bien-être de leur milieu.
La thèse démontre aussi que certains lieux de sociabilité rapprochent ces deux groupes au quotidien, quoique subsistent des tensions notamment liées à leurs origines rurale ou urbaine, leur classe sociale, leurs expériences antérieures des lieux, la durée vécue dans leur milieu de vie, leur historique familial, leurs représentations et usages de la campagne... Se décèle aussi un effet de milieu entre les deux MRC à cet égard. Dans l’ensemble, leur rencontre s’avère timide et surtout réservée à l’espace public.
Enfin, en se basant sur leurs représentations de l’avenir, la thèse illustre que l’espace de leur rencontre représente un espace d’opportunités pour le dialogue sur la campagne, bien que celui-ci ne se produise pas sans affrontements et heurts. Ainsi, au-delà du binarisme traditionnel et antagonique lié aux statuts de « nouveaux » et « anciens » ruraux, l’espace de rencontre, celui à l’intérieur duquel s’opèrent à la fois tensions, négociations, compromis et nouvelles alliances, participe à construire la nouvelle ruralité contemporaine.
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Lorsque les nouvelles populations rurales rencontrent les plus anciennes : l’expérience géographique au cœur de la nouvelle ruralité au QuébecGuimond, Laurie 18 January 2012 (has links)
Mobilité, désir d’accéder à une meilleure qualité de vie, attraction de la campagne s’accélèrent depuis une trentaine d’années au Québec, comme ailleurs en occident. La campagne et les usages que l’on en fait se diversifient et se complexifient, à l’instar des populations qui l’habitent. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se penche sur l’expérience géographique de la campagne, en tant qu’espace social. Elle met en lumière l’expérience géographique des ruraux, plus particulièrement les modalités de leur rencontre dans divers lieux qui marquent leur quotidien. Le matériel empirique de la thèse consiste surtout en des témoignages recueillis lors d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de nouveaux résidents et des ruraux de longue date dans deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) contrastées au Québec : Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska. La démarche privilégiée et les principales contributions qui en découlent se déclinent en trois temps.
D’abord, une comparaison directe des deux populations rurales étudiées fait ressortir que leurs pratiques de mobilité et leurs sens des lieux se rejoignent dans une certaine mesure, mais affichent aussi des différences. Par exemple, elles partagent toutes deux un sentiment d’appartenance marqué à leur milieu de vie, mais pas nécessairement avec la même intensité et pour les mêmes raisons. En outre, leurs pratiques d’engagement local convergent, favorisées par un même désir de contribuer au bien-être de leur milieu.
La thèse démontre aussi que certains lieux de sociabilité rapprochent ces deux groupes au quotidien, quoique subsistent des tensions notamment liées à leurs origines rurale ou urbaine, leur classe sociale, leurs expériences antérieures des lieux, la durée vécue dans leur milieu de vie, leur historique familial, leurs représentations et usages de la campagne... Se décèle aussi un effet de milieu entre les deux MRC à cet égard. Dans l’ensemble, leur rencontre s’avère timide et surtout réservée à l’espace public.
Enfin, en se basant sur leurs représentations de l’avenir, la thèse illustre que l’espace de leur rencontre représente un espace d’opportunités pour le dialogue sur la campagne, bien que celui-ci ne se produise pas sans affrontements et heurts. Ainsi, au-delà du binarisme traditionnel et antagonique lié aux statuts de « nouveaux » et « anciens » ruraux, l’espace de rencontre, celui à l’intérieur duquel s’opèrent à la fois tensions, négociations, compromis et nouvelles alliances, participe à construire la nouvelle ruralité contemporaine.
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