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Seroprevalence of SARS‑CoV‑2 in German secondary schools from October 2020 to July 2021: a longitudinal studyKirsten, Carolin, Kahre, Elisabeth, Blankenburg, Judith, Schumm, Leonie, Haag, Luise, Galow, Lukas, Unrath, Manja, Czyborra, Paula, Schneider, Josephine, Lück, Christian, Dalpke, Alexander H., Berner, Reinhard, Armann, Jakob 06 June 2024 (has links)
Purpose: To quantify the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in students and teachers in 14 Secondary schools in eastern Saxony, Germany. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in study population. Number of undetected cases. - Methods: Serial seroprevalence study. - Results: The role of educational settings in the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic is still controversial. Seroprevalence increases from 0.8 to 5.9% from October to December when schools remained open and to 12.2% in March/April during a strict lockdown with closed schools. The ratio of undetected to detected cases decreased from 0.76 to 0.44 during the study period. - Conclusion: During the second and third wave of the pandemic in Germany, students and teachers are not overrepresented in SARS-CoV-2 infections. The percentage of undetected cases is moderate and decreases over time. The risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 within the household is higher than contracting it in educational settings making school closures rather ineffective in terms of pandemic control measures or individual risk reduction in children and adolescents. - Trial registration: DRKS00022455 (July 23rd, 2020).
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Untersuchung der Seroprävalenz von Impf- und Infektionsantikörpern gegen die Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis in einem Endemiegebiet in SüddeutschlandEuringer, Kathrin 15 May 2024 (has links)
Die FSME ist die medizinisch bedeutsamste zeckenübertragene Krankheit in
Europa und Asien. In Europa erkranken jährlich mehrere tausend Menschen an der FSME. Zur Seroprävalenz der FSME liegen wenige Daten vor, da seit dem Aufkommen der FSME-Impfung in den 80er Jahren in Deutschland eine Unterscheidung von Impf- und Infektionsantikörpern mittels konventioneller serologischer Methoden nicht mehr möglich war. Die Entwicklung eines neuen ELISAs im Jahr 2020, der auf dem Nichtstrukturprotein 1 (NS1) basiert, macht diese Unterscheidung möglich.
Ziele der Arbeit
Die Ziele der durchgeführten Studie waren die Bestimmung von epidemiologischen Zielgrößen wie Seroprävalenz, Infektions- und Immunitätsrate sowie das Generieren neuer Daten zum Manifestationsindex im endemischen Landkreis Ortenaukreis in Baden-Württemberg. Das Vorliegen historischer Daten zur Seroprävalenz, die vor Einführung der Impfung im Landkreis Ortenaukreis erhoben wurden, schaffte zudem die interessante Möglichkeit, die Häufigkeit der FSME-Infektionen in einem endemischen Gebiet über einige Jahrzehnte zu vergleichen. Des Weiteren wurden die Blutproben auf neutralisierende Antikörper hin untersucht und die serologische Immunitätsrate der Proben mit vom Robert Koch-Institut bereitgestellten Zahlen zum Impfschutz in der Bevölkerung verglichen.
Material und Methoden
Insgesamt wurden 2220 Blutspenderestproben, die größtenteils aus dem Landkreis Ortenaukreis in Baden-Württemberg stammen, beprobt. Die FSME-Meldezahlen für das untersuchte Gebiet wurden vom RKI bereitgestellt. Zuerst wurden alle Blutproben mit einem IgG-ELISA auf IgG-Antikörper gegen die FSME getestet. Alle in diesem ELISA positiven Proben wurden im weiteren Verlauf mit dem neuen NS1-ELISA auf IgG-Antikörper gegen das NS1-Protein getestet. Alle im IgG-ELISA positiven und im NS1-ELISA negativen Proben wurden mittels SNT auf das Vorhandensein neutralisierender Antikörper überprüft. Der IIFT wurde zur Überprüfung von kreuzreaktiven Antikörpern verwendet. Die auf Daten der Krankenversicherungen basierende Durchimpfungsrate für den Ortenaukreis wurde vom Robert Koch-Institut bereitgestellt.
Von den 2220 Proben wiesen 57 % (1257/2220) IgG-Antikörper gegen die FSME auf.
125 der 2220 Proben, also 5,6 %, wurden mithilfe des NS1-ELISAs positiv auf eine vorangegangene FSME-Infektion getestet. Bei wenigen Proben wurden kreuzreagierende Antikörper gefunden, die durch andere Flaviviren induziert wurden (7/2220). Es konnte ein Manifestationsindex von ca. 2 % ermittelt werden, sowie eine hohe Anzahl an stillen Infektionen von über 250 pro 100.000 Einwohnern pro Jahr. Für ca. 55 % (1150/2104) der Proben wurde ein neutralisierender Antikörpertiter gegen das FSME-Virus ermittelt.
In den dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegenden Studien wurden neue Daten zu FSME-Inzidenz und Manifestationsindex in einem endemischen Gebiet generiert. Nach Vergleich mit Daten aus dem Jahr 1986 ist festzustellen, dass die Ergebnisse für einen etwa siebenfachen Anstieg der FSME-Infektionsraten im untersuchten Gebiet trotz der Verfügbarkeit eines hochwirksamen Impfstoffs sprechen. Die serologische Immunitätsrate ist signifikant höher als die vom Robert Koch-Institut für den Ortenaukreis erhobenen Zahlen zum Impfschutz (ca. 20 %), was für eine längere Haltbarkeit der von der Impfung induzierten Antikörper sprechen könnte, als ursprünglich angenommen. Diese Arbeit verdeutlicht außerdem den Nutzen von Seroprävalenzstudien zur Ergänzung Inzidenz-basierter Risikobewertung von Gebieten, in denen das FSME-Virus endemisch ist.:1 Einleitung......................................................................................1
2 Literaturübersicht.........................................................................2
2.1 Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis-Virus (FSME-Virus)................2
2.1.1 Virologie................................................................................2
2.1.2 Virusreplikation.....................................................................3
2.1.3 Epidemiologie in Deutschland..............................................4
2.1.4 Übertragungszyklus des FSME-Virus...................................6
2.1.5 Infektion und Krankheitsverlauf............................................8
2.1.6 Impfung.................................................................................9
2.1.7 Diagnostik............................................................................10
2.1.8 Serologische Methoden.......................................................11
3 Publikationen...............................................................................14
3.1 Eigenanteil Publikation 1..............................................................14
3.1.1 Publikation 1........................................................................16
3.2 Eigenanteil Publikation 2..............................................................25
3.2.1 Publikation 2........................................................................26
4 Diskussion....................................................................................36
5 Zusammenfassung.......................................................................44
6 Summary......................................................................................46
7 Referenzen...................................................................................48
7.1 Literatur........................................................................................48
7.2 Abbildungsverzeichnis.................................................................59
8 Danksagung.................................................................................60 / Introduction
TBE is the medically most significant tick-borne disease in Europe and Asia. In Europe, several thousand people fall ill with TBE every year. There is little data available on the seroprevalence of TBE, because the availability of TBE vaccination since the 1980s in Germany has made it no longer possible to distinguish between vaccine- and infection-induced antibodies using conventional serological methods. The development of a new ELISA in 2020 based on the non-structural protein 1 (NS1) makes this distinction possible.
The study’s objectives were to determine epidemiological target points such as seroprevalence, infection and serological immunity rates and to generate new data on the manifestation index in the endemic district of Ortenaukreis in Baden-Württemberg. The availability of historical seroprevalence data collected before the introduction of TBE vaccination in the Ortenaukreis district also provided the interesting opportunity to compare the prevalence of TBE infections in an endemic area over several decades. Additionally, the blood samples were analysed for neutralising antibodies, and the serological immunity rate of the sample size was compared with numbers on the vaccination rate in the population provided by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
Material and Methods
A total of 2220 blood donor samples, most of which came from the Ortenaukreis district in Baden-Württemberg, were sampled. The RKI provided TBE reporting numbers for the region of interest. All blood samples were initially tested for IgG antibodies against TBE using an IgG ELISA. All samples positive in this ELISA were subsequently tested for IgG antibodies against the NS1 protein in the new NS1 ELISA. All samples positive in the IgG ELISA and negative in the NS1 ELISA were tested for the presence of neutralising antibodies with the SNA. The IIFA was used to check for cross-reactive antibodies. The vaccination rate for the Ortenaukreis district, based on health insurance data, was provided by the RKI.
Of the 2220 samples, 57 % (1257/2220) showed IgG antibodies against TBE. 125 of the 2220 samples, i.e. 5.6 %, tested positive for a previous TBE infection in the NS1 ELISA. In a few samples, cross-reacting antibodies induced by other flaviviruses were found (7/2220). A manifestation index of ca. 2 % could be determined, as well as a high number of silent infections of more than 250 per 100.000 inhabitants per year. A neutralising antibody titer against the TBE virus could be determined for ca. 55 % (1150/2104) of the sample size.
In the studies on which this work is based, new TBE incidence and manifestation index data were generated for an endemic area. After comparing the data from 1986, the results indicate an approximately sevenfold increase in TBE infection rates in the studied area despite the availability of a highly effective vaccine. The serological protection rate is significantly higher than the immune protection rate numbers collected by the RKI for the Ortenaukreis (approx. 20 %), which could speak for longer durability of the antibodies induced by the vaccination than originally assumed. Furthermore, this study illustrates the use of seroprevalence studies in addition to incidence-based risk assessment of TBE endemic areas.:1 Einleitung......................................................................................1
2 Literaturübersicht.........................................................................2
2.1 Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis-Virus (FSME-Virus)................2
2.1.1 Virologie................................................................................2
2.1.2 Virusreplikation.....................................................................3
2.1.3 Epidemiologie in Deutschland..............................................4
2.1.4 Übertragungszyklus des FSME-Virus...................................6
2.1.5 Infektion und Krankheitsverlauf............................................8
2.1.6 Impfung.................................................................................9
2.1.7 Diagnostik............................................................................10
2.1.8 Serologische Methoden.......................................................11
3 Publikationen...............................................................................14
3.1 Eigenanteil Publikation 1..............................................................14
3.1.1 Publikation 1........................................................................16
3.2 Eigenanteil Publikation 2..............................................................25
3.2.1 Publikation 2........................................................................26
4 Diskussion....................................................................................36
5 Zusammenfassung.......................................................................44
6 Summary......................................................................................46
7 Referenzen...................................................................................48
7.1 Literatur........................................................................................48
7.2 Abbildungsverzeichnis.................................................................59
8 Danksagung.................................................................................60
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Prospektive Erfassung des SARS-CoV-2 Antikörperstatus bei Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen in Ostsachsen im Rahmen der Corona- Pandemie in den Jahren 2020 und 2021Kirsten, Carolin 05 February 2025 (has links)
Inhalt der Dissertation sind die Ergebnisse der SchoolCoviDD19-Studie, welche von Mai 2020 bis Juli 2021 an ostsächsischen Schule durchgeführt wurde. Es wurde die Entwicklung der Seroprävalenz von SARS-CoV-2 bei Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen, sowie der Verlauf der Dunkelziffer untersucht. Sekundär sollten Erkenntnisse über die Bedeutung von Bildungseinrichtungen auf das Transmissionsgeschehen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung gewonnen werden.
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Pandémie grippale A/H1N1 2009/2010 : Diagnostic et épidémiologie au laboratoire hospitalier de microbiologie clinique à MarseilleNougairede, Antoine 12 January 2012 (has links)
Fin avril 2009, un nouveau virus grippal A/H1N1 d'origine porcine émerge dans le monde causant la première pandémie grippale du XXIème siècle. Les différents travaux présentés dans cette thèse retracent la gestion de cette situation au laboratoire de virologie des hôpitaux publics de Marseille. D'avril 2009 à avril 2010, nous avons analysé plus de 13 000 prélèvements issus de cas suspects. Nous avons dû adapter continuellement les moyens mis en œuvre pour effectuer le diagnostic et la mise en place d'une stratégie 'Point of Care' s'est avérée très utile. Nos résultats montrent que l'usage des tests rapides en complément de la RT-PCR en temps réel permet de réduire significativement le délai de rendu des résultats pour les patients infectés. Les données épidémiologiques sur les nombreux cas suspects dépistés ont également permis d'obtenir en temps réel des informations précieuses sur l'épidémiologie de cette pandémie comme l'estimation de l'incidence par classe d'âge, la proportion de patients hospitalisés et la mortalité. Enfin, nous avons réalisé une étude de séroprévalence qui montre qu'environ 12% de la population française a été infectée par ce nouveau virus en 2009-2010 et que les taux d'attaque les plus élevés ont été observés chez les enfants et les jeunes adultes. / In late April 2009, a new swine-origin A/H1N1 Influenza virus emerged and spread rapidly worldwide causing the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century. This work describes how we coped with this emergency situation in the virology laboratory of Marseille public hospitals. From April 2009 to April 2010, we analyzed more than 13,000 samples from suspected cases. We needed to adapt continuously the organization to maintain diagnostic capacity and the implementation of a point of care strategy revealed very useful to achieve this goal. Our results support the use of rapid Influenza detection tests in combination with real-time RT-PCR because it reduces significantly the delay from sample to result for positive cases, thus giving the opportunity to improve patient management. Epidemiological data from all suspected cases tested allowed us to obtain timely precious information about the epidemiology of this pandemic as the estimation of (i) the incidence by age group, (ii) the rate of hospitalization and (iii) the mortality rate among tested patients. Finally, we set up a serological study and showed that around 12% of the French population had been infected by this new virus in 2009-2010 with higher attack rates observed in children and young adults.
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Análise do perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e laboratorial de pessoas com mais de 13 anos vivendo com HIV/AIDS no oeste do Pará e tendências de incidência de AIDS em Santarém / Analysis of sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory features of people over 13 years old living with HIV / AIDS in western Pará and AIDS incidence trends in SantarémAbati, Paulo Afonso Martins 04 February 2013 (has links)
A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana na Amazônia tem-se mostrado como um dos mais recentes desafios para o enfrentamento da epidemia de HIV/aids no Brasil. Estudos epidemiológicos baseados em dados de incidência mostram tendência de crescimento da epidemia na região Norte do país. O Serviço de Assistência Especializada de Santarém é referência em assistência às pessoas com HIV/aids de 25 municípios das mesorregiões do baixo Amazonas e sudoeste do Pará. Os objetivos do presente trabalho consistem em descrever as características sociodemográficas, clínicas e laboratoriais de pessoas vivendo com HIV à admissão nesse serviço de referência, comparando-as entre os períodos: 1999 a 2002(P1), 2003 a 2006(P2) e 2007 a 2010(P3) e analisar as tendências de incidência de aids em Santarém entre 1999 e 2010. As informações referentes às variáveis de interesse foram obtidas em revisão de prontuários. Foram calculados os coeficientes de incidência padronizados a partir dos casos notificados de aids em Santarém, obtidos em bases de dados nacionais e locais. A análise de tendência de incidência foi realizada por modelos de regressão polinomial. A maioria dos 527 sujeitos (62,4%) foi admitida em P3, com 24,1% e 13,5% em P2 e P1, respectivamente. Observou-se aumento significativo da participação de indivíduos não procedentes de Santarém em P3 em comparação a P1. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre os sexos com relação ao motivo de realização da testagem pelo fato do conhecimento da soropositividade do parceiro ter motivado a testagem entre as mulheres em P1 e P2. Enquanto a presença de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de HIV/aids motivou o teste em homens durante todo o período avaliado. Houve redução significativa das medianas de linfócitos T CD4+ à admissão em P3, em relação a P1 e P2. Foram notificados 336 casos novos de aids em Santarém no período de 1999 a 2010. Foi encontrada tendência significativa de crescimento da epidemia em Santarém em ambos os sexos, e nas categorias de exposição ao HIV heterossexual e homo/bissexual no sexo masculino. O crescimento da demanda assistencial no serviço de Santarém, com incremento do número de pacientes procedentes de municípios menores e, admitidos em estadios tardios da infecção, associada à tendência de crescimento de incidência de aids em Santarém no período estudado, sugerem que as intervenções programáticas implementadas na região podem ter contribuído para o reconhecimento de maior número de casos de aids, porém ainda não possibilitaram o diagnóstico mais precoce. Acredita-se que estratégias de vigilância epidemiológica de segunda geração poderiam subsidiar de modo mais eficiente as intervenções programáticas voltadas ao controle da epidemia em uma região caracterizada por apresentar fatores individuais, sociais e programáticos que conferem vulnerabilidade acrescida à infecção pelo HIV. / Infection with human immunodeficiency virus within the Amazon region has been shown as one of the latest challenges confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Brazil. Epidemiological studies based on incidence data show an increasing trend in AIDS incidence in the Brazilian North region. The specialized HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic of Santarém is the reference healthcare setting that provides care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) from 25 municipalities of the Lower Amazon and southwestern Pará regions. The aims of this study are to describe socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory features of PLHA at time of admission to this reference clinic, comparing them among the following periods: 1999 to 2002 (P1), 2003 and 2006 (P2) and 2007 and 2010 (P3), and to analyze AIDS incidence trends in Santarém between 1999 and 2010. Information about variables of interest was obtained by review of medical records. Standardized AIDS incidence rates were calculated, based on cases reported in Santarém, using data obtained from national and local databases. Incidence trend analysis was performed by polynomial regression. Out of 527 records, 62.4% of patients were admitted to the clinic in P3, 24.1% and 13.5% in P2 and P1, respectively. A significant increase was seen in the participation of individuals from cities other than Santarém in P3, as compared to P1. There was a significant gender difference in the reason to be tested for HIV, as women were more likely to have been tested due to a seropositive partner in P1 and P2, whereas existing signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS predominated among men as the reason for testing throughout the study period. A significant reduction in median CD4+ cell counts at admission was noticed comparing P3 to P1 and P2. 336 AIDS cases were reported in Santarém from 1999 to 2010. An increasing AIDS incidence trend was found for both genders, and for both heterosexual and homo/bisexual among males. The increasing local demand for HIV/AIDS care, with larger numbers of cases coming from smaller cities and admitted in later stages of HIV infection, taken together with the increasing AIDS incidence trend in Santarém during the study period suggest that even though programmatic interventions may have succeeded in identifying more AIDS cases, they were not able to lead to an earlier diagnosis. We believe that the implementation of second generation surveillance strategies in this region could guide programmatic interventions for the control of the epidemic more efficiently, in a context characterized by individual, social and programmatic factors related to a high vulnerability to HIV infection.
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Prevalência de anticorpos anti-herpesvírus humano tipo 8 (HHV-8) em soros de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica / Prevalence of human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) antibodies in serum samples from patients with chronic kidney diseaseMagri, Mariana Cavalheiro 21 July 2008 (has links)
A infecção pelo herpesvírus humano tipo 8 (HHV-8) tem sido associada ao sarcoma de Kaposi (SK) iatrogênico, que acomete pacientes imunossuprimidos e/ou transplantados renais. Em populações consideradas saudáveis, a soroprevalência para o HHV-8 varia de 1% a 8%. O presente trabalho buscou: determinar a prevalência e os títulos de anticorpos anti-HHV-8 em pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC), submetidos ou não à terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) do Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão e Casa da Diálise da UNIFESP e da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo e, comparar os resultados obtidos com outras populações da mesma região geográfica, porém de outras categorias de risco para adquirir doenças infecciosas. Soros de 805 pacientes: 295 em hemodiálise, 54 em diálise peritoneal e 456 em acompanhamento ambulatorial, sem TRS, foram testados quanto à presença de anticorpos anti-HHV-8, de fase latente e lítica da replicação viral, por meio de técnicas de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) LANA e Lítico, padronizadas na Seção de Imunologia do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados em relação a dados clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais usando o teste do qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher para as variáveis categóricas e os testes de Mann Whitney ou Kruskal Wallis para as variáveis contínuas. Foi encontrada soropositividade ao HHV-8 em 18,0% dos pacientes com IRC, dos quais 18,3% nos pacientes em TRS e 17,7% nos pacientes sem TRS, não havendo diferença significante entre os grupos. As variáveis que estiveram relacionadas à sorologia positiva ao HHV-8 foram: transplante prévio (p<0,001) e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (p=0,003), com destaque para a sífilis (p=0,021). As demais variáveis não mostraram associação estatística embora tenha havido maior número de amostras HHV-8 soropositivas com o avançar da idade. Em relação ao tipo e ao título de anticorpos detectados, houve mais amostras com sorologia positiva para anticorpos Lítico e maiores títulos de anticorpos LANA. A comparação dos resultados dos pacientes com IRC e outras populações de São Paulo revelou taxa semelhante de prevalência de anticorpos anti-HHV-8 na população com HIV/Aids (20,4%), considerada de alto risco para esta infecção viral. Por outro lado, a prevalência detectada na população com IRC (18,0%) foi inferior às obtidas em pacientes com SK epidêmico (89,3%), SK clássico (100,0%) e SK endêmico (87,5%), e superior a outras populações sem SK: pacientes com deficiência mental e/ou física (1,6%) e profissionais da área da saúde (1,1%). Em todos os grupos analisados houve maior número de amostras com sorologia positiva para HHV-8 de fase lítica, e maiores títulos de anticorpos LANA, exceção feita aos profissionais da área da saúde. Maiores títulos de anticorpos LANA foram detectados nos pacientes com SK. Não foram encontradas outras associações significantes. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que os pacientes com IRC têm alta prevalência de anticorpos anti-HHV-8, comparável aos indivíduos com HIV/Aids dessa região geográfica. Ainda, sugerem que se devam acompanhar os pacientes HHV-8 soropositivos com vistas a monitorar os títulos de anticorpos LANA e verificar se estes têm valor prognóstico. Caso isto venha a ser confirmado, sugere-se a introdução da sorologia para o HHV-8 na bateria de exames do pré-transplante renal. / Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection is frequently associated with Kaposi\'s sarcoma (KS) in immunodeficient and renal transplanted patients. The HHV-8 seroprevalence in healthy populations varies from 1% to 8%. The present study aimed to determine the HHV-8 seroprevalence and antibodies titers in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with or without substitutive kidney therapy (SKT) attended at Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão and Casa da Diálise of UNIFESP, and at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Secondarly, to compare the serological results with those obtained from populations of the same geographic region, presenting other risk factors for acquiring infectious diseases. Serum samples were collected from 805 CKD patients: 295 under hemodialysis, 54 under peritoneal dialysis, and 456 in ambulatorial assistance without SKT. Latent and Lytic HHV-8 antibodies were searched using indirect immunofluorescence assays that were standardized at Immunology Department of Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Chi-Square test and/or Fisher\'s exact test were performed for comparing categorical variables including epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial data, and HHV-8 serum status. Continuos variables associated with HHV-8 antibodies titers were compared using Mann Whitney or Kruskal Wallis tests. An overall HHV-8-seropositivity of 18.0% was detected in CKD patients: 18.3% in patients under SKT and 17.7% in patients without SKT. Since no difference was detected in HHV-8-seropositivity among patients, they were considered as a unique group for subsequent analysis. A strong association between HHV-8-seropositivity and previous transplant was detected (p<0.001), along with an association with others sexually transmitted diseases (p=0.003), with emphasis for syphilis (p=0.021). In addition, no other data was associated with HHV-8-seropositivity, although higher proportions of HHV-8-seropositivity were detected in samples from elderly persons. In addition, more HHV-8 Lytic antibodies positive samples, and higher titers of LANA antibodies were detected. HHV-8 seroprevalence obtained from CKD patients was similar to the HHV-8 prevalence detected among HIV/Aids patients (20.4%), who were considered a high-risk group for this viral infection. On the other hand, the HHV-8 seroprevalence of CKD patients (18.0%) was lower than the prevalence of patients with epidemic KS (89.3%), classic KS (100.0%) and endemic KS (87.5%), and higher than the patients with mental and/or physical deficiency (1.6%) and health professionals (1.1%). All analyzed groups had more HHV-8-seropositive samples for Lytic antibodies and higher titers of LANA antibodies, with exception for the health professionals. The highest LANA antibodies titers were found among KS patients groups. No other association was found. In conclusion, the obtained results points out CKD patients as a high prevalent population for HHV-8 infection, similar to HIV/Aids patients from the same geographic area. As far, it suggests that HHV-8 seropositive CKD patients should be followed up in order to verify whether LANA antibodies titers have prognostic value. In confirming this hypothesis, it may propose to include the use of HHV-8 serology in the screening testing in kidney pre-transplant.
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Análise do perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e laboratorial de pessoas com mais de 13 anos vivendo com HIV/AIDS no oeste do Pará e tendências de incidência de AIDS em Santarém / Analysis of sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory features of people over 13 years old living with HIV / AIDS in western Pará and AIDS incidence trends in SantarémPaulo Afonso Martins Abati 04 February 2013 (has links)
A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana na Amazônia tem-se mostrado como um dos mais recentes desafios para o enfrentamento da epidemia de HIV/aids no Brasil. Estudos epidemiológicos baseados em dados de incidência mostram tendência de crescimento da epidemia na região Norte do país. O Serviço de Assistência Especializada de Santarém é referência em assistência às pessoas com HIV/aids de 25 municípios das mesorregiões do baixo Amazonas e sudoeste do Pará. Os objetivos do presente trabalho consistem em descrever as características sociodemográficas, clínicas e laboratoriais de pessoas vivendo com HIV à admissão nesse serviço de referência, comparando-as entre os períodos: 1999 a 2002(P1), 2003 a 2006(P2) e 2007 a 2010(P3) e analisar as tendências de incidência de aids em Santarém entre 1999 e 2010. As informações referentes às variáveis de interesse foram obtidas em revisão de prontuários. Foram calculados os coeficientes de incidência padronizados a partir dos casos notificados de aids em Santarém, obtidos em bases de dados nacionais e locais. A análise de tendência de incidência foi realizada por modelos de regressão polinomial. A maioria dos 527 sujeitos (62,4%) foi admitida em P3, com 24,1% e 13,5% em P2 e P1, respectivamente. Observou-se aumento significativo da participação de indivíduos não procedentes de Santarém em P3 em comparação a P1. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre os sexos com relação ao motivo de realização da testagem pelo fato do conhecimento da soropositividade do parceiro ter motivado a testagem entre as mulheres em P1 e P2. Enquanto a presença de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de HIV/aids motivou o teste em homens durante todo o período avaliado. Houve redução significativa das medianas de linfócitos T CD4+ à admissão em P3, em relação a P1 e P2. Foram notificados 336 casos novos de aids em Santarém no período de 1999 a 2010. Foi encontrada tendência significativa de crescimento da epidemia em Santarém em ambos os sexos, e nas categorias de exposição ao HIV heterossexual e homo/bissexual no sexo masculino. O crescimento da demanda assistencial no serviço de Santarém, com incremento do número de pacientes procedentes de municípios menores e, admitidos em estadios tardios da infecção, associada à tendência de crescimento de incidência de aids em Santarém no período estudado, sugerem que as intervenções programáticas implementadas na região podem ter contribuído para o reconhecimento de maior número de casos de aids, porém ainda não possibilitaram o diagnóstico mais precoce. Acredita-se que estratégias de vigilância epidemiológica de segunda geração poderiam subsidiar de modo mais eficiente as intervenções programáticas voltadas ao controle da epidemia em uma região caracterizada por apresentar fatores individuais, sociais e programáticos que conferem vulnerabilidade acrescida à infecção pelo HIV. / Infection with human immunodeficiency virus within the Amazon region has been shown as one of the latest challenges confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Brazil. Epidemiological studies based on incidence data show an increasing trend in AIDS incidence in the Brazilian North region. The specialized HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic of Santarém is the reference healthcare setting that provides care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) from 25 municipalities of the Lower Amazon and southwestern Pará regions. The aims of this study are to describe socio-demographic, clinical and laboratory features of PLHA at time of admission to this reference clinic, comparing them among the following periods: 1999 to 2002 (P1), 2003 and 2006 (P2) and 2007 and 2010 (P3), and to analyze AIDS incidence trends in Santarém between 1999 and 2010. Information about variables of interest was obtained by review of medical records. Standardized AIDS incidence rates were calculated, based on cases reported in Santarém, using data obtained from national and local databases. Incidence trend analysis was performed by polynomial regression. Out of 527 records, 62.4% of patients were admitted to the clinic in P3, 24.1% and 13.5% in P2 and P1, respectively. A significant increase was seen in the participation of individuals from cities other than Santarém in P3, as compared to P1. There was a significant gender difference in the reason to be tested for HIV, as women were more likely to have been tested due to a seropositive partner in P1 and P2, whereas existing signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS predominated among men as the reason for testing throughout the study period. A significant reduction in median CD4+ cell counts at admission was noticed comparing P3 to P1 and P2. 336 AIDS cases were reported in Santarém from 1999 to 2010. An increasing AIDS incidence trend was found for both genders, and for both heterosexual and homo/bisexual among males. The increasing local demand for HIV/AIDS care, with larger numbers of cases coming from smaller cities and admitted in later stages of HIV infection, taken together with the increasing AIDS incidence trend in Santarém during the study period suggest that even though programmatic interventions may have succeeded in identifying more AIDS cases, they were not able to lead to an earlier diagnosis. We believe that the implementation of second generation surveillance strategies in this region could guide programmatic interventions for the control of the epidemic more efficiently, in a context characterized by individual, social and programmatic factors related to a high vulnerability to HIV infection.
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"Estudo da vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV em detentas da Penitenciária Feminina do Butantã - SP avaliada por técnicas sorológicas e pela técnica do TAT" / Vulnerability to the infection by HIV in female prisoners of the P.F.B. assessed by serological and T.A.T. techniquesAzevedo, Leila Strazza de 01 July 2003 (has links)
O objetivo foi avaliar a vulnerabilidade do HIV de detentas da P.F.B.. Utilizou-se técnicas sorológicas e TAT. 290 detentas entrevistadas com questionário sobre comportamentos e hábitos destas mulheres e parceiros sobre: promiscuidade sexual; UDI; DST. Avaliou-se com detentas: mitos, crenças, idade, escolaridade e conhecimento HIV. A soroprevalência para HIV foi obtida e relacionada com os comportamentos de risco por análise univariada, com a utilização de tabelas de contingência entre variáveis de risco e resultado de sorologias (HIV, HVC e sífilis para as detentas) para obtenção de Odds Ratio e com a utilização de testes estatísticos de qui quadrado e exato de Fisher para um nível de significância de 5%. A positividade HIV-13,85%; anti-pallidum -22,76% ; anti-HCV -16,21%. 46 detentas fizeram o TAT, interpretados num único TAT-perfil típico destas mulheres / In order to evaluate the vulnerability by HIV, 290 female prisoners of F.B.P. were interviewed and bled for serological analysis and submited to TAT techniques. The questions were related to behavior and habits of those women and their partner, according to: promiscuous sexual relationships, use of injectec ilegal drugs and sexually transmitted diseases. We also analysed the prisoners myths, beliefs, age, school degree and general knowledge of HIV. The seroprevalence of HIV was associated to risky behaviors by means of univariate, Qui-Squared or Exact of Fisher tests. We found 13.85% of seropositives to HIV, 22.76% to anti-pallidum and 16.21% to anti-HCV. 46 prisoners were submitted to TAT, whose life stories were elucidated through one summarised, typic profile of these women
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Enfermidades infecciosas em comunidade indígena Terena de Mato Grosso do Sul / Infectious dieases in Terena community in the state of Mato Grosso do SulAGUIAR, José Ivan Albuquerque 02 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-02 / The health conditions of Brazilian indigenous population are few recognized with limited information available. A survey was carried out among indians Terena, people that inhabit on the municipalities of Sidrolândia and Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Was studied the prevalence of infection by intestinal parasites, infection markers for viral Hepatitis A, B and C, and for antibody against the viral diseases; Poliomyelitis 1, 2 and 3, Measles, Yellow Fever and Hepatitis B. The results were stratified by age and revealed that the parasitic infection affects 73.5% of the population studied, with high prevalence of the Blastocystis hominis. In the population above 10 years, more than 90% showed reactivity to the anti-HAV, absence of infection markers for Hepatitis B and C, respectively HBsAg and anti-HCV, and a rate of 16.7% (95% CI 12.6-21.3) for the anti-HBs. The prevalence of neutralizing antibodies against the measles virus and yellow fever virus was 96.7% (95% CI 93.9-98.3) and 91.4% (95% CI 88.0-94.7) respectively. The polio results showed that 62.2% (95% CI 56.5-67.6) 71.7% (95% CI 66.2-76.6) and 63.5% (95% CI 56.5-69.6) had antibodies against the types 1, 2 and 3, respectively, showing vulnerability to B Hepatitis, Yellow Fever and Poliomyelitis. / As condições de saúde da população indígena brasileira são pouco conhecidas, ocorrendo uma escassez de informações sobre a questão. Para estabelecer um entendimento dos aspectos que compõem esse panorama, foi realizado um inquérito entre os índios Terena que habitam os municípios de Sidrolândia e Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Foram estudadas as prevalências de infecção por parasitos intestinais, de marcadores de infecção para as Hepatites virais A, B e C, e de anticorpos contra os vírus das enfermidades imunopreveníveis; Poliomielite 1, 2 e 3, Sarampo, Febre Amarela e Hepatite B. Os resultados foram estratificados por faixa etária e revelaram que a infecção parasitária acomete 73,5% da população estudada, com destaque para o encontro do Blastocystis Hominis, um agente pouco identificado no país. Na população acima de 10 anos, mais de 90% apresentaram reatividade para o anti-HAV total. Houve negatividade dos marcadores de infecção para as Hepatites B e C, respectivamente HBsAg e anti-HCV, e uma taxa de 16,7% (95% IC 12, 6-21, 3) para o anti-HBs.A prevalência de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vírus do Sarampo e da Febre Amarela foi de 96,7% (95% IC 93, 9-98, 3) e 91,4% (95% IC 88-94, 7) respectivamente. Em relação à Poliomielite, 62,2% (95% IC 56, 5-67, 6) 71,7% (95% IC 66,2-76, 6) e 63,5% (95% IC 56, 5-69, 6) apresentavam anticorpos contra os Poliovírus tipo1, 2 e 3, respectivamente, demonstrando vulnerabilidade dessa população à Hepatite B, à Febre Amarela e à Poliomielite.
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Serum Antibodies to Human Papillomavirus Type 6, 11, 16 and 18 and Their Role in the Natural History of HPV Infection in MenLu, Beibei 01 January 2010 (has links)
Our understanding of humoral immune response to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been mainly derived from studies in women. Very little is known about humoral immune response to HPV in men. There is also a growing interest in understanding the burden of HPV exposure in the subgroups of the male population, including men who have sex with women (MSW), men who have sex with men (MSM) and men who have sex with both men and women (MSMW). This dissertation was undertaken to understand and characterize humoral immune response, measured by detectable serum antibody IgG, to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 infection, to estimates seroprevalence of HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18, to determine the associations of sociodemographic and sexual behavioral factors with seroprevalence of individual HPV types, and to evaluate the role of serum antibodies in the subsequent acquisition of infection with the same HPV type, genetically related and un-related HPV types.
Three studies that compose of this dissertation were conducted within the framework of two longitudinal studies of HPV infection in men: a single-site natural history study of male residents of Tucson, Arizona (the 1st study: N=285); and a multinational natural history study of healthy men residing in São Paulo, Brazil, Cuernavaca, Mexico, and Tampa, Florida (the 2nd study: N=1477; the 3rd study: N=2187). Men were recruited using similar eligibility criteria in both natural history studies and followed every 6 months for a maximum of 18 months in the single-site study and 48 months in the multi-national study. HPV DNA status was assessed using the PGMY09/11 L1 consensus primer system and the Linear Array HPV Genotyping Protocol. Testing of serum antibodies to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 was performed with virus-like particle-based ELISA assays.
Data from our studies indicate that exposure to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18, the four HPV types targeted in the currently license HPV vaccines, is common. Of 285 male residents of Tucson, Arizona, 28.8% of them were seropositive to HPV 16 and/or 18 at study entry. Similarly, approximately one third of 1477 participants of the multi-national male HPV natural history study were seropositive to at least one vaccine HPV type, with the percentage of 21.8% in U.S. site, 33.4% in Mexico site, and 49.1% in Brazil site. It is also noted that seroprevalence of individual vaccine HPV types is greatly elevated among men of different sexual practices. Seroprevalence of HPV 6, 11, 16 and/or 18 was twice as high among MSM and MSMW compared to MSW. Likewise, seroprevalence of individual HPV types was two fold or higher among MSW and MSMW.
Our findings suggest that the predominant predictors of seropositivity to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 are age and same-sex sexual behaviors. Seroprevalence increased with age among young-to-middle-aged men with significant upward age trends observed for HPV 11, 16 and 18. MSM, compared to MSW, more likely to be seropositive to HPV 16 or 18. Similarly, men who practiced same-sex anal sex, compared to those who did not, were significantly more likely to be seropositive to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18, respectively.
Among 276 men free of HPV 16 at enrollment in Tucson, We did not detect statistically significant associations between the baseline serum antibodies to HPV 16 and/or 18 and subsequent risk of infection with homogeneous HPV types or related-HPV types. Of 2187 men residing in three countries who tested HPV 16 negative at enrollment, the risk of subsequent HPV 16 infection was not associated with enrollment HPV 16 serum antibodies status.
Our data provide important estimates of population exposure to vaccine HPV types for future studies modeling potential vaccine impact and vaccine cost effectiveness in men. Our findings also support strategic vaccination of males as an effective preventive measure for HPV-related diseases and cancers in men and their sex partners, men and women alike.
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