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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limited by Language: Words, Images, and Their Effect on Women

Welling, Paula C. 27 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Objectionable Team Nicknames: Determining The Likelihood Of Selling The Issue Of Banning Them In Virginia High Schools

Taylor, Pamela 25 April 2011 (has links)
This study explored the personal and situational factors that contribute to a high school principal's willingness to sell the issue of objectionable team nicknames to their school division administration for the purposes of banning them. Based on the literature review, nine hypotheses were developed regarding the factors that influence the issue-selling process in a centralized, hierarchical organization. The issue-selling model utilized in this study suggested that organizational support, top management openness, organizational norms, probability of success, and image risk would be determinants of willingness to sell the issue (Mullen, 2005). This study utilized a mixed-method research design. Personal interviews were conducted with retired and current high school principals that had dealt with the objectionable team nicknames during their careers. In addition, questionnaires were electronically sent to 311 current high school principals. Ordinary least squares regression identified perceived probability of success and image risk to be the factors that have the most statistical impact on a high school principal's willingness to sell the objectionable team nickname to their superior. Logistic regression was used to determine the likelihood that an emotional issue would be brought forth. This study provides recommendations concerning issue selling in a public school system.

Le statut de la femme en droit pénal comparé français-libanais / The status of women in Lebanese and French comparative criminal law

Raad, Noura 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude porte un regard croisé sur les droits pénaux français et libanais concernant le statut de la femme. Il s’agit de voir l’évolution divergente des deux États qui, à une époque donnée, avaient des dispositions pénales comparables discriminant les femmes et leur accordant un statut inférieur à celui des hommes. En dépit des réformes juridiques et des droits « acquis » par les femmes, elles continuent à être les premières victimes des violences et discriminations ; certains droits qui leur sont reconnus sont, souvent, remis en question et des inégalités persistent en droit et en fait. Cette étude propose de se pencher sur l’analyse du droit pénal dans sa globalité sous une perspective de genre pour dévoiler les origines des inégalités entre les sexes et l’interaction entre le droit et le genre. Ces éléments permettront de comprendre les raisons de l’évolution limitée du statut de la femme en droits pénaux français et libanais et de réfléchir sur la manière dont le droit pénal libanais pourrait être réformé et le droit pénal français pourrait poursuivre effectivement son évolution par la prise en considération du concept de genre. L’objectif consiste à consolider les droits des femmes et leur statut aux niveaux juridique et pratique et, plus généralement, à atteindre une réelle égalité entre les sexes par l’acceptation des différences existant entre les femmes et les hommes comme étant une source de richesse et non d’inégalités / This study takes a cross-look at French and Lebanese criminal law on the subject of the status of women. It is a question of seeing the divergent evolution between the two States, which at one time had comparable penal provisions discriminating women and granting them a status inferior to that of men. Despite reforms and "acquired" rights, women continue to be the first victims of violence, discrimination, and certain recognized rights are often questioned, inequalities persist in law and in fact. This study proposes to look at the analysis of criminal law from a gender perspective to understand the origins of inequalities, to consider the interaction between law and gender. These elements will help to understand the reasons for the limited evolution of the status of women in French and Lebanese criminal law, to reflect on how the Lebanese criminal law could be reformed and French criminal law could effectively continue its evolution by taking in consideration the concept of gender. The aim is to consolidate women's rights and their status at the legal and practical level and, more generally, to achieve gender equality by accepting differences between women and men as means of wealth and not a source of inequality

Buscamos profesor@s : Un estudio del género gramatical en anuncios de trabajo y dentro del profesorado sueco / Buscamos profesor@s : A Study of the Use of Grammatical Gender in Spanish Job Advertisements and by the Swedish Teachers of Spanish

Palm, Clara January 2015 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar el uso preferido del género gramatical y en particular el genérico masculino. Muchos son los estudios realizados sobre el genérico masculino en otras lenguas, pero pocos los que se han centrado en describir el uso en el español. Es por ello que pretendemos profundizar el entendimiento de este campo mediante un análisis del género gramatical usado para denominar profesiones y cargos en bolsas de trabajo en la página web española, y además cómo el profesorado sueco lo aplica cuando refieren a alumnos oralmente o por escrito y cómo prefieren que otros hagan referencia a su propia profesión. El corpus consta de títulos de 265 anuncios de cuatro profesiones de cuatro sitios web españoles y 69 respuestas de un cuestionario compartido en un grupo para profesores de español en Facebook. Es un estudio del tipo cuantitativo y se analiza el resultado según el uso del género gramatical. Partimos de la hipótesis de que hay una gran variedad de uso; en gran parte arbitraria, pero también que se organiza el uso según los estereotipos. Los hallazgos principales son que en el 69 % de los anuncios de trabajo el uso más frecuente no es el genérico masculino sino la inclusión de las dos formas gramaticales, hecha de varias maneras y en el uso entre los profesores el genérico masculino es el más usado, no obstante, hay una multitud de preferencias y para resumir constatamos que hay una gran variedad en el uso en los contextos investigados.

Zur genderneutralen Sprache in der deutschen Straßenverkehrsordnung

Hersel, Elisabeth 07 August 2014 (has links)
Am 01.04.2013 ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine neue Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) in Kraft getreten, die Frauen gleichermaßen ansprechen soll wie Männer. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Frage, inwieweit die sprachliche Gleichbehandlung der Geschlechter in der StVO tatsächlich umgesetzt werden konnte. Auf Grundlage einer Online-Befragung wird zudem die öffentliche Einstellung zu den in der StVO primär verwendeten Formen genderneutraler Sprache untersucht.

Institutionnalisation de la lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles en France : état des lieux contemporain

Damois, Alexia 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est double : mesurer et expliquer l’éloignement apparent entre les associations de lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles et l’État français, et participer au débat, plus large, sur le concept d’institutionnalisation des mouvements sociaux. Depuis une dizaine d’années, en France, les prises de position gouvernementales vont dans le sens d’une plus grande importance donnée à la lutte contre les violences de genre, à travers, entre autres, le développement d’un arsenal législatif conséquent, la mise en place de stratégies et de plans interministériels, ou encore l’attribution du label « grande cause nationale » à cet enjeu. Pour autant, le manque de transparence et l’insuffisance des moyens déployés sont inlassablement décriés par une pluralité d’actrices et d’acteurs, à la fois au sein et en dehors des institutions. En mobilisant des données budgétaires et financières couplées à des entrevues auprès de représentantes associatives et institutionnelles, il s’agit donc d’analyser les liens contemporains entre les différents paliers de l’administration et deux associations historiques, le Collectif Féministe Contre le Viol et la Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes. / The aim of this thesis is twofold. First, to measure and explain the apparent distance between associations fighting against sexist and sexual violence and the French state. Second, to participate in the wider debate on the concept of institutionalisation of social movements. For the past ten years or so, government positions have been moving in the direction of a greater importance given to the fight against gender based violence, mainly through the development of a substantial legislative arsenal, the implementation of interministerial strategies and plans, and the awarding of the label 'major national cause' to the issue. However, the lack of transparency and the inadequacy of the resources used are constantly being criticized by several actors, both within and outside institutions. By mobilizing budgetary and financial data combined with interviews with associative and institutional representatives, the objective is to analyse the contemporary links between the different levels of the French administration and two historical associations, namely the Collectif Féministe Contre le Viol and the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes.

The Impact of Sexist Rhetoric on Women's Participation in News Comments Sections

Poland, Bailey 18 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

From silence to speech, from object to subject: the body politic investigated in the trajectory between Sarah Baartman and contemporary circumcised African women's writing

Gordon-Chipembere, Natasha, 1970- 30 November 2006 (has links)
NOTE FROM THE LIBRARY: PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR AT indisunflower@yahoo.com OR CONSULT THE LIBRARY FOR THE FULL TEXT OF THIS THESIS.... This thesis investigates the trajectory traced from Sarah Baartman, a Khoisan woman exploited in Europe during the nineteenth century, to a contemporary writing workshop with circumcised, immigrant West African women in Harlem New York by way of a selection of African women's memoirs. The selected African women's texts used in this work create a new testimony of speech, fragmenting a historically dominant Euro-American gaze on African women's bodies. The excerpts form a discursive space for reclaiming self and as well as a defiant challenge to Western porno-erotic voyeurism. The central premise of this thesis is that while investigating Eurocentric (a)historical narratives of Baartman, one finds an implicitly racist and sexist development of European language employed not solely with Baartman, but contemporaneously upon the bodies of Black women of Africa and its Diaspora, focusing predominantly on the "anomaly of their hypersexual" genitals. This particular language applied to the bodies of Black women extends into the discourse of Western feminist movements against African female circumcision in the 21st century. Nawal el Saadawi, Egyptian writer and activist and Aman, a Somali exile, write autobiographical texts which implode a western "silent/uninformed circumcised African woman" stereotype. It is through their documented life stories that these African women claim their bodies and articulate nationalist and cultural solidarity. This work shows that Western perceptions of Female Circumcision and African women will be juxtaposed with African women's perceptions of themselves. Ultimately, with the Nitiandika Writers Workshop in Harlem New York, the politicized outcome of the women who not only write their memoirs but claim a vibrant sexual (not mutilated or deficient) identity in partnership with their husbands, ask why Westerners are more interested in their genitals than how they are able to provide food, shelter and education for the their families, as immigrants to New York. The works of Saadawi, Aman and the Nitandika writers disrupt and ultimately destroy this trajectory of dehumanization through a direct movement from an assumed silence (about their bodies, their circumcisions and their status as women in Africa) to a directed, historically and culturally grounded "alter" speech of celebration and liberation. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.(English)

Rôle des établissements scolaires dans la constructions de l'identité sexuée : de la discrimination vers l'inégalité (le cas du Liban) / Role of school establishments in the construction of sexual identity : from discrimination to inequality : Lebanon's exemplary

Taleb Farhat, Fatima 17 December 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse dont la problématique émerge de l'existence des rapports sociaux de sexe sur la scène sociale au Liban, vise à y trouver une contribution du système scolaire dans la formation de l'identité sexuée chez les élèves au primaire. Son objectif principal est d'explorer les façons dont l'institution scolaire traite les élèves des deux sexes, et qui engendre ensuite son rôle indéniable dans l'édification du genre chez eux-elles. L'hypothèse principale suppose à cet égard qu'une telle construction identitaire ne s'effectue pas de la même manière chez les filles et les garçons au sein des classes. Au début, les démarches méthodiques du travail, basées sur une pré-enquête par entretiens semi-directifs menés auprès des directeurs de 18 établissements scolaires au sud-Liban, ont décelé chez ces responsables, la présence d'une mentalité sexiste. A noter qu'ensuite, lors d'une série de 225 séances d'observation dans 11 classes du primaire, durant 4 mois successifs, on a pu affirmer la présence des effets enseignant-élève différenciés selon le sexe, tout en soulignant l'inculpation des pratiques des instituteurs-trices, puisqu'ils-elles prédéterminent souvent, et selon son sexe, la manière d'interagir avec l'enfant, d'ici découle la discrimination préalable. A côté de ça, l'analyse du contenu des manuels scolaires, faite sur six livres de maths à l'usage des classes enquêtées, a vérifié que ces livres motivent nettement une représentation stéréotypée de la société, d'où surgissent des positions sexuellement différenciées, témoignées par leur contenu. D'autre part, la majorité des classes observées, semble prêter à la socialisation sexuée, ce que montre l'étude de plusieurs variables durant les séances d'apprentissage, et qui peut aboutir, d'une façon ou d'autre, à généraliser l'universalisme masculin, et par suite à renforcer la domination masculine à travers des rapports hiérarchiques liés à l'appartenance sexuée des apprenant-e-s. / The present thesis whose problematical emerges from the existence of the socialized terms of sex on the Lebanese social scene, where it aims to find a contribution of its scholar system in the formation of sexual identity among the child students in the primary cycle. So the main objective is to explore the ways in which the scholar institution treats the students of both sexes, that gives rise to their obvious role in the edification of the gender in the students. In this respect, the principal hypothesis supposes that such an identity construction can’t be effected evenly with girls and boys in the classes. At the beginning, the methodic proceedings of the study, based on a pre-inquiry via semi-directive talks conducted with the directors of 18 scholar establishments in south-Lebanon, have revealed in those responsible, the presence of sexual mentality. Further note that during a series of 225 observation sessions of 11 primary classes, made successively in 4 months, we could affirm the presence of teacher-student differentiated effects related to the sex of the latter, while noting an inculpation of teacher’s practices, for he/she often predetermines according to his sex, the mode of interacting with a child, a preliminary discrimination can therefore be deduced. In addition to that, a content analysis of 6 maths manuals belonging to the classes concerned, has been done, it verifies that these books motivate clearly a stereotyped representation of the society, where loom up sexually differentiated positions witnessed by their contents.On the other hand, the majority of the observed classes seems to enhance sexualized socialization, which is shown by many variables during apprenticeship sessions, this may lead in certain manners to generalize the masculine universalism and to strengthen therely the domination of the strong sex, through hierarchical terms linked to the sex of the student.

From silence to speech, from object to subject: the body politic investigated in the trajectory between Sarah Baartman and contemporary circumcised African women's writing

Gordon-Chipembere, Natasha, 1970- 30 November 2006 (has links)
NOTE FROM THE LIBRARY: PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR AT indisunflower@yahoo.com OR CONSULT THE LIBRARY FOR THE FULL TEXT OF THIS THESIS.... This thesis investigates the trajectory traced from Sarah Baartman, a Khoisan woman exploited in Europe during the nineteenth century, to a contemporary writing workshop with circumcised, immigrant West African women in Harlem New York by way of a selection of African women's memoirs. The selected African women's texts used in this work create a new testimony of speech, fragmenting a historically dominant Euro-American gaze on African women's bodies. The excerpts form a discursive space for reclaiming self and as well as a defiant challenge to Western porno-erotic voyeurism. The central premise of this thesis is that while investigating Eurocentric (a)historical narratives of Baartman, one finds an implicitly racist and sexist development of European language employed not solely with Baartman, but contemporaneously upon the bodies of Black women of Africa and its Diaspora, focusing predominantly on the "anomaly of their hypersexual" genitals. This particular language applied to the bodies of Black women extends into the discourse of Western feminist movements against African female circumcision in the 21st century. Nawal el Saadawi, Egyptian writer and activist and Aman, a Somali exile, write autobiographical texts which implode a western "silent/uninformed circumcised African woman" stereotype. It is through their documented life stories that these African women claim their bodies and articulate nationalist and cultural solidarity. This work shows that Western perceptions of Female Circumcision and African women will be juxtaposed with African women's perceptions of themselves. Ultimately, with the Nitiandika Writers Workshop in Harlem New York, the politicized outcome of the women who not only write their memoirs but claim a vibrant sexual (not mutilated or deficient) identity in partnership with their husbands, ask why Westerners are more interested in their genitals than how they are able to provide food, shelter and education for the their families, as immigrants to New York. The works of Saadawi, Aman and the Nitandika writers disrupt and ultimately destroy this trajectory of dehumanization through a direct movement from an assumed silence (about their bodies, their circumcisions and their status as women in Africa) to a directed, historically and culturally grounded "alter" speech of celebration and liberation. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.(English)

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