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Skapa om livet. En existentialistisk analys av modernitetsbehandlingen i Ivar Lo-Johanssons Kungsgatan.O'Nils, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Kungsgatan av Ivar Lo-Johansson visar urbaniseringen och moderniteten i mellankrigstidens Sverige. Romanen har framför allt studerats genom protagonisten Adrians bildningsresa, men denna uppsats framhåller statardottern Martas fall som kvintessentiell för Lo-Johanssons gestaltning av moderniteten. Med avstamp i det frihetstema Ola Holmgren identifierat i Lo-Johanssons författarskap tillämpar jag existentialistiska begrepp från Jean-Paul Sartre i syfte att undersöka vad Martas fall orsakas av och hur hennes fall relaterar till moderniteten såsom den beskrivits av Marshall Berman och Georg Simmel. Slutsatsen blir att Martas livsöde bör förklaras i termer av att hon agerar i ond tro och att hon därigenom antar ett omodernt levnadsmönster som inte fungerar i moderniteten. Orsaken till hennes agerande härleds till en obalans mellan transcendens och fakticitet, en orsak som rättfärdigas med hjälp av Lo-Johanssons andra skildringar av statarnas livsvillkor. Slutsatsen blir att moderniteten gestaltas som krävande invånarnas anpassning och att alla inte är kapabla till sådan, vilket förtydligas om man utvecklar Holmgrens forskning genom existentialistiska begrepp och nyttjar dem till att analysera Martas fall.
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從社會學到美學的個體:齊美爾的印象觀 / From Sociological to Aesthetic Individuals: Georg Simmel's Impressionist View陳玫儒, Chen, Mei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖藉由齊美爾(Georg Simmel)的社會學觀點指出現代個體的困境,並且參照齊美爾的美學觀點作為個體的出路。假若在大都會生活的社會互動中所面臨的冷漠和物化是個體能動性的宿命,那麼社會衝突和分化的機制就是個體能動性的機會。本文首先藉由「應然」的倫理學前提理解齊美爾個體生命的能動特性。然後,本文將此倫理置入理性社會與感性藝術的雙元環境中考察應然個體的可能。最後,本文將要以十九世紀印象派畫作為理論闡釋的實踐案例,意即從印象派的繪畫風格中經驗證成並且反身思考個體性的概念。
工業發展造就了攝影技術的產生,並使得傳統的繪畫藝術遭受挑戰。在擬真程度上,繪畫雖然永遠比不上攝影精準,然而印象派注重光與影的效果卻為藝術創作找到了新路。畫作上感性的自我表露反而得以創造攝影技術難以觸及的生命層次。莫內(Claude Monet)的自然紀錄與與卡莎特(Mary Stevenson Cassatt)的社會觀察儼然都是印象派藝術家以獨特的藝術作品具體實踐個體性的豐碩成果。 / This thesis attempts to illustrate the predicament of the modern individual from the sociological viewpoint of Georg Simmel. We assume that the aesthetical viewpoint of Georg Simmel could be the way out for the individual. Given the indifference and objectification of social interaction in the metropolis is the fate of individual agency, the mechanism of social conflict and differentiation is the opportunity for individual agency. This study begins with Georg Simmel’s theory that we utilize the ethics of ‘sollen’ (ought) to interpret the agency of the individual’s life. After depicting the outline of the Georg Simmel’s ethics, we place the theory into the dual condition set by rational society and affective art to explore the possibility of the ‘sollen’ individual. In the final part, we take some paintings from the 19th century impressionism as practical examples of explication. We verify and think reflexively on the concept of individuality by means of the painting style of impressionism.
The theoretical concepts as well as the empirical examples of this thesis consistently point to the crucial period of the 19th century as our primal object for discussion. On the one hand, European society at the time had undergone radical changes on the political front (such as French Revolution which exalted the values of freedom and equality). In addition, there was great structural shifts on the economic front (such as Industrial Revolution which drove the inventions of technology and art). Nevertheless, if we take only the rational history of political economy as the focus of research, we would fall into a trap of objectivity interwoven in the collective realities of the classes, nations, or masses, not to mention the presumption of a secular theology of the Revolution. Comparatively speaking, the potential image of inhuman things is frequently the objective pursuit of the artwork. Therefore, it is different from the political state of affairs which always inspires and intensifies subjective speculation with those obvious meanings inherent in the human collectivity. Moreover, the economic aspect of society has now apparently developed towards rationalization, which makes people feel the doubling threat of individual deprivation. In light of these concerns, we look elsewhere into the creativity of the artwork and the struggle of industrial technique in order to discover the potentials of individuality.
The development of industry brought forward the photographic apparatus, which posed in turn a challenge to the traditional art of painting. On the scale of verisimilitude, photography will always be much more accurate than painting. However, the fact that impressionism pays attention to the effects of light and shadow on the canvases opens a new way for artistic creation. The affective disclosure of individual selves represented by the impressionist style of painting can create a vital dimension that beyond the photographic technique. Claude Monet’s documentations of nature and Mary Stevenson Cassatt’s observations of society are both fruitful results from which these impressionist artists practice their concrete individualities through their singular artworks.
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Analyse du contrat amoureux au sein du mariage par correspondance : une étude de cas des unions entre Philippines et CanadiensBisserbe, Théodore 01 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de notre travail était de conduire une étude exploratoire sur la mise en place et le déroulement de la relation matrimoniale au sein de couples philippino-canadiens mariés par correspondance, afin de comprendre les mécanismes sociaux qui régissent l’expérience de vie de ces couples. Nous nous inspirons de Constable pour qui la relation au sein du mariage par correspondance peut être une relation amoureuse même si la logique de désir des deux partenaires est fortement imbriquée dans un contexte historique et culturel. Nous poursuivons la réflexion de Constable sur la relation amoureuse en nous appuyant sur l’analyse de Simmel sur le processus de socialisation entre les individus et le phénomène de l’individualisation au sein des sociétés capitalistes. Nous explorons également comment le couple marié par correspondance crée ce que Kaufmann appelle le contrat amoureux à travers sa correspondance, sa rencontre, son quotidien et son avenir, et comment ce contrat influence les interactions entre les deux membres du couple, ainsi que celles entre le couple et le reste de la société.
Dans ce mémoire sur le mariage par correspondance, nous nous intéresserons au quotidien de quatre couples philippino-canadiens mariés par correspondance vivant à Montréal et dans la région, à travers une perspective inspirée du sociologue George Simmel. Nous avons effectué des entretiens, sous forme de récit de vie et utilisé la méthode de l’ethnosociologie pour analyser leur discours. Nos résultats démontrent que le contrat amoureux influence les couples mariés par correspondance au cours des phases successives de leur relation et de leur vie commune. La construction sociale de leur réalité de couple, bâtie sur les sentiments amoureux et le travail au quotidien pour assurer le fonctionnement et la stabilité du couple, permet de passer outre d’éventuelles raisons initiales pratiques pour se marier. Malgré des inégalités, comme la division sexuée du travail et des revenus, l’agentivité de l’épouse est à l’œuvre lors de la planification de la rencontre, la première rencontre physique, l’installation au Canada et l’établissement de la vie commune et le processus de planification du couple. Le contrat amoureux et la construction sociale du couple offrent à l’épouse la possibilité de réduire les inégalités et de gagner une indépendance personnelle. Le retour aux Philippines est important dans la conversation conjugale, notamment au niveau de la planification à long terme du couple. / The aim of this study was to conduct an exploratory research on Filipino-Canadian couples who have met through mail-order bride agencies. In addition, the study explores how those couples formed and ran their marital relationship. This was done in order to understand the social mechanisms that govern the life experience of these couples. We are pursuing Constable’s analysis, which believes that mail-order marriages can be romantic relationships even if the logic of desire of both partners is strongly embedded in a historical and cultural context. Furthermore, Simmel’s analysis on the process of socialization between individuals and the phenomenon of individualization within capitalist societies is used as further evidence to Constable’s analysis. We also explored how the mail-order couple created, what Kaufmann calls the love contract, through their correspondence, their meetings, their daily life and their plans for the future. This contract influenced the interactions between both partners, as well as between the couple and the rest of society.
We conducted interviews in the form of life stories with four Filipino-Canadian couples living in the Montreal area (and it’s region) and used the ethnosociology method to analyse those interviews. Our results demonstrate that the love contract influenced the couples during the successive phases of the relationships. The social construction of their reality build on romantic feelings and daily work ensure the stability and the functioning of the couple. This helped them move beyond any initial practical reasons that brought them together. Despite inequalities such as gender, divison of labor and income, the women’s agency is actively present during many of the couple’s steps. For instance, the organization of the first physical meeting of the two spouses, the first meeting, the wife’s immigration to Canada, the daily life in Canada and the planification of the couple’s future all have the wife’s agency present. The love contract and the social construction of the couple offered the possibility, for the wife, to reduce the inequalities in her relationship and help her develop personal independence. Returning to the Philippines was a recurring topic within the couple’s domestic conversation, especially in their long-term planning.
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Sociologie de la bohème contemporaine : coqueter avec un style de vie à Leipzig et à MontréalLegault, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Le relationnisme philosophique de Georg Simmel : une idée de la culture / Georg Simmel's philosophical relationism : an idea of cultureAmat, Matthieu 25 November 2016 (has links)
Nous proposons de lire l'oeuvre de Georg Simmel comme un effort de détermination d'une idée de culture adéquate à une modernité dominée par des processus d'objectivation et de fonctionnalisation, et où s'observe partout la « discordance » entre la « culture subjective » et la « culture objective ». Simmel n'est pas seulement un Kulturkritiker, qui s'arrêterait à la description de ce problème, mais un philosophe de la culture, qui cherche à déterminer la structure ontologique et axiologique du problème et à le résoudre. Cet effort se présente comme l'accomplissement d'un programme théorique, nommé « relativisme », et que nous rebaptisons « relationnisme philosophique ». Ce relationnisme voudrait, après avoir rendu compte de la validité propre aux formations culturelles – dans la forme d'une théorie de la valeur et de l'esprit objectif –, l'élever à une validité de second ordre, individuelle et vivante : à la forme de la culture individuelle. Ce faisant, le relationnisme se constitue en « concept cosmique » de philosophie, non sous la forme d'un système, mais d'une métaphysique fonctionnelle, tandis que l'opposition statique du sujet et de l'objet est dépassée en direction d'une « objectivation du sujet » et d'une « désubjectivation de l'individuel ». / We suggest reading Georg Simmel's work as an endeavor to determine an idea of culture that is suitable to a modernity dominated by objectivation and functionalization processes, and where one can observe the "discrepancy" between the "subjective culture" and the "objective culture". Simmel is not only a Kulturkritiker, who would merely describe this problem, he is also a philosopher of culture, who seeks to determine the ontological and axiological structure of the problem and solve it. This effort appears as the fulfillment of a theoretical program known as "relativism", which we rename "philosophical relationism". This relationism, after having accounted for the specific validity of the cultural formations - within the form of a theory of value and objective spirit -, aims at promoting it to a second order validity, individual and alive, that is: to the form of individual culture. Thus, relationism constitutes itself as a "cosmic concept" of philosophy, which doesn't take the form of a system, but that of a functional metaphysics, while the static opposition between the subject and the object is outmatched towards an "objectivation of the subject" and a "desubjectivation of the individual".
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As formas do crime organizado / The form of organized crimeAlmeida Gallo, Fernanda, 1979- 12 January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Thomas Patrick Dwyer / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T06:39:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Na presente tese explorou-se o Relatório da CPI do Narcotráfico como fonte de dados principal. Através do método indutivo da "Grounded Theory", pôde-se explorar, selecionar e se aprofundar na investigação de seis casos brasileiros que versavam sobre o próprio tráfico de drogas e crimes conexos que, por sua vez, levaram a um estudo sobre organizações do crime organizado. Esses seis casos foram analisados a partir da sociologia formal de Simmel que me conduziu a um estudo sobre as formas acionadas pelo crime organizado, até então inédito na Sociologia. Dentre as principais contribuições e descobertas é possível elencar 1) o uso de metodologias informacionais, como as análises de redes sociais, que permitiram a reconstrução organizacional (e das redes) acionadas pelos grupos estudados e com isso, ajudaram a alcançar um nível de abstração tal que permitiu pensar acerca dos tipos organizacionais acionados por esses grupos; 2) a descoberta do nível meso de análise alcançada através do uso de relatórios e investigações políticas; 3) a percepção sobre a existência de um terceiro tipo organizacional que transita entre as hierarquias e as redes, que denomino como híbrido. Essa tipologia foi percebida na quase totalidade dos casos estudados e, nacional e internacionalmente contextualizada, onde foram encontrados paralelos em casos chineses, canadenses, colombianos e mexicanos. Na tentativa de entender o desenvolvimento do híbrido nos casos estudados, levantei algumas hipóteses, dentre as quais destaco: as TIC¿s influenciam no desenvolvimento de organizações criminosas híbridas / Abstract: In this thesis the Drug Trafficking Report from the Brazilian parliament (lower house) Investigation Commission (CPI) is analyzed as primary data source. By using the inductive Grounded Theory methodology, I was able to explore, select and deepen the investigation into six Brazilian criminal drug trafficking cases and related crimes, resulting in a body of knowledge about the structures and organization of the organized crime. These six cases were analyzed throughout Simmel¿s "formal Sociology" lenses, resulting in a study of the forms employed by the organized crime, a novel result. Main contributions and discoveries in this thesis are: (1) the first reconstruction and abstraction of the organizational networks of Brazilian organized crime by using informational methodologies, (2) the first characterization of the organized crime networks at the analytical "meso"-level, by using a triangulation of methodologies, and (3) the identification of a third organizational class, called here hybrid - a merge between hierarchical and mesh organization. In special, the hybrid organizational type was detected in almost all cases studied and parallels were found to international cases (Chinese, Canadian, Colombian and Mexican). These parallels enabled me to postulate some hypothesis for future work, the most noteworthy relating the pervasive IT and the hybrid organizational class / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais / Doutora em Ciências Sociais
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Beyond Cyberpessimism and Cyberoptimism: The Dual Nature of Social Network Site Interaction.Makely, Jeremy David 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis applies methodological and micro-sociological insights derived from the pioneering social psychologist Georg Simmel (1858-1918) to the contemporary social media platform, Facebook. In opposition to previously-reported one-sided, polarized analyses (i.e. either/or, pessimistic or optimistic), this study suggests a more nuanced judgment: interaction viewed as social exchange reveals that individuality is often promoted though can occasionally be hindered; while most exchanges are ill-suited for sustaining interpersonal value, they ironically facilitate enhanced trust; and finally, the unique structure of site-based exchange generally facilitates rather than undercuts constructive conflict.
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Tiers en urgences. Les interactions de secours, de l'appel au 18 à l'accueil en service d'urgences pédiatriques. Contribution à une sociologie du tiers.Frédérique, Chave 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le professionnel, le passant, le parent constituent les trois principales figures des situations de secours et d‘urgence, lors de l‘appel aux sapeurs-pompiers et au sein des services d‘urgences pédiatriques. La recherche s‘appuie sur un travail de terrain réalisé sur trois sites (un centre de traitement des appels au 18 et deux services hospitaliers d‘urgences pédiatriques) pour montrer comment ils incarnent trois facettes de l‘intervention de secours. Elle distingue leurs modes de coordination, d‘articulation mais aussi de contiguïté et s‘attache à leur activité autour du patient en détaillant la structure triadique des interactions de secours à travers lesquelles, en pratique, se joue la prise en charge. Entre signalement et intervention, cure et care, alerte, soins et suivi, c‘est finalement une « situation de secours » élargie, impliquant plusieurs personnes, plusieurs lieux et plusieurs temporalités parfois étanches les uns aux autres qui est donnée à voir. L‘enjeu de la recherche est alors de montrer que le secours d‘urgence n‘est ni dual ni uniquement institutionnel. Il s‘actualise collectivement, impliquant des rôles et des places pour différents tiers. Faire toute sa place au personnage social du « tiers secourant », à la figure sociologique du tiers, à la configuration interactionnelle du trio, représente une condition pour penser l‘offre de soins comme engagements multiples, au croisement de pratiques professionnelles, familiales et civiles. Sur le plan théorique, la thèse contribue à une « sociologie du tiers » à travers la mise en évidence d‘une « tiercéité » constitutive du secours d‘urgence.
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Comment mange-t-on au Québec ? : une étude de cas au marché Jean-Talon de MontréalRiopel, Olivier January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Problematika překladu triviální literatury na příkladu překladů J.M.Simmela do češtiny / Translations of Trivial Literature from German into Czech. For Example the Novels by J.M.SimmelNekulová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with with issues occuring in translating trivial literature (formula fiction). Three novels by the Austrian novelist Johannes Mario Simmel are used as empirical material. The first part of the paper focuses on the term trivial literature as well as the person of J. M. Simmel and his work. In the second part, three novels by this author are the subject of translation analysis. The analysis uses criteria of quality assessment defined by the German translation scholar Katharina Reiß in her thesis Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übersetzungskritik (published in 1971). The analysis shows various aspects contributing to the result of this translation process. They are partly objective, given by context of time period in which they were created, and partly subjective, given by the person of the translator. Keywords Johannes Mario Simmel, translation criticism, trivial literature, Katharina Reiß, 3 novels (Liebe ist nur ein Wort, Ich gestehe alles, Gott schützt die Liebenden)
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