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Ciclo vigilia/sono de mulheres no pre e pos-operatorio de cirurgias eletivas com um dia de internação / Women's sleep/wake cycle in pre and postoperative of one-day hospitalization elective surgeryZaros, Maria Cristina 22 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Filomena Ceolim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T16:33:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Zaros_MariaCristina_M.pdf: 1755912 bytes, checksum: 4378cac204fbb44e2b53dc77db953a45 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Mestrado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem e Trabalho
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Att främja nattsömnen : En allmän litteraturöversikt över vårdåtgärder vid demensLundin, Roger, Nissinen, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Background: Dementia is a common disease today and about 10% of the population in Sweden develop dementia. Dementia is associated with cognitive problems and troublesome symptoms, and is evident in the patient as the disease progresses. Problems: Sleep disorders can be a major problem for people with dementia, their relatives and even the healthcare staff. As a consequence of sleep disorders negative symptoms like agitation, depression and apathy can be enhanced. This leads to a greater workload for the healthcare staff and more effort emotionally for the relatives. Purpose: The purpose is to describe interventions that improves night sleep in people with dementia. Method: A literature review. The basis consists of 13 articles with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Result: Three categories appeared where night sleep might be promoted through activities, treatments and closeness. In addition to the enhanced night's sleep, the results also showed that improvement in agitation, depression and apathy might be achieved through these interventions. Conclusion: Night sleep in people with dementia can be improved through the interventions reported in the results. The result indicate that in order to perform good care the interventions have to be based on individual conditions. / Bakgrund: Demens är idag en folksjukdom och omkring 10 % av befolkningen i Sverige utvecklar demens. Till demenssjukdomen hör kognitiv problematik samt besvärande symtom och framträder hos den sjuke allt eftersom sjukdomen fortskrider. Problem: Sömnstörningar kan vara ett stort problem för människor med demens, dess anhöriga och även vårdpersonal. Som en konsekvens av sömnstörningar kan negativa symtom såsom agitation, depression och apati förstärkas. Detta leder till större arbetsbörda för vårdpersonalen och mer ansträngning emotionellt för de anhöriga. Syftet: Att beskriva vårdåtgärder som främjar nattsömnen hos människor med demens. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt där underlaget består av 13 studier som ligger som grund till resultatet. Resultatet: Det framkommer tre kategorier där nattsömnen kan främjas genom aktiviteter, behandlingar och närhet hos människor med demenssjukdom. Utöver den främjade nattsömnen visade resultatet även att förbättring på agitationen, depressionen och apatin kan ske med hjälp av åtgärderna. Slutsats: Nattsömnen hos människor med demens kan främjas genom vårdåtgärderna som redovisas i resultatet. Resultatet indikerar dock att åtgärderna måste utföras utifrån individuella förutsättningar för att på bästa sätt kunna utföra en god vård.
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Transtorno do deficit de atenção e hiperatividade : caracteristicas clinicas e alterações do sono / Attention deficit hiperactivity disorders symptoms and sleep disordersNeves, Sergio Nolasco Hora das 24 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Rubens Nelson Amaral de Assis Reimão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T02:15:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Neves_SergioNolascoHoradas_M.pdf: 1751800 bytes, checksum: 9bfc14cfa73c38adebb4b448d4d3beed (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esse estudo avalia a associação entre Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e distúrbios do sono para caracterizar fatores clínicos e problemas associados. No primeiro artigo nós revisamos diversas pesquisas sobre alterações do sono em crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) com ou sem o tratamento com psicoestimulantes. No segundo artigo fizemos revisão de prontuários de 50 crianças e adolescentes com idade de 4 a 17 anos e consecutivo diagnóstico de TDAH sem diagnóstico de retardo mental ou transtornos invasivos do desenvolvimento. Resultados: estudos do sono têm sido realizados e anormalidades durante o sono como Síndrome das Pernas Inquietas (SPI), Movimentos Periódicos dos Membros Durante o Sono (MPMS), Distúrbios Respiratórios do Sono (DRS) podem ser responsáveis por muitos sintomas de TDAH. Crianças com distúrbios de sono nos primeiros meses de vida foram associados com desenvolvimento de sintomas de TDAH ainda na infância. Foram encontradas associações significativas entre alterações do sono e farmacoterapia (p<0,01), comorbidade (p<0,01) e maior aderência ao tratamento prescrito para sintomas de TDAH (p<0,05). Conclusões: avaliação de distúrbios do sono deve ser considerada antes de iniciar tratamento farmacológico para TDAH porque os critérios diagnósticos baseados no DSM-IV ou CID-10 não diferenciam entre crianças com ou sem distúrbios do sono. O conhecimento sobre os distúrbios do sono pode trazer uma nova oportunidade de tratamento para algumas crianças com TDAH. Serão necessárias novas pesquisas para clarear a relação entre distúrbios do sono e TDAH, ou os efeitos dos estimulantes no sono de crianças com TDAH. Descritores: Transtornos do Sono, Transtornos do Comportamento Infantil, Sono, Transtorno da Falta de Atenção com Hiperatividade, Literatura de Revisão / Abstract: This study examined the relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and sleeps disorders to chacterize clinical features and associated problems. In the first paper we review several researches about sleep disturbances in children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with or without psychostimulant treatment. In the second paper we performed a record review for 50 consecutive children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years with ADHD who do not have mental retardation or pervasive developmental disorders. Results: sleep studies have been performed and abnormalities during the sleep such Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), Periodic Limbs Moviments in Sleep (PLMS), Sleep-Disorder Breathing (SDB) could be responsible for severe diurnal ADHD symptoms. Infants with sleep disorders were associated with development of ADHD in later childhood. Significant relationship were found between sleep disturbances and pharmacotherapy (p<0.01), comorbidity (p<0.01) and greatest adherence to treatment prescribed for symptoms of ADHD (p<0.05). Conclusions: evaluation of sleep disorders should be considered before starting drug treatment for ADHD because diagnostic criteria for ADHD based on DSM-IV or ICD-10 do not differentiate between children with or without sleep disorders. Assessment for sleep disorders may provide a new treatment opportunity for some ADHD children. Future researchs will need to clarify the relationship between sleep disorders and ADHD or the effects of stimulants on sleep de children with ADHD / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Pediatria
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Sömn och återhämtning vid skiftarbeteLundell, Anette, Holmberg Olausson, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Background: Shift work is common in today’s society. About 75% of shift workers have problems regarding sleep and recovery. Research has investigated shift worker’s physical and psychological problems connected to poor sleep, sleep disorders and insomnia. However, little research has been made concerning prevention and treatment of negative consequences of working in shifts. Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine if there are health promoting actions that can be offered by nurses to preserve sleep quality and improve recovery in shift workers and if there is evidence if any of the actions is superior. Method: A literature review was conducted through a search for scientific original articles in PubMed and Cinahl. Twelve articles were included in the study. Results: Cognitive behavioral therapy and sleep health program can reduce symptoms of anxiety, reduce depression and increase the feeling of being well rested. Napping during night shift improved reactivity and reduced feelings of fatigue and increased recovery of function. Light therapy and treatment with melatonin had a moderate effect on alertness and a small effect on quality of sleep. Light therapy had effect regarding insomnia, depression and anxiety. Treatment with the drug Armodafinil resulted prolonged sleep, improvement in wakefulness and reduced fatigue. Armodafinil treatment was also associated with improved well-being, memory and attention. Conclusion: Options are available for treatment of physical psychological symptoms related to shift worker, but require interaction between healthcare and employers. More research is needed regarding non-pharmacological treatments suitable for a nurse interventions in primary and occupational care. The result of this study shows that treatment with Armodafinil gave the best effects. / Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle arbetar många skift. Cirka 75% av skiftarbetare lider av störd sömn och har problem med dålig sömnkvalitet och återhämtning. Mycket forskning finns gjord gällande problem som uppkommer i samband med skiftarbete men lite forskning är gjord gällande behandlingsalternativ vid symtom orsakade av skiftarbetet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka hälsofrämjande åtgärder sjuksköterskor kan erbjuda skiftarbetare vad det gäller sömnkvalitet och återhämtning samt om någon åtgärd kunde visa sig ha en bättre effekt. Metod: En litteraturstudie med sökning av vetenskapliga originalartiklar utfördes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl och genom manuell sökning. Tolv artiklar inkluderades i studien. Resultat: Kognitiv beteendeterapi och sömnhälsoprogram kan minska ångest och depression samt öka känslan av att vara utvilad. Återhämtningsvila under nattpass förbättrade reaktionsförmågan och minskade upplevelsen av trötthet samt ökade återhämtningen. Behandling med ljusterapi och melatonin gav en måttlig effekt av vakenhet och måttligt förbättrad sömn. Ljusterapi visade sig ha effekt mot insomningsproblem, depression och ångest. Behandling med läkemedlet Armodafinil uppvisade förlängd sömn, förbättrad vakenhet och minskad trötthet. Ökat välmående, förbättrat och snabbare minne och förbättrad uppmärksamhet var också resultat av läkemedelsbehandlingen. Slutsats: Slutsatsen är att det finns olika behandlingsalternativ men det krävs ett samarbete mellan sjukvård och arbetsgivare. Sjuksköterskan är oftast den första att möte patienten och göra den första bedömningen av vilken hälsofrämjande åtgärd som behövs. Det behövs mer forskning gällande icke-farmakologiska behandlingsalternativ som en sjuksköterska inom primär- eller företagshälsovården kan utföra. Resultatet av den här studien visar att behandling med Armodafinil gav bästa effekten när det gäller sömn, återhämtning och vakenhet vid skiftarbete.
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Patienters upplevelse av sömnrelaterade omvårdnadsåtgärder inom slutenvård : en litteraturöversikt / Patients’ experience of sleep-related nursing interventions in inpatient care : a literature reviewDellenmark Blom, Louise, Höök, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Sömn är ett mänskligt grundläggande behov och essentiellt för upplevd hälsa. Under sömnen sker kroppens fysiska och psykiska återhämtning. Inom slutenvård är det vanligt att patienter drabbas av sömnbrist och sjuksköterskans roll blir viktig för att hjälpa patienter till förbättrad sömn. Genom att sammanställa kunskap från patienters upplevelser av olika sömnrelaterade omvårdnadsåtgärder kan viktig kunskap för sjuksköterskans profession genereras. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av omvårdnadsåtgärder vid sömn inom slutenvård. Metod Studien bestod av en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt där artiklar inhämtats genom systematiska databassökningar i två databaser. Studiens resultat baseras på 17 vetenskapliga originalartiklar som analyserats utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för kvalitetsgranskning. Genom integrerad analys som vald metod för dataanalys presenterades resultatet översiktligt utifrån kategorier. Resultat I resultatet redovisades tre huvudkategorier med sju subkategorier. Inom slutenvård framkom det att icke-farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder som dämpar ljud och ljus förbättrar sömnkvaliteten. Likväl även personcentrerade omvårdnadsåtgärder. Genom att lyssna på den enskilda och individanpassa sömnrelaterade omvårdnadsåtgärder kan en förbättrad sömnkvalitet inom slutenvården uppnås. Utifrån patienters upplevelser inom slutenvård är även upplevt välbefinnande av betydelse för sömnkvaliteten. Vidare betonades sjuksköterskans rutinmässiga omvårdnadsåtgärder. Från patienters upplevelser anses nattliga observationer/rutinkontroller försvåra en sammanhängande sömn. Därför är det viktigt att omvårdnadsåtgärder planeras tillsammans med patienten och därefter utförs med dennes kännedom och delaktighet. Slutsats Från den här litteraturstudien framkom det att det finns utmärkande sömnrelaterade omvårdnadsåtgärder som patienter gemensamt anser förbättra sömnen inom slutenvård trots att både sömnbehov och sömnrutiner har en stor individuell spridning. Genom att sjuksköterskan ser och tar del av patienters upplevelser av sömn inom slutenvård, kan en ökad medvetenhet och kunskap gällande vilka sömnrelaterade omvårdnadsåtgärder som patienter anser främja sömn leda till att de prioriteras. Därmed kan sjuksköterskan öka patienternas möjligheter till förbättrad sömnkvalitet inom slutenvården och bidra till ökat välmående och förbättrad hälsa. / Background Sleep is a basic human need and essential for perceived health. During sleep, physical and mental recovery takes place. It is common among inpatients to suffer from sleep deprivation and the nurse's role becomes important in helping patients improve sleep. By listening to inpatients' experience of sleep-related nursing interventions, important knowledge for the nurse's profession can be generated. Aim The aim was to describe patients' experience of nursing interventions regarding sleep in inpatient care. Method The study consisted of a non-systematic literature review. The results of the study are based on 17 original scientific articles, which have all been analyzed according to Sophiahemmet University's assessment basis for quality review. Through integrated analysis, results were presented in an overview based on main- and subcategories. Results The result reported three main categories with seven subcategories. In inpatient care, it was found that non-pharmacological nursing interventions that reduce sound and light improve sleep quality. Among the non-pharmacological nursing interventions was also personcentered care mentioned as helpful for inpatients sleep. From patients' experiences, it also clarified that experience well-being is important for the quality of sleep. Furthermore, the routine regarding nursing interventions were emphasized including that nocturnal observations were considered disturbing for coherent sleep and involving the patient in the planning of their care was mentioned as sleep-promoting. Conclusions From this literature study, it became evident that whilst both sleep needs and routines have a significant individual spread there are various sleep-related nursing interventions that patients unanimously consider as sleep-promoting. By listening to patients’ experiences of sleep in inpatient care, an increased knowledge regarding sleep-related interventions can be gained and interventions that promote sleep can be prioritized. With more knowledge, the nurse can increase patients' opportunities for improved sleep quality in inpatient care and contribute to increased well-being and improved health.
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Dygnet runt : En litteraturöversikt om skiftarbetets konsekvenser på sjuksköterskor och deras arbete / Around the clock : A literature review of shift work’s consequences on nurses and their workCohen, Emelie, Lagrelius, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skiftarbete är en vanlig arbetsmodell för sjuksköterskor runt om i världen. Skiftarbete är dock förknippat med negativa konsekvenser så som dygnsrytmsstörning och ohälsa. Det är därför viktigt att tydligare belysa hur skiftarbete påverkar sjuksköterskor och den vård som ges. Syfte: Att beskriva skiftarbetes konsekvenser på sjuksköterskor och deras arbete. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 14 kvantitativa studier hämtade från PubMed. Använda sökord var: shift work, nurse, patient safety och fatigue. Översikten har gjorts enligt Friberg (2012a), där likheter och teman skapats utifrån studiernas resultat. Resultat: Långa och snabbroterande skift kan bidra till utbrändhet, sömnsvårigheter, fatigue och ökad misstagsfrekvens. Långa skift är trots detta uppskattat av många sjuksköterskor då det innebär kortare arbetsvecka. Det är dock av stor vikt att man får möjlighet att återhämta sig ordentligt. Diskussion: Resultatet knyts an till Kims (1987) teori om omvårdnadens domäner och skiftarbetets konsekvenser på sjuksköterskan, interaktionen och miljön diskuteras. Utformandet av hälsosamma arbetsmiljöer där sjuksköterskans och patientens säkerhet prioriteras är av stor vikt för att förebygga skiftarbetets konsekvenser. / Background: Shift work is common among nurses all over the world. It has been related to negative consequences like circadian rhythm disorders and health issues. Hence it is important to illustrate how shift work is affecting nurses and the care they are giving. Aim: To describe the consequences shift work has on nurses and their work. Method: A literature review based on 14 quantitative studies, collected from PubMed. The search terms were: shift work, nurse, patient safety and fatigue. The studies have been investigated and analyzed with influence by Friberg (2012a), where similarities and themes were identified. Results: Extended and quickly rotating shifts contributes to burnout, sleep disturbances, fatigue and elevated frequency of errors. Despite this, many nurses are satisfied with working extended shifts since it shortens their workweek. A central aspect is the opportunity to recover between shifts. Discussions: The authors discuss the results based on Kim’s (1987) theory on nursing domains, and the consequences of shift work on nurses, client-nurse interaction and environmental factors. Forming healthful work environments where the safety of both nurses and patients are prioritized are crucial to prevent negative consequences of shift work.
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Calidad de sueño y depresión perinatal en gestantes en el Centro Materno Infantil Virgen del Carmen Lima-Perú / Sleep quality and perinatal depression in pregnant women at the virgen del carmen maternal and child center lima-peruChoquez Millan, Luis Jose 30 November 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la calidad del sueño y la depresión perinatal en gestantes que cursan entre la semana de gestación 12 y la semana de gestación 36 en un centro materno infantil de Lima .
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico en gestantes atendidas en un centro de atención primaria entre agosto y diciembre del año 2019 . Los datos se recogieron mediante una encuesta auto aplicada. Se empleó el Índice de calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI) para la evaluación de la calidad de sueño. La evaluación de la depresión perinatal fue con la escala de Depresión Postnatal de Edimburgo (EPDS). Para el análisis multivariado se utilizó la regresión de Poisson con varianzas robustas a fin de calcular las razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza.
Resultados: Se incluyeron 200 participantes. La mediana de la edad fue de 26 años (RIQ :22-32) y 111 (55.5%) gestaciones fueron no planificadas. El 52% presento una mala calidad de sueño y el riesgo de depresión perinatal fue del 31.5%. La mala calidad de sueño se asoció con una frecuencia significativamente mayor de depresión perinatal. ( RPa de 4.8 para aquellas con mala calidad de sueño que merece atención médica presentaron , RPa de 6.6 para aquellas con mala calidad de sueño que merece atención y tratamiento médico).
Conclusiones : Existe una asociación entre la mala calidad del sueño y la depresión perinatal en gestantes entre las semanas 12 y 36 de gestación. Se debe promover investigaciones operativas a fin de evaluar si intervenciones para mejorar la calidad del sueño podrían tener un impacto positivo en la reducción de la depresión perinatal. / Objective: Evaluate the association between sleep quality and perinatal depression in pregnant women between the 12th week of gestation and the 36th week of gestation in a maternal and child center in Lima.
Materials and Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study in pregnant women cared for in a primary care center between August and December 2019. The data were collected through a self-administered survey. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to assess sleep quality. The evaluation of perinatal depression was with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). For the multivariate analysis, Poisson regression with robust variances was used to calculate the crude and adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective confidence intervals.
Results: The sample was composed of 200 participants. The median age was 26 years (IQR: 22-32) and 111 (55.5%) pregnancies were unplanned. 52% presented a poor quality of sleep and the risk of perinatal depression was 31.5%. Poor quality of sleep was associated with a significantly higher frequency of perinatal depression. (RPa of 4.8 for those with poor quality of sleep that deserves medical attention and RPa of 6.6 for those with poor quality of sleep that deserves medical attention and treatment).
Conclusion: There is an association between poor sleep quality and perinatal depression in pregnant women between weeks 12 and 36 of gestation. Operational research should be promoted to assess whether interventions to improve sleep quality could have a positive impact on reducing perinatal depression. / Tesis
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Impacts fonctionnels diurnes et corrélats psychopathologiques dans le somnambulisme adulteLabelle, Marc-Antoine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Émotions et sommeil : effets d’une induction émotionnelle diurne sur le sommeil et la réactivité émotionnelle au réveil / Emotions and sleep : impact of diurnal emotional states on sleep and on emotional reactivity at the wakeningDelannoy, Julien 15 March 2016 (has links)
Le sommeil constitue une activité indispensable à l’adaptation et à la survie des organismes supérieurs. Chez l’être humain, il aurait un rôle dans l’intégration des expériences diurnes, de manière à préparer l’individu à la période de veille consécutive. Du fait de la pertinence adaptative des émotions, il a récemment été proposé que les émotions pré-hypniques pourraient influencer le déroulement du sommeil lequel modulerait la réactivité émotionnelle au réveil. Toutefois, ce lien bi-directionnel entre émotion et sommeil demeure peu caractérisé, notamment de par sa complexité et la difficulté à concilier les diverses approches méthodologiques. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de la présente thèse était double : d’une part, déterminer l’impact de l’induction d’états émotionnels diurnes sur les caractéristiques du sommeil ; d’autre part, évaluer l’influence de ces états sur la réactivité émotionnelle au réveil. La programmation expérimentale a conduit à la mise en place de trois types de séquences vidéos émotionnelles, négatives, neutres ou positives, de manière à induire un état émotionnel diurne chez des participants, français ou japonais. Deux expérimentations ont eu lieu : l’une, testait l’impact des séquences émotionnelles sur l’état émotionnel des participants ; l’autre, visait à déterminer l’influence d’états émotionnels pré-hypniques sur les paramètres du sommeil et sur la réactivité à des expressions émotionnelles faciales, présentées peu après le réveil consécutif. Ces expérimentations ont permis d’obtenir plusieurs résultats novateurs. En premier lieu, il a pu être montré que les séquences vidéos induisaient des états émotionnels congruents en phase pré-hypnique. En deuxième lieu, ces états émotionnels pré-hypniques modifiaient la distribution des stades du sommeil consécutif ainsi que l’activité neurovégétative associée. En troisième lieu, nous avons pu observer que l’induction émotionnelle pré-hypnique entrainait des modifications de la réactivité émotionnelle après la période de sommeil consécutive, lors de la présentation de visages exprimant des intensités émotionnelles variables. L’interprétation des principaux résultats conduit à supposer que l’augmentation du temps passé en stade REM (Rapid Eye Movement) notamment, suite aux stimulations pré-hypniques, pourrait être l’indice d’un traitement particulier des expériences émotionnelles diurnes. Prenant appui sur cette hypothèse, il n’est pas exclu que ce traitement puisse constituer un médiateur des modifications de la réactivité émotionnelle observées lors du réveil.En conclusion, les recherches présentées dans cette thèse, fondées sur une méthodologie d’induction émotionnelle, nouvelle et standardisée, apportent des informations originales sur les liens bi-directionnels entre les émotions de la période de veille et le déroulement du sommeil. Sous réserve d’expérimentations supplémentaires, ces travaux suggèrent des questionnements nouveaux sur le rôle des émotions, notamment positives, sur le sommeil et les états émotionnels consécutifs. D’un point de vue prospectif, l’idée de l’utilisation du sommeil comme un levier efficace dans la régulation des émotions se trouve renforcée. / Sleep constitutes a major component of adaptation and survival in evolved organisms. In humans, sleep could have a role in the integration of daytime experiences, preparing by this way individuals for consecutive wake period. Due to the adaptive relevance of emotions, it has recently been proposed that pre-hypnic emotions could influence the sleep course, which could modulate emotional reactivity at awakening. However, the bi-directional link between emotion and sleep remains unclear, this being explained by the complexity of such link and by the difficulty of reconciling the diversity of methodological approaches. In this context, the aim of this thesis was twofold: first, determine the impact of induced daytime emotional states on sleep characteristics; second, assess the influence of these states on the emotional reactivity at the awakening.The experimental program led to the presentation of three types of emotional movies, negative, neutral or positive, in order to induce a diurnal emotional state, in French or Japanese participants. Two experiments were carried out: one tested the impact of the emotional movies on the individual emotional states; the other determined the influence of pre-hypnic induced emotional states on sleep parameters and responsiveness to emotional facial expressions, presented to the participant at the subsequent awakening.These experiments allowed to obtain several new results. Firstly, it was shown that emotional movies induced congruent emotional states during the pre-hypnic period. Secondly, these pre-hypnic emotional states influenced the distribution of sleep stages and associated autonomic activity during the consecutive night of sleep. Thirdly, we observed that the pre-hypnic emotional induction modulated the emotional reactivity after the sleep period, during the presentation of faces expressing emotions at different intensities. The interpretation of main results can lead to the speculation that the increase of time spent in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage, following the pre-hypnic emotional stimulations, can be a marker of central processes related to daytime emotional experiences. Based on this assumption, such processes could be a required mediator for emotional reactivity changes observed upon awakening.In conclusion, researches presented in this thesis, subtended by a new and standardized methodology of emotional induction, provide original information about the bi-directional links between diurnal emotions and sleep course. Subject to additional experimentations, this work brings new questions about the role of emotions, particularly positive ones, on sleep and subsequent emotional states. From a prospective point of view, reported data reinforces the idea that considers the sleep as an efficient lever to regulate emotions.
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Global variations in prevalence of eczema symptoms in children from ISAAC Phase Three.Odhiambo, Joseph A, Williams, Hywel C, Clayton, Tadd O, Robertson, Colin F, Asher, M Innes, Chiarella, Pascual, ISAAC Phase Three Study Group. 01 December 2009 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Background: In 1999, The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase One reported the prevalence of eczema symptoms in 715,033 children from 154 centers in 56 countries by using standardized epidemiologic tools. Objective: To update the world map of eczema prevalence after 5 to 10 years (ISAAC Phase Three) and include additional data from over 100 new centers. Methods: Cross-sectional surveys using the ISAAC questionnaire on eczema symptoms were completed by adolescents 13 to 14 years old and by parents of children 6 to 7 years old. Current eczema was defined as an itchy flexural rash in the past 12 months and was considered severe eczema if associated with 1 or more nights per week of sleep disturbance. Results: For the age group 6 to 7 years, data on 385,853 participants from 143 centers in 60 countries showed that the prevalence of current eczema ranged from 0.9% in India to 22.5% in Ecuador, with new data showing high values in Asia and Latin America. For the age group 13 to 14 years, data on 663,256 participants from 230 centers in 96 countries showed prevalence values ranging from 0.2% in China to 24.6% in Columbia with the highest values in Africa and Latin America. Current eczema was lower for boys than girls (odds ratio, 0.94 and 0.72 at ages 6 to 7 years and 13 to 14 years, respectively). Conclusion:ISAAC Phase Three provides comprehensive global data on the prevalence of eczema symptoms that is essential for public health planning. New data reveal that eczema is a disease of developing as well as developed countries. / Revisión por pares
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