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Impact of organizational social context on employee's perception of psychological contract breach (PCB) and subsequent performance behaviorsArain, Ghulam Ali 23 April 2012 (has links)
Notre travail doctoral vise à étudier l'impact du contexte social de l'organisation à un premier niveau, sur les perceptions des employés des ruptures du CP et à un second niveau, sur la performance au travail. Nous soutenons que la perception des employés de la rupture du CP est fortement subjective, et donc, qu'elle dépend majoritairement des repères sociaux que l'employé capte en observant la façon dont l'organisation traite les autres employés. S'appuyant sur ces arguments, l'existence de relations politiques au sein de l'organisation ainsi que les processus de comparaison sociale ont été plaidés comme facteurs contextuels sociaux influençant la perception des employés de la rupture du CP et leurs comportements subséquents de performance au travail. L'enquête a été réalisée sur un échantillon non aléatoire de 322 dyades subordonné-superviseur. Le test des hypothèses a démontré que le contexte social négatif est positivement associé à la rupture du CP au niveau transactionnel et au niveau relationnel. Les ruptures des CP transactionnel et relationnel ont des effets significatifs et négatifs sur les comportements volontaires et obligatoires des employés. L'effet est d'ailleurs légèrement plus fort pour les comportements volontaires que pour les comportements obligatoires. L'importance perçue des promesses non tenues a des effets modérateurs significatifs sur la relation entre la rupture des CP transactionnel et relationnel et sur les comportements volontaires des salariés. En revanche, cette importance n'a pas d'effet modérateur significatif sur la relation entre la rupture du CP et les comportements obligatoires des salariés. / The current study is aimed at investigating the impact of organizational social context on employees' perceptions of PCB and subsequent performance behaviors. We argued that employee's perception of PCB is highly subjective in nature, thus, heavily depends on social cues the employee picks up from the organization's treatment to other coworkers. Based on these arguments, organizational politics and social comparison processes (positive and negative comparisons) were argued as social contextual factors that influence employee's perception of PCB and subsequent performance behaviors. A non-random purposive sample of 322 subordinate-supervisor matching dyads, with 60% response rate, collected from various public & private organizations of Pakistan. The SR model results demonstrated that the negative social contextual factors (organizational politics & negative comparison) had significant positive associations with both transactional and relational PCB. However, the positive social contextual factor (positive comparison) had non-significant effects on both transactional and relational PCB. Both transactional and relational PCB had significant negative effects on employees' extra-role (OCB-I) and in-role behaviors, and the effect size was, slightly, greater for extra-role than in-role behaviors. Perceived importance of broken promises showed significant moderating effects only for the relationship between PCB (transactional & relational) and employees' extra-role behaviors (OCB-I) but not between PCB and in-role behaviors.
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Social comparison, social networking sites, and the workplaceTomasik, Rachel E. January 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Although social comparison has been studied for over 60 years, little research has
been done to determine the effects it has on the workplace. Moreover, the explosion of
social networking sites and their potential impact on the workplace have been largely
overlooked by organizational researchers. Therefore, this study will attempt to evaluate
the effect social comparison, specifically through social media, has on work relevant
outcomes such as one’s job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and entitlement, moderated by
materialism (relevance) and job expectations (attainability) of the referent other.
Participants selected from an alumni database of a large Midwestern University were
asked to view a manipulated Facebook newsfeed page and then complete a brief survey
(N=290). A hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to assess the hypotheses.
Results, implications, and limitations are also discussed.
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Interracial couples within the South African context: experiences, perceptions and challengesMojapelo-Batka, Emily Mapula 31 May 2008 (has links)
In this study the experiences, perceptions and challenges of being in a mixed-race relationship (M-R) were explored against the backdrop of previous South African pieces of legislation meant to keep the various race groups apart. The study was located within a conceptual framework predominantly informed by a constructivist approach, as well as some tenets from the social constructionist approach.
This study focused only on M-R relationships consisting of black and white partners. The couples were recruited through the use of a snowball sampling method. In-depth interviews were used as the primary tool for collecting data. All participants were interviewed by the researcher either at their own homes or in the researcher's office. The collected information was later transcribed and qualitatively analysed.
The results of the study indicate that individuals found their involvement in M-R relationships to be a positive experience, and thus resulting in a positive attitude change and a sense of personal growth. M-R couples and their extended families experienced cognitive dissonance which required them to discard their previously internalised racial stereotypes, using strategies such as cognitive differentiation, re-categorization and de-categorization, allowing shifts toward non-racial socially constructed categories. Most of the challenges of being in M-R relationships were experienced on interpersonal and inter-group levels. The losses, disadvantages, challenges, concerns and pains experienced by M-R couples were mainly related to family and social disapproval of the relationship as well as efforts to discourage race mixing.
The study concludes that the non-conformist nature of M-R relationships requires from the participants a high level of self-differentiation and individuation that challenges racial norms and cultural collectivism. Albeit being a personal or private matter, a M-R relationship carries the burden of easily being the subject of public discourse. It is in this sense that M-R relationships cannot be understood without taking the socio-political context within which they occur into consideration. / Psychology / D.Phil. (Psychology)
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Ungdomars åsikter om kroppsideal i media : en enkätundersökning bland gymnasieeleverSörensen, Viktoria January 2016 (has links)
Dominerande kroppsideal är föränderliga över tid och kopplas till samhällets normer, attityder och kultur. Det ideal som dominerats längst är det kvinnliga smalhetsidealet och det manliga muskulösa kroppsidealet. Idag sprids bilden av den ”perfekta” kroppen snabbare än någonsin tidigare och genom media nås allt fler. Ungdomar är en särskilt känslig målgrupp för exponeringen av kroppsideal. Det åtråvärda kroppsidealen är idag kopplade till en ökad psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar där symtomen är bland annat; depression, ångest och ätstörningar. Som ett resultat av en förändrad attityd i samhället har ett nytt fenomen blivit allt vanligare. Fenomenet är bilder som visar upp kroppar som varierar i storlek och utseende. Även några företag har börjat använda sig av denna nya företeelse, för att göra upp med ouppnåeliga kroppsideal. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka gymnasieelevers åsikter om det nya fenomenet, för att undersöka om det möjligen kan användas som en hälsofrämjande insatts. En nätbaserad enkätstudie genomfördes där 28 gymnasieelever svarade. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av svarspersonerna hade en positiv attityd till bilder av ”vardagliga kroppar”. Studien visade slutligen att media kan användas som arena för att sända ut hälsofrämjande budskap. Resultatet visade även vikten av att avsändarna för budskapet kodar budskapet meningsfullt och presenterar det på ett sådant sätt så att målgruppen kan ta till sig budskapet. / Dominating body ideal is changing over time and are related to community’s norms, attitudes and culture. The ideal that dominated longest for females is slenderness ideal and for the males, the muscular body ideal. Today spreads the image of the "perfect" body faster than ever before and through the media reaches out to more people. Young adolescents are a particularly vulnerable target group for the exposure of dominating body ideal. The normative body ideals is now linked to the increasing of mental illness among young people whose symptoms include; depression, anxiety and eating disorders. As a result of a change of attitude in society, a new phenomenon has become gradually common. The phenomenon is pictures that shows up bodies that varies in size and appearance. Although some companies have begun to make use of this new phenomenon, to make up with unattainable body ideals. The aim of the study was to explore high school students' opinions about the new phenomenon, to investigate whether it can possibly be used as a health-insert. A web-based questionnaire study was conducted in which 28 high school students responded. The results showed that the majority of the respondents had a positive attitude to images of "everyday bodies." The study last showed that the media can be used as an arena to send out health promotion messages. The result also showed the importance of the senders of the message encodes the message meaningful and presents it in a way so that the intended audience can understand the health message.
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Facebook朋友品牌分享貼文效果:理想自我形象、品牌形象與朋友形象之交互效果探討 / Effects of interactions between ideal self image, brand image and friend image congruence on Facebook shared posts陳翊甄, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
二、知覺品質中介「品牌形象與理想自我一致性」對品牌態度的影響; 但對購買意願無中介效果。
三、 「朋友時尚形象與理想自我形象一致性」高低並不會影響品牌與消費者理想自我形象一致性高低對品牌態度。
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Comparaison sociale dans le contexte du risque chez des participants sains et en privation chronique de sommeil : impact sur l'auto-évaluation, les affects et le comportement / Social comparison in the context of risk among healthy and sleep-deprived participants : the impact on self-evaluation, affect and behaviorRusnac, Natalia 25 September 2015 (has links)
L’objectif majeur de cette thèse a été d’appréhender les conséquences de la comparaison sociale sur l’auto-évaluation implicite et explicite en termes de prudence, les affects et les comportements à risque. Les participants ont été exposés à un standard de comparaison prudent (standard haut) ou imprudent (standard bas) en matière d’alcool. Les résultats montrent que les sujets confrontés au standard haut se perçoivent implicitement plus imprudents et ressentent plus d’anxiété que les sujets exposés au standard bas. En revanche, le standard de comparaison n’influence pas l’auto-évaluation explicite et les comportements contrôlés. Ces résultats témoignent en faveur d’une dissociation entre les processus automatiques (implicites) et contrôlés (explicites) en jeu dans la comparaison sociale. Au niveau appliqué, nos données suggèrent que dans une campagne de prévention il serait potentiellement plus efficace de mettre en scène un standard prudent plutôt que de montrer un preneur de risque. / The main goal of this PhD research was to study the consequences of social comparison on implicit and explicit self-evaluation in terms of cautiousness, on affect and on risk-taking behavior. In a series of studies, participants were exposed to a comparison standard who displayed either cautious (high standard) or reckless (low standard) drinking behavior. Results show that participants confronted with the high standard implicitly perceive themselves as more reckless and experience higher levels of anxiety than participants exposed to the low standard. On the other hand, the comparison standard does not influence explicit self-evaluation and controlled behaviors. These results indicate that there might be a dissociation between automatic (implicit) and controlled (explicit) processes involved in social comparison. On an applied level, regarding alcohol prevention campaigns, our findings suggest that it could be more effective to show a cautious standard rather than a reckless one.
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MAD:designing social comparison features in health behaviour change technological interventionsMylonopoulou, V. (Vasiliki) 28 May 2019 (has links)
Health behaviour change is challenging and is addressed by the international community. Many people try to effect change for a healthier lifestyle, but they find it difficult to sustain their new habits. Today, technological applications support people who want to change their behaviour, oftentimes by utilising social influence: The influence of others on one’s behaviour. Social influence consists of different aspects, the particularities of which are often neglected in design.
This thesis focusses on the design of the social comparison aspect of social influence. Social comparison psychology supports the view that when facing a lack of objective measurements, people tend to compare themselves to others who are similar to them for self-evaluation, self-enhancement, self-prediction, and coping. In psychology, social comparison theory has shown great potential in the aforementioned areas as well as challenges regarding its application. In the design of technology, social comparison theory has been utilised but lacks extensive exploration.
In this thesis, four perspectives are considered to better understand social comparison in design: Existing designs, designers’ perspective, healthcare professionals’ perspective, and user research for social comparison. The four perspectives are explored using qualitative methodologies and through design science research. The knowledge took the form of a Multiple-perspective Approach Design (MAD) for social comparison features in technology that supports health behaviour change.
MAD aims to support designers when working with social comparison in health behaviour change, by presenting social comparison potentials and challenges informed by the different perspectives. MAD builds upon the knowledge transferred from the field of psychology regarding social comparison and on the research conducted to understand the four perspectives of social comparison. / Tiivistelmä
Terveyskäyttäytymisen muutos on haastavaa ja sitä käsittelee kansainvälinen yhteisö. Monet ihmiset yrittävät tehdä muutoksia kohti terveellisempiä elämäntapoja, mutta heidän on vaikea ylläpitää uusia tapojaan. Tänä päivänä teknologiset sovellukset tukevat ihmisiä, jotka haluavat muuttaa käyttäytymistään, usein hyödyntämällä sosiaalista vaikutusta: toisten vaikutusta omaan käyttäytymiseen. Sosiaalinen vaikutus koostuu erilaisista näkökulmista, joiden erityispiirteitä on usein laiminlyöty suunnittelussa.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä keskitytään sosiaalisen vertailun näkökulman suunnitteluun sosiaalisessa vaikutuksessa. Sosiaalisen vertailun psykologia tukee näkemystä siitä, että objektiivisten mittausten puuttuessa, ihmiset pyrkivät vertaamaan itseään muihin, jotka ovat samankaltaisia, itsearvioinnin, itsensä vahvistamisen, itsearvioinnin ja selviytymisen kannalta. Psykologiassa sosiaalisen vertailun teoria on osoittanut potentiaalinsa edellä mainituilla aloilla, mutta sen soveltamiseen liittyy haasteita. Sosiaalisen vertailun teoriaa on hyödynnetty teknologian suunnittelussa, mutta laaja-alaisempi tutkimus aiheesta on puutteellista.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan neljää näkökulmaa ymmärtämään paremmin sosiaalista vertailua suunnittelussa: Olemassa olevat mallit, suunnittelijoiden näkökulma, terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten näkökulma ja käyttäjätutkimus sosiaaliseen vertailuun. Näitä neljää näkökulmaa tutkitaan käyttämällä laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä ja suunnittelutieteellistä tutkimusta. Kerätyn tiedon perusteella muodostettiin monia toimijoita tarkasteleva lähestymistapa suunnitteluun (MAD), joka koskee sosiaalisen vertailun ominaisuuksia teknologiassa, joka tukee terveyskäyttäytymisen muutosta.
MAD pyrkii tukemaan suunnittelijoita, jotka työskentelevät sosiaalisen vertailun parissa terveyskäyttäytymisen muutoksessa, esittämällä sosiaalisen vertailun mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita, joita on kerätty eri näkökulmista. MAD perustuu psykologian alalta kerättyyn tietämykseen sosiaalista vertailusta ja toteutettuun tutkimukseen, joka on tehty sosiaalisen vertailun neljän näkökulman ymmärtämiseksi.
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壽險業務員對業績比賽的認知評估、因應策略與工作投入間之關係研究 / Cognition of selling volume comparison, coping strategies and job involvement.游紫華, Yu, Tza-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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不同管教方式之父母比較行為對子女能力影響之研究 / The impact of parental comparison from different parenting styles on children's general ability王正婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TEPS資料庫第二、三波追蹤樣本為資料來源,使用多元迴歸分析中的OLS(ordinal least squares)最小平方法,分析不同管教方式之父母比較行為如何影響子女之綜合能力。刪除作答不全的缺失值後,共計取得有效樣本為2,595人。
經由多元迴歸分析之後得知,無論是開明權威、專制權威、寬鬆放任或忽視冷漠型的父母,凡拿子女與其「同班同學」比較者,子女的綜合能力越高,達到統計顯著水準;但是當父母持專制權威的管教方式時,無論有無加入控制變項(子女性別、父母教育程度和家庭月收入),有與「同班同學」和「父母小時候」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越高,但與「同年齡親戚」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越低。 / The research was to explore the effects of parenting style, parental comparison, and the interaction of them on children’s general ability. Data were collected from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), the core panel in the second and the third wave. Total number of the students from high school reduced to 2,595 people after listwise deletion. We explored the effects by using ordinal least squares in the multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that there were 74.6% high-respective parents, and 69.2% high-demanding ones. Mixed with the two dimensions, demanding and responsive, there were 52.40% authoritative parents, 22.20% authoritarian ones, 16.90% indulgent ones, and 8.50% neglectful ones. Besides, parents compared their children with their classmates (45.5%), neighbors (42.0%), cousins (37.0%), siblings (26.9%), and parents’ childhood (18.8%).
After regression, the results showed in the following ways. First, no matter what the parenting style was, children who were compared with classmates had significantly higher ability. Whether adding the control variables like children’ gender, parents’ education level and family monthly income or not, when parents were authoritarian, children compared with classmates and parents’ childhood had significantly higher ability. Meanwhile, if they were compared with cousins, then they had significantly lower ability.
Keywords: Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), multiple regression analysis, parenting style, social comparison, general ability
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社會比較行為與線上參考團體消費影響力之研究--以台大批踢踢實業坊使用者為例田孟蓉, Tian,Meng-rong Unknown Date (has links)
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