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"Diverso do que é": negociações sobre o diagnóstico de "doença mental" em conversações intra-familiares / "Different from what it is": negotiations on the diagnosis of "mental illness" in intra-family conversationsLisboa, Milena Silva 05 November 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-11-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Labeling a person as mentally ill is an extremely complex and controversial
process, involving social concepts and psychiatric knowledge about mental illness .
The analysis of the process through which Psychiatry captured, historically, the
notion of madness and still grasps and encloses it allows us to comprehend the
related and social nature of mental illness . Labeling Theory considers mental
illness as a historically constructed label, imputed to those who present deviant
behavior, whose performances violate established patterns of sociability. Through
psycho-sociological reflections about the recognition process of deviations such as
mental illness , this research proposes to analyze the ways in which family
members conversationally negotiate meaning faced with social rule-breaking and the
later labeling process. Labeling Theory and Conversational Analysis offer theoretical
and methodological tools to approach daily family conversations, considering how
important moments of the social labeling process are dealt with conversationally.
Interviews and free form meetings were carried out with the family of a person
who had recently initiated the labeling process of mental illness . The family s
ethno-methods were stressed, pointing out the different patterns of interaction
constructed dialogically by the participants when referring to different moments of
the labeling process. The results suggest that the social labeling of the participant was
still taking place and, within this process, new meanings were elaborated daily by the
family in its interactions. Despite resistance to labeling which emerged in defense of
macumba (Afro-Brazilian witchcraft) as an alternative label, the family s
comprehension about his suffering started to be referred to by the label of
depression , in an approximation of psychiatric comprehension. These a posteriori
re-elaborations suggest that social actors converse retroactively about social labeling
moments, reconstructing meaning at each interaction. Such gradual and dynamic
construction points to the importance of conversation in elaborating a self marked by
the stigma involved in the label of mentally ill or, alternatively, to the elaboration
of new comprehensions based on the acceptance of differences and care / A rotulação social de uma pessoa como doente mental é um processo
extremamente complexo e controverso que envolve conhecimentos psiquiátricos e
concepções sociais acerca do adoecimento psíquico. A história da captura do
fenômeno conhecido como loucura pela Psiquiatria, junto à análise dos modos
como atualmente ainda o abarca e o contém, oferecem subsídios ao exercício
proposto por esse trabalho de compreensão da natureza relacional e social do
fenômeno nomeado doença mental . A Teoria da Rotulação Social considera a
doença mental como um rótulo construído historicamente, atribuído à pessoa que
apresenta comportamentos desviantes, cujas performances rompem com os padrões
vigentes de sociabilidade. Por meio de reflexões psico-sociológicas quanto ao
processo de identificação de um desvio como doença mental , esta pesquisa propõe
a análise dos modos como o entorno familiar negocia conversacionalmente sentidos
frente aos rompimentos de normas sociais e sua posterior rotulação como doença
mental . A Teoria da Rotulação Social e a Análise de Conversação oferecem
ferramentas teórico-metodológicas para uma abordagem da conversação cotidiana no
âmbito da família que atenta para os modos como momentos importantes do processo
de rotulação social são tratados conversacionalmente. Foram realizadas entrevistas e
encontros livres com a família de uma pessoa que havia iniciado há pouco tempo o
processo de rotulação social como doente mental . A análise destacou os etnométodos
utilizados pela família, atentando para os diferentes padrões interacionais
construídos dialogicamente pelos participantes da pesquisa quando se referiam aos
momentos vividos no processo de rotulação. Os resultados da pesquisa sugeriram que
a rotulação social do participante ainda estava em andamento, e, neste processo, a
cada dia, novas construções de sentido iam sendo elaboradas pela família em suas
interações. Apesar de resistências à rotulação aparecerem com a defesa da
macumba como rótulo alternativo, processos de patologização de seu sofrimento
começaram a ser engendrados a partir de sua aproximação com o rótulo de
depressão . Essas re-elaborações realizadas a posteriori permitiram sugerir que os
atores sociais discorrem retroativamente em suas conversações sobre os momentos
da rotulação social, reconstruindo-os a cada interação. Tal construção, paulatina e
dinâmica, aponta para a importância da conversação para a elaboração de um self
marcado pelo estigma envolvido com o rótulo de doente mental ou,
alternativamente, para a elaboração de novas compreensões baseadas na aceitação da
diferença e no cuidado
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Patrimônio e planejamento : aproximações a partir da paisagem de Agudo-RSSchwerz, João Paulo January 2017 (has links)
A tese utiliza o conceito de paisagem para discutir questões relacionadas às áreas da Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Planejamento Urbano e Regional, focando essencialmente na questão patrimonial. Assume como pressuposto que a paisagem enquanto construção social evidencia valores não usualmente considerados pela prática profissional, mas que participam efetivamente na criação e/ou manutenção de identidades, por isso essenciais para o êxito de projetos e planos em diferentes escalas de atuação. A pesquisa sustenta que tais valores estão presentes nas paisagens comuns, cotidianas, evocadas aqui como paisagens ordinárias, em contraponto àquelas porções de território tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimônio por seu caráter excepcional. O percurso da investigação considera uma aproximação filosófica histórica com o conceito de paisagem no ocidente, identificando vertentes estruturais para seu estudo, de onde derivam os parâmetros de atuação nas disciplinas em que a tese se inscreve. A investigação também discute distintos métodos de leitura e interpretação da paisagem de diferentes realidades, analisando seus contextos técnicos e administrativos para, finalmente, construir uma interpretação sobre as paisagens de Agudo, no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de suas representações técnica e comuns, indicando outra perspectiva para as práticas profissionais diretamente envolvidas. Por fim, evidencia o papel decisivo das paisagens ordinárias na conformação de identidade territorial, requisitando uma postura mais ampla, integrada e ativa em relação ao patrimônio e à paisagem na área do planejamento urbano e regional e da arquitetura e urbanismo. / The thesis uses the concept of landscape to discuss questions related to the fields of Architecture and Urbanism and of Urban and Regional Planning, focusing essentially on heritage aspects. It assumes that the landscape, while social construction, conveys values that are not usually considered by professional practice but that effectively participate in the creation and/or maintenance of identities, and are thus essential for the success of the projects and plans in different scales of activity. The research sustains that such values are present in the usual, daily landscapes, evoked here as ordinary landscapes, in contrast to those areas of the territory, which are traditionally highlighted as patrimony by their exceptional character. The investigation considers a philosophical-historical approach with the concept of western landscape, identifying structural frameworks for its study, from which derive the parameters of action in disciplines related to the thesis. The investigation also discusses distinct methods of reading and interpreting the landscape of different realities to finally construct an interpretation about the landscapes of Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul, from its technical and common representations, indicating another perspective for the professional practices directly involved. Finally, it shows the decisive role of ordinary landscapes in the conformation of territorial identity, calling for a broader, integrated and active attitude towards heritage and landscape in the field of urban and regional planning and architecture and urbanism. / La tesis utiliza el concepto de paisaje para discutir cuestiones relacionadas a las áreas de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, así como de Planificación Territorial, enfocando en la cuestión patrimonial. Asume como premisa que el paisaje en cuanto construcción social evidencia valores no usualmente considerados por la práctica profesional, pero que participan efectivamente en la creación y/o mantenimiento de identidades, por lo tanto, esenciales para el éxito de proyectos y planes en diferentes escalas de actuación. La tesis sostiene que tales valores son parte de los paisajes comunes, cotidianos, evocados aquí como paisajes ordinarios, en contraposición a aquellas porciones de territorio tradicionalmente destacadas como patrimonio por su carácter excepcional. El curso de la investigación considera una aproximación histórico-filosófica con el concepto de paisaje en el occidente, identificando vertientes estructurales para su estudio, desde dónde derivan los parámetros de actuación en las disciplinas en las que la tesis se inscribe. La investigación también discute distintos métodos de lectura e interpretación del paisaje de diferentes realidades, analizando sus contextos técnicos y administrativos para, por fin, construir una interpretación de los paisajes de Agudo, en Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil, a partir de sus representaciones técnicas y comunes, indicando otra perspectiva para las prácticas profesionales directamente involucradas. Por fin, evidencia el papel decisivo de los paisajes ordinarios en la conformación de identidad territorial, demandando una postura más amplia, integrada y activa hacia el patrimonio y el paisaje en el área de la planificación territorial y de la arquitectura.
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Mediální konstrukce reality na příkladu MS v hokeji - Bratislava 2011 / The medial construction of reality: example 2011 IIHF World ChampioshipStaňová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing of reality during the Ice Hockey World Championship 2011 in Bratislava, for which Robert Zaruba devised a unique project built on the myth of friendship and cohesion of the Czechs and the Slovaks.The theoretical basis of this work is the social construction of reality, according to which the reality in our minds is shaped by society. In the analysis of the structure of the broadcast channel CT 4, I am trying to find out how much does ice hockey push on viewer's mind and what is the amount of the Czech Republic and Slovakia national teams involvement. As a means of construction and reconstruction of the fictional world, the world created by its author, narrative is applied. The narratives typical for the structure of the CT4 are descibed in the next part in order to find a narrative that could serve as a template for the narrative of the championship. The final form of the narrative is shaped both by the narrator (presenter,commentator), who verbally describes what is happening and also the director whois responsible for the visual composition of the story. Features used in brodcasting, whose final analysis leads to the ability of distinction of the characters creating on the basis of similarity and context of highlighted object or those having arisen from anagreement among...
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La liberté des femmes dans un contexte de chirurgies esthétiques intimesTremblay, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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敘事表演論-以「台灣核廢料案」為例 / Constructing Narrative Performance: With reference to "the case of Taiwan Nuclear waste News"徐敬官, Seo, Kyong-Kwan Unknown Date (has links)
1.觀點建構:為了重新評估新聞敘事的生產與接受過程,我們基於社會真實建構論與James Carey所說的「溝通之儀式觀點」,進而提出敘事表演論,即敘事正是儀式表演。這裡,本文基於「社會空間一劇場空間-文本空間」的類比,進而主張敘事表演的背後程式和社會結構的運作邏輯密切有關。
2.理論建構:為了有系統性的探討整場敘事表演所展現的意義,同時提高閱聽眾的「批判的語言警覺性」,本文按照四個表演構成因素之間的關係網,區分了三種意義場域:「人際意義」(言者一聽者)、「理念意義」(故事主角)、「文本意義」 (舞臺場景工程)。據此,本文分別建構具體的理論工具箱,以期不但識別出文本上的微觀物理線索,即語法證據一如「語態」、「詞彙語域」、「社會行動詞」、「言說標誌詞」等;且進而尋繹出敘事所努力完成的意義網路和意象建構,即語用途徑-如「直示中心轉換模式」、「敘事轉換模式」、「引語文體」等。
3.實際應用:使用該語言工具箱來實際分析新聞範例- 「97年台電核廢料案」,探討台/韓新聞媒體針對同一個社會事件,運用怎樣的象徵資源,如何再現言者對該議題的觀點位置,如何設定故事主角的形象與理念,又如何實現其報導內容的連貫性與事實性。對此,本文再細分成底下主要問題:(1)言者的觀點立場透過怎樣的語言用法和策略裝置展現在敘事新聞中?;(2)針對同一個故事,台/韓兩方的新聞版本所再現的理念圖像有什麼異同?;(3)針對同一個故事,台/韓雙方的新聞版本如何重說以塑造出敘事流程的一致方向? / Is the press news a mirror of reality or constructed reality?
In this debating epistemological approaches, we are based on latter as well as on the perspectives of “narrative as ritual performance” ,which is in the contextual mood of textual-oriented critical discourse analysis. From the view of media function of ‘reality-definition’, and also with socio-cultural anthropological perspectives, we are assumes that news is not reality itself and not information transfer too, but socially constructed multiple realities through social interaction on a ‘stage’ by various social actors as performers, either they are on ‘frontstage’ or ‘backstage’. In other words, in this study we attempt to reintroduce performative model into the discourse-textual analysis in media studies, and therefore propose that news is a mediated collective ritual performance in which we are both a performer and a participant, who have function of the “double subjectivity” in the context of news making and its reading.
This study essentially also have a basic concern with the cultivation of what Fairclough called ‘critical language awareness’, in other to reflectively reconsider the problems of ethnocentrism and the webs of power-knowledge which can be inscribed in the form and content of ritual performance.
And now, what is “narrative performance”? Based on Victor Turner‘s notion of performance, i.e. the processual sense of ‘bringing to completion’ or ‘accomplishing’, this study further defines narrative performance as those two connotations: generally speaking, it means “ritual performance of telling-stories in everyday life” and then specifically speaking, it means “all written text or printed text displaying dramatic formats ” which not only represents our interpretation of what is social reality, but also continually performing and reconstructing our collective consensus and affective memories of the historical culture including the context of “here-and-now”.
What we want to do in this paper is to articulate and demonstrate the correspondence between social space and textual space which is based upon the analogies of “life-as-theatre” and “symbolic interaction-as-drama performing”. News narrative result of journalist’s convention, their sociocultural context, and the routinalized reporting practice. Through this study, we believe, it would provide a sort of alternative perspective and a set of useful metaphor for searching out new methodological directions in the fields of communication and mass media studies.
The main object of this case study is to analyze the narrative structure of the press news on “the issue of Taiwan nuclear waste”, in other to identify the function of reality construction of a ritualized press performance as well as to show the process of image construction which is represented in the textual context of time-space.
More specifically four research questions are raised.
First, How we should rethink and reevaluate the process and significance of news-making?
Second, How does teller‘s position represent in the news narrative by the use of what sorts of language-uses and tactic device?
Three sub-questions as follows:
a. How dose teller highlight “we-oriented” view points in the news reporting?
b. How dose teller dissimulate “they-oriented” view points in the news reporting?
c. How dose teller purposefully persuade the audience to be oriented and attached to the story-teller owns attitudinal position?
Third, In relation to the given same social events, what is the distinctive differences of ideational pictures re-presented between Taiwan and Korean version of news story?
Forth, In relation to a original newspaper article, how Taiwan and Korean press distinctively retelling or re-performing the story to be construct the thematic coherence of narrative flows ?
In other to give answers to these practical questions, this study collected articles of Korean newspaper ‘Joongang Ilbo’ and Taiwan’s ‘United Daily’ and ‘China Times’, each dealing with the case of ‘nuclear waste’ which have drawn a firestorm from South Korea after Taiwan and North Korea had made the Jan. 11, 1997 deal of nuclear waste.
To analysis these news articles, this study systemically build a set of analysis methods and several types of research-tools focusing on three categories of meaning-field, that is, fields of interpersonal meaning, ideational meaning, and textual meaning.
Interpersonal meaning field including two types of tool or cues, that is “modality” and “deixis” by which to explore the process of image constructing of teller-audience nexus on backstage;in the filed of ideational meaning, there are three tools, that is “registers of lexical categorization”, “social-action-verbs”, and “modes of narrative transposition ” by which to investigate the process of image construction of social actors staged-on;and the textual meaning field mainly based on “discourse marker” and “speech genre(as quotation)” by which to demonstrate the thematic coherence in the semantic and pragmatic levels embodied by the operations of symbolic selection and composition of narrative devices.
The above methodological approaches can be illustrated as follows:
│Meaning-Field │Focus │Relation-Web │Image-Construction │Language-use-Cues │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│Interpersonal │enonciative │enonciative │teller and listener │modalities deixis │
│ │event │context │ │ │
│Ideational │episodic │representation│story actor’s │lexical registers │
│ │event │of 'people- │social action │social-action- │
│ │ │world' │ │verbs modes of │
│ │ │relations │ │narrative │
│ │ │ │ │transposition │
│Textual │symbolic │thematic │selection and │discourse markers │
│ │textualizing│coherence │composition of │speech genres │
│ │ │ │narrative devices │ │
Major conclusion of the study:
For the research question 2, we found that teller’s view position was demonstrated in those ‘deictic centers’ as like ‘WHO’, ‘WHEN-WHERE’, and ‘WHAT’ , which served as a sort of mechanism making a tragic spectacle, in other to set up the sympathetic involvement toward “Mr. Yan” as a hero as well as the resentment toward “Taiwan authority” as an antagonist, which is assume to be generated from the imagined domain of Korean audiences. More importantly, we further found that the three types of tactic devices of persuasiveness used by Korean teller which is this: a. to show concrete evidence including critical witness as a vivid symptoms on the could-be-impacts of pollution crisis;b. to evoke universal sense of moral justice;c. to support the technique of punishment.
For research question 3, we found that Korean and Taiwan news articles not only shown the differences of representational orders on the ideational picture of the case of Taiwan nuclear waste, but also it supported the fact that, as Mary Douglas argued, ‘ritual of social hygiene’ would be performed when a social communities faced the pollution problems to solves, in order to manages the crisis through mobilizing a sorts of symbolic capitals available to use. we show first that the dominant value of Korean domains on the news issues are standard aggressive patterns of “the program of the witch-hunting” which is based on the ethical politics of environmental protection and the justice of human rights;and second that, compared with the Korean domain’s, Taiwan news narrative demonstrated the distinctive representational order, i.e. “the program of consolation” which is based on lawful and economic ways of thinking.
For research question 4, we found that Korean and Taiwan news reporting did not have a distinctive characteristics in the ways of using ‘discourse markers’ to construct local coherence of narrative flow, because both of they are follow basic conventional norms of news writing just as . But, in the other hand, from the aspects of ‘speech genre’, we found that there are differences in the ways of quotation, Korean teller is favor to use ‘free direct speech’ with a discriminating reporting verbs by which highlight the negative aspects of the deal, While on the contrary, Taiwan teller is favored to use ‘indirect speech’ and with a neutral reporting verbs by whichrean teller is favor to use ‘free direct speech’ with a discriminating reporting verbs by which highlight the negative aspects of the deal, while on the contrary, Taiwan teller is favored to use 'indirect speech' and with a neutral reporting verbs by which selecting the good ones and dismilating the negative aspects of the deal.
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Learning as Socially Organized Practices: Chinese Immigrants Fitting into the Engineering Market in CanadaShan, Hongxia 25 February 2010 (has links)
My research studies immigrants’ learning experiences as socially organized practices. Informed by the sociocultural approach of learning and institutional ethnography, I treat learning as a material and relational phenomenon. I start by examining how fourteen Chinese immigrants learn to fit into the engineering market in Canada. I then trace the social discourses and relations that shape immigrants’ learning experiences, particularly their changing perceptions and practices and personal and professional investments. I contend that immigrants’ learning is produced through social processes of differentiation that naturalize immigrants as a secondary labour pool, which is dismissible and desirable at the same time.
My investigation unfolds around four areas of learning. The first is related to immigrants’ self-marketing practices. I show that core to immigrants’ marketing strategies is to speak to the skill discourse or employers’ skill expectations at the “right” time and place. The skill discourse, I argue, is culturally-charged and class-based. It cloaks a complex of hiring relations where “skill” is discursively constructed and differentially invoked to preserve the privilege and power of the dominant group.
The second area is immigrants’ work-related learning. I find that workplace training is part of the corporate agenda to organize work and manage workers. Amid this picture, workers’ opportunity to access corporate sponsorship for professional development is contingent on their membership within the engineering community. To expand their professional space, the immigrants resorted to learning and consolidating their knowledge in codes and standards, which serve as a textual organizer of engineering work.
The third area is related to workplace communication. My participants reported an individualistic communication ‘culture’, which celebrates individual excellence and discourages close interpersonal relations. Such a perception, I argue, obscures the gender, race and class relations that privilege white and male power. It also leaves out the organizational relations, such as the project-based deployment of the engineering workforce that perpetuate individualistic communicative practices. My last area of investigation focuses on immigrants’ efforts to acquire Canadian credentials and professional licence. Their heavy learning loads direct my attention to the ideological and administrative licensure practices that valorize Canadian credentials and certificates to the exclusion of others.
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Learning as Socially Organized Practices: Chinese Immigrants Fitting into the Engineering Market in CanadaShan, Hongxia 25 February 2010 (has links)
My research studies immigrants’ learning experiences as socially organized practices. Informed by the sociocultural approach of learning and institutional ethnography, I treat learning as a material and relational phenomenon. I start by examining how fourteen Chinese immigrants learn to fit into the engineering market in Canada. I then trace the social discourses and relations that shape immigrants’ learning experiences, particularly their changing perceptions and practices and personal and professional investments. I contend that immigrants’ learning is produced through social processes of differentiation that naturalize immigrants as a secondary labour pool, which is dismissible and desirable at the same time.
My investigation unfolds around four areas of learning. The first is related to immigrants’ self-marketing practices. I show that core to immigrants’ marketing strategies is to speak to the skill discourse or employers’ skill expectations at the “right” time and place. The skill discourse, I argue, is culturally-charged and class-based. It cloaks a complex of hiring relations where “skill” is discursively constructed and differentially invoked to preserve the privilege and power of the dominant group.
The second area is immigrants’ work-related learning. I find that workplace training is part of the corporate agenda to organize work and manage workers. Amid this picture, workers’ opportunity to access corporate sponsorship for professional development is contingent on their membership within the engineering community. To expand their professional space, the immigrants resorted to learning and consolidating their knowledge in codes and standards, which serve as a textual organizer of engineering work.
The third area is related to workplace communication. My participants reported an individualistic communication ‘culture’, which celebrates individual excellence and discourages close interpersonal relations. Such a perception, I argue, obscures the gender, race and class relations that privilege white and male power. It also leaves out the organizational relations, such as the project-based deployment of the engineering workforce that perpetuate individualistic communicative practices. My last area of investigation focuses on immigrants’ efforts to acquire Canadian credentials and professional licence. Their heavy learning loads direct my attention to the ideological and administrative licensure practices that valorize Canadian credentials and certificates to the exclusion of others.
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Barnaga - unga vuxnas attityderAhlberg, Magdalena, Fredriksson, Daniel, Lindsten, Emma January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine young adults', 18-19 years old, attitudes towards corporal punishment and with the help of social constructionism, grid-group theory and relevant concepts analyze the results and compare it with previous research. The research questions introduce various factors such as gender, origin and personal experiences of corporal punishment that may affect the attitudes. In order to fulfill the purpose and answer the research questions, a quantitative research method has been selected. There was 118 participants in the survey. The study was conducted by means of surveys in high schools in Örebro. Social constructionism made us realize how the community, perceptions and expectations might influence attitudes. Grid-group theory gave us an insight into how different family structures may explain why attitudes toward corporal punishment of children differ between individuals. One of the conclusions of this study is that the long-term trend of decreasing positive attitudes toward corporal punishment seems to continue. Results show that all of 41, 2% of young adults in our study, with parents born outside the Nordic countries, have been subjected to corporal punishment. Personal experiences and parents' origin has been shown to have effects on attitudes towards corporal punishment. Different family structures and attitudes towards child rearing may be important to understand and take into consideration in social work. The study shows that corporal punishment still exists, which makes the topic worth of attention and we recommend it to be studied further.
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Délinquance des filles et délinquance des garçons : différence dans les comportements ou différence dans la gestion des comportements? Une étude du point de vue des intervenantsLafrenière, Catherine 04 1900 (has links)
La délinquance juvénile a été souvent dépeinte de façon globale sans distinction de
genre, ou encore, elle fut décrite principalement chez les garçons. Constater la faible représentation des adolescentes prises en charge en vertu de la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour adolescents, comparativement aux garçons, conduit vers diverses explications. Certaines mettent l’accent sur la personne, arguant que la délinquance des filles est différente de celle des garçons, moins fréquente et surtout moins violente. D’autres mettent l’accent sur le traitement des instances judiciaires qu’on dit protectionniste vis-à-vis des filles, ce qui fait qu’on les dirige plutôt vers le système de Protection de la jeunesse pour troubles de comportement. Devant cette divergence d’explication, nous avons cherché à comprendre si la faible représentation des filles dans le système de justice pénale pour adolescent est due aux comportements des adolescents en tant que tels, ou à la manière dont leurs comportements sont perçus et gérés par les intervenants oeuvrant auprès de ces jeunes impliqués dans des situations-problèmes,
lesquelles sont susceptibles ou non, d’être judiciarisées. Notre étude pose un regard sur l’enclenchement du processus judiciaire auquel des adolescents se trouvent confrontés, c’est-à-dire leur arrestation ou leur signalement à une instance officielle,
sous l’angle de la représentation sociale des jeunes par les intervenants. Pour ce faire, nous avons rencontré des intervenants du milieu scolaire, puisque l’école se situe au deuxième rang des signalants vers le système de prise en charge des adolescents en
difficulté, après les parents. Nous leur avons présenté des cas-types, sous forme de
vignettes, visant à saisir leurs perceptions et réactions vis-à-vis des situations-problèmes impliquant des adolescentes et des adolescents, en souhaitant déterminer si celles-ci varient en fonction du genre.
Bien qu’en théorie la vision des interviewés quant à la délinquance juvénile soit assez
uniforme, et ce, peu importe le sexe du délinquant, nos résultats montrent qu’en
pratique, il y a un double standard. Ainsi, si les règles sont conçues pour tous et les
conséquences de leur non-respect doivent en principe s’appliquer également sans
distinction, lorsqu’il s’agit d’intervenir, les interviewés conviennent que leur approche
diffère selon qu’ils aient affaire à une fille ou à un garçon. Par ailleurs, ils déplorent le manque criant de ressources et questionnent la volonté de certains parents de contribuer à la réussite scolaire de leur enfant. Ultimement, ils remettent en cause, dans une large mesure, le système éducatif québécois. En tant qu’acteurs sociaux, les intervenants ont le pouvoir de faire valoir leur point de vue. L’analyse de ce point de vue, dans le cadre de notre mémoire, montre l’importance de leur rôle dans le parcours des adolescents, garçons et filles, plus spécialement lorsque ceux-ci se trouvent impliqués dans des situations-problèmes. / Juvenile delinquency has often been described in a global way, without any distinction regarding the gender, or it has been described mainly regarding teenage boys. The fact that there is a low representation of teenage girls taken in charge according to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, compared to teenage boys, leads to several explanations. Some, focusing on the individual aspects, point out that girl delinquency is different, less frequent and especially less violent. Others are pointing out how protectionist the judicial proceedings are towards girls, which leads them to be referred mostly to child protection for behaviour disorders. Considering this difference in the explanations, we wanted to understand if the low representation of girls in the youth criminal justice system was due to teenage behaviour itself, or to the way behaviours were perceived and dealt with by the interveners working with these teenagers involved in problemsituations, which could possibly be subject, or not, to judicial control. Our study looks at the start of the judicial process which teenagers must face, meaning their arrest or their reporting to an official organization, from the point of view of the interveners and how they perceive the teenagers. In order to do this, we have met school interveners, because
schools are ranked second after the parents for referring teenagers to the system that will take charge of them. We have presented them with test cases in order to have their
perceptions and reactions concerning problematic situations involving teenage girls and boys, aiming to determine if it would vary according to the gender. Even if in theory the vision of the interviewed persons concerning juvenile delinquency is somewhat uniform, regardless of the offender’s sex, our results show that in practice, there is a double standard. Therefore, if the rules are made for all and the consequences of not obeying them are equal without gender distinction, when it comes to the way they act on it, interveners agree that their approach is different if they are dealing with a girl or a boy. Incidentally, they are concerned about the critical lack of resources and question the will of some parents to assist their kids towards school success. Ultimately, they are substantially questioning Quebec’s educational system. As social stakeholders, interveners have some power to promote their point of view. The analysis of this point of view in the framework of our thesis, shows the importance of their role in the path of the teenagers, boys and girls, especially when they are involved in problematic situations.
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Co-constructing ethical practices in the workplacePrinsloo, Hendrik Jakobus 01 January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation of limited scope explored via a qualitative reflective approach how pastoral therapy and care practices contributed to workplace transformation and ethics at a factory that had to be restored to profitability.
In Chapter 1, the study's research curiosity questions how pastoral therapy and care practices could inform business in its resistance of workplace trauma and injustice. The epistemology of contextual theology and social constructionism is reviewed in Chapter 2 in its support of the research. Themes and ideas such as; participatory ethical care, ethics,
the prophetic role, narratives, workplace culture, witnessing and participant awareness and empowerment are applied to workplace culture transformation.
Chapter 3 explores the factory's dominant story of low morale, financial loss and feelings of no hope for the future in context of discourses of capitalism. In resistance to the
dominant story, Chapter 4 focuses on practices and experiences that supported the factory's alternative story and Chapter 5 reviews the factory's alternative story in context of purposeful transformation practice.
Chapter 6 concludes the study by reflecting on the research curiosity, the research aims and the researcher's development. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th ((Specialising Past Therapy) Practical Theology)
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