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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國走向一黨”民主”?參照瑞典民主經驗 / Toward a “One-Party Democracy”? – Prospects for a Future Democratic PRC with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience

施漢利, Simonsen, Henrik Per Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis, “One-Party Democracy”: Prospects for a Future Democratic China with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience, attempts to contribute further to the investigation on democracy in the People’s Republic of China. In a comparative and institutional analysis, this study aims to gauge a possible future way for the future democratic features in the People’s Republic of China to emerge by using, as a point of reference, the Swedish system of a one-party dominant democracy under the rule of a socialist party in a capitalist economy.

Luděk Pik: politický portrét významného plzeňského starosty / Luděk Pik: political profile of eminent mayor of Pilsen

Bartoš, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis: to capture the life of the Czech social democratic politician and former mayor of Pilsen, Luděk Pik, with a specific focus on his political activities in the city. This thesis also aims to understand and clarify Pik's relation to Pilsen and the relevance to his life, as well as his essential role in the history of this West Bohemian metropolis. Luděk Pik (18. 5. 1876 Prague - 19. 4. 1948 Pilsen) lived in Pilsen for almost five decades of his life (1901-1948), except the period during the Nazi occupation (1939- 1945). Since 1901 he worked in Pilsen for the Czechoslavonic Social Democratic Workers Party, where he quickly became the local party elite. At the end of the World War I he participated in the establishment of an independent Czechoslovak state. In 1919-1938 he served continuously as mayor of the city of Pilsen and significantly contributed to its modernization and development. He also sat in Cisleithanian and Czechoslovakian legislatures. After the Munich Treaty he was forced to stand down from his political status and was persecuted during the Nazi occupation. The post-war situation prevented his return to a public life. His memoirs and especially his literary works demonstrate his strong patriotic relation to this city. Luděk Pik represents, in modern history of...

Nyckeln till frihet? : En idéanalys av socialdemokraternas frihetssyn utifrån teorierna positiv och negativ frihet

Höglin Forsberg, Judith January 2019 (has links)
What happens to social democracy when the working class declines? The aim of this study is to examine ideological changes in The Swedish Social Democratic Party, in particular the party’s ideological changes regarding liberty. The material consists of 300 government bills equally divided over the parliamentary sessions of 1974, 1990/91 and 2005/06, in all of which The Social Democratic Party held office. Using the theoretical framework Two Concepts of Liberty, I found that an increasingly amount of bills draws on the idea of negative freedom. However, the result also shows that bills that draws on negative freedom subsequently decreases in favour of bills that draws on positive freedom, suggesting that the ideological changes regarding liberty in The Swedish Social Democracy Party are nonlinear rather than moving straightforward.

Les récits du Folkhem et l’utopisme de la social-démocratie suédoise : De Hansson à Palme : 1932-1986 / The Folkhem narratives and the utopianism of the Swedish Social-democracy : From Hansson to Palme : 1932-1986

Persson, David 27 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les formes et les effets de l’utopisme qui sous-tend le projet politique du SAP (parti social-démocrate suédois) entre 1932 et 1986. Dans le cadre d’une approche conceptuelle du politique nous nous interrogeons sur le pouvoir des idées, des symboles et de l’imaginaire dans la constitution d’un roman national original, mais aussi à travers la mise en oeuvre de l’action publique. A partir d’un important corpus inédit de discours et d’écrits rédigés par les trois leaders qui se sont succédés à la tête du gouvernement pendant un demi-siècle(Hansson, Erlander, Palme), la thèse s’efforce de mettre à jour « la cristallisation sémantique » qui a structuré le lexique politique du SAP. En son coeur figure la métaphore du Folkhem qui fonctionne comme un mythe mobilisateur pour la nouvelle société, avant de se transformer en élément essentiel de l’identité nationale et de la culture politique de la Suède. Autour du Folkhem, se noue le contrat social suédois, et la notion se transforme en source etressource de légitimité politique. L’histoire des récits du Folkhem permet de mieuxcomprendre les origines du modèle suédois et les modalités récentes de son évolution. Par son extrême plasticité, le Folkhem continue de nos jours à faire l’objet d’appropriations politiques nombreuses et diverses, confirmant ainsi son rôle fondateur d’institution de sens. / This thesis relates the forms and effects of the utopianism that underlies the SAP (Swedish Social-Democratic Party) political project between 1932 and 1986. The power of ideas,symbols and imaginary in politics is our theoretical base. The political discourse of the SAP leaders and the importance of words in the creation of public policy are studied. Our corpus consists of a vast archive material. Guided by utopianism, the leaders express their will to create a new society. The Folkhem political metaphor, narrative at the heart of the political glossary of the SAP, is in the centre of this utopianism. The notion is used as a mobilizingmyth for the new society and it works as a social contract for the Swedes. The Folkhem narratives help us understand the Swedish model and contemporary Sweden. By its extreme plasticity and by being part of the Swedish identity, the notion is still a source of political legitimacy and continues to produce meaning.

O programa econômico dos comunistas na Itália nos governos de unidade nacional (1943-1947) / The economic program of the Communists in Italy in the governments of national unity (1943-1947)

Bernardinis, Silvia de 08 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto a análise das propostas de política econômica do Partido comunista italiano de 1943 a 1947. O período analisado marca a transição do regime fascista à construção da república democrática e representa a única experiência de governo do partido ao longo de sua história. A partir do debate sobre o capitalismo italiano desenvolvido pelo partido, a pesquisa buscou identificar algumas das razões que originaram o fracasso de sua ação nos governos de unidade nacional num dos períodos que, por outro lado, registrou um forte enraizamento social do partido. Destacou-se, principalmente, o instrumental teórico subjacente à estratégia adoptada pelos comunistas italianos neste período, a democracia progressiva, como instrumento privilegiado para realizar a via italiana ao socialismo, uma alternativa ao processo revolucionário da Rússia de 1917 e ao mesmo tempo não assimilável à tradição da socialdemocracia europeia. Buscou-se detectar os entraves e as aporias teóricas que tal estratégia colocou na atuação governamental do partido, em particular no que diz respeito à elaboração de duas substanciais reformas, agrária e industrial. Identificou-se no moderantismo do partido a incapacidade de formular mantendo-se dentro da teoria marxista, mas ao mesmo tempo afastando-se do socialismo soviético um claro projeto econômico alternativo às propostas e projetos de reformas de tipo keynesiano que no mesmo período outros países europeus experimentavam. / This dissertation focuses the analysis on economic policy proposals of the Italian Communist Party from 1943 to 1947. The sample period marks the transition from the Fascist regime to the construction of a democratic republic and represent the only government experience of the party throughout its history. From the debate about capitalism development by the Italian party, the survey tried to identify some of the reasons that led to the failure of his action in national unity governments in a period, on the other hand, that recorded a strong social roots of the party. The survey highlighted mainly the theoretical tool underlying the strategy adopted by the Italian Communists in this period, the \"progressive democracy\" as a privileged instrument to perform the \"italian way to socialism\", an alternative to the revolutionary process of russian 1917 and at the same time different from the tradition of European social democracy. We attempted to detect obstacles and theoretical aporias that such a strategy put in the party´s performance in the government implementation, in particular with regard to the development of two substantial reforms, the agrarian and industrial ones. The research identified in the \"moderantismo\" party\'s the inability to formulate in a marxist theory perspective, but at the same time moving away from Soviet socialism - a clear alternative economic project to keynesian proposals and reform projects type that in the same period other European countries were experiencing.

La transformation de la gauche socialiste en Espagne et au Chili : pour une sociologie historique comparative et relationnelle de la "rénovation" des socialismes. / The transformation of the socialist left in Spain and Chile : for a historical, comparative and relational sociology of the "renewal" of socialisms. / La transformación de la izquierda socialista en España y en Chile : por una sociología histórica comparativa y relacional de la "renovación" de los socialismos.

Grimaldi toro, Daniel 24 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse en études politiques aborde l’évolution des partis socialistes espagnol (PSOE) et chilien (PSCH) depuis leurs origines, suivant leurs trajectoires pendant leurs processus de consolidation, de radicalisation, de rupture et de rénovation, suite aux dictatures de Francisco Franco et d’Augusto Pinochet. Notre travail dévoile les connexions entre ces deux partis politiques, en analysant de façon à la fois comparée et relationnelle leurs mutations les plus importantes en matière idéologique et stratégique. aaaaaaLes relations entre ces deux partis soulignent la manière par laquelle deux types de socialisme de nature différente trouvent un point de convergence dans un contexte de sortie de dictature, établissant des alliances et des influences mutuelles, qui déterminent un cheminement des socialismes espagnol et chilien débouchant sur le « socialisme démocratique » au sein de l’Internationale Socialiste. Notre thèse signale l’existence d’un espace sociopolitique Ibéro-américain formé par un ensemble de relations entre les dirigeants politiques espagnols et chiliens, par la circulation d’idées, de savoirs et de leur appropriation de manière différente au sein de chaque parti, déterminant les frontières de ce que le socialisme veut dire au sein de chaque pays. / This Ph.D thesis on political studies analyses the evolution of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) and the Chilean Socialist Party (PSCH) since their origins, by following their trajectories throughout their processes of consolidation, radicalization, breakdown and rénovation during the dictatorships of Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet. From a comparative perspective, the work reveals the connections between these political parties by taking into account their ideological and strategic transformations, as well as their mutual influences. Despite being different types of socialism, such connections lead these parties to common new strategies by establishing alliances and mutual influences in order to overcome dictatorships. The relationship between the transformation of PSOE and the PSCH shows a convergence of these political parties in a new form of "democratic socialism" within the Socialist International. Our thesis explains the existence of an Ibero-American socio-political space formed by a set of relations between Spanish and Chilean political leaders, through the circulation of ideas, knowledge and their own understandings, which determine the boundaries of what socialism means within each country.

摩爾多瓦共產黨執政之研究(2001~2009年) / A Study of the PCRM Government, 2001-2009

蕭力榮 Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲社會民主主義與共產主義皆源自馬克思的社會主義,俄羅斯無產階級革命成功後使得兩者在實際作為中開始分化。隨後社會民主主義在西歐議會制度中得以持續發展,而第二次世界大戰後東歐則被蘇聯納入共產主義陣營之中。然而,歷經近百年的實踐後兩者終究殊途同歸,其同歸的方式是由社會民主主義更新發展成為更符合現代政治價值的「第三條路」,尤其蘇東劇變後的20年間,東西歐的左派政治皆已趨於穩定,特別是東歐各國的共產黨繼承政黨在社會民主化後,更能相繼以聯合政府的方式取得上臺執政的機會。 其中最受國際關注的,便是摩爾多瓦共產黨於2001年2月2日在國會選舉中獲得眾多選民的支持,在國會101席中取得71席的絕對多數,令其有權單獨組成政府,更尤甚者,推舉出自家的共黨總統沃羅寧;2005年沃羅寧二度蟬連總統職位,並由摩共繼續組成政府。自2001年起至2009年已連續執政八年,從執政前摩爾多瓦的政治背景、摩共得以重新回朝的原因探究,到其執政後國內外政治的重要議題,皆是本文專章著墨的重點。 本文認為:第一,社會民主主義在後蘇20年中,積極從事理論與實踐的改革,在老左派與新右派之間已經走出新的「第三條路」;第二,研究摩共得以重新上臺的因素,除了本身對於政治制度的探索與改革之外,轉型時期的經濟危機與府會之爭,以及共產遺緒效應皆為主因;第三,摩共執政八年在經濟調息與外交政策的表現上成績斐然,但逐年下降的民主化評比卻突顯出共黨一貫僵化的政治思維,外加第二任期的經濟表現停滯,導致摩爾多瓦共產黨最終還是淪為最大在野黨。 / Both Social democracy and communism are derived from Karl Marx’s Socialism. However, they had come to a parting of the ways after the success of the proletarian revolution in Russia. Social democracy continued to develop under the parliamentary system in Western Europe, while communism thrived in Eastern European countries, which were controlled by USSR after WWII. Coming into the 21st century, however, the two reconciled and have once again merged and redefined themselves as “the Third Way”, which adapts itself to certain modern political values, and it had been growing steadily in the first two decades following the dissolution of Soviet Union. In Eastern Europe, successors of communist party have adapted themselves to this “Third Way”, which helped them come into power one after another by forming coalition governments. Among them, it was the Party of Communist of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), which attracted international attention. The PCRM has won an absolute majority, gaining 71 out of a total of 101 seats, in the 2001 Moldovan Parliamentary election, enabled it to form the government, as well as, electing its very own communist President Vladimir Voronin. In 2005, the PCRM has once again won the election, and made President Vladimir Voronin re-elected to a consecutive term. The PCRM was in government between 2001 and 2009 for 8 years, and this research will look into a wide range of issues including the political background of PCRM, accounts of its regaining of political power, and important decisions of domestic and foreign policies made by the PCRM government. The first part of this research argues that social democracy had been actively reforming both in theory and practice in the two decades after the dissolution of USSR and it has successfully created a “Third Way” as opposed to the Old Left and the New Right. The second part argues that PCRM’s return to office can be attributed to its self-reformation, economic crisis, confrontations between the President and the Parliament in the period of transition, as well as, the communist legacy. In conclusion, it is argued that, although, PCRM government has made great achievements in foreign policies and in restructuring economy, Moldova’s score on democracy has worsened during its time in government, reflecting the ossified political ideology of communist party. It is this ossified political ideology alongside with the economic stagnation in its second term that led to the defeat of PCRM in the 2009 election and sent it back to opposition majority in the Parliament ultimately.

Folkhemmets kyrka : Harald Hallén och folkkyrkans genombrott. En studie av socialdemokrati, kyrka och nationsbygge med särskild hänsyn till perioden 1905-1933 / A Church for a Social Democratic Nation : Harald Hallén and the emergence of the Swedish Folk Church. A study in Social Democracy, Church and Nation-building with specific interest in the period 1905-1933

Claesson, Urban January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores aspects of what happened to the state Church of Sweden during the rise of the importance of public opinion and the evolution of the democratic nation state. Denmark provides the most well known Nordic example of how an old state Church became a democratic Folk (i.e. National) Church during this general transition. By comparing the Swedish with the Danish case, this study elucidates the less well known Folk Church ideology in Sweden. In Denmark a strong agrarian movement influenced by revivalism managed to take hold of public opinion making the state Church a part of the Danish national identity. Such a movement never appeared in the more industrialised Sweden. Instead a secular working class movement took hold of public and national opinion. The investigation is focused upon Harald Hallén (1884-1967), a pastor and a Social Democratic Member of Parliament. Lacking the revival elements of the Danish nationalism Hallén found that in order to get a Folk Church accepted within the secular Working class movement, it had to rest upon the heritage of the Enlightenment. Hallén regarded the Church as an expression of common ethical values within the Swedish nation. The Folk Church was supposed to strengthen existing ideals for a righteous socialist society by delivering the message of the Kingdom of God. Hallén strove to make the Church more democratic in order to express this ethical folk religion. Social Democratic nationalism became the dominant factor in Swedish political life between 1905 and 1933. The period was characterised by conflicts. First Hallén and those whom he represented fought against the Youth Church movement, which strove to establish another Folk Church ideology, by supporting the Swedish King against the rise of political Democracy. Later on, within his own Social Democratic party, Hallén fought his battle against the Marxist view of the state Church as a simple reflection of the dominant class. Hallén was in line with the political development, which resulted in a period of solid Social Democratic nation building from the 1930s onwards. From that decade on the Folk Church ideology of Hallén was established.</p>

Folkhemmets kyrka : Harald Hallén och folkkyrkans genombrott. En studie av socialdemokrati, kyrka och nationsbygge med särskild hänsyn till perioden 1905-1933 / A Church for a Social Democratic Nation : Harald Hallén and the emergence of the Swedish Folk Church. A study in Social Democracy, Church and Nation-building with specific interest in the period 1905-1933

Claesson, Urban January 2004 (has links)
This thesis explores aspects of what happened to the state Church of Sweden during the rise of the importance of public opinion and the evolution of the democratic nation state. Denmark provides the most well known Nordic example of how an old state Church became a democratic Folk (i.e. National) Church during this general transition. By comparing the Swedish with the Danish case, this study elucidates the less well known Folk Church ideology in Sweden. In Denmark a strong agrarian movement influenced by revivalism managed to take hold of public opinion making the state Church a part of the Danish national identity. Such a movement never appeared in the more industrialised Sweden. Instead a secular working class movement took hold of public and national opinion. The investigation is focused upon Harald Hallén (1884-1967), a pastor and a Social Democratic Member of Parliament. Lacking the revival elements of the Danish nationalism Hallén found that in order to get a Folk Church accepted within the secular Working class movement, it had to rest upon the heritage of the Enlightenment. Hallén regarded the Church as an expression of common ethical values within the Swedish nation. The Folk Church was supposed to strengthen existing ideals for a righteous socialist society by delivering the message of the Kingdom of God. Hallén strove to make the Church more democratic in order to express this ethical folk religion. Social Democratic nationalism became the dominant factor in Swedish political life between 1905 and 1933. The period was characterised by conflicts. First Hallén and those whom he represented fought against the Youth Church movement, which strove to establish another Folk Church ideology, by supporting the Swedish King against the rise of political Democracy. Later on, within his own Social Democratic party, Hallén fought his battle against the Marxist view of the state Church as a simple reflection of the dominant class. Hallén was in line with the political development, which resulted in a period of solid Social Democratic nation building from the 1930s onwards. From that decade on the Folk Church ideology of Hallén was established.

Övervakning för rikets säkerhet : Svensk säkerhetspolisiär övervakning av utländska personer och inhemsk politisk aktivitet, 1885–1922 / Surveillance for national security : Swedish security police and the monitoring of foreign citizens and domestic political activity, 1885–1922

Langkjaer, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
During the 19th century the European states experienced a new kind of threat to their existence. The military threats from other countries were now accompanied by civilian threats that inspired mass protest, terrorism and other menaces to the established order. In Sweden, these threats were mainly seen as connected to the rising labor movement and to a growing number of foreign citizens. The aim of the dissertation is to examine surveillance for national security carried out by the Stockholm Criminal Investigation Department and its Police Bureau between 1885 and 1922. Apart from examining what specific surveillance methods that were used, the dissertation gives an answer to the question why the surveillance was carried out, and why it was carried out the way it was. It also discusses how differences and similarities between the surveillance in Sweden and other countries can be explained and how the surveillance between 1885 and 1922 relates to the corresponding activities during the latter part of the 20th century. The main conclusions are that there was a lack of formal rules regulating the surveillance, and that it therefore was based on the following of routines. The bureaucratization process that characterized the period influenced the surveillance, which came to be performed as a bureaucratic machine, characterized by a tendency of expansion. This meant that the surveillance activities were constantly expanded and became more and more extensive. The expansion is connected to the surveillance phenomenon, which could be said to have an unlimited scope. Furthermore, it is suggested that this specific historic legacy has affected the development of Swedish security police activity during the second half of the 20th century.

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